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Tiger Rising [MGPW]

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News Release


For Immediate Release to the Press




Mumbai, India. Pride Glory Honor Wrestling Chief Executive Officer Nobuatsu Tatsuko was in India along with Raahithya Chaturvedi, former executive in the pharmaceutical business who returned to Mumbai to be the president of the Mumbai Sports and Athletics Club to announce the formation of the International Wrestling League. The International Wrestling League is the new governing body and sanctioning body for professional wrestling in Japan, India, Continental Europe, the British Isles, and the United States of America. The International Wrestling League will NOT sanction any championships, but will facilitate the advancement of Royal Puroresu and professional wrestling as a serious sport. Pride Glory Honor Wrestling has long been the standard-bearer of Royal Puroresu in Japan and looks to bring that style of professional wrestling across the globe. International Wrestling League will govern Ultimate European Wrestling, Championship Wrestling from Wigan, and the newly minted Pro Wrestling Honour in the United States.


The International Wrestling League and Pride Glory Honor Wrestling are also sponsoring the formation of India's first fulltime professional wrestling league. Mumbai Grand Prix Wrestling will be debuting in January of 2020 and will tour across India. Raahithya Chatuverdi will run the day to day operations of this new league while former PGHW four-time Glory Crown Champion, Pro Wrestling Reporter Hall of Immortal, and PGHW Hall of Famer Yoshimi Mushashibo will be coming to Mumbai to act as the league's matchmaker.


Mumbai Grand Prix Wrestling looks to capitalize on the rising popularity of the sport of professional wrestling as well as the connections with the International Wrestling League and Pride Glory Honor Wrestling to bring the very best of the sport to Indian fans. With an initial group of grapplers from India, Mumbai GP hopes to use elevate the sport of professional wrestling with native grapplers and international competition that the Indian fans deserve.




Author's Note: This was an idea I had to do something in the underserved India region of TEW. I've also wanted to try my hand at a puro diary and this will be my attempt to do both of those things.


I must give credit to the the two India mods that make this possible. There is brat99's Cornellverse Expansion (Community Sourced) and Wonk's Indian Expansion Mini-Mod..


I also must credit the Puro diaries that have really inspired me. First, as you can expect is my friend DarK_RaideR's sensational BCG Diary, CGN91's award-winning White Canvas Grappling diary, CPBHBK's excellent PGHW Diary and all of willr0ck and southside_hitmen's work in Puro.


This will be a project outside of my comfort zone -- both in geographic location and in product style. I hope to do it justice. This will not be a narrative-heavy diary (unlike No Ordinary Men, cheap plug), but there might be the occasional narrative or backstage/behind the scenes post.


If you choose to join me on this journey, I appreciate it.

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Company HQ



Mumbai Grand Prix Wrestling

est. 2020 in Central India

Product: Wrestling As Sport



MGPW Grand Champion (Prestige 1)

The famous "winged belt", the MGPW Grand Champion title is the company's premier prize.


Kashmir Singh (won at Torn Finale 2020, Sat. w4 Jan. 2020) (2 defences so far)


Previous Champions




MGPW Tag Team Grand Champions (Prestige 1)

The MGPW Tag Team Grand Champions titles are the main focus of the doubles division in the company.


The Twin Pain Train (won at Torn Finale 2020, Sat. w4 Jan. 2020) (2 defences so far)


Previous Champions




MGPW Intercontinental Champion (Prestige 1)

The MGPW Intercontinental championship is designed to function as a secondary title and a stepping stone for wrestlers who are looking to eventually challenge for the Grand Champion belt.


Vijaya Kar (won at Manifest Destiny finale, Thur. W4 Feb. 2020) (1 defense)


Previous Champions




MGPW Open Challenge Champion (Prestige 0)

The MGPW Open Challenge champion is meant to defend it at every event, always in a straight one on one match, and the challenger is selected from whoever decides to answer the standing open challenge.


Omezo Shikitei (won at Sole Survivor finale, Sat. W3, Mar. 2020) (1 defenses so far)


Previous Champions



Show Index

<table border="0" bgcolor=#DCDCDC><tr><td align="left" width = "780"> <details><summary></summary>2020


