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Outlaw Championship Wrestling [CVerse]

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Warren Technique vs Wild Red Stallion
Harvey Robbinfield vs Jerry Lee Tennessee
The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express
Valentine Rayne vs Wolfie Tagg
Cactus Jack vs Gunner Jackson
The Mat Masters vs The War Thunders for the OCW Southern Tag Team titles
Archie Aldred III vs “The Lone Star Cowboy” Buck Winchester in a No DQ match
Will OCW beat last week’s 44 rating? Yes

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I thought the DQ finish worked well for the opener as one team claiming a more decisive win might have telegraphed the upcoming title match more.

I'm continuing to find Haley Buck an understated highlight of the show for being a dynamic character rather than a generic interviewer, and having Texas Hangman attacked early on helped maintain his air of mystery.

Valentine Rayne came off as a huge babyface being protective of his partner and still tough enough to score the win for his team.

I enjoyed the Archie Aldred III segment as a way of showing Ricky Johnson in a more vulnerable position and explaining why he got to pick the stipulation.

Fun debut for El Mariachi and a logical first feud. Another DQ in the main event but it made sense to keep this feud going while it still has plenty of momentum, and I feel like this kind of finish fits well with the Wild West product.

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Warren Technique vs Wild Red Stallion [1 Pts]
Harvey Robbinfield vs Jerry Lee Tennessee [1 Pts]
The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express [1 Pts]
Valentine Rayne vs Wolfie Tagg [1 Pts]
Cactus Jack vs Gunner Jackson [1 Pts]
The Mat Masters vs The War Thunders for the OCW Southern Tag Team titles [2 Pts]
Archie Aldred III vs “The Lone Star Cowboy” Buck Winchester in a No DQ match [1 Pts]
Will OCW beat last week’s 44 rating? Yes [1 Pts]
Any thoughts/feedback on latest show? The feud between Archie and Buck had an intriguing hook on this show, it's not every day that the heel goes out of their way to demand a match with the face, usually they try to avoid it anyway possible, but I like that between Archie and Luke you seem to be bucking this trend.  Also, Big Hustle is certainly going to have another shot at the title in the future, but I was certain that Luke wouldn't drop the title on his first defense.

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Warren Technique vs Wild Red Stallion [1 Pts] (This has to be typo, you just had this match and they are involved in a tag match on the same card ...bonus point ;) ? ) 
Harvey Robbinfield vs Jerry Lee Tennessee [1 Pts]
The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express [1 Pts]
Valentine Rayne vs Wolfie Tagg [1 Pts]
Cactus Jack vs Gunner Jackson [1 Pts]
The Mat Masters vs The War Thunders for the OCW Southern Tag Team titles [2 Pts]
Archie Aldred III vs “The Lone Star Cowboy” Buck Winchester in a No DQ match [1 Pts]
Will OCW beat last week’s 44 rating? [1 Pts] yes
Any thoughts/feedback on latest show?  that main even was true to a lot of old school southern Rasslin' . The rematch will likely have some sort of No DQ/No Count out stipulation , can see them maybe having a cage match.  Good show overall as usual. 

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Posted (edited)
02. OCW alt logo.png
Outlaw Championship Wrestling #7
Aired on Wednesday, March 2, 2022
119,787 viewers (0.15 TVR) on The Bandit Network
Held in The Outpost (San Antonio Riverwalk Rodeo) in front of 349 people
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Harvey Robbinfield vs Jerry Lee Tennessee

The night kicks off with an electric atmosphere as Jerry Lee Tennessee and “Mustang” Harvey Robbinfield put on a crowd-pleasing, high-energy opener. “Mustang” - known for his impressive athleticism - dazzles the crowd with smooth chain wrestling, quick dropkicks, and graceful dives. JLT, instead, mixes his brawling style with some flashy antics, engaging the fans throughout. The bout sees back-and-forth action, with Harvey Robbinfield’s speed keeping the Blues musician on his toes. Despite Mustang’s athletic efforts, Jerry Lee Tennessee’s instincts and ring smarts shine through. After countering a top-rope move from his opponent, JLT takes control and sets up for the Devil’s Crossroad for the decisive pinfall. [39]


