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Everything posted by Teasenitryn

  1. As others have said I kind of dig moving around some of the ppvs, especially if you want to go with a batle bowl to finale type deal. It is very easy to get wrestleworld, just need to up one thing in broadcast and you can get them for events and for the weekly show. However at the start running Queendom comes with running at a loss every week and it also goes to show just how shallow the women's world in the original data is, and QAW especially with how that can impact you. Week one mostly ok, week two Honey Badger has to be pulled away from a fight and gets a stern warning, week three she gets into a fight proper as does Toni Parissi at which point I am kinda screwed, if fines don't stop that behaviour i can only escalate to firing which I don't really have the numbers for. Also week three I get notified that 5SSW have offered Lily and Rose a touring contract. I love touring contracts and the spillover addition but that leaves you with the issue in this world of where do a fed like 5SSW go for people who are over and are not under written contracts? That's always going to be QAW which given I was running weekly that was my big tag feud I couldn't book towards and it hurts Storm Front because Hurricane's backup is gone. At the same time you can't really load up Storm Front with five or six people if you are going to keep to the canon that the Ronins have three people and need to be considered a threat. Some of this is coming from a place of I book three months ahead and get grumpy if I have to pivot mind you That does concern me for an original data run long term with QAW though, if Lily and Rose are going to be 5SSW constants then I really need to fix the Storm Front roster or drop the Three that follows Ronin. Wrestleworld comes with the risk of you will lose money when doing a show pretty much down to the production cost increase so you have to weigh out will it get you to small (and hopefully medium) before the money runs out and do you have more chance of doing that with weekly (riskier given costs) or monthly exposure. I would also say you definitely want to add some depth to the roster and have more stories than you start with to cover absences or downright firings should people throw punches backstage or get called away for a few weeks to a month tour here and there.
  2. If I’m not wrong all the women in the women’s revolution mod were in Lavelle’s cverse alt mod, they might have different bios because of where they fit but he dropped a link for a rough conversion you could import from. Though even then maybe wait until he says it’s patched for heights and weights, still if that happens sooner than women’s revolution it’s worth a look
  3. I like the level of detail you go into here, it is very well thought out and I really am into your setup for each ppv. The only thing I would maybe do differently, depending on if I have a title defence at Crowning the Queen, would be having the Battle Bowl winner meet the Champion there given season finale but that's the old WWE influence there, battle royal leading to a main event at the finale. For me the priority in the first four to six months is making sure I am always building a heel to take on Danielle Sweetheart, maybe it is because QAW have been monthly only up to the start date but they favour near year long world title reigns and Danielle is very early into hers, I kind of want her to go at least until July and have her decide does she enter Crowning the Queen despite whatever title program she is in which could lead to complications whether a same night defence or being very beat up heading into Defiant. The three at the bottom end of the roster with all the potential in the world, DupliKate, Black Diamond and Rosalie Burns, are all the future main event scene though there is perhaps a matter of priorities, everyone will have a different one they want to push first, I kind of want to have Rosalie either rising through the ranks to become the leader of the ever changing Ronin 3 or maybe she decides she is a badass and eschews the stable wars all together to burn her own path through QAW and tecnico or rudo she is going to wreck you if you get in her way so if I have to raise them one at a time she is first. Unrelated to QAW itself but i am considering running 5SSW alongside it, they would be an interesting alliance, two women's feds in a very male dominated wrestling world. If they can use each other to raise the stock of both of them then that could lead to a nice setup of using touring contracts on people that are not currently in QAW plans, I would love to get the three i mentioned earlier into stables in 5SSW (i tend to put together stables in feds that don't have them) to give them experience and eventually, when they rise in one or the other, spillover.
  4. Kaarg Devilfish/??? Urban Fox Kalliope Woodchuck The Alien Fleet F.E.A.R. Celestina Cherish
  5. You know my view on it dude, always happy to see your mod pop up with a side of Lavelle you better play your own damn database before moving on to the next one Seriously, downloaded already and will keep up with cverse alt as long as it is going.
