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TEW IX Public Beta Release Reaction Thread

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2 hours ago, steev42 said:

I just downloaded and opened up the demo to be met by an alert that the game needs to be run in administrator mode.

And honestly, the fact that this is *still* the case so many versions later is ridiculous.  Windows has a specific place to put things like game saves that don't require administrator access.  There is no reason that a video game, of all things, should require administrator access.  That's not what that is for.  Admin access to install, sure.  To play the game?  Absolutely not.

Now, I trust that Adam hasn't put anything in the game that is nefarious, but this needs to change...and preferably before you make a final release.  Use the %appdata% folder like you're supposed to.

Next you'll be saying that the Documents folder is a silly default install path.

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The worker's page is a serious game changer.... and not in a good way.

Not a fan of having to click on one window to see their skills, then click back to another window to start contract negotiations.

I guess it looks better but it's not user friendly at all.

Edited by stratusfaction
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Is there a way to change the resolution at all? The text is so blurry that the game is basically unplayable. I don't mean full screen or anything, I'm aware of all of those issues and actually prefer windowed, just looking for a way to adjust slightly so that the text can be read without straining

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I was playing with TCW and I was resigning Warlord Hate who in in development in MAW . When he accepted the offer,  he was called up to TCW instead of staying in MAW.  This causedi the tag team titles  to vacant in MAW, since he was half of the champs.  I wish I was given the option to choose if he stays in development or is called up. 

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13 hours ago, TheAwesomeZero101 said:

I really hope the storyline success is changed, it seems weird you can't do a beatdown angle without the more popular wrestler turning into Hulk Hogan and saying it doesn't work for them brother, it needs a little rework even if major storyline victories acted like a match would while the other 2 wouldn't.

This is the most annoying thing so far and I hope this can be changed soon, as it ruins a lot of fun building up rookies. Imagine Cena being furious, because nobody knows these Nexus guys, that are going to beat him up.

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3 hours ago, The Superman 3 of People said:

Next you'll be saying that the Documents folder is a silly default install path.

Honestly, yes.  But I didn't even really notice that because I always install somewhere other than the default anyway.

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31 minutes ago, BRO said:

This is the most annoying thing so far and I hope this can be changed soon, as it ruins a lot of fun building up rookies. Imagine Cena being furious, because nobody knows these Nexus guys, that are going to beat him up.

Take a more recent example, imagine Sami Zayn being upset because Bron Breakker was going to spear him on Raw.

Like I said, I do like that angles have received an overhaul, & I'm one of those crazy people that likes the idea of getting to write my own angle descriptions. But it would be nice to turn off complaints about angle losses, or if those particular complaints taken out altogether. 😁

Edited by Mattywood
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2 hours ago, TL2011 said:

Is there a way to change the resolution at all? The text is so blurry that the game is basically unplayable. I don't mean full screen or anything, I'm aware of all of those issues and actually prefer windowed, just looking for a way to adjust slightly so that the text can be read without straining

Yeah I am legitimately getting a headache everytime I play the game, this is BRUTAL. 

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6 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

I'm just thinking out loud here, I'm not a paid shill for GDS/AR, promise! 😂

Liar its clear that GDS is using its vast resources to pay you millions, unless you are a bot .... are you a bot?  Did you replace the real DarK_RaideR?  The machines are taking over ... we are doomed



This paranoid rant has been brought to you by the letters A and L and the number 2

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2 hours ago, MiykaelP said:

I was playing with TCW and I was resigning Warlord Hate who in in development in MAW . When he accepted the offer,  he was called up to TCW instead of staying in MAW.  This causedi the tag team titles  to vacant in MAW, since he was half of the champs.  I wish I was given the option to choose if he stays in development or is called up. 

I believe when you are doing contracts there is actually a "and send too option" available to people with child companies.  Not sure if it stops them vacating but I do know if you are signing new people you don't have to bring them into the main company first and then send them down.  I saw someone explain it 8n one of these threads but haven't as yet done it myself

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Just now, alpha2117 said:

I believe when you are doing contracts there is actually a "and send too option" available to people with child companies.  Not sure if it stops them vacating but I do know if you are signing new people you don't have to bring them into the main company first and then send them down.  I saw someone explain it 8n one of these threads but haven't as yet done it myself

MAW isn't a child company though and I don't think that option exists if you just have a developmental deal.

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6 minutes ago, Doctor Crunch said:

MAW isn't a child company though and I don't think that option exists if you just have a developmental deal.

Like I said I haven't done it so don't know the details, you could look to find the post to see more details or experiment in game by signing someone and looking at the contract screens carefully to see if you get those options.  Wish I could be more specific on the details for you.

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10 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:


In other news, I just realized that there's no mention of a worker's skin or race on their profile. Smooth move, I appreciate it.

Is that them being progressive, or is it that them covering their behinds because some of the workers do not look at ALL like how they did in previous iterations (Demelza Wade was the most notable, but there are a few others)?

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idk if I'm the only one that feels this way but I feel like the touring contracts by japanese companies are given too often, like even as a small company it feels like every few days one of my wrestlers gets a touring contract

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Is it me, or is Spillover a bit unrealistic?

