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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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On 2/1/2024 at 4:10 AM, John Lions said:

So from where I last read, here's some of my thoughts off the top of my head:

The characterization has been great. You've done a great job with segments to make me care more about pretty much everybody. Chuck Frisby heading in the direction of sympathetic babyface is not what I expected, but I'm all for it. Having Stuart Wilson in a more comedy role to get him reps until you could turn it around and make him way more sinister as a bad guy now that he can hang with your top in-ring guys was a great choice.

Thanks @John Lions, really appreciate the feedback! Stuart Wilson was always a character I wanted to feature, and Chuck has been a great way to introduce characters throughout the diary. I've been looking forward to this part of Wilson's story, and hope you enjoy it as much as his stint in the Frisby Foundation for Fitness!

On 2/1/2024 at 4:10 AM, John Lions said:

All of your non-wrestlers are great, I think they add a ton to the show. The relationships with your cast of characters all feel very genuine and more nuanced, not just "every good guy is friends, every bad guy is friends" like WWE tends to be. Which makes sense, since you are marketing the product as TV first and it feels like a TV show with wrestling more than just a wrestling show.

My preference with TEW is booking TV first products, but I prefer to work with smaller rosters. I find booking big companies like USPW or even 21CW intimidating to start with. This concept allowed me to book a TV product, but start with a smaller roster and fill it out once I'm ready - which I think had really helped!

On 2/1/2024 at 4:10 AM, John Lions said:

Only blemishes so far have been the Dragons failing to really live up to their initial billing, and Nate Manchester refusing to take a pin to your big monster (which I think is more of a TEW problem than a Nate Manchester problem). All of your guys are starting to get the momentum and experience and they are starting to put on great matches.

Both Edison Silva and Welsh Dragon were two young guys with some 21CW undercard experience who went in two different directions. Both won the inaugural singles titles (which makes sense given their TV experience), but Edison Silva really stands out as a star. I was thinking he might be a transitional champion at first, but he's been putting in some great matches and Mo Adebola has helped in the promo/storyline department. I never would have called Mo/Silva/Landon pulling 70 rated segments a couple of months ago.

I really thought it was a no-brainer for Nate Manchester to be the guy to dethrone Silva, but with how Landon has been a complete star even with way less name value, it's hard not to want him to be the next champ.

The comparison between Edison Silva and Welsh Dragon is interesting. Like you say they were presented in a similar light, but Edison Silva has really kicked on. Adding Mo to Silva was probably the best move I made in the early stages of the diary. Silva on his own would be wrestling a lot more, and that would make him feel less 'special' as a champion. Obviously you can take that idea too far - see Roman Reigns - but I do think Heel champs should be saved to make their title matches feel like occasions.

Interestingly Nate Manchester was never going to be my guy. He's popular and decent enough in the ring, but nothing about his character called out to me. He was hired to be the initial top babyface until I could build someone up to take that spot. Initial contenders in my head were Landon Mallory, Dangermouth and Welsh Dragon. Then later when I signed Darin Flynn he became an option. But in terms of how the diary has built, it's clear Landon is the guy - it's a matter of when, not if.

On 1/31/2024 at 2:55 PM, newbiezness said:

I know but if I remember well there was a segment where Leighton Buzzard spoke to Mark Moore, asked for advice and even said that they'll try to impress him. Maybe it wasn't exactly that way, that's what I remember. But after reading this I guess that it's not even a possibility now.


I tend to agree with @John Lions comments more times than not, but I disagree in this one. To me Welsh Dragon has been an above average character in NWF so far. I think his biggest characteristic is in-ring and it is being a lucha style wrestler in UK, that adds something different to the company and has being well used to develop a vibrant cruiserweight division that wouldn't have been the same without him IMO.

With Bangers/Moore - I wouldn't say it's not a possibility, but it's not the direction I'm heading down right now. 

I like your view on Welsh Dragon, his luha style seperates him from the myriad of high flying babyface Lightweights I have in my tag division. I had hoped his Cruiserweight reign might propel him towards the top of the card, but he only gained 3 points of pop in his reign (by comparison, JK Lee has gained 10 points so far in his short reign). That combined with his botch that injured Brilliant White means I'd consider his start in the NWF to be slighty underwhelming.

13 hours ago, newbiezness said:

“Did you see Mr Finkleton, Bang! Bang! Two wins on the bounce!" great line, Leighton Buzzard is becoming one of my favorite characters.

Three Lions is getting hotter with that Triple Threat for the NWF British Heavyweight title and I really like that booking with Big Mac having a crucial role representing The Network. The tensions between Mo Adebola and Frank Finkleton are an interesting factor in that storyline. Landon Mallory vs Stuart Wilson was very good by the way. The Triple Threat for the Cruiserweight title is far less impressive as XS is in the match after getting pinned by Welsh Dragon in a 2vs2 match and Bali Daljit has been a jobber in NWF. The good thing is that at least other wrestlers get title opportunities.

@John Lions said recently that he didn't expect Chuck Frisby to turn face and I have doubts how that will play out because that's the most likely path if he is not already a face. But everything about that storyline has been great in my opinion so I'm confident in the end it will work. And as longs as I like Chuck Frisby as a heel yelling at the crowd and scamming people I have to admit that Stuart Wilson has benefited from their last segments.

Glad you're enjoying the Bangers! Leighton strikes me as an exciteable kid on too much sugar - high energy and unintentionally annoying (in an endearing way).

Glad you're looking forward to 'Three Lions'! I agree that the Cruiserweight match is slightly underwhelming in terms of star power, but I liked the story of two guys JK Lee had previously injured coming back together and presumably having the numbers advantage in the Triple Threat...

