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PWG 2013: About As Guerrilla As It Gets

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Adam Cole © vs. Sami Callihan

I like Sami a lot of course, but this period of Adam Cole was great. He went on to hold the belt for a hell of a long time and I can't see him losing it yet.


AR Fox/Samuray del Sol vs. Young Bucks

Recently read TYB's biography and loved hearing them talk about their time at PWG. They were over af, they'll win this one.


Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

In 2013 this could go either way, in 2021 I can't get behind Younger winning anything :D


Taylor/Gargano vs. DojoBros

Roddy stan checking in.


Davey Richards vs. Kyle O'Reilly

This is tough. A more committed Davey Richards could be the star of any company, but considering the outcome IRL and O'Reilly going on to win the belt I'll go with him winning.


Forever Hooligans vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Similar to what I said re: Younger.

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I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing diaries based on the mod I made (with plenty of help, of course). It feels surreal. PWG during this period have a strong roster and so much potential, so very much looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds for you. And apologies for not being able to do the PWG schedule realistically lol
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<style> .show {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px} .showinfo {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8.5px; font-weight: bold} .resultbackground {background: #cfcfcf; max-width: 650px; padding: 5px; padding-top: 5px; text-align: left} p3 {text-indent: 40px;} .indented{padding-left: 10pt; padding-right: 10pt} .quick {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px} .predictions {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9.5px}</style><hr width=512px; size=1>


<span class="showinfo">Is Your Body Ready? \\ Reseda, CA \\ 2013.06.15</span>


<div class="resultbackground"><span class="show">

1. Making their first appearance as a team in PWG, the Forever Hooligans would've preferred to leave with a victory against the Unbreakable F'N Machines, but the powerhouse duo of
Brian Cage
Michael Elgin
would prove to be too much for the New Japan junior heavyweights.
Alex Koslov
even received a warm welcome from the Reseda crowd as they chanted "RUSSIA" during his introduction alongside
Rocky Romero
. While the Hooligans were the more refined tag team, their speed and experience wouldn't be enough to overcome the Unbreakable F'N Machines as a brutal finishing sequence including multiple deadlift German suplexes and a wheelbarrow neckbreaker to Koslov set up Cage's Weapon X for the three count.


2. The fans were treated to a technical masterpiece and hard-hitting affair as
Kyle O'Reilly
Davey Richards
away for a huge victory. Anyone who knows anything about wrestling knows just who O'Reilly and Richards are and what they're capable of. So it didn't come as a surprise as these two gave one another seemingly everything they had. At one point, Richards hit a diving double foot stomp that even convinced the timekeeper that O'Reilly was down for the count, but the young Canadian would kick out just before referee Rick Knox's hand hit the mat. A series of holds, counters, and pin attempts set up the end as Richards attempted a double leg only to eat an O'Reilly knee to the face to transition into a brainbuster to end this one.


3. There's no underselling just how valuable the Pro Wrestling NOAH tours have been for
Eddie Edwards
Roderick Strong
as they put what they learned to good use. And unfortunately for the chest of
Chuck Taylor
, that meant a hell of a lot of chops as
Johnny Gargano
winced with every one delivered to Taylor. The old F.I.S.T. stablemates showed some great instinct and Gargano in particular really stood out, taking it to the DojoBros. But after a nasty brainbuster on the apron from Edwards to Gargano put the Cleveland native out of commission long enough for the DojoBros to gang up on Taylor and a combo of vicious strikes would be capped off with Strong's End of Heartache for the three count.


4. Things wouldn't exactly slow down either before intermission as
Drake Younger
pulled off an upset victory over
Kevin Steen
, but thanks in large part to interference from PWG World Champion Adam Cole. The fan favorites put on a hell of a back-and-forth match before Steen inadvertently took out referee Rick Knox, allowing Cole to slide in and drill Steen with the PWG World Championship title. Cole looked to do the same to Younger, but Younger would duck the shot and drop Cole with a Drake's Landing. The win was right there for Younger, but Steen had just enough fight to kick out at two. We'd get a brief exchange between the two, Steen trying to hit his package piledriver and Drake going for another Drake's Landing, but ultimately Younger would use Steen's momentum against him for a backslide pin to secure the shocking win.


