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Are tour shows worthwhile?

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Let's talk. I've played a fair bit of Japan in TEW 2016 and 2020 and I have to ask: other than gaining experience for your workers, what purpose do Tour shows actually serve?


They don't seem to have any bearing on momentum at all and the popularity gains for both workers and company seem to be nonexistant. Due to the reduced attendances, show costs seem to invariably outstrip any proceeds from the gate so the whole thing just seems to be a huge money sink. As a PGHW or even BCG this isn't a problem because you'll recoup those losses from your end of tour gate but at lower levels you can find yourself quickly burning through cash.


I feel like I must be missing some benefits here so what are they?

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Your workers develop much quicker and if you book it right, there willl also be tons of pop improvements. It's also a good way to get Tag-Team experience up and keep most of your roster busy.


Also...Unless your production is needlessly high, you should also make profit from the gate + merchandise.


It's also the best way to do tournaments without them dragging on

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Tour shows are absolutely worth it. The experience for workers is invaluable. If you run your tour shows right, they can absolutely make small amounts of money. The ability to get a broadcast deal for tour shows (in the form of a highlight package) is helpful financially.


With Japan working on the YL system, the in-ring experience they get on tour shows is what helps them move towards not being YLs. It is also a great place to further stories for your own booking by having multi-man matches and things that build the mythos of your world.


As Vin pointed out, it's also a great way to do tournaments -- especially round-robin tournaments.

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Tour shows are absolutely worth it. The experience for workers is invaluable. If you run your tour shows right, they can absolutely make small amounts of money. The ability to get a broadcast deal for tour shows (in the form of a highlight package) is helpful financially.


With Japan working on the YL system, the in-ring experience they get on tour shows is what helps them move towards not being YLs. It is also a great place to further stories for your own booking by having multi-man matches and things that build the mythos of your world.


As Vin pointed out, it's also a great way to do tournaments -- especially round-robin tournaments.


Speaking of young lions, the way I understand it is: They know they are going to lose and so does the audience. Therefore, even when they lose, they still gain in pop?

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Your workers develop much quicker and if you book it right, there willl also be tons of pop improvements. It's also a good way to get Tag-Team experience up and keep most of your roster busy.


Also...Unless your production is needlessly high, you should also make profit from the gate + merchandise.


It's also the best way to do tournaments without them dragging on


What size companies are you talking about here? This thread was inspired by me starting a save with an insignificant company and if I run tour shows I am absolutely haemorrhaging money with the lowest production values available

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I have the same problem. I play with 5SSW and WINNOW and fail to turn a profit. It seems that touring companies only work if you're already have a good amount of pop or are on a decent broadcaster.


I've been running tours with red pop and no broadcaster and turned it into a profit. The fatigue was a bigger issue

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What size companies are you talking about here? This thread was inspired by me starting a save with an insignificant company and if I run tour shows I am absolutely haemorrhaging money with the lowest production values available


My first ever shows in my 0/0/0/2500 save were all touring shows (though stretched out over 2 months). It wasn't broadcasted either. The only reason why I was in the reds afterwards, was because of Merch improvements.


Needless to say all the workers were hired for being cheap, not good


EDIT: I think I started out with a really high Wrestling Industry & Economy, because otherwise I don't know how I got 41 people for the first show.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Was it changed in 2020 that you can't just do say nine regular cards spread out over a month? That worked fine in 2016, I know cause I did it personally. The only issue was unrealistic demands and attendance for smaller shows. But you made five to ten times the money.
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I just started a local to global save with two companies. One is men only, the other women only. Both are running one tour event a week, plus a monthly big event. I only signed people that would take less than $50 an appearance. I have went positive on cash with every show, and a couple of the tour shows were so good that they did raise my popularity. Tour shows do effect momentum, just at a slower pace. I've had only one non-tour event so far with my men's company and multiple guys came into the show with good momentum.
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I honestly found tours really good but like the other versions of TEW, once you get semi-profitable, it doesn't really stop and you end up money capped within a few + years. I still use tours though, largely for what everyone else is saying. It's just a bunch of YL vs my experienced guys or time decline guys, and for that, it is invaluable.
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I tried recently and was getting oversaturated crowd warnings, how do I fix that?


This depends on the size of your company. The over-saturation penalty kicks in when you get bigger than Medium.


It's a pain in the tukuss (I'm pretty sure that's not the right spelling, but I don't think I've ever typed/written that word before).



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Was it changed in 2020 that you can't just do say nine regular cards spread out over a month? That worked fine in 2016, I know cause I did it personally. The only issue was unrealistic demands and attendance for smaller shows. But you made five to ten times the money.


It was changed to prevent people from using events in order to gain popularity and money at grow much quicker than what would otherwise happen. With the new caps, it makes touring shows much more helpful and serve the purpose they have in real life.

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