Don't worry about Chuck, I still have big plans for him! He is still Heel at this point in the diary, the internal struggle between the Frisby Foundation for Fitness is an internal Heel group struggle. While there is definitely a platform for a Face turn available, the trigger hasn't been pulled yet.

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6 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Woaah!! That McKenzie addiction to the main event makes it so hard for Mallory! 

The Network are certainly stacking the odds against him! We only have one show left before 'Three Lions', so it's the Networks last chance to 'soften him up' before the title match...


Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show! I hope you enjoyed the episode, there were a couple of big moments that moved storylines along, with the big one being Big Mac's addition to the Main Event at 'Three Lions'! Heading into the go home show, @newbiezness holds a slender lead in the prediction contest - but it's still anyones game!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 27

@newbiezness 4/4

@kanegan 4/4

@KyTeran 4/4

@Wrestling Machine 4/4

@John Lions 4/4

@smw88 2/4


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 14/14 + 1 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 14/14

@kanegan 14/14

@KyTeran 13/14

@smw88 12/14

@John Lions 9/9

@azzak 9/10


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 28

The Foundation w/ Mark Moore (Sharp & Heath) vs The British Bangers (Taypen & Buzzard)

Bali Daljit vs XS

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

High Society (Bret Heartbreak & Joey Beauchamp) vs Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates)

Landon Mallory vs Alton Vicious w/ Frank Finkleton

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The Foundation w/ Mark Moore (Sharp & Heath) vs The British Bangers (Taypen & Buzzard)

Bali Daljit vs XS

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

High Society (Bret Heartbreak & Joey Beauchamp) vs Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates)

Landon Mallory vs Alton Vicious w/ Frank Finkleton

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The Foundation w/ Mark Moore (Sharp & Heath) vs The British Bangers (Taypen & Buzzard)

While I like The British Bangers I feel like The Foundation and Mark Moore are taking the win here.

Bali Daljit vs XS

Could be a risk but I think JK Lee is going to try and take out his challengers in this match.

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

Sorry Cain looks like you are losing again.

High Society (Bret Heartbreak & Joey Beauchamp) vs Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates)

I feel like High Society needs this win more.

Landon Mallory vs Alton Vicious w/ Frank Finkleton

Landon shall remain undefeated until he gets his hands on Silva.

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The Foundation w/ Mark Moore (Sharp & Heath) vs The British Bangers (Taypen & Buzzard)

Bali Daljit vs XS

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

High Society (Bret Heartbreak & Joey Beauchamp) vs Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates)

Landon Mallory vs Alton Vicious w/ Frank Finkleton

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The Foundation w/ Mark Moore (Sharp & Heath) vs The British Bangers (Taypen & Buzzard)
Taypen and Buzzard have time to grow before they are ready for a PPV title shot.

Bali Daljit vs XS
Calling a draw because I'm not sure which way this match goes - my guess right now is Paddy and JK Lee run in and turn it into a no-contest, leading to a tag match next week?

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola
Man you really need 1 more jobber for this spot, feels like Cain has been getting pummeled

High Society (Bret Heartbreak & Joey Beauchamp) vs Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates)
I like the new team of indy vets - perfect guys to put over the vets with mostly European popularity

Landon Mallory vs Alton Vicious w/ Frank Finkleton
Landon keeps on rolling to his title match

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #28

Wednesday W1 May 2021

Show Rating: 66


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Your Announcers: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to National Wrestling! We are only four nights away from a huge night of wrestling at ‘Three Lions’! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, the entire NWF is still reeling from Frank Finkleton’s announcement last week that ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie has been added to the Main Event at ‘Three Lions’!”

Jackie Goldstein: “The Network have well and truly stacked the odds against Landon Mallory on Sunday Melanie, but if anyone can overcome those odds it’s ‘The Springbok’!”

Melanie Florence: “If he does, the roof will blow off the building on Sunday Jackie – these fans love him!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Our opening match was announced last week, as network executive got tired of The British Bangers and The Foundation arguing in his office. Both teams have been trying to impress Frank Finkleton all month, but which team will come out on top tonight?”



The Foundation w/ Mark Moore VS The British Bangers

Both of these teams had spent the last month pushing to be added to the Triple Threat Tag Team title match this Sunday, and last week network executive Frank Finkleton finally cracked and set this match up to give both teams a chance to ‘prove themselves’.

This was a fantastic open contest to open show, as the momentum swung back and forth and both teams Worked The Crowd. There were a number of near falls, working up to the finishing spot where Grant Taypen hit his Single Arm DDT on Jon Michael Sharp and made the cover. Taypen looked to have won the match for the Bangers, until Martin Heath came flying from the top rope off screen to hit his Flying Fist Drop breaking the count at two! Heath rolled Taypen over and made the cover to win the match and secure the spot at ‘Three Lions’ for The Foundation…

Winners: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath)

 Rating: 53


Before The Foundation and their sports agent Mark Moore could even begin to celebrate their victory, The Network’s music blared over the speakers and Frank Finkleton walked out from behind the curtain with microphone in hand.


Frank Finkleton: “I just wanted to come out and say congratulations to both teams. That was a fantastic match, and certainly proved to me that both teams deserve a shot at the NWF British Tag Team Titles!”

The crowd cheered the surprisingly positive announcement from Frank Finkleton.

Frank Finkleton: “But unfortunately those title shots won’t be happening this Sunday…”


The crowd booed as The Network’s music played again, and Alton Vicious and a fit again Riddick Jordan appeared from behind the curtain and joined the network executive at the top of the ramp.

Frank Finkleton: “You see I received news from our medical team not ten minutes ago that Riddick Jordan has been passed as fit to wrestle… which means that The Northern Lights can take their rightful place in the title match this Sunday at ‘Three Lions’!”

