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DIW's last $2,000: Mr FU has a nephew

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 @alpha2117 @HiPlus Interesting comments. I agree with alpha that they look a good fit visually and mentality-wise, but HiPlus is also right that having a DIW legend alongside them could either overshadow them or make them come off as a Barracudas tribute act, and someone so physically imposing being unable to take bumps could also be disruptive, so we'll have to see how it works out.


17: Continuity
Friday 10th June 2022

After an ill-advised four-month title match drought I can’t imagine the company repeating any time soon, there was a triple header to look forward to at Havoc. Mace Mueller, Rad Masteroff and The Hired Guns were challenging DIW Champion Shogo, Australian Champion Tim Burr and Tag Team Champions Forever Evil respectively.

I heard Lori suggest to her boyfriend Cesar Sionis before Devil May Care that we should have all four former Pinn Enterprises members win and then end the show by revealing they were all aligned. It sounded pretty stupid to me. Still, that was why I was on the booking team and she never would be.

But we probably needed to shake things up. All three titles had been held since the back end of last year by blokes who could loosely be termed as fan favourites, who weren’t in particularly compelling feuds or showing vast personality.

It wasn’t necessarily bad news for me, as if the crowd were more invested in the Dog Pound and Wild Hunt stuff I had more control over than the main event stories, it might increase my future influence. But for that to mean anything, I needed the company to continue existing, which was no certainty in our current financial situation, so I couldn’t afford for them to mess things up too badly.

The Boo Smithson and Con McReady conflict that Angus McMiller was driving had more potential. I reckon he must’ve noticed my success mixing 20-something talent with DIW “legends”. It was too early to tell if they’d go all in on McReady, but I’d seen enough to feel vindicated that he was already way better off without Jaime G, not that he seemed smart enough to realise it himself yet.

Havoc 2022
DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller
Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney
Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff
Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)
Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)
Plus: Tevita Takulua in action accompanied by Vaughan

Edited by 619
Does it still qualify as an Easter Egg if you need to add a link to explain the reference?
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I don't know, I think Lori might be on to something...


Havoc 2022
DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller
Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney
Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff
Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)
Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)
Plus: Tevita Takulua in action accompanied by Vaughan

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Havoc 2022
DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller
Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney
Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff
Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)
Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)
Plus: Tevita Takulua in action accompanied by Vaughan

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To be fair I think Jake might be correct about Lori's idea in this instance since I'm not sure fans would be blown away by the titanic reveal that four guys who were in a stable together for most of their careers, and three of whom have teamed up twice already in the last few shows, are aligned together.

DIW Championship:
Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller

I think Shogo gets a longer run with the title, although there's definitely an argument to put the belt on Mace since he's a better promo then Shogo and just about as good an in ring talent.

Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney

Interesting styles clash here between two of the older guys on your roster. Boo's been on an undefeated run so I feel like it wouldbe a waste for it to end here, although outside intervention is always a possibility since Con McReady seems to have his eyes on Boo and I doubt Mayhem is going to forget his issues with Milton Hittlespitz.

Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff

To me Tim feels like one of those guys who'se a solid midcarder, but I have a hard time imagining him taking the leap up to being a proper top level star. Then again I might be dead wrong here, and perhaps it's just me having a weird bias against lumberjacks. Anyway I still think he wins here, I like Rad a lot as a prospect for the future, but his psychology is a bit low and I imagine you'd prefer a champion who is a bit more polished.

Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)

Creeper and Writhe are already quite good for how young they are, and are only going to get better barring major misfortune. I'm hoping that they'll get a bit more storyline focus going forward, but at the same time their gimmick doesn't really lend itself to talking.

I'm sad we didn't get to see Angus trying to collect Forever Evil's back taxes leading up to the title match, but either way I think the Hired Guns are ultimately here to put over your champions. I know I made the point before, but I feel like Angus would be better off transitioning into a managerial role and Wez could perhaps find a younger partner since he's a solid enough midcard guy but I don't think anyone is dieing for a Wez Dobberly singles run; plus he has the tag specialist attribute so he's actually better at tag work anyway.

Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)

The questionmark here makes me curious, but I think at this point you could have put down local talent in their place and I'd still pick them over Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee.

