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CGC: Dawn of DeColt Country [CVerse 1997]

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On 6/2/2024 at 9:10 PM, SomeLazyMagic said:

Chandler & Maverick:

The Silver Studs - Maybe a bit too on the nose regarding their status as second-string babyfaces to the DeColts, but I think it fits their Hollywood & Fabulous personas.


On 6/2/2024 at 9:10 PM, SomeLazyMagic said:

Land Mass & Mammoth:

Monster Mash - This is more of a joke, but in game both of their starting gimmicks are labeled as "Monsters" so it can work.


On 6/2/2024 at 9:10 PM, SomeLazyMagic said:

Moore Moose

These are all good tag team names.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title Match: Black Sheep vs Condor vs Mario Heroic vs Nelson Blais vs Tempest Appleby
- Seems lately Blais has been the bane of the Bubbleweights.
Chance vs Alex DeColt
- It's Alex DeColt, lads.
Wolfgang Zimmerman vs Howling Dog
- Howling Dog has a story and a drive towards Rocky that needs some momentum.

I'm also pretty trash with tag team names (I usually just steal something from video games or movies), I concur with Moore Moose a huge amount however. Just look at the double-double O's in the middle there, so satisfying.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title Match: Black Sheep vs Condor vs Mario Heroic vs Nelson Blais vs Tempest Appleby
-Nelson has looked good, but Condor finally got one over on him. I think Blais gets it as long as he Anti-Air-Missles someone other than Condor.
Chance vs Alex DeColt
-Something something DeColt Country!
Wolfgang Zimmerman vs Howling Dog
-Dog gets the win to build to the face off with Rocky Psycho.

Tag Names:

Chandler & Maverick: Golden Boys (as the youth of Canadian Golden Combat)
Land Mass & Mammoth: not sure, but something prehistoric could work
Moore Moose: If not this, then Most Moose.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title Match: Black Sheep vs Condor vs Mario Heroic vs Nelson Blais vs Tempest Appleby
Chance vs Alex DeColt
Wolfgang Zimmerman vs Howling Dog

Chandler and Maverick team name: I'll second the Silver Studs name that could turn into something a little more later.

Land Mass and Mammoth: The Moosest of Men(Moore Moose works truthfully)

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I've just been catching up on this diary over the past few days. It's excellent. Just enough detail to get invested, but not too much to get overwhelmed. You also book this small roster so well, and it's so much fun. And it goes without saying that the graphics are some of the best this forum has ever seen.

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Jerome Turner "We're five days away from 'In the Company of Legends', a night honoring the career of Whipper Spencer Marks and inducting him into the CGC Hall of Legends, and we have our main event. Steve DeColt and Barry Bowen may be suspended after last week's issues, but they will fight at 'In the Company of Legends', with the CGC World Title on the line.  Speaking of titles, tonight we crown a new Bubbleweight Champion, but what happened to the first champion, Helen Wheels?"




Black Sheep! You're not making it to that ring tonight.

You've done somethin' to our Helen! We're gonna find you, and 
we're gonna squash you, until you tell us where she is.


Dan DaLay, Rash Reilly & Frankie Flame

Bob Casey, Jake Sloan & Canadian Dragon

Jerome Turner "This Friday at 'In the Company of Legends', the Students of Tradition take on Team George DeColt."

Following the Eric Tyler playbook, the Students are a well-oiled machine. Coordinated. Disciplined. Cheating constantly. Sloan manages to rally his troops, but only succeeds in enraging Dan DaLay, who clears house with Big Boots before making Dragon tap to the Tradition Lift (Double Chicken Wing).


Jerome Turner "Eric Tyler has whipped these youngsters into shape, but what will the rules be at 'In the Company of Legends'? Whipper Spencer Marks met with the coaches earlier tonight to discuss terms."


  • Two teams of four. 
  • One fighter from of each team starts the match.
  • Every two minutes, another fighter enters, alternating between the two teams. 
  • Having won the coin toss, Eric Tyler's Students of Tradition will have first entry, and Team George DeColt will have last entry.
  • Eliminations occur via pinfall, submission or disqualification. 
  • The match continues until all members of one team have been eliminated.




LAND MASS has found a trail of beer cans, going up the stairs. It's a lot of stairs and the big man is struggling. He finally gets to the top to find... More beer cans. More stairs. Land Mass struggles on. 



Jerome Turner "Howling Dog gets a chance to reclaim his tribe's magic tomahawk from Rocky Psycho at 'In the Company of Legends'."