Torn Tour Day 1

Torn Tour Day 2

Torn Tour Day 3

Torn Tour Day 4

Torn Tour Day 5

Torn Tour Day 6


Manifest Destiny Tour Day 1

Manifest Destiny Tour Day 2

Manifest Destiny Tour Day 3

Manifest Destiny Tour Day 4

Manifest Destiny Tour Day 5

Manifest Destiny Tour Day 6

Manifest Destiny Tour Day 7

Manifest Destiny

Sole Survivor Tour Day 1

Sole Survivor Tour Day 2

Soul Survivor Tour Day 3

Sole Survivor Tour Day 4

Sole Survivor Tour Day 5

Sole Survivor Tour Day 6

Sole Survivor Tour Day 7

Sole Survivor Tour Day 8

Sole Survivor

Academy Challenge Tour Day 1

Academy Challenge Tour Day 2

Academy Challenge Tour Day 3

Academy Challenge Tour Day 4

Academy Challenge Tour Day 5

Academy Challenge Tour Day 6

Academy Challenge Tour Day 7

Academy Challenge Tour Day 8

Academy Challenge Tour Day 9

Academy Challenge Tour Day 10

Academy Challenge



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Ajay Agarwal | Arjuna Valimbe | Art Reed | Avinash Keer | Avram Singh Ramprasad




Bade Gulpreet | Balavaan Singh | Bali Daljit | Big Om | Bodhi Odda




Dasra Misr | Felu Mittir | Gahtir Salim Govinda Munshif | Great Gabru





Hammer Hadley | Hanif Hussein| Jash Singh | Jayesh Bal | Jeet Chadda





Jimmy Cox | Kashmir Singh | Killer Khan| Kolkata Jai | Masashi Urogataya




Mighty Gaurav | Mitsunari Fugunaga | Murugan | Nigel Svensson | Omezo Shikitei




Parvin Kishan | Pavel Vanzycha| Prem Dutt | Prince Pradesh | Prince Rupy




Punit Narang | Punjabi Patriot | Raka | Ranjit Gulati | Sensational Sarja




Sri Lankan Assassin | Stone Gulatti |Subhan Ali Khan | Super Ghosh | The Indian Nightmare




Vijaya Kar | Yasuhide Tayama



Road Agents




Yoshimi Mushashibo | Kashmir Singh | Arjay Agarwal | Arjuna Valimbe


Broadcast Team




Raahithya Chaturvedi | Kumar Kong






Chandra Patil | Nerina Mustafa


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Nice! I will always read a Historian diary :D


Thank you my friend. It's good to know that you never walk alone around here.


Oh wow!


I hope I do your creations justice.


Love the concept! It's a fresh take on India. (Not that we have had a ton of takes on India, but you get what I'm saying) Plus Mushashibo needs something to do.


Thank you my friend. I agree that Mushashibo needed something to do and hopefully this take will be interesting.

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Roster Introductions



Ajay Agarwal

36 Years Old, 17 Year Pro

Toned Middleweight, Striker

Calling himself a "Mighty Warrior", Ajay Agarwal first gained some measure of fame in the British independent wrestling scene after emigrating there for university. Agarwal has now returned to his native India as an experienced hand using his striking style to help develop the burgeoning Indian scene. Playing his Mighty Yoddha persona, Agarwal cuts an imposing figure with his tough-as-nails demeanor and educated fists and feet. While never considered more than a mid-card talent in the British Isles, the experience and impactful nature of the Mighty Yoddha figures to make him a strong draw for any fledgling organization on the sub-continent.

Mushashibo's Notes: Ajay will be a very valuable member of our roster. He's tough, he hits hard, he's believable. As we try to establish our identity he will be a key cog in the machine.



Arjuna Valimbe

41 years old, 6 year pro

Light Heavyweight, Regular Wrestler

Arjuna Valimbe is an experienced hand who has been involved in wrestling for many years. Initially from Bradford, England, Arjuna grew up watching the fledgling UK scene but despite training across the country he was never able to make a career of it. Now reaching the end of what most would consider his competition time, the light heavyweight has moved back to his ancestral home of India. Can he achieve his dream and lift a championship before the sun sets on him?

Mushashibo's Notes: A very good all-around wrestler. His experience will be crucial as we look to establish the nascient Indian scene.



Avinash Keer

24 Year Old, Rookie

Muscular Middleweight, Striker

Avinash Keer is a serious competitor from Faridabad, India. Styling himself on kung-fu movies on which he gorged himself as a teen, his interest in fighting and combat sports led him to a decent level within kickboxing until he found that his knees couldn't handle the impact as much as he would like. Quite why this would lead him into wrestling is unclear, especially when you consider the importance of that particular body part in the ring. However, his fierce demeanor in the ring and commitment to the gimmick is clear, and he could do well if handled correctly.

Mushashibo's Notes: The rookie Keer is one of our young prospects. He's just interested wrestling and despite dodgy knees he could be a key building block for the future. He does not have much in the way of technical skills so he will have to rely on his strikes to succeed.



