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Alternative CornellVerse 2022 Mod (VERSION 1.05 RELEASED 19 OCT 23)

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On 9/9/2022 at 10:13 AM, lavelleuk said:

Which are yours? It’s hard to keep track lol

The first two Arachnophobia logos and the purple and black Fur and Fangs logo, at least. I'm not sure if any of my others made it in there. I only mess with making graphics on here sporadically to scratch a creative itch I occasionally feel. 

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On 9/10/2022 at 8:38 PM, ElChorizo said:

The first two Arachnophobia logos and the purple and black Fur and Fangs logo, at least. I'm not sure if any of my others made it in there. I only mess with making graphics on here sporadically to scratch a creative itch I occasionally feel. 

Sorry, thought I had replied to this!

There one's I requested so I appreciate you made them! I usually make note of who creates what, or have the username in the picture file name, not sure why that isn't the case with these


I've added your name to the list of people in the editor, sorry about that!

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I have uploaded a few pictures to the posts at the start of the thread to show more of the game world/show what will be posted in the previously "reserved" posts.


The British Isles post has also now been updated. @Jaded did a great write up for a Great British Faceoff dynasty he is doing on Discord, so I just stole his writing (with blessing) so you can now see the write-ups for six more companies. I think he did a better job of setting the scene for them than I could have!

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18 minutes ago, daveen said:

This mod is pretty awesome! Have been using this for a while.

I was just wondering if you have a plan for adding companies and workers from C-Verse Expansion mod one day.

So...slight spoiler I guess...but I am currently working my way through the expansion and converting it over to a 2026 version of this mod. 

So if Azzak had a promotion formed in say October 2017, in this mod they will have them forming in October 2023. Might be a bit odd for people who play the expansion if they then played a 2026 version of this mod and saw people the same age however it was the best way I could think of to have it work.


I felt this was the best way of fitting his great work into this mod as a lot of what he did doesn't really fit into the 2022 world of this mod. For example, this 2022 mod has one Australian women's promotion that is based around being the only women's company in the region...so squeezing in a second one would require a lot of re-writing. BOW in Britain too, for the way 2022 has Britain set up it doesn't make sense to suddenly try to fit in a medium company in the region, but putting them both in 2026 works as I can look at those regions with those promotions in mind.

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22 hours ago, lavelleuk said:

So...slight spoiler I guess...but I am currently working my way through the expansion and converting it over to a 2026 version of this mod. 

So if Azzak had a promotion formed in say October 2017, in this mod they will have them forming in October 2023. Might be a bit odd for people who play the expansion if they then played a 2026 version of this mod and saw people the same age however it was the best way I could think of to have it work.


I felt this was the best way of fitting his great work into this mod as a lot of what he did doesn't really fit into the 2022 world of this mod. For example, this 2022 mod has one Australian women's promotion that is based around being the only women's company in the region...so squeezing in a second one would require a lot of re-writing. BOW in Britain too, for the way 2022 has Britain set up it doesn't make sense to suddenly try to fit in a medium company in the region, but putting them both in 2026 works as I can look at those regions with those promotions in mind.

Oh, looking forward to it!

Just curious tho, any estimate on release for this?

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19 minutes ago, daveen said:

Oh, looking forward to it!

Just curious tho, any estimate on release for this?

Nah I wouldn’t even be able to guess tbh. I wasn’t planning to release one until 2026, if I did one at all, but I can’t seem to get into any saves now as I just keep thinking of the game world rather than being able to just do feuds and book shows.


At the moment all I have done is imported half of azzak’s mod and made a few rough notes of what I’d like the game world to look like, but even then I’m not sure when I’ll actually start modding


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3 hours ago, lavelleuk said:

Nah I wouldn’t even be able to guess tbh. I wasn’t planning to release one until 2026, if I did one at all, but I can’t seem to get into any saves now as I just keep thinking of the game world rather than being able to just do feuds and book shows.


At the moment all I have done is imported half of azzak’s mod and made a few rough notes of what I’d like the game world to look like, but even then I’m not sure when I’ll actually start modding


Good things are worth waiting for and considering how well you did with your 2018 and 2022 mods; I believe that this will be worth the wait.  Even though I imagine it will still be some time before this mod is ready, I am excited to see what else is in store for the Alternative CornellVerse.

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49 minutes ago, KyTeran said:

Good things are worth waiting for and considering how well you did with your 2018 and 2022 mods; I believe that this will be worth the wait.  Even though I imagine it will still be some time before this mod is ready, I am excited to see what else is in store for the Alternative CornellVerse.