Wolfgang tries to use overwhelming muscle, but Howling Dog is having none of it. Summoning the ferocity of his spirit animal, he goes on the warpath with tomahawk chops and a Sky High Spinebuster. Rocky Psycho snaps and tries to get involved, but accidentally collides with his own teammate and Dog hits the Star Blanket (Splash) for the pin!


You've made a grave mistake, Rocky Psycho. By taking that 
enchanted tomahawk, you didn't just anger me, you angered
 the whole tribe. And they will be at 'In the Company of
 Legends' to watch me put you down. 




MAMMOTH is following a trail of cigarette butts, when he finds a sign saying "Free Mammoth Food" with a massive pile of delicious pies underneath. Mammoth thinks. Should he continue his hunt, or enjoy a light snack? Snack. Mammoth lumbers towards the pies, only for the floor to give way and he falls into a big pit. 


BLACK SHEEP wanders into frame, looking down into the pit. He gives the Security Camera a thumbs up.


Jerome Turner "Last night CGC were in Grande Prairie, and here's some of what you missed."


A frustrated JON JETSON leaves his partner BOB CASEY to it. Moose Punch! MOORE MOOSE win!

What do we want?

Moore Moose!

When do we want it?

Moore Moose!



Steve DeColt, you crossed a line last week. You don't mess
 with another man's family. You don't mess with another 
man's daughter. Suspension is too good for you. You should
 be cast out. Banished! Your title stripped and given to someone
 more worthy. By some miracle, we might just get that at 'In the
 Company of Legends'. I can only assume it was my actions that 
convinced Whipper Spencer Marks to see reason. Barry Bowen 
will have his vengeance, and the CGC World Title will be ours.



Jerome Turner "Deja Vu all over again. Whoever climbs the cables and retrieves the belt will become the second ever Bubbleweight Champion, and this time there's no Helen Wheels to interfere."

Blais looks to keep the high flyers grounded, but Condor has him well scouted, keeping low with karate kicks and judo throws, opening up the skies for Tempest's twisting and the mysterious moves of Mario. Black Sheep stays out of the fray, checking the structural integrity of the cables, looking for any way to get out of climbing. 


LAND MASS (exhausted) and MAMMOTH (covered in pie) chase Sheep around the ring. Mammoth gets stuck trying to crawl under the ring, and Land Mass gets swarmed by the other Bubbleweights when he tries to get in. Blais tries to sneak up the cables while no one is looking, but Condor's been watching him like a hawk, and gives him a taste of his own medicine by shooting him out of the air!

Land Mass swats away Tempest and Mario and tries to crush Black Sheep with the Ten Ton Avalanche (Corner Avalanche), but he moves and Land Mass hits the corner so hard the pole breaks! The cables snap! The belt falls right into Black Sheep's arms!





A strange obstacle course has been set up backstage, with JACK DECOLT and JOHN McCLEAN glaring at each other from the starting blocks. 

Who is the nicest young man in CGC? It's time to find out. Three
 good deeds have been placed before these two do-gooders, but
 who is the do-goodest? It's the Gallant Gauntlet! On your marks!
 Get set! Go! 

Obstacle One; Help an Old Lady cross the street. Jack patiently lets Mildred go at her own pace, as he listens to her story about 1960's wrestling. Meanwhile, McClean tries to drag Ethel faster than her legs can take her, and ends up getting assaulted by a handbag. Jack finishes first.

Obstacle Two; Save a Cat from a tree! Jack tries to make friends with the cat and not spook it. Meanwhile, McClean scruffs his cat, who hisses and scratches him. Despite this, McClean finishes first. 

Obstacle Three; Feeding the homeless. McClean tries to go as fast as possible, ladling out tiny portions of soup, not caring how much he spills. He doesn't even look at the people in his line, he's too busy watching Jack's progress. Despite being behind, Jack carefully ladles out generous portions with a smile. 

Hey! Can I get some more?

Shut it, stinky. I'm trying to win here!

The Homeless Man pours his meager bowl of soup over McClean's head. McClean freaks out and tries to lunge at him, but slips on the soup he spilled and crashes to the floor, tipping the whole pot on top of him.

Jack keeps calm and keeps dishing out soup, even feeding the people in McClean's line.



/w Fate CHANCE VS ALEX DECOLT /w Eddie Chandler

Jerome Turner "The Soldiers of Fortune have been tasked with taking out the DeColts before Friday's big match."

