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Angelo Parker & Matt Menard beat Iron Savages in 6:47 when Menard submitted Boulder with the Boston Crab. 50

Saturday, week 2, February 2024
L. P. Frans Stadium, Hickory, North Carolina (4,000 capacity)
Announcers: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone

FTR start Collision in the ring with Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli of Blackpool Combat Club. Dax Harwood say they are man enough to admit the Blackpool Combat Club got the better of them in their trios match on Collision last week... but that was trios and it will be different at Revolution in a tag team match. Jon Moxley is unusually calm and concise, simply saying "we'll see" before the drops the mic and leaves with Claudio Castagnoli. 55

MalakaiBlack16.jpg.8d5d57679622505a35c00624b57698ec.jpg v JayLethal.jpg.9d9c5b9db77b7fcdb6f0c80dcefebebe.jpg
The Spooky Club (Malakai Black (with Julia Hart)) v TV Network (Jay Lethal)

A decent match and one that ebbed and flowed back and forth. Both men scored near falls over the other before the action spilled out to ringside. There the two got into trading hard blows at the bottom of the ramp and both men either ignored or couldn't hear Rick Knox's count... as he reached ten and the match ended up in a double count out in 13:12. One point for both teams. 50

Backstage and Lexy Nair is interviewing the Don Callis Family. Don Callis is complaining that Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara are creating an unsafe working environment for his Family and they should be barred from the building and pretty much on cue, Jericho and Guevara arrive on scene and attack Callis' Family again, this time with steel chairs, causing Callis to run away and his Family to beat a retreat. 47

BishopKaun2.jpg.4b3fcb4a6dc706eaaaa1b03fb3e5aeda.jpg v Fenix7.jpg.36d49df43332da4904dc680e4a61ff3d.jpg
Bishop Kaun (with Prince Nana) v Rey Fénix (with Alex Abrahantes)
Fénix was very impressive in this match and always looked like the likely winner pretty much from the opening bell. Sure enough, he advanced to Round Two in 8:57 by pinfall with a Meteora. 69 - match of the night
Fénix was far superior to Kaun 80-42

Jim Ross conducts a sit down interview with Bryan Danielson and Jay White. JR asks White how he feels against their match at Revolution. White says it has long been a dream of his to fight Danielson and he can't wait... and he can't wait to win in reality just like his dream. Danielson retorts by saying White will have a reality check... and he is living in dream land if he thinks he can win. 67

ToniStormTimeless.jpg.741450b991dbf732e54c5d34c6a39025.jpg v AnnaJay.jpg.cbb793e10efcb22cad59d8cafa03d5d2.jpg
Timeless Ensemble ('Timeless' Toni Storm (champion, with Luther)) v Team WooItsNathan (Anna Jay)

A bit lack lustre in the ring even though the crowd gave a decent reaction. Storm had most of the match and duly made her third successful title defence in 11:10 by pinfall with a Strong Zero. 47
Storm out performed Jay 53-37

Alex Marvez is backstage with Team Swerve who are minus Nick Nemeth who is again away with NJPW. Swerve Strickland says his team have started well with four wins and two defeats, though Mercedes Moné says as CEO she expects better... something Samoa Joe agrees with, saying champions do not accept any defeat. 60

Miro(4).jpg.0e1da046ef6df72f43b2d5bd33f4d81c.jpg v JeffJarrett.jpg.f0cf51115169ad00a7d244ff751ac006.jpg
Miro v Jeff Jarrett (with Sonjay Dutt)
Miro largely brutalised the veteran Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett tried to utilise all his cunning and experience to outwith the brute from Bulgaria... but Miro has brains as well as brawn and he despatched Jarrett in 10:30 by submission with a Game Over. 56
Miro out performed Jarrett 58-42
Jarrett benefitted from being in amazing form.

Post match, Tony Schiavone joins Miro in the ring. Schiavone congratulates Miro on a big win, and Miro says yes and he wants more. 50

Athena2.jpg.42645e33060242c03cdc3ae001e3b04e.jpg v JamieHayter.jpg.dd30655b7ad37ef92ed4e6c0383a2d2b.jpg
The Golden Lion Club (Athena) v Black Lotus (Jamie Hayter)

A very even match that could have gone either way. In the end, Hayter continued her perfect record since her return to action and indeed ended The Golden Lion Club's perfect record, the last team to record a defeat from the start of the season. Hayters win came in 8:38 by pinfall wth a Curb Stomp. 62
Athena benefitted from being in amazing form.
Hayter benefitted from public support.