  6. Bear in mind that some of what is making the Forbidden Door stuff work is it isn't just a one night thing. Mina Shirakawa was around AEW for a couple of months and has a past with Mariah May they could air videos over, Hechicero has been there a while in multiman matches, Zack Sabre Jr has shown up though he is more a special case because he is that well known. The other thing is that Forbidden Door is a long term project, most of the NJPW and CMLL types have been losing in closely fought matches, Naito and possibly Okada's retention in the four way a while back are the only ones I would say would really have struggled in terms of their results. What I would like to see is a new match purpose, something along the lines of Special attraction: The intent of this match is to show off a talent that is well known in other regions, win or lose the person they are in the ring with will show off the best offence of their opponent. If the foreign talent loses they will have been shown to be on an equal level to their opponent, if they win it will be portrayed as having been a close match that they deserve to have been part of to mitigate the shock factor. This match aim works best with talent that is over representing the home company alongside or against talent that has high reputation and overness in their home area that may count towards spillover towards people who would have watched companies with lower local coverage that would be able to give word of mouth knowledge about the visiting talent. - This would need to be balanced in such a way that it is not an immediate pop boost but I could see this, if being done right over a few weeks or months before a forbidden door type event, leading to good ratings on such a card.
  7. Adam on the topic of retirement ages has there been any change on the relatively low age that women retire in game? For example Charlotte Flair is 38, Asuka is early 40's (I can't math having just come off of a night shift but September 1981), unless they had a particular trait or a retirement age set manually they would not be in a real world database for long. I get that you're not going to see any still wrestling in their 60's (and hell, 70's and 80's with some men) types but it felt like I had to do a lot of ingame editing.
  8. As someone who remembers the kerfluffle that a topic in today's brought about last time, I want to say that there are people here who are non-binary and there are people of all different kinds of sexuality here. I also want to say that I follow the QWI 200 articles cageside seats put out and there are more and more new additions to that list every year. It is a part of our hobby, it is a part of our culture and I will put myself out there as someone who is non binary and demisexual (not listed but it falls under the asexual umbrella), I am happy that such a stance is taken that people like me feel seen. I guess what I am suggesting and asking for is that we all treat each other kindly.
  9. Four?! *blink blink* i was tired when i did that bio. I was aiming for both she and Selena to be eighteen by January 23. As for dojo, Bella would totally fit in with the Zen crowd but the others i will have there connected to her would have likely graduated from Hatoyama if 5Star wasn’t operating say six years ago so it depends on if they got her foot in the door there.
  10. I have never made a character before so very possible these need balancing/buffing/nerfing in some areas with the skill points seen as where I see the relative strenghs Submission Template: Worker Picture: CVFP_WhiteFemale_079 Worker Name: Delilah Short Name: Delilah Worker Bio: Delilah (Alicia Devine) is better known in the entertainment industry as a porn star who worked as a bottom mainly in lesbian series. She disappeared from the industry six years ago when deaths in the family meant that her younger sister needed a family member as an official guardian. A year ago social media lit up when the Devine sisters were seen in the Bunny Mansion dojo. Delilah put she and her sister through training under the condition that her sister continue her education, something she herself missed out on when she fell out with their parents. Birth Month/Year: April 1994 Debut Month/Year: January 2023 Nationality: American Worker Size: Lightweight Min Size: Lightweight Max Size: Middleweight Worker Style: Technician Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Cosplay Superstar (Face and heel) Alter-Ego's?: Dojo Graduate? Bunny Mansion Available Areas: USA, Canada, Japan Worker Personality/Attributes: Relaxed Plays comedy well Plays swagger well Plays mysterious/occult well Tagteam specialist High pain threshold Giving performer Heavy social media user Modelling experience Skills Template: In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80) Brawling: 20 Puroresu: 5 Hardcore: 40 Technical: 65 Aerial: 10 Flashiness: 80 Mental Skills Psychology: (Capped at 60) 45 Experience (automatically 0): Respect (automatically 0): Reputation (automatically 50): Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70) Basics: 45 Selling: 70 Consistency: 50 Safety: 50 Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol) Charisma: 50 Microphone: 40 Acting: 55 Star Quality: 40 Sex Appeal: 85 Menace: 5 Physical Abilities Stamina: 60 Athleticism: 40 Power: 25 Toughness: 70 Resilience: 70 Other Skills: Announcing: Colour: Refereeing: Not on the template Finisher: Mallrat Genocide (Codebreaker) Relationship: Selina Devine (sister) Tagteam: Fallen Angels (With Selina Devine) Tagteam finisher: Mallrat Genocide Deluxe (Shatter Machine/Big Rig) Submission Template: Worker Picture: CVFP_WhiteFemale81 Worker Name: Selina Devine Short Name: Selina Worker Bio: Selina has long been