Bade Gulpreet

31 year old, Rookie

Ripped Big Heavyweight, Powerhouse

The towering Bade Gulpreet is a 6'10", 330lb wrecking ball. With his move into wrestling at the end of 2019, Gulpreet left behind a dangerous but well-paying job being the personal bodyguard for the State Minister of Kerala. With tremendous power and thick, corded muscles throughout his entire body, Gulpreet is able to play the menacing heel extremely well. After spending so long in his life watching and waiting silently, Bade will never light crowds up with a rousing promo, and he will need to be carefully managed and developed if he is to be a star at this later stage of his life.

Mushashibo's Notes: Gulpreet came into wrestling a little later than most rookies, but he's great tremendous size and you can't teach that. It looks like he has some good raw skills and could be a physical presence that we need.



Balavaan Singh

24 years old, 6 year pro

Toned Light Heavyweight, Entertainer

"The Lion of Lucknow" Balavaan Singh is an exciting new talent from the subcontinent of India. Impressively muscled and with a great understanding of the business from a life of being a fan, Balavaan has eschewed following his family's traditional path into the textile industry. Though he has paused a comfortable life doing so, he is dedicated to his craft and could be the break out star that gets the Indian scene up and running. His 'real athlete' gimmick fits his physique well and though it lacks flash, it is certainly something that the average man can get on board with.

Mushashibo's Notes: While his entertainer style might lead you to believe he shouldn't be on our roster, Singh has great fundamental skills. He can brawl and he can wrestle and he's ultra charismatic. He could be our ace.



Bali Daljit

29 Year Old, 10 Year Pro

Toned Lightweight, Technician Flyer

British-Indian cruiserweight worker Bali Daljit was a 2009 graduate of ROF's Turnbuckle Wrestling Dojo. After completing his training in the Coventry-based facilities, Daljit was unfortunate not to get a place on the main ROF roster and so headed out to gain experience on the British independent scene. Just over five years later he was picked up by SNP for his first experience of regular work and he has been there ever since. He's a solid dependable member of the roster who has become known for his Shooting Star Press finisher, a move which he executes with rare grace.

Mushashibo's Notes: Daljit is one of the most experience wrestlers on our roster -- from being able to hold down a fulltime gig. He works in Scotland and is the only internationally employed worker on our roster. He brings a name-value with internet fans and was trained very well by British Samurai. He should be a very valuable member of our crew.



Bodhi Odda

18 Year Old, Rookie

Toned Lightweight, Brawler

Bodhi Odda is a young Delhian just starting his wrestling career. A graduate of the Mumbai Wrestling Academy, he looks to follow in the footsteps of his idol, Kashmir Singh. His beard is quite glorious and other than his brawling, it is his main selling point about him.

Mushashibo's Notes: One of the Mumbai Wrestling Academy graduates, Odda is young and skilled and should have a very bright future ahead of him. He is one of the young pieces I am looking to build the company around, he just needs the experience.



Dasra Misra

20 Year Old, Rookie

Toned Lightweight, High Flyer

"The Violent Violet" Dasra Misra is a cruiserweight competitor from New Delhi, India. Boasting a shock of brightly coloured hair (which seems to change as frequently as his moods), Misra is most comfortable using a range of dangerous top-rope moves to keep his opponents off balance. With little experience truly under his belt and most of his training taking place using large crash mats, it remains to be seen whether Misra's style can carry him into the professional world, or whether he needs significantly more input to be safely worked with.

Mushashibo's Notes: We're not going to feature a dedicated junior heavyweight division, but with our need to rely on local Indian talent, junior heavyweights like Misra are going to be crucial to our success. He's a talented high flyer and can sell his butt off. He should be valuable.



Felu Mittir

23 Year Old, 4 Year Pro

Toned Middeweight

Sadhan Mitra grew reading stories about the famous Kolkata character "Feluda" and it affected him so much that when he came into his second love wrestling, he modeled himself after the same character and even named himself Felu Mittir where he plays a private eye gimmick. He is pretty solid character wise but he needs work on his in-ring skills.

Mushashibo's Notes: He won't be playing a private eye for us, we're not that gimmicky -- but he's a young talent with solid enough skills that he should be a valuable member of the roster.



Gahtir Salim

36 year old, 13 year pro

Middleweight Technician Striker

Gahtir "The Man of India" Salim is the definition of a fan favorite. His no nonsense style, good looks, and natural charisma have made him somewhat of a sensation on the burgeoning indy wrestling scene in India.

Mushashibo's Notes: I'm very high on Salim. He's got great skills, he understands how to work, he's charismatic, he has tremendous basics. He should be an early standout for us and might be our first ace.



