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How You Discovered TEW/EWR?

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Curious how everybody discovered these games. For me it was 2002 during the "e-fed" popularity. I remember my tag team partner at the time (Shauny Dreamer) talking to me on MSN and asking my opinion on if Mick Foley returning to WWF and winning the World Title would be a good move. 


He explained it was on this booking simulator called Extreme Warfare Revenge and that was when my love for these games began. Anyone else got a good story?

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There was a fantasy booking community on Orkut around 2010 to 12 ish, at the tail end of Orkut's lifespan. People only used EWR at first, though I was always bothered by the restrictions in how short the shows were, until this one guy came in with this way more intricate diary using ''TEW 2005'' and it was like man discovering fire to the rest of us. I remember I bought 2010 and then learned 2013 was coming out shortly thereafter anyways so I bought that too 💀

Been playing them all ever since. I have pretty much only had one main save through two iterations of TEW and I'm about to make it three.

Edited by Dawn
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I was very late to the party, having discovered the game around 2020 because I was looking for a new wrestling game to play for fun. I was used to the traditional wrestling games that a text-based booking simulator wasn't even on my mind for several decades.

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There was a really really excellent diary by an RPG.net user called Peers called Welcome to the Coastal Zone. I had been looking for something to replace The Movies as a story-telling simulator. I discovered the diary bought 2016 and was hooked.

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It was around 2002 myself. I didn't have any idea fantasy booking sims existed then suddenly on some random forum someone started a thread called "Which is better: EWR or PW?" and I thought "the hell is either of those?" and not only did I find out about EWR then, but the overwhelming response was that EWR was superior. I downloaded the early version (before pictures were added, anyway) and that was it. I was hooked. Played EWR to DEATH (including getting my CGC promotion logo chosen by Adam in the run up to the pictures release, still so proud about that...) Eventually I switched over to TEW (though I will admit the first two games led to me drifting back to EWR...) and the rest is history.

Still play them all the time now, though I will admit to being one of those people who spends a lot of time adding things to databases without getting around to playing them... As someone who also likes creating lists in Excel I don't see that changing! (though hopefully I might actually get one done in between games thanks to it being easier...)

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Promotion Wars. Had to be 2001-2002?

I remember someone in our backyard fed introducing it to the lot of us.

When I saw that we were able to "create", I remember distinctively making our federation. 

From then, I played a lot of EWR (had a great TNA save headed by Tyler Black) until stumbling upon TEW. 

Unlocked a memory there with this one.

Edited by MegaCity1
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I remember promotion wars too. There were a few booking sims around that time. Then ewr 4.2 released and it was a big upgrade on the others. 

I couldn’t get into the CV with the early TEWs I got 13 and immediately 16 was announced. 16 has by far been my favourite. Had a long save with that. Turning Mike Bennett from Mike Kannelis to “Main Event” Mike Bennett was one of my best accomplishments. 

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Wrestling Forum back in 2008 i think, that got me into EWR, didn't make the jump till late into TEW13's cycle, thank's to TTTV's (Rik's) videos as I had knew him before then through Football Manger and then after that every TEW since. 

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13 minutes ago, 21maxwell said:

Wrestling Forum back in 2008 i think, that got me into EWR, didn't make the jump till late into TEW13's cycle, thank's to TTTV's (Rik's) videos as I had knew him before then through Football Manger and then after that every TEW since. 

Mate. Funny you mention riks videos. One of the worst periods of my life I was In a deep hole of depression and that guys impact reawakened series was incredible. Would binge it for hours. Went to search it recently and it’s not on YouTube anymore. Shame really. 

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I was searching for a specific WWE match, found one of the dynasties instead on the boards, I got sucked in, saw that people were grading matches and angles somehow, it turned out to be a game and voila.

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My first TEW was 2013, so it was around about then, or maybe 2014. I thought that WWE's booking was so bad at that time that I could do better myself. So I googled wrestling booking games and came across TEW. I never got around to seeing if I could book WWE better than Vince McMahon though, because I got stuck on the CornellVerse and have never wanted to book anything else. 

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I think I first got into EWR because I was wanting to get into wrestling-simulators of some sort and then I tried out TEW 2005 and honestly I've stuck with TEW ever since because it just seemed to have a lot more than what EWR offered..

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