The House of Black are seen slowly emerging from the darkness with Malakai Black front and centre. Black says they have been a House on fire recently and he says they will continue to burn their foes. 49

JayWhite12.jpg.f2badad2c39924f3b0129820391c6775.jpgKillswitch(1).jpg.7f42becb61e9df3f0e6252dffeb1042d.jpgWardlow4.jpg.ee70721c65f7457309467a45aeca814b.jpg v BryanDanielson15.jpg.1ef92ba065cefd5e3b2c45371809e261.jpgJonMoxley.jpg.91d394021dbacd5d745be68763de3546.jpgEddieKingston.jpg.6bf6f37366b5e89cb7a26251a604c2dc.jpg
The Peak of Perfection (Jay White, Killswitch & Wardlow v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Bryan Danielson, Jox Moxley & Eddie Kingston)

A good match that saw a really conflicted Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society team. Danielson had no issues teaming with Moxley, however he and Kingston didn't want to be in the ring together and it showed, their team work was non existant.
This also led to the finish when Kingston was going for a Huracan on White after Danielson had tagged himself in. White however ducked and Kingston nailed Danielson with it instead. White then followed it up with a Blade Runner to allow him to pin Danielson in 14:12 68
Bryan Danielson really stood out, out performing every one else (84, next best Moxley 72)
White benefitted from being flavour of the month.

Renee Paquette is backstage with MJF which draws a big reaction from the fans. Paquette asks MJF how he feels ahead of his much anticipated return to the ring next week. MJF says he can't wait to get back in the ring, to put on a show people won't forget and to get back on the road to winning the AEW World Championship. 71

AdamCopeland.jpg.4411c08e9ff4a6538ecb2fe0ae1c3c68.jpgDanielGarcia.jpg.04d79c43257e69a2d17c95e5e3bd0a87.jpg  v    Christian4.jpg.022e0f40462982370096840f228e243d.jpgNickWayne.jpg.8662b909c32fce621f61020bb4e1ff51.jpg
Adam Copeland & Daniel Garcia v Christian Cage (TNT champion) & Nick Wayne
If Copeland & Garcia win then they both challenge for the TNT Championship at Revolution.
If Cage & Wayne win the Copeland and Garcia cannot challenge for the TNT Championship for as long as Cage is champion.

A decent match, one where the veterans put in better performances than the youngest though that is probably expected. Both teams battled hard to win this important match and it was Garcia who earned the win for his team in 16:02 when he submitted Wayne to a Dragon Slayer. 64
Cage benefitted from being in amazing form.

Show rating: 65
Attendance: 3,868
TV rating: 0.97 (731,141 viewers and 1,037,607 overall)


Adam Copeland & Daniel Garcia beat Christian Cage & Nick Wayne
Jay White, Killswitch & Wardlow beat Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston (league match)
Jamie Hayter beat Athena (league match)
Miro beat Jeff Jarrett
Toni Storm beat Anna Jay to retain the Women's World Championship (league match)
Rey Fénix beat Bishop Kaun in Owen Hart Foundation Tournament First Round
Malakai Black and Jay Lethal went to a double count out (league match)

Malakai Black.jpg

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Sunday, week 1, March 2024
Current card

AEW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Samoa Joe (c) v Adam Page v Swerve Strickland
AEW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Tornado tag team match - Darby Allin & Sting (champions) v The Young Bucks
AEW WORLD TRIOS CHAMPIONSHIP - The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c) v Mogul Embassy
AEW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Toni Storm (c) v Deonna Purrazzo
AEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP - Orange Cassidy (c) v Roderick Strong
AEW TNT CHAMPIONSHIP - Christian Cage (c) v Adam Copeland v Daniel Garcia
Street Fight - Le Sex Gods v Don Callis Family
Blackpool Combat Club v FTR
Bryan Danielson v Jay White

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After 5 weeks

1. The Golden Lion Club - 9 matches, 27 points (8-1-0)
2. The Peak of Perfection - 10  matches, 24 points (8-0-2)
3. Black Lotus - 10 matches, 19 points (6-3-1)
4. Timeless Ensemble - 8 matches, 15 points (5-3-0)
5. Team Swerve - 6 matches, 12 points (4-2-0)
6. The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society - 10 matches, 10 points (3-6-1)
7. The Spooky Club - 9 matches, 7 points (2-6-1)
8. TV Network - 9 matches, 7 points (2-6-1)
9. Team WooItsNathan - 9 matches, 0 points (0-9-0)


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TV Network v Team Swerve - men singles
The Golden Lion Club v The Peak of Perfection - women singles
Team WooItsNathan v Black Lotus - women singles
Timeless Ensemble v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society - women tag

Team Swerve v Team WooItsNation - men trios
The Peak of Perfection v The Spooky Club - women tag
TV Network v Timeless Ensemble - women singles
The Golden Lion Club v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society - men trios


Unavailable wrestlers
Bandido - injured
Juice Robinson - injured
Kenny Omega - illness
Nick Nemeth - working for NJPW (Collision only)
Tay Melo - maternity leave


I'm back at work tomorrow night, so we're back to a normal time window for proceeding with the league. The deadline for selections is Monday 8 April at 20:00 UK and 15:00 Eastern US time.

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Looks like I'm finally going to to have some options for who I can pick in my Men's matches as MJF is back.

Of course it's in the week of all Women's matches...



Deonna Purrazzo def. Some Golden Lion


Deonna Purrazzo & Thuder Rosa def. Whoever their opponent is

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Even though she lost The Golden Lion Club's perfect record I am giving Athena a chance to redeem herself against The Virtuosa.