Govinda Munshif

28 Year Old, Rookie

Obese Big Heavyweight, Brawler

Govinda Munshif is a 360lb brawler from Kolkata, India. After a brief career in politics, where he showed a willingness to engage with whatever tactics were required in order to gain votes, Munshif felt that the larger you were, the harder the public mistrusted you. Putting his bulk to good use, Munshif began training to join the wrestling world. His style is a simple straight ahead attack, with stiff forearms and clubbing blows rather than anything technical. With very little experience and a growing reputation for treating people poorly, it remains to be seen if Govinda can make an impact on the Indian wrestling scene.

Mushashibo's Notes: The jury is still out on Munshif. He could be a big star or a total flop. He's over 360 pounds and in pro wrestling that always matters. He's a bit of a jerk backstage, but I want to give him a shot. If he matures, if he's able to put the pieces together, he could be a very successful powerhouse.



Hanif Hussein

37 Year Old, Rookie

Muscular Light Heavyweight, Brawler

Way back in 2002, Hussein was considered to be India's best chance to have a homegrown MMA star. After a 6 - 0 start on the amateur MMA circuit, Hanif was signed by MMA juggernaut SIGMA. Unfortunately, an accidental poke to the eye in his first contest with the company left him with a vision impairment that made continuing in professional MMA an impossibility. Now, nearing 40 years old but still possessing a great look, Hanif Hussein is looking to make his mark (and his money) in the world of professional wrestling.

Mushashibo's Notes: The oldest rookie I've ever worked with, Hussein's legit fighting background gives him an aura about him that will be hard to replicate. He's not going to have a long career, but he could have an impactful one.



Jayesh Bal

23 year old, Rookie

Toned Lightweight, High flyer

Jayesh Bal is a lightweight high flyer from Ahmedabad, India. A smaller figure at 5'10" and 185lbs, Jayesh has a solid gymnastics background which helps him move around the ring with ease. His style revolves around attempting various flips and springboard moves, but it is yet to be seen whether he can translate moves in the training rooms into something fluid and smooth to perform in front of a crowd. A heavily religious man, Jayesh puts faith and worship of his gods ahead of anything else within his life.



Jeet Chadda

24 Year Old, Rookie

Toned Middleweight, Technician

Jeet Chadda is a rangy middleweight from Telangana. While unremarkable to look at, his cardio is excellent and his general knowledge about the basics of wrestling looks solid. Though he is still extremely green at this point in his career, he is able to sell the impactful moves of his opponents extremely well and this should find him employment in the burgeoning Indian scene. Having been an insurance salesman and a zookeeper in his past jobs, Chadda shows a good range of understanding about how to interact with people of all walks of life, and is generally surrounded by people as a result.



Kashmir Singh

42 year old, 24 year pro

Muscular Middleweight, Regular Wrestler

A vastly experienced veteran, the Mumbai-born wrestler Kashmir Singh had a long career working in America, most famously under the ring name The Sensational Singh for FCW in Puerto Rico and PSW on the east coast. A solid all-rounder who was always in fantastic physical shape, he was never a star but was always well respected for his professional attitude and work ethic. In 2018 he decided to return to India, setting up the Mumbai Wrestling Academy in an effort to create a generation of fresh talent that could form a starting point for a new Indian wrestling industry.

Mushashibo's Notes: The most experienced member on our roster and the man who has trained or inspired a bulk of the men we have. His Mumbai Wrestling Academy will be essential to providing us with talent and his name value will be crucial to helping us establish our identity with fans.



Kolkata Jai

34 Year Old, Rookie

Muscular Heavyweight, Powerhoeu

Kolkata Jai was by far the oldest of the original set of trainees who came through Kashmir Singh's Mumbai Wrestling Academy; unlike the others, who were picked because of their athletic backgrounds, Jai was brought in because of his size, being 6'8 and a solid 320lbs, which makes him a strong attraction either as a face or a heel. Not great in the ring despite Singh's excellent training, Jai will nonetheless be an important part of the intended Indian wrestling revolution due to his physical stature and aura.

Mushashibo's Notes: One of Singh's students, Jai has incredible size. He looks to be fairly limited in the ring but if we protect him and build him right he could be useful.



Mighty Gaurav

27 Year Old, 5 Year Pro

Bulky Big Heavyweight, Powerhouse

Mighty Gaurav (Gaurav Padukone) is a former strongman-turned-small-time commercial actor. Gaurav found his way through the consumerism world as the go-to "sumo" sized actor in need. A menace on-screen, but known to be a very respectful and nurturing member of the Indian independent scene. Regularly teams with The Indian Nightmare as Night Might, a dominant duo. The two journeyed into the wrestling business together, meeting a year prior when The Indian Nightmare was the DJ at Gaurav's wedding.

Mushashibo's Notes: He's one half of our only fulltime tag team as we begin our company, so he should be useful.