Edited by Tiberious
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Havoc 2022
DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller
Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney
Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff
Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)
Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)
Plus: Tevita Takulua in action accompanied by Vaughan

Shogo ain't losing, Forever Evil shouldn't lose which means Tim loses and Rad is actually the best young prospect you have right now except maybe Creeper.  Boo v Shogo is long term a series that needs to be done whilst Boo is young enough for it to matter.  The Wild Hunt need wins and they are against the Job Squad.  Tevita is very flawed but whomever you are feeding him isn't even getting their name mentioned.

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Havoc 2022 Predictions

DIW Championship: Shogo (c) def. Mace Mueller

Mayhem Mulhoney def. Boo Smithson

Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) def. Rad Masteroff

Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) def. The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)

The? Wild? Hunt? (Slugger? & Syrus?) def. Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee

Plus: Tevita Takulua in action accompanied by Vaughan (Tevita probably wins)

Love the call back to the Lori's Law diaries.

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Havoc 2022
DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller
Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney
Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff
Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)
Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)

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DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller
I'm going to go with a risky pick and go with Mace getting the win. I honestly have no idea where you go with the DIW top title, because while Shogo is clearly very good, he almost feels out of place in the company? Of all the storylines going on I think there's the least focus on the top championship. Shogo could very easily win this but I can't really think of who he moves on to after, and Mace winning can put a bit of juice into a potential rematch down the road. If I recall from your previous diaries I know you lean towards shorter title reigns and this would be Shogo coming up on 8 months I believe, which is a really solid reign already even if we started the diary part way into it. I could easily be wrong but I am a Mace believer!
Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney
I don't think Mulhoney has much left to give at the top of the card, and him and Boo battled for the top gold only a couple of years ago so I can't see this rivalry extending. Interesting that Con McReady was teasing a future match with Boo and seems to be the heir apparent of Mulhoney in DIW so curious to see where this goes.
Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff
I'm a Radical as well but I don't think he wins gold just yet - I think we get a bit more build up for his first title win, which should be treated as a big deal.
Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)
Forever Evil are younger and better than Wez and Angus. I think the money feud is Ares Death Cult, who surprisingly haven't held these belts in 4 years... that's wild to me but I might be biasing towards your alt Cverse diary where they are a much bigger deal.
Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)
Plus: Tevita Takulua in action accompanied by Vaughan
Looking forward to the Blitz getting involved and facing off against his former Barracudas running mate

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DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller

The match has had a decent build, and could certainly go the other way. I think Shogo still has a lot of time in his current run. Obviously he could come back to it or lose to continue the feud but it just feels too early. 

Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney

Two guys not doing much, one guy definitely in the passing the torch moment.

Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff

This diary has changed my perception on Rad quite abit but I believe Tim Burr is the right person to win. 

Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)

I expect there to be one title change tonight. While I think Forever Evil are certainly the best option to be champion between the two groups. The growth of The Hired Guns could make an exciting change in the tag-team scene and freshen it up as Ares Death Cult continue to dominate the card without the titles. 

Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)

Poor, poor Demarcus.. 

Plus: Tevita Takulua in action accompanied by Vaughan

Tevita monsters whoever he faces off again. 

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 DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller
Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney
Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff
Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)
Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)

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Havoc 2022
DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Mace Mueller
Shogo shouldn't be losing any time soon

Boo Smithson v Mayhem Mulhoney
Boo stays strong Mayhem is a special attraction at this point

Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) v Rad Masteroff
I feel like there will be a title change and it should be Rad

Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)
They keep the titles till Wild Hunt or Dog Pound take them off them

Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee v The Wild Hunt (Slugger and Syrus?)
Squash Next

Plus: Tevita Takulua in action accompanied by Vaughan

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18: Havoc 2022
Friday 17th June 2022

Tevita Takulua defeated Cesar Sionis
Takulua entered for this unadvertised opener with the entire Dog Pound, whereas Sionis was alone, causing Vaughan to taunt that Gyula Lakatos was too afraid to face the man whose career he ended. Sionis no sold that but had plenty more to sell as The Tongan Pitbull had over three-quarters of the offence. I think the crowd thought Takulua was being set up to look strong in defeat, but a Choke Breaker in the eighth minute changed that as my 300lb stablemate claimed his biggest win yet.