Both The Foundation and The British Bangers looked furious in the ring, as Jackie Goldstein fumed on commentary that Finkleton must have had this planned all along!

Rating: 44



Bali Daljit VS XS

This was both mens first singles match since returning from injury at the hands of JK Lee last week, and both seemed keen to prove they were worthy of the Cruiserweight title shot they had been handed. While the match was contested at breakneck speeds with a series of High Spots, there seemed to be a level of respect between the two wrestlers – possibly united in their suffering at the hands of JK Lee.

Bali Daljit looked to have the match won as he headed to the top rope for his spectacular Shooting Star Press. However, just before he could execute his spectacular finisher, the Indian was distracted by Cruiserweight champion JK Lee appearing from the back. Lee and Daljit argued briefly, before Daljit turned his attention back to the match. With XS still seemingly out cold Daljit went for his finisher. He flew gracefully through the air, but XS had been playing possum and rolled out of the way at the last moment. Daljit staggered back to his feet disorientated, and XS took advantage with a flash roll up to secure a surprise victory!

On commentary, Jackie Goldstein and Melanie Florence debated if XS had known about JK Lee’s interference. Florence argued it would have been hard for the Australian to know as he was out cold, but Goldstein pointed out that XS didn’t seem surprised to see the Cruiserweight champion as he motioned that he would be taking the title off JK Lee this Sunday!

Winner: XS

Rating: 41


We cut to a pre-recorded video from a courtroom, where Mo Adebola was wrapping up his closing argument on behalf of his client Stuart Wilson. Across the courtroom we could see a very nervous looking Chuck Frisby with his head in his hands.


Mo Adebola: “This is a clear violation of the contract. Mr Frisby himself admitted on that stand that Mr Wilson had fulfilled his side of the contract in line with the stated terms of ‘promoting the Frisby Foundation for Fitness brand on all social media channels and in a public capacity’. Given what we have heard your honour, we would request all outstanding payments are awarded in full plus a one-off compensation payment of £25,000…”

Chuck Frisby: “£25,000?!? I can’t afford that!”

Judge: “Mr Frisby! There will be order in my courtroom! Now… unless the prosecution has any more to add I have heard enough to take away for judgement.” Mo Adebola shook his head and grinned. “Then I will retire and consider my verdict. All parties will reconvene on Friday morning at 9 AM for sentencing.”

“All Rise”

Rating: 60



‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlile VS ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

A confident Stuart Wilson was all business tonight, looking calm and collected ahead of his court room judgement later this week. There was no more messing around Overhead Pressing his opponents - the Olympic Bronze medal was clinical in how he put away his opponent tonight. There was little Carlile could do to fight off the Muscular Heavyweight, and Wilson hit his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) to secure a routine victory.

Winner: Stuart Wilson

Rating: 48


Referee Roy Worrall raised Stuart Wilson’s hand in victory, and almost immediately the former Olympian’s music was replaced by the music of ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn.

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Wilson had jumped Flynn backstage last week on National Wrestling, and ‘The Prodigy’ was sporting a black eye from their exchange as he walked from the back accompanied by his Sports Agent Mark Moore.

Mark Moore: “Mo I am surprised by you… I thought you were a man of the law and, honestly, I thought you were smarter than this! Last week you set that thug on my star client and the hottest prospect in all of British Wrestling….”

Mo Adebola: “You should be careful what you’re implyng there Mark, you’re getting very close to libel…”

Mark Moore: “Well, then let’s not talk about what happened last week, let’s talk about what’s going to happen on Sunday – when ‘The Prodigy’ defeats ‘The Celtic Hammer’!”

Mo Adebola seemed to consider the offer for a moment, before looking his newest client up and down and laughing.

Mo Adebola: “You know what Mark, if your client is stupid enough to want a pick a fight with a 300lb Olympic Bronze Medalist… I say more power to him!”

Rating: 53



High Society (Bret Heartbreak & Joey Beauchamp) VS Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates)

Bret Heartbreak seemed hugely excited for this match, as he and Joey Beauchamp were joined at ringside by the rest of High Society (Byron, Dylan Drama & Holly Leves). Bret thoroughly enjoyed himself throughout what ended up being a glorified squash match for High Society, with Bret Heartbreak himself securing the victory with his Heart Attack (Top Rope Clothesline).

Winners: High Society (Bret Heartbreak & Joey Beauchamp)

Rating: 38




The moment the bell rang to mark High Society’s victory, Byron was in the ring with microphone in hand.

Byron: “That kind of performance is exactly what I wanted to see from you tonight Bret! You finally look like the son of a 10-time World Champion! And now it’s time for you to show the difference it makes to be a second generation wrestler born into this business, versus a nobody who should have stuck to rapping…”

Bret and Holly looked confused at Byron’s outburst, but before Bret could reply Dangermouth’s eponymous theme blasted over the speakers.


Dangermouth: “I guess you’re talking ‘bout me out old man?”

Byron: “Mr Moss, so good of you to join us. As a matter of fact I was talking about you, and this Sunday Bret is going to teach you a little something about respect…”

Dangermouth: “I already beat one daddy’s boy,” indicating at Dylan Drama. “So I see no problem dealing with another… but Byron, once I’m done dealing with yo’ boy… I gonna be coming for you!”

Rating: 51



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS ‘The Bad Man’ Alton Vicious w/ Frank Finkleton

Next up was our Main Event, and the final throw of the dice from The Network ahead of Landon Mallory’s title match this Sunday at ‘Three Lions’. Alton Vicious was selected as The Springbok’s opponent in the ring, but both of Landon Mallory’s opponents at ‘Three Lions’ were at ringside for this one.