5. Coming back from intermission, the heat in the American Legion Post was getting unbearable, but that didn't stop the Young Bucks or
AR Fox
Samuray del Sol
from putting on a show-stealing performance. While the belts weren't on the line, these four men didn't get the memo as they put on a classic. On commentary, Chuck Taylor was blown away at del Sol's speed and his ability to withstand a combined attack from
Nick Jackson
to send them to the outside for stereo dives from him and Fox. However, a star-making performance wasn't enough for del Sol and Fox as the Bucks would isolate the young luchador (thanks to some underhanded tactics) to hit More Bang For Your Buck.


6. Finally in the main event,
Adam Cole
would retain the PWG World Championship in an absolute war against
Sami Callihan
. A series of back-to-back roll-ups would see Cole find himself up 2-0 against Callihan and the champion did his best to drain as much of the 60-minute time period as possible. But his lead wouldn't last long as Callihan's Stretch Muffler would make it 2-1 and Callihan's continued work to wear Cole down would even things up 2-2. Fast forward later in the match and a stiff lariat from Callihan would give him his first lead of the night, up 2-3. Around the 30-minute mark, Cole would tie things up 3-3 after a body slam on the ring apron allowed him to get Callihan with a bridging German suplex back inside the ring.


Frustration took over for Cole and he was willing to get himself DQ'd as he aimed his world title at Callihan's head, but he'd duck underneath it like Younger did earlier in the night and attempted another massive lariat just for Cole to counter it into a brainbuster right on his knee to make it 4-3 in favor of the champ. Things would only get worse for Callihan as Cole was able to use the exhaustion of both men to his advantage with an inside cradle where Callihan didn't have the energy to kick out, making it 5-3. But you don't earn the nickname "The Callihan Death Machine" unless that is exactly who you are. Turning a Panama Sunrise into a back body drop, Callihan followed up with his 64 Lariat on Cole to make it 5-4 with just 10 minutes to go. Sweat pouring off of everyone in the building, Cole struggled to keep Callihan down for good and in the final minute of the match, Callihan would get Cole into his seated Stretch Muffler once more. Despite what you may think of Cole, the determination of the champion was on full display as he held on for a full minute as the crowd counted down to the final seconds of the match.


An emotional ending to an incredible night as even Adam Cole found himself clapping along with the Reseda fans for Sami Callihan's final night in the American Legion Post for one last standing ovation. Cole would leave the ring and the friends of Callihan would fill into the ring as the fans slapped their hands on the mat, chanting "WE WILL MISS YOU". Kevin Steen wished him the best before handing the microphone over to Callihan, who kept it short, but sweet and thanked the crowd one more time as the show came to a close.


<span class="quick">Quick Results

<div style="margin-left: 1em;">1. Unbreakable F'N Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin) def. Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero) - Cage pins Koslov; Weapon X [11:16]

2. Kyle O'Reilly def. Davey Richards - O'Reilly pins Richards; Brainbuster [18:37]

3. DojoBros (Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong) def. Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano - Strong pins Taylor; End of Heartache [17:46]

4. Drake Younger def. Kevin Steen - Younger pins Steen; Backslide Pin [14:52]

5. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) def. AR Fox & Samuray del Sol - Matt pins del Sol; More Bang For Your Buck [22:30]

6. PWG World Championship Title 60-Minute Ironman Match: Adam Cole © def. Sami Callihan - Cole 5-4 Callihan [60:00]</div></span></div>

<hr width=512px; size=1>


<span class="predictions">Prediction Results

DGenerationMC: 6/6

Historian: 5/6

Mootinie: 5/6

scmurph01: 5/6

Blodyxe: 4/6

Dalton: 4/6

kanegan: 4/6

Rampaaage: 4/6

TheBigBad1013: 4/6

CGN91: 3/6

Dwells2015: 3/6

falling_star: 3/6

GooverDan: 3/6

Hollywood: 3/6</span><hr width=512px; size=1>

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I think I got all of these right, first time doing a dynasty/predictions in a while, so feel free to yell at me if I messed something up! Blown away by the number of predictions. I might do a potential BOLA entrant for next year's tournament for a prediction contest?