a pro wrestling fan and has long had an eye towards the business having taken part in wrestling clubs at school any time she could access them. The bottom fell out of her world six years ago when her parents died though it brought back into her life a sister that was somewhat estranged from the family. Her sister raised her through school and went through the Bunny Mansion dojo with her under the condition that she also continue her education. Birth Month/Year: October 2018 Debut Month/Year: January 2023 Nationality: American Worker Size: Lightweight Min Size: Small Max Size: Lightweight Worker Style: Technician-flyer Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Gothic Princess (Face and heel) Alter-Ego's?: Dojo Graduate?: Bunny Mansion Available Areas: USA, Canada, Japan Worker Personality/Attributes: Irrepressible Better as babyface Plays comedy well Plays swagger well Plays mysterious/occult well Tagteam specialist Shoots from the lip Gymnastic background Career woman Skills Template: In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80) Brawling: 15 Puroresu: 10 Hardcore: 25 Technical: 55 Aerial: 50 Flashiness: 70 Mental Skills Psychology: (Capped at 60) 50 Experience (automatically 0): Respect (automatically 0): Reputation (automatically 50): Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70) Basics: 60 Selling: 35 Consistency: 45 Safety: 60 Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol) Charisma: 45 Microphone: 55 Acting: 50 Star Quality: 35 Sex Appeal: 50 Menace: 5 Physical Abilities Stamina: 60 Athleticism: 50 Power: 30 Toughness: 45 Resilience: 55 Other Skills: Announcing: Colour: Refereeing: Not on template Finisher: Skyfall (Corkscrew Shooting Star) Relationship: Delilah (Sister) Tagteam: Fallen Angels (with Delilah) Tagteam finisher: Mallrat Genocide Deluxe (Shatter Machine/Big Rig)
  11. Heh well if you do it I’ll be getting that one too whether for this tew or a new one, but hey take a couple years to enjoy this one yourself, it’s amazing work.
  12. You do realise having put it out there there will be a clamour for a 2026 mod now Just looking at the people available yeah I can very much see the potential to make a new place and use an entirely different roster to one you would have in any of the current feds. One misplaced word catch for you, I am assuming Becky Jo Johnson is a spectacle in any ring, not a sceptical I missed you had replied to me and edited my last post as yours went onto a new page so just figured worth repeating here, it really does feel just following the people and places I know that four years have happened since your last database and two since the original 2020 database, this mod makes the whole scene feel alive.
  13. This is looking amazing so far. Just reading the fed bios I can see a lot of interesting save ideas in USA and Japan, I noted the war you kicked off there, that freshens the scene up there by itself, it also leaves room for another women's revolution fed to kickstart for wrestlers and fans that just want to enjoy wrestling without the sniping between the two. I also want to explore the Zen system and what you have going on in Britain. So far I have only looked at the world from inside one company, AAA, but looking at the people there and the people available whether in handshake deals or unemployed as a whole I am seeing a lot of natural narratives, so far the only one I am solid on is that I am absolutely rescuing Tzilla from the awkward situation she is in to bring her in to team with Alexis and Shikoba but after I have seen what I can do with the current roster there are certainly people I want to look to bring in and make wrestling stories with. There's definitely a lot of hours in one company which makes the prospect of exploring the whole world outside of that exciting too. The one thing I would ask as a possible did you mean to do it, I noticed that Verdana can work the States but the rest of the Weird Sisters won't without being asked to consider it in game, while I think I would rather use them in Zen anyhow it seems odd that one of the group will take bookings where the others won't given their whole history revolves around being a trio. Edited to add: I've had a more in depth look than I had chance to earlier and yeah, wow. I like how you have filled out the dojos with some of the workers that came in from other mods, Bunny Mansion and Cat's Lair have credit for a lot of current and future stars. Also just looking at the places and stars I know there really does seem to be two years of active development from the original database and four from your own 2018 database. After I have done AAA, I absolutely need to look at Devil Women, QAW and Eve, they all look amazing and with AAA locking down people into exclusive deals it feels like there will be a lot of opportunity to try different stars in those places. Rockstar Wrestling is also an intriguing place to try to develop to take on the bigger companies (though I do wonder if Pariah is going to sting a third place, apparently you can take Pariah out of the FBI but you can't take the FBI out of Pariah) I like how you have done the storylines in AAA, there is one personal storyline which should be fun to develop (and I am loving that Shrieking Harpy are gaining from this and their relationship with Cherry Bomb), the title storylines are very in depth and are very helpful in sorting stars to the various title scenes. I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with the Stardust Cup, I could see that being a mostly one night King of the Ring type thing or something where people have to fight over the months before to finish with the last two or three rounds, it adds a new wrinkle to the long standing AAA formula.