Anyone wondering what impact Silva and Big Mac would have at ringside got their answer early, as Silva delivered a hard elbow to the temple behind the referee’s back following a rope break. This gave Alton Vicious the opening he needed, and The Bad Man took control of the contest. Vicious is an out and out brawler, and he pounded away on his opponent with heavy right hands and vicious knees.

Vicious looked to have the match under control, but The Bad Man got cocky. Forcing Mallory’s throat onto the bottom rope with his boot, Silva put his belt into Mallory’s face at ringside and told the South African this was as close as he would ever get to HIS title! Referee Roy Worrall forced the rope break at five, and Edison Silva looked to line up a shot with his title belt – but he was caught by the referee! While Edison Silva protested his innocence, and Mo Adebola argued with the referee, Alton Vicious took the opportunity to remove the far turnbuckle pad behind the referees back.

Landon Mallory crawled over the corner where the turnbuckle pad had been removed, still struggling to breathe from being choked on the bottom rope. Using the ropes to help himself back to his feet, Mallory looked a sitting duck, but at the last moment the South African was able to get out of the way of the onrushing Alton Vicious and send The Bad Man shoulder first into the exposed turnbuckle!

Vicious backed out of the corner holding his shoulder, and Mallory immediately took advantage with a Short Arm Clothesline. The crowd were back alive, and Mallory fed off their energy as he began his comeback. Heavy right hands rocked Vicious, before Mallory hoisted The Bad Man onto his right shoulder and delivered a Running Powerslam. Edison Silva couldn’t believe what he was seeing as Mallory delivered a thunderous Springbok Ram (Gore), and the crowd counted along as Roy Worrall counted the pinfall.

Winner: Landon Mallory

Rating: 69


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As soon as the bell rang to signify Landon Mallory’s victory, Edison Silva and ‘Big Mac’ were on top of ‘The Springbok’. Mallory tried valiantly to fight them off, but the numbers game was just too much for the South African.

Jackie Goldstein: “Is this a sneak peak of what’s in-store for ‘The Springbok’ this Sunday?

Melanie Florence: “The Network have got Mallory exactly where they want him Jackie!”

Silva continued to deliver boots to the head of Mallory, as he sent ‘Big Mac’ to the far corner to set up for his Spear. The big Australian headed to the far corner, which was where Edison Silva had dropped his NWF British Heavyweight championship belt when they slid into the ring. ‘Big Mac’ paused for a moment, before picking up the belt and staring at it.

Edison Silva turned around asking what was taking Big Mac so long, when he saw the Australian holding the belt. Abandoning Mallory, Silva marched across the ring and demanded HIS belt back from the Australian. There was a moment of tension, as Big Mac stared down at the belt for a few seconds before finally snapping out of it and handing the belt back to Silva. Having handed the belt back, the Australian immediately rolled out of the ring and headed to the back.

Mo Adebola demanded of Frank Finkleton at ringside where he thought his client was going, while Edison Silva called after the Australian – reminding Big Mac that this was HIS belt!

Silva smirked as Big Mac pushed through the curtain, before turning right into a Springbok Ram (Gore)! The argument between Silva and Big Mac had given Landon Mallory enough time to recover! Silva writhed in pain as The Springbok beat his chest and whipped the crowd into a frenzy.

Rating: 70


Jackie Goldstein: “Despite all of the obstacles put in front of him, despite all of The Networks planning, and despite being put through three weeks of Hell – it is Landon Mallory who walks into ‘Three Lions’ standing tall!”

Melanie Florence: “And don’t the crowd love him? You can feel a Groundswell of Support filling the building for The Springbok!”

Jackie Goldstein: “And have we just seen the first signs of cracks forming in The Network? Or can they pull themselves together ahead of Sunday’s Main Event?”

Melanie Florence: “It’s still a tall order for Landon Mallory to overcome both Edison Silva and ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie, but look around the crowd Jackie – these people believe!”

Jackie Goldstein: “We find out this Sunday at ‘Three Lions’! You don’t want to miss it!”

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On 2/4/2024 at 1:01 AM, John Lions said:

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola
Man you really need 1 more jobber for this spot, feels like Cain has been getting pummeled

This is a very fair observation. Looking at his matches, Cain lost 6 times over March and  April! He's very much turned into my fall guy for any Heel who needs a win, and probably needs a bit of time away to reset his momentum.


Thank you to everyone who predicted, commented and reacted to the latest show, it really is appreciated! We're now through the go-home show for 'Three Lions', and newbiezness holds onto a narrow lead heading into the PLE! Hope to see everyone back for the 'Three Lions' predictions.


Prediction Results for NWF National Wrestling Episode 28

@newbiezness 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@azzak 5/5

@KyTeran 4/5

@John Lions 4/5

@smw88 3/5


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 19/19 + 1 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 19/19

@KyTeran 17/19

@smw88 15/19

@kanegan 14/14

@azzak 14/15

@John Lions 13/14



Predictions for NWF Three Lions



NWF British Tag Team Titles: Future X (C) vs Celtic Dragons vs The Northern Lights

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

Dangermouth vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Bali Daljit vs XS vs JK Lee (C)

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus: How many titles will change hands at 'Three Lions'? (max of 3)

Bonus #2: What will the Main Event rate in game? (closest prediction gets a bonus point)

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The Northern Lights

Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

JK Lee (C)

 Landon Mallory 


Bonus: How many titles will change hands at 'Three Lions'? (max of 3) 2

Bonus #2: What will the Main Event rate in game? (closest prediction gets a bonus point) 73

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: Future X (C) vs Celtic Dragons vs The Northern Lights

I cant't see Celtic Dragons winning this one and it's a good opportunity for the title to change hands.

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

50/50 Maybe Stuart Wilson wins this one.

Dangermouth vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

50/50 Bret's recent form has been good.

