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PBS1.0 storylines/angles released

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Basically, (I think) what happened was Raven made fun of CM Punk being Straight Edge. That led to a few matches, and I think the climax came when Raven poured beer down Punk's throat, after one of their matches. It was a really bloody feud, with Dog Collar Matches, Cage Matches, etc. I also seem to remember Punk saying that his dad was a drunk in one of his promos during this feud as well.
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[QUOTE=aphoward]BTW, does anyone have the second part of that Horsemen storyline?[/QUOTE] After some searching, I realized that this was originally from DOTT. Panix, any chance you can adapt the part 2 of this storyline to your system for the next update? I love the system you came up with regarding shows, ppvs, etc. Really helps to develop my shows in a logical manner. Can anyone who is knowledgable about this feud expand upon the roles a bit for me? Seeing as I was like 3 years old at the time of this, I'm not too sure what kind of guys I can use in regular day to represent the roles of Dusty, Magnum TA, etc. My current plan is to have Flair assume the JJ Dillon role, forming a new Horsement around Orton, The Naturals, and Chris Masters. What roles would these guys ply in the storyline, and who would fill the opposing roles of Magnum and Dusty well (types of workers I mean)? Thanks guys!
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Hey guys, just letting you know I have a third to the testing stage. Quickie diva angle which manages to acknowledge that sex sells and still end in the ring. So a nod to both sides of the gender fence. You can be sure Panix won't be short on fresh meat this month.
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[QUOTE=aphoward;135026]You guys are friggin amazing. This mod + TCP's stuff + thought of a new version coming out = I haven't played a sim of baseball in weeks :)[/QUOTE] Well, seeing as we aim to do a new version of this once a month, perhaps you will never pick up a baseball sim again! :D
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;135020]Hey guys, just letting you know I have a third to the testing stage. Quickie diva angle which manages to acknowledge that sex sells and still end in the ring. So a nod to both sides of the gender fence. You can be sure Panix won't be short on fresh meat this month.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I've got 5 storylines planned out... just need to write them fully. One is about 70% done and should be wrapped up soon enough. I've already put together a short one show storyline. Oh and panix, I seem to have gone slightly insane this month and decided to work on a big angles update... something like "sebsplex Does Angles 101" with 101 being the target I'm looking to hit for new angles for all those fans of unchained storylines.
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Ok, two storylines done, third and forth should be wrapped up over the weekend. From then on out it'll be working on angles and perhaps maybe another storyline along the way. I'll outline all my storylines this month at the weekend when the other two are finished. Looks like you've surpassed the target again panix. ;)
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My memory kinda sparked today and I remembered bits of a storyline that while not particularly well pulled off in the WWE, was kinda memorable the other year. I whipped this one together while it was fresh in my head this afternoon. [B]What Started In A Nightclub (8W 10A 9M)[/B] A heel arranges for a face rival to be stabbed in a nightclub in order to preserve his "spot" in the promotion. The face returns and eventually learns the truth, going through the heel's associate first before defeating the heel mastermind himself. It's loosely based on the Cena/Carlito/Je-sus storyline that took place on Smackdown.
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Two more storylines completed... [B]Happy 4th Of July (1W 9A 0M)[/B] With the national holiday upon them, an authority figure bans two workers from this week's show, but ends up regretting the decision when they cause more trouble outside the arena than they would have inside. As you might have guessed, this is based on the recent episode of RAW where as part of the McMahon/DX feud, DX were banned from the arena and ended up in the production truck. Like anyway WWE-inspired storylines I make, it's been made as generic as possible so can be easily used in the Cornellverse as well. [B]Road Testing Tag Partners (6W 4A 5M)[/B] A worker (previously from a singles background) makes it their goal to hold the tag team titles. After going through multiple partners to find the perfect combination, the supposed makeshift team earn their title shot and capture the gold. That's four from me for this month panix, I'll probably send them to you a little later in the month just incase I get any more done for the update. When do you want everything sent to you by?
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Some more good stuff, Sebsplex. Love that you got the Cena vs Carlito/Jesus story done. I agree with you. That story did have the potential to be done much better than it was. And the tag partner one is timeless. That baby should be useful no matter what mod you're using. Keep up the good work.
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Hmmm, can't seem to stop this month... another one done... [B]The Money In The Bank Ver2 (5W 5A 5M)[/B] A rising midcard champion (P2) has their sights set on the Money In The Bank briefcase held by another worker (P1). As it transpires, the only way for the champion to get what they want is to risk their own title in a real winner takes all situation. Also I've fixed up the Exposed Diva storyline... I have a horrible feeling I sent panix an old version of that with botched up participant roles... if so, it's fixed... if not, then it still works, lol. I must learn to be more careful when switching stuff between datasets.
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Quickie progress report this time. Still at three stories for the new version. Been a rough (but positive and profitable) week and a half so I'm thinking I'll just stick with those. Testing will probably be either tomorrow night or Saturday one and I hope to have them in Panix's hands by dinner hour EST Saturday.
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Another storyline wrapped up. It's probably my last for this month's installment... [B]RAW Roulette (1W 10A 4M)[/B] Like something straight out of Vegas, an authority figure uses a unique one-show-only concept where the stipulations of various matches are decided by spinning a giant roulette wheel. Basically it's another one show storyline that most should be familiar with as it's based fairly directly on the first ever RAW Roulette in Las Vegas. I've created a few extra angles for other match types I haven't used in this storyline so people can just use this more rigid version of the storyline as a guide to carry out their own. Panix, I'll test this out in the next day or so and then send you everything I have by the weekend if that's ok with you?
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okey doke, sorry for not being the most dedicated to this mod at the moment. I really do want to blitz whats there soon and add a big load of new storys like i did when this was 1st released. I will get round to it before the end of the year but the temptation is to wait till 2007 comes out before atempting it, its hard to get motivated when i have such an enthusiastic team of 'writers' helping me out (im looking at you Seb, MJD and Cappy) whats the point of writing when there are people who seem so much better then me doing it! Almost forgot the point of this post, could people start emailing me the stuff to add to the mod for this month. Cheers peeps!
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