Going with the trio of Claudio and the Lucha Brothers to take on the Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society.  Also, Rey Fenix is putting in some great ratings I may have to start using him for some singles matches in the future.

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On 4/3/2024 at 11:28 AM, Nobby_McDonald said:


TV Network v Team Swerve - men singles
The Golden Lion Club v The Peak of Perfection - women singles
Team WooItsNathan v Black Lotus - women singles
Timeless Ensemble v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society - women tag

Team Swerve v Team WooItsNation - men trios
The Peak of Perfection v The Spooky Club - women tag
TV Network v Timeless Ensemble - women singles
The Golden Lion Club v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society - men trios


Unavailable wrestlers
Bandido - injured
Juice Robinson - injured
Kenny Omega - illness
Nick Nemeth - working for NJPW (Collision only)
Tay Melo - maternity leave


I'm back at work tomorrow night, so we're back to a normal time window for proceeding with the league. The deadline for selections is Monday 8 April at 20:00 UK and 15:00 Eastern US time.

Will Ospreay (TV NETWORK) vs Team Swerve - men's singles 

Tessa Blanchard (TV NETWORK) vs Timeless Ensemble - women's singles

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Think I might’ve missed the deadline now 😂

If not:

Danielson, Kingston and Mox 

Shida and Deeb


Had my wedding so was super busy for a few weeks but should be more active now 

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1 hour ago, PH71 said:

Think I might’ve missed the deadline now 😂

If not:

Danielson, Kingston and Mox 

Shida and Deeb


Had my wedding so was super busy for a few weeks but should be more active now 

Congratulations Mr and Mrs H. I hope you have a long and happy marriage... and that it doesn't turn out the way mine has. :D

It's OK about the deadline... I'm late coming on than I intended as my daughter has been dragging it out as much as she possibly can before going bed... even though she has school and Stoke City training tomorrow.

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Posted (edited)

Show previews

TV Network (Will Ospreay) v Team Swerve (Mike Santana - randomly selected)
The Golden Lion Club (Athena) v The Peak of Perfection (Deonna Purrazzo)
Team WooItsNathan (Anna Jay - randomly selected) v Black Lotus (Jamie Hayter)
Timeless Ensemble (Toni Storm & Saraya) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Hikaru Shida & Serena Deeb)
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Samoa Joe (c) v Hook
MJF v Ricky Starks
COPE OPEN - Adam Copeland v Satoshi Kojima

Team Swerve (Swerve Strickland, Samoa Joe & Mike Santana) v Team WooItsNation (The Butcher, Kip Sabian & Anthony Bowens - randomly selected)
The Peak of Perfection (Deonna Purrazzo & Thunder Rosa) v The Spooky Club (Julia Hart & Abadon)
TV Network (Tessa Blanchard) v Timeless Ensemble (Toni Storm)
The Golden Lion Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Lucha Brothers) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley)
WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (tornado tag) - Darby Allin & Sting (c) v The Gunns
INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP - Orange Cassidy (c) v Wheeler Yuta

Had @PH71 selected Wheeler Yuta instead of Eddie Kingston then all four members of Blackpool Combat Club would have been in the same match.



Anna Jay, Jay White and Malakai Black returned clean drug tests at Collision.

Dutch and Kris Statlander have signed a new 2 year contract with AEW.

Kouki & Chika have won the AWG Tag Team Championship.
1 Called Manders has won the vacant ICW Hip Swivel Towel Championship.
Cavalry have won the BASARA IRON FIST Tag Team Championship, defeating Daiki Shimomura & Minoru Fujita.

Tay Melo and Sammy Guevara have had a baby girl. Mother and baby are doing well.
Daniel Vidot and Harley Cameron are to divorce after Cameron has been caught having an affair with Wardlow.

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Top Flight beat Dark Order in 9:11 when Dante pinned Silver with a Red Eye. 59

Wednesday, week 3, February 2024
HEB Center, Cedar Park, Texas (4,274 capacity)
Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Taz

Dynamite starts with World champion Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland in the ring. Joe says he has an important title defence in the main event but he also has other business to attend to... and for once on of his Revolution challengers is somewhat on the same page as Joe as Swerve says it's the same business he needs to attend to... and the two say they are both pissed off that they have been beaten up by this mysterious man in black... and yet the same man in black leaves Adam Page alone. So Joe and Swerve call out Page.
The Hangman's music hits and he walks to the ring. Page says he doesn't know what the two of them are accusing him of... he doesn't know why he wasn't beaten up last week when they were... and he doesn't know who this mystery man is. Swerve says that's bullshit, and Joe agrees, asking Page if he is in league with the Devil... Page denies it, and threatens to beat the hell out of them both because he's getting pissed off with the two of them saying he is behind backstage attacks when he is a man who'll punch you straight in your face. It looks like a brawl is about to start but security and a plethora of lesser wrestlers from the locker room have made their way to ringside and keep the three seperated, to the displeasure of the Cedar Park fans. 75
Strickland, Joe and Page all looked good.
Strickland benefitted from a hot catchphrase.