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Bali Daljit vs XS vs JK Lee (C)


NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

It's a good chance for Landon Mallory to pin McKenzie and continue his feud with Silva with a new champion, but at the same time after a long time going after Silva I'm not sure you want Landon Mallory to win the title this way. Silva could get pinned if Big Mac turns against him though.

Bonus: How many titles will change hands at 'Three Lions'? (max of 3) 1

Bonus #2: What will the Main Event rate in game? (closest prediction gets a bonus point) 75

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: Future X (C) vs Celtic Dragons vs The Northern Lights

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola I think Wilson needs this W

Dangermouth vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves I expect an open match but eventually Dangermouth takes this, with some interference from High Society during/after the bout

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Bali Daljit vs XS vs JK Lee (C) I don't see these two competitors as valid champs tbh

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola I feel like Mallory title win will eventually come in a decisive single match. BigMac tensions with Silva could rise even more in the following weeks, so I expect Silva to retain


Bonus: How many titles will change hands at 'Three Lions'? 1 (max of 3)

Bonus #2: What will the Main Event rate in game? 72 (closest prediction gets a bonus point)

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: Future X (C) vs Celtic Dragons vs The Northern Lights

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

Dangermouth vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Bali Daljit vs XS vs JK Lee (C)

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus: How many titles will change hands at 'Three Lions'? (max of 3) I'm going to bet on 2

Bonus #2: What will the Main Event rate in game? (closest prediction gets a bonus point) McKenzie makes this so uncertain for me, but I'm going with 65

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: Future X (C) vs Celtic Dragons vs The Northern Lights

I feel like The Northern Lights have more stories to tell than Future X or Celtic Dragons considering their connection to The Network.

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

Darin and Moore I believe are taking the win, since I believe that Darin is higher up on the card and the lost can help fuel Stuart's vendetta against Frisby.

Dangermouth vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

Bret finally gets a big win, and I have to say his character has really improved and I can't wait to see how his involvement in High Society plays out.

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Bali Daljit vs XS vs JK Lee (C)

JK Lee retains, I don't think Bali or XS are in the right place to take the title off of Lee.

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

One I feel like this in Landon's big moment and Nathan can eat the pin for Silva and two this will create the rift between Frank and Mo which I think will create some great storylines for future shows.


Bonus: How many titles will change hands at 'Three Lions'? (max of 3) 2

Bonus #2: What will the Main Event rate in game? (closest prediction gets a bonus point) 73

Edited by KyTeran
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NWF British Tag Team Titles: Future X (C) vs Celtic Dragons vs The Northern Lights

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

Dangermouth vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Bali Daljit vs XS vs JK Lee (C)

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus: How many titles will change hands at 'Three Lions'? (max of 3) 2

Bonus #2: What will the Main Event rate in game? (closest prediction gets a bonus point) 69 (nice) 

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: Future X (C) vs Celtic Dragons vs The Northern Lights
Frank is making a play for The Network to take things over and undermine Mo. The Northern Lights winning, probably by not even pinning the champs, sets up a future big 2v2 match and gets some much-needed Ws for Frank and his boys.

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola
Tough call, because I don't really want to see Wilson lose here but I don't think he's over enough for Darin Flynn to LET him lose. Also, Stuart has a lot of negative karma built up for how he handled Chuck and Dwayne and I can see that coming back to bite him.

Dangermouth vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves
Tough one, but if Dangermouth loses to Bret then there wouldn't be much reason for High Society to keep harassing him, right? Shower thought is Bret may finally find his wrestling "soulmate" in Dangermouth, but his family pressure keeps him from aligning with him a-la Romeo and Juliet.

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Bali Daljit vs XS vs JK Lee (C)
I think you did as much as you could with this build, but neither of these guys are realistically "ready" for a big show match for a title IMO. 

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola
Landon winning the title should be a 1-1 match IMO. I think Big Mac and Silva get in each other's ways here, but Silva slips out with the win again.


Bonus: How many titles will change hands at 'Three Lions'? (max of 3) 1

Bonus #2: What will the Main Event rate in game? (closest prediction gets a bonus point) 68

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


Three Lions

Sunday W1 May 2021

Attendance: 1,019

Show Rating: 67


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to ‘Three Lions’. We have a huge night of wrestling in-store for you tonight, with three Triple Threat title matches heading your way! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, the match on everyone’s lips tonight is our blockbuster Main Event. Edison Silva defends his NWF British Heavyweight championship against fellow Network member ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie, and ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory!”

Jackie Goldstein: “The Network have done everything in their power to make The Springbok’s life hell over the past few weeks, but Landon Mallory defied the odds by ending National Wrestling standing tall on Wednesday night. Can the South African overcome the odds once again, and take the title off of Edison Silva tonight?”

Melanie Florence: “It’s a big night for Landon Mallory, and a big night for The Network. On Wednesday night we found out that Riddick Jordan had recovered from his broken collar bone in time for The Northern Lights to take their spot in the British Tag Team title match at the expense of The Foundation…”

Jackie Goldstein: “Mark Moore is said to be furious, and who can blame him? But there’s nothing he can do now, as that match kicks off our show!”




(C) Future X VS Celtic Dragons VS The Northern Lights

NWF British Tag Team Titles

The show kicked off with a chaotic contest that Worked The Crowd. Welsh Dragon dominated the early action with his lucha inspired moveset – Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags were all on show as the Welshman flew around the ring. Welsh Dragon was able to reverse a powerbomb attempt from Alton Vicious into a Hurricanrana that sent Vicious over the top rope to the floor outside. Looking to push home his advantage Welsh Dragon took flight with a Springboard Senton over the top rope… but Alton Vicious showed off his incredible power as he caught the Welshman out of mid-air and this time delivered his Powerbomb onto the arena floor!

