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Sad Day: No More GDS for Awhile

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This is a sad day. Last year I decided to upgrade to a 4K TV. The wife isn't really into tv's at all. She barely watches TV and when she does, it's netflix or another streaming network with me. So for her, I got a Vizio P series because it was a good TV but on the lower side as far as cost. On the 4th of July, as we were getting ready to go on a trip and see family, my 2 year old threw a toy car and hit my TV cracking it. The relevance of the TV is that I've been running my computer off my TV since 2005. I've been proud to have a "computer smart TV" before smart tv's ever came out or became popular. With the way the P series is configured, it doesn't work the best as a computer monitor. So when he broke that I went with a Samsung Q70. But my work is super busy in the summer time so I really haven't had time to sit down and play games but today I finally was going to sit down and have some me time.


The Q70 is definitely a better TV and has the proper 4K settings when running as a computer monitor. So when running it in 4096x2160 resolution everything on my computer looks great. I can read everything from my couch. No issue with desktop icons. The world is lovely. But to do this it needs to be at the recommended scaling of 300%. When I have it like this the bottom of WMMA5 and TEW2020 are cut off which breaks the game when you open certain menus. So the option is, change the setup just for GDS games and ruin the rest of my experience or not play GDS games.


I don't know why GDS games (could be just games made by Ryan but those are the ones I play) can't run in full screen like just about every other game ever made, but this will be the end of my GDS days, at least until this is fixed. I had almost caught with with the current date playing WMMA5. I started in 1993 and had been running two events a week with 14 weight classes. I really just got into TEW2020 and was ready to really start diving in. But the game is unplayable at this point. There are some screens that I can't get out of and some I have to blindly click the bottom or the screen to get out of. I don't get this decision, which they know has been something people have complained about for years upon years. But my TV's have never given me an issue. Hopefully future games don't have this issue but unfortunately I can't say I'll ever be back. With the next game they put out probably not coming out for a year or two, and there be no reason for me to check the forums if I can't play, I can see myself phasing out GDS from my memory. Which sucks as the community is one of the most involved out of any game I have ever played.

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Why not just change the resolution and scaling via your computer? It takes literally less than 10 seconds to do before you play a GDS game and then another 10 seconds to change it back after you've finished.


That would be viable if the game didn't take so long to load between days. It takes minutes between each day and even longer on Friday - Sunday when most fight cards are in WMMA5 and once the world is more advanced in TEW2020 it takes that long as well. So while I'm waiting for those minutes I do other things on the computer. And to make my resolution worse just so I can play these doesn't make since.


If the game was pretty close to instantaneous when it comes to loading then this wouldn't be an issue. I've advocated for that to be the only update in one of the next games. Give us TEW2023 that is the exact same as TEW2020 but the only thing that is worked on in between is to fix the load times. But since that's not the case, it just doesn't work for me to have to either sit there and do nothing but wait for the game to load to the next day or to mess up everything else I do in the mean time to wait for it.


Not to mention, this is not something I have to do with any other game. Even small indie games. Could you imagine having to change your resolutions for your entire system everytime you wanted to play stardew Valley or Terreria? Those games are constant without load times and you don't have to change your resolution..

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Does your monitor/TV have the option to create a custom picture adjust setting? If so, create one for the game, and then it's just a matter of pressing the appropriate button on the remote to activate the setting when needed.


Can you save an option on the set to have a setting just below the 300% recommendation to have nothing cut off from the TEW games but high enough so that they remain legible from the distance?


Or...just do what I do: play the GDS games on a laptop (if you have one). The specs don't have to be high or anything, and while the database is loading you can do whatever on your PC hooked up to the Samsung set. And now that I mention that, while haven't tried it yet, I've always wanted to see how the GDS games play on something like a Surface.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It’s really not hard to change your resolution to play the game, then. Hangs it back after you’re done


This. I have multiple monitor setups and even then i can quickly adjust to TEW and MMA res to play in case I can only use one, for some reason. Quick and easy. You might not get that 300% perfect picture, but it's playable and the monitor is still usable for other stuff. While the locked resolution is annoying, it's not a reason to stop playing even in this scenario. Regardless, wish you best of luck.

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