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T-Zone 2007

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I believe the last patch had a couple of things that helped promotions stay alive, that really didn't have a chance before. I know everyone already knows that, but wanted to throw that out there. I'm not wanting to get in on the fussing and stuff going on in here, but it's really annoying to keep having the thread thrown off course for petty stuff that should/could be settled in PM's. There is literally three pages of BS, and might have an actual 3 or 4 posts within all three pages that has to do with the MOD, rather then why someone was picked instead of someone else for helping with it. I think the choice's were good, and has alot of variety and fairness between them. As the old saying goes [B][I]Work with me, not against me[/I][/B] should be Forlan and all his helper's new motto. The easiest place to compare notes is in this thread, so having a ton of non-productive debates only holds up their progress. Communication is a key factor, and it's really dissapointing to see that someone that is KNOWN to produce HIGH QUALITY MODS is getting beat up like this here... It's actually embarrassing. Everyone gets the mod after completion and changes whatever they dont' aggree with anyway (or not, depending on the individual). No one is going to aggree 100% on everything. Nit-Pickin' is just distastefull.... Let the people working on it do that part. I was trying to pick up where the discussion was and follow it up to the latest post, and maybe try offering a couple of idea's if there were still problems in the WWE/TNA area's. After having to go threw all this sidetracking to see is there was any progress to the problems, I have completely lost where they were. I can/will go back at a future date, and try to get up to date again, however, it's not something I plan on doing right this minute. Forgive me for doing exactly what I'm griping about guys, another non-productive post. It's meant to help not hurt though. I want to work with, not against so to speak, and hoping that my little post falls on the right ear's. Ransik, I will be around to support you and the rest of Forlorn's team, and hopefully have more meaningfull threads on here later. Really, to everyone that is working on this Mod, especially... I really want to express my grattitude (even if you never finish), as well as all the poster's that are giving legitimate idea's and trying to be helpfull, instead of combatant. I'm looking forward to this mod as much as anyone else, although DOTT has a special place in my heart. This Mod is dear to me as well (just for seeing what you guys are going threw), as I can understand why the testing for DOTT was on a completely different forum, just by "trying" to keep up with information on this thread.
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[QUOTE=KRadiation;189028]sorry i didn't explain what i was thinking right at all... If TNA had a 2 hour show... Would TNA do what the WWE are doing and start raiding them or other feds, start putting on random cards... and end up worse.[/QUOTE] Do you mean in game, or in real life? I seriously doubt in real life anyone aims to give you a bad show. It might be bad, lol, but I doubt they MEAN it to be. Far as in game, the AI does what it's programmed to do, give the best shows with what data it has to go with, and what data is available to them in the form of workers, etc.
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A suggestion to help prevent WWE putting on below average shows is tweaking the lower card workers. Meaning they usually have low popularity, consistency and pschology stats. I'm not saying raise them unrealistically but at least to a level where they won't suck when paired with a good worker. This was a major problem in the Montreal mod I found after conversion. Not sure if this is even the case though as I haven't seen the data but just a thought.
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forlan, is Pro-Wrestling World-1 in this time around? I find they have alot of talent that is constantly in limbo in the game, but also may very well be the stars of tommorow the second somewhere really picks them up like ROH and such. Ricky Landell has a future as hell. If they are in, be sure to put CW Anderson on their roster as he'll be back their by february if not earlier.
