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Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Cain Carlile vs JK Lee

Landon Mallory vs Gazz Vedmore

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Ward & Owen

Dangermouth w/ Leo Price vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton

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1 hour ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

And it only took two and a half real time months haha! I'm glad we finally got there, as I was beginning to worry you'd think I'd forgotten about you haha! Love the logo by the way! :)

😂 It felt a little bit like those WWE announced to debut that you have to wait for them for months. Seriously these are things that happen with rewards sometimes, don't worry. I'm glad you like the logo.


Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Come on, you can't be serious! The British Bangers face State Of Mind, probably my favorite tag team in NWF until you finally launched The Celtic Dragons, who'd be their opponents in the Final! 🤣 Anyway, I'm hyped with The British Bangers potentially signing for Moore's Sports Agency let's go!

Cain Carlile vs JK Lee

Cruiserweight champion is winning this match.

Landon Mallory vs Gazz Vedmore

Another victory for LM.

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Ward & Owen

The Celtic Dragons will be already over for the Final.

Dangermouth w/ Leo Price vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton

I think Dangermouth will defeat Big Mac somehow.

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Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Cain Carlile vs JK Lee

Landon Mallory vs Gazz Vedmore

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Ward & Owen

Dangermouth w/ Leo Price vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton

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I'm afraid I will predict the same way lol


The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Cain Carlile vs JK Lee

Landon Mallory vs Gazz Vedmore

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Ward & Owen

Dangermouth w/ Leo Price vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #24

Wednesday W1 April 2021

Show Rating: 57


JackieGoldstein.jpg.4a4a80d514fa8e6178440b9e325c145b.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.66e8d91ac27026e84be3ddb1c9f37896.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, we have a great show lined up for everyone tonight! The Main Event is personal – ‘Big Mac’ injured Leo Price’s former tag team partner Nate Manchester at ‘March Madness’, and is now threatening to do the same to ‘The Lion’. Leo Price’s protégé has stepped up and challenges ‘Big Mac’ tonight.”

Jackie Goldstein: “A huge opportunity for both men to Main Event the show and to rise up the rankings here in the NWF! Elsewhere The Celtic Dragons are in action tonight ahead of their NWF British Tag Team Tournament Final this Sunday at ‘Clash Of Champions’!”

Melanie Florence: “And kicking off the show we have the second of those Semi Finals – as self-proclaimed ‘British Bangers’ face off against State Of Mind. A huge opportunity for both teams!”



The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) VS State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

NWF British Tag Team Tournament Semi-Final

This match represented a huge opportunity for both teams, with the winner progressing to face The Celtic Dragons in the tournament final at ‘Clash Of Champions’. Nobody seemed more aware of this than Leighton Buzzard. Clearly fired up from his talk with Mark Moore last week, the youngster started this match like a house on fire – taking out both Brilliant White and Ultra Violence with Flying Clotheslines and picture perfect Dropkicks.

Buzzard continued to fly around the ring, and the turning point in the contest came when Buzzard looked for a Flying Crossbody from the top rope. Brilliant White saw the youngster coming, and was able to dive out of the way – which unfortunately meant that referee Roy Worrall was caught with the full impact of the move!

With the referee down, for the first time since joining the NWF Ultra Violence was free to let his hardcore tendencies loose. Ultra Violence took the opportunity to grab his cane from ringside and delivered hard shots to both Leighton Buzzard and Grant Taypen. With referee Roy Worrall coming back around, Ultra Violence disposed of the evidence at ringside and made the cover on Grant Taypen. Roy Worrall made the count, and the cane shot proved enough for Ultra Violence to get the win and send his team into the finals!

As Roy Worrall raised State Of Mind’s hands in victory, a deeply frustrated Leighton Buzzard could be seen nursing his wounds in the back of shot.

Rating: 50


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We cut backstage to find Rachel Dearheart standing by with both members of Future X ahead of their title matches this Sunday at ‘Clash Of Champions’.

Rachel Dearheart: “I’m here with Petey Barnes and Eric Future, who both have huge title matches this Sunday at ‘Clash Of Champions’. First, Petey – how are you feeling ahead of your match this Sunday?”

Petey Barnes: “Last week Edison Silva disrespected me by calling me an old man, but it was the champion who was too slow to avoid the X-Press Superkick! This Sunday I’ll show him exactly why they call me ‘The X Factor’!”

Rachel Dearheart: “And Eric, you face JK Lee for the Cruiserweight Championship…”

Eric Future: “Look Rachel, JK Lee is a great competitor but I can promise you that on Sunday night the Future will arrive and both members of Future X will be double champions!”

Both members of Future X high fived, before JK Lee walked into shot and told Eric Future to pay attention to the next match as it would show him what to expect this Sunday!

