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The North Remembers [Canadian Wrestling Alliance]

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<p>The Elite (Christian Price/Dynamite Express) vs. The <strong>DeColts Boys & David Stone</strong></p><p>

Montreal Mafia vs. <strong>Griffin Brothers</strong></p><p>

<strong>Brooke Tyler </strong>vs. Claire Winters</p><p>

<strong>Dapper Danny Draper </strong>vs. Diablo Duvak</p>

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<p>The Elite (Christian Price/Dynamite Express) vs. The <strong>DeColts Boys & David Stone</strong></p><p>

<strong>Montreal Mafia</strong> vs. Griffin Brothers</p><p>

<strong>Brooke Tyler </strong>vs. Claire Winters</p><p>

<strong>Dapper Danny Draper </strong>vs. Diablo Duvak</p>

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<p>The Elite (Christian Price/Dynamite Express) vs. <strong>The DeColts Boys & David Stone</strong></p><p>

<strong>Montreal Mafia</strong> vs. Griffin Brothers</p><p>

<strong>Brooke Tyler</strong> vs. Claire Winters</p><p>

<strong>Dapper Danny Draper</strong> vs. Diablo Duvak</p>

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Spotlight: Brooke Tyler

Friday Week 3, January 2020




Who is wrestling's greatest second-generation women's wrestler?


Many would say Alicia Strong, seven-time USPW Women's Champion and daughter of the most popular wrestler of all time, Sam Strong.


However, the hardcore wrestling fan may cast some doubt on such a declaration. On many online forums across the world, fans make the case for Brooke Tyler.


"The Franchise" Brooke Tyler is the daughter of wrestling legend Eric Tyler. Born in 1994, just as her father signed his first major contract with Canadian Golden Combat, she was always going to become a professional wrestler. From the day she was born, she watched her father captivate audiences, and was put on to the inner-workings of the business at a very young age due to her mother explaining that all those fans did not ACTUALLY hate her daddy.


Eric did not allow his young daughter to sit in the crowd at a DAVE show; he was smarter than that. Brooke and her mother often watched from home, unless Eric was due to win another title that night. Only in those cases did Brooke get to attend a show live, from the safety of the press box with her mother and a revolving door of DAVE wrestlers whom Eric trusted.


Of course, Brooke was training with her father throughout her entire youth, meaning that she did not need much work after her eighteenth birthday. In August 2013, at just nineteen years of age, the Stone family signed Brooke to a full-time contract. She quickly got over with the NOTBPW crowd, due both to her last name and her skills inside the squared circle and out. Eric drilled the concept of promos inside her head, a move that has paid dividends for Brooke.


Her early career saw her team with "Amazing" Amber Allen as Brooke gained experience. Before long however, Brooke became a made woman after betraying Allen and igniting a rivalry that is still hot to this day.


When the Stones and DeColts merged their respective companies into the Canadian Wrestling Alliance to kick off 2018, Brooke Tyler was entrusted with launching the women's division. She was crowned as the inaugural CWA Women's World Champion in March 2018, and would hold onto the belt for FOURTEEN months, losing the strap to her eternal rival, Amber Allen.


Brooke's inaugural reign became stuff of legends, being written about in every publication worth its paper. In lists of the greatest championship reigns in wrestling history, Brooke's reign is often not only cited as the greatest women's title reign ever, but one of the best overall reigns to ever grace the sport of pro wrestling.


Since losing the title in May 2019, Brooke has not lost a step. She is still positioned as a top star for CWA, and there are rumors abound that she may receive another run with the championship before too long.

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We have been blessed with another Dalton diary!


I am still working my way through this & catching up but super excited to get to know the Canadian C-Verse scene and your vision for it.


The Pro Wrestling Reporter is also a cool feature that explains all the history/context that is hard to get across on a normal results post - really good stuff!