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for the mod, is it going to be a USA based mod only? or at least without japan as people could just import Moeru Toukon. but the reason why i'm asking is because i was curious about wether or not you'd have any of the canadian feds in the mod, such as UWA or IWS. i read about 10 pages of posts and all i saw was talk about the american feds. just thought i'd ask.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;189010]It seemed like it was people who were friendly and non-assuming instead of people that have experience with wrestling simulators, rating wrestlers, experience to wrestling other than the WWE and TNA, and beta testing[/QUOTE] I'd like to clarify my credentials for everyone, not just for RockStar now. I've known Forlan for about a year on another wrestling related board and so he knows of my serene temprament. He also knows that I've been a fan of wrestling since I was a little girl, and I screamed when I saw Hogan slam Andre. I [i]love[/i] wrestling. I've been playing sims of all kinds for many years, and had my first PC when I was 11. I am no stranger to games. While I was late getting into the EWR series, I have been playing Adam's sims since the last two versions of EWR and all TEW games so far and even the earlier Promotion Wars games. I have experience at playing wrestling simulators. While I keep up with what happens in WWE and TNA, I no longer watch them as my real love is for US Indys such as CZW, PWG and ROH, and also JAPAN, which many of you will know is NOT in America.. The internet wrestling community is very vocal in voicing it's opinions, and so we are all very experienced at rating wrestlers, shows, bookers, everything. Also I have beta tested games before such as Ascharon's Darkstar One game last year I have the experience. I have the boobies. I have the T-Zone. Goodnight PS. While it seems like I'm just playing the game with the T-Zone data, what I'm also doing is examining everyone's stats and bios and everything.. And I've been quiet because Forlan has done such a good job. It's looking like a fantastic mod. Now if anyone wants me I'll be in my room
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;189164]I'd like to clarify my credentials for everyone, not just for RockStar now. I've known Forlan for about a year on another wrestling related board and so he knows of my serene temprament. He also knows that I've been a fan of wrestling since I was a little girl, and I screamed when I saw Hogan slam Andre. I [i]love[/i] wrestling. I've been playing sims of all kinds for many years, and had my first PC when I was 11. I am no stranger to games. While I was late getting into the EWR series, I have been playing Adam's sims since the last two versions of EWR and all TEW games so far and even the earlier Promotion Wars games. I have experience at playing wrestling simulators. While I keep up with what happens in WWE and TNA, I no longer watch them as my real love is for US Indys such as CZW, PWG and ROH, and also JAPAN, which many of you will know is NOT in America.. The internet wrestling community is very vocal in voicing it's opinions, and so we are all very experienced at rating wrestlers, shows, bookers, everything. Also I have beta tested games before such as Ascharon's Darkstar One game last year I have the experience. I have the boobies. I have the T-Zone. Goodnight PS. While it seems like I'm just playing the game with the T-Zone data, what I'm also doing is examining everyone's stats and bios and everything.. And I've been quiet because Forlan has done such a good job. It's looking like a fantastic mod. Now if anyone wants me I'll be in my room[/QUOTE] Wait, Japan's not in America? Since when?
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"I have the boobies." Well, that's all my worries suddenly disappeared then. haha I've yet to look at kishi's NWE, although the brief glimpse I took showed that the Match % may need tweaked. The actual shows are fairly heavy in matches, whereas the dross we got on TWC was just drivel in most cases. Also need to dig more into the UK stuff, hope to do some of that tonight. I may get my brother to auto-click on the day he's off work this week, that way I can get him to run a year and have some really solid info to get my teeth into. Some of the best DOTT testing, after initial tinkering and pages after pages of discussion, has come through continual simming of a year. I'll also need to run one show as each UK promotion, see what costs are like.
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[QUOTE]As I've stated before, I have no problem with Forlan. My issue, if you wish to call it as such, is that he didn't select a broad range of testers. It seemed like it was people who were friendly and non-assuming instead of people that have experience with wrestling simulators, rating wrestlers, experience to wrestling other than the WWE and TNA, and beta testing.[/QUOTE] No experience with wrestling simulators? I have owned TEW04, TEW05, wrespi2, and a helluva lot of the EWR series as well, on top of that i played a lot on promotion wars, as well as trying out virtually anything that PWSE.com had to offer good and bad. On top of that i was a prominent member of the team making TCP's FOTORC, i have made (with help) a massive storys/angles pack, i made the most extensive current real world data for wrespi2 (admitedly not much competetion there!) And i am currently working on a sci-fi mod for TEW07. As for only knowing about WWE and TNA, i atend local wrestling whenever i can and i reguarly watch TWC (who host matches from Japan, IWW, 1PW etc. Oh and im not friendly! Although i also have boob's - damn beer!