Vaughan spoke after the match, saying DIW had gone soft since he retired. The Barracudas and Pinn Enterprises were no more and the DIW Championship had been held hostage by microphone dodgers more experienced with hammerlocks than hammers. He wasn’t back to settle grudges, he was looking to the future. That was The Dog Pound, and what better way to take over than take out Blitz Simpson, who was DIW’s toughest until we showed up. Simpson appeared on the entranceway and said he wasn’t dumb enough to fight us four on one, but he showed just how tough he was when he got one of us one on one last month so, if we really wanted to establish ourselves, he dared one of us to step up and try him again next month.

Tag Team Championships: Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe) (c) defeated The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly)
This was a decent match and the crowd were into it but, for a solid team with decent momentum and fan backing, Forever Evil had held the Tag Team Championships for something like 484 of the last 575 days without doing anything too memorable. It wasn’t necessarily their fault, probably the division in general lacked momentum. The Hired Guns had beaten them twice in non-title situations earlier this year and were the most decorated team left in the division with three title reigns, so they were treated as near-equals but, once Writhe sent Dobberly into a ringside railing and McMiller was left alone with Creeper, he fell victim to a Falcon Suplex for Forever Evil’s third successful defence.

The Wild Hunt entered as a united front for what The Bat Men assumed was their tag match with Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee, but Nightshade intervened. Bloodsport had let the group down against Boo Smithson last month and needed to win back his brothers’ trust. And even if the fans and The Comedian didn’t appreciate him, they were so lucky to now have one of the best to ever do it, Milton Hittlespitz, in their family. He asked Crazy Blue to mentor Bloodsport to victory tonight.

The Wild Hunt (Milton Hittlespitz and Bloodsport) defeated Blood Brother and Demarcus Lee
Nightshade played the proud father as Hittlespitz appeared inspired by The Wild Hunt leader’s show of confidence in him and set a pace Blood Brother and Lee couldn’t compete with. Crazy Blue took the task of mentoring Bloodsport seriously, tagging him in several times even when he didn’t look like he needed a rest, at times inviting their opponents back into the contest. The finish saw Hittlespitz Dropkick a chair into Lee’s face and consider the crowd-pleasing Flying Knee Drop, only to tag Bloodsport in to hit his Snap DDT onto the same chair and score the pinfall.

Con McReady appeared next with someone he wanted to call out… The Comedian. He told the DIW owner he was ready to take the company to the next level and asked for a chance to prove it by beating a man who hadn’t lost in over a year, Boo Smithson. The Comedian said Smithson liked the match and so did he, so it would happen at August’s Hardcore Hallelujah. Before that, they could pick an opponent for one another in Canberra next month. McReady seemed enthused, suggesting he could make Smithson face someone who’d pushed him to the limit like Tim Burr, before reconsidering and declaring that maybe Demarcus Lee deserved a shot at redemption.

Australian Championship: Tim Burr (c) defeated Rad Masteroff
Recognising he was at a height and weight disadvantage, Masteroff deployed weapons as an equaliser, and it mostly worked well for him, but one reversal which saw Burr hurl The Free Radical knee first into a bin propped up by the turnbuckle cost him. That knee later buckled when he lifted the champion for his undefeated Radicalizer, and Burr reacted quickly to deliver his Tree Slam.

Gyula Lakatos took down Tim Burr with a Clothesline to the back of the head as he lifted his Australian Championship above his head at the entranceway for the fans before leaving. The Hungarian Bulldozer followed up with a Choke Bomb onto the ramp. I wouldn’t fancy that bump.

Boo Smithson defeated Mayhem Mulhoney
This was the kind of booking that summed up to me how things had got stagnant near the top of the card in DIW. Both of these men were two-time DIW Champions in their mid-40s. It could easily be their last ever clash, and yet it was just a wrestling match in the semi-main-event slot, no compelling story. Smithson continued his perfect 2022, with Mulhoney using all his energy trying to escape the Crossface Chickenwing and instead getting caught in a pinning combination he couldn’t get out of.

The Wild Hunt hit the ring to talk to Mayhem Mulhoney after his defeat. Nightshade said they could treat him with the reverence the crowd and company no longer did and help him rediscover his mojo. Mulhoney said that nonsense somehow worked on Milton Hittlespitz but it wasn’t going to wash with him. He’d made it this far on his own and he wasn’t going to stop now. Nightshade said he regretted the action Mulhoney had forced them into taking, but first asked Bloodsport to take Hittlespitz to the back, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Once they were out of the picture, Mulhoney got the jump on Nightshade, only to be quickly set on by Slugger, Syrus and their bats. Australian Devil appeared to try to help the veteran fight the numbers, but Bloodsport resurfaced to stop his momentum. Mulhoney and Devil took a bat beating until they could no longer resist, with the former bloodied in the process.

