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[RELEASE] CornellVerse 2007

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In 2005 Adam Ryland created the first ever Total Extreme Wrestling and the CornellVerse was born based off the most famous and awesome wrestler of all time...

Back in those days the stats were… very healthy. And everyone loved it. However, there was an update on the way, which evened things out slightly, but progressed the story of the fictional universe that we all know and love. Companies grew, shrank and slowly collapsed under the weight of their own hubris. Wrestlers ascended, debuted and retired and we watched in awe.

Since then we have seen four more updates of the Cverse and the story of the wrestling world changed and shifted leading us to the current default data. But I for one never forgot the origins of this world. In a time when Rocky Golden and Nicky Champion were on the rise. When DAVE was clinging on to dear life and BHOTWG were dealing with their fall from the biggest company in the world thanks to the walkout and birth of INSPIRE. A time when the DeColts and the Stones were still at war with one another, where MAW was still run by the legendary Rip Chord, where Sam Keith was still wrestling, a number of second-generation superstars hadn’t debuted and where NYCW was running shows in Weston Gymnasium with mindless big lugs (some things always stay the same).

The year is 2007 and this... is the CornellVerse…



29th August - Version 2 - The data and pic pack can be found here in my Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zvq8t5qADk8YqsobYp2TqrqV4hLDase6?usp=sharing

Version 2 Notes:

* Corrected TCW events

* Corrected SWF Events

* Amended incorrect worker images, bios, attributes and starting activity

* Moved Pistol Pete Hall to GCG, not CGC

* Removed duplicate workers

* Imported eras from Cverse1997

* SAISHO and WEXXV events added from CV2010 (thank you BrokenCycle)

* BHOTWG, PGHW and GCG TV shows removed to avoid too many events

* Some logos changed to incorporate the amazing work of Willr0ck and Kamchatka

Recommended Gameplay Settings:

When selecting a User Character at the start, do not remove the remaining ones, leave them all in.

Regeneration: Disabled

Auto Fix: Disabled

New Worker Highlights: Enabled

Picture Requirement: On (There are no spare images in the log, so I recommend setting New Workers as requiring images. This will mean no new workers will be generated. Obviously if you want to you can add images and go that route. But the mod is designed to stick (more or less) to Cverse lore. So debuts happen at the right time from the correct training facilities.)

Area Battle: On Combined

Regional Battle: On Combined

Restricted Area: Semi

Injury Frequency: Medium

Randomness: Low

Relationship Frequency: Low

Death Frequency: Medium

Deaths: Disabled

Strict Storylines: Enabled

Strict Boom and Bust: Disabled

Organic Biographies: Enabled

Organic Companies: Disabled

Dirty Tricks: Enabled

Chemistry Effects: Enabled

Natural Growth Limits: Full


I have done my best to equalise the stats to avoid the bloat of the original games. But, obviously I didn’t want to nerf everyone. It’s my personal choice, but if you have any issues, or complaints about the stats, let me know and if I agree I’ll change them. Alternatively, keep it to yourself and change the mod how you want it. It’s for everyone.

The mod data is free to use by anyone who wants to use it as a base, or who wants to change or re-release or whatever. No need to ask me for permission. If you’re going to use the images, I recommend checking with the creators though and always worth checking with Derek B and Mr. T Jobs to Me as there is some work of there’s from the amazing 1977 and 1997 mods.

Speaking of thanks, I want to give my heartfelt thanks to the following people who allowed use of their renders, graphics, data and a number of other things (in alphabetical order): Asaemon, Blackman, Brret99, cooldude, Derek B, djskeemask, esteel20, Jaysin, JTLant, JSilver, Kamchatka, King Bison, LoNdOn, Mr T Jobs to Me, ParkerStyles, Sisma, Shipshirt, smw88, sockpuppet, Undertaker666 and Willr0ck. These are the lifeblood of this wonderful, barmy game and without them I would probably have not have been invested as much as I have been. (I stupidly deleted my messages, so I can’t remember if I’ve forgotten anyone. If I have, please DM me and I’ll edit this and add thanks both here and on the Mod).

The renders included will likely be different to what you’re used to as I wanted to freshen up the whole lot by mixing and matching. Obviously if you prefer your own picture packs, use them. But it’s a personal preference for me.

If anyone wants to create add-ons to flesh out a certain area (women’s wrestling perhaps) or just to fill the mod with free agents or whatever, please go ahead. There is no Australia or India either.