The match descended into chaos after this spot as Red Dragon and Future X all went to the outside to brawl with Alton Vicious, which immediately drew Riddick Jordan into the action to try and even the odds. Referee Roy Worrall had completely lost control of the match as all five men went back and forth, until Red Dragon and Jon Michael Sharp found themselves alone in the ring.

Red Dragon was able to drop Sharp with a nice Suplex, and incredibly looked to have things wrapped up for his team despite Welsh Dragon being out of the match as he headed to the top rope for his Moonsault. Unfortunately for the veteran, Riddick Jordan jumped onto the apron behind him to deliver a heavy blow to the back of Red Dragon. The former 21CW World Champion was now exposed on the top rope as The Northern Lights set him up for their Lights Out (Doomsday Device) to secure their first reign as NWF British Tag Team Champions and a perfect start to the night for The Network!

Winners: The Northern Lights – New Champions!

Rating: 56



We cut to footage from the courtroom for the ruling of the Stuart Wilson vs Chuck Frisby hearing. Stuart Wilson had accused Chuck Frisby of not paying for his services as an ‘influencer’ for the Frisby Foundation for Fitness brand. The judge was now ready to deliver his verdict… and found in favour of Stuart Wilson!

Frisby’s head fell into his hands, as Wilson and Adebola shook hands. The judge ordered that Frisby repay all outstanding payments to Wilson in full, a one-off compensation payment of £10,000, and to pay Mr Wilson’s legal fees in full. While the compensation payment was some way below the £25,000 originally requested by Mo Adebola, Chuck Frisby could still be heard bemoaning that the ruling would “ruin him”.  

Rating: 49



‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

Stuart Wilson looked incredibly smug as he made his way down to the ring, and after hearing the ruling from his court case earlier in the week – who could blame him? Darin Flynn could do little to wipe the smugness off the face of the former Olympian in the early stages of this match as, despite Flynn’s exceptional technical skills, The Prodigy struggled to deal with the power of his Muscular Heavyweight opponent.

The smugness soon spread to Mo Adebola at ringside, as Wilson continued to hammer away at his opponent. The pair even had time to share a laugh, as Wilson mocked the request Chuck Frisby regularly made to his clients to Overhead Press their opponents during matches. Perhaps it was overconfidence, or perhaps it was to mock Chuck Frisby – whatever the reason, Stuart Wilson hoisted Darin Flynn over his head and began Overhead Pressing ‘The Prodigy’ for reps. The former Olympian got to four reps, when Flynn suddenly shifted his weight and dropped down behind ‘The Celtic Hammer’ to lock in his Prodigal Pressure from nowhere!

A panicked Wilson immediately began fighting against the hold - but despite the Scotsman’s immense power, Flynn’s technique was perfect and held the Olympic Bronze medalist firmly in place. With nowhere to go, Wilson had no choice to tap out and the Scotsman was clearly furious with himself as the bell rang.

Winner: ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn

Rating: 59



We cut backstage to find Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves preparing for Bret’s upcoming match with Dangermouth. Bret looked focused and ready, until Leo Price walked into shot.


Leo Price: “Where’s your dad and his crew? I thought they’d have your back tonight, seeing as they got you into this match in the first place…”

Bret Heartbreak: “They’d be here if they could… there’s just a new club opening tonight so…”

Leo Price (Chuckling): “And your dad gave Darius a tough time about prioritising wrestling…”

Leo Price paused as he gave Bret a probing stare.

Leo Price: “I saw your match with Landon a couple of weeks ago… you’ve got talent kid, and you’re wasting it hanging around with your dad and his groupies. You’re better than them Bret. I know it’s hard to hear, but just think about it okay?”

Holly Leves flashed a smile at Price as he left shot, as Bret Heartbreak looked deep in thought.

Rating: 51



Dangermouth VS Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

This was a short, but fast paced match that quickly descended into a Wild Brawl. This suited both men down to the ground – Dangermouth had been brought up on the streets, and Bret Heartbreak had shown in his match with Landon Mallory that he could brawl with the best of them.

The match was incredibly even, with both men landing a series of heavy shots – until a distraction came from an unexpected source...




Evan Alpass, of former 21CW fame, was sat in the front row, and had caught the attention of Holly Leves at ringside. Alpass is undeniably a good looking man, and Bret Heartbreak was understandably upset that the newcomer was chatting up his girlfriend.

Unfortunately for Bret, the momentary distraction was all Dangermouth needed as the grime star pulled Bret in for his Flatliner (Reverse STO). Holly Leves looked incredibly guilty as the bell rang and she realised what had happened.

Winner: Dangermouth

Rating: 39


A vignette played next, showing a beautiful full moon casting an ethereal glow across the ground below. Eerie music played as the camera panned across the sparse landscape before settling behind the dark silhouette of a large man stood in front of a fire. It was impossible to identify any distinguishing features, as the man stared stoically into the flames. As the eerie music reached a crescendo, the camera panned up over the shoulder of the dark silhouette so that only the moon remained in shot. A distant wolf cry echoed through the darkness as the camera faded to black.

Rating: 32




Bali Daljit VS XS VS JK Lee (C)

NWF Cruiserweight Championship

The early stages of this match went exactly the way many had expected, with the challengers teaming up to double team JK Lee and take out their frustrations at their recent injuries suffered at the hands of the champion. This alliance allowed Bali and XS to dominate JK Lee, but soon fell apart as XS tried to steal the title with a surprise roll up on Bali Daljit.

With the trust broken it was every man for himself, which allowed JK Lee to work his way back into the contest. The action went back and forth, with each man securing a near fall. The big moment in the match was an incredible spot when XS and JK Lee were fighting on the outside. Seeing an opportunity Bali Daljit headed to the top rope and hit a beautiful looking Shooting Star Press to take out both of his opponents on the outside.