Rating: 45



‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlile VS ‘The Bulldog’ JK Lee

JK Lee’s intensity was off the charts during this match, as the Cruiserweight champion swamped Cain Carlile and dominated the match on the ground. ‘Captain Crash’ was never able to take flight, and Lee was able to lock in his Crossface submission to secure an impressive win going into Sunday – a statement had certainly been sent to Eric Future!

Rating: 53


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The camera cut backstage to find Edison Silva with the title draped over his shoulder, stood alongside his legal advisor Mo Adebola.

Mo Adebola: “Petey Barnes may think he got one over on my client last week with his cheap shot, but that’s where his fun will end. On Sunday night, Edison Silva will be ready and prepared. My client is younger, faster, stronger, hungrier and more talented – and he is the only man on the NWF roster to really have ‘The X Factor’. Petey Barnes and his partner Eric Future have claimed to be ‘the future’ for the past twenty years, but it’s about time they realised that their time is never coming! The only future of British professional wrestling is my client - the NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva!”

Rating: 72



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Gazz Vedmore

Gazz Vedmore may need a little more seasoning before he is really ready to tussle with the likes of Landon Mallory, but the 23 year old put on an entertaining brawl with the South African here. While the young man from the Black Country never really looked like picking up the win, he was given ten minutes with ‘The Springbok’ and impressed. A ‘Springbok Ram’ secured the victory for the South African, extending his winning streak to seven.

Rating: 52



Following his victory, Landon Mallory grabbed a microphone from ringside to address the wrestlers in the back.

Landon Mallory: Yebo! That makes it seven wins in a row for ‘The Springbok’.”

The crowd cheered the South African.

Landon Mallory: “Last week Mo Adebola said I needed to beat quality opponents to impress the champion. Well I can only beat what the NWF booking committee put in front of me, but as I said last week I am not scared of anybody on this roster. With that in mind I’m sending an open challenge out to the back to face me this Sunday at ‘Clash Of Champions’!”

‘The Springbok’ didn’t have to wait long as almost instantly the theme of Leighton Buzzard played over the speakers. Buzzard had looked frustrated after coming up short in the Tag Team Semi Final match against State of Mind earlier in the night, but not wore a determined expression on his face.


Leighton Buzzard: “If you want a quality opponent Landon, then I’m your man! I pushed Edison Silva to his limits back in November, and I’ve been sat around waiting for my opportunity to step up since then. Well I’m not waiting around anymore! I was cheated out of my chance to compete at ‘Clash Of Champions’ earlier tonight, so this is me seizing my moment!”

Landon Mallory (smiling): “You got guts kid! But that won’t stop you from becoming victim number 8 for ‘The Springbok’! Yebo!

The two men shook hands, and Leighton Buzzard grinned clearly relishing the chance to step up and test himself against the South African.

Rating: 59



The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) VS Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Already qualified for the Tag Team Tournament final at ‘Clash of Champions’, this served as a tune up match for the new team of Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon. The Welshman didn’t have things all their own way in this match though. Both of their competitors were talented Judo competitors, and were able to keep The Celtic Dragons guessing with their swift throws and deft trips. However, eventually it was Welsh Dragon who was able to pick up the win for his team with a Dragon Kick (Spinning Thrust Kick from the tope rope).

Rating: 44



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The camera cut away to the Frisby Foundation for Fitness gym. Dwayne Dark could be seen in the background bench pressing, while Chuck Frisby and Stuart Wilson were talking animatedly in the foreground.

Chuck Frisby: “I think I’ve finally worked out where we’ve been going wrong these past few months… between Bret, opening the gym, the tee shirts – I lost sight of what was really important, you know?”

Stuart Wilson: “And what’s that boss.”

Chuck Frisby: “We need to get our message out there, to the people! Which is why we will be holding a community day right outside the arena before ‘Clash Of Champions’ this Sunday! People like Bret Heartbreak don’t need my help… have you seen the people who attend these shows? If we do half the business the burger van does on Sunday we’ll be rolling in it…”

Stuart Wilson laughed politely at Chuck’s joke, before the personal trainer turned and addressed the camera directly.

Chuck Frisby: “So make sure to join us from 5 o’clock this Sunday for the Frisby Foundation for Fitness community day! Because my name is Chuck Frisby, and I’m here to tackle England’s obesity crisis - one community day at a time!”

Rating: 56



Dangermouth w/ Leo Price VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton

This match was set up after ‘Big Mac’ threatened Leo Price last week on National Wrestling. Price’s protégé Dangermouth had stepped up to defend ‘The Lion’s’ honour. The personal nature of this match up meant it quickly descended into a Wild Brawl, with both men laying heavy shots into each other from the opening bell. Dangermouth did a good job in the early goings trading blows with the much larger ‘Big Mac’, but eventually the size and power advantage of the big Australian began to show.

Dangermouth never gave up throughout, continuing to throw wild rights until the final bell. However, just after the eight minute mark ‘Big Mac’ was able to hoist the young grime star onto his shoulder and dropped Dangermouth headfirst into the top turnbuckle (Snake Eyes), before bouncing off the far ropes and delivering a Spear! The big Australian made the cover, and referee Roy Worrall counted the three.