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Wednesday Week 4, January 2020

King Edward Multiplex | 5,000 Fans

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CWA Championship Wrestling starts off hot with Dapper Danny Draper taking on Diablo Duvak!


After Duvak's entrance, Draper came onto the ramp with a microphone in hand, as he does every week. This time out however was different.


Draper: Instead of coming out here and reminding everyone how corny you are in basic English Diablo, let me tell you in a way you won't forget. Yo, check this out...


*instrumental plays*


Check ya heartrate

When Danny spits his bars, you know he 'bout to violate

Every wack athlete on this sorry-ass roster

I'm a real one, but Duvak's just an imposter

21 years old, feelin' bold, turn errthing to gold

Workin' circles 'round you like you wearin' a blindfold, yeah

Yeah I'm Danny Draper, but the ladies call me Dapper

Homies gettin' buried by a Wild Young Rapper!


Rating: 43


Okay then. Duvak was smirking in the ring, almost corpsing live on CBN.


As for the match itself, it went the way most Draper matches do, with the babyface running wild before a heat segment in which Draper bends the rules to take the advantage. This time however, Draper would not lose in the end. As Duvak was about to hit his Diablo Driver II for the win, Duvak pulled the ref towards him. Duvak stood still, and was immediately attacked from behind! The man, wearing a black sweatshirt with the hood up, nailed Duvak with a Tiger Suplex! He left the ring as Draper let the referee go and finished off Duvak with a D-Struction! That was all she wrote!


After the bell rang, the mysterious man slid back into the ring as Draper gave him a thankful hug. The man, built like a brick wall, took off his mask and revealed himself...















Draper hopped up and down with enthusiasm! He grabbed a mic from ringside and told the crowd that SUKI was his new bodyguard!


Winner: Dapper Danny Draper

Rating: 54


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We went back to Shooter Sean Deeley's dojo to see Princeton Pryce continue his training. The geeks are back, and Deeley is offering them to Pryce one at a time.


Deeley: Get that leg up kid! You gotta hit them square in the cheek like this!


Shooter then proceeded to land a high kick to the cheekbone of one of the geeks. The geek collapsed and rolled out of the ring as the next geek stepped forward. Pryce took a deep breath and then nailed a high kick of his own, connecting with the cheek of the geek. The geek screamed in agony and fell to the mat as Deeley semi-gently nudged him to the dojo floor with his feet.


Deeley: Atta boy, Prince! You need to be a sharpshooter with those feet! Be a sharpshooter! Don't miss! A shooter doesn't miss!


Another geek stepped forward and Pryce, with renewed confidence, destroyed the cheekbone of another geek.


Deeley: Yeah! Great job Prince! Now, you think you can do that when it counts?


Pryce: Let's find out, sir.

Rating: 57


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Backstage, Amber Allen set down her CWA Women's World Championship and grabbed a water bottle. Storm walked up to her and reminded Amber that the Queen's Court outnumbers her three-to-one. Because of that, Storm said that she will look out for the champ come Saturday. 0She doesn't want any nonsense in a title match on pay-per-view. Amber thanked her, and noted that maybe one day, they will meet in the ring in opposite corners, fighting over this prized championship...


Rating: 57


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Another match that was a showcase for Brooke Tyler. She is so clearly above her opponents, and this week was no different as she took care of Claire Winters, despite Winter's short comeback sequence.

Winner: Brooke Tyler

Rating: 70


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Tom Townsend was backstage with the CWA World Champion Christian Price, who was flanked by his insurance policy in Blockbuster.


Townsend asked Price about his upcoming title match with Ricky DeColt at Big City Brawl this Sunday. Price stated that just like tonight, The Elite will stand tall. No so-called alliance can stop them. The Elite runs the CWA, and they will make sure that the DeColts and Stones stay in the past!


Price and Blockbuster walked away and the camera panned over to them. In the shadows, arms folded and head down, stood Sean McFly.