Oh Yeah It’s Definitely Not Going To Be A Case Of Keep Checking Back, It’s A Long Way Off Haha


ESOECIALly As MY Caps lock is broken aGAin so I KEEP typIng like this unedited, goINg to make DOING BIOS Take foreVer


But thaNK YOU!

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On 9/15/2022 at 6:51 AM, lavelleuk said:

So...slight spoiler I guess...but I am currently working my way through the expansion and converting it over to a 2026 version of this mod. 

So if Azzak had a promotion formed in say October 2017, in this mod they will have them forming in October 2023. Might be a bit odd for people who play the expansion if they then played a 2026 version of this mod and saw people the same age however it was the best way I could think of to have it work.


I felt this was the best way of fitting his great work into this mod as a lot of what he did doesn't really fit into the 2022 world of this mod. For example, this 2022 mod has one Australian women's promotion that is based around being the only women's company in the region...so squeezing in a second one would require a lot of re-writing. BOW in Britain too, for the way 2022 has Britain set up it doesn't make sense to suddenly try to fit in a medium company in the region, but putting them both in 2026 works as I can look at those regions with those promotions in mind.

You absolute madlad. You've certainly put a ton of hard work into this thing. Figured you'd want to take a break but here you are already thinking of making a 3rd version lmao.

Consider me hyped

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7 hours ago, Chikbot said:

You absolute madlad. You've certainly put a ton of hard work into this thing. Figured you'd want to take a break but here you are already thinking of making a 3rd version lmao.

Consider me hyped

yeah, the plan was the have a break…but it never really happened lol

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3 hours ago, 619 said:

Sorry for the niche query and if it’s already been covered, but I was curious if there’s a canon reason behind Dexter Mattell’s bad relationships, or if it’s open to interpretation?

No It’s Fine, Good Question


So as I am editing companies I try to think what would happen in real-life. With APW and DIW being at war I imagined some online beef between the two. The little, good-looking ripped technical wrestler Mattell arguing with a hardcore oddball like Milton, Rod Edwards gets involved and calls Milton short etc.


If you don’t mine “spoilers” as such, you then have Boon who’s a horndog, and so I could imagine him annoying Stephanie Drucker, who is very popular backstage and friends with Milton. She is used to it and brushed it off, but Milton doesn’t like him and see’s it as one of the reasons that he moved to CEW. He may also have hit on or annoyed Milton’s gf Tatum Richards


also - I don’t know how to do spoiler tags lol




Edited by lavelleuk
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Haha, thanks for replying in such detail. I figured Boon’s horndog attribute might have factored in somewhere, and all the other conflicts you outlined make sense and add even more depth to the game world.

I find it hard enough bringing all the threads together for one company, so I’m in awe of your ability to do it for an entire game world, especially a bigger world than the original.

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26 minutes ago, 619 said:

Haha, thanks for replying in such detail. I figured Boon’s horndog attribute might have factored in somewhere, and all the other conflicts you outlined make sense and add even more depth to the game world.

I find it hard enough bringing all the threads together for one company, so I’m in awe of your ability to do it for an entire game world, especially a bigger world than the original.

Thank you! There's quite a lot of that stuff in the mod with relationships, ones that I've done for a reason, but not a big enough reason to be in a workers bio lol

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2 hours ago, juan_historico said:

Hey lavelleuk! 

First of all i want to say thank you for your job here. This is an awesome take on the C-Verse and i love it.

Secondly, i want to pick you brain a little bit an ask you: what was your process on BHOTWG and PHGW? Specially in its schedule (both company having a western aproach to the matter) 

Thank you!

So with Japan there are a few things. I really wanted to tsunami to be a MAJOR event, something like that should take years to recover from, which is reflected in both BHOTWG and PGHW still struggling so much.


BHOTWG I see getting a bit desperate to be relevant, hence asking to be allowed into the COTT alliance. In the default data they went to a western approach in 2015 but reverted back to a traditional one at some point between 2016-2020. However, my mod has INSPIRES, which slipped into the more traditional role perfectly. That meant that BHOTWG wouldn't want to go back to touring as it would look like they were letting rivals INSPIRES win, or worse copying Kaneie Komine's approach, their arch rival. 