Rating: 51



As ‘Big Mac’ was announced the winner of the contest, Leo Price slid into the ring to check on his young protégé.


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Leo Price turned to find that the Northern Lights had appeared from the back, and with his protégé down and out – Leo Price found himself in a three-on-one situation.


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However, before The Network could begin their beatdown on ‘The Lion’, Darin Flynn’s music blared over the speakers and ‘The Prodigy’ and ‘The Foundation’ came sprinting down the ramp. Initially it looked like The Network had gained the upper hand as they delivered boots to the babyfaces as they slid into the ring, but Moore’s Sports Agency were quickly able to turn the tables and dump the Heels to the outside.

As The Network backpedaled up the ramp, Mark Moore grabbed a microphone from ringside and told Frank Finkleton that if his boys wanted a fight then Moore’s Sports Agency was happy to give them one! The sports agent challenged The Network to a three-on-three tag match this Sunday at ‘Clash Of Champions’!

Rating: 45


Jackie Goldstein: “What a huge announcement! Moore’s Sports Agency vs The Network in a three on three tag match!”

Melanie Florence: “The card is really filling up! Will we see the first double champion in NWF history crowned this Sunday? Eric Future challenges JK Lee for the Cruiserweight championship, and his partner Petey Barnes challenges Edison Silva for the British Heavyweight championship!”

Jackie Goldstein: “They’ll have to keep one eye over their shoulder though Melanie, as we find out who will win the British Tag Team tournament and earn a place in the Triple Threat Tag team title match at ‘Three Lions’! Will it be The Celtic Dragons or State of Mind?”

Melanie Florence: “And of course we saw Leighton Buzzard take the initiative and accept Landon Mallory’s open challenge earlier tonight. Can the youngster take his opportunity and upset ‘The Springbok’?”

Jackie Goldstein: “And on top of all of that it’s the Frisby Foundation for Fitness community day! Be sure to join us this Sunday for ‘Clash Of Champions’ – you won’t want to miss it!”

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On 1/16/2024 at 9:03 PM, KyTeran said:

Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

The British Bangers get their first win with their new name.

On 1/16/2024 at 10:25 PM, newbiezness said:

Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Come on, you can't be serious! The British Bangers face State Of Mind, probably my favorite tag team in NWF until you finally launched The Celtic Dragons, who'd be their opponents in the Final! 🤣 Anyway, I'm hyped with The British Bangers potentially signing for Moore's Sports Agency let's go!

On 1/17/2024 at 5:45 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

I'm afraid I will predict the same way lol


The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

A lot of people expecting The British Bangers to progress to the final. For some context I booked this in game around a month or so ago when everyone wanted State of Mind to get a bit of a push, so that was very fresh in my mind and influenced the result here. I still have big plans for The British Bangers - Leighton Buzzard in particular who I see as the 'star' of that pairing, so expect to see a lot more of them in the coming months!

On 1/16/2024 at 10:25 PM, newbiezness said:

😂 It felt a little bit like those WWE announced to debut that you have to wait for them for months. Seriously these are things that happen with rewards sometimes, don't worry. I'm glad you like the logo.

You were the first prediction prize winner, and that was when I was booked the furthest ahead. I'm now only a month or so ahead in-game versus the diary, so hopefully future prizes won't have to wait as long to see their choices debut!


As always, thank you to everyone who predicted, commented and reacted to the latest show! I'm quite happy with how the latest show went, as I was able to give promo time to some new workers (Future X and Leighton Buzzard in particular) and have two of my up and coming workers (Dangermouth and 'Big Mac') Main Event without seeing a drop in the show rating. I think that bodes really well for the future of the diary, and gives me some confidence to start looking outside my normal small circle of workers I trust to Main Event shows.

No perfect scores this show, with everyone picking The British Bangers to win the opening match - which really opens the contest up heading into Clash Of Champions, with a three way tie at the top and only one point seperating the top five. The participation has been great this round of predictions, and I really appreciate it!

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who voted for the diary in the Diary of The Month awards! Having the Chuck Frisby character win the showcase award and 'Locked and Loaded' win best show was really cool, so thank you!

(Also sorry the event logo isn't up to the standards of the last few. @John Lions is taking a well deserved break, and I do not have his creativity skills)


Prediction Results for NWF National Wrestling Episode 24

@smw88 4/5

@KyTeran 4/5

@azzak 4/5

@kanegan 4/5

@Marmo 4/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@newbiezness 3/5


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 18/20

@azzak 18/20

@KyTeran 18/20

@Wrestling Machine 17/20

@smw88 17/20

@kanegan 13/15

@Marmo 12/15



Predictions for NWF Clash Of Champions

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Eric Future vs JK Lee (C)

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

Tag Team Tournament Final: The Celtic Dragons vs State Of Mind (The winning team receives a title shot at Three Lions)

Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Petey Barnes vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus: How many Titles will change hands on the show?