AnnaJay.jpg.55d3c7db8267cd314c60bf4e17edf2d0.jpg v JamieHayter.jpg.cab4c1301836776d5530de369206c9be.jpg
Team WooItsNathan (Anna Jay) v Black Lotus (Jamie Hayter)

A decent enough match though in the end Hayter was way too strong for Jay and continued her very impressive return with a win in 10:53 by pinfall with a Falcon Arrow. Team WooItsNathan have lost their first ten matches and it's hard to tell at the moment where their first win will come from. 60
Hayter far out performed Jay 64-38
Hayter benefitted from public support.

Renee Paquette is backstage with The Virtuosa. Deonna Purrazzo is asked how she feels not being able to get her hands on Toni Storm before Revolution. Purrazzo replies by saying at first she was very pissed off... but after a little while she came to terms with the ruling and is OK about it... she's going to channel her anger and aggression into the title match at Revolution... and she says that's going to be bad news for Toni Storm... but now she has her focus on her AEW League match with Athena. Which is next... 53

Athena3.jpg.d4a6c37e306704955c10a868bdfc65cb.jpg v DeonnaPurrazzo.jpg.ec17aa76020efbbe6bbda615a51d958d.jpg
The Golden Lion Club (Athena) v The Peak of Perfection ('The Virtuosa' Deonna Purrazzo)

Athena was a little off her game, which was a shame as the match was still decent and it seemed to allow Purrazzo to close out victory in 10:02 by submission with a Venus di Milo. 61
Athena seemed off her game.
Athena benefitted from being in amazing form.

Backstage and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts approaches Jack Perry. Perry asks Roberts what he wants, in a somewhat dismissive tone. Roberts tells Perry to show some respect to legends of the business... to which Perry asks why he should. Roberts is not fazed... and asks Perry if he is willing to do whatever it takes to be a success in AEW and the wrestling business. Perry answers that he is. Roberts' tone turns dark... "whatever?" he asks. Perry nods. Roberts says "let's talk" and the two walk away from camera. 45

WillOspreay15.jpg.5b9d5b1f35f155619809c21baedad615.jpg v Santana.jpg.65dad99c9bbab2858e7e2a88e4b3df68.jpg
TV Network (Will Ospreay) v Team Swerve (Mike Santana)

Ospreay made an impressive debut two weeks ago when he defeated Jack Perry and here he was equally impressive as he made fairly comfortable work of defeating Santana. His win came in 9:13 by pinfall with a Storm Breaker. 68
Ospreay out performed Santana 71-53

Alex Marvez is backstage with the EVPs, Matthew and Nicholas Jackson. Nicholas says they tried to fine Darby Allin and Sting for their reckless destruction of property last week on Dynamite but Sting just laughed in their face... so Matthew says they have had another idea... and Darby and Sting will defend their World Tag Team Championship this week on Collision against The Gunns... and Nicholas finishes by saying they will be waiting to pick up the pieces of whoever wins. 56

ToniStormTimeless.jpg.4d06db162c99b98f5d7439f4c63cb3af.jpgSaraya2.jpg.58e6c08e9846cfd3649e7080c2086656.jpg v HikaruShida1.jpg.9caacecb23e0d6e06fc200ee1ef201cd.jpgSerenaDeeb3.jpg.6180e18bb01e9372afc2ca389cecc6fd.jpg
Timeless Ensemble ('Timeless' Toni Storm (Women's World champion, with Luther) & Saraya (with Harley Cameron)) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Hikaru Shida & Serena Deeb)

The final league match of the night rounds off some decent league action on this week's Dynamite. This was a close match, but Saraya hasn't been on form recently and that was the difference maker when Deeb pinned Saraya in 13:29 with a Spear. 59
Cameron did good work at ringside.
Saraya suffered from being in extremely poor form.
Deeb benefitted from being in amazing form.

The AEW League theme isn't quite done for the night as all members of The Spooky Club are backstage with Lexy Nair. Nair asks Sting for their thoughts. Sting says two wins isn't enough. Malakai Black comments that they must improve, as he is used to The House always winning while Danhausen standing next to Satnam Singh is quite an amusing sight. 45

AdamCopeland.jpg.6b63ffe02a413292a59beeaaaac34278.jpg v SatoshiKojima.jpg.67d210c8854155de3ca3e3da49a84036.jpg
'Rated R Superstar' Adam Copeland v Satoshi Kojima

A decent match overall, though Kojima was disappointing. His reputation and past performances worldwide suggested he would do much better than he did. Copeland's win was much easier than anybody thought it would be and came in 13:20 by pinfall with a Spear. 56
Copeland far out performed Kojima 68-33
Kojima was really off his game.

