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Charasmatic Enigma

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Everything posted by Charasmatic Enigma

  1. Next Sunday, on Title Bout Wrestling... CGC Bubbleweight Title: Canadian Dragon vs Condor vs Jake Sloan vs Mario Heroic vs Tempest Appleby Jake Sloan was the leader of the group heading into WrestleFestival, but that seems a bit too obvious - so I'm going for a Heel turn to win the new title! Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog Rocky seems to be getting a big push Soldiers of Fortune & Dan DaLay vs Steve, Alex & Jack DeColt Like everyone else I was surprised to hear about Tyler, but without him here the DeColts take this - even if Jack and Steve don't necessarily see eye to eye Great show, I really enjoyed WrestleFestival - I think it captured the essence of CGC perfectly! One question - I know you've added the Bubbleweight Title to help increase your options on Title Bout Wrestling, but have you considered having Biff defend his "Poor Widdle Baby" Championship going forwards?
  2. Perfect, I'll do a bit of a British wrestling scene roundup after Victory is posted Landon Mallory's pop is ~40 in Southern England, and between 35-39 in the other regions in Britain - which makes him a Star in th fans eyes. For comparison, my most popular wrestler is Edison Silva who has 52 pop in Southern England, and between 45-52 in the other regions in Britain. Nobody expected The Network to lose here. As I touched on above, Alpass came in with some decent pop from 21CW so I didn't want Big Mac to walk all over him - even if I did want Big Mac to win the feud. The excuse here would have been the slap from Marbella catching him off guard and allowing Alpass to hit his finisher. Obviously plans had to change due to Alpass' injury, which actually affected the next month of booking quite heavilt - starting with the card for Victory! Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode of National Wrestling, I really do appreciate it! Victory marks the 50th show of the diary, so the top 3 of this round of predictions will all receive a prize - so it's still all to play for heading into the final event of the contest! With nobody picking the Main Event, there were no perfect scores this round - but I hope to see everyone back for Victory! Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 40 @Wrestling Machine 4/5 @SomeLazyMagic 4/5 @KyTeran 4/5 @newbiezness 3/5 @StanMiguel 3/5 Combined Prediction Results @KyTeran 18/19 @Wrestling Machine 17/19 @SomeLazyMagic 17/19 @newbiezness 15/19 @StanMiguel 15/19 @kanegan 13/14 @smw88 9/9 @John Lions 9/9 @alliegolem 5/5 @The Blonde Bomber 4/5 @The Lloyd 4/5 Predictions for NWF Victory The road to victory is fraught with danger, as Evan Alpass found out on Wednesday night – breaking his arm in the Main Event of National Wrestling. With Alpass out of action, the NWF have announced a late change to the card – with the in-ring debut of Naozane Goto now advertised. NWF British Tag Team Titles: Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) (C) Dangermouth vs Byron Akihiro Hisato & Naozane Goto vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs 'The Diabolical' Damian Dastardly NWF British Heavyweight Championship: (C) 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) Any other comments/questions on the diary:
  3. The original plan was for Alpass to win via Marbella distraction in the multiman match, then Big Mac get a 'get your head in the game' pep talk from Frank Finkleton and destroy Alpass at 'Victory'. Big Mac would definitely win the feud, but Alpass was a similar pop level so I didn't just want it to be a walkover. The PG stuff from 21CW/SWF won't change anything I have planned, the articles are more just for 'world building'. On a semi-related topic - I'm thinking of doing a little overview of what the big companies have done since the diary started after 'Victory'. Signings, releases, title changes etc. Is that something people would be interested in seeing, or should I not bother? 😅
  4. Evan Alpass injury confirmed as Broken Arm / Changes to ‘Victory’ Plans NWF last night confirmed that the injury suffered by Evan Alpass as the latest taping of ‘National Wrestling’ was a broken arm. The injury is expected to keep Alpass out of action for between 2-3 months. Alpass is said to blame Riddick Jordan for the injury after a botched Suplex, and the pair are said to have ‘simmering tension’ backstage. The injury has thrown plans for this Sunday’s ‘Victory’ event into turmoil, with the planned Alpass/Big Mac match no longer able to go ahead creative are said to be scrambling around to rewrite the card at short notice. It has been confirmed that the injury was also the reason for the rushed ending to last nights National Wrestling main event, with the planned finish being for Alpass to pin ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie heading into their match at the PLE. Wrestling moves into PG Era This week saw the new PG guidance rating for both 21CW ‘Best Of British Wrestling’ and SWF ‘Supreme TV’ come into effect. Both companies have been transitioning their product over the past few weeks ahead of the planned change, and hope to toe-the-line between bringing new eyes to their product, and not driving away their existing fan base.
  5. WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present: National Wrestling Episode 40 Wednesday W1 August 2021 Show Rating: 57 Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to National Wrestling! We find ourselves only four days away from ‘Victory’! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.” Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a big night of wresting ahead of us, as Leighton Buzzard has opened his Weekly Bangers Open Challenge nationwide! Who will answer the call?” Jackie Goldstein: “And in tonight’s Main Event, we have a six man tag match – with Grace Of Fire teaming with Evan Alpass to take on The Network!” Stardust Phil Cox VS ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson After seeing Dwayne Dark fail to beat his Bench Press record last week, Stuart Wilson returned to in-ring action against Stardust Phil Cox to open the show. Wilson’s impressive power was on full display, as he caught an attempted Cross Body from Stardust Phil Cox – reversing it into a Body Slam. Wilson then hoisted Cox one armed onto his shoulder for his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) to secure an emphatic victory. Winner: Stuart Wilson Rating: 54 We cut backstage to find Chuck Frisby and Dwayne Dark stood below a Frisby Foundation for Fitness banner, which hung above a whiteboard where they had made a crude copy of the gym records whiteboard from the Olympia Strength & Conditioning centre. Chuck Frisby: “My name is Chuck Frisby, founder and head trainer of Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness, and I present to you today an opportunity! If you can lift any of the weights on this whiteboard, then we want to hear from YOU! We will be holding open tryouts outside of the ‘Victory’ event this Sunday at the third edition of the Frisby Foundation for Fitness community day!” The personal trainer turned to Dwayne Dark, and told his client not to worry he had permission from Frank Finkleton this time! Chuck Frisby: “Entry is free, and if you are able to lift any of these weights…” Frisby motioned at the whiteboard. “Then I will personal pay for a years Gym membership at a gym of my choosing! I hope to see you all Sunday, because my name is Chuck Frisby – and I’m here to tackle England’s obesity crisis, one community day at a time!” Rating: 40 (C) Leighton Buzzard VS ‘Black Thunder’ Jermaine Granger NWF Cruiserweight Championship Leighton Buzzard’s Weekly Banger Open Challenge had gone Nationwide, and Jermaine Granger of CWW had answered the