As the first man up, Bali immediately rolled XS back into the ring and set the Australian in position for another Shooting Star Press. Heading back to the top rope, Daljit set himself again… only for JK Lee to hop onto the apron and shove Daljit from the top rope down to the floor! Daljit landed hard, allowing JK Lee to step into the ring and catch a recovering XS completely unawares and lock in his Crossface in the middle of the ring! The Australian struggled briefly, but with no help coming from Bali Daljit – who was still down at ringside, XS had no choice but to tap out.

 Winner: JK Lee (C) – Title Defence #2

Rating: 49



We cut to the office of Frank Finkleton, where there was a jovial atmosphere as The Northern Lights celebrated with their newly won British Tag Team titles. Finkleton and Big Mac looked deep in conversation, until there was a knock at the door.


The NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva walked into the room, joined by his legal advisor Mo Adebola - who was wearing what looked like a forced smile on his face.

Mo Adebola: “Edison and I just wanted to pop in and offer our congratulations to Alton and Riddick! I know things got a little fraught on Wednesday, but I think we can all agree that we are stronger together. Thanks to Frank’s quick thinking, we’ve got the numbers advantage tonight – so it’s time to show everybody that The Network is STRONG!”

Rating: 60




‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton VS Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

NWF British Heavyweight Championship

The question going into tonight’s Main Event was would Big Mac and Edison Silva be able to co-exist and work together against fan favourite Landon Mallory? There was a moment of tension at the start, as the three competitors squared off – which was broken when Big Mac took down Mallory with a clubbing forearm. From here, Big Mac and Silva worked together to beat down the South African.

With the initial energy sucked from the crowd, things looked bleak for Mallory as Big Mac and Silva continued to lay boots into the South African. A burst of energy saw ‘The Springbok’ spring out of the corner with forearms to both Big Mac and Silva. Hoisting Silva onto his shoulder, Mallory looked to deliver his Running Powerslam to the champion – but was immediately cut off by a huge Spear from Big Mac! The Australian went straight for the cover. 1… 2… but the count was interrupted as an irate Edison Silva pulled Big Mac off of Landon Mallory.

Silva demanded to know what Big Mac thought he was doing, as Mo Adebola and Frank Finkleton argued at ringside. The big Australian stood up and towered menacingly over the British Heavyweight Champion, but Silva didn’t back down an inch and went nose-to-nose (as best he could) with Big Mac. There was a moments pause, before a big shove from the Australian sent Silva flying across the ring. Silva initially looked shocked, before he composed himself, dusted himself off and smiled as he got back to his feet. Silva began circling the ring, as it became clear that the two former allies were preparing to come to blows…




When Stuart Wilson jumped Big Mac from behind! Mo Adebola’s newest client had appeared from nowhere, and Silva joined the Olympic Bronze medalist in delivering boots to the downed Big Mac – before Wilson dumped the Australian over the top rope.




However, as Wilson slid out of the ring to continue the beatdown – The Northern Lights came sprinting out from the back and the new British Tag Team champions chased Wilson back through the crowd and away from the ring.

With Big Mac out of the way, Silva sensed his chance and stalked the downed Landon Mallory before delivering his Knee Strike KO! The champion hooked the inside leg to make the cover – 1… 2… NO! Frank Finkleton had placed Landon Mallory’s foot on the bottom rope!

Mo Adebola couldn’t believe what he was seeing, and immediately got into the face of the network executive. Edison Silva stepped out onto the ring apron to join the argument, but Frank Finkleton didn’t back down an inch. The argument raged on, until a recovered Landon Mallory delivered a shoulder to Edison Silva from behind – sending the British Heavyweight champion crashing from the ring apron on top of the managers!

‘The Springbok’ beat his chest, whipping the crowd into a frenzy. A recovered Big Mac tried to jump Mallory from behind having reentered the far side of the ring, but the South African ducked under the Clothesline attempt, bounced off the far ropes and hit the Springbok Ram (Gore)! Mallory covered the Australian, and the crowd counted along as Roy Worrall made the count and we have a new champion!

Winner: ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory – New Champion!

Rating: 71




Landon Mallory collapsed in the middle of the ring – the South African had taken a real beating in the early part of the match. The entire building was rocking as Roy Worrall handed the title belt to Mallory, and ‘The Springbok’ raised it high into the air.

Mallory made his way to each turnbuckle, as he hoisted the title belt high in the air as he celebrated with the crowd. At ringside, the arguments between Mo Adebola and Frank Finkleton raged on as we went off the air.

Rating: 66


Jackie Goldstein: “He did it! ‘The Springbok’ overcame the odds and we have a new champion! And don’t these fans just love it!”

Melanie Florence: “What a night it’s been Jackie! The action, the drama – I’ve never seen anything like it!”

Jackie Goldstein: “We had high expectations going in, but boy did it deliver! Thank you for joining us and be sure to join us right here on WrestleWorld GB this Wednesday for all of the fallout from tonight’s show – you won’t want to miss it!”

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Yesssssssss! Landon did it! Great show. I think it's your higher show rating so far, isn't it? Congratulations if so.

I thought Landon wouldn't win it by pinning Big Mac instead of Silva, but Landon deserves the title that's for sure.

I like that The Northern Lights won the Tag Team titles in the same night because it made Three Lions very special.

An intriguing vignette and also Even Alpass appearing, then you have Chuck going bankrupt... many things going on in this event. I'm eager to see what's next after Three Lions.

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16 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Yesssssssss! Landon did it! Great show. I think it's your higher show rating so far, isn't it? Congratulations if so.