Backstage and all of Undisputed Kingdom are in the interview area. Adam Cole acts as the main mouthpiece, Roderick Strong looks focused, The Kingdom look resplendant with the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship belts... while Wardlow has been a very naughty boy, shagging Harley Cameron behind her husband's back.
Cole addresses Orange Cassidy, asking him where all of his Best Friends are... before Strong adds that he has none left, they've all been sent to the hospital. before challenging Cassidy to try and find one more friend as next week it will be Roderick Strong and Wardlow versus Orange Cassidy... and a friend if he has any left. 50
Adam Cole benefitted from a hot catchphrase.

MJF13.jpg.ef592c211f2e6119cf4e54a8872aae27.jpg v RickyStarks3.jpg.4b48f15cec06ae7dfb74b387b8d9be9b.jpg
MJF v 'Absolute' Ricky Starks (with Big Bill)
The crowd go nuts for the much anticipated return of the longest reigning AEW World champion, MJF, though of course he is no longer the champion. It looked like he hasn't missed a step as he put in a really impressive performance to dispose of a very worthy opponent in Ricky Starks. He won in 14:22 by submission with a Salt of the Earth. 74 - match of the night
MJF out performned Starks 78-62
Starks benefitted from being flavour of the month.

Whoever the World champion is after Revolution had better watch out, MJF is back, he looks as great as ever and no doubt will have his eyes set on reclaiming what he will see as his World Championship...

...or will he, as Will Ospreay returns to the ring and the crowd go even more nuts than before. MJF looks both puzzled and annoyed that Ospreay has come out when MJF was celebrating a winning return. Ospreay grabs a mic from ringside and tosses one to MJF before he slides into the ring. Ospreay says "sorry for interrupting bruv"... but while I've beaten Orange Cassidy, Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega in AEW, I've never faced you bruv, and you're the man, you've held the title the longest... MJF looks a little happier, that Ospreay is giving him respect... Ospreay continues by saying it's time that changed... that time is Revolution... Ospreay and MJF one on one... what do you say, champ?
MJF raises his mic to his mouth but pauses as the crowd are pretty much deafening at this point at the prospect of MJF v Ospreay. MJF says he accepts... and that he is better than you and you know it... Ospreay says "prove it bruv". 72

SamoaJoe9.jpg.f0f50cc57d2f8579cfadd769dfb5730f.jpg v Hook3.jpg.66ef2930f3573e81d90b7124c30404b1.jpg
Samoa Joe (champion) v Hook (FTW World champion)
This match was decent in it's own right, but was a comedown after the MJF Starks match and the following MJF Ospreay segment in the ring. The young Hook gave Joe some trouble with his throws and suplexes, but his relative inexperience showed as Joe took control of the match, and looked set to close it out... only for the mysterious man in black make an experience, and this time wearing a black hood so his face is completely covered. He went on to throw some right hands to Joe to floor him, and did so in a technique familiar to older fans of wrestling but not seen in AEW before. Rick Knox is left with no choice but to throw the match out in 12:47 and Joe is announced the winner by disqualification, meaning he makes defence number two of the AEW World Championship. Dynamite ends with Joe on the mat and the hooded man in black standing, almost motionless, above him, staring down at the prone champion. 60

Show rating: 65
AEW increased popularity in 14 regions.
Attendance: 4,125
TV rating: 1.12 (846,290 viewers and 1,491,397 overall)


Samoa Joe beat Hook by DQ and retains the AEW World Championship
MJF beat Ricky Starks
Adam Copeland beat Satoshi Kojima
Hikaru Shida & Serena Deeb beat Toni Storm & Saraya (league match)
Will Ospreay beat Mike Santana (league match)
Deonna Purrazzo beat Athena (league match)
Jamie Hayter beat Anna Jay (league match)

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Posted (edited)

Wednesday, week 3, February 2024
Broadcast on Friday, week 3, February 2024
HEB Center, Cedar Park, Texas (4,272 capacity)
Announce team: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Matt Menard.

Jon Moxley v Peter Avalon

If you were late to the arena or miss the start of the show on the television, you’d have missed the opening match. Moxley made very short work of Avalon in 0:59, winning by pinfall with a Paradigm Shift. 57
Moxley far out performed Avalon 75-37

Backstage and Renee Paquette is with Kyle Fletcher. Fletcher says tonight he is going to become a dual champion when he beats Eddie Kingston to add the AEW Continental Championship to his ROH TV Championship. 47

La Facción Ingobernable (with José the Assistant) v The Iron Savages
This was OK… Rush was clearly the best wrestler in the match while Jacked Jameson was clearly the weakest. LFI chalked up a comfortable win in 7:09 when Rush pinned Bronson with a La Lanza. 55
Jameson was worse than the others (24, next worst Vance 42)

Backstage and CJ Perry is using her charms to try and recruit Jake Hager. Hager isn’t interested saying he has had a lot of success in and out of wrestling without her help and he’s happy to go on alone. 49

Megan Bayne v Hikaru Shida

Not the best match, the wrestling was mediocre at best, and it was another easy win and a pretty one sided match. Shida took victory in 8:09 by pinfall with a Tamashii. 55
Shida out performed Bayne 59-40

Backstage and the Continental champion Eddie Kingston is with Renee Paquette. He says Kyle Fletcher is still a punk kid who needs lessons in how tough professional wrestling is… and Kingston says he will give him one tonight. 56

Le Sex Gods v The Righteous (with Jake Roberts)
The best match of the night so far. Partly because the wrestling was better and partly because it was a lot closer than the previous matches had all been. Guevara was impressive and secured the win for Le Sex Gods, pinning Vincent in 10:54 with a Go to Hell. 57
Guevara out performed everyone else (65, next best Jericho 54)
Le Sex Gods have great chemistry.