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?






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 JK Lee (C)

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory

The Celtic Dragons 

 The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights) (50/50 on this one)

Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus: How many Titles will change hands on the show?


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. Silva defence

2. JK Lee defence

3. Mallory

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NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Eric Future vs JK Lee (C)

I could see Eric Future as a good champion but I don't think he will win it before dropping the Tag Team titles.

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

This Banger took a bad decision challenging Landon.

Tag Team Tournament Final: The Celtic Dragons vs State Of Mind (The winning team receives a title shot at Three Lions)

Yessssssss! It was great to see State Of Mind winning! I thought they had no chance against The British Banger in their debut but you pulled the trigger. This time I have to choose between my two favorite tag teams in NWF, but I'm going to pick what I think makes sense the most and I hope I won't fail.

Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights)

The most interesting match in my opinion.

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Petey Barnes vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

It is not even close.

Bonus: How many Titles will change hands on the show?


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. Eric Future vs JK Lee

2. Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

3. Petey Barnes vs Mo Adebola

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NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Eric Future vs JK Lee (C)

 I don't think that Lee is dropping his title so soon after he won it.

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

Leighton showed some fire on the last show with his promo accepting Landon's open challenge, but I don't think he is going to win.

Tag Team Tournament Final: The Celtic Dragons vs State Of Mind (The winning team receives a title shot at Three Lions)

Glad to see State of Mind getting the win and while it may be a risk, I am going for an upset against the dragons here.

Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights)

This is a tough choice, but I think that Moore's Sports Agency has more to gain with a win than The Network does.

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Petey Barnes vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

Sorry Petey I don't see you beating Silva while still the tag champion.


Bonus: How many Titles will change hands on the show? 0


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

2. Moore's Sports Agency vs The Network

3. Petey Barnes vs Edison Silva

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NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Eric Future vs JK Lee (C)

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

Tag Team Tournament Final: The Celtic Dragons vs State Of Mind (The winning team receives a title shot at Three Lions)

Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights) either clean or by DQ

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Petey Barnes vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

Bonus: How many Titles will change hands on the show? 0

Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. NWF British Heavyweight Championship

2. NWF Cruiserweight Championship

3. Moore's Sports Agency vs The Network

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NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Eric Future vs JK Lee (C)

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

Tag Team Tournament Final: The Celtic Dragons vs State Of Mind (The winning team receives a title shot at Three Lions)

Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Petey Barnes vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus: How many Titles will change hands on the show?


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

2. Petey Barnes vs Edison Silva

3. Moore's Sports Agency vs The Network

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NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Eric Future vs JK Lee (C)

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

Tag Team Tournament Final: The Celtic Dragons vs State Of Mind (The winning team receives a title shot at Three Lions)

Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Petey Barnes vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus: How many Titles will change hands on the show? 


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

2. NWF British Heavyweight Championship: 

3. Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights)

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NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Eric Future vs JK Lee (C)

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

Tag Team Tournament Final: The Celtic Dragons vs State Of Mind (The winning team receives a title shot at Three Lions)

Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Petey Barnes vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus: How many Titles will change hands on the show? 


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

2. NWF British Heavyweight Championship: 

3. Celtic Dragons vs State of Mind

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


Sunday W1 April 2021

Attendance: 1,026

Show Rating: 62


JackieGoldstein.jpg.fa88d29adfe54cb428830ac9bfe1c777.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.11a53172baf2165cd34aeab58c7eeb6d.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to ‘Clash Of Champions’! We have a huge night of wrestling ahead of us. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me tonight at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have two huge Champion vs Champion clashes tonight, with one half of the current British Tag Team Champions ‘The X Factor’ Petey Barnes challenging Edison Silva for the British Heavyweight Championship in tonights Main Event!”

Jackie Goldstein: “We’ll also find out the third team for the Triple threat British Tag Team title match at ‘Three Lions’, as The Celtic Dragons face State Of Mind. And let’s not forget the huge 3-on-3 between Moore’s Sport’s Agency and The Network!”

Melanie Florence: “But before all of that we have the first of our Champion vs Champion match up as the other half of Future X - Eric Future, challenges the Cruiserweight champion JK Lee!”




‘The Man Of Tomorrow’ Eric Future VS ‘The Bulldog’ JK Lee (C)

NWF Cruiserweight Championship

Despite being a tag team specialist thus far in the NWF (this was only his third singles match in the company), Eric Future has seen some good singles success in Europe as a three-time EWA Intercontinental Champion and as such posed a threat to JK Lee’s Cruiserweight title tonight.

‘The Man of Tomorrow’ started the match brightly, using his speed to stay out of the grips of JK Lee. However the tenacity of ‘The Bulldog’ was relentless, and a successful double leg takedown completely turned the momentum of the match. JK Lee is a submission machine and immediately began stretching and cranking various part of his opponents body to inflict maximum suffering. Future was able to force a couple of rope breaks for some brief separation, but it was never long before ‘The Bulldog’ was back on top of him. Future fought valiantly, but once Lee had the Crossface locked in there was no choice but to tap out.