call! Trained by British Samarai, the Ring Of Fire dojo graduate had spent the past two years gaining experience in Wigan. Granger worked a fast paced style, which would normally suit Leighton Buzzard – but the Cruiserweight champion seemed to still be suffering from the bad back he suffered from JK Lee’s crossface a couple of weeks ago. This allowed Jermaine Granger to take control of the early portion of the match, before Buzzard turned the match back in his favour with a picture perfect Dropkick. Bang! And another! Bang! Buzzard clambered to the top rope to deliver his Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT), but felt his back again as he rolled into the cover and retained his title. Winner: Leighton Buzzard – Title Defence #4 Rating: 43 Post match, referee Roy Worrall handed Leighton Buzzard his title – but the celebrations were immediately cut short by Damian Dastardly, who jumped Buzzard from behind and immediately began laying the boots into the champion. The crowd booed as Dastardly locked in a Camel Cluch to really target the already injured back of Leighton Buzzard. The champion screamed out in pain, until Grant Taypen appeared from the back to run off Dastardly. ‘The Diabolical’ one bailed from the ring and grabbed a microphone to address The British Bangers on his way to the back. Damian Dastardly: “It seems we both got exactly what we wanted out of these past few weeks Leighton. You got your “Weekly Bangers’, and I softened you up heading into ‘Victory’. You see I’ve had an agreement with Frank Finkleton since I agreed to stay with the NWF, that I would be the man to challenge you this Sunday! And my plan to make that job as easy as possible has been perfect. It’s been diabolical… and it’s been straight up dastardly!” Rating: 51 The camera cut away to a dark room, where we could just make out the hooded figures of Jase Cole and Christopher Lister meditating in the dim light. After a moment, both mens eyes open – seemingly having just had a great epiphany. Jase Cole: “Forever changing, the force is. Old, out of touch, we have become. A new apprentice, to fight the darkness, we must find.” Rating: 37 Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs XS & Aurelian Bradley XS and Aurelian Bradley once again showed great chemistry teaming together, and were able to push the former British Tag Team champions all the way in this match. However, the experience of their opponents proved the difference maker as Future X hit the Future Shock DDT (Aided Double Arm DDT) to secure a hard fought victory. Winners: Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) Rating: 48 Next was a pre-recorded video from a record signing Dangermouth had held earlier in the week for his latest album. Dangermouth was posing for selfies with fans, when he was attacked by a man wearing a hoodie to obscure his face. The hooded figure dropped Dangermouth with a right hand, before pulling his hood down to reveal it was Byron! Byron continued to lay the boots into Dangermouth, while yelling… Byron: “I said I’d only face you when I was ready. Well guess what? I’m ready now! I’ll see you on Sunday Darius!” Byron delivered one last boot to the head of Dangermouth, knocking the grime star out cold – before skulking off as security came running over to help Dangermouth. Rating: 56 Local Talent VS Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves Bret Heartbreak continued his mini winning steak here, with a convincing victory against a local wrestler. The choice to focus solely on singles competition certainly seems to have paid off for Bret, as he hit his Heart Attack (Tope Rop Diving Clothesline) to round out the win. Winner: Bret Heartbreak Rating: 31 The crowd erupted as the music of the British Heavyweight Champion blared over the speakers. Landon Mallory made his way down to the ring, high fiving as many members of the crowd as he could on his way. Landon Mallory: “There’s been a lot of talk about respect over the past month, so I just wanted to make one thing clear ahead of our match on Sunday – and that is that I respect the hell out of Edison Silva as a competitor.” The crowd murmured amongst themselves, clearly not sure what to make of the champions statement. Landon Mallory: “Between these ropes, there is no doubt that Edison Silva is one of the very best in the NWF. His in ring ability has never been in question – the issue I have with Edison Silva is his attitude outside of the ring. I’ve seen how he’s treated you fans, I’ve seen how he’s treated the boys in the back, I’ve seen how he’s treated the country of his birth, and I’ve seen how he’s treated this title. Edison Silva doesn’t respect anyone or anything. It’s partly what makes him so dangerous, but it’s also what makes him vulnerable… and after I hit him with the Springbok Ram this Sunday and pin him to the mat – 1… 2… 3! Edison Silva will have no choice but to respect me! Yebo!” Rating: 73 Grace of Fire & Evan Alpass w/ Marbella VS The Network (Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights) Despite this match taking place only four days prior to their big matches at ‘Victory’, where Evan Alpass was scheduled to face ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie and Grace of Fire would challenge The Northern Lights for the British Tag Titles, all six men held nothing back. Welsh Dragon and Bali Daljit flew around the ring, while Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan brawled and shook the ring with their impactful Suplexes. ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie still seemed annoyed at the attention Evan Alpass had received from Marbella, constantly making a point to shout across at the young valet whenever he took down Alpass. The match broke down around the seven minute mark, with all six men brawling throughout the building. Evan Alpass was brawling with Riddick Jordan on the floor outside the ring, when the tag champion went for an Overhead Suplex – but the release was awkward, and there was a loud crack as Evan Alpass landed hard. This seemed to result in a rushed finish, as Marbella hopped onto the ring apron and motioned for Big Mac to ‘come hither’ with her index finger. The big Australian looked delighted, but was caught completely off guard as Marbella slapped the taste out of his mouth! Completely disorientated, Big Mac could do nothing to stop the Dragon Kick (Spinning Thrust Kick from the top rope) from Welsh Dragon – before Bali Daljit followed up with his Shooting Star Press, a move he delivers with rare grace, to put the exclamation point on the victory. Grace of Fire celebrated in the ring, while Evan Alpass received medical treatment on the outside…. Winners: Grace Of Fire & Evan Alpass Rating: 53 Jackie Goldstein: “A huge victory for Grace of Fire over The Network, only four days ahead of their British Tag Team title shot at ‘Victory’! If Bali Daljit hits that Shooting Star Press on Sunday we could have new tag champions!” Melanie Florence: “And Landon Mallory has promised to teach Edison Silva a lesson in respect in Sunday’s Main Event… but you just know Mo Adebola will have a trick or two up his sleeve for the South African!” Jackie Goldstein: “Speaking of people who need to learn some respect, Damian Dastardly will challenge for the Cruiserweight Championship! He has tricked Leighton Buzzard into weakening himself heading into the event… can the champion pull out another banger and hold onto his title?” Melanie Florence: “And of course, Byron will finally have the chance to get his hands on that disrespectful good-for-nothing Darius Moss! It’s going to be so much fun to watch!” Jackie Goldstein: “And what about Evan Alpass and Nathan McKenzie? Marbella cost Big Mac the match with that slap tonight! You’ve got to think the Australian will want revenge! So many talking points heading into Sunday… you won’t want to miss it!”