If you're familiar with this show, you know that I pretty much kept it identical to its real life counterpart solely because I believe it's honestly a perfect show from PWG. I contemplated skipping it and recapping it for that reason, but wanted to figure out how I'd write my results with a relatively easy show and kinda paint an image for the main players heading into 2013 and the upcoming year.


Adam Cole © vs. Sami Callihan - Cole is definitely winning this but Callihan was red hot at the time and this match was hyped af. Going with Sami as my official pick in case you want to do something

Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen - Steen is the bigger star but Younger was at his peak at this time. Please keep him away from the crazies.


Not going to lie, I did contemplate a title switch before I started this game. Always fun starting off a game with an identical card, but flipping the results. However, Sami's off to WWE for what will surely be a great run I'm certain. I've always been super fond of Sami because of this match and his ones vs. Younger and I feel like he gets a bit of a bad rap nowadays in IMPACT. Maybe I just don't watch IMPACT enough to say, but I've always loved Sami's PWG appearances.


I do wonder what would've happened to Younger had he not left for WWE after DDT4 when he won that #1 contender's match. I always assumed Candice replaced him for Mystery Vortex II, but Younger was still on the indies until the month after. Don't know if we'll be able to prevent Younger and the Florida crazies though.


Literally the first PWG show I watched, great starting point!

My memory is a bit fussy as to when I started watching PWG, but I think it was this show too or the All Star Weekend 9 shows before it. Definitely some fond memories.


Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

In 2013 this could go either way, in 2021 I can't get behind Younger winning anything :D


Davey Richards vs. Kyle O'Reilly

This is tough. A more committed Davey Richards could be the star of any company, but considering the outcome IRL and O'Reilly going on to win the belt I'll go with him winning.


Forever Hooligans vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Similar to what I said re: Younger.

Yeah, Younger and Elgin were the two I had in mind for slowly phasing out of the shows by the end of the year and early 2014. Though Elgin's arrest yesterday certainly made things interesting. Unfortunately, I've booked and ran the rest of 2013, but safe to say Elgin was never in the plans to be a major player anyways.


Davey is a mixed bag. One of my first favorite indie wrestlers and really just an awesome talent, especially given his storied PWG history. Though there's also no denying his commitment issues. Hard to predict when he'll want to become an EMT again or his ego preventing him from taking a loss.


I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing diaries based on the mod I made (with plenty of help, of course). It feels surreal. PWG during this period have a strong roster and so much potential, so very much looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds for you. And apologies for not being able to do the PWG schedule realistically lol


It's an excellent mod that I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of mainly from just watcher games and seeing how differently the universe unfolds every time. It helped me finally get into this game, so major kudos to you. I had originally tried doing a WWE & NXT game and that was fun, but god, salute to the writers/players who can handle all that programming. And lol, I don't think any rendition of TEW will be able to run PWG's schedule. I can't even imagine the programming nightmare between sometimes doing 3 shows a month and then taking 2 months off and then one year nearly running a show every month.

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<style>.bodycard1 {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9.5px} .bodycard2 {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px}</style><hr width=512px; size=1>


<span class="bodycard2">August 3rd, 2013</span><span class="bodycard1">


Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Title Three-Way Ladder Match

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson - Champions) vs. DojoBros (Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong) vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)


Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title Three-way Guerrilla Warfare Match

"The Panama City Playboy" Adam Cole (Champion) vs. "Psycho Shooter" Drake Younger vs. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen


Singles Match

Kyle O'Reilly vs. "The Intrepid Traveler" Paul London


Tag Team Match

Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero)


Singles Match

ACH vs. AR Fox


Tag Team Match

The Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. The Inner City Machine Guns (Rich Swann & Ricochet)


Singles Match

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol


Six-Person Tag Team Match

B-Boy, Candice LeRae & Willie Mack vs. Biff Busick, "Pretty" Peter Avalon & Ryan Taylor</span>

<hr width=512px; size=1>


<span class="bodycard1">Prediction Sheet

Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor</span>

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Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

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Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

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Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

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Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

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Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

I feel like ladder match spells title change

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

I will always pick LaRae :p

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Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

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Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

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Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

