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Diary Preview & Questions Thread

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3 hours ago, 1PWfan said:

Quick question: how do you post images in dynasties? As far as I can tell you need permission to use html and I've asked for that in the general thread but is that the only way to do it in the body of the post? 



After the evolution of the forum I am uploading my pics to a Google doc, then just copypaste it here. Seems to be working. Before that I used imgur for hosting and put down special links

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1 hour ago, Blodyxe said:

After the evolution of the forum I am uploading my pics to a Google doc, then just copypaste it here. Seems to be working. Before that I used imgur for hosting and put down special links

Thanks for that- now I can get on with my NYCW dynasty! (Seriously, for a company that's hardly changed at all they're so much more interesting than they were in 2020, maybe it's just that you're not obliged to deal with Brutus Milano as the top champ anymore...)

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I know my diaries always fizzle out because I try to do too much, but I am seriously considering two diary-lite.  This means they wont have the big write ups and they may or may not feature pictures.  I want to do this because it holds me accountable and also it's fun to talk about my booking with people.  I am definitely planning to do my RtG game as a diary, and I am also considering doing an SWF diary because they are my favorite.  I would also be booking RIPW, but I would not be posting their stuff.  

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Greg Sluchinski: "I'm hearing that well known TEW Diary Writer The Lloyd is going to be booking and writing for a new company...

One he's never even played with in-game before, but always admired from afar..."




(No elaborate backstory here, just wanted to preview it, and see what the vibe was)




Aaron Andrews Succ.jpg Jay Chord Succ.jpg Sammy Bach Succ.jpg Wolf Hawkins Succ.jpg Greg Gauge Succ.jpg T-Bone Bright Succ.jpg


Previously in the 2020 version, TCW had a 'Big Four' in my eyes... Ace, Chord, Sammy and Wolf...

However, for TEW IX, Greg Gauge and T-Bone Bright have stepped up (somewhat surprisingly) to increase the top group to a 'Big Six'...


It's going to be a fun ride, and I'm brimming with ideas.


Join the journey - TCW: Succession




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I can hear the intro to Succession... 

That's exciting!  I do think of more sports entertainmenty products when I think of Lloyd (WWE, SWF, RAW, 21CW) but then again your NOTBPW ones were great. I'll always follow a Lloyd diary (other than the many months I'm absent from the boards and then come back to see I've missed like 60 shows). I'ts always great to be around for the beginning of one. 


After my post earlier and then seeing this and @1PWfan mention NYCW I'm glad I think I've decided on a different option. I mean there's always room for different takes on the same promotions, but still it's nice to have variety on the boards. 


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22 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

I've been going back and forth on different ideas non stop since the game came out, well and before that really. I'm eager to get stuck into something but I'm still undecided. 

My options at the moment.. 

RAW: This was my plan A going into the game as I enjoyed my previous one. I like the position RAW are in this time, I've got plenty of ideas and storylines ready to go but I'm a little hesitant. Partly because it's a big undertaking, I think to do it properly you need plenty of ongoing storylines and the time to really flesh out lots of characters. In my previous diary sometimes I think I did that really well, other times I struggled. That was during lockdowns when I had plenty of time on my hands whereas now I'm limited. So I think my concern is not being able to do RAW and my ideas justice but I enjoy writing the soap opera style product and there's really no other option in the game for that. 

Smaller promotions... I enjoyed my FCW diary, it felt much easier to keep up with. I don't think their roster appeals as much this time. I quite like both PSW and NYCW. Very different from each other though... I've always enjoyed the romantic idea of 'completing the hardcore revolution' and actually getting a hardcore promotion popular but there's not many interesting stories jumping out to me when I delve deeper. NYCW I just like quite a few of the characters that I think would be fun to write for. 

Larger promotions... CWA and TCW both appeal. CWA I think have the best roster in the game, and TCW always appeal. I don't enjoy writing match ups enough, or have the time for a fully fleshed out version of these but I think the interesting story is more in the long term progression of the save anyway so it would be more recap style posts, maybe more like a highlight show. Hopefully if I chose the right parts to focus on it would still feel alive and make for an interesting follow. 

I'm going to go back to going round in circles but hopefully I'll have something good to go soon! 

Your RAW diary was one of the best on this forum mate so I'd be well up for reading some more of that. Other than that, I don't remember reading many CWA diaries...

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Mitch Naess: 'Eric, don't do this.'


PSW's usual meeting of their booking trio isn't going to plan.


Eric Tyler: 'Naess, I've been riding your ass for years, don't you dare start pretending to like me.

'Truth is boys, I'm tired. I haven't got any fight left in me, but in this case, that's a good thing.'


Alex Braun: 'We need you, Eric.'

Tyler: 'No you don't Iceman. Two years ago, you needed me. When we were that pokey little DAVE knock-off, you need me.

'Now, we're on the verge of starting a regular show. We've moved two of our homegrown guys onto promotions with regular TV.