  6. Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 13 Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids Can't see Atom Smasher or Davids taking the fall here Oliver Kobb vs Zeus Maxmillion Zeus is an interesting pick up. Looking forward to seeing where he slots in the pecking order. Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger) Primus Allen is the biggest name here Charger Siaki vs Rogue Rogue is still a star Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match Brandon James vs Valiant I'll go for Remo to get involved and cost Valiant, only for it to be made a Triple Threat down the line (BONUS) Which match will have the highest rating? Main Event
  7. Thanks @newbiezness! JK Lee in-ring performances are consistently in the mid-50s, it's just a shame he has the charisma of a block of wood (and the star quality too)! While he'll never be a top guy, Lee is a really useful Upper Midcard kind of guy, who I can always trust to put on a great match. He's great for TV Main Events or lower PPV feuds with top guys not doing much. Yeah... it's a dumb pun, but it made me chuckle. Both Akihiro Hisato & Naozane Goto were @KyTeran's picks to make available to work in the UK as a prediction prize back in December. A throwaway line in Darin Flynn's bio about working a very Japanese style linked the group together, and led here. Landon Mallory is amazing! He just keeps getting better and better. He's now worked his way up to a perception of 'Star', but I believe you need to be a 'Major Star' to be a successful figurehead. He has all the tools to do it though, so once he gets to 'Major Star' it's definitely something I will look at! A lot of love for State Of Mine! But as @KyTeran says, Grace of Fire are two weeks out from a British Tag Titles shot, and needed the win more. I have plans for State of Mind, they will be back! All correct! 😋 Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show, I really do appreciate it! Congratulations to @KyTeran, @StanMiguel and @kanegan for perfect scores this episode! A reminder that as 'Victory' marks the 50th show of this diary, the top 3 will all receive prizes in this round of predictions - so get your picks in for the go home show! Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 39 @KyTeran 5/5 @StanMiguel 5/5 @kanegan 5/5 @SomeLazyMagic 4/5 @Wrestling Machine 4/5 @newbiezness 3/5 Combined Prediction Results @KyTeran 14/14 @Wrestling Machine 13/14 @SomeLazyMagic 13/14 @kanegan 13/14 @newbiezness 12/14 @StanMiguel 12/14 @smw88 9/9 @John Lions 9/9 @alliegolem 5/5 @The Blonde Bomber 4/5 @The Lloyd 4/5 Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 40 Stardust Phil Cox vs Stuart Wilson Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard (C) vs Jermaine Granger Future X vs Aurelian Bradley & XS ??? vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves Grace of Fire & Evan Alpass w/ Marbella vs The Network (Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)
  8. Predictions for WICKED, Week 3, July 2020 Winners Get a Tag Team Title Match: The Lee FamiLee [vs] The Underdogs [vs] The Booth [vs] Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley The Lee FamiLee have gone a bit quiet since Buff's injury, so this could give them the boost they need Final Match in the Best of Seven Series: ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [3] [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King [3] The story suggests Heel takes an early lead, babyface valiantly fights back only to be beaten at the last Cousin Konrad’s 21CW Debut: ‘The Stone Cold Killer’ Cousin Konrad [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat Big debut win for Cousin Konrad 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title Match: Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory & Leigh Burton (c) Some underhand chicanery here Grudge Match: ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth The Booth will be the deciding factor here 21CW World Heavyweight Title Match: ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson (c) The obvious choice is to put the strap on Tommy here, but I feel you made this a triple threat so Tommy didn't have to take the pin. I think Tommy will be the guy to beat Orson, but I think he'll do it one-on-one... and it won't hurt a little, it wil hurt a lot BONUS QUESTIONS: 1). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible two)…? 0 2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be (within 5 gets one point, spot on gets two points)…? 80 3). Who will get their hands on Blake Belushi (Loxley Robbins, Daniel Black Francis, or no-one)…? No-one as the pair get in each others way 4). Which match will be the Match Of The Night…? Main Event
  9. WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present: National Wrestling Episode 39 Wednesday W4 July 2021 Show Rating: 74 Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence Jackie Godldstein: “Hello and welcome back to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence!” Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a huge night of wrestling ahead of us. Leighton Buzzard’s Weekly Banger challenge continues, and tonight its second generation Japanese wrestler Akihiro Hisato who answers the Cruiserweight champions call!” Jackie Goldstein: “Could we also see the big Japanese star Hisato promised Darin Flynn last week?” Melanie Florence: “Anythings possible Jackie! But we kick off tonight’s show with the number one contenders for the British Tag Team Titles – Grace of Fire, as they face the intriguing duo of Dylan Drama and Joey Beauchamp!” Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) VS High Society (Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp) Dylan Drama started the match for his team, and despite spending six months travelling around Mexico on his gap year he could do nothing to stop the lucha-inspired moveset of Welsh Dragon. Dylan was on the receiving end of Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags – before he was finally able to make the tag to Joey Beauchamp. ‘The Breeze’ was far more willing to get down and dirty, and tried to combat Welsh Dragon’s lightning quick kicks with good, old fashioned right hands. Beauchamp had an element of success, but was kept off balance by the frequent tags of his opponents. The fast pace of the match eventually caught up to the veteran, and Beauchamp was forced to tag Dylan Drama back into the match – who ran straight into one of Welsh Dragon’s lightning-quick kicks. With Drama out, the Welshman tagged in Bali Daljit – who headed straight for the top rope to deliver his Shooting Star Press, a move the Indian executes with rare grace, to secure a win for the number one contenders. Winners: Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) Rating: 49 We cut to a video showing the outside of the Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym. We cut inside to find Chuck Frisby signing Dwayne Dark up to the gyms July lifting meet. Chuck Frisby (excitedly): “Feeling strong today Dwayne… what’s it going to be – Squat? Deadlift? Bench?” Dwayne Dark (cutting across the personal trainer): “Bench.” Chuck grinned and hastily signed his client up to the Bench Press portion of the meet. ************** The video cut to the final two competitors. Dwayne Dark and an unknown member of the Olympia gym were attempting to clear 140kg on the Bench Press. The gym member stepped up first and couldn’t even move the bar off his chest. Chuck Frisby and Dwayne Dark stepped up next, both wearing their Frisby Foundation for Fitness branded tee shirts, with Frisby hyping his client up. Chuck Frisby: “You’ve got this Dwayne! Hit this one and you win the meet…” Frisby pounded the logo on Darks chest, which looked like it mildly irritated his client – but that didn’t stop Dark executing the lift and winning the meet. The surrounding audience applauded politely as Frisby hollered. Chuck Frisby: “We’re not done yet! That gym record is ours!” Frisby’s statement was met with skepticism, but the bar was set up for the attempt. ******** Frisby hyped Dark up as he got under the 190kg bar, with an army of spotters surrounding the bench. Dark took three deep breaths, before attempting the lift. The bar barely moved off Darks’ chest before his arms gave out, and the spotters had to bail him out. There was a polite round of applause as Dark was announced as the July winner for the Olympia Bench Press competition, but Chuck Frisby was visibly deflated as he slunk off leaving Dark to shake hands with his competitors… Rating: 43 Stardust Phil Cox VS Padraig O’Hearne Padraig O’Hearne was looking to turn around his recent fortunes against a returning Stardust Phil Cox, after the Irishman had been dumped by former tag team partner JK Lee two weeks ago. This was an entertaining contest as Stardust Phil Cox flew around the ring, but eventually O’Hearne was able to get his hands on the Skinny Lightweight and hit his Crowning Glory (Swinging Fishermans Neckbreaker) to pick up the victory. Winner: Padraig O’Hearne Rating: 45 We cut backstage to find Mark Moore and Darin Flynn deep in conversation, until they were interrupted by Akihiro Hisato. The Japanese cruiserweight bowed to both men, before announcing he had contacted his friend… Naozane Goto walked