Rating: 71



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Johnny Bloodstone made short work of Reilly Patton here, who was making his CWA debut. It was clear that this was nothing more than a squash.


Winner: Johnny Bloodstone

Rating: 66


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A video package aired, recapping the bad blood between the Incredibles, Aaron Knight and Skip Beau, and the duo of Cameron Vessey and Johnny Bloodstone dating back to November 2019. There were highlights from the Incredibles trip to Miami, along with the end of last week's CWA Championship Wrestling which saw the Incredibles save Donte Dunn from a beatdown by Vessey and Bloodstone.


Rating: 74


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Jack and Ricky DeColt were pacing the dressing room as David Stone sat down, deep in thought. Jack reminded Ricky that he has a title match on Saturday and should leave the work to himself and David. Ricky told his brother that that is not how he operates. He wants to take the fight to the Elite. Jack told Ricky that he's been there before, filled with anger towards someone insulting their family, but the DeColts, and the Stones, are better than that. They will walk out victorious tonight, giving them all the momentum going into the pay-per-view. Jack asked David if he was ready, to which David responded that he was ready to put a hurtin' on Christian Price tonight!


Rating: 78


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The Griffin Brothers came out on top of this contest, a match that saw the Montreal Mafia have an extremely impressive performance after having over a month off of TV. The announcers sung the praises of both teams and told us all how they are the future of the CWA tag team division!


Winner: Griffin Brothers

Rating: 63




After the match, as the Griffins were celebrating, they were attacked from behind by Shooter Sean Deeley and Princeton Pryce! Deeley hit Mark with a Brainbuster and tossed him out of the ring, while Pryce brought Robby to his feet and hit him with a high kick! The training has paid off! Deeley grabbed a microphone from ringside.


Deeley: Princeton, you are far enough along in your training that it is time to reward you. Your submission game is becoming stronger, your strikes are dangerous, and now your kicks are deadly. You are a shooter, Princeton, and what do we say about shooters?


Deeley held the microphone for Pryce, who responded, "A shooter doesn't miss."


Deeley: That's right, my student. From now on Princeton, you are known as "Pistol" Prince Pryce!


Pryce cracked a smile and shook the hand of his tutor!


Rating: 51


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Tom Townsend was backstage again, this time with "Shooting Star" Erik Strong! Townsend asked Strong what is next for him, but before he could answer he was interrupted by "Thrill Seeker" Lee Rivera!


Rivera stated that he always has to hear about the next breakout star in pro wrestling, Erik Strong. But how long is someone the next breakout star before he becomes a what if? Rivera said that Rip Chord himself sent Strong to Canada to learn under the Stones, and here we are eleven years later.


Strong got in Rivera's face and stated that if Lee Rivera wants to fight, all he has to do is ask! Rivera said that he does want a fight, so he can finally put the fire out on this so-called shooting star!


Rating: 65


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The Elite fall! The alliance of DeColts and Stones pays off in spades here as the trio of Jack, Ricky and David are able to topple CWA World Champion and the CWA World Tag Team Champions ahead of their respective matches on Saturday! David Stone pinned Cam Jones with his family's patented Stone Cutter for the 1-2-3!


Post match, the Elite staggered up the ramp with Christian Price scowling at his opponent on Saturday, Ricky DeColt. The victors sent the crowd home happy with some celebrating as CWA Championship Wrestling on CBN went off the air!


Rating: 66


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Show Rating: 69

Viewers: 171,000



Quick Results

1. Dapper Danny Draper def. Diablo Duvak

2. Brooke Tyler def. Claire Winters

3. Johnny Bloodstone def. Reilly Patton

4. Griffin Brothers def. Montreal Mafia

5. The DeColt Boys & David Stone def. The Elite (Christian Price/Dynamite Express)

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Thank you to everyone who voted for this to become Rookie C-Verse Diary Of The Month for the month of March! I consider this a big accomplishment for myself, as it is the first award I have received for a C-Verse diary. AEW, a 3-time DOTM winner, was easier for me to write about, considering the gimmicks and personalities are established. C-Verse is so much more challenging, coming up with a voice for everyone and creating interesting storylines between fictional characters. So that is awesome, thank you all so much!
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A debut for SUKI! Hell yeah! CWA about to be put on notice.