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Prediction Sheet

Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

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Young Bucks © vs. DojoBros vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Adam Cole © vs. Drake Younger vs. Kevin Steen

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Paul London

Taylor/Gargano vs. Forever Hooligans

ACH vs. AR Fox

Beaver Boys vs. Inner City Machine Guns

Anthony Nese vs. Samuray del Sol

B-Boy/LeRae/Mack vs. Busick/Avalon/Taylor

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<style> .newsletter {background: #e6e6e6; max-width: 650px; padding: 5px; padding-top: 5px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman} p3 {text-indent: 40px;} </style><hr width=512px; size=1>

<div class="newsletter">



May/June/July Recap


Notable Signings


Originally thought to have just been brought in for the Best of the Super Juniors tournament, we now know that Kenny Omega has signed an exclusive deal with New Japan Pro Wrestling. Omega lost to Prince Devitt in the final of the tournament and early indication seems to suggest NJPW has big plans for Omega in the junior heavyweight division. While he's had a few tag matches with his long time friend Kota Ibushi, it looks like Omega and Ryusuke Taguchi will be the established pairing going forward as NJPW tries to figure out if they want Ibushi with the heavyweights or junior heavyweights.


NJPW didn't stop there as they continued to bolster their junior heavyweight division with the surprising signing of Akira Tozawa. In a bit of a bizarre situation, New Japan allowed Tozawa to honor the rest of his Dragon Gate dates, which saw him win the Open the Twin Gate tag championship and at the same time, he would win the IWGP Junior Heavyweight tag championships with Tiger Mask IV. It is believed that Tozawa will wrap up the rest of his Dragon Gate dates by the end of August.


Former Michinoku Pro Wrestling wrestler Daisuke Nakae, better known as Kenoh, signed with NJPW as well. There was early speculation that Kenoh was going to make the jump to Pro Wrestling NOAH, but New Japan showed some interest and managed to sign him to a deal. It also looks like Kenoh will be a stable of the junior heavyweight division going forward, but despite his height, there is some talk about having him mingle with the heavyweights, similar to Kota Ibushi. This potential move relies heavily on how they handle Ibushi going forward and how the crowd reacts to Kenoh as well.


Basically confirmed by the reports from PWG's recent show, Sami Callihan is bound for WWE and headed to NXT, their developmental program. An interesting signing given Callihan's deathmatch background, but it appears that the success of fellow CZW alumni Dean Ambrose (fka Jon Moxley) has inspired this signing. It's unknown if Callihan will be able to match Ambrose's main roster success, but time will tell. Looks like he may report there under the name Solomon Crowe and the two gimmick ideas we've heard pitched so far is some kind of hacker role and an early 90s inspired caveman gimmick. Odd choices to say the least.


Steve Corino looks to have signed an exclusive deal with TNA. As of writing, we know his role appears to be mainly backstage and doing commentary on TNA Xplosion. While occasionally wrestling in ROH and indies throughout, it's unknown if TNA has any interest in putting Corino in the ring. Right now it seems like they're content having him on commentary, producing the wrestlers, and acting as a liaison between management and talent. And after ending their partnership with OVW, Corino may not be the only coach TNA looks to bring in.


Speaking of coaches, it appears that Ted DiBiase Sr. will be back in the WWE as one of the coaches down at NXT and their state of the art WWE Performance Center. Right now there's said to be no interest in bringing DiBiase back onto TV outside of an occasional guest spot, but never say never, especially with Ted DiBiase Jr. being lost in the shuffle on the main roster.


While not as exciting, WWE has also locked down some talent to long term deals including The Miz, Roman Reigns, and Big E Langston to name a few.


Notable Departures


Jushin Thunder Liger has apparently left NJPW for the moment, but it doesn't appear to be a permanent thing. The 49-year old has indicated that he wants to wrestle a couple of shows for other Japanese promotions as well as make a couple of appearances in the growing UK scene and to the US as well. Though there have been some buzz around the idea of Liger making the jump to WWE for a coaching position or perhaps a run even.


The middle of July would see Jeff Jarrett's time in TNA come to a close. It has been reported for some time that Jarrett's role within the company was already diminishing and with no interest in using him on-screen or in the ring, this doesn't come as too big a surprise. What is interesting are the reports that Jarrett and Toby Keith made a last ditch effort to buy TNA. Obviously that didn't happen, but there is speculation that Jarrett and Keith may try to run their own company.