into shot, who Japanese wrestling fans would know from Black Canvas Grappling. A former sumo wrestler, Goto weighed in at 380lb – towering over Flynn and Moore. The Big Heavyweight bowed to both men, before following Akihiro Hisato to ringside for his match with the NWF Cruiserweight Champion Leighton Buzzard. There was a brief awkward silence, before Mark Moore turned to his client and quipped. Mark Moore: “Well he certainly is ‘big’…” Rating: 44 (C) Leighton Buzzard VS Akihiro Hisato w/ Naozane Goto NWF Cruiserweight Championship Naozane Goto was at ringside for this one, supporting fellow Japanese wrestler Akihiro Hisato - the latest man to accept Leighton Buzzard’s ‘weekly banger’ open challenge. While the Bulky Big Heavyweight didn’t get involved in the match, it did give the NWF fans their first glimpse of the former Sumo wrestler in the flesh. Seeing Goto alongside a pair of Cruiserweights really accentuated the Japanese wrestlers’ massive size. In the ring, Akihiro Hisato was once again able to show off the graceful attack style he had inherited form his father – the legendary The Great Hisato. The Japanese youngster was great to watch in full flow, and pushed Leighton Buzzard close in this one – but it was the champion who was able to hit his Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT) to retain his title. Winner: Leighton Buzzard – Title Defence #3 Rating: 48 We cut away to the office of Frank Finkleton, where JK Lee was demanding that the network executive give him a match tonight! He needed to show his former tag team partner he was the better man, following Padraig O’Hearne’s victory earlier in the night. However, before Finkleton could respond another voice came from out of shot. Mo Adebola (to JK Lee): “If you really want to show him who’s boss, you need to beat someone bigger and better than Padraig did!” JK nodded along in agreement. Frank Finkleton (disdainfully): “You sound like you have someone in mind Mo…” Mo Adebola: “I know a certain British Heavyweight Champion who said himself that he would take on anyone, anytime…” Rating: 71 Dangermouth VS Local Talent Dangermouth returned for his first match on National Wrestling since March. The Grime Star got a good reaction from the crowd and made quick work of his local opponent, hitting his Flatliner (Reverse STO) to secure a routine victory. Winner: Dangermouth Rating: 33 Dangermouth celebrated his victory with the fans, but the celebration was cut short as the grime star was jumped from behind by Byron. The former 10x World Champion layed the boots into his rival, before delivering his Upper Class (European Uppercut) to knock Dangermouth out cold. Byron yelled that the grime star had taken everything from him, and now he would do the same! Rating: 55 We cut backstage to the interview zone, where the British Heavyweight Champion was waiting with Rachel Dearheart. Rachel Dearheart: “Last week Mo Adebola emphasised the fact that his client remains undefeated in singles competition, and has never been pinned or submitted in the NWF. Does this intimidate you heading into your title defence at ‘Victory’?” Landon Mallory: “Mo Adebola said a lot of things last week Rachel, but he also brushed over some key details… like the fact that the only reason Edison Silva beat me last time we faced was that Mo Adebola stepped in between us to block the Springbok Ram!” Rachel Dearheart: “Mo Adebola played a big role in setting up your upcoming match with JK Lee. Are you worried about fighting someone of Lee’s caliber only 10 days out from ‘Victory’?” Landon Mallory: “Rachel, I’ve said before I’m a fighting champion – I’ll face anyone, anytime, anyplace! I’m not denying that JK Lee is a master technician, but – as I’m sure Mo Adebola could tell you - I’m still yet to meet anyone who can withstand the Springbok Ram! Yebo!” Rating: 86 ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS ‘The Bulldog’ JK Lee The fans were given a treat in the Main Event, as Landon Mallory & JK Lee put on one of the best matches in NWF history. The story of the match was JK Lee using his technical skills and tenacity to keep ‘The Springbok’ pinned to the mat for the majority of the contest. This kept the crowd quiet, until Mallory started his fightback. The crowd clapped along as the South African battled back to his feet, but JK Lee countered by locking in a Standing Headlock. The crowd then cheered as Mallory delivered hard elbows to Lee’s midsection, followed by a Clothesline that turned Lee inside out. Mallory scooped ‘The Bulldog’ onto his shoulder for a Running Powerslam, before beating his chest to whip the crowd into a frenzy. The Springbok stalked his prey, before delivering a thunderous ‘Springbok Ram’ – and as the champion likes to point out, nobody kicks out of that! Winner: Landon Mallory Rating: 74 Jackie Goldstein: “What a match! JK Lee pushed The Springbok to the limit tonight!” Melanie Florence: “Mo Adebola and Edison Silva will have enjoyed watching that only ten days out from their title match at ‘Victory’!”
  10. Key for Predictions: The Dynamite Express vs The Oklahomans [1 Pts] You've signed The Dynamite Express to exclusive deals, so I imagine they're going to be a central part of your tag division Marvel Malloy vs Carlos Gonzalez [1 Pts] Get some revenge for his partner. Is Spillane's injury kayfabe or legitimate? The Canadian Blondes vs The Wild Cats [1 Pts] Ozzie doing the job on his way out Cobra, Texas Hangman (c) vs The Heartbreak Express for the LSW Tag Team titles [1 Pts] Setting up for Express vs Express? Al Coleman vs Rob Reynolds in a Beat-the-Clock challenge match [1 Pts] Probably the toughest one to call. Coleman won the coin flp Davis Wayne Newton vs Southern Stinger in a Beat-the-Clock challenge match [1 Pts] Stinger is on a roll right now Cali Slick vs Jared Johnson in a Beat-the-Clock challenge match [1 Pts] Build that tension between Slick and Cruz James Prudence vs Prime Time Jack Pryde in a Beat-the-Clock challenge match [1 Pts] Prudence still feels a level above Pryde Pick the winner of the Beat-the-Clock challenge! [2 Pts] Southern Stinger
  11. Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 12 American Machine vs Atom Smasher I just can't get behind American Machine as a singles guy Charger Siaki vs Steven Parker Darryl Devine & Nicky Gilbert vs The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee) Need to set up Devine and Gilbert as threats in the SWF Jungle Lord vs Huey Cannonball One Man Army vs Spencer Spade You don't seem too high on Spade, and One Man Army got a special entrance for the battle royal which suggests he will be treated as a big deal Main Event: Brandon James vs Joey Morgan Big win for Big Money (BONUS 1) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? Yes (BONUS 2) Will SWF top the TV ratings this month? Yes Comments on diary / last event: Like some others I was surprised to see Remo get the win, but looking forward to seeing what you have in store for him!
  12. I might have to turn State of Mind face at this rate! I'm glad everyone is behind the pair! Now that I have their dynamic set in my head, expect to see more from them going forwards! Exactly right @John Lions. XS and Bradley have the benefit of having chemistry, but don't have that clear dynamic that State Of Mind now have in my head. Along with Evan Alpass, XS & Bradley are two guys I'm actively trying to find a character hook for. Things don't look good for The Force right now. They will need to regroup if they want to bring balance back to The Force. Dastardly vs Buzzard should be a banger! Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show, it really is appreciated! Another strong round of predictions, with 8 predictors and 6 perfect scores! With 'Victory' marking the 50th show of the diary, there will be prizes for the top 3 predictors in this round - so make sure to get your predictions in for the next show! Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 38 @newbiezness 4/4 @KyTeran 4/4 @smw88 4/4 @Wrestling Machine 4/4 @SomeLazyMagic 4/4 @John Lions 4/4 @kanegan 3/4 @StanMiguel 3/4 Combined Prediction Results @smw88 9/9 @John Lions 9/9 @KyTeran 9/9 @Wrestling Machine 9/9 @newbiezness 9/9 @SomeLazyMagic 9/9 @kanegan 8/9 @StanMiguel 7/9 @alliegolem 5/5 @The Blonde Bomber 4/5 @The Lloyd 4/5 Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 39 Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence) Stardust Phil Cox vs Padraig O'Hearne Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard (C) vs Akihiro Hisato Dangermouth vs ??? Non-Title Match: Landon Mallory vs JK Lee
  13. CGC World Title: Eric Tyler vs Steve DeColt (Guest Referee Jack DeColt) Seems set up for Jack to cost Steve his title and set up some DeColt on DeColt action down the road Chain on a Pole Match: Jon Jetson vs Ed Monton Grudge Match: Barry Bowen vs Howling Dog Barnyard Bash: John McClean vs Black Sheep McClean will be too appalled by his surroundings to put up a fight Frenchie's Choice: Rocky Psycho vs Steve Flash 900lbs-a-side Tag Match: Land Mass & Mammoth vs Jake Sloan & Friends Pie Eating Contest: Biff the Bruiser vs Moose Mulder I really enjoyed the fun and games element of the festival being incorporated into the show, and look forward to seeing what you have in store for the big one!