Winner: JK Lee (C) – Title Defence #1

Rating: 56



We cut to an office which had been adopted for the evening by Moore’s Sports Agency. Mark Moore sat with his clients ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn and the pair Moore calls The Foundation of the British tag scene (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath). The group were discussing tactics for their upcoming 3-on-3 tag team match when there was a knock at the door.

Leo Price and Dangermouth entered the room, and Mark Moore immediately jumped up to shake the hand of the British wrestling legend. (Price not Dangermouth)


Leo Price: “Sit down, sit down. We just wanted to come and say thank you for helping out on Wednesday night. Things didn’t look to great for me until your boys showed up. So I appreciate it. The Network have been throwing their weight around for far too long, make sure give ‘em hell tonight!”

Rating: 50



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Leighton Buzzard

Answering Landon Mallory’s open challenge on Wednesday night, Leighton Buzzard promised to ‘seize his moment’ – and the youngster definitely did so tonight, as these two put on a match that Buzzard himself would describe as an absolute ‘Banger’!

A fired up Leighton Buzzard was able to catch Mallory off guard in the early stages, as the youngster used a hit and run approach to keep his opponent off balance and make the most of his natural speed advantage. Buzzard rocked Mallory with a Step-Up Enzuigiri, and dropped the South African with a picture perfect Dropkick. Buzzard scrambled to the top rope and went for his Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT), but Mallory was able to throw the Lightweight off and nullify the move.

The action went back and forth at a frantic pace, with Buzzard continuing his hit and run tactics and continually asking questions of ‘The Springbok’. The turning point of the match came when Buzzard went for a second Buzz Off, but this time Mallory was ready for him and caught the Lightweight out of the air – reversing the move into a Body Slam. Buzzard struggled back to his feet, but was immediately cut in half by a Springbok Ram (Gore). Mallory collapsed into the cover and Roy Worrall counted the three to hand the South African an eighth victory on the bounce, but Leighton Buzzard had made him work much harder for it than many had expected.

Winner: Landon Mallory

Rating: 62



Leighton Buzzard struggled back to his feet, looking incredibly disappointed at having come up short. Clearly still in pain from the Springbok Ram, Buzzard made to leave the ring before he was called back by Landon Mallory.


Landon Mallory: “Hey kid…. I just wanted to let you know, that was a ‘banger’! Yebo!

The South African offered a handshake to Buzzard, which the youngster gratefully accepted. Buzzard grinned and told ‘The Springbok’ he would get him next time, before the South African raised his opponents hand in a sign of respect.

The crowd cheered as Mallory’s music was replaced by Buzzards, and the youngster struggled to the back as ‘The Springbok’ celebrated with the crowd.

Rating: 50



We cut to a pre-recorded segment from earlier in the day. The camera followed Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves as they arrived outside the arena to find a crowd of people gathered under a big sign reading ‘Frisby Foundation for Fitness’ community day.

Holly Leves: “I thought we were done with this guy?”

Bret Heartbreak: “Come on, it will be fun! Plus I wanted to catch up with Stuart and Dwayne…”

Holly followed Bret into the crowd, but she did not look happy to be there.



At the centre of the crowd was Chuck Frisby, who looked to be making some sort of announcement.

Chuck Frisby: “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity – test your strength against an Olympian. Just a fiver to enter, and if you can outlift ‘The Celtic Hammer’ you get to keep all of the money! Do we have any takers?”

Punters rushed forward to enter the Overhead Press challenge, as Bret sidestepped the crowd in search of Dwayne Dark. Bret and Holly found the Muscular Middleweight a short distance away from the hubbub of the crowd, working out – as always.

Bret Heartbreak: “Hey Dwayne, how’s things?” Bret got a grunt back in reply, but didn’t let that deter him. “Look I’ve been talking to Holly, and I want to give this tag team thing another crack. Chuck and I didn’t quite click, but I thought maybe me and you…”

However, before Bret could finish his pitch, Stuart Wilson appeared from out of the crowd and the Olympic Bronze medalist seemed to find Bret’s request very amusing.

Stuart Wilson (chuckling): “So you’re taking Frisby’s cast offs now? This really is a new low for you Dwayne.”

Wilson walked off, leaving an awkward silence – which was filled by Chuck Frisby calling loudly for any final entrants for the Overhead Press challenge. A visibly angry Dwayne Dark pushed past Bret and Holly and told Chuck that he would be entering. Chuck initially looked confused, but upon seeing Dark brandishing a five pound note in his face happily took his clients money.