DIW Championship: Shogo (c) defeated Mace Mueller
The story of this hard-hitting brawl was who could land the decisive strike by hitting their finisher first. After two reversals apiece, Mueller made the breakthrough and connected with his Punt Kick, only for Shogo to drop out of the ring. The challenger rushed to get him back inside and paid for the exertion of dragging the dead weight, being caught in a rollup when he tried to pick the champion back up. Mueller fought out on two but walked into the Inverted Piledriver as Shogo extended his eight-month reign.



Thanks everyone for such insightful comments and predictions. I'm a bit light on time today so will reply properly and post the updated scores in the next part.

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Loved some of the stuff and misdirects here like Vaughan's reasoning and Milty mentoring Bloodsport in a match.  Gyula as a potential solo act is interesting because as is he was being carried by his partner ... is he about to become the Marty?

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I like that Nightshade isn’t being foolish, you’d usually see a cult leader isolating and berating their weakest member but here he’s scored a coup by providing Bloodsport a mentor in Milton and giving Milton in turn an immediate cause to feel appreciated.

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45 minutes ago, Pteroid said:

I like that Nightshade isn’t being foolish, you’d usually see a cult leader isolating and berating their weakest member but here he’s scored a coup by providing Bloodsport a mentor in Milton and giving Milton in turn an immediate cause to feel appreciated.

I very much thought the same ... in reality that's what cults do - take weaklings and indoctrinate them using true believers and Nightshade trying to strengthen his group by using Milty to prop up Bloodsport makes total sense.  Bloodsport in this case is the true believer but having him make Milty feel needed and appreciated is still classic cult thinking.  From a booking point of view it makes even more sense because Bloodsport might be something one day but he's a long way off now and needs to be carried.  

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Such a massive win for Tevita. Cesar without his partner, and losing here makes me think Ares Death Cult are done and potentially Cesar being phased out. Which is wild to say as a few weeks/months ago they were still the best tag-team in the company and were mixing it up with the top of the card guys. Wrote this before Gyula went out on his own to take down Tim Burr. Definite writing on the wall there for that tag-team and Cesar.


Not surprised by the tag match, even though I voted the other way. I guess it just shows that Forever Evil have a stranglehold on the division until The Dog Pound grow a little more and The Bat Men turn towards the tag scene more.


Con McReady is a Demarcus Lee fan which is great to see I am not the only one. 


Glad Shogo wins again in what was a great match. 

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Perfect 5s for @G.B, @KyTeran and @Tiberious (with one missed prediction in half a year, you could probably take over writing the dynasty for the second half of 2022), and just one miss apiece for @AboardTheArk, @alpha2117, @christmas_ape, @DinoKea, @HiPlus, @John Lions and @Satyr24, mostly stemming from quite reasonably assuming that surely one of these titles has to change hands soon. Overall scores (out of 36 unless stated):

35: @Tiberious
32: @KyTeran
31: @DinoKea
30: @christmas_ape, @HiPlus and @John Lions
29: @AboardTheArk and @alpha2117
27 (out of 31): @Wrestling Machine
16 (out of 17): @Satyr24
12 (out of 17): @G.B

@Tiberious I'll take a note not to book any lumberjack matches now I'm aware of your bias. It's true that Forever Evil haven't had enough story focus, and your back tax idea shows the same is true of Angus McMiller given he's a strong talker.

@DinoKea Haha, thanks. I felt like I needed to reassure anyone who read my previous dynasties that I wasn't going to fall back on my one and only angle yet again. I loved the question marks too.

@John Lions You made a strong case for Mace Mueller. As you say, there hadn't been much DIW Championship story so this was an opportunity to change course, and may prove to have been the wrong call. I share your Forever Evil v Ares Death Cult enthusiasm, but more on that shortly.

@Satyr24 Sorry this wasn't Rad Masteroff's night, though the support for him from you and others motivated me to put more thought into how to use him more and give him more character (for better or worse) in late 2022 and beyond.