  14. This is another mod that looks like it should be amazing and between this, Thunderverse and Lavell’s 2022 mod, hell his 2018 (and some issues notwithstanding the original database isn’t to be sniffed at) there is so going to be much choice. Wishing you guys all the best with this.
  15. Yeah integrating the rosters very much depends on the people involved. It can be done with a size disparity, Keith Lee and Kimber Lee have a match on YouTube that worked because Keith was very giving in what offence Kimber got in, Candace Larae i believe it was is also well known for it though other than Impact (and who knows how much further they might have gone if Tessa hadn’t been, well, Tessa) that’s all very much in the indy scene. Yeah, wow, you and others have really made a scene out of nothing in those regions between you. In any case it all sounds amazing and i am looking forward to August or whenever else it is, I’ve been quiet here a while but when i look in it’s generally for this and a couple other things.
  16. I might well have to do some Europe and Britain, the latter living here and having kept an eye on the indies before nxt came along, Europe for some of the characters in the mod, i would certainly have a promotion revolve around the Weird Sisters for example. In any case it all sounds great, can’t wait to get going on it. If you’re trying to fill a hole and already have the women’s fed scene maybe go with a roster with both genders integrated? I know some the indy types worked intergender.
  17. Fujiko Mushashibo vs Sae Akutagawa If the story is going to be can Fujiko repeat then this is a must win to start the momentum running. Whether she does repeat or no...well Sae will be all the more motivated if she doesn't win this one. Katsukawa, Grey, Kornishkova (Nova Blade) vs Mochizuki, Hayashida, Hosaka (AKUMA) Anyone that mocks journalists is good with me (More seriously this is probably bias on my part but in Japan saves I tend to book heel stables relatively strong as the ones to beat) NeoTokyo Futureshock Title: Ashley Keith © vs “The Ice Queen” Amy Rhodes Ashley Keith is one of my favourite characters in any database, default, women's revolution, thunderverse, whatever. However if this will be important towards Rhodes staying and given I feel a title change on the first card of the year is a possibility, I have to go with the Ice Queen. Stryker, Kawashima, HEART Koiso (Cosmic Keys) vs Megumi, Matsumara, Miwa (Megumi-gun) Having bet against one character I like, on no other real reason as to why one team or the other should win I am going with some of the others I like in this database. NeoTokyo Tandem Title: Chitose Ariwara & Lady Lotus © vs Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose (Lilly & Rose) Again no real rime or reason, too early to make informed guesses, I don't see multiple titles changing hands is all. NeoTokyo Universal Title: Shiori Jippensha © vs Danielle Sweetheart Timelimit draw: Shiori is not losing this but if they want eyes on the fed from abroad, booking America's Sweetheart as strong as you can otherwise is not a bad idea and this would set up towards a rematch down the line.
  18. All of this sounds awesome, Neo Tokyo and Project Eve are my two favourite concepts from the women's revolution patch so I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this.
  19. Welp, this will learn me to copy and paste before posting in case of login timeout in the future. Nice show and I am loving the build for this one. I especially like Sawyer as the Boss, "It's been your pleasure" indeed! All in All Match lineup Prediction card Main Event - For the Queen of the Ring Title Title vs Mask 60-minute time Limit Tamara McFly © defends against The Mob Assassin If the Mob Assassin loses, she must unmask No bold, I have this one going Broadway. I believe the Assassin when she says she wants to hurt Tamara for fifty minutes, that will be her downfall. To even out Tamara having just squeaked by on the bell in their first draw, I would guess Assassin is saved by the bell in the new submission Tag Team Title Match - 2 out of 3 falls 60-Minute Time Limit The Neptune Twins with Sienna DeVille vs America’s Darling’s (Amber Allen & Danielle Sweetheart) America's Darlings are future tag champs but the Neptune Twins just not only kicked their last feud to the back of the line but ensured they cannot challenge again as long as the Neptune Twins are champs, for that to have teeth their reign goes a few months yet. Grudge Match - No DQ No Time Limit “The Swedish Sensation” Jeri Behr vs “The crazy hillbilly” Ellie May Walton Ellie May has the momentum, cheap heel win to further the feud 6-woman Ladder match for the newly created BSC Hi -Roller Title No Time Limit Miss American Pie vs Toni Parissi vs Dharma Gregg vs Alina America vs Alexis Littlefeather vs ??? (See below in the battle Royal) Bearing in mind my other Family predictions, they need a big win, first Hi-Roller champ and the first step towards owning all the gold if that is how things go, this is my pick for that Tag Match 20-minute Time Limit Pamela Rojo & Millie the Minx (Members of the Family) vs Hollywood Magic I wanted to say the Family but I still have the Neptune Twins as champ and three way tag matches, especially for the title, are relatively modern in mainstream wrestling. Also, Millie isn't Rojo's regular dance partner, they might need a match or two to get the chemistry BSC Contract Match Winner gets a BSC Contract 15-minute Time Limit Foxxy LaRue vs Connie Morris I'll be honest, as a QAW booker I like Foxxy, and she will be a force for at least the next ten years. 