 Two more homegrown guys are regulars on tour in Japan.


'We're nearly there now, and that's why you don't need me. I've always known what I am, I'm the scrappy underdog, the guy who takes shots at the big three, which is now a big four.
'But you two, you can make it a big five and it's coming, I can feel it. 
'Just promise me three things;
1. Don't make the same mistakes we did with DAVE.
2. When you get there, kick their asses
3. No crying, if either of you start crying I'll stretch you out right now. All the best boys.'
And with that, the creative mastermind behind PSW had left to pastures new, leaving the company with a huge hole in its creative team.

Johnny Martin: 'Hey guys, what's up?'


Unfinished Business

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It wouldn't be a new TEW game without me launching a short lived dynasty. 

The idea here is for this to be half dynasty and half Road to Glory tutorial. I'm not great on graphics or details like catchphrases/promos etc and i'll want to get through shows quickly so I will write it like a joint biography of Price and Squires. 

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We are inside a swank office in one of the upscale posh localities in Mumbai, industrial capital of India. 


As the camera proceeds, we get to see the colorful logo of the Avatr Entertainment, the production house who had been wooing the Indian audiences with fantasy shows for the last three decades:



Camera pans inside and we see two gentlemen engaged in a very deep and animated conversion:


Sitting on the leather chair with a handle bar moustache is Mr. Avatar, third generation entrepreneur and current head honcho of Avatar Entertainment and sitting opposite to him was the doyen of Indian wrestling and the most famous Indian wrestler in the world, Kashmir Singh.


Mr. Avatar:  Mr. Singh, it is not happening. It has been more than a year and DSPW is not making any headway. When we invested, it was because you showed us the vision, you sold us the mission of DSPW, you told us that wrestling industry in India will boom but till date, people are busy watching SWF and USPW. Nobody is even remotely interested in DSPW.

Kashmir : But boss, these things take time. Creating a new industry is not a cup of tea. I have a detailed plan........

Mr. Avatar:  Mr. Singh, I have had enough of your excuses. From today right now, DSPW is closed. No more losses for us. We have never got a failed investment and i am in no mood to continue with one. But i have task for you.

Kashmir (abusing under his breath and sounding agitated: What???

Mr. Avatar:  Have you seen EMLL?? I just love the entire setup and the universe that they have build. That's the kind of promotion that i would like to invest.

Kashmir : But that is not fake. All the universes, the different mythical creatures, they are all real. I have experience it first hand.

Mr. Avatar:  I know because i have created it. The only thing i failed to understand is how did they all land up in Mexico?

Kashmir: What? How can you possibly.......


And then Mr. Avatar transformed himself into 


The God of All Creations, Vishwakarma. The Creator of all Universes


Kashmir: Lord!!! You!!!

Lord Vishwakarma: Yes, my child. Mr. Avatar is one of my avatar. I was keeping a watch on all the worlds through this but this EMLL has me worried. They have created a mess of all the timelines. The fabric of time and space has gone for a toss and i am having a hard time to keep it in check. So the upper beings have handed me a task, to restore all the universes and i have chosen you for carrying my task.

Kashmir: But lord, i am just a mere mortal. How will i possibly survive without any powers?

Lord Vishwakarma: Who said you will not have any powers? I have a close confidante who has been giving me updates all this time, Rey Soldado, the leader of the Time Corps and you will be



Mr India!!! The Deputy Leader in Time Corps




EMLL : Mr. India's Journey of Multiverse


Coming Soon!!!

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On 7/31/2024 at 2:38 PM, jcarmjn said:

Mitch Naess: 'Eric, don't do this.'


PSW's usual meeting of their booking trio isn't going to plan.


Eric Tyler: 'Naess, I've been riding your ass for years, don't you dare start pretending to like me.

'Truth is boys, I'm tired. I haven't got any fight left in me, but in this case, that's a good thing.'


Alex Braun: 'We need you, Eric.'

Tyler: 'No you don't Iceman. Two years ago, you needed me. When we were that pokey little DAVE knock-off, you need me.

'Now, we're on the verge of starting a regular show. We've moved two of our homegrown guys onto promotions with regular TV.


 Two more homegrown guys are regulars on tour in Japan.


'We're nearly there now, and that's why you don't need me. I've always known what I am, I'm the scrappy underdog, the guy who takes shots at the big three, which is now a big four.
'But you two, you can make it a big five and it's coming, I can feel it. 
'Just promise me three things;
1. Don't make the same mistakes we did with DAVE.
2. When you get there, kick their asses
3. No crying, if either of you start crying I'll stretch you out right now. All the best boys.'
And with that, the creative mastermind behind PSW had left to pastures new, leaving the company with a huge hole in its creative team.

Johnny Martin: 'Hey guys, what's up?'


Unfinished Business

I knew when I saw you comment above that this was coming! 

Good luck with this, your previous PSW diary really brought it to life so I'm looking forward to it. Part of me wants to avoid it so I don't subconsciously end up with too many similarities, but we'll see! 

