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AI Generated Cornellverse Content

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Color me impressed!  I just made this vintage All-Star Wrestling logo for an old school promotion in my database.  What surprised me most about this: the prompt I put in was only "Vintage ASW logo".  Nothing else, didn't even mention what the ASW stood for, and it came out with this.  Well, four similar versions of this.  I went with the one with correct spelling.

All-Star Wrestling.jpg

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RandyBumfhole.jpg.3667a8fa0aadbed68372befc03801845.jpgRandy Bumfhole_ager3.jpg














Edited by Shmoe II
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So I figured I would start posting some of the renders I’ve been doing for the CV 97, but also to share a bit of a story.

Like many on here, I’ve always appreciate the graphics community around TEW. Some new renders or logos or belts or whatever can really liven up a company, even if the “old” ones were just fine. I’ve been intrigued by the AI renders since they first started getting posted, and reached out to a few folks for some guidance. Between that and the prompts folks have posted on here, I managed to get things rolling.

With the continued work being done on the 2020 Cverse and almost everyone redone once, if not multiple times, I kinda wanted to do some of the Cverse legends at a younger age for Classic images. After Self started posting some his 1997 CV renders, I started poking around the mod again and looking at CGC led me to looking at the SWF. And while it was cool to have 97-specific renders for the likes of Sam Strong, Sam Keith, Tadiyuki Kikkawa and Rip Chord… what about the rest of the SWF roster? And what about a bunch of the Burning Hammer guys? So began an AI rendering adventure. I haven’t posted them to the thread up to this point because I feel like mine are a bit lacking. Its obviously not the AI’s ability but me being a bit lazy with prompts. I don’t end up with quite the diversity of appearance that I could. Hairstyles are sometimes a bit off for the time period. I tend to do zoomed-in cuts, which isn’t everyone’s preference.  And I like trying to do a bit of an age range but Bing doesn’t do it directly and sometimes they age sequence is imperfect, plus it makes it hard to do things like tattoos. But I still like how the updated 97CV looks, so…

Story time! One of the 97-specific characters I’ve always struggled with a bit is Dennis Butler, aka Mr. Supreme. I can understand the challenge he presents, and I get the character in a basic sense. But I’ve never connected to that character in the way that makes it easy to book them. Maybe it’s the brooding render that doesn't quite match my perception of the gimmick. So when I switched some SWF renders, I found one that was quite different but somehow felt like it fit better – stringy blond hair, American flag bandana, aviators. Reminded me of a prototypical party boy / frat boy from the late 90s who could be a Jackass cast member. Okay, that worked better. When I was doing some renders for the SWF, I did a few based on that render. And I randomly did a few in suits, thinking maybe he could have a "gone Corporate" story arc at some point… and one of them kicked off a bout of creativity. A default stable idea I tend to use in a lot of saves is a serious, suited heel group a la the original Syndicate. And nicely, in 1997 SWF, you can have Sam Keith as the leader and Tommy Cornell as a lackey. Figure its also a way to cycle through some young heel talent, give them a rub from Keith, and have them move on to bigger things. Butler is not someone I had considered for that group, for various reasons. But one of the suited renders Bing handed me looked a light bulb moment. Nothing special – same hair, arrogant look, sunglasses, and even bandana… but with a suit jacket open with no shirt underneath. Reminded me of the drunk party guy at the end of a wedding. Post-party drunkard wasn’t the moment of inspiration, though. It was realizing that Butler not fitting into the intended stable could BE the story. He gets recruited, joins, doesn’t really fit in (as visually represented by the rumpled render), gets turfed, feud ensues. Endless ways to do it – does he get jumped by his stable-mates and turns face? It is an amicable split that Butler still somehow ends up being bitter over, and going after them? It could be a quick throwaway feud that maybe gives Keith a one-PPV title challenger or it could be a drawn-out story where Butler feuds with each stable member, elevating him possibly even to world title level. Its not an original story idea but its also not a limiting one – I could do it in SWF 1997, CGC 1997, or in a default data save with USPW with Kirk Jameson joining Money’s Business stable. But that little bit of inspiration was just because the AI threw me a render with a certain something based on a small extra prompt. And it made me realize how much being able to add your own renders relatively easily can be a game-changer for a game like this. It can obviously also work in the reverse – you have an idea for a character already and want to create the render or alternate render. But this whole story is basically to encourage you jump in and try. Do a stable logo, or one for your custom company, or a child company. Its fun and if you feel like posting them, well, its always great to contribute to the TEW community!

On to the renders...

CornellVerse 1997

I have no intention of trying to re-render the entirety of the database. Self and others have already done some. I started out doing much of the SWF roster and some of the other bigger names. Not sure how many I'll post and whether I'll bother doing any of the "agers" or not. 