Alex struts his stuff with feats of strength and punching, showing off some of the tricks of the trade his father taught him. Eddie keeps an eye on Fate at ringside, but the Soldier seems to be taking the night off, sitting with his feet up. Alex takes a Chance on a superplex, but it doesn't pay off and he's thrown down hard to the mat. Chance goes in for the kill, doing exactly what he's been paid to do... unlike Fate who is enjoying some stolen popcorn.


ERIC TYLER comes to ringside to yell at Fate, demanding he get involved. Fate ignores him, until Tyler knocks the popcorn out of his hands and throws a handful of cash at him, and Fate gets in his face. Naturally, this distracts Chance and gives Alex an opening. Powerful Punches! Pretty Powerslam! Smoooooth Driving Elbow! He takes a Chance on another Superplex... and this time is pays off! Eric Tyler tries to get involved, but Eddie Chandler stops him with a Fabulous Dropkick! Iron Claw! Chance taps!


Jerome Turner "It doesn't look like Eric Tyler will has his hired goons to count on this Friday. It's going to be Students vs Students! Who's the best teacher? Eric Tyler or George DeColt? We find out at 'In the Company of Legends'."


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Calgary, Alberta (621 in attendance)
Broadcast on Alberta On Air (3,573) and BCB (3,498). Combined Rating <0.01


  • Land Mass & Mammoth Promo   36
  • Land Mass Climbs   44
  • Howling Dog Promo   34
  • Mammoth Finds a Snack   46
  • Roger Rogers Promo   38
  • Gallant Gauntlet   55

Oops. I thought I'd posted this yesterday. I was wondering why I hadn't had any predictions yet. 

Not an ideal go home show. I didn't notice until now, but none of the main event major players (Tyler, George, Steve, Bowen) picked up a microphone to sell the big event. 

To clarify, Gang Warfare is going to be a less violent War-Games. One ring. No cage. Shorter periods. Elimination rules. I had originally penciled in a Discussion of Terms angle to have these rules worked out on screen, but they're not particularly dramatic, with no unexpected twist or referee. So I just didn't. 

I flip-flopped on the Bubbleweight belt quite a bit. Despite poor chemistry, Nelson Blais and Condor have done a really good job anchoring the division and it was tempting to give them the ball to run with. 


Next up is 'In the Company of Legends'...

CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock

... plus special guests and wonderful surprises to commemorate Whipper Spencer Marks entering the CGC Hall of Legends.

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CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock

... plus special guests and wonderful surprises to commemorate Whipper Spencer Marks entering the CGC Hall of Legends.

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CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock

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CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock

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CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock

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CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock

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CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock

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CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock

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Just read through this all and am really enjoying it. I love the little touches you've added with the promotions for local cards, frenchie's top fives, and whatnot.

CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
With how you've built the storyline I feel like Bowen winning makes the most sense as Steve may not be fully healed and too caught up in getting revenge to keep focused on winning the match.

Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Can't bet against the DeColt Boys here.

Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Could be a swerve, but I feel like it's time for Howling Dog to get his axe back.

Nelson Blais vs Condor
I like how you've portrayed Blais as the Dean Malenko of the Bubbleweight division, and while Condor is surprisingly over he just doesn't seem like the type of wrestler to get a push in your vision of CGC.

Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock
The Flock have gotten more of a push, but on the other hand Land Mass & Mammoth are very large.

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Next up is 'In the Company of Legends'...

CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Steve feels vulnerable right now with his injuries (both physical and to his ego), and Bowen feels like the right guy to dethrone him
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick
This is DeColt country!
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Howling Dog to reclaim his tribes Tomahawk
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Blais gets the win to push him towards a Bubbleweight title shot
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock
I can see shenanigans around Black Sheep's new title, with Sheep getting distracted and Lamb taking the fall.

... plus special guests and wonderful surprises to commemorate Whipper Spencer Marks entering the CGC Hall of Legends.

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CGC World Title: Barry Bowen vs Steve DeColt
Gang Warfare: Dan DaLay, John McClean, Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick 
Tomahawk on a Pole: Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Nelson Blais vs Condor
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock

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Posted (edited)



One day this Hall will be filled with fighters born and bred 
right here before your eyes in Canadian Golden Combat, but
 first we need to honour the men who made all of this possible. 
Men who set the stage. Whose storied careers inspired generations.
 Men who gave back. CGC was my dream, but I couldn't have 
done it without one man. My partner in the ring, and my partner
 in this crazy dream. This year the CGC Hall of Legends honours... 
Whipper Spencer Marks!