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;189164]I'd like to clarify my credentials for everyone, not just for RockStar now. I've known Forlan for about a year on another wrestling related board and so he knows of my serene temprament. He also knows that I've been a fan of wrestling since I was a little girl, and I screamed when I saw Hogan slam Andre. I [i]love[/i] wrestling. I've been playing sims of all kinds for many years, and had my first PC when I was 11. I am no stranger to games. While I was late getting into the EWR series, I have been playing Adam's sims since the last two versions of EWR and all TEW games so far and even the earlier Promotion Wars games. I have experience at playing wrestling simulators. While I keep up with what happens in WWE and TNA, I no longer watch them as my real love is for US Indys such as CZW, PWG and ROH, and also JAPAN, which many of you will know is NOT in America.. The internet wrestling community is very vocal in voicing it's opinions, and so we are all very experienced at rating wrestlers, shows, bookers, everything. Also I have beta tested games before such as Ascharon's Darkstar One game last year I have the experience. I have the boobies. I have the T-Zone. Goodnight PS. While it seems like I'm just playing the game with the T-Zone data, what also doing is examining everyone's stats and bios and everything.. And I've been quiet because Forlan has done such a good job. It's looking like a fantastic mod. Now if anyone wants me I'll be in my room[/QUOTE] I'd like to back up CyberKitten, she's on wrestling based forum i'm on and she displays a wide range of knowledge on all things wrestling, so good choice imo. :) Anyway just wanted to say that.
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[QUOTE=panix04;189183]No experience with wrestling simulators? I have owned TEW04, TEW05, wrespi2, and a helluva lot of the EWR series as well, on top of that i played a lot on promotion wars, as well as trying out virtually anything that PWSE.com had to offer good and bad. On top of that [B]i was a prominent member of the team making TCP's FOTORC[/B], i have made (with help) a massive storys/angles pack, i made the most extensive current real world data for wrespi2 (admitedly not much competetion there!) And i am currently working on a sci-fi mod for TEW07. As for only knowing about WWE and TNA, i atend local wrestling whenever i can and i reguarly watch TWC (who host matches from Japan, IWW, 1PW etc. Oh and im not friendly! Although i also have boob's - damn beer![/QUOTE] It's true. Without Panix, I would never have had my tea brought directly to my thone. Good work young man. :D
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[QUOTE=TCP1;189197]It's true. Without Panix, I would never have had my tea brought directly to my thone. Good work young man. :D[/QUOTE] I cant believe he forgot to mention the fact that i always bought him the right flavour donughts! :) Or the fact that i donated about 100 pictures, created 100 new feds, created APW and i still had time to crack joke's on his thread! Its tough being the forum joker - but what you gonna do? Anyway this whole debate is pointless, Forlan has a good history of making stunning mods, he has always selected the testing team in the past and the mod has always been top notch, why would this year be any different?
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;189199]I actually did... But then reading that RockStar wanker's posts brought me back down again...[/QUOTE] Fair enough I dont agree with anything that the dude has said but i think calling him a wankers a little harsh. But this topics kinda lost its way i didnt read it at all over the weekend, i come back theres fights breaking out, we are worshipping cyberkittens boobies (i'm going to need a pic before i jump on that bandwagon :rolleyes: ) and i still havent stopped shuddering since reading about panix's man boobs (as nice as they are). [QUOTE=panix04;189200] Anyway this whole debate is pointless, Forlan has a good history of making stunning mods, he has always selected the testing team in the past and the mod has always been top notch, why would this year be any different?[/QUOTE] Agreed! As i've said on many an occasion i've never played any of Forlans mods but i've heard nothing but good things, well except for slow running but thats due to poor systems and the vast amount of data included. I dont think Forlan should be influenced in anyway by the forum on who he chooses for his team. its his mod he is developing it and its his calls.
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this rockstar guy is doing my head in, i applied for tester and i know just as much about wrestling as cyberkitten01, i too have beta tested many games, worked on stat updates for all adams games, stat upated for promotion wars, wrestling spirit, 5GWS (was beta tester and major stat updater, name is on credits) also still do stat updates for mdickies wrestling encore, which is alot harder because as well as changing the names to real names i gotta create attires for them, which took roughly 2-4 hours to get each wrestler perfect and my job was to work on the enitre TNA roster, so to say that any joe-soap got selected was wrong, i DID NOT get selected but it aint bothering me, i aint complaining, he has made the correct choices in his eyes and you cant take that away from him. you forget it is also a matter of trust, and there would be a few people if they had got on the tester stage they might have ripped the whole data and claimed it as thier own on other sites, (trust me i have seen this done many times).
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