10 woman battle Royal with the winner getting the 6th spot in the new BSC Hi-Roller Ladder match Sister Beth Mercy, Vampella, Olivia Diamond, Roxy Kitten, Power Girl, Coco De La Soleil, Lindsay Sugar, Nurse Hope Daye, ???1 and ???2 I have this as Jaime Quine, not certain the timing is right for her but she's been in and out of the background Bonus Questions Who are the two battle Royal surprise entrants? Jaime Quine and the Angel Not certain on either, Jaime has been in the background but the time might not be right and I am not sure I would risk Kate Daniels in even a cameo role especially given I have her going sixty minutes at the top of the card but Kate's eager enough to impress I can see it and this is a way for the character to not miss the card with less chance the wrestler behind both gets gassed. There will be one new champion in the Hi-Roller match. Will either of the other 2 titles change hands? Zero What’s the match of the Night? Ladder match, I wanted to say main event but given my prediction, I have booked a 60 minute gone broadway match, they can get dinged for lagging in the middle (though you would have more heat than I did I think, I had one at the start of my save to fit an ongoing storyline) Tie-breaker Question (Price is Right Rules) What will the time of the match be in the Main Event (60-minute time limit)? 60
  20. Nice going, got to love the confidence of someone being here who can say they are not only the best in the current state but could have made it here before BSC went legit lol. I am pretty intrigued as to if the Assassin will get involved in events or will wind up on the wrong end of a beatdown given the Boss is coming to stamp his authority, could be a busy night for Ms Avatar. BSC Queen of the Ring Title Match Vixxen vs Tamara McFly © I like Vixxen and I don't see a head booker wanting to hold the title forever but her reign still has some legs, if they want to give the title any kind of prestige it needs to not be a hot potato. Tag Team Title Match No masks allowed and Sienna DeVille locked in a cage and hung above the ring Sweet as Sugar vs Neptune Sisters © Tough to call, the stipulations favour Sweet as Sugar, but the last chance saloon, to me that says the Neptune Sisters have another few months and are moving on from this feud. Tag Team Match - Winner of the fall advances to 6-way Title match at All in All Toni Parissi & Pamela Rojo vs Hollywood Magic The Boss is in the building, they better not disappoint Tag Team Match Roxy Kitten & Vampella vs America’s Darlings >.> I like the names? Winner advances to 6-way title match at All in All “Wildfire” Dharma Gregg vs Ellie May Walton I don't see Dharma losing to Ellie May here Winner advances to 6-way title match at All in All Jeri Behr vs Miss American Pie I think Miss American Pie is face? This match is short on faces with my predictions so far Winner advances to 6-way title match at All in All Alina America vs Power Girl She got a promo that was fire, a loss here doesn't help her Winner advances to 6-way title match Millie the Minx vs Alexis Lee Littlefeather I don't bet against Alexis, but then I have always pushed her hard. Opening Match The Angel vs Becca Barton The whole pitch was you are the future and Quinne has buried too many people like you. I can see Kate being willing to put people over but unless she is going all in with the Assassin gimmick sooner or later the Angel needs to pick up wins. Bonus Questions- What will be rated the Best Match of the night? McFly vs Vixxen Will either of the 2 titles change hands? (Both, None, or just 1) None if my predictions above are accurate What will the final rating of the show be? (First show below 25, the last two have been in the 30’s) 35 Who is The Boss (it is a male manager in the Cverse data)? No idea but I'll be tuning in to find out