Notable Deaths


In May, Abdullah The Butcher passed away at the age of 72. A controversial figure for many reasons, but a star all throughout nonetheless. Abdullah wrestled his final match in 2010 and for the most part had been out of the business. A ceremony was held for him in WWC down in Puerto Rico and it seems that All Japan Pro Wrestling will be holding their own ceremony as well sometime this year or the next.


Misc. News/Rumor Roundup


Two major names have made their leap from NXT to the main roster. The first one up was Sami Zayn (fka El Generic) in June and in July, former NXT Champion Kassius Ohno (fka Chris Hero) made their debuts on SmackDown. Somewhat surprising call-ups as both men were just beginning to find their footing in NXT. And since their debuts, they've been a bit aimless on SmackDown. A worrisome sign for two higher profile independent signings meant to be the future of WWE already being lost in the shuffle so early, but there's still time to figure it out for the two of them. Also worth noting that Big E Langston, who has already made some appearances on SmackDown, will be a member of the brand full time by the end of August after his program with Xavier Woods comes to an end.


Rumors suggest that it won't be long before Zayn and Ohno are joined by others from NXT. Nothing is guaranteed as plans always change, but the names thrown around include current NXT Champion Corey Graves, Adrian Neville, Xavier Woods, and The Wyatt Family. Safe to assume someone from that batch will be on the main roster before the end of the year.


With the birth of the WWE Performance Center and the rising popularity of NXT, WWE has shown interest in trying to bring in as much talent as possible. They tout that with the Performance Center, they're able to bring in people who lack a wrestling background (something that hasn't stopped them in the past) and turn them into stars as well as bringing in established and lesser known independent names. While there are no solid names at the moment, there's rumor that WWE is sending William Regal to scout out talent at Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's annual tournament, the Battle of Los Angeles.


While no official list of participants has been assembled for the tournament, it may be the one wrestler possibly not competing in the tournament that gets the attention of Mr. Regal. And that's current PWG World Champion Adam Cole, who is defending said title against Drake Younger and Kevin Steen at PWG's tenth anniversary show. Provided Cole retains the title, he won't be in the tournament itself, but there's no doubt he fits what Regal and Triple H are looking for. If Cole was a couple inches taller, we'd be talking about his potential as a superstar for the brand. Though the success of CM Punk has shown Vince is willing to overlook size and with the fans rallying behind Daniel Bryan now more than ever, Cole may just have a chance in the WWE.


In other WWE news, the road to SummerSlam has started. The main event will likely be John Cena defending his world title against The Big Show while Dolph Ziggler will defend his against Chris Jericho. The World Heavyweight Championship contract winner CM Punk will be teaming up with Daniel Bryan against some combination of The Shield. The winner of the WWE Championship contract Randy Orton will be facing off against The Miz and we'll also see Triple H taking on Cody Rhodes.


We've already seen the signings of Omega, Tozawa, and Kenoh, but it's being speculated that NJPW isn't done quite yet. A scary prospect for some of these promotions and their fans. If New Japan is looking to open their checkbooks, the loyalty of some Japanese talent is going to be put to the test. Though NJPW might be content for now with their next batch of students from the dojo set to make their debuts before the end of the year.


In July, we saw the debut of Keiji Mutoh's newest company called "Wrestle-1" after resigning from AJPW in June following the firing of ex-AJPW president Masayuki Uchida. Not much else is known about the company at the moment other than they're building their roster and looking to start touring in August. Behind the scenes, we've heard Mutoh is booking with a committee with some interesting names including his own, Akira Hokuto, and The Great Sasuke. Mutoh has also indicated that he intends on wrestling for the company as well and it's safe to assume Sasuke will as well alongside his M-Pro commitments.</div>

<hr width=512px; size=1>

Show will be up sometime later today, but wanted to try out something here real quick. Not quite sold on the format of this so far, but figured it'd be fun to keep you updated on the world in between shows and months off and throw in some fun fluff here and there. Rumor section may have some truths in future updates, but who knows, it's a mystery~

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