Parvin Kishan

21 year old, Rookie

Toned Middeweight

One of the first two men to come through the Mumbai Wrestling Academy, Parvin Kishan was trained by Kashmir Singh to be part of the attempt to kickstart an Indian wrestling industry. It'd be hard to think of a better person to represent the new facility - Kishan is a strong athlete, has a great look, and is a hard worker. He's obviously still very green, and finding enough work to be able to develop properly is going to be a challenge, but if Singh's vision ends up being realised then Kishan is very likely to be the figurehead of the new movement.

Mushashibo's Notes: Kishan is one of the young potential standouts for our company. He needs to develop, but he will be incredibly valuable.



Prem Dutt

23 Year Old, Rookie

Middleweight, Impactful Wrestler

Prem "The Voice" Dutt is a impactful wrestler from Nagpur, India. Prem is a life coach who has spent his entire career so far coaching and working with others to improve their mental health, confidence and general approach to life. An extremely positive person to have around, Dutt has moved into wrestling with interesting foresight: he's made it clear that he'd like to learn the skills of wrestling which he can then pass on to others in the future. Always keen to teach, first he must learn and see if he can make a success of himself.



Prince Pradesh

20 Year Old, Rookie

Middleweight, Entertainer

Manas "Prince Pradesh" Singh is an up and coming talent from Varanasi, India. A green but extremely promising brawler, his backstory is steeped in mystique, as you would expect from someone from the holy city. As it goes, the spoilt, selfish Prince was once out for a walk through the slums with his handlers. Whilst walking, he was introduced for the first time to illness, the insidiousness of age, death, and backyard wrestling. While alarmed about the first three, it was the backyard wrestling that fully gained his interest, and Prince Pradesh immediately set about training so that everybody could benefit from the exciting scenes he witnessed. Through this, he could spread peace amongst the land.



Prince Rupy

21 Year Old, Rookie

Ripped Light Heavyweight, Powerhouse

Prince Rupy was part of the first group of trainees to go through Kashmir Singh's Mumbai Wrestling Academy, his attempt to create an Indian wrestling industry through sheer hard work. Like most of the other graduates, Singh purposely took on Rupy because of his strong athletic background, and that helped him get to grips with the physical demands of wrestling training quite easily. Having by far the best physique of the first few graduates, and a natural tendency towards being a heel, Rupy has a lot of upside in terms of being a major player if the industry does take off.



Punit Narang

21 Year Old, Rookie

Ripped Lightweight, Striker

Punit Narang is an extremely athletic lightweight wrestler from India. Leaving school at an early age, Narang dedicated himself to 'worshipping the body', an ancient Mughal tradition. Strictly following the training regime, which includes a 3am wake-up before up to 4000 squats, press-ups and other bodyweight exercises, and which also mandates at least four hours of wrestling each day, you would not find a more physically fit specimen available on the subcontinent. With a good look and a chiselled physique, Punit could be a very attractive draw for many.



Punjabi Patriot

19 Year Old, Rookie

Muscular Lightweight, High Flyer

The Punjabi Patriot is a masked wrestler from, you guessed it, the Punjab region of Northern India. In his youth, he became fascinated with wrestling...specifically the luchadors of Mexico. He would spend hours on the internet watching the stars of OLLIE and EILL. Now 19, having completed a six month course at Kashmir Singh's Mumbai Wrestling Academy, The Punjabi Patriot seeks to exemplify his love of Mexican style wrestling to the increasing number of wrestling fans in his home country.

Mushashibo's Notes: While I'm not big on masked wrestlers or lucha style, Patriot is one of Singh's students and Singh asked me to bring him in. He can sell, so he's likely going to be an underneath wrestler who gets to take a beating for his opponents. If his patriotic look catches on, he could become something.



Sensational Sarja

22 year old, Rookie

Muscular Middleweight, Regular Wrestler

Arush Sarja was one of the first two wrestlers to graduate from Kashmir Singh's Mumbai Wrestling Academy project (the other being his good friend Parvin Kishan). A good athlete his whole life, he took naturally to wrestling training and was soon able to master the basics, and as a result is considered a really good example of Singh's ability as a trainer. Since graduating he has taken the ring name Sensational Sarja in honour of his mentor, and even uses his trademark moves too. If the Indian wrestling industry does take off as Singh hopes, Sensational Sarja is sure to be at the forefront.

Mushashibo's Thoughts: Another building block for the future. Sarja has a boatload of charisma which should help him connect to our audience. He's still green, but with experience and careful use he could be a major factor down the road.