@Pteroid I really appreciate the kind words. Although as I'm not usually very good at capturing characters, it does make me slightly worried it means I've accidentally stumbled upon my true calling in life to become a cult leader 😄

@alpha2117 Thanks for your encouragement for the Vaughan and Wild Hunt developments. Interesting feedback on cult dynamics too. I don't think I've done a story like this before so it will be interesting to see whether the future progression feels natural or if it veers wildly off course.

@HiPlus Apologies, that's two dynasties in a row where I've not been rewarding your Demarcus Lee fandom. He's such a positive character too so clearly deserves better.

23 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Gyula as a potential solo act is interesting because as is he was being carried by his partner ... is he about to become the Marty?

20 hours ago, HiPlus said:

losing here makes me think Ares Death Cult are done and potentially Cesar being phased out

It looks like you both saw the writing on the wall here...


19: Walkouts
Saturday 18th June 2022

A few of the original plans for Havoc and beyond had changed because two wrestlers handed in their notice: Cesar Sionis and East Coast Panther. I hadn’t seen this happen before. Usually people found another job like The Bad Truckers or were told to rack off like Jaime G. Two walkouts at once was odd.

Sionis wasn’t a huge shock. He’d moved to Japan earlier this year after working a few BHOTWG pre-show matches, so clearly hoped to pick up more work there. Panther seemed happy enough, but he’d never actually achieved anything here so maybe realised things weren’t going to get any better.

Panther was initially set to face Tevita Takulua but, seeing a chance to boost both of my pet projects, I suggested we put Sionis in that spot to give the Tongan an even more impressive victory in an intriguing match we only had one chance left to do. East Coast Panther was also going to fail to save Mayhem Mulhoney and be picked to face Boo Smithson next month, but leaving him off entirely meant we could claim the viciousness of Milton Hittlespitz’s Devil May Care attack drove him away.

As for Sionis, Plan A had been for him and Gyula Lakatos to attack Forever Evil at the show, having been teased for a while as the next Tag Team Championships challengers, and they were going to win them too. So the Hungarian took out Tim Burr instead to give him some instant solo credibility.

I wasn’t too concerned by either loss. Sionis was good but old, and one less menacing giant meant more space for us. Panther was there to eat pins, and it probably wasn’t a bad thing for the roster to be a little thinner while the books were being balanced.

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Intrigued to see if you bring anyone in to replace the losses.  There are definitely options out there as we've discussed before.  Neither guy is a huge loss really one was a jobber and the other was past his best which was never fantastic ... his tag partner getting a solo push is a risk I wouldn't take but you've already shown that you're loyal to your guys and it may well pay off.

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Thanks @alpha2117, I promise I haven't forgotten the shortlist. There will be a few fresh faces eventually. I appreciate there are only so many Gyula Lakatos singles matches you can handle while there are better workers on the indies. It must be a monkey's paw scenario for you sorry: finally free of Ares Death Cult, but stuck with the lesser half for now 😆 Apologies @HiPlus for the Demarcus disrespect in this latest post. Very much the views of Vaughan fanboy Jake Thornton, not GDS poster 619 (although 1.5 years of booking him badly in dynasties may say otherwise).


20: Soft
Friday 8th July 2022

The departure of Cesar Sionis and East Coast Panther was the headline news, but some of the other stuff that went down at Havoc had me convinced that DIW was going soft.

I thought Demarcus Lee was going to cry after a little gentle ribbing from Vaughan. The bloke should’ve been grateful a giant of our business was acknowledging his existence. Australian Devil spat the dummy at me before the show too over me accidentally knocking his bag over or something.

I was still pretty cranky about his poor performance when I got him booked in a main event recently, so I wasn’t feeling particularly apologetic. It ended up with me getting a warning about my conduct from Jim Teasdale, which I took about as seriously as people insisting on calling that greybeard Big Jim.

My next interaction with Teasdale at July’s booking meeting was far more pleasant. Given I hadn’t politicked for it in any way, I was surprised to find out they were giving me and Blitz Simpson the main event of our annual Carnage In Canberra show.

I knew from my own input into the booking of that show that it was mainly being used as a bridge to Hardcore Hallelujah, with Mayhem Mulhoney, Forever Evil and Rad Masteroff staying home and a few other upper carders only being used in angles, so I wasn’t getting carried away.