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1 hour ago, christmas_ape said:

I knew when I saw you comment above that this was coming! 

Good luck with this, your previous PSW diary really brought it to life so I'm looking forward to it. Part of me wants to avoid it so I don't subconsciously end up with too many similarities, but we'll see! 

Thanks a lot mate, I've always really enjoyed your work so I'm intrigued to see what you do with the roster. 

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In a small ramen shop in Osaka, 3 people sit in the backroom. Papers are scattered across the dimly lit room, beers sit on every open spot of the table as the chair at the head of the table is empty. One man looks around and decides to finally speak up.


Hidekazu- So are we actually gonna do this? Because this is crazy we can't compete in a market like this. Nobody is gonna back us in Osaka. We have to compete with BCG, PGHW, and 5SSW all in the same area running tours in the same towns and cities we are. What niche are we gonna fill?


Art Reed- You need to have faith. He wouldn't have gathered all of us if he didn't have a plan. He has always had a plan for how his career was gonna go and he achieved every part of it. The man is determined we can never take that away from him. He revived my love for wrestling and I am in.

Hidekazu- You're right... My problem is this is our last chance to make an impact in our career. Look at what some of us have done. Will we even be taken seriously?


Tomoko Nagatsuka- Osaka needs us. Wrestling needs us. I have always wanted a place for both male and female workers to call home. He promises that we will have that. Two divisions under one roof. I don't care if it takes 5 years or a million years. I'm all in!

The two men shake their heads with Nagatsuka before one final man comes in with a smile


Eisaku Konomasu- Well I am glad we are all in agreement then. Like the Crow let's not be held down. Let us rise above the ceilings placed on us. People will not believe us. People will call us sparrows. People will call us useless or inadequate. That doesn't matter to me. All that matters is taking this industry to new heights. Let the revolution take flight!


Championship Revolution Osaka Wrestling...C.R.O.W

Coming soon!

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In the stillness of a dimly lit room, a lone television stands sentinel, its screen a void of darkness. Suddenly, an audible pop shatters the silence, and the once lifeless screen bursts to life with a blinding flash. The American flag unfurls across the screen, its stars and stripes rippling gracefully in an unseen breeze. The familiar strains of the Star-Spangled Banner begin to play, filling the room with a sense of solemnity and pride.

Without warning, the sharp, jarring sound of glass breaking slices through the air, a violent contrast to the anthem’s melody. The screen is now fractured, a spiderweb of cracks marring its surface. The anthem abruptly ceases, replaced by a low, ominous hum that reverberates through the room. Slowly, words materialize on the damaged screen, stark and foreboding: “The Revolution will be televised.” The message lingers, a haunting reminder of change on the horizon.


                                                    image.png                                           coollogo_com-19409640.png


Edited by Stennick
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Okay, so hear me out.

I just noticed the product type Epic Story Puroresu: "A very unique take on wrestling, this has the very physical style of Royal Puroresu but marries it with highly stylized entertainment that features epic storylines and legendary, mythical or fantastical characters to add dramatic weight. The end result is something more like a manga comic seen through the lens of pro wrestling."

To me, this just screams BHOTWG. They have the hard hitting puroresu style already. The legendary part would be just perfect for their juniors division, just look at the masks and names of guys there already. And even for the more serious heavyweights, you can sneak in some stuff there. Kikkawa is already protrayed as a sort of Divine Emperor of Japanese Wrestling anyway. Pull out some inspiration from 90s Japan and their King's Road stuff, using terms like Four Pillars of Heaven and Holy Demon Army.

I'd do this myself, but right now I prefer to play as booker instead of owner and Kikkawa is too strong headed an owner. I tried to alter the product and he won't let me, even if I change it through the editor he's too tough on me. Also, I'm not familiar with the BHOTWG roster and it's pretty massive for me to learn while also pulling off such an elaborate idea and spinning it into a diary.

But I still think it's a good idea, so I'm sharing it here in case someone better equipped wants to make it happen :)

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Starting a week today! I'm going to take on one of the most transformative years in WWF/E history and explore a few big what ifs. It's my first diary in 8 years and I want to stay consistent with updates, so I'm aiming to update on a real time basis with a week of shows posted every week.

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On 8/10/2024 at 10:33 PM, DarK_RaideR said:

Okay, so hear me out.

I just noticed the product type Epic Story Puroresu:

Believe it or not I had the same idea, but I noticed that Epic Story Puroresu heavily penalizes high spot matches. Of course you don't need high spot matches for the junior division but the penalty is enough for me to second guess the save. Wild West Strong Style could work for a similar idea though

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I know there's like a million TCW diaries going at the moment, so it's a good thing I'm using this as an opportunity to take my time and brush up on my HTML and CSS. No promises regarding presentation; it'll still probably look like a 5 year old was in charge of the graphic design, but it'll be a fun experience. So, with that in mind, keep an eye out in future:




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