After his victory, Jerry Lee Tennessee grabs his guitar, eager to celebrate with a live performance. Just as he’s about to begin, a familiar sound rings out from the bleachers - it’s El Mariachi! Playing his mariachi guitar from high above, El Mariachi once again steals the spotlight, outshining Jerry Lee Tennessee with a lively tune. The crowd seems entertained while JLT angrily tries to compete, but El Mariachi’s showmanship wins out. Frustrated, the Blues musician gives up and storms out of the ring, returning backstage and leaving the silent El Mariachi to finish his performance with a flourish, clearly getting under JLT’s skin once again. [42]




Mya Catalan is backstage, getting an interview out of Cactus Jack, who tonight will collide against the muscular Gunner Jackson in singles action. Struggling going off-script this time, Jack Pryde focus on what’s happening in recent weeks with Pepper J, Dynamite Martin and Cobra. “The Cactus” says that last week clearly showed how a mutual alliance between them could have been beneficial, but hey, maybe they are just hard heads and it takes them a while to figure things out. However, tonight Cobra and The Explosive Receipt have another chance of doing the right thing, maybe scratching Cactus Jack’s back in his one-on-one against Gunner Jackson. [29]




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The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express

The Dusty Outlaws and The Steam Express meet for their highly anticipated rematch, with tensions running high after their first tag team clash. The bout quickly descends into a wild brawl, with both teams throwing heavy strikes and turning this into a chaotic slugfest. Sweet Tabitha shines at ringside, acting really well as the concerned babyface valet. The brawl intensifies as both teams wrestle for control. In the closing moments, The Dusty Outlaws manage to isolate Jason Patterson hitting him with perfect time for their signature double-teamed Dust Devil Drop, allowing Mercy Michaels to score the pinfall. The Outlaws are now 1-1 against The Steam Express. [30]




We’re back with Mya Catalan at backstage, announcing that Governor Ricky Johnson is here for a small update. The Commissioner thanks his interviewer and informs the fans watching the show that later on he’ll have a public meeting with OCW Southern Heavyweight champ Luke Steele and Big Hustle, right in the middle of the ring, discussing about what happened in last week’s main event face-to-face, like real men. [62]


Hearing a bustle nearby, Governor Ricky Johnson takes his leave of Mya Catalan and goes to see what is going on right after the corner, being followed by the cameraman. And this is where we find heel mysterious Cobra throwing babyface Harvey Robbinfield against some objects backstage, making a mess. The reason for this tussle is not at all clear, but Ricky Johnson gets in the way by stopping a further assault by Cobra. Los Spurs, babyfaces who have had some trouble with “The Snake Man” before, also arrive on the scene. The more intimidating of the two, “El Vaquero” Manny Alvarez goes toe-to-toe with Cobra for what he has just done, but Governor Ricky Johnson and a few staff members manage to get Cobra to back off, settling the situation. [33]




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Valentine Rayne vs Wolfie Tagg

Following last week’s tag team bout between The Heartbreakers and The Montana Lumberjacks, Valentine Rayne and Wolfie Tagg square up in singles action tonight, accompanied at ringside respectively by Rocco Renoir and Kalder Tagg. Early on, both competitors showed off their in-ring skills, with Wolfie using his strenght and Valentine Rayne showcasing his technical talent. Unfortunately, disaster struck when Valentine Rayne suffers a ruptured spleen mid-match. Despite pushing through the pain, it starts getting clear something is wrong, with referee and both wrestlers havingto quickly adjust, calling an audible to protect Valentine Rayne. The finish was changed on the fly, with Wolfie Tagg capitalizing and delivering a stiff Mafia Kick, securing the pinfall in nine minutes. Though the bout has decent action, the injury understandably affects the overall flow and heat. [37]