  14. Key for Predictions: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Miller Fforde [1 Pts] The start of a push for Prime Time The Oklahomans vs The Hot Taggs [1 Pts] The Oklahomans feel like they've paid their dues, and are ready to step up to the next level David Stone vs Maverick Chip Martin [1 Pts] David's dad is better than Chip's dad Quentin Queen vs Remmy Honeyman [1 Pts] The Heel picks up the win to kick the rivalry off The American Cobras vs The Gonzalez Family [1 Pts] The Gonzalez Family have lost a lot since joining LSW, and I can't see The Cobras being their first victims Newton (c) vs Coleman vs Reynolds vs Ferrera for the LSW Brass Knuckles title [1 Pts] A Fatal Four Way may be a step too far for the 'Triple Threat' Kip Keenan (c) vs James Prudence for the LSW Texas Heavyweight title [1 Pts] The title has moved around a lot recently due to the talent raids, and Kip feels like a good guy to hold it for a while and restore some stability
  15. WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present: National Wrestling Episode 38 Wednesday W3 July 2021 Show Rating: 64 Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.” Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie. We had two major announcements last week on the way to Victory. First we found out Grace of Fire would be the number one contenders for the British Tag Team Titles, and then Edison Silva was confirmed as the man who would challenge for Landon Mallory’s British Heavyweight Championship!” Jackie Goldstein: “I can’t wait Melanie, and there’s still three weeks to go!” The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore VS XS & Bradley A strong opening match here, as the competitors Worked The Crowd. Both teams showed great chemistry with their partners, utilising frequent tags and regular double team moves to keep their opponents guessing. XS & Bradley put in another strong showing as they continued to gain experience as a team, but it was The Foundation who once again proved that they were one of the top teams in the division as they hit their Disarmer to pick up the victory. Winners: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) Rating: 50 Boos filled the arena as Cruiserweight World Cup winner Edison Silva made his way to the ring accompanied by his legal advisor Mo Adebola. Edison Silva was once again draped in the Brazilian flag, much to the disgust of the partisan crowd. Mo Adebola: “Landon Mallory, last week you told my client and I that you would teach us some respect… but I argue that it is you who needs to be taught some respect.” The crowd predictably booed this argument, and Mo Adebola waited for the boos to die down before continuing. Mo Adebola: “Because while you walk around with the British Heavyweight Championship on your shoulder, you are NOT the man here in the NWF… and you are NOT the man here in the NWF for one simple reason – you have never defeated my client! In fact NOBODY in the NWF has defeated my client.” The boos picked up again, causing another pause. Mo Adebola: “These people may not like it, but the fact remains. My client has never been pinned, submitted or counted out by anybody on this roster. He has been victorious in every one-on-one contest he has every competed in… including against YOU! And at the aptly named ‘Victory’ – he will be victorious once again!” Rating: 71 Christopher Lister VS Lone Wolf Christopher Lister had set this challenge last week in an attempt to restore balance to The Force, but after this match The Force was left more out of balance than ever as the savage power of Lone Wolf tore through Lister. Like his partner before him, Lister was unable to foresee the incoming punches – and could do nothing to prevent dark side users Full Nelson Slam. Post-match Jase Cole ran down to protect his partner, but the lights cut out and Lone Wolf had once again disappeared into the darkness. Winner: Lone Wolf Rating: 47 We cut backstage to find The British Bangers excitedly talking about Leighton Buzzard’s successful title defence against JK Lee in last weeks Main Event. The pair continued to babble on, until a third party joined their conversation. Damian Dastardly: “Congratulations on the win last week Leighton, it really was a… Banger” Leighton excitedly thanked Dastardly, before stating that he wished he could feel the rush of putting on bangers like that every week! Damian Dastardly: “Well why not? You are the champion after all…” A look of wonderment crossed the face of Leighton Buzzard – weekly bangers, it was more than he had ever dreamed! But where would he find an opponent? Damian Dastardly (smirking): “Who better to put on a banger than The British Bangers?” Leighton Buzzard and Grant Taypen could barely contain their excitement as they excused themselves, saying they needed to go and talk to Frank Finkleton. Grant Taypen rushed off, with Leighton Buzzard a few steps behind him – leaving Damian Dastardly alone with a dastardly grin across his face. Rating: 50 The Youth Bandits (Cannonball Logan & Ian Vincible) VS State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence) State Of Mind returned to National Wrestling in spectacular fashion, appearing in a blinding flash of (brilliant) white light that filled the arena – Brilliant White wearing his Phantom of the Opera inspired mask and Ultra Violence with his cane slung lazily over his shoulder. The returning team put in an impressive performance, with Ultra Violence taking advantage of referee Roy Worrall’s turned back to hit Cannonball Logan with his trusty cane. With Logan down, Brilliant White was able to hit his White Out (Swanton Bomb) and make the pin, Winners: State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence) Rating: 44 We cut away to the offices of Moore’s Sports Agencies, where Darin Flynn was once again discussing his love of Japanese wrestling with Akihiro Hisato. Hisato politely nodded along, but with his broken English who knows how much of the conversation he was following… Darin Flynn continued to gush about some of the best wrestlers in Japanese history, before asking if Hisato knew any of the big names of Japanese wrestling? Akihiro Hisato: “Big Japanese wrestler?” Darin Flynn: “Yes do you know any of the big wrestlers back in Japan?” Akihiro Hisato (bowing his head): “Yes I know very big Japanese wrestler!” Darin Flynn: “Is he a bigger name than your father?” Akihiro Hisato (nodding): “Much bigger than my father. Much bigger!” Darin Flynn got incredibly excited and asked Akihiro Hisato if he could meet this wrestler? Hisato nodded and bowed to Darin Flynn and Mark Moore before leaving the office. Rating: 48 (C) Leighton Buzzard VS Grant Taypen NWF Cruiserweight Championship We come back to the ring for an impromptu Cruiserweight Title match, signed off by network executive Frank Finkleton at the request of the champion. Both members of The British Bangers went All Out to put on a show. Leighton Buzzard seemed slightly hampered by his back, still feeling the effects of the Crossface JK Lee had locked in during last months main event, but the champion was still able to execute a picture perfect Dropkick! Bang! And another! Bang! The champion clambered to the top rope, before delivering his Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT) to secure a second successful title defence in as many weeks. Winner: Leighton Buzzard – Title Defence #2 Rating: 51 We cut away to the Olympia Gym, and found Chuck Frisby and Dwayne Dark stood staring up at a Whiteboard on the gym wall. Chuck Frisby: “That’s what we’ve got to hit next week Dwayne. You beat him in his own gym and show him who’s boss!” Dwayne Dark: “Those are some big numbers boss…” Chuck Frisby: “You’ll be fine! With the Frisby Foundation for Fitness training program, you can’t fail!” With that Chuck Frisby turned to the camera. Chuck Frisby: “My name is Chuck Frisby, and I’m here to tackle England’s obesity crisis – one gym record at a time!” We will return to Olympia gym next week for the monthly lifting meet! Rating: 49 We cut to an old countryside pub full of older gentlemen wearing tweed suits and enjoying dark pints of flat beer. We had last seen this pub back in April when Byron and Joey Beauchamp had been plotting how to deal with their Dangermouth problem. Today it was just Byron sat alone at a table, no closer to solving his problem and with a bunch of empty pint glasses around him. The pub door opened and Bret Heartbreak walked through the door, sans Holly