SWF 1997


SWF Supreme TV

image.jpeg.07e9f75e41eba6196be15227f1eaa79e.jpeg      image.jpeg.feb2317a5f72833088bbedcfd9a4fcb6.jpeg

SWF Uprising

image.jpeg.ba6eaadd6d90e4fe3a711507abaede54.jpeg    image.jpeg.a3d4e568b48f44d040feaaeb5924ce16.jpeg

Richard Eisen


Christian Faith


Sam Keith

image.jpeg.e7e2ba595d66e32e44dbb0c88e9f82bd.jpeg     image.jpeg.d118a7d45d59fad1d3e0a373eed7563f.jpeg

Dennis Butler


The Big Easy


Phillip Roberts


Black Hat Bailey


Perfect Storm

image.jpeg.45326415d322f6b5ae7d5e9808e5297a.jpeg     image.jpeg.79d7182fd9ec786b4e3dab8022167357.jpeg

Bubbles the Clown


Eden Layman


Alex Pierce


Rory McCallum






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Does anyone have better renders for the CWA title belts? I would like to have renders with the AI like the others wrestling companies. That would be awesome… like the SWF, USPW, and the TCW. The renders from CGC are done but it’s a closed promotion now 

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25 minutes ago, Madden2012 said:

Does anyone have better renders for the CWA title belts? I would like to have renders with the AI like the others wrestling companies. That would be awesome… like the SWF, USPW, and the TCW. The renders from CGC are done but it’s a closed promotion now 

These are not my creations, they where in the AI pack put together by @Scott Zodiac .






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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Madden2012 said:

These are the original renders from the game actually, I would like to have better images 😉

If you want AI style belts then what's stopping you typing what you want into an AI image generator? Why do you need someone to do that for you? And please refrain from being snidey about work that people have actually put some effort into when you can't even be arsed to type a sentence or two into a search engine.

Edited by Markw
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AI belts are difficult to render with free sites. They tend to only do 1:1 aspect ratio. The better ones come from @John Lions or @willr0ck and his thread. Most of the renders in the pack I collated are originals. I didn’t stress too much as you don’t see the title belts themselves too often. 
you probably should see the graphic for them in their respective title matches to be honest. 

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CV 1997 Batch 2

Sam Strong (+ retirement pic)

image.jpeg.daed3c0cb1b65eee2df4ee6da6d15c10.jpeg     image.jpeg.dd67265507c9dbeec21f5d116f3e75e8.jpeg

Rip Chord (+ retirement pic)

image.jpeg.51f94960ea2c799bf7f98f3b9f5ebcfd.jpeg     image.jpeg.8b681d403a4b7d26232bdd893983695d.jpeg

Yoshifusa Maeda


Tadiyuki Kikkawa


Louis Williams

image.jpeg.ee12d71323c704b585eacb57f69873c6.jpeg      image.jpeg.af04b5a3071ce6e6ba3af7d91caf9f29.jpeg



Master Kitozon Classic




Caras Colleccion




Dan Stone  Jr


Jeremy Stone


Duane Stone


Stunner Okazawaya


Miyuki Miharu


Black Serpent Cult (Cobra + Viper)

image.jpeg.2c7c82ed50c439d11799fab0a09c995e.jpeg     image.jpeg.6b9057cfe15321c29e7d030e5df498b6.jpeg

The Blazing Flames (Joey + Teddy)

image.jpeg.309ec491cabb0fb1f71ac715a964f7b7.jpeg     image.jpeg.8662b0308419310d8670fa01c75e1149.jpeg


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7 hours ago, Madden2012 said:

I’m sorry but I don’t know how it works… I’m too old 😅

I'm 47 and I use AI renders all the time ... how old are you, that you can't grasp the simple concept of "insert description of what you want in sentence form"?

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10 hours ago, Harts4Life said:

I'm 47 and I use AI renders all the time ... how old are you, that you can't grasp the simple concept of "insert description of what you want in sentence form"?

I’m old enough to not bully people 😉

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3 hours ago, Madden2012 said:

I’m old enough to not bully people 😉

But apparently not old enough to understand how entitled you sound. No one is bullying you. You came in here insulting other people's work and saying it wasn't good enough and you wanted better. If you want better, learn to do it and contribute to the community or just accept what work has been done. 

Word of advice, if you would like something made, don't insult someone else's hard work. No one wants to go through the effort of making graphics for someone who is ungrateful. 

AI titles are giant pain in the ass. 

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Let's get back on track, guys 🙂


LA Star 1


LA Star 2


Chuck Casey


Chaz Hayter



I couldn't get a Tully Casey that I was happy with, so I'll keep trying. 😅

Edited by Sisma
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