The intimidating and good-looking Texas Hangman walks out in bad mood tonight - not that his is usually the face of enthusiasm. “The Hangman” talks about last week’s assault he suffered at the Bucks Saloon, where Sandman Winks blindsided him with a bottle breaking on his head. While announcing that Ricky Johnson suspended and fined “The Sandman” for his actions, Texas Hangman definitely isn’t satisfied with this. That being said, “The Hangman” says that next week  the Commissioner granted him a one-on-one against Sandman Winks, and he can’t wait to choke him ‘till “The Sandman” goes to sleep! Clear, short messagge delivered, and Texas Hangman slowly walks up the ramp, returning backstage. [32]




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Cactus Jack vs Gunner Jackson

In this 12-minute encounter, Gunner Jackson faces the wily and underhanded Cactus Jack, who is determined to gain any advantage he could. Throughout the match, Cactus Jack played the role of a cheating weasel, using every trick in the book - eye pokes, pulling the tights, and even trying to undo the turnbuckle padding. Adding to the chaos, his valet, Lola Starr, keeps interfering from ringside, distracting the referee and even trying to trip Gunner when he gained momentum. Despite all of this, Gunner’s power and persistence eventually turns the tide. After dodging a blow by Jack Pryde, Gunner Jackson hits his opponent with his devastating Quick Shot spinebuster, planting him hard into the mat for the pinfall after twelve minutes. No sign of The Explosive Receipt or Cobra during the bout, and Cactus Jack gets defeated once again. [29]




The crew takes us inside the Bucks Saloon, where Haley Buck gets few minutes to recap how we ended up with this upcoming two-on-two to crown the inaugural OCW Southern Tag Team champions. She does a good job remembering The Mat Masters and The War Thunders’ wins that led to this match-up. The two best duo in Outlaw Championship Wrestling so far, never pinned nor submitted, to square up in a must-watch bout. [28] 




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The Mat Masters vs The War Thunders for the OCW Southern Tag Team titles

In this well-balanced fifteen-minute bout, The War Thunders face off against The Mat Masters to crown the inaugural OCW Southern Tag Team champions. The Mat Masters, a team of heel technicians, use their technical prowess to dominate much of the match, focusing their attacks on Eagle Two Tomahawk, isolating him and working him over, as the underdog babyface has to show his resilience, fighting off several near-falls.. Herb Stately, their sports agent, provides guidance from ringside, helping them maintain their edge with well-timed advice and distractions. Despite being under heavy pressure, “The Eagle” finally manages to escape The Mat Masters’ relentless grip and make the hot tag to Wild Red Stallion. The big Lakota warrior enters the ring with explosive energy, taking down both opponents with powerful strikes, but eventually Herb Stately’s interference stops babyface’s hot comeback. In the final fast-paced sequence, Eagle Two Tomahawk and Wild Red Stallion outsmart The Mat Masters and Herb Stately, and “The Stallion” catches Warren Technique off guard with his Lakota Cutter! 1 .. 2 .. 3!!! [40]


After The War Thunders' hard-fought victory, the crowd erupts in cheers as the inaugural Southern Tag Team champs are crowned. Governor Ricky Johnson, the OCW Commissioner, steps into the ring and takes the championship belts from the referee, personally handing them to the new champions. “The Governor” then raises their arms high, congratulating them for this achievement. The moment is pure feel-good babyface energy, with the crowd cheering for The War Thunders. [53]




As The War Thunders return backstage, Governor Ricky Johnson stay out here and calls out the OCW Southern Heavyweight champ Luke Steele and Big Hustle to talk about last week’s controversial ending to their championship match, where Luke Steele got disqualified, being probably saved by a loss by pinfall that would have cost him the title strap. “The Governor” is a real star in this segment, playing with the crowd before announcing that - even if last week’s decision won’t be reversed - Big Hustle will get another opportunity at the Southern Heavyweight championship at OCW SuperShow: Most Wanted! Aired on The Bandit Network as a Premium Live Event in a month! The crowd and Big Hustle seems very happy about it, while Luke Steele seems pissed off, menacing Big Hustle that “he may not make it to the SuperShow”. Governor Ricky Johnson goes face-to-face with his champion, asking him what he meant by that, but “Unbreakable” Luke Steele doesn’t retract his words, saying that the Wild West is dangerous, before returning backstage. [48]