I thought Landon wouldn't win it by pinning Big Mac instead of Silva, but Landon deserves the title that's for sure.

I like that The Northern Lights won the Tag Team titles in the same night because it made Three Lions very special.

An intriguing vignette and also Even Alpass appearing, then you have Chuck going bankrupt... many things going on in this event. I'm eager to see what's next after Three Lions.

Thanks @newbiezness! Yes Three Lions was a new highest rated show for the diary (previous best was the go-home episode of National Wrestling which was a 66), and the Main Event was a new highest rated match and our first match rated over 70.

I'm really happy with how the event turned out. The episodes leading in were tests for Landon to make sure he could pull high rated matches away from Edison Silva. His match against Bret Heartbreak was the best match in company history at the time, and then he topped it in his match with Alton Vicious on the go home show. That told me he was ready, and it was time to pull the trigger at Three Lions.

I chose to have Landon pin Big Mac for reasons that will hopefully become clear soon. Pinning Silva for the title would certainly have been a bigger moment, but I felt that winning the title was enough of a moment - and it gives me more options down the road.

I wanted to keep The Network relevant, so moving the title to The Northern Lights hopefully helps do that - the cracks are definitely starting to show though! Now that the belts are off of Future X, I need to think about their presentation going forwards as I haven't really hit my stride with them yet.

It wasn't my intention to have Three Lions be a big launchpad for new storylines, but it kind of just ended up that way. There will be a bit of a roster shake up over the summer, and Three Lions just sat at the right time to introduce a few new workers simultaneously!

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Landon Mallory crowned as NWF British Heavyweight Champion at Three Lions

Last night saw the NWF’s latest Premium Live Event (PLE) ‘Three Lions’ take place. Feedback from the show has been awesome, with fans calling it the companies’ best show to date. There were numerous talking points coming out of the show, but none more so than fan favourite Landon Mallory defeating Edison Silva to claim the NWF British Heavyweight Championship for the first time.

A new top champion is always a big deal for a promotion, but this one had added significance. In becoming the NWF British Heavyweight Champion, the South African became the first non-British wrestler to claim a companies top title in the British Isles.

Affectionately known as ‘The Springbok’, Landon Mallory’s rise in the NWF has been meteoric. From arriving as a complete unknown to British wrestling fans only six months ago, Mallory has won over fans through his hard work and charisma. Over the past few weeks, fans attending live events have referred to a ‘Groundswell of Support’ for the South African, and all eyes will be on the NWF to see if they can convert the interest around their new champion into new viewers.



Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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6 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Great show Enigma, probably the one I like the most ;)

The cliffhanger of this is huge! with Landon Mallory finally winning the championship, Adebola vs Finkleton and all that this entails, Bret Heartbreak starting storyline with his dad, a broke Frisby. You're doing a great job 

Thanks @Wrestling Machine! I really appreciate the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed the show.

Agreed, there's a lot of jumping off points coming out of Three Lions. I hope I can do some of them justice!

On 2/6/2024 at 7:10 PM, John Lions said:

Dangermouth vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves
Tough one, but if Dangermouth loses to Bret then there wouldn't be much reason for High Society to keep harassing him, right? Shower thought is Bret may finally find his wrestling "soulmate" in Dangermouth, but his family pressure keeps him from aligning with him a-la Romeo and Juliet.

I just wanted to say I really love this idea! It's much better than what I've come up with haha.

On 2/6/2024 at 1:01 AM, KyTeran said:

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

One I feel like this in Landon's big moment and Nathan can eat the pin for Silva and two this will create the rift between Frank and Mo which I think will create some great storylines for future shows.

You pretty much called it! I understand why people wanted a one-on-one win for Landon's big moment, but I think this way gives more options going forwards.

On 2/5/2024 at 4:53 PM, newbiezness said:

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

It's a good chance for Landon Mallory to pin McKenzie and continue his feud with Silva with a new champion, but at the same time after a long time going after Silva I'm not sure you want Landon Mallory to win the title this way. Silva could get pinned if Big Mac turns against him though.

On 2/5/2024 at 5:57 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola I feel like Mallory title win will eventually come in a decisive single match. BigMac tensions with Silva could rise even more in the following weeks, so I expect Silva to retain

On 2/6/2024 at 7:10 PM, John Lions said:

NWF British Heavyweight Title: Landon Mallory vs Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola
Landon winning the title should be a 1-1 match IMO. I think Big Mac and Silva get in each other's ways here, but Silva slips out with the win again.

As I said above - I understand the sentiment of wanting a big one-on-one win, but hopefully over the next few shows you'll understand why I chose to do it the way I did.


Thank you do everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the show! Three Lions was the final round of our latest predictions contest, and it was kanegan who won this round with a perfect score! Congratulations kanegan, keep an eye on your inbox and I'll be in touch with details on your prize for winning. I hope to see everyone back for the next show!


Prediction Results for Three Lions

@kanegan 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@KyTeran 4/5 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5 + 1 Bonus

@John Lions 4/5

@smw88 3/5 + 1 Bonus

@azzak 3/5 + 1 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 3/5 + 1 Bonus

@newbiezness 2/5


Combined Prediction Results

@kanegan 19/19 + 1 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 17/19 + 1 Bonus

@KyTeran 17/19 + 1 Bonus

@newbiezness 16/19 + 1 Bonus

@smw88 15/19 + 1 Bonus

@John Lions 13/14

@azzak 12/15 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5 + 1 Bonus


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 29

Non Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Tournament Quarter Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Gavin Owen

Tournament Quarter Final: Cain Carlile vs Ultra Violence

Darin Flynn vs JK Lee


Note: The format of the tournament will be announced in the episode, I just wanted to provide some context for some otherwise strange looking match ups.

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