Leves. Bret scanned around the pub before finally locating his father. Byron: “You know back in Europe I’m wrestling royalty. But here, in my home country, they cast me out – doomed to drink in places like this. All because of one man…” Bret Heartbreak: “Dylan Drama?” Byron: “Dylan? What, no! Darius Moss! He’s to blame for all of this. And you mark my words Bret, I will have my revenge!” Rating: 54 ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS Evan Alpass w/ Marbella Evan Alpass was accompanied for this match by Marbella, the girl he had met at the Nate Manchester Retirement Party last week. Marbella danced and encouraged whenever Alpass was on top, which slowly saw the crowd get behind her client - as Mark Moore seemed unwilling to dance for the crowds entertainment when ‘The Prodigy’ took back control. Darin Flynn and Evan Alpass had teamed briefly during their time in 21CW, and perhaps this familiarity contributed to the great chemistry they showed between the ropes. The momentum went back and forth, but ultimately it was the Technical skill of Darin Flynn that won out – as ‘The Prodigy’ was able to lock in his Prodigal Pressure just after the ten minute mark and, despite Marbella’s encouragement, Alpass had no choice but to tap out. Winner: Darin Flynn Rating: 64 Darin Flynn celebrated his victory, and Jackie Goldstein began to sign off the episode… but was cut off as ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie stormed the ring and jumped ‘The Prodigy’ from behind. With Flynn out of the picture, Big Mac turned his attention to Evan Alpass. The big Australian scooped Alpass onto his shoulder to deliver a Snake Eyes to the top turnbuckle, before bouncing off the far ropes to deliver his Spear! Alpass writhed in pain, as Big Mac screamed at Marbella at ringside. ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie: “What do you think of him now?” Marbella looked concerned at ringside, but seemed too scared to check on Alpass with Big Mac still in the ring. Rating: 59 Melanie Florence: “Evan Alpass needs to learn to leave other wrestlers women alone…” Jackie Goldstein: “I don’t think Big Mac was doing too hot with Marbella even before Evan Alpass showed up…” Melanie Florence: “Do you want to be the one to tell him that?” Jackie Goldstein: “No thank you…”
  16. Predictions for United, Episode 24, Week 3, July 2020 Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis Antithesis has had much more screen time in the diary so far Jonathan Faust & Aldous Blackfriar [vs] BW Eddie & Vinny Vigilante Faust and Blackfriar got the honour of being put over by Savage Fury, so can't see them losing to Eddie/Vinny ‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] ??? Mini-push for Cain? Kenobi High’s proteges [vs] Boulder & Flynn w/ KT Devonshire I feel the proteges story will be one of learning and growing, so they need to start at the bottom ‘A Chance Against Chuck’: ??? [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver Chuck continues his winning streak! World Title Number One Contendership Triple Threat Match: ??? [vs] ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper To debut (or redebut) in a Number One Contenders match, I feel it has to be a big name. Sorry about all the question marks
  17. Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode, I really do appreciate it! We had a record amount of predictions for the episode, with an incredible 11 predictions on the card! Welcome to @The Blonde Bomber and @alliegolem as first time predictors, and congratulations to @smw88, @kanegan, @KyTeran, @Wrestling Machine, @newbiezness, @SomeLazyMagic, @alliegolem and @John Lions for their perfect scores. I hope to see everyone back for the next episode! I have worked out that 'Victory' will mark the 50th show I will have booked in the diary, so I will try and work out a 'special prize' for this round of predictions! Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 37 @smw88 5/5 @kanegan 5/5 @KyTeran 5/5 @Wrestling Machine 5/5 @newbiezness 5/5 @SomeLazyMagic 5/5 @alliegolem 5/5 @John Lions 5/5 @The Blonde Bomber 4/5 @The Lloyd 4/5 @StanMiguel 4/5 Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 38 The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) vs XS & Aurelian Bradley Christopher Lister vs Lone Wolf The Youth Bandits (Cannonball Logan & Ian Vincible) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence) 'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Evan Alpass w/ Marbella
  18. COUNTDOWN TO AGAINST ALL ODDS 1. TNA Digital Media Title Lumberjack Match: Jake Something (c) vs The Herald 2. Major Players vs The Von Erichs MAIN SHOW 1. TNA Knockouts World Title: Kamille (c) vs Nixon Newell 2. TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title Triple Threat #1 Contender's Match: Subculture (2-0) vs Team Canada (2-0) vs Bollywood Boyz (2-1) 3. TNA World Tag Team Title: ABC (c) vs Beer Money 4. STRONG Women's Title: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs ??? 5. Jordynne Grace vs Trinity 6. STRONG Openweight Tag Team Title Steel Cage Match: The Pillars (c) vs Killer Elite Squad 7. STRONG Television Title: KENTA (c) vs Chris Sabin 8. TNA World Title : Alex Shelley (c) vs AJ Styles BONUS QUESTION 1: Who will be Deonna's opponent?? I'll go with the consensus and say Aja Kong BONUS QUESTION 2: How many titles will change hands?? 2
  19. Thanks both, I was really happy with how the Cruiserweight World Cup played out! I have some fun ideas over the next few months, so hopefully the diary will continue to entertain Thanks @The Lloyd! The Brits over in Europe felt like natural pick ups, particularly the likes of Byron & Joey Beauchamp - who I feel many in universe would have expected to get 21CW runs over their career. I think I'm done raiding Europe (for now 😛), as my roster is starting to get a bit bloated in the mid card and I want to focus on elevating a couple of the younger guys. I am using XS and Aurelian Bradley as a regular team as they have great chemistry, I just haven't found a name I like for them yet. Suggestions welcome! Bradley is someone I didn't really know what to do with. He suffers from the Cruiserweight title being my midcard belt, as he's too big to be part of that division, but isn't popular enough to be part of the British Heavyweight scene. Finding chemistry between him and XS gives him a natural home, but I still need to find a gimmick for them in my head before I can get behind them. So for now he's stuck in the role of Heel jobber tag team, which he is probably a little too talented for. Yes... yes he is I have high hopes for Damian Dastardly. He was @newbiezness request for the Cruiserweight World Cup as a prediction prize, but I can see a perfect spot for him as the devious Heel of the Cruiserweight division - so I've decided to keep him around. Paying the travel from Oceania hurts, but Big Mac recently relocated to England so I'm viewing it as a net zero between the two Beauchamp has slightly underperformed in the diary so far. He's suffered a lot from chemistry issues (both partners and opponents), but I'm hoping this pairing can both revitalise Joey, and kick start Dylan Drama's NWF career now that he is free of Byron's shadow! Thanks @newbiezness! I'm loving that everybody is behind Leighton, rebranding to the British Bangers has really kickstarted his push! Damian Dastardly is someone I just saw a gap for on my existing roster. My only Cruiserweight Heels were JK Lee (technical guy), Brilliant White (theatrics/daredevil) and Ultra Violence (hardcore guy). I guess you have Chuck Frisby as well, but I consider him a manager now. Having Dastardly as the classic break the rules for the sake of breaking them heel felt like it's own niche and really added to the division. Chuck has been stuck in a holding pattern for a couple of months waiting for a few pieces to fall into place (this should make sense in time), but Frisby's Foundation for Fitness is now firmly back front and centre. Chuck is still my favourite character in this diary, so I'm excited to have more of him on the show! I'm still feeling out Evan Alpass. His defining feature seems to be his pretty boy good looks (he has 85 Sex Appeal), so I'm trying to lean into that but it hasn't clicked yet. I'm hoping the addition of Marbella will help develop his character. Mallory and Silva are my two top guys, so I'm hoping for big things from them - especially given the ratings Landon Mallory has pulled since becoming champion!