We cut to later in the afternoon, as we are down to our final three in the contest. Stuart Wilson, Dwayne Dark and the final member of the paying public. There was 90kg on the bar, which Wilson and Dark lifted with relative ease. Unfortunately for the final member of the public, his arms started shaking as soon as he unracked the bar and he had to admit defeat. He got a good round of applause from the assembled crowd, and Chuck Frisby stepped in to wrap things up… but he was stopped by Dwayne Dark, who reminded Chuck that he had paid his entry fee and that he and Wilson were going to resolve this one way or another.


We cut to much later in the evening, and the sun had gone down and the earlier crowd had fully dispersed. The only people left watching were Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves, who commented that this was stupid and walked off – leaving Bret alone. The bar now had 160kg loaded and Stuart Wilson was up first. The Olympian unracked the bar and, despite some visible shaking, was just about able to power the bar up and complete the lift. Dwayne Dark was next and, like Wilson, there was obvious shaking in his arms as he tried to force the bar up. Dark was able to get the bar to the top position, but his arms gave out before Chuck Frisby had counted to three to complete the lift. A relieved looking Stuart Wilson was awarded the win, as a furious looking Dwayne Dark stomped away. Bret Heartbreak made to follow Dark, before he realised that Holly Leves had left and scurried off to find her. Chuck didn’t give his client a second glance, as he and Wilson began to count the money they had made from the Community day…

Rating: 44



The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) VS State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Tag Team Tournament Final

State Of Mind made a spectacular appearance, appearing following a blinding flash of (brilliant) white light that filled the arena – Brilliant White in his Phantom of the Opera style mask and Ultra Violence with his cane slung lazily over his shoulder. The Celtic Dragons entrance was much less spectacular by comparison, but the compatriots looked focused on the job at hand.

Brilliant White continued the flashiness in the ring as he started the match for his team, throwing himself with reckless abandon from every part of the ring. This worked well in the early stages, keeping the much older Red Dragon off balance. Ultra Violence was tagged into the match and the pace immediately slowed, which suited the veteran Welshman much better – and a reversed Suplex attempt left both men down.

Both men crawled for their corners, and both men made the tag at the same time! Welsh Dragon hit the ring for the first time in the match, and immediately began to work through his lucha inspired moveset – Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags were all on show! Looking to reverse the momentum, Brilliant White headed to the top rope – but he was cut off by Welsh Dragon. The Welshman joined Brilliant White on the top rope in a precarious position. The young Welshman hopped up and looked for a top-rope Hurricanrana, but Brilliant White seemed to under rotate and land awkwardly on his Collar Bone. In a moment of quick thinking, Welsh Dragon made the cover and Roy Worrall counted the three. As the bell rang, medics could be seen entering the ring as The Celtic Dragons were declared the winners.

Winners: The Celtic Dragons

Rating: 43



We cut backstage to the locker room of the NWF British Heavyweight Champion – Edison Silva. The champion was busy taping up his fists, as his legal advisor Mo Adebola gave him a pep talk – reminding the MMA fighter just how good he was…


Adebola’s pep talk was interrupted as network executive Frank Finkleton joined the pair in the locker room. Finkleton shook both mens hands, before wishing Edison Silva luck in tonight’s Main Event.

Frank Finkleton: “It’s a big night for all of us. Edison’s got a chance at a fifth successful title defence, and The Network have the opportunity to knock Mark Moore and his Sports Agency down a peg or two – and take Darin Flynn out of the title picture for the forseeable future.”

Adebola and Silva both grinned, and thanked Finkleton for his groups help.

Frank Finkleton: “I just wanted to make sure that if things start looking a little dicey out there, your client will have my boys backs like they had his last month at ‘March Madness’…”

Mo Adebola: “Look Frank, we really appreciate the support The Network is giving us… but my client has a big Main Event match to prepare for. We’d love to help… we really would, but our hands are tied on this one.”

Adebola slowly led Finkleton to the door, and wished The Network luck in their upcoming match.

Frank Finkleton: “I see… I can’t pretend that I’m not disappointed. Good luck tonight champ…”

Finkleton stepped out of the room, and the moment he was gone Adebola launched right back into his pep talk without a second glance.

Rating: 51



Moore’s Sports Agency w/ Mark Moore VS The Network w/ Frank Finkleton

These two groups have been having issues for weeks, ever since network executive Frank Finkleton excluded the Moore’s Sports Agency newest signings Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath from the Tag Team tournament to decide one of the challengers for the Triple Threat tag team title match at ‘Three Lions’. The fact that Network members The Northern Lights were added to the title match without having to qualify through the tournament only served to rub salt in the wounds.

As often happens in multi-man matches referee Roy Worrall lost control of the contest early, with members from both teams brawling outside and inside the ring. Momentum went back and forth, but just as things were really starting to get going the match hit a turning point. Riddick Jordan was on the top rope and went for his spectacular Diving Headbutt, only for Darin Flynn to roll out of the way and avoid contact. Unfortunately for Riddick Jordan, he looked to land awkwardly and immediately reached for his shoulder. Medics made their way down to ringside, and Jordan was quickly helped to the back – turning it into a 3-on-2.