Archie Aldred III vs “The Lone Star Cowboy” Buck Winchester in a No DQ match

As requested by Archie Aldred III himself last week, tonight’s main event is a No DQ Bout. “The Oil Prince” gets in the ring with a luxurious wooden walking cane, while The Lone Star Cowboy shows up carrying the same steel pipe he used two weeks ago to destroy AAIII’s sports car. As the bell rings, Archie Aldred III immediately goes for the cane-hit, but Buck Winchester lets his pipe go and blocks the cane with his hands, taking control of it and immediately smashing it in half! The cane breaks to splinters, leaving Archie shocked and vulnerable. “The Cowboy” then takes control, delivering a relentless beating with hard shots and the steel pipe, much to the crowd’s delight. It seems like Buck Winchester is on his way to a decisive victory, despite some sporadic comeback from “The Oil Prince” who uses some dirty antics to get back on track. However, just as The Lone Star Cowboy sets up for the final blow, a mysterious figure emerges from the railings. Dressed in camo shirt and pants, the unknown man storms the ring armed with a baton, blindsiding The Lone Star Cowboy and delivering a brutal assault that leaves him down and out. The crowd is stunned as the intruder, clearly an ally of Archie Aldred III who starts laughing, before hitting his rival with The Drill Down (Vertical Suplex Powerslam) to secure a controversial victory after thirteen minutes. [35]


After his controversial victory, Archie Aldred III grabs a microphone, ignoring the loud boos from the crowd. With a smug grin, he begins to speak, explaining that after The Lone Star Cowboy vandalized his sports car, he realized that the promotion wouldn't protect him as it should, forcing him to take matters into his own hands. He then proudly introduces the mysterious figure as Desert Storm, his personal security guard! Desert Storm is a tough-as-nails Mid South man with an armed forces background, now well payed by “The Oil Prince” with ensuring that no one - especially someone like Buck Winchester - ever gets close enough to harm Archie Aldred III again. Archie, clearly enjoying the crowd’s growing anger, emphasizes that this isn't just about wealth, but also about power, and he has both. [32]





Edited by Wrestling Machine
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RDJ is being used perfectly I feel. I bet he's a godsend ratings wise in game too. But each show he feels important, as he should as he'll be be FAR the most popular person on the roster, but he also is never the focus. 

Glad to have called AA3 getting some hired muscle. Desert Storm seems perfect. I've literally never heard of him or used him which is pretty odd to say he's been in the C-verse numerous games. So it's great this diary is using lesser used people. 

I liked Steele's threat too. Think he has potential to be a really great heel champion. 

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El Mariachi v JLT continues to be a simple and effective way to establish the newcomer. Rough injury timing for Valentine Rayne when he'd been looking really good.

I enjoy Cactus Jack as this sort of cartoon villain who starts each episode with a threat and a scheme but it always blows up in his face before the credits roll, though it will be fun when he eventually gets to brag about something going right too.

I thought The Mat Masters were getting the first tag reign so this was a nice surprise babyface triumph, and being defeated by the other unbeaten team means The Mat Masters don't lose much in defeat.

The main event was a fun change of pace with a good story-building finish. It seems Archie Aldred III's schemes have a better strike rate than Cactus Jack's, and it makes sense that someone with his wealth would bring in some personal security.