Stone Gulatti

18 year old, Rookie

Toned Middleweight, Technician Striker

Pandu "Stone" Gulati grew up in Canada, idolizing the talent of the Stone family in NOTBPW. An accomplished junior athlete across several sports, Pandu had his application to The House of Stone just after graduating from high school. After completing his training, he convinced his parents to let him return to India to try his luck in the burgeoning Indian wrestling industry. So deep is his admiration for the Stones, he uses their name as a nickname as well as using classic Stone family finishers with his own twist. Given some time, Pandu has all of the tools to be a major star on the Indian wrestling scene.



Subhan Ali Khan

35 year old, 14 year pro

Flabby Light Heavyweight, Brawler

To the extent that the South Asian wrestling scene exists, for 15 years Subhan Ali Khan has been one of its staples. When he works in India, he has a consistent formula: trade on the India-Pakistan conflict for heel heat (but not enough to cause an international incident), put on an energetic brawl (with weapons, if the promoter allows weapons), and lose to the local babyface. It seems like anyone who's anyone has beaten Subhan Ali at least once. Because he's so reliable he's always been able to find work, even in a weak wrestling market, and he's also shown an aptitude as a trainer with his little sister Nayima coming up in the business.

Mushashibo's Notes: He won't be using weapons or creating any international incident kinds of heat, but every company needs people to look at the lights and Khan is a quality brawler, a good teacher, and has no probably doing the job. He will be a good guy to work with our young wrestlers.



Super Ghosh

20 Year Old, Rookie

Muscular Light Heavyweight, Technician Striker

Super Ghosh is - you guessed it - a super hero from the northernmost parts of India. Badly injured in a car accident as a youngster, Ghosh is legitimately blind in his right eye and has never fully regained full mobility in the right side of his face. However, his devotion to fitness and athletical prowess carried him to numerous sprint championships throughout his schooling, and his love of combat sports meant that joining the wrestling world with his best friend Super Kaalee was a solid move. While still extremely green, Ghosh could become very popular amongst children as long as he has someone with him to help him overcome his ongoing speech issues.

Mushashibo's Notes: We aren't going to make him a superhero -- but his story plays well in the press and he could gain a big following from his facial injuries. He won't have to cut any promos so his speech issues shouldn't become a major factor.



The Indian Nightmare

25 year old, 5 year pro

Muscular Heavyweight, Technician Striker

The Indian Nightmare (Shivay Akram) is a man of many talents, but his looks are what brings his ceiling in the wrestling business highest. A former DJ, he bulked up upon meeting Mighty Gaurav whilst working the man's wedding. The result is a menacing tag team known as Might Night that have put the Indian wrestling scene on notice. Also known to be nicer than he looks.

Mushashibo's Notes: As the other member of our only fulltime tag team that was established before us, Nightmare looks to factor in heavily to that division.



Vijaya Kar

22 Year Old, Rookie

Muscular Big Heavyweight, Technician Flyer

Vijaya Kar is a musclebound worker from Pune, India. Weighing in at 325lbs, he is an impressive sight to behold. His background in Dangal wrestling, a dialect of combat in his home country, has given him superb basics and he couples this with the power to move people around with ease. Kar's only issue is that with no defined character or persona, he may not catch on unless he can find a company built around solid work. Many would not recognise him from it, but a brief clip of Vijaya repeatedly and viciously arm-dragging an opponent around a Dangal ring surfaced on the internet in early 2020 and went viral.

Mushashibo's Notes: One of the rare combinations of size, power, and speed, Kar will fit nicely in our style. He can work his ass off and should develop into a premier wrestler. He will be a foundational piece of our roster I am sure.


We have a good crew of homegrown talent. We are relying on Kashmir Singh's independently-operated Mumbai Wrestling Academy for some of our key talent as well as people who have been carving out a reputation for themselves on the Indian scene. There are a few international names/targets that I have that I would like to bring in eventually, but we're not there yet. We have to establish our own identity without relying heavily on foreign names. Kashmir Singh, Daljit, Agarwal, and Balavaan Singh should be our first big names. They have the skills and/or name recognition to be valuable while we try to build the rest of our crew up. Our touring schedule will be very helpful with this, as a lot of our rookies are going to get opportunities to work and work a lot.


Hopefully, we will be able to get talent from PGHW on excursion as a way to continue to bulk up our roster and provide some consistent talent that can feel homegrown but not have to pay the travel expenses. We can afford them, Chaturvedi has made sure we have quite the bankroll, but I don't want to go into the red early on.

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Not what I was expecting but maybe you didn’t want to spoil the surprise. Way outside my wrestling comfort zone for game running, but so was a women’s fed until I followed several in 2017. So maybe you will be able to draw me into this region and style.


It's definitely outside my comfort zone but I'm hoping to do it justice and draw some people in!


Well, this is certainly different. I'll be sure to follow.


It's nice to have you onboard! Thanks for the follow!