  20. USPW American Wrestling Wednesday Week 4 February 2020 Preview Funky Fedora vs. Running Wolf Comments: The man just pinned Steve Frehley, he isn't losing to Funky Fedora! 'The Talent' Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. Greg Black Comments: Greg feels like a jobber at this point 'Jacksonville' Jack Jackson and 'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Enygma and Roger 'Smooth' Cage Comments: Jackson has upside, but feels a little early for him to be going over Enygma/Cage The Cold Warriors vs. Natural Storm Comments: I've enjoyed The Cold Warriors, but Natural Storm feel a step too far for them 'The Angel of the Dark' Raven Robinson (w/Trent Shaffer) vs. Pariah Comments: I had Trent winning, so let's go for Pariah here ??? vs. Jack Bruce Comments: I can't even imagine who you could bring in at this point who could go over Jack Bruce Comments On Diary/Other Comments:
  21. WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present: National Wrestling Episode 37 Wednesday W2 July 2021 Show Rating: 61 Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling. My name is Jackie Goldstein and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.” Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We are just three days removed from a huge night of wrestling at Cruiserweight World Cup! We crowned a World Cup winner, a new Cruiserweight champion AND we had the best match in NWF history in the main event!” Jackie Goldstein: “After losing his title on Sunday night, we’re told JK Lee has exercised his rematch clause immediately, and he will face new champion Leighton Buzzard in tonights Main Event!” Melanie Florence: “It should be a banger Jackie…” Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) VS XS & Aurelian Bradley We opened the show with the news that, as a reward for their excellent showings in the Cruiserweight World Cup, the NWF board had announced that Grace of Fire would be the number one contenders for the British Tag Team Titles at Victory! (Edison Silva defeated both men en route to winning – Bali Daljit in the semis and Welsh Dragon in the final). Both of these teams showed excellent chemistry with their partners, utilizing frequent tags and double team moves in an attempt to out maneuver their opponents. After a frantic opening few minutes, it was Welsh Dragon who seized the initiative for his team with his lucha-libre inspired moveset. Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags were all on display as the Welshman picked up the pace. With their young opponents on the rope, Welsh Dragon tagged in Bali Daljit – who climbed to the top rope for his impressive Shooting Star Press, a move which he executes with rare grace. Bali made the cover to secure a momentum boosting victory for the new number one contenders. Winners: Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) Rating: 47 While the Grace of Fire duo had performed well at the Cruiserweight World Cup, next we had the winner of the tournament heading down to the ring – Edison Silva, still draped in his Brazil flag (much to the disgust of the NWF crowd) was joined, as always, by his legal advisor Mo Adebola. Mo Adebola: “Please allow me to introduce to you: Your Cruiserweight champion of the world – representing the nation of Brazil, Edison Silva!” The crowd launched into a fresh round of boos, as Mo Adebola feigned shock in the ring. Mo Adebola: “It would appear that you people haven’t learned about respect over the past three days! My client deserves…” However we didn’t get to hear what Edison Silva deserved, as Mo Adebola was drowned out by the music of the British Heavyweight Champion – ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory! The crowd roared Landon Mallory to the ring, their support amplified by the combination of a groundswell of support for the South African and their hatred of Edison Silva and Mo Adebola. Landon Mallory: “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I couldn’t just stand by and listen to you of all people lecture these people on respect…” Mo Adebola: “What are you doing out here Landon? You’re not English, and you’re not a Cruiserweight… this doesn’t concern you! So show some respect to a World Cup winner and keep your mouth shut!” Landon Mallory: “The only person who needs to learn about respect around here is you, and I’d be more than happy to teach it!” The crowd popped at the idea of Mallory vs Silva. Mo Adebola (Grinning): “If you want to teach us some respect, why not do it in the ring – with that title of yours on the line?” Landon Mallory: “I’ll fight you any time, any place! I’d be happy to beat your client in front of all of these people, Yebo!” Mo Adebola: “My client doesn’t fight on free TV, and he definitely doesn’t fight in front of these people! But he’ll accept your offer at Victory!” The crowd booed Mo Adebola and Edison Silva as they bailed from the ring, and headed to the back with grins on their faces. Landon Mallory held his title high, as the commentators hyped the magnitude of Mallory vs Silva! Rating: 72 Local Talent VS ‘The Diabolic’ Damian Dastardly Damian Dastardly showed off all of his dastardly tricks in this one. A poke to the eye earned the Kiwi a rebuke from referee Roy Worrall, causing Dastardly to get in the referee’s face to argue his case. With Roy Worrall’s view obscured by Dastardly’s body, ‘The Diabolical’ one took the opportunity to deliver a mule kick low blow to his poor opponent. With his opponent doubled over, Dastardly finished things with his Dastardly Cunning (Cross-Rhodes). Winner: Damian Dastardly Rating: 36 We cut backstage to find JK Lee taping his wrists. The former Cruiserweight champion had chosen to activate his rematch clause immediately, after losing the title on Sunday. Lee blamed his tag team partner Padraig O’Hearne for the loss, after the Irishman’s failed attempt to interfere on his behalf in Sunday’s title match. There was a knock at the door, and a nervous Padraig O’Hearne poked his head round. Padraig O’Hearne: “Look fella, I just wanted to apologise for Sunday night… and to let ya know that I’ve got your back tonight!” JK Lee (angrily): “No!” Padraig O’Hearne: “No?” JK Lee: “No Padraig, you’re the reason I lost my title in the first place. So stay the hell away from the ring tonight!” With that JK Lee stormed out of the room, leaving an upset looking Padraig O’Hearne. Rating: 38 We cut to a different locker room, where we found The Force meditating. Jase Cole: “Greater the imbalance is growing… time not much we have…” Christopher Lister: “The Lone Wolf is too powerful to be left unchecked. Next week I will seek to bring balance to The Force…” Rating: 43 The Youth Bandits (Cannonball Logan & Ian Vincible) VS High Society (Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp) After the incident on Sunday evening, Byron was noticeably absent from ringside for this match. Dylan Drama started the match for his team, but he didn’t study for four years at Oxford to eat the right hands Cannonball Logan was throwing at him. He tagged in Joey Beauchamp, who was always rough and ready – and ‘The Breeze’ used a combination of his street smarts and veteran wiles to take control of the contest and hit his Breeze Block (Forward Russian Legsweep) to secure a debut victory for the new High Society. Winners: High Society (Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp) Rating: 42 Drama and Beauchamp pompously celebrated their victory in the ring, before the music of Byron played over the speakers. Byron stormed down to the ring, looking furious as he demanded to know why neither Drama nor Beauchamp had been in touch since Sunday. Beauchamp stepped between Drama and Byron, as the young aristocrat explained that after Sunday’s incident Byron was now persona non grata in his circles – and Drama couldn’t afford to be associated with him… if his father even knew he was talking to Byron, heaven forbid! Dylan Drama slid out of the ring, before