  21. Nice, I like what you're doing with this story, I nearly didn't come here because I thought it would be smut but figured eh I'll see the pitch, I like women's wrestling, in IRL and in these dynasties, if it's well done. Spending time both with Tamara and with Kate behind the scenes is interesting. Jaime might joke about the blowoff match between the Assassin and the Angel but it's doable, get someone around Kate's build lol. You've left yourself a lot of ways to go with that, said blowoff if she wants to go with the Angel but you've also seeded the possibility of an Austin 3:16 style mentality with a split from the Family with her being all bring it over 5v1 odds if she wants to go face and remain the assassin, split off and go her own path being underappreciated by the Family if she wants to go heel. It is going to be interesting to see how things go when QAW forms, you have a lot of the big names there just in this card. 6-Woman Tag Team Match The Family (Toni Parissi, Pamela Rojo and the Mob Assassin) vs America's Darlings (Danielle Sweetheart & Amber Allen) and Miss American Pie) I am assuming this is before the title match, big heel win maybe with shenanigans to give the momentum BSC - Queen of the Ring Title Rematch Tamara McFly © vs former champion Alison Capone Not taking it off McFly after a month even without the other issues Undercard Matches Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs Sister Beth Mercy Alexis was always touted as one of the true talents Tag Team Match Hollywood Magic (Brittany Hollywood & Sprite) vs Ellie May Walton & Jeri Behr Honestly, going for the team that has a tag name BSC Contract Match - Winner gets a BSC deal Alina America vs Faith McGee Hard to bet against Alina but it depends on how much she knows about QAW maybe as well as how willing QAW would be to share given Hesketh has an AAA history. Captain's Match - If Coco wins Sweet as Sugar gets another crack at the Tag Team Titles next month Coco De La Soleil w/ Lindsay Sugar vs Kathy Neptune w/Sienna DeVille & Jen Neptune Setting up a title match is almost a definite win, what they do in that title match will be the harder call "Wildfire" Dharma Gregg vs Millie the Minx Not too much to go off other than I know the name Millie the Minx
  22. I have been running into problems where, quite naturally, people who are not fluent in the language, English, Japanese, whichever, are being penalised in promos. What I was wondering was if there is an option for handling non fluent speakers with subtitles. In NXT, WWE had the women’s title on a Japanese star, Io Shirai, she knows at least some English but was always going to be better at cutting promos in Japanese. So what they had were video packages that would involve she and her opponent (alongside other stuff going on in the ring and back) where Io could promo like ninety percent of it in her own language due to subtitles with the occasional one liner in English. Is there a way to replicate this in TEW 2020?
  23. I think it is one of those things where you have to do what you feel makes sense for your lore and your world state, but make sure that rather than putting most of the wrestlers into another federation (some, sure, the bigger feds absolutely should get free agents) and leaving it at that, which is kind of what happened with AAA's death, ensuring that there is a similar product available, not a carbon copy since what's the point but somewhere the displaced fed runners can call home or, failing that, have enough resources to do a phoenix rise from the ashes. Going back to the AAA example, the big problem in the default database wasn't that AAA fell, it happens, it was more that if I wanted to restart it from scratch with nothing but name brand for recognition and infrastructure with the Cat's Lair dojo and some cash to start (first thing I tried to do, thought it would add an interesting challenge to a company I favoured) I didn't have the women to do it without killing QAW for recognisable stars and pillaging 5SSW on top of that if I wanted to go with written contracts down the line so I just went with 5SSW or changed QAW's product to world fusion to officially include Japan elements alongside their lucha with American style entertainment and set a touring schedule only with storylines. The best thing you and others have done isn’t just to add feds but whether it’s Ashley Keith or Shrieking Harpies you have populated the world to the point you can add or expand feds or do something crazy like try to local to global an integrated roster with a world fusion product. No slight on Adam, his database is amazing outside of some of us enjoyed AAA and were hoping it would have grown, Pariah and Strong would have been as good a rivalry in a place they were legitimate top of the card as it would be surrounded by Rich Money and Nicky Champion. Maybe if it isn't too much extra work release a version where the company that folded made it and no companies fall ever (at least until they do in game) and release one with your original vision. I don't know how much extra work that would be so certainly not a dig at you if it would be, just a suggestion if it works. Edited to add: I was messing around with availability, languages spoken and debut dates to suit a game of my own but one thing I noticed, and these were Willrock’s characters for a 2020 mod so easy to miss this, the Wyrd Sisters, Verdana, Skuld and Urd, at your start date only one of them (Verdana I believe) has debuted and in her gimmick it would likely already be the case that she would be a package deal with her stable mates.
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