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Posted (edited)
Next Week on OCW
The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express [1 Pts]
Conner Threepwood vs Gunner Jackson [1 Pts]
Rocco Renoir, ??? vs The Montana Lumberjacks [1 Pts]
Sandman Winks vs Texas Hangman [1 Pts]
Cobra vs Manny Alvarez [1 Pts]
Archie Aldred III vs Big Hustle [1 Pts]
Will OCW beat last week’s 44 rating? [1 Pts]
Also featuring, Jerry Lee Tennessee and El Mariachi co-performance!!
Predictions Standings - Q1 2022
EthanTheRenegade [30 Pts]
christmas_ape [26 Pts]
KyTeran [23 Pts]
MiykaelP [22 Pts]
newbiezness [22 Pts]
kanegan [21 Pts]
CGN91 [15 Pts]
StanMiguel [5 Pts]
Midnightnick [4 Pts]
Kieran_Lives [1 Pts]
*** Technique vs Wild Red Stallion being again on the card was a mistake, sorry!
Edited by Wrestling Machine
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The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express [1 Pts]
Conner Threepwood vs Gunner Jackson [1 Pts]
Rocco Renoir, ??? vs The Montana Lumberjacks [1 Pts]
Sandman Winks vs Texas Hangman [1 Pts]
Cobra vs Manny Alvarez [1 Pts]
Archie Aldred III vs Big Hustle [1 Pts]  (maybe via DQ)
Will OCW beat last week’s 44 rating? [1 Pts] Yes
Also featuring, Jerry Lee Tennessee and El Mariachi co-performance!! (and Technique vs Wild Red Stallion I hope!)

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The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express [1 Pts]
Conner Threepwood vs Gunner Jackson [1 Pts]
Rocco Renoir, ??? vs The Montana Lumberjacks [1 Pts]
Sandman Winks vs Texas Hangman [1 Pts]
Cobra vs Manny Alvarez [1 Pts]
Archie Aldred III vs Big Hustle [1 Pts]
Will OCW beat last week’s 44 rating? [1 Pts] yes!
Also featuring, Jerry Lee Tennessee and El Mariachi co-performance!! 

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The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express [1 Pts]
Conner Threepwood vs Gunner Jackson [1 Pts]
Rocco Renoir, ??? vs The Montana Lumberjacks [1 Pts]
Sandman Winks vs Texas Hangman [1 Pts]
Cobra vs Manny Alvarez [1 Pts]
Archie Aldred III vs Big Hustle [1 Pts]
Will OCW beat last week’s 44 rating? [1 Pts] Yes

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The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express [1 Pts]
Conner Threepwood vs Gunner Jackson [1 Pts]
Rocco Renoir, ??? vs The Montana Lumberjacks [1 Pts]
Sandman Winks vs Texas Hangman [1 Pts]
Cobra vs Manny Alvarez [1 Pts]
Archie Aldred III vs Big Hustle [1 Pts]
Will OCW beat last week’s 44 rating? Yes [1 Pts]

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02. OCW alt logo.png
Outlaw Championship Wrestling #8
Aired on Wednesday, March 9, 2022
119,514 viewers (0.15 TVR) on The Bandit Network
Held in The Outpost (San Antonio Riverwalk Rodeo) in front of 357 people

As announced in the previous days, the show kicks off with Jerry Lee Tennessee - guitar in hand - calling out El Mariachi, inviting to join him for a musical co-performance. El Mariachi makes his way down to the ring, following JLT’s go and start playing his guitar. With both figure strumming their guitar, Jerry Lee Tennesse starts catchy tune that starts off friendly enough, but soon takes a darker turn. As the lyrics shift, JLT ends up singing about destroying his guitar over El Mariachi's head, hinting at his true intentions! Just as Jerry Lee Tennessee hits his final line, he suddenly swings it at El Mariachi, aiming to take him out right then and there. But El Mariachi is ready and - surprisingly - he ducks the guitar shot with a quick low roll, effortlessly avoiding the attack while keeping control of his own guitar. The crowd erupts as El Mariachi pops back up to his feet, staring at his rival. Jerry Lee Tennessee is shocked, and quickly backs off, retreating out of the ring before things can escalate further, visibly frustrated that his plan backfired. [37]




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The Dusty Outlaws vs The Steam Express

In the third and deciding match of their short but heated rivalry, The Steam Express - accompanied by their valet Sweet Tabitha - and The Dusty Outlaws collide once more in a 10-minute bout. Both teams are determined to come out on top, with the series tied at 1-1. As the match reaches its climax, The Steam Express begin to gain the upper hand. In the final moments, Jason Patterson seizes an opening and hits his powerful Oklahoma Stampede on Cockroach Carter: 1 .. 2 .. 3!!! Babyfaces Jason Patterson and Stanley Axis overcomr Cockroach Carter and Mercy Michaels, celebrating with the crowd and Sweet Tabitha. On a side note, Stanley Axis sustains a strained wrist that should be OK in just few days. [35]