motioning for Joey Beauchamp to join him. Beauchamp hesitated for a moment as Byron asked Beauchamp if he was really going to leave him after everything he had done for him? Joey Beauchamp: “We’ve known each other a long time me old mucker, but… I’ve grown accustomed to the finer things in life…” Beauchamp turned to leave, as Byron told Beauchamp this would be the end of their friendship… was Beauchamp really okay with that? Joey Beauchamp: “I am cool… I am the Breeze.” With that Beauchamp headed to the back with Dylan Drama, leaving a furious Byron stewing in the ring. On commentary, Melanie Florence was furious at the treachery of Joey Beauchamp. Rating: 49 Rohan Kirchner VS Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves Jackie Goldstein informed us that after the incident with Lone Wolf last month and his recent split from the EWA, Bret Heartbreak’s sole focus was now on making it as a singles wrestler in the NWF – much to the relief of Holly Leves. This renewed focus seemed to do Bret the world of good, as the youngster was able to secure his first singles victory in the NWF with a Heart Attack (Diving Top Rope Clothesline) just after the eight minute mark. Winner: Bret Heartbreak Rating: 45 We cut backstage to the Nate Manchester Retirement Party – an event that had been put on by The Network in celebration of ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie’s win on Sunday evening. As well of the members of The Network, a number of Network board members were in attendance as well as a group of attractive young woman – presumably enticed by the free booze. Frank Finkleton and The Northern Lights were busy schmoozing the board members, but Big Mac had cornered a young Canadian woman – who looked bored out of her mind. Luckily for the young woman Frank Finkleton ran over and insisted Big Mac come with him to meet some important board member, giving the young woman a reprieve. Big Mac quickly followed Finkleton and shook hands with the board member, before excusing himself to head back to his conversation… only to find the young woman deep in conversation with someone else! Evan Alpass had crashed the party to steal the free beer, but now had ‘Marbella’ giggling at his jokes. We watched the pair leave the party arm in arm, before the camera cut back to a furious looking Big Mac. Rating: 45 Next the camera cut to the familiar parking lot of the newly christened Olympia gym. Surprisingly it was Chuck Frisby and Dwayne Dark that the camera followed into the gym. Dwayne Dark: “I don’t get it boss, why are we here?” Chuck Frisby didn’t answer his client, instead he greeted the receptionist and told her that they were both there for their induction. The pair were shown around the gym, which had seen a complete refit since its days as the Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness gym – with all new equipment, a sauna room and actual paying customers. Frisby did not seem impressed by the upgrades, but he did seem very interested when the personal trainer giving them the induction mentioned that the gym held a lifting meet on the final Tuesday of every month. The personal trainer grinned and whispered to Dwayne Dark - “THAT is why we are here!” The segment ended with Chuck Frisby signing both himself and Dwayne Dark for memberships. Frisbywinced at the £100 a month price tag, but the personal trainer pulled out some of the ill-gotten cash he had won from the NWF crowd in his physical challenges, and used that to pay their first months membership… Rating: 51 (C) Leighton Buzzard VS ‘The Bulldog’ JK Lee NWF Cruiserweight Championship After his shock victory at the Cruiserweight World Cup on Sunday, Leighton Buzzard was forced to defend his new title only three days later after JK Lee had immediately activated his rematch clause. The new Cruiserweight champion seemed intent on making his first defence a banger, as Buzzard came flying out of the blocks with his high octane, high flying style. However after some initial success for the champion, Lee took on the role of party pooper as he got hold of Buzzard and took the contest to the mat. Slowing the pace of the match right down, Lee took complete control and looked on course to regain his title. He expertly maneuvered Buzzard into position for his Crossface submission in the middle of the ring. Buzzard fought desperately against the hold, but looked to be fading until the crowd got behind him and gave him a second lease of life. With one final surge of adrenaline, Buzzard made it to the ropes – forcing a shocked JK Lee to break the hold. While he had broken the hold, Buzzard was clearly feeling the effects of being locked in for so long – with the champion favouring his back. With his Bulldog like tenacity, Lee looked to push home his advantage – but Buzzard was able to break the challengers momentum with a Back Body Drop, leaving both men down. The crowd were behind Buzzard as he pulled himself back to his feet, before ducking under a wild right hand from Lee and delivering a picture perfect Dropkick. Bang! And another! Bang! The champion scrambled to the top rope, and despite his bad back was able to deliver his Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT) and secure a banger of a first title defence! Winner: Leighton Buzzard – Title Defence #1 Rating: 61 Jackie Goldstein: “Leighton Buzzard does it! He looked down and out, but he rallied and retains his title!” Melanie Florence: “JK Lee looks furious! He thought he had that match won!” Jackie Goldstien: “And he can’t blame Padraig O’Hearne this time! The Irishmen was nowhere to be seen…”
  22. Predictions for THE WORLD IS WATCHING 2020 20-Man Battle Royal to crown the first NETSTREAM Intercontinental champion James Prudence vs Mikey Lau A lot of history between these two on the west coast, but Mikey Lau is younger and more popular Atom Smasher vs Joey Morgan Atom Smasher is on a hot streak that needs to be capatalised on SWF North American Des Davids (c) vs Angry Gilmore Risky pick, but this could be a good opportunity to move the title away from Davids and start his push to the Main Event Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Rocky Golden (c) vs Remo Remo could be the man to dethrone Rocky, but I think Rocky will hold at least until Supreme Challenge (BONUS 1) Who will win the NETSTREAM Intercontinental Battle Royal? (5 points) Spencer Spade (BONUS 2) Who will be the runner-up? (3 points) Primus Allen (BONUS 3) Who will have the most eliminations? (2 points) Primus Allen Comments on diary / last episode:
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  24. Next week, WrestleFestival begins with a special one hour episode of Title Bout Wrestling, live from the fairgrounds in Red Deer, Alberta. CGC Television Title Match: Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay DaLay to pick up the win here, setting up Alex to finally overcome his bully on the biggest stage Royal Canadian Air Force (Nelson Blais & Brys Turcotte) vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick Dirty Frank vs Battering Lamb
  25. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 24, Week 3, July 2020 ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ The Booth Dangermouth has more going on right now with The Booth ‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] Lone Wolf Wouldn't normally go for the tag guy, but Lone Wolf is young and still in the jobbing stage of his career Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley [vs] Nightmare & Ruin Tough one, but I think the Welshman steal an upset win here ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic w/ Badberry & Silva BEDLAM has his big rubber match coming up, so wins here Jeremy Allen w/ Kevin Jones [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth Monkey Business vs The Booth feud? Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory Cornell picks up the win en route to his title shot
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