Still, four focal points of DIW had matches on this card – Shogo, Mace Mueller, Boo Smithson and Con McReady – so it was an encouraging sign that the Simpson versus Dog Pound story I’d pitched was generating sufficient interest to be given a main event opening without me having to push for it.

Also confirmed for Canberra was Smithson and McReady picking opponents for one another ahead of their Hardcore Hallelujah showdown. The Wild One had chosen somebody Smithson had already beaten at Hardcore Heatwave, Lee, whereas McReady’s opponent was being left unannounced.

Carnage In Canberra 2022
Blitz Simpson v Jake Thornton
Shogo v Angus McMiller
Rival’s Choice: Boo Smithson v Demarcus Lee
Rival’s Choice: ? v Con McReady
Australian Devil v Gyula Lakatos
Blood Brother v Mace Mueller

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Carnage in Canberra 2022 Predictions

Blitz Simpson def. Jake Thornton

Shogo def. Angus McMiller

Rival’s Choice: Boo Smithson def. Demarcus Lee

Rival’s Choice: Con McReady def. ???

Gyula Lakatos def. Australian Devil

Mace Mueller def. Blood Brother

So want to pick Carl Paris for ??? but I'll go Bloodsport maybe

Edited by DinoKea
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Carnage In Canberra 2022
Blitz Simpson v Jake Thornton

The lower tier of the Dog Pound are going to job to Blitz

Shogo v Angus McMiller

No Brainer 

Rival’s Choice: Boo Smithson v Demarcus Lee
Yeah no brainer part 2

Rival’s Choice: ? v Con McReady
Bloodsport gets chosen and learns the lesson of jobbing

Australian Devil v Gyula Lakatos

Look I know I am wrong here but I refuse to choose Botch boy, it's a matter of principal.

Blood Brother v Mace Mueller

BB is born to job here

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Carnage In Canberra 2022
Blitz Simpson v Jake Thornton
Shogo v Angus McMiller
Rival’s Choice: Boo Smithson v Demarcus Lee
Rival’s Choice: ? v Con McReady
Australian Devil v Gyula Lakatos
Blood Brother v Mace Mueller

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Walkouts are always a bit annoying to deal with, albeit you didn't lose anyone too critical. Definitely a blow to your tag division since Ares Death Cult was probably your top team (even if they has been positioned above the actual titles for a while) and while East Coast Panther wasn't a great or pushed talent his team with Australian Devil was the only naturally fan favorite team in your entire division.


Blitz Simpson v Jake Thornton

Just being in the main is a big step up for our man Jake, although I'd be surprised if this is better in ring than Shogo vs Angus so I'm suspecting there will be a big go home angle to justify it's position. 

Shogo v Angus McMiller

I like Angus as a gimmick, but again he's in his forties now and doesn't really have business winning singles matches against anyone except your bottom of the barrel guys.

Rival’s Choice: Boo Smithson v Demarcus Lee

Maybe Con McReady sees something in Demarcus Lee. Okay probably not.

Rival’s Choice: ? v Con McReady

I wonder if this is Boo's old APW tag team partner Dingo Devine since he's unemployed and a pretty big name relative to your roster; but still fairly affordable since he doesn't have national popularity like the ex-RAW guys. If it's him and you want to use him more than as a one off I could actually see him winning since he would easily slot into your main event scene. You know I'm probably wrong here since it would be a weird move to have Con McReady lose in the buildup, but I'll go with the gamble of the mystery man on the basis Dingo makes a lot of sense for sense for someone Boo could call in and with two guys leaving it makes sense for this to be a spot to debut someone new.

Australian Devil v Gyula Lakatos

Both guys are about even on overness, but I like Devil a lot more and with Milton going heel I feel like Australian Devil can sort of step up into his spot of fan favorite risk taker. I could see the Dog Pound getting involved as well since Vaughan has a grudge here.

Blood Brother v Mace Mueller

There are times when you can pull the 123 Kid pinning Razor Ramone style of upset victory in what appears to be an obvious outcome match, but this isn't one of those times and Blood Brother isn't the kind of guy to do it with.

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Carnage In Canberra 2022
Blitz Simpson v Jake Thornton
Shogo v Angus McMiller
Rival’s Choice: Boo Smithson v Demarcus Lee
Rival’s Choice: ? v Con McReady
Australian Devil v Gyula Lakatos
Blood Brother v Mace Mueller


Gonna be incredible when we're all swerved and nepotism thrives in the main event

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