A segment captioned “After Dynamite” sees MJF after his in ring return on Wednesday night, where he was victorious over Ricky Starks. MJF says he is so happy to be back after so long as World champion… after so long out injured… after learning how to be a good person… he is back, better than ever and will be World champion again for the Scumbags… but first he has to beat Will Ospreay... and because he is better than you, and you know it. 68

EddieKingston.jpg.5bc4d3c428ff48c27b91114944dde144.jpg v KyleFletcher.jpg.3c0a809e1a0429483bbb09f3ae9d2543.jpg
Eddie Kingston (champion) v Kyle Fletcher (with Don Callis)

A good match and a decent reaction from the crowd. Even though Kingston didn’t perform to his best and Fletcher absorbed a lot of Kingston hard hits, he still defended his title in 12:25 by pinfall with a Huracan. 68 – match of the night
Eddie Kingston seemed off his game.
Kingston and Fletcher have great chemistry

Show rating: 64
Attendance: 4,125
TV rating: 0.06 (50,340 viewers and 80,638 overall)



Eddie Kingston beat Kyle Fletcher to retain the Continental Championship
Le Sex Gods beat The Righteous
Hikaru Shida beat Megan Bayne in Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament First Round
La Facción Ingobernable beat The Iron Savages
Jon Moxley beat Peter Avalon in Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament First Round

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Hook, Darius Martin, Mike Santana and Dralistico returned clean drug tests at Showcase, Dynamite and Rampage.

Tenille Dashwood has started her maternity leave.

Panterita del Ring, Valiente & Pegasso have won the CMLL Mexican National Trios Championship, defeating Apocalipsis, Cholo & Disturbio.

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Jake Hager, Angelo Parker & Matt Menard beat Top Flight & Action Andretti when Hager submitted Andretti in 9:03 with a Patriot Lock. 54

Saturday, week 3, February 2024
1st Bank Center, Broomfield, Colorado (3,342 capacity)
Announcers: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone

We start with Tony Schiavone in the ring, in front of him is a table with two chairs each side. He introduces first FTR and then Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli of Blackpool Combat Club. They are there, of course, for a contract signing. The two sides talk smack about each other, get the contract for their Revolution match signed and then engage in a wild brawl in the ring and around ringside that goes on for a few minutes until Collision goes to it's first commercial of the night, for a well known brand of health insurance. 57

SwerveStrickland(2).jpg.2f066f2f237bca77b47d6fd89369a291.jpgSamoaJoe9.jpg.1a212ca4c57855c3c2ab82d6decafe83.jpgSantana.jpg.5f68d1000821c7eab1dfe00c7c6dc114.jpg v KipSabian7.jpg.9ef04d01dfcd0c47de648e38095c01af.jpgAndyWilliams10.jpg.b1949f6a73368f0cc8926467ba4af8c2.jpgAnthonyBowens1.jpg.3a1263c3d353c36f65c71382602b2ed8.jpg
Team Swerve (Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana), Samoa Joe (World champion) & Mike Santana) v Team WooItsNathan (Kip Sabian (with Penelope Ford), The Butcher & Anthony Bowens

A decent match, and straight forward enough for Team Swerve who had the strongest team on paper and they didn't disappoint in the ring. Joe submitted Sabian in 7:24 with the Kakina Clutch. 63
The Butcher seemed off his game.
Bowens benefitted from public support.

House of Black are seen emerging from the shadows. Each take turns to speak, along the lines of they are on fire at the moment and when you play with fire you get burned. Julia Hart concludes the segment when she says the House always wins. 45

DeonnaPurrazzo7.jpg.1c64dac163995fabd619172cae74d588.jpgThunderRosa.jpg.67d98192dcd4f6ae6badeb6e0afe54c6.jpg v JuliaHart.jpg.9e0b73d0c3bb23c87b72f61af4a9ffe5.jpgAbadon2.jpg.2dbaf4f50a2d7da750ce1a4e3e394da0.jpg
The Peak of Perfection ('The Virtuosa' Deonna Purrazzo & Thunder Rosa) v The Spooky Club (Julia Hart (TBS champion) & Abadon)

A good match yet really one sided in favour of Peak of Perfection, so it came of little surprise when Rosa secured the win in 7:34, pinning Abadon with a Reverse DDT. 53
Abadon was the weak link (28, next worst Hart 38)