PGHW tried as long as they could to stay traditional, but with WLW proving there is loads of money to be made from a western approach they had to change in order to survive. With their workers on PPA contracts just paying them a maximum of 5 shows a month was a huge money saver. PGHW, in my mind, were seen as a promotion that would never turn their back on tradition, so "going western" shows just how desperate they are, and how close to closure they are.


That change of schedule, mixed with a talent share agreement with BHOTWG, is one last Hail Mary to not go bust, and the talent share is supposed to represent the two coming together to not be driven out of business by the big boys INPIRES and WLW.


However, there is more to it that just those two companies. I now see Japan was a company that is dominated by a traditional but evil company in INSPIRES, a promotion that tried to show itself as the saviour of Japan in order to become loved, and now they have that love they are looking to put everyone else out of business. Next to them are WLW who have basically thrown all tradition out the window with their schedule and style.


Below them are BHOTWG, GCG and PGHW who have 'gone western' to survive, they are historically dominant promotion but has their time come to an end?


And then finally you have the tiny groups who are looking to bring tradition back. BCG and WCG might be tiny, but they represent the "real" Japan with their style and schedules, they are run by younger workers and they are looking to rise up and return Japan to the glory days


So you basically have Japan divided, and you can decide which side you are on.


Last thing I'll say - part of why Japan is set up this way is because of how I see Japan long-term. I actually have bigger, more ambitious plans for Japan, the first four years was Japan in transition following a tsunami, and 2026 should be how I want Japan to look to make it more interesting imo. The region will be the one that I think will go through the most changes from 2022 - 2026 I believe.

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Thanks man.

I haven´t had in mine the rivalry btw Burning Hammer and INSPIRES, so now make much more sense.

I have to tell you that Im having so much plesure playing with CZCW. I think its kind  of a "Workrate Paradise" with the addition of counting with the support of the COTT, so supercards are so easy an enjoyable to do. You can add big stars from Japan or Mexico, and i always make a lot of trading relationships with promotions of around the globe: this time was APW and PWW, the last one sending EGO to America in a talent exchange. Lots of posibilities with the roster.

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24 minutes ago, juan_historico said:

Thanks man.

I haven´t had in mine the rivalry btw Burning Hammer and INSPIRES, so now make much more sense.

I have to tell you that Im having so much plesure playing with CZCW. I think its kind  of a "Workrate Paradise" with the addition of counting with the support of the COTT, so supercards are so easy an enjoyable to do. You can add big stars from Japan or Mexico, and i always make a lot of trading relationships with promotions of around the globe: this time was APW and PWW, the last one sending EGO to America in a talent exchange. Lots of posibilities with the roster.

Yeah CZCW are great for that, a lot of their past roster members from last 4 years is based on my own CZCW save


Matches like Aztec Prince vs. Pablo Rodriguez or Gino Montero vs. Crimson Ghost, matches you'd never expect


I also just loved throwing 7 or 8 way matches out there, putting "all out" or "steal the show" note, throw in a few crazy bumps or stunt bumps and BOOM, you got yourself an epic spot fest lol

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28 minutes ago, juan_historico said:

Thanks man.

I haven´t had in mine the rivalry btw Burning Hammer and INSPIRES, so now make much more sense.

I have to tell you that Im having so much plesure playing with CZCW. I think its kind  of a "Workrate Paradise" with the addition of counting with the support of the COTT, so supercards are so easy an enjoyable to do. You can add big stars from Japan or Mexico, and i always make a lot of trading relationships with promotions of around the globe: this time was APW and PWW, the last one sending EGO to America in a talent exchange. Lots of posibilities with the roster.

Oh forgot to say, I did a write up for INSPIRES in one of the earlier posts in this thread on the first page, gives a bit more backstory to the INSPIRES/BHOTWG rivalry

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  • lavelleuk changed the title to Alternative CornellVerse 2022 Mod (VERSION 1.04 RELEASED 30 SEP 22)
  • 2 weeks later...

Right everyone I keep seeing the download numbers getting higher so I know people are still playing this!


So, for anyone who has ever re-written a regens bio, or created a cool character, come up with an interesting gimmick for someone or who has ever just had a good idea for a worker and have wanted them including in the CVerse this is your chance! I am making an add-on for the CVerse, but that has more turned into an add-on for this mod, that is for future workers. They can be stand-alone workers, or future dojo graduates etc.


So if you are interested please submit a character! Link below! I hope this gets off the ground, the first few submissions have been great already, and historically community mods have always produced some great stuff!



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