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Everything posted by christmas_ape

  1. I appreciate the timing of that comment with this weeks main event! Foxxy will certainly sometimes wrestle, and in game wise can hold her own near the top of the card once her pop is built up. Perhaps my favourite thing about my roster now is so many people can be both managers/random characters/wrestlers. Especially the women I brought in (Kally Wayne, Jojo, Foxxy, Juliet) but also others like Pip McCarthy can and will all wrestle. Similarly I replaced people like LiberTeen's former manager Raymond Royce with Monty Croft. Got rid of Brittani Burke and other managers who couldn't wrestle. My thinking being that the show features so little actual wrestling you need a lot of those manager type roles to go to wrestlers just to keep them on the card. I feel like my portrayal of RAW needs every single roster member to be able to be rated on entertainment in game for promos, but also be able to wrestle. It's been a fun challenge slowly building a truly versatile group. As a side note this is why despite there being storyline reasons to keep Matty Willis/CJ LiberTeen/George LiberTeen on screen, I've not simply because they couldn't reach that standard. I love that I have a fairly big roster but every single person averages above 60 or so in entertainment. The only exceptions off the top of my head are Frankie and Tye LiberTeen but they are both still around 50 and super young so should hopefully reach 60 and Luke Steele but he's got great star quality and menace so I think he gets away with it and even Luke averages around 50. Especially with a few new signings debuting fairly soon I think the next roster update will be one of the best rosters entertainment-wise I've ever played with. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";"> Episode 39: It ain't always calm before the storm We now know that Episode 40 will feature two huge matches and this week the build to them both continue. We also see two fighters have their debut matches and with Swoop returning to The ASN Studios we get to see his reaction receiving the three trials. Predictions (Out of 4) Heath & Horton vs The Lone Wolves Rick Stantz vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie Spiffy Stan Standish vs ??? Frogue Element and Juliet vs Maurice Jackson and Foxxy Despite being busy with preparing for both this weeks match, and the upcoming title shot, Maurice Jackson will take some time out to answer your questions. What questions would like you sending to Don Jackson of The Main Event Mafia? Current Roster </div> <div style=" border: 2px solid black";"> Prediction Contest Current Scores The Lloyd: 3 Willsky: 4.5 DAVEFAN95: 1 HiPlus: 3.5 Rhysrob: 1.5 Rules 1 point goes to the person with the most correct points each week. These points can be saved up or cashed in. 1 Point is also given to anybody who has one of their questions answered in 2 different shows. 1 Point: A request for a certain worker to receive new merchandise 1 Point: A minor cosmetic change (small change of haircut.. change of clothes colour, small tattoo etc) 2 Point: A specific request for new merchandise (pick what is it/what it looks like) 2 Point: A medium cosmetic change (Major tattoo, New hairstyle, dye hair, attire change etc.) 4 Point: A major cosmetic overhaul (All of new hair style, new attire, etc) You're also welcome to suggest something and I can let you know how many points that would cost. I would say though that unless perhaps you save up lots of points a change still has to be at least partly in fitting with the character, for example if you ask me to put Swoop McCarthy in a dog costume I'll probably just say no... History La Estrella used up 3 points for a full makeover of Alexander Banks HiPlus used up 3 points for a full makeover of Loxley Robbins The_Lloyd used up 2 points for a medium cosmetic change of redoing Tombstone's tattoos (thank you to Lloyd for personally doing these) </div>
  2. Modesty vs Christy The Experience vs The Divines The Line vs Clenched Fist Interested to see who Rojo brings in. Good couple of shows!
  3. Main Event Singles Match Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit COTT Mid American Championship "The Living Legend" Sean McFly versus "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith w/ Mark Hyatt Co Main Event Tag Team Match Twenty Minute Time Limit HPW Tag Team Titles The Dynamite Express versus The Texas Express © Opening Match Six Man Tag Team Match Melvin Jericho, Brent Carpenter, & Edwin Garcia versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck
  4. That's a point I hadn't thought about from the preview; that Gakusha will still be an ageing 46 year old. It's a shame really but I suppose he's still had his career, in a way. I've definitely always liked the idea of a diary that allowed me to play lots in game but still keep an interesting diary without posting the actual