Congrats on the DOTM win too, of course. Thoroughly deserved fella.

Thank you brother! SUKI is a character I am excited to see grow!


Suki in CWA?? Wow, i did not see that coming. Great signing and a thoroughly deserved DOTM. KUTGW mate.

Thank you! Keep doing what you're doing with EX2010 (THE REAL JUNIOR HEAVEN!!!!) my friend!


I hope the payoff to the geek abuse is the geeks unionising. :p Dying laughing at Triple D becoming the greatest (only?) rapper Canadian wrestling has ever seen.

Oh man, just wait til you see the bars he'll be spittin over the coming weeks.

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Congrats on the DOTM award, Dalton - so well deserved.


Echo everyone else’s comments about SUKI - I’m excited to see how he fits into the bodyguard role!

Thanks partner! SUKI will be big!

Just caught up on this. Very fun

Thanks my friend!

Man SUKI as a bodyguard is a nice role for him. Keep up the good work mate:cool:

Ultimate Demon Wrestling invasion when???

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CWA Big City Brawl 2020 Preview!!

Saturday Week 4, January 2020




The final Saturday of the month is here, and you know what that means! It's time for a jam-packed Canadian Wrestling Alliance pay-per-view! CWA Big City Brawl is coming at you LIVE from Calgary! The full card has been announced, and there are plenty of feuds ready to come to a head!


On the pre-show, we will see Storm make her CWA in-ring debut against Natalie DiMarco of Queen's Court! Storm debuted by saving CWA Women's World Champion Amber Allen from a Queen's Court beatdown, a move that saw her make three instant enemies in Canada!


CWA Television champion Mr. Impact will defend his title against Sonny Wildside in the opener! Wildside earned this title shot by winning a four-way match that also involved Solomon Gold, Derek Frost and Mountie Mann. Mr. Impact is SEVENTEEN defenses deep into this reign, so expect a fantastic matchup between these two!


Erik Strong and Lee Rivera will face off in what will certainly be a barnburner! Rivera insulted Strong on the last episode of CWA Championship Wrestling, calling him the biggest "what if" in wrestling history! Will the "Thrill Seeker" prove himself right, or will the "Shooting Star" break out from the pack?


Shooter Sean Deeley and Pistol Prince Pryce will face the Griffin Brothers in tag team action! Deeley took Pryce under his wing after the young one lost to Erik Strong on the first Championship Wrestling of 2020. He took Pryce to his dojo and began training him in mixed martial arts combat. After a few weeks, and countless geeks, Pryce seems to have grasped everything Deeley was teaching him. This past Wednesday, Deeley ordered a beatdown of the Griffin Brothers to see if Pryce was ready...and he was! Now the Griffins look for revenge and will attempt to end Pryce and Deeley before their ways spread across Canada!


The feud between The Incredibles (Aaron Knight & Skip Beau) and Cameron Vessey & Johnny Bloodstone goes back months. Last month at Winter War, Knight defeated Bloodstone in singles action but the duo's celebration was short-lived as Vessey and Bloodstone attacked them afterwards. Knight and Skippy took an entertaining trip to Miami after the win, and called out their rivals from the beach as they soaked up the sun and fawned over the ladies. The victors of this contest are assured to move up in the CWA World title picture, so expect everyone to bring their A-Game, pun intended!


CWA Women's World Champion Amber Allen will face Queen's Court leader Nadia Snow! Snow has been making her presence known to Amber Allen in recent weeks, with Allen being the target of multiple beatdowns, along with constant trash talk in interviews and online. Allen will look to FINALLY put the Queen's Court behind her here, but a win for Nadia Snow will drastically change the landscape of the women's division in CWA!