I'm using a real life database and I'm not saying that it was perfect in the first place, but now it seems completely broken... A guy like Okada suddenly becomes the 44th biggest star in the US, 31st biggest in Canada, 11th biggest star in Europe... I understand that in game terms it helps making imports more useful but still. There's a difference between "a professional wrestler should know that so and so is big in Japan and agree to put them over" and "your average fan actually cares about so and so who's big in Japan". Those "Most Popular" lists now look pretty laughable to me as I find out that your average fan in, say, France, is more familiar with Okada or Tanahashi than with 70% of the roster of the only wrestling company they've ever heard about.

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15 minutes ago, MisterSocko said:

Is it me, or is Spillover a bit unrealistic?

I'm using a real life database and I'm not saying that it was perfect in the first place, but now it seems completely broken... A guy like Okada suddenly becomes the 44th biggest star in the US, 31st biggest in Canada, 11th biggest star in Europe... I understand that in game terms it helps making imports more useful but still. There's a difference between "a professional wrestler should know that so and so is big in Japan and agree to put them over" and "your average fan actually cares about so and so who's big in Japan". Those "Most Popular" lists now look pretty laughable to me as I find out that your average fan in, say, France, is more familiar with Okada or Tanahashi than with 70% of the roster of the only wrestling company they've ever heard about.

I think it may well just be the mod you are using having his pop overseas set higher than you would expect.

Honestly Okada being 44 in the Us sounds about right because the matches he has had are normally with high profile people.  Nobody outside of the WWE or AEW would have been more over than him when he signed and 44 seems close to where you would expect him to be.  There would maybe be 25 people in the WWE, Maybe 6 in NXT and 15 in AEW in front of him , maybe 5 in TNA who were with WWE recently too.  So he would likely be between 40 and 60 in pop b4 he joined AEW with even casual fans, higher with hardcore wrestling fans


Edited by alpha2117
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11 minutes ago, MisterSocko said:

Is it me, or is Spillover a bit unrealistic?

I'm using a real life database and I'm not saying that it was perfect in the first place, but now it seems completely broken... A guy like Okada suddenly becomes the 44th biggest star in the US, 31st biggest in Canada, 11th biggest star in Europe... I understand that in game terms it helps making imports more useful but still. There's a difference between "a professional wrestler should know that so and so is big in Japan and agree to put them over" and "your average fan actually cares about so and so who's big in Japan". Those "Most Popular" lists now look pretty laughable to me as I find out that your average fan in, say, France, is more familiar with Okada or Tanahashi than with 70% of the roster of the only wrestling company they've ever heard about.

The debate of what constitutes as overness will never end as long as the game exists, but to put it in perspective Okada has main evented multiple NBA arenas in the states, including MSG. This indisputable fact makes him a bigger tangible draw than all but a handful of wrestlers in the entire world. 

I do agree that the name recognition isn't as high as (for example) R-Truth, but in a world where we are playing a text based game based on numbers, I think it would be important to have a consistency where Okada is able to be a viable main event wrestler based on legitimate, tangible evidence. 

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As someone who plays real world mods and has never once played the Cornellverse, I think most of what I’d post as a reaction has been shared already.
More clicks to do things you could do in less clicks before. Info not where it should be. Still missing over a dozen (pretty big) features that were in previous TEW games such as ability to edit game world data, area setup, and more detailed broadcaster settings. Still missing the ability to tell child companies who to push. 
But now, it takes longer to book a show (specifically angles), the in-game relationships are on steroids (good luck to anyone playing 80’s or 90’s RW mods), and the AI is still not anywhere near realistic (I’m still seeing stables break up and now drafts are happening on a weekly basis). 
But we have the addition of a booking team (previously in TEW 2004) and get to assign some new backstage roles to workers and do media scrums. 
Not enough for me to spend $34.95 on a game. I appreciate the time you put into it though and I realize you’re not making the game for players like me anymore. 

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I really don't get the more clicks thing. Most angles I book are the same clicks. (I assume you mean that) The info not being where it should be is...odd? What do you mean by that.

The mod issues are mod issues. Likely due to conversion. Assigning too many people negative traits. The stables resettling every save sounds like either the stable type isnt right. The draft was a bug that got fixed. It sounds like a lot of your issues might be lessened in say 2 months once mods catch up to the new game.

The other features I see what you mean as missing.

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I will say, the C-Verse database this year feels like it's specifically set up to punish people who like to play women's feds. The number of female workers under the age of 34 with Star Quality higher than 80? Twelve. Click that over to male workers and there it's a significantly higher number.

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1 hour ago, Matt_Black said:

I will say, the C-Verse database this year feels like it's specifically set up to punish people who like to play women's feds. The number of female workers under the age of 34 with Star Quality higher than 80? Twelve. Click that over to male workers and there it's a significantly higher number.

Thats sad. There was an excellent women's wrestling mod made for 2020 hopefully that gets ported over and maybe even fleshed out some more 

Edited by Irish Wolf
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