Backstage and we see Bullet Club Gold attacking Bryan Danielson three on one. Wheeler Yuta, Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli come running to Danielson's aid but they're too late... White and the Gunns beat a hasty retreat and Danielson is already lying on the concrete. 55

OrangeCassidy9.jpg.e83a088e8f7a56736db66ab93a0cf272.jpg v WheelerYuta.jpg.5ea065596ac4161d27179ded1d32718a.jpg
'Freshly Squeezed' Orange Cassidy (champion) v Wheeler Yuta

A good match, that as the match went on longer went more and more to the side of the champion. Yuta had an off night and would ordinarily put up a much stronger fight. Disappointing from him and Orange made defence number 8 of his title, pinning Yuta in 9:51 with an Orange Punch. 66
Cassidy out performed Yuta 71-57
Cassidy and Yuta have pretty good chemistry.
Cassidy benefitted from a hot new move.

La Facción Ingobernable are backstage. José the Assistant talks up the group, saying Dralistico is the best luchadore there is, Preston Vance is the best big man in AEW and Rush is a former and future World champion. 32
José turned heel, which went badly.

RoderickStrong.jpg.a428b6af3c5527d50622ff0b4e01614c.jpg v BrodyKing8.jpg.2d38575e12164595b0bc97a8145ad5b4.jpg
Roderick Strong v Brody King (with Julia Hart)

A very even match, which may have surprised some given King's obvious size and aggressive advantage. Strong is a smart wrestler though, and he used all his smarts in this match to be competitive. So was it a surprise that Strong won? To some yes, to some no, though win he did in 8:34 by submission with a Strong Hold. 56
Hart did good work at ringside.
King and Hart have pretty good chemistry.

Renee Paquette is in the backstage interview area with Miro. Miro isn't happy that his wife CJ Perry is actively looking for another man to manage. He says he is the Redeemer and whoever Perry takes on, there will be redemption. 56

TessaBlanchard2.jpg.6f682180529d10764e7de64eb462eb3b.jpg v ToniStormTimeless.jpg.e7680d06c35c4524b636831386911aeb.jpg
TV Network (Tessa Blanchard) v Timeless Ensemble ('Timeless' Toni Storm (Women's World champion, with Luther))

The singles debut of Blanchard in AEW and she certainly gave a very tough match to the Women's World champion. The champion managed to secure three points for her team in 8:51 by pinfall with a Strong Zero, though Blanchard acquitted herself well, and if she can stay trouble free will be a valuable addition to the female roster. 53

Lexy Nair is backstage with Black Lotus, with the injured Juice Robinson among them. Adam Copeland says they have started well, third place and seven wins from eleven matches is OK... but he says they need to step up to catch the leaders, Peak of Perfection. Juice says he is dying to return to the ring and kick some ass, while Skye Blue says all she wants is a chance to win her team some points. 59

DarbyAllin10.jpg.87085d7d7a28aaf694f3ec00339f5048.jpgSting2.jpg.6e15cebdca9ae205fbb288d6af8a37a8.jpg v AustinGunn.jpg.2be94f38e20024cdc8c61118b24e76b5.jpgColtenGunn1.jpg.b165ac774dd67cd98227ea0ea06e6052.jpg
Tornado match
Darby Allin & 'The Icon' Sting (champions, with Ric Flair) v The Gunns (with Jay White)

A brutal match then went all round ringside and utilised lots of different weapons, including but not exclusive, chairs, tables, thumb tacks and ladders. By the end of the match all four men were bleeding. The champions retained, making defence number 1 of the titles, thanks a lot to Darby Allin's performance. Though it was his partner Sting who got the win in 11:29, submitting Colten Gunn to the Scorpion Deathlock. 59
Allin out performed everyone in the match (69, next best Sting 51)
Colten Gunn was really off his game.
Allin and Sting have great chemistry.
The Gunns have great chemistry.
Ric Flair did good work at ringside.

In the parking lot, Don Callis is orchestrating his Family in an attack on Le Sex Gods. Unlike recent weeks, they have made the move in the attack so unlike recent weeks, it is the Family who win the fight and leave Jericho and Guevara writhing in pain. 53

ClaudioCastagnoli1.jpg.9fe41e03aa12ebb7e490a5041e348938.jpgPentaEl0M10.jpg.27c5181da03276387fb1bf0860462461.jpgFenix6.jpg.5e37261018947787c9c24da82e06f688.jpg v BryanDanielson14.jpg.0dd4cbab1cecb2f7ef74cb356bf0c8ba.jpgEddieKingston.jpg.dd82f6815fa8ba1ffdbc632ff3e82349.jpgJonMoxley15.jpg.03bc3b1d937a84204ae4eeb145c00c54.jpg
The Golden Lion Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Lucha Brothers (with Alex Abrahantes)) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley)

A great match and one where the fans were treated to suspense, near falls, near submissions and some of the best action in AEW. Even Danielson and Kingston managed to park their differences apart from one brief disagreement about half way through the bout that Moxley quickly intervened in... and wth all the near finishes, nobody managed to nail down the finish, so the match finished in a 20:00 time limit draw. About the only disappointing thing was there was no winner. 72 - match of the night
Castagnoli 66, Penta 70, Fénix 80, Danielson 78, Kingston 68, Moxley 72