After the Jordan incident, the finish felt somewhat rushed with ‘Big Mac’ almost immediately hitting Jon Michael Sharp with a Spear on the outside. Martin Heath looked to get revenge for his tag team partner, with a Slingshot Senton over the top rope that staggered ‘Big Mac’. This left Flynn and Vicious alone in the ring. With Vicious distracted by what was happening at ringside, Flynn was able to lock in his Prodigal Pressure. Vicious struggled briefly, and seemed to glance back towards the locker room briefly before realising no help was coming and having no choice but to tap out.

Winners: Moore’s Sports Agency (Darin Flynn, Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath)

Rating: 56




‘The X Factor’ Petey Barnes VS Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

NWF British Heavyweight Championship

Petey Barnes may be a twenty year veteran, but in the early exchanges of this match you would have thought that Edison Silva (14 years Barnes’ junior) was the veteran. The champion looked incredibly assured in the ring, as he methodically controlled his opponent. As the match continued, that self-assurance slowly morphed into arrogance as Edison Silva began taking time to bad mouth fans in between beating down his opponent.

Inevitably the champions hubris would come back to bite him. Silva took too long following a Belly-to-Belly Suplex, allowing Barnes to recover – and ‘The X Factor’ immediately took the opportunity to up the pace of the match. Drop Toe Holds frustrated the champion, before Flying Forearms took Silva off his feet, and a DDT had Mo Adebola worried at ringside. The legal advisor desperately tried to warn his client as Petey Barnes stalked the champion, and nailed him with an X-Press Superkick! Barnes fell into the cover and the crowd counted along with the referee – 1… 2… NO! Silva kicked out just before the three, much to the relief of Mo Adebola at ringside.

The legal advisor hopped up onto the apron to distract referee Roy Worrall, which gave his client an opening to deliver a low blow to Petey Barnes as ‘The X Factor’ looked to press home his advantage. Having survived a big scare, Edison Silva focused up and took back control of the contest. Silva’s dangerous elbows came into play as the champion landed a sharp elbow to the temple of Barnes, which dropped the challenger. Not wasting a moment, Silva jumped on Barnes with a Grounded Knee Flurry to secure a hard fought fifth title defence in what was comfortably the best match in NWF history!

Winner: Edison Silva (C) – Title Defence #5

Rating: 67

Melanie Florence: “Edison Silva retains, but what a match!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Petey Barnes really pushed the champion to his limits! ‘The X Factor’ can be proud of his efforts tonight!”

Melanie Florence: “A great end to a great night, marred only by a couple of injury concerns.”

Jackie Goldstein: “Wrestling is a contact sport, and unfortunately sometimes injuries happen. We can only hope Riddick Jordan and Brilliant White make swift recoveries.”

Melanie Florence: “What does that mean for The Northern Lights title shot at ‘Three Lions’?”

Jackie Goldstein: “It’s too early to say, but I’m sure Frank Finkleton will have an update in time for National Wrestling on Wednesday night. Be sure to join us then!”

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The Celtic Dragons won the tag team tournament, great! I hope that finish doesn't mean Ultra Violence will be out of action for a while. State Of Mind's entrance is exactly how I envisioned them.

Too many disputes between the heels. Frisby's Foundation For Fitness is a mess right now, I still think a reshuffle is on the making as I said before, because I can't see you disbanding it. The Network and Edison Silva/Mo Adebola are hinting a problem and I believe the moment this relationship breaks down will be when Silva will lose the title.

Good times for the faces are coming as Moore's Sport Agency is having a prominent role and is clearly on the rise, while Landon Mallory is ticking every box to become the fan favorite.

Edited by newbiezness
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Injuries at Clash Of Champions

Reports out of the NWF suggest that both Brilliant White and Riddick Jordan sustained legitimate injuries at the companies latest PLE ‘Clash of Champions’. It has been reported that both men suffered Broken Collarbones, leading to some dirtsheets claiming that both men suffering the same injury suggested it was an inside job. Officials at the NWF have denied these reports, calling them “ridiculous” and “medically impossible”.


Backstage Heat on Welsh Dragon

Many dirtsheets are reporting that there is considerable backstage heat on Welsh Dragon (pictured) following a botched move at ‘Clash Of Champions’. It is reported that many wrestlers backstage blame the 23-year-old for the botch that broke Brilliant White’s collarbone, including Brilliant White himself. The former 21CW starlet is said to be annoyed at the reaction backstage, and there is now simmering tension between the two workers. It remains to be seen if management agree with this view, and if it will impact the Welshman’s standing with the company.


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18 hours ago, newbiezness said:

The Celtic Dragons won the tag team tournament, great! I hope that finish doesn't mean Ultra Violence will be out of action for a while. State Of Mind's entrance is exactly how I envisioned them.