Coming in and resting his OCW Southern Heavyweight championship on the bar counter, Luke Steele shows up inside the Bucks Saloon, cracking a cold one alongside Haley Buck. The owner of the Saloon asks the champ some spicy question, remembering everyone what Luke Steele said last week - that Big Hustle may not make it to their title match at OCW SuperShow, live on The Bandit Network in few weeks. Keeping it cool, “Unbreakable” again points out that the Wild West is a dangerous place, but even if “The Hustler” would make it till their championship bout, he will crush his skull. [29]




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Conner Threepwood vs Gunner Jackson

Babyface Gunner Jackson faced off against heel Conner Threepwood in a nine minutes match that, despite the talent of both competitors, unfortunately lacks chemistry. The two wrestlers struggle to find their rhythm, resulting in an awkward bout that doesn’t quite meet expectations. However, the commentary team of Dane O’Hara and Duke Hazzard do their best to elevate the action, providing insightful and energetic narration. In the end, Gunner Jackson secured the win by delivering a decisive Quick Shot spinebuster, earning the pinfall victory over Conner Threepwood. [38]




Backstage, Mya Catalan catches up with Jerry Lee Tennessee, who is still fuming after his failed attempt to ambush El Mariachi earlier in the night. The blues musician, trying to save face, confidently tells Mya that his guitar swing at El Mariachi was all part of his plan. He claims that he was simply sending a message to the luchador, warning him to stay out of his business. With a smug grin, Jerry insists that he "missed" the guitar shot on purpose, just to give El Mariachi a taste of what could happen if he continues to interfere. As the interview wraps up, Jerry Lee Tennessee makes it clear that next time, he won’t be so generous, and El Mariachi won’t be so lucky! [37]




With the Montana Lumberjacks already in the ring, Rocco Renoir emerges with a microphone in hand. He announces that, unfortunately, his tag partner Valentine Rayne suffered a ruptured spleen last week and will be out for a couple of months. However, the Canadian pretty boy reveals that during the past few days, Wolfie Tagg and Kalder Tagg have run their mouth, mocking Valentine Rayne for his injury they caused in last week’s tag team action, and Rocco Renoir is determined to shut their mouths right here, right now! Acknowledging that he can't do it alone, Rocco Renoir reveals that he called in a dear friend from Canada to help him out, with Governor Ricky Johnson’s approval. Rocco Renoir proudly introduces the handsome Romeo Romaro, who strides out with a pretty smile and a heart painted on his left cheek. From The Heartbreakers to The Canadian Heartbreakers! And they’re in action up next! [24]


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The Canadian Heartbreakers vs The Montana Lumberjacks

Despite being paired for the first time, Romeo Romaro and Rocco Renoir show excellent chemistry as a tag team, something really interesting for OCW management for sure. With smooth teamwork, The Canadian Heartbreakers get the sympathy of the crowd. However, The Montana Lumberjacks' power and resilience proves too much in the end. As the bout reached its conclusion, Kalder Tagg and Wolfie Tagg managed to catch Romeo Romaro off guard, devastating their combined Montana Slammer to secure the pinfall and the victory for their tag team after eleven minutes. [38]




Cactus Jack, accompanied by girlfriend Lola Starr, storms to the ring and calls out Cobra, Pepper J, and Dynamite Martin. Frustrated by their refusal to join forces, Jack Pryde furiously declares that OCW isn’t a place for the weak, emphasizing that it’s Hunting Season and there’s a bullet waiting for every lone wolf, but not enough for a pack. He shouts at them, calling them stupid for rejecting his help and telling them to go to hell! Just as the tension peaks, the nutty oddball Dynamite Martin suddenly laughs and hugs Cactus Jack, saying this is what he wanted to see. Pepper J, following his partner's lead, shakes Cactus’s hand, much to Cactus Jack’s surprise. Cobra, however, hesitates and eventually walks out, leaving Cactus Jack with his new allies. [22]