Show rating: 67
AEW increased popularity in 3 regions.
Attendance: 3,342 (sell out)
TV rating: 0.97 (730,726 viewers and 1,037,498 overall)


Claudio Castagnoli & Lucha Brothers versus Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley went to a time limit draw (league match)
Darby Allin & Sting beat The Gunns to retain the World Tag Team Championship
Toni Storm beat Tessa Blanchard (league match)
Roderick Strong beat Brody King in Owen Hart Men's Tournament First Round
Orange Cassidy beat Wheeler Yuta to retain the International Championship
Deonna Purrazzo & Thunder Rosa beat Julia Hart & Abadon (league match)
Swerve Strickland, Samoa Joe & Mike Santana beat Kip Sabian, The Butcher & Anthony Bowens (league match)

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After 6 weeks

1. The Peak of Perfection - 12 matches, 30 points (10-2-0)
2. The Golden Lion Club - 11 matches, 25 points (8-2-1)
3. Black Lotus - 11 matches, 22 points (7-3-1)
4. Timeless Ensemble - 10 matches, 18 points (6-4-0)
5. Team Swerve - 8 matches, 15 points (5-3-0)
6. The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society - 12 matches, 14 points (4-6-2)
7. TV Network - 11 matches, 10 points (3-7-1)
8. The Spooky Club - 10 matches, 7 points (2-7-1)
9. Team WooItsNathan - 11 matches, 0 points (0-11-0)


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Sunday, week 1, March 2024
Current card

AEW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Samoa Joe (c) v Adam Page v Swerve Strickland
AEW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Tornado tag team match - Darby Allin & Sting (champions) v The Young Bucks
AEW WORLD TRIOS CHAMPIONSHIP - The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c) v Mogul Embassy
AEW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Toni Storm (c) v Deonna Purrazzo
AEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP - Orange Cassidy (c) v Roderick Strong
AEW TNT CHAMPIONSHIP - Christian Cage (c) v Adam Copeland v Daniel Garcia
Street Fight - Le Sex Gods v Don Callis Family
Blackpool Combat Club v FTR
Bryan Danielson v Jay White
MJF v Will Ospreay
Kings of the Black Throne v Lucha Brothers
Mercedes Moné v Nyla Rose

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Posted (edited)

@Martel123 @christmas_ape @WooItsNathan @DinoKea @stratusfaction @Dawn @PH71 @KyTeran @Wrestling Machine


TV Network v The Spooky Club - women tag
Team WooItsNathan v The Peak of Perfection - women singles
Black Lotus v The Golden Lion Club - men tag
Team Swerve v Timeless Ensemble - women singles

The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society v The Peak of Perfection - men singles

Black Lotus v TV Network - men tag
Timeless Ensemble v Team WooItsNathan - men tag
The Spooky Club v Team Swerve - men singles


Note - there is a match on Rampage as the Collision main event is using three members of The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society, so it wouldn't be fair that @PH71 would not be able to make a selection. If the wrestlers selected by @PH71 or @DinoKea aren't contracted to wrestle on B shows, then it will be moved to Dynamite as it won't affect any matches, league or others, on this show (though it may have to be done as a post show match, though still count for the league and rankings if it comes to this).

Bandido - injured
Juice Robinson - injured
Kenny Omega - illness
Nick Nemeth - working elsewhere (Collision only)
Tay Melo - maternity leave
Tenille Dashwood - maternity leave


The deadline for selections is 14:00 UK 09:00 Eastern US time on Tuesday 16 April.

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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NOBBY!! Glad to see you're still around buddy.

I haven't caught up yet, but will you be showing the All In footage?


TV Network v The Spooky Club - women tag
Team WooItsNathan v The Peak of Perfection - women singles
Black Lotus v The Golden Lion Club - men tag
Team Swerve v Timeless Ensemble - women singles

The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society v The Peak of Perfection - men singles

Black Lotus v TV Network - men tag
Timeless Ensemble v Team WooItsNathan - men tag
The Spooky Club v Team Swerve - men singles


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1 hour ago, The Lloyd said:


The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society v The Peak of Perfection - men singles


Hey, firstly welcome. Cool to see somebody making predictions. Just wanted to inform you though, it looks like you've made a mistake. This seems to imply you think The BDAS will beat Peak of Perfection?

As for my picks:

Women's Singles: Thunder Rosa

For the Men's match, is there anyone on my side who can't work B-Shows? (That way I can pick someone who does)

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10 hours ago, DinoKea said:

For the Men's match, is there anyone on my side who can't work B-Shows? (That way I can pick someone who does)

Ironically, out of the eight who could be picked from either side is the man one side is named after, Bryan Danielson, is the only one who is not contracted to wrestle on B shows. However, being able to choose one from three is fairer than being able to choose one from one when it's not @PH71's fault

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