Lights! Music! Confetti! Dancing girls in golden dresses crack whips as a thoroughly embarrassed WHIPPER SPENCER MARKS is carried out on a red throne and placed up on the stage.


It's an honour to be recognised... but my career wasn't about pomp
 and ceremony. It was about wrestling. And that's what tonight
is going to be about too. Let's get to it. 

Jerome Turner "Condor seems to have figured out how Nelson Blais has been dominating CGC's high flyers."
Roger Rogers "Knowing is nice, but it's only half the battle. The other is execution. This match is to settle the score."

Arms Drags! Dropkicks! Running! Running! Running! Nelson grounds his opponent for a military grade beatdown until Condor fights back with karate kicks and judo throws. Blais waits for the high flying, but Condor keeps him guessing, teasing springboards and top rope shenanigans, trying to goad Blais into firing off his Anti-Air Missile (Dropkick) too early. It finally works, Blais falls for a very convincing bluff, missing the dropkick and landing hard. Condor follows up a moment later with Flight of the Condor (Top Rope Splash)... but it's a double bluff. Condor lands on raised knees and gets wrapped up in a small package for the 1... 2... 3!


Jerome Turner "Helen Wheels has gone missing, and it seems Black Sheep has something to do with it."
Roger Rogers "Helen Wheels is an innocent angel. The CGC Bubbleweight Title belongs to her, not this criminal thief Black Sheep."

Black Sheep lets his massive opponents chase him around until they get tired, before unpenning his partner for some mutton chops. Lamb can't quite get Land Mass up for a body slam, however, and gets squished and squashed and interrogated for answers. Where's Helen??? With his partner in trouble, Black Sheep offers to tell them everything he knows, but only if they let Lamb tag out. The heavyweights agree, but obviously Black Sheep is lying. Eye pokes! Foot stomps! Mammoth chases him in, around, and under the ring where he gets stuck! Land Mass misses the Ten Ton Avalanche (Corner Splash) and Battering Slam gives him a body slam! Black Sheep with the Sleeper!

"Count the Sheep!"

Battering Lamb runs the ropes back & forth as Land Mass is forced to count. 1... 2... 3... he's getting sleepy. 4... 5... 6... Mammoth's stuck... 7... 8... 9... No Helen to interfere. 10! Land Mass falls asleep. He crashes to the mat. It's over!





GEORGE DECOLT has brought WHIPPER SPENCER MARKS into the ring. 

What do you get the man who has done everything? How
about the gift of Legacy. Whipper, you've inspired wrestlers
all over the world, and I've scoured all of your old stomping
grounds in search of the perfect young wrestler who's
following in your footsteps. I've found him. Currently fighting
down in California, but from right here in Vancouver. He's 
so inspired by you he's even taken on your name. Presenting
Whippy... The Clown!


WHIPPY THE CLOWN cartwheels to the stage. He presents his hero with a bunch of flowers, but they squirt water on him. He reveals a trophy, but it's full of water. Nope! It's confetti. Ha ha. George DeColt is loving it. Spencer Marks is not, stepping in when the Clown prepares to whip an apple off of a child's head. 

Damn it, George. I told you I didn't want any of this hoopla.
 Dancing girls? A clown? Are you trying to make fun of me? Are
 you mad because I'm making your boy fight tonight? 

Suddenly, they're interrupted by the French National Anthem.


Well well well, if it isn't ze Calgary Wolverines. Long time no see.

Frenchie. What are you talking about? You work here.

Lies! How dare you lie in ze face of royalty. Do you not see who
has graced zis travesty of a ceremony with his presence? None
other zan ze Marquis du Montreal! Ze Viscount du Versaille! 
Ze Chevalier du Saguenay! Le royale... Jean-Pierre Baptiste!

JEAN-PIERRE BAPTISTE looks down his nose at the crowd.

For years you thought you had ze last laugh over us. You thought
 you had won ze war. Non. I have been biding my time. Waiting 
for you to let your guards down. Waiting for ze time to strike! For
 zere is no Canadian like French-Canadian... but who are ze most 
French-Canadian in CGC history?


Sacre bleu, Marcel! We do not have time for 'Frenchies Five'. We have 
to strike now, with the element of surprise! We will take over this
 Hall of Legends. By force!

