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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Sorry I havent been around much lately to comment on any of this but as always I am in awe sir. Im sure whatever direction you take in the future will be the right one for you and your million........AND MILLIONS! of fans.
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Hey guys, sorry I've not been around to respond to you, but since you've taken the time and effort to comment when I've not bothered to update makes me think you at least deserve responses. [QUOTE=BoomKing;628878]Sorry I havent been around much lately to comment on any of this but as always I am in awe sir. Im sure whatever direction you take in the future will be the right one for you and your million........AND MILLIONS! of fans.[/QUOTE] Thank you buddy. I really appreciate the support that you've given me, especially when you are so clearly very creative and talented yourself, so it really means a lot. [QUOTE=Game-Face;674656]Another one of my favorite dynasties... Keef, Please come back[/QUOTE] Haha, thanks Game Face. Out of interest, is your real name like Dr Beardface off Scrubs? Anyway, I digress. Thank you matey, really aprpeciate the support. [QUOTE=sebsy;674665]Darn you, Game-Face, I figured Keef must have posted something new when I saw this was bck at the top of the forum :([/QUOTE] Then I guess this'll make you assume I've posted something new too... Thanks for commenting on here guys. The fact that you still give a sh*t even though I've not been on here for months really means a great deal. I was looking at doing a modern day WWE diary in which I had some great plans, I really was excited about them, and I'd still love to posty them just because I want to get these things out there, only problem is I don't have the nergy or passion to really push on with it. Same goes with FMTA. I'd love to bring it back, but until I get the passion and everything back it won't happen. But reading ECW Worldwide really makes me want to bring it back, it's so inspiring.
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I am glad to hear you are thinking about the boards again, man. I have to say I have missed your presence on these boards, you and me used to kick it like my lady jacqui, it used to be the jizz hearing your thoughts on all things great and small. I hope things are well for you mate, this remains as a great legacy to your abilities and character and I for one would love to see you back up getting GDS jacked up keefy style.
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Must admit that when I checked in and saw this so close to the top I was hoping there had been some activity while I was away. Sadly not, but if it was to start up again in the next few weeks I would consider it a great coming home present. ;) Anyway, you know I love this and to see it start up again would be sweet as, so make it happen plz!
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[B]World Wrestling Federation Headquarters, Hartford, Connecticut 5th December 1998, 10:57am[/B] If I were a cat, I'd be on my ninth life. This really was my last chance. I'd taken liberties, I'd made promises I couldn't keep, and I'd let people down again. I'd promised to keep on working at it just weeks ago and I'd already let Vince McMahon down. So as I walked towards his office, yet again, I had that feeling of impending doom I only get when trying to get the old band back together. I'd apologised in the past. I'd made promises in the past. What was left this time? [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Haha... you have to be kidding me, right?”[/COLOR] Of all the ways Vince could have greeted me after my absence, that was about the nicest I could have expected. [COLOR="darkred"]“You absolute ****.”[/COLOR] That, however, was not. [COLOR="darkred"]"Tell me you are not here to try and worm your way around me again?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Mr McMahon, if I may..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]"No, you may not ****ing may not! What was it you said last time? That you would get your stuff together and make a real go of it? You played me for a fool, damn it, you played us all for a fool."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Look, whatever I said, whatever I did, I didn..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]"Don't start with the Take That crap again, son. Where the hell have you been?"[/COLOR] I knew there was no good answer to this. I kind of wish I had run off with his daughter and been getting my end away non-stop since I last saw him, but now really wasn't the time to tell him that. [COLOR="navy"]"I kind of wish I had run off with your daugh..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I don't wanna know, kid. I'm sick of this. There is absolutely no way I'm going to let you back again. I mean, do you think I'm some kind of an idiot?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"Mr McMahon, of course I don't! Although... what's this I hear about a new football league... nevermind... this isn't really the time."[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]"So is that it? Is that you trying to sell your return to me?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]"To be honest with you, Mr McMahon, there's not a lot I can really say. I've said it all before, and I've not been able to live up to my promises. I've planned further ahead this time, a lot of stuff is ready to go, but still, I'm not going to leave you with any empty promises. I'd love to come back and give the people what I hope they still want, but it's not down to me, it's up to you."[/COLOR] Mr McMahon looked me up and down, looked out of his window briefly, and let out a slight laugh and a smile. Surely this could only be good... [COLOR="darkred"]"I don't like you."[/COLOR] Perhaps not. [COLOR="darkred"]"But you have something about you. I don't why I keep trusting you, especially when there are so many talented people waiting to take over. What do you know of Vince Russo, by the way?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]"I hear he's a great booker, but if anything he plans too far in to the future and his matches are too technical and long for my liking."[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]"Noted. Look, do you really think you can bring this back properly this time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]"I'd like to think so. If you give me the chance I'll do everything I can to make it work this time. I can promise you that much."[/COLOR] Once again, Mr McMahon turned towards the window and stared out. He really does love his drama, in or out of the ring, and he just knew what this was doing to me. [COLOR="darkred"]"Okay... you can come back. But, by God, if you don't make this better than it's ever been then I'm going to kick you out of here so quickly your feet won't touch the floor. Do you understand me?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]"Yes, yes sir, I understand you. I guess that means…[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]From Montreal to Attitude is back, and it's better than ever....[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Again...[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Again!"[/SIZE][/B]
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Haha, cheers boys. I hope I can actually give this a proper return this time rather than the whimper of a comeback it had last time. I've got plenty of shows written up so it should run for a bit, but need to get a few things formatted and we're good to go. Cheers for the great comments though, guys.