Interviewed backstage by Mya Catalan, Archie Aldred III is here in a great mood, backed up by his personal security guard, Desert Storm, who last week destroyed The Lone Star Cowboy. “The Oil Prince” refers to Buck Winchester as an old wreck, and after last week’s beatdown he honestly may never showed up again here. After that, is focus shifts to Big Hustle, the bad ass babyface that he’ll have to face later on in the main event. AAIII promises he’ll have the better hand over him, just like èlite people like him always do with poor street hustlers. And after tonight, when the No. One contender Big Hustle will lay with his fat butt on the mat, Ricky Johnson will understand that AAIII should be the one worthy of a title match against “Unbreakable” Luke Steele. [39]




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Sandman Winks vs Texas Hangman

Babyface Texas Hangman squares off against his rival, heel Sandman Winks, in a 13-minute bout where “The Sandman” uses his technical holds to try and put the big man to sleep. Throughout the match, Sandman Winks focuses on wearing down “The Hangman” with a series of sleeper holds and submissions, gradually sapping his strength and nearly bringing him to his knees. However, just when it seemed like the heel might succeed, Texas Hangman finds a burst of energy. He powers out of the hold, delivering a massive Big Boot that stunned his rival. Seizing the moment, Texas Hangman follows up with a devastating Choke Slam, securing the victory with a decisive pinfall. [39]


After the match, as Texas Hangman celebrates his hard-fought victory, Sandman Winks, seething with frustration, attacks him from behind, trying to gain the upper hand. But Texas Hangman quickly turns the tables, delivering another Choke Slam that sends Sandman Winks crashing to the mat once more. But this time, “The Hangman” doesn't stop there. He drops to the mat, wrapping his hands around Winks' throat and begins choking him relentlessly. Sandman Winks struggles, but Hangman's grip is too strong, and “The Sandman” gradually fades, eventually passing out in the middle of the ring. “The Sleeper” is the one going to sleep eventually, and that should end their rivalry for good. [28]




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Cobra vs Manny Alvarez

Cobra faces off against "El Vaquero" Manny Alvarez, who is accompanied by his tag partner Gringo Loco. The bout is hard-fought, with Manny Alvarez using his brawling skills to keep Cobra on the defensive, having a more patient and sneaky approach. After almost twelve minutes Cactus Jack, Pepper J, and Dynamite Martin appear at ringside, and their presence causes a distraction that allows Cobra to seize the advantage, putting his opponent on the mat and locking in his Viper Vice, forcing “El Vaquero” to tap out. Despite refusing their alliance before, Cobra gets some help in in singles match tonight. [30]




The War Thunders - Eagle Two Tomahawk and Wild Red Stallion - comes out, cutting a short promo thanking fans for their support that allowed them to become the inaugural OCW Southern Tag Team champions last week. The ones they beat come out though, as The Mat Masters and their sport agent Herb Stately ask for a rematch, another two-on-two with the tag belts on the line. Governor Ricky Johnson comes out and stands on the ramp, congratulating again The War Thunders, before talking to The Mat Masters and Herb Stately. Al Coleman and Warren Technique have been great so far, a real feather in the cap of OCW tag team division. That being said, they will have to earn another title match, and they will have the opportunity to do just that next week! In a No. One contenders’ tag team match against a duo who got a huge victory in tonight’s opener, The Steam Express! [32]




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Archie Aldred III vs Big Hustle

In a thrilling main event, Big Hustle's raw power clashes with Archie Aldred III’s cunning strategy. From the opening bell, AAIII tries to outmaneuver “The Hustler”, using every trick in the book to avoid the babyface big man’s crushing strength. He reliex on his agility and ring smarts, keeping Hustle off balance with quick strikes and evasive tactics, while Desert Storm, Archie’s security guard, witnesses at ringside, ready to intervene. However, Big Hustle’s relentless strength gradually turns the tide, Archie Aldred’s strategy begins to falter, and Desert Storm is forced to interfere, distracting and assaulting “The Hustler” without getting caught. Just when it seems like Archie might regains control, The Lone Star Cowboy storms the ringside area out of nowhere, immediately engaging Desert Storm in a chaotic brawl! The distraction proves too much for “The Oil Prince” who gets knocked out by Big Hustle’s Hustler’s Headbutt! 1 .. 2 .. 3!! [48]