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For Immediate Release to the Press


Mumbai, India. The Mumbai Sports and Athletic Club, parent company of Mumbai Grand Prix Wrestling announced today several additional signings to the Mumbai GP roster. Matchmaker Yoshimi Mushashibo and Mumbai GP President Raahithya Chaturvedi said that they were very happy with their initial crop of wrestlers signed, but had overlooked three Indian talents that they had meant to sign. They signed:



Ranjit Gulati, the twenty-eight-year-old former cricket pro who has transitioned to professional wrestling after his cricket career was ended by injury. The three year pro is often called The Bengali Brawler and is a graduate of the Mumbai Wrestling Academy. Kashmir Singh was said to have personally recommended his hire to Mumbai GP.




Great Gabru and Raka, collectively known as The Twin Pain Train are a duo with five years experience together. They are the second full time tag team hired by Mumbai GP and look to feature in heavily to the tag team ranks. Both men are heavyweight brawlers who have reminded a lot of people of famed Samoan tag team Samoan Destruction Inc.


In addition to the three Indian wrestlers, Mushashibo announced that he had agreed to bring in four non-Indian wrestlers. All four men, Mushashibo said, are men who are not affiliated with any professional wrestling leagues and all have the skillset required to be successful in Mumbai GP. As Mumbai GP looks to establish its identity as well as the kind of professional wrestling that Indian fans can recognize as being reminiscent of Royal Road, Mushashibo thought that these four men were excellent candidates for the Mumbai GP roster.




Hammer Hadley, the 21-year-old American grappler from Florida brings two years of experience and a very physical style built around takedowns, submissions, and hard strikes. He has been wrestling in the independent leagues in the United States for the two years he has turned pro and was very excited about the opportunity to join the Mumbai GP list of fighters.




Masashi Urogataya is a Japanese wrestler who is a product of the Pride Glory Honor Wrestling dojo. He is a former GCG Openweight Champion and when Golden Canvas Grappling closed, he has yet to find consistent work with another league. Urogataya is a technically proficient Middleweight wrestler with nine years of experience. His skillset could make him a dangerous competitor in Mumbai GP.




Omezo Shikitei is a Japanese fighter who came to professional wrestling with a fine reputation as an amateur competitor. His in-ring style is one of technical excellence, focusing on taking the opponent down to the canvas where he can apply submission holds and pinfall attempts. The Middleweight technician with 9 years of professional wrestling under his belt could be a break out grappler in Mumbai GP.




"The Coming Storm" Yasuhide Tayama is a big and physically intense brawler from Japan. Coming through the GCG dojo system, Tayama carved a name for himself in Golden Canvas Grappling where he was four times one half of the GCG World Tag Team Champions. He also won the GCG Openweight Championship and is the most accomplished wrestler on the MGPW roster. The twenty-year pro is a Light Heavyweight Brawler and could make a claim at the Mumbai GP Grand Championship.


Mumbai GP plans to release the bracket for the Grand Championship Tournament as well as the schedule for its first tour soon.

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Seems like a solid starting roster. It's great that you get to start with a clean slate on everyone


I do love the clean slate. There is a lot to build off of and there aren't a lot of preconceived notions of what the characters are supposed to be like.


Great roster and my characters made it, I am so happy. If you are playing with avatars on, then sign Bollywood Baljit Avatar, he was a star for me in my short lived MGPW diary.



I'm glad I can bring some of your characters to life -- if you want to let me know which ones are yours I can try to give them a little love! I'm not playing with the avatars on so, unfortunately, Bollywood Baljit Avatar is not available.

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For Immediate Release to the Press


Mumbai, India. Mumbai Grand Prix Wrestling officially announced that its first tour -- Torn -- which would culminate at the end of January and would be compromised of six tour shows and the Torn show itself -- would involve a 32-man single-elimination tournament to crown the first Grand Champion.


The full bracket for the tournament:




Mushashibo: "The purpose of the Torn tour is to tear the fabric of professional wrestling apart and to put Indian pro wrestling on the map. We have put together an incredible set of matches with the Grand Championship Tournament and we will end January with our very first champion.


K. Singh: "I have waited my entire life for there to be a professional wrestling company running full time in my home country. I have dedicated my life to putting Indian pro wrestling on the map and I will use this tournament to take the next step in my career and be the first Mumbai Grand Prix Grand Champion.


Salim: "I am the Man of India. I will represent Indian Pro Wrestling by winning this prestigious tournament. I wish nothing but the best to my fellow competitors, but should they get in the ring with me, they will lose."


Gulati: "When my Cricket career ended, I didn't know if I would ever find something I loved as much and then I found pro wrestling. This tournament will let the world know that I'm still very much a force in the world of professional sports."