Broadly the game should be the same difficulty as the default with a couple of notable exceptions: UCR is in financial trouble because of some big contracts and struggling income. If the data plays out, barring anything strange, they will go bust within the year and will create the environment for UEW and EWA to be born. If they somehow survive it’s unlikely those two companies will be created. So playing as UCR will be tough. DAVE meanwhile have a similar problem only now they’ve got a lot of big contracts AND they’re somehow the fourth biggest promotion now that USPW have Sam Strong. It’s likely that they will go bust within a few months of the start. I have toyed with playing a save where I try and save DAVE and to be honest, I haven’t succeeded yet. Perhaps sacrificing TV and PPV and stripping the roster back and it might be possible. Regardless both PSW and FREEDOM are around the corner and will be created regardless. The difficulty of DAVE I’d put as impossible.

This is obviously the first release, so if there are any errors, frustrations or just general complaints. Comment below and I will edit if necessary or just igonre you if I don't agree. :)

Edited by TCP1
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1 hour ago, tryker2710 said:

Not sure if it’s just my device but the text is completely unreadable on the dark background

Interesting. Just checked and you’re right. Give me a second and I’ll try and fix that. 


There is also a 'People' file now in the Google Drive as there appear to be some worker images missing from the other file. Not sure why. So you will need all three items in the download.

Edited by TCP1
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Just from first glance I gotta say that it's clear that you spent a lot of time trying to balance the stat ceilings for the workers. I'm not sure how it plays in game because I haven't started yet, but it looks interesting.

Also this may be a little bit of a hot take, but I'm not so sure about using the real workers as User Characters. I instinctively always click "Yes" to remove the unused User Characters, and Tommy Cornell (and everyone else important to the game world ) was gone!

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1 minute ago, BrokenCycle said:

Just from first glance I gotta say that it's clear that you spent a lot of time trying to balance the stat ceilings for the workers. I'm not sure how it plays in game because I haven't started yet, but it looks interesting.

Also this may be a little bit of a hot take, but I'm not so sure about using the real workers as User Characters. I instinctively always click "Yes" to remove the unused User Characters, and Tommy Cornell (and everyone else important to the game world ) was gone!

It took me many many hours. Lol. Broadly I’m happy with results. But it may not to be to all tastes. 
As for User Characters. I personally hate the Avatars, so wanted an alternative. Originally it was just veterans and fan favourites from Cverse97, but I expanded. Easily fixed if not to your tastes though. No need for it in Game Terms. 

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1 hour ago, falling_star said:

Oooooh man, I had a killer DAVE save in 2007. Time to resurrect the dead!

All I will say is… good luck. You may need to edit the company slightly, or prepare to gut and rebuild. It’s brutal. 😁

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5 hours ago, Jaysin said:

One little thing I just noticed, TCW is based in Mid South in the current 2020 data, but in 07 they should be based in South West. 

Yeah I did consider that. But I genuinely thought they might just crush CZCW if they dropped. Figured it was worth keeping them in Mid South. 

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I have now updated the data file to include Kam's awesome Splash Screens. I've also noticed that a lot of the relationships were wrong at the start. These have been amended. I have also made the changes suggested by people on here and in Discord.

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I see that BHOTWG, GCG and PGHW have both a large touring schedule and a 2hr weekly TV show. IMO that TV show should be dropped and the broadcasting deal replaced by a tour highlights show.

INSPIRE has a TV show as well, but only has one monthly event. I can't recall their original 2007 schedule so I can't say if that is correct or not.

EDIT: Maybe it would be worth importing the schedule from 2020 for SAISHO too? SAISHO is a traditional puro fed, so it should probably have a real puro schedule. Same goes for WEXXV, I see the CV2010 mod has a full schedule for them that could be imported.

Edited by Dalton
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Thank you soooo much for this! I've loved playing the 97 mod by DerekB and have played that mod for the last three iterations. I can't wait to give this one a try. I've always wanted to get into MAW at the ground floor and this looks to come as close as possible. Here's hoping I can book the style to my liking. Thanks again!


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Hector Galindo, Rudy Velasquez and Jesus Chavez should be a Brotherhood stable called "The Latino Kings" in DAVE. Hector and Rudy being Members and Jesus being the Muscle.

Also in DAVE you've got Travis Century (retired wrestler) managing Hell's Bouncer, but he's also managed by Hell's Bouncer too.

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All the above is good stuff. Apologies for some of the errors. There was always going to be bits over missed. But I will look into and change any and all I can above for sure. As always the more the merrier. Especially for Japan of which I have limited knowledge. 🙂

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Was slowly merging this mods image folder and an old backup of my main and two jumped out at me as off:

João Vicente is a Black wrestler but now has a white profile pic.

Shooting star perez is a male wrestler with a female profile pic.


Also noticed theres no Eras - which could be useful for added historical detail.

The 97 mod has a great modern set that covers up til past 2020. 



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