Too many disputes between the heels. Frisby's Foundation For Fitness is a mess right now, I still think a reshuffle is on the making as I said before, because I can't see you disbanding it. The Network and Edison Silva/Mo Adebola are hinting a problem and I believe the moment this relationship breaks down will be when Silva will lose the title.

Good times for the faces are coming as Moore's Sport Agency is having a prominent role and is clearly on the rise, while Landon Mallory is ticking every box to become the fan favorite.

It was actually Brilliant White who picked up the injury. Both injuries actually have quite big impacts on my tag division plans for the next month. Obviously Northern Lights are #1 contenders, and I had a State Of Mind and British Bangers mini feud planned out after State Of Mind cheated to knock the Bangers out of the tag tournament. Glad you liked the entrance, I think it would look really cool irl!

The Heel groups have been on top since almost day one in the NWF. Babyfaces always take longer to build up, but I feel like both Moore's Sports Agency (particularly Darin Flynn) and Landon Mallory are both narratively ready to challenge at the top of the card - even if Mallory is a bit behind in game. 

Poor Chuck has had a tough month, and the discord between him and his clients can't be good for sign up numbers...

On 1/20/2024 at 2:29 PM, KyTeran said:

Tag Team Tournament Final: The Celtic Dragons vs State Of Mind (The winning team receives a title shot at Three Lions)

Glad to see State of Mind getting the win and while it may be a risk, I am going for an upset against the dragons here.

On 1/20/2024 at 1:39 PM, newbiezness said:

Tag Team Tournament Final: The Celtic Dragons vs State Of Mind (The winning team receives a title shot at Three Lions)

Yessssssss! It was great to see State Of Mind winning! I thought they had no chance against The British Banger in their debut but you pulled the trigger. This time I have to choose between my two favorite tag teams in NWF, but I'm going to pick what I think makes sense the most and I hope I won't fail.

As I mentioned above, the plan was to move State Of Mind into a mini-feud with the British Bangers after this match. However with Brilliant White's injury, I had to rethink. The most obvious next step for State Of Mind is now probably a feud with Welsh Dragon once Brilliant White returns.

On 1/20/2024 at 1:39 PM, newbiezness said:

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

This Banger took a bad decision challenging Landon.

On 1/20/2024 at 2:29 PM, KyTeran said:

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Leighton Buzzard

Leighton showed some fire on the last show with his promo accepting Landon's open challenge, but I don't think he is going to win.

While he didn't win, this match did raise Leighton Buzzard's stocks in my mind. It was comfortably a top 10 match in NWF history in a no-build midcard match without chemistry. I've toyed with the idea of pushing Buzzard before, and I had already started a mini push with the British Bangers - but this match solidifies for me that he's worth getting behind.

On 1/20/2024 at 2:29 PM, KyTeran said:

Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights)

This is a tough choice, but I think that Moore's Sports Agency has more to gain with a win than The Network does.

On 1/20/2024 at 1:39 PM, newbiezness said:

Moore's Sports Agency (Flynn & The Foundation) vs The Network ('Big Mac' & The Northern Lights)

The most interesting match in my opinion.

This was definitely the most interesting match on the card, as it was the most unpredictable. I felt that Moore's Sports Agency needed the win here to establish themselves as a top level group, and I think the match would have rated really well without Riddick Jordan's injury.

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Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to Clash Of Champions! I hope everyone enjoyed the show. In game it scored really well, and was our joint best show to date! 

Clash Of Champions also marked the end of the latest round of predictions. This was an incredibly close round of predictions, with a three way tie heading into the final round. Ultimately it was @newbiezness who won out, with a perfect scorecard. Keep an eye on your inbox, as a prize is heading your way! Thank you to everyone who predicted this round, and I hope to see you for the next contest heading into 'Three Lions'.


Prediction Results for Clash Of Champions

@newbiezness 5/5 + 1 bonus

@Wrestling Machine 5/5 + 1 bonus

@smw88 4/5 + 1 bonus

@KyTeran 4/5 + 1 bonus

@Marmo 4/5 + 1 bonus

@azzak 3/5 + 1 bonus

@kanegan 3/5 + 1 bonus


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 24/26

@KyTeran 23/26

@Wrestling Machine 23/26

@azzak 22/26

@smw88 22/26

@kanegan 17/21

@Marmo 17/21


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 25

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Cain Carlile vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Landon Mallory vs Bret Heartbreak

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Cain Carlile vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Landon Mallory vs Bret Heartbreak

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Cain Carlile vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Landon Mallory vs Bret Heartbreak

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Cain Carlile vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Landon Mallory vs Bret Heartbreak

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Ward & Owen = win for the other team.

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

The British Bangers get the win after getting upset by State of Mind.

Cain Carlile vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Cain is going to crash and burn against Nathan.

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

The Celtic Dragons are the #1 contenders, they are not losing to the Black Country Boys.

Landon Mallory vs Bret Heartbreak

Landon continues to win.

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Cain Carlile vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Landon Mallory vs Bret Heartbreak

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