You didn't take anyone by surprise. I knew you two were up to
 something the moment I smelled frogs legs and garlic. You want
 this Hall of Legends? You're going to have to take it. 

It's 1977 all over again as Jean-Pierre and Frenchie Marcel square up to the Calgary Wolverines. Whipper Spencer Marks takes off his jacket. George DeColt practically flexes out of his shirt. 

On second thought, these peasants in the audience do not
deserve the honour of seeing moi au combat. We will
leave this to the next generation. You have found a clown
for your champion. And for us? 

Ze enemy of our enemy is our friend... but what do you call
ze son of ze enemy of our enemy?

Jerome Turner "Crippler Ray Kingman was one of Marks' most frequent rivals. His son Barry looks to continue that legacy."
Roger Rogers "I swear, every time Frenchie Marcel hangs out with Jean-Pierre he reverts back to trying to destroy the Calgary Wolverines. I love it."

Kingman cuts through the nonsense and beats down the clown. Whippy tries to fight back with some of his hero's iconic moves, but he spins himself dizzy trying the Spinning Toehold, and his Hard Irish Whip is overpowered and reversed. Kingman goes in for the kill, but the Crippler Cloverleaf is countered by a fake flower squirting water in his eyes, and Whippy runs for his life using tumbling and clown antics. Cartwheels! Leaping! Head Scissors! Spinning Heel Kick! He finally hits a hard irish whip, but Jean-Pierre clips his ankles when he tries to follow up, and Kingman hits a Belly to Belly before locking in the Crippler Cloverleaf for the tap out.


The French celebrate, looking down their noses at the fans, but little do they know that Whipper Spencer Marks has gotten into the ring. He gives Frenchie one of his Hard Irish Whips into the turnbuckles, and Jean-Pierre powders with trademark cowardice. 

Barry Kingman advances on the Legend, but Whippy the Clown saves the day with a Hard Irish Whip of his own! The villains flee and Spencer Marks shakes the young clown's hand.



Many First Nation Tribesmen are in the front row, looking stern in anticipation of the next match. 

Jerome Turner "When Rocky Psycho stole the enchanted tomahawk he didn't just anger Howling Dog, he angered a whole tribe. They're here tonight to see justice done."
Roger Rogers "This is a blatant and disgusting intimidation tactic on the part of Howling Dog. Who are these people??? What business do they have here???"

All smiles and confidence, Rocky shows off elegant arm drags and fancy head scissors, all while mocking Dog and his Tribesmen in the front row. Howling Dog responds by going on the warpath with tomahawk chops. Rocky Psycho snaps and Dog is ready, ducking and dodging and using Rocky's anger against him... until Wolfgang grabs his leg and Rocky catches him with a Shotgun Dropkick. No elegance. Nothing fancy. Rocky unloads with punches, stomps and headbutts as Dog summons the resilience of his spirit animal to stay in the fight.

Suddenly, several of the Tribesmen jump the rail and perform a raindance around the ring. The magic tomahawk responds. First a drizzle. Then a downpour. Pouring rain fills the ring and Howling Dog is back on his feet, trading blows with his rival, fighting to climb the pole to retrieve the weapon. Sky High Spinebuster! Psycho Crusher! Double Clothesline takes both out! Wolfgang tries to interfere again...


... but VIGILANTE HAWK stops him and he and the Tribesmen drag him away. Psycho reaches for the tomahawk while the referee is distracted... 


... but one of the Tribesmen has stayed behind and gets to it first. Rocky begs for mercy...but the Tribesman hits Howling Dog with the axe handle before fleeing! The referee returns! Rocky covers. 1... 2... 3.


Jerome Turner "What in blazes? Who was that? I thought he was on Howling Dog's side?"
Roger Rogers "I told you those people couldn't be trusted."

Jerome Turner "Eric Tyler and George DeColt have very different views on the youth of today, but who's right? Let's find out."
Roger Rogers "Two fighters start. Another one enters every two minutes. The coaches will need to know their team inside and out to make sure they select the right man at the right time."

(0:00) Eric Tyler Selects... Frankie Flame
(0:00) George DeColt Selects... Eddie Chandler.

Frankie Flame tries every trick in the Eric Tyler playbook, but Eddie's learned some tricks of his own, strutting his stuff with a DeColt Thrust, a fabulous dropkick, and an Iron Claw! Magnifique!