The two main events of Big City Brawl revolve around The Elite and the unholy alliance of Stones and DeColts. The Elite stand on top as champions, Christian Price the CWA World Champion and the Dynamite Express the CWA World Tag Team Champions. They have run roughshod across Canada for months now, and have shown no signs of slowing down. Jack DeColt will team with David Stone to challenge the Dynamite Express for their tag team gold in what is shaping up to be one for the ages. The biggest question is, will the challengers be able to coexist? Decades of feuding between their families have been set aside, but will the pot boil over once again?


Ricky DeColt will come into the main event with one item on his to-do list: take the CWA World Championship away from The Elite. Ricky, perhaps the largest driving force behind CWA's existence, will have to overcome more than just Christian Price here. Blockbuster will most certainly be at ringside, and if the Dynamite Express are still walking after their match, you can bet they will be around as well! As for Price himself, there has been something a little different with him the last couple weeks. Sean McFly has been trying to talk some sense into him to no avail, but will those words continue to ring hollow, or will Price take them to heart?




Dapper Danny Draper promises to drop some bars!

"The Franchise" Brooke Tyler will be in attendance!

EXCLUSIVE: There will be a debut on the show that will send shockwaves across the wrestling world!


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>


PRE-SHOW: Storm vs. Natalie DiMarco

CWA Television Championship:
Mr. Impact © vs. Sonny Wildside

Lee Rivera vs. Erik Strong

Griffin Brothers vs. Shooter Sean Deeley & Pistol Prince Pryce

The Incredibles (Aaron Knight & Skip Beau) vs. Cameron Vessey & Johnny Bloodstone

CWA Women's World Championship:
Amber Allen © vs. Nadia Snow

CWA World Tag Team Championships:
Dynamite Express © vs. Jack DeColt & David Stone

CWA World Championship:
Christian Price © vs. Ricky DeColt


Who is debuting?


Overall Comments:

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PRE-SHOW: Storm vs. Natalie DiMarco

CWA Television Championship: Mr. Impact © vs. Sonny Wildside

Lee Rivera vs. Erik Strong

Griffin Brothers vs. Shooter Sean Deeley & Pistol Prince Pryce

The Incredibles (Aaron Knight & Skip Beau) vs. Cameron Vessey & Johnny Bloodstone

CWA Women's World Championship: Amber Allen © vs. Nadia Snow

CWA World Tag Team Championships: Dynamite Express © vs. Jack DeColt & David Stone

CWA World Championship: Christian Price © vs. Ricky DeColt


BONUS: Who is debuting?: Ernest Youngman


Overall Comments: Absolutely loving this.

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PRE-SHOW: Storm vs. Natalie DiMarco

CWA Television Championship: Mr. Impact © vs. Sonny Wildside

Lee Rivera vs. Erik Strong

Griffin Brothers vs. Shooter Sean Deeley & Pistol Prince Pryce

The Incredibles (Aaron Knight & Skip Beau) vs. Cameron Vessey & Johnny Bloodstone

CWA Women's World Championship: Amber Allen © vs. Nadia Snow

CWA World Tag Team Championships: Dynamite Express © vs. Jack DeColt & David Stone

CWA World Championship: Christian Price © vs. Ricky DeColt

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Storm vs. Natalie DiMarco

CWA Television Championship: Mr. Impact © vs. Sonny Wildside

Lee Rivera vs. Erik Strong

Griffin Brothers vs. Shooter Sean Deeley & Pistol Prince Pryce

The Incredibles (Aaron Knight & Skip Beau) vs. Cameron Vessey & Johnny Bloodstone

CWA Women's World Championship: Amber Allen © vs. Nadia Snow

CWA World Tag Team Championships: Dynamite Express © vs. Jack DeColt & David Stone

CWA World Championship: Christian Price © vs. Ricky DeColt

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