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What Kind of Rosters do you Run?

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So what kind of rosters do you guys like to run?

I went with MAW for my very first game a few months ago and stuck mostly with the default, but it wasn't long before I jumped into creating my own company (With a couple created workers).


I started with similar stats to ACPW (I wanted to end up rivaling and overtaking them), with slightly less pop. I hit Small within the year, and then noticed my worker count seemed really high. A year in I have 48 wrestlers (A few are temporary), and a lot of them are still unimportant. I guess I've learned I prefer bigger rosters.


I've managed to work out my main eventers, midcarders, and jobbers, it's just a matter of getting my midcarders (and 2 or 3 main eventers) out of unimportant. I think I just like a variety of workers, and then my roster fills out more because I like adding other workers to give a variety of wrestlers for my better wrestlers to beat on.

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<p>I always go big. I'm small (but will immediately move up once my main region hits the mark)</p><p> </p><p>

I presently have 124 and have had 80 from the start. I have turnover at the bottom and stability near the top of the roster</p><p> </p><p>

But I also run 2-3 hour shows/events.</p>

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<p>Bloated rosters. Mainly because I usually play with a strict "three strikes and you're out" system.</p><p> </p><p>

Hasn't happened in TEW 2020 yet, but in my modern playthrough in the last game, I fired the likes of Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, Triple H and Kurt Angle for failing drug tests three times</p>

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<p>For a smaller, non-TV company... I'll run 6 matches per show, including two tags. So that's 16 guys as a baseline. Then I'll have a couple of "special attractions" and a few extras. Job guys. Folks coming to the ends of their contracts, etc. So 20-22 as the total roster. I prefer a revolving door of talents to a bloated roster. Maybe 10 guys will be long term core members of the team,and the rest will cycle in and out on 3-6 month deals. That keeps the variety going.</p><p> </p><p>

Not that I don't drift into bloat from time to time. Always fun to shop for new talent. I just try to have a tidy up every few months to keep it trim. Sucks to have people sitting around, doing nothing, but I'm not exactly going to waste money on a 7th match, am I?</p>

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For a smaller, non-TV company... I'll run 6 matches per show, including two tags. So that's 16 guys as a baseline. Then I'll have a couple of "special attractions" and a few extras. Job guys. Folks coming to the ends of their contracts, etc. So 20-22 as the total roster. I prefer a revolving door of talents to a bloated roster. Maybe 10 guys will be long term core members of the team,and the rest will cycle in and out on 3-6 month deals. That keeps the variety going.


Not that I don't drift into bloat from time to time. Always fun to shop for new talent. I just try to have a tidy up every few months to keep it trim. Sucks to have people sitting around, doing nothing, but I'm not exactly going to waste money on a 7th match, am I?


I like the idea. I have some workers that I bring in for a set # of appearances just to take part in a storyline before they're released. Though I tend to worry that with a small roster I won't have enough variety with matches/storylines and it leads to the bloat.

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I run bigger rosters than I ever plan on. When I start a new game I usually spend the first three months establishing my core roster. Signing the people I want, cutting people and bringing in some older veterans that are still over to job to my younger wrestlers that aren't popular enough to realistically do anything with.
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Large Rosters made up of talent below age 35 who are unemployed.


I like to run star-factory type companies like MAW or CZCW that are considered the launching pad for the young'ns.


In terms of what workers I actually hire, I go for a variety. Everyone from Keith Vegas & The Good Ol' Boys or Mercy Michaels to Raphael or the Rock City Stars is welcome, as long as they are unemployed, under 35 years old and have lots to prove.

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