(2:00) Eric Tyler Selects... Rash Reilly

Rash saves his classmate, and the pair use the skills they've learned as a tag team to overwhelm Eddie. Disciplined. Precise. Cheating like crazy. Eddie fights valiantly, but it's two against one. Foul Fall (Falling Reverse DDT)! Skid Mark (Sliding Double Knee Strike) 1... 2... 3! (Eddie Chandler eliminated at 3:40) Eric is thrilled as his Students await their next victim.

(4:00) George DeColt Selects... Alex DeColt

George DeColt has no choice but to call in the big gun. Alex struts his stuff with Powerful Punches and a Pretty Powerslam, but it's two-against-one and the numbers game catch up with him. Frankie holds Alex down as Rash climbs to the top rope, but Alex is too smart for that. He kicks Frankie away and hits a Delayed Superplex on Rash! 1... 2... but Frankie makes the save.

(6:00) Eric Tyler Selects... Dan DaLay

DaLay wants in and he won't take no for an answer. He makes a beeline for Alex, shoving his fellow Students out of the way, practically yanking Rash's arm out of its socket. Alex is ready for a fight, but DaLay is coming in fresh, and has classmates interfere whenever Alex turns the tables. Alex fights to survive against the assault. 

(8:00) George DeColt Selects... Johnny Maverick

Jack is eager, but George DeColt has another idea. He whispers something to Maverick and lets him loose. Rather than save Alex, he goes right for Rash Reilly's injured arm. Arm Bar! Rash screams for help, but DaLay has tunnel vision and Frankie doesn't make it in time. Rash Taps! (Rash Reilly eliminated at 8:27) Maverick quickly gets Frankie out of the way and he and Alex double team DaLay, finally doing some damage to the big man.

(10:00) Eric Tyler selects... John McClean

Faced with the combined might of Alex & Maverick, John McCLean immediately begs off, but it's all just a ploy to give his classmates time to recover. DaLay, McClean and Flame punish Alex and Maverick, but can't quite manage to put either of them away. Absolutely shattered at this point, Flame desperately wants a sit down, but Tyler screams at him to keep fighting.

(12:00) George DeColt Selects... Jack DeColt

Jack eagerly pounces in with suplexes and amatuer takedowns, running roughshod over McClean and Flame... but runs into a brick wall with Dan DaLay who levels him with a Big Boot. Maverick comes to his rescue, trying to choke the gigantic bully out, but gets drops with a Belly to Belly Piledriver! Flame steals the glory of the pin (Johnny Maverick eliminated at 13:11) but DaLay doesn't care. He only has eyes for Alex. The two bitter enemies throw hands. DaLay hits harder. Alex hits smarter. Neither notice what's going on behind them. McClean rolls up Alex! Jack rolls up DaLay! 1... 2... 3! (Alex DeColt & Dan DaLay eliminated at 14:52).

It's down to two, so McClean wants a good clean fight... Only that's a lie because Frankie Flame is still in and attacks from behind. He's utterly exhausted though, unable to follow commands, accidentally colliding with McClean and getting pinned with a backslide (Frankie Flame eliminated at 16:04). Jack assaults McClean with shoulder tackles, suplexes and a Can do attitude. Iron Claw! McClean tries to hit a low blow, but Jack blocks it and squeezes harder! McClean taps!





I'm thrilled for my team and I'm thrilled for them to do it live 
on GNS, bringing CGC to Saskatchewan screens for the first
 time. But why stop with just one night? I'm happy to
 announce that this partnership will continue and starting 
in July, Title Bout Wrestling will be moving to GNS. More
 people than ever will be able to watch CGC every... Wait. 
What is this?

A gigantic present is being wheeled out onto the stage. The present opens and out pops...


MELISSA MONROE! Spotlight! Music! She prepares to sing, but DeColt is having none of it. 

No. No. No. What the hell are you doing here, Melissa?

Why, to celebrate my dear old friend's special day, of course.
 Oh dear. Don't tell me I'm not invited. How embarrassing. But 
me and Spencer go way back, don't we. Remember California? 
Remember our reign of terror back in 1977? The sun. The sand. 
The things you could do with that whip. Remember?

I remember the chaos you brought the last time you were in 
CGC. What part of 'banished for all time' did you not understand?

Oh that silly thing? That was years ago, darling. Who can even 
remember what that was all for. I thought it would be water
 under the bridge by now. Especially as we're going to be 
working together again.

What's that supposed to mean?