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Well gosh, this is a surprise. Good to have you back, but I wanted more Take That tbh. Why there wasn't a "but Mr McMahon, we've come so far, and we've reached so high..." line in there somehwere is beyond me! :p Anyway, continue with the epicness.
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Ha, cheers boys, appreciate the support. I thought it'd be a bit of a surprise for you all (including Slim Jim... ;) ) so it's great that you are all so kind. And James, I'm glad you enjoyed the Vince discussion. I'm a bit embarassed at how bad I am at doing this diary regularly, so it's kind of my way of in-character letting you know that I feel a bit silly about it all! So glad you enjoyed it. Anyway, here's a quick little update for what is going on in this bad boy in case you have forgotten in the 16 years it has taken me to post a new show... [LIST] [*]Owen Hart is the WWF Champion and looking like a good one at that. He won in the first London Dungeon Match and has just overcome Stone Cold Steve Austin at Survivor Series, although the Rattlesnake is not taking that lying down [*]The Rock has just turned face and was the sole Survivor in the Team DX vs. Team Alliance match, and seems destined to face off with both Austin & Owen over the WWF Title [*]The big news of recent times is The Undertaker turning his back on his brother and throwing him in to a fire. They had been on a poor run and Shane had demanded changes, so The Phenom took it upon himself to remove Kane from the company [*]The Alliance is the dominant force in the WWF; made up of Vince, Shane, Owen, Undertaker, The Acolytes, undefeated Intercontinental Champion Finlay and the New Age Outlaws [*]There seems to be a bit of difference in opinion between Shane and Vince at the moment. They are co-running the WWF but as they look to take further control the tension appears to be building between father and son, namely over Shane's seemingly lack of morals, including Jerry Lawler being fired after he refused to take part in a Shane-booked "Loser Leaves WWF" match against Jim Ross, firing Earl Hebner for very little reason and booking the Headbangers in a "Loser Leaves WWF" match [*]Mankind recently showed glimpses of his old persona in a feud against The Rock, but since then he has returned to the fun loving, naive Mankind that has gotten so popular alongside Mr Socko [*]Triple H & Shawn Michaels are the main thrust of DX these days, although they seem unable to get along as both men look to become the champion, apparanty made worse by Michaels' growing friendship with RVD [*]The Outlaws left DX to join The Alliance, obviously setting up a feud with their former stablemates. However, a new twist in developments have seen Jeff Jarrett, along with manager Dusty Rhodes, join the Outlaws [*]Tazz and Goldust have been feuding for months. Goldust appears to be obsessed with the Brooklyn native who has obviously not taken too kindly to the attention [*]The Brood have recently debuted and, managed by Gangrel, have taken the tag division by storm [*]The Future: Sean Morgan has just debuted after months of promos and is so far undefeated [*]Zukaya have been dominant since they debuted in the WWF, and have made Taka Michinoku the centre of their aggression. However, They have recently lost the Light-Heavyweight Title to newcomer Dougie Williams [*]Chavo Guerrero Jr has been unable to beat his nemesis Psicosis since the latter debuted early in the year. Despite forming a group to counter act the threat of Psicosis called "the Vato Loco's", Chavo has been unable to get the win, but now finds Psicosis on his side after losing a match to one of Chavo's stablemates [*]Lance Storm is managed by Sable and has been a great European Champion so far. He has been targetted by Sable's ex-husband Marc Mero, who has just introduced his new squeeze Ivory to get at Sable [*]Chyna & Bagwell have been in a feud. That's about all that deserves to be said about that turd of a storyline [/LIST] Off the top of my head, that is everything. Of course, feel free to say if I've missed anything, and if you want to read back over previous shows you know where to find them!
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Been looking forward to the return of this one for a while. I knew it would come back in good time and i'm looking forward to seeing how things shape up towards the Royal Rumble, and then Wrestlemania further down the road. I can see Rock getting that title at some point, maybe even at Mania. Plus, i'm looking forward to the Shane/Vince storyline - Love to see how that could possibly be turned into a match for a big pay-per-view down the line, if the story goes that way of course.....
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PREDICTIONS[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"] [b]Non-Title Match[/b] Owen Hart vs. The Rock Jeff Jarrett vs. Triple H Finlay & Billy Gunn vs. Rob Van Dam & Shawn Michaels [b]Number One Contenders Match[/b] The Acolytes vs. The Brood vs. Hardy Boyz Ivory vs. Sable Bagwell vs. Chyna Tazz & Hayashi vs. Dougie Williams & Goldust The Future: Sean Morgan vs. Al Snow[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Non-Title Match Owen Hart vs. [B]The Rock[/B] [I]The Rock with a big win of his career![/I] Jeff Jarrett vs. [B]Triple H[/B] [I]Triple Haytch with another win.[/I] Finlay & Billy Gunn vs. [B]Rob Van Dam & Shawn Michaels[/B] [I]Further splitting DX![/I] Number One Contenders Match [B]The Acolytes[/B] vs. The Brood vs. Hardy Boyz [I]Random guess here.[/I] [B]Ivory[/B] vs. Sable [I]Ivory with a big win.[/I] [B]Bagwell[/B] vs. Chyna [I]Someone has to win...right?[/I] Tazz & Hayashi vs. [B]Dougie Williams & Goldust[/B] [I]Goldust distracts Tazz enough for Williams to pin Hayashi[/I] [B]The Future: Sean Morgan[/B] vs. Al Snow [I]The Future is now![/I]
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[QUOTE=Wrestling Century;750769]Wait, what RW mod are you using for this diary?[/QUOTE] This was done on the Montreal mod back on TEW '05, but has been non-TEW based for the last couple of years. Cheers for the predictions, angel, much appreciated and nice to see you back on board with this!
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