After the bell, Desert Storm saves his boss Archie Aldred III and retreats with him backstage, being followed by Buck Winchester who wants more. Big Hustle remains alone in the ring, celebrating the vict… NO! “Unbreakable” Luke Steele runs in and blindsides his challenger, beating him with his steel chain and leaving him down and out. Going on for a couple of minutes, the show ends up with the OCW Southern Heavyweight champ raising both his steel chain and his title strap over Big Hustle. Hope “The Hustler” is fine and not injured. [33]





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Next Week on OCW
Jay Silver vs Mercy Michaels [1 Pts]
Cactus Jack, Dynamite Martin, Pepper J vs Gunner Jackson, Gringo Loco, Manny Alvarez [1 Pts]
Jerry Lee Tennessee vs Romeo Romaro [1 Pts]
The Mat Masters vs The Steam Express [1 Pts]
Conner Threepwood vs Eagle Two Tomahawk [1 Pts]
Archie Aldred III, Luke Steele vs Big Hustle, The Lone Star Cowboy [1 Pts]

Will OCW have a 45+ rating? [1 Pts]
Any thoughts/feedback on latest show or diary?
Predictions Standings - Q1 2022
EthanTheRenegade [34 Pts]
christmas_ape [31 Pts]
KyTeran [28 Pts]
MiykaelP [28 Pts]
kanegan [26 Pts]
newbiezness [26 Pts]
CGN91 [21 Pts]
StanMiguel [5 Pts]
Midnightnick [4 Pts]
Kieran_Lives [1 Pts]
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I enjoyed the latest El Mariachi-JLT interaction: it makes sense that one instrument-wielding wrestler would be ready to anticipate another's nefarious plans. I loved JLT's no-sell of being shown up in his later interview too.

Rocco Renoir finding himself another partner is an interesting development: whether they expand to become a trio once Valentine Rayne returns or Renoir's faced with a difficult decision. Having him lose his first match with his substitute partner both maintained the mystery and felt like good realism that they couldn't conquer an established team on their first night.

I wasn't expecting such an empathic showing from Texas Hangman but, given you signalled it's the end of the feud, it made sense for it to have such a decisive finish. It made him feel like a huge deal, and perhaps the next challenger for Luke Steele if Big Hustle falls short.

It looks like things are finally coming together from Cactus Jack. I liked the touch of having Cobra resist but then be courted further later in the show.

The main event definitely had a big-match feel, but with the challenge of it being hard to have a loser with Big Hustle challenging for the title and it being AAII's first match since unveiling his security, so the Winchester run-in was the best way to navigate that.

So much going on throughout the card again, and I'm in awe of the rate you're writing and posting these cards at too.

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Jay Silver vs Mercy Michaels
Cactus Jack, Dynamite Martin, Pepper J vs Gunner Jackson, Gringo Loco, Manny Alvarez
Jerry Lee Tennessee vs Romeo Romaro [do I get bonus points if I predict El Mariachi distracts JLT in the match?]
The Mat Masters vs The Steam Express
Conner Threepwood vs Eagle Two Tomahawk
Archie Aldred III, Luke Steele vs Big Hustle, The Lone Star Cowboy

Will OCW have a 45+ rating? Yes

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Jay Silver vs Mercy Michaels [1 Pts]
Cactus Jack, Dynamite Martin, Pepper J vs Gunner Jackson, Gringo Loco, Manny Alvarez [1 Pts]
Jerry Lee Tennessee vs Romeo Romaro [1 Pts]
The Mat Masters vs The Steam Express [1 Pts]
Conner Threepwood vs Eagle Two Tomahawk [1 Pts]
Archie Aldred III, Luke Steele vs Big Hustle, The Lone Star Cowboy [1 Pts]

Will OCW have a 45+ rating? Yes [1 Pts]

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