Hadley: "God help whoever gets in the ring with me. They're going to find out why they call me Hammer."


A/N: That's all the ground work I think I need to lay! Hopefully, you're enjoying so far!
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Torn Tour 2020 N1


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #803E64; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">



MGPW Torn 2020 - Night 1, Mon. W3 Jan. 2020

Kolkata @ Central Region, India

54 Fans


Main Show


  1. Ajay Agarwal defeated Prince Pradesh in 16:05 by pinfall with a Bijalee Laat. This match was part of the 'Grand Champion Tournament' tournament. (29)
  2. Vijaya Kar defeated Punjabi Patriot in 20:05 by pinfall with a Repeated Arm Drag. This match was part of the 'Grand Champion Tournament' tournament. (24)
  3. Bodhi Odda defeated Arjuna Valimbe in 9:38 by pinfall with a Bodhi Drop. This match was part of the 'Grand Champion Tournament' tournament. (18)
  4. Kashmir Singh defeated Jayesh Bal in 27:07 by pinfall with a Cal-Cutter. This match was part of the 'Grand Champion Tournament' tournament. (36)


-- The Grand Champion Tournament began on MGPW’s first show. Two matches from each side of the bracket happened here. The youngster Bodhi Odda scored an upset victory over experienced grappler Arjuna Valimbe.



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I've never quite understood the whole "knee injury in $sport means you become a wrestler" thing in some of the bios - I'm with Lloyd on this one! It's also why I gave it a wink in Avanash Keer's bio.


Looks like a cracking tournament. Sensational Singh has to win it, surely?

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Torn Tour 2020 N2


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #CEC455; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">



MGPW Torn Tour 2020 - Night 2, Wed. W3 Jan. 2020

Mumbai @ Central Region, India

55 Fans


Main Show


  1. Masashi Urogataya defeated Govinda Munshif in 7:34 by pinfall with a Jumbo Backdrop Suplex. This match was part of the 'Grand Champion Tournament' tournament. (29)
  2. Sensational Sarja defeated Prince Rupy in 13:40 by submission with a Bombay Duck.This match was part of the 'Grand Champion Tournament' tournament. (13)
  3. Omezo Shikitei defeated Jeet Chadda in 26:38 by submission with a STF. This match was part of the 'Grand Champion Tournament' tournament. (33)
  4. Hanif Hussein defeated Punit Narang in 22:41 by submission with an Indian Ankle Breaker. This match was part of the 'Grand Champion Tournament' tournament. (39)

-- Omezo Shikitei looked excellent in his match up against Jeet Chadda. They had a very technically minded match up that Shikitei was able to win and really impress the audience in Mumbai in his first trip to India.


-- Govinda Munshif looked incredibly out of shape in his match up. He was clearly huffing for oxygen in a match that did not even make it to the eight minute mark.


-- In a battle of Mumbai Wrestling Academy Graduates, Sensational Sarja was able to separate himself from Prince Rupy. Both men are vying for the right to be called the Ace of the 2019 class and right now, Sarja has the early advantage.


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Torn Tour 2020 N3


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #803E64; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">



MGPW Torn 2020 - Night 3, Fri. W3 Jan. 2020

Kolkata @ Central Region, India

54 Fans


Main Show


  1. Grand Championship Tournament Opening Round Avinash Keer defeated Parvin Kishan in 13:07 by submission. (16)
  2. Grand Championship Tournament Opening Round Hammer Hadley defeated Super Ghosh in 16:13 by submission with a Choke Sleeper.(15)
  3. Grand Championship Tournament Opening Round Stone Gulatti defeated Subhan Ali Khan in 12:25 by pinfall with a Patharee Krash (Stone Crusher).(33)
  4. Grand Championship Tournament Opening Round Balavaan Singh defeated Felu Mittir in 24:28 by pinfall. (21)


-- Stone Gulatti was very impressive in his match here against Ali Khan. MGPW is said to be very high on Gulatti and it was clear that they’re putting some faith in the youngster by letting him submit the big brawler.


-- The American Hammer Hadley had an impressive debut. The crowd did not know who he was, but by the end of it they were enamored with the muscular man. The match probably went a few minutes too long though and Hadley would be better served in slightly shorter matches.




A/N: Dalton made the suggestion that I signify at the start of the matches when it is a tournament match, so that's what I tried to do here. Hopefully it helps and you guys are enjoying. The puro/tour style is still new to me and I again must thank CGN91 and DarK_Raider for the style that I blatantly took for the presentation of this. Also, I'd love to hear what you think of the alternating colors for the shows or if the black-on-purple is too difficult to read. I like the idea of switching between the purple and yellow/gold for different shows, what do you guys think? Let a fella know!
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