You just announced it. GNS are getting into the wrestling game, 
so obviously they need someone to sit on your little Matchmaking
 Committee. Someone with experience. Someone who has intimate 
knowledge of all of the movers and shakers in CGC. And it just so 
happens that I recently ran into the Head of the Network at a 
fundraising gala. Let me tell you, when he heard about the fun the 
three of us used to have together he couldn't believe his luck. He 
insisted on making me the official wrestling liaison for GNS. So now,
when you get into bed with GNS, you get into bed with Melissa Monroe. 

Roger Rogers "The time for justice is now! Barry Bowen has been victimized and persecuted for too long, but thanks to my tireless efforts he now has his title shot."
Jerome Turner "I don't know if that last bit's true, but tensions are high. Security have surrounded each man to prevent either of them from jumping the gun before the bell rings."

The bell rings and Security run for cover as the fighters immediately launch themselves at each other, throwing hands with reckless abandon. Wild, hateful blows. No technique. Only rage. Bowen goes for the Champion's injured face, but Steve ducks and weaves and responds in kind, smashing the challenger's face into turnbuckles, the ring apron, and even gouging the eyes. He drags Bowen over to the ring steps, looking for payback, but Bowen switches tracks, trading punching for power, and hurling Steve over the announce desk.

The train finally leaves the station, and Bowen picks up steam with every forceful slam. Steve won't go down without a fight however, kicking out of a high backdrop and muscling free of a bear hug, but Bowen has gathered a lot of momentum! He eats Powerful Punches and keeps coming back for more! Luscious Lariat... but Bowen keeps coming!! Sexy Slam... but Bowen keeps coming!!! Steve locks in the Iron Claw, but Bowen's full of steam, charging him into the turnbuckles at terrifying speeds. Once. Twice. Bowen tries a third time, but can't see with Steve's hand over his face and crashes through the ropes and out to the floor.

Both men are hurt, but only one is a Runaway Train. Bowen charges... and Steve drop toe holds him face-first into the steel steps! Revenge! That stopped him! Showing no mercy, Steve follows up with a shoulder barge through the guard rails and into the crowd! 

Steve drags Bowen back into the ring and prepares to finish him off... with the Little Lisa Leaping Legdrop! 1- Bowen kicks out and he is furious! Uh oh. Steve seems to realise his mistake and goes for a Running Bulldog, but gets launched into the turnbuckles! Powerbomb! 1... 2... Steve kicks out but- Powerbomb! Bowen hoists him up for a third, but Steve locks on an Iron Claw while in the air. Bowen doesn't care. Powerboooooomb! 1... 2... 3!


Roger Rogers "New Champion! New Champion! I did it! Me and Barry Bowen did it!"
Jerome Turner "A huge victory. A new champion. The landscape of CGC just changed."



Edited by Self
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Friday Week 3 June 1997
Vancouver, British Columbia (4,575 in attendance)
0.02 rating (21,380 viewers on GNS)

  • Opening Ceremony   76
  • French Invasion   54
  • Whipper saves Whippy   54
  • Melissa Monroe Returns   79

Very happy with what. Cracking main event. Well received angles. I'm thrilled that the multi-man went as well as it did. A lot of green in that match. It could have gone very wrong. My original concept would have had Eric Tyler in there too, but narratively it was better to stick to the students. That came with a risk... but it was fine.

I've never liked 'In the Company of Legends' in my private games, but I think this concept has some legs. It was fun looking back through Whipper's career in the various mods and seeing who I could bring in to cameo. Sadly, Ray Kingman is signed to SWF, Preston Holt would have caused more backstage friction than a two-sentence cameo would be worth, and a lot of his active contemporaries would trigger owner goals. I think I put together some fun though. I wonder who will enter the Hall of Legends in 1998. My first instinct would be someone who isn't already on the Matchmaking Committee, to give a vastly different card. 

Quite a few new faces on the show, and originally I had several more. The first draft was a bit overkill, with new characters showing up 5 segments in a row. So I decided to trim things down to the bare essentials. 

I teased her a few weeks ago, but Melissa Monroe has actually been with the company since WrestleFestival. She was my backup plan in case Eric Tyler had further issues. A Headmistress to replace the Headmaster. However, those services haven't been required so it's time to give her something else. A trend setting woman's wrester in the 70's and 80's who was an early foil for George DeColt in the beginnings of CGC. Now she's back. It's TV executive form. 

Barry Kingman and Whippy the Clown were brought in purely for the Whipper connection. Barry being the son of his biggest rival, and Whippy because that's always been an element of his backstory. In canon, Whippy doesn't show up in CGC for several years, but we'll see if either of these guys impress. I went back & forth of the babyface/heel alignments here, and I'm still not convinced I made the right choice. Heel Whippy in the Bubbleweight division has more opponents. 

The debuting Tribesman is Tavare Loring, a veteran indy guy and tag team partner of the recently retired Vigilante Hawk. He's only in his late 30's, but so was Hawk, so if I'm going to use him I probably need to do it now before he hangs up his boots. 


Exciting times, but I'm taking a break. I've been falling behind in writing for a while now, and these past couple of weeks I've been cutting scenes at the last minute because I didn't get around to them. The show is worse because of it. So I'm going to take some time to just write, and when I get all caught up, I'll start posting again. I have most of the next month planned and the broad strokes of the next quarter roughly plotted out. I have lots of ideas. I just need to write.

In the meantime, if you were on the CGC Matchmaking Committee, who would you vote for to get the next title shots?

CGC World (Champion: Barry Bowen)
CGC Tag Team (Champions: Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick)
CGC Television (Champion: Dan DaLay)
CGC Bubbleweight (Champion: Black Sheep)

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13 hours ago, Self said:


Friday Week 3 June 1997
Vancouver, British Columbia (4,575 in attendance)
0.02 rating (21,380 viewers on GNS)

  • Opening Ceremony   76
  • French Invasion   54
  • Whipper saves Whippy   54
  • Melissa Monroe Returns   79

Very happy with what. Cracking main event. Well received angles. I'm thrilled that the multi-man went as well as it did. A lot of green in that match. It could have gone very wrong. My original concept would have had Eric Tyler in there too, but narratively it was better to stick to the students. That came with a risk... but it was fine.

I've never liked 'In the Company of Legends' in my private games, but I think this concept has some legs. It was fun looking back through Whipper's career in the various mods and seeing who I could bring in to cameo. Sadly, Ray Kingman is signed to SWF, Preston Holt would have caused more backstage friction than a two-sentence cameo would be worth, and a lot of his active contemporaries would trigger owner goals. I think I put together some fun though. I wonder who will enter the Hall of Legends in 1998. My first instinct would be someone who isn't already on the Matchmaking Committee, to give a vastly different card. 

Quite a few new faces on the show, and originally I had several more. The first draft was a bit overkill, with new characters showing up 5 segments in a row. So I decided to trim things down to the bare essentials. 

I teased her a few weeks ago, but Melissa Monroe has actually been with the company since WrestleFestival. She was my backup plan in case Eric Tyler had further issues. A Headmistress to replace the Headmaster. However, those services haven't been required so it's time to give her something else. A trend setting woman's wrester in the 70's and 80's who was an early foil for George DeColt in the beginnings of CGC. Now she's back. It's TV executive form. 

Barry Kingman and Whippy the Clown were brought in purely for the Whipper connection. Barry being the son of his biggest rival, and Whippy because that's always been an element of his backstory. In canon, Whippy doesn't show up in CGC for several years, but we'll see if either of these guys impress. I went back & forth of the babyface/heel alignments here, and I'm still not convinced I made the right choice. Heel Whippy in the Bubbleweight division has more opponents. 

The debuting Tribesman is Tavare Loring, a veteran indy guy and tag team partner of the recently retired Vigilante Hawk. He's only in his late 30's, but so was Hawk, so if I'm going to use him I probably need to do it now before he hangs up his boots. 


Exciting times, but I'm taking a break. I've been falling behind in writing for a while now, and these past couple of weeks I've been cutting scenes at the last minute because I didn't get around to them. The show is worse because of it. So I'm going to take some time to just write, and when I get all caught up, I'll start posting again. I have most of the next month planned and the broad strokes of the next quarter roughly plotted out. I have lots of ideas. I just need to write.

In the meantime, if you were on the CGC Matchmaking Committee, who would you vote for to get the next title shots?

CGC World (Champion: Barry Bowen)
CGC Tag Team (Champions: Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick)
CGC Television (Champion: Dan DaLay)
CGC Bubbleweight (Champion: Black Sheep)

So are the French guys gonna be a regular team to help put younger guys over or are they just for this show? Do you think you can post some biographies of new signings or debuts so we know who they are? Cause some of use don't or can't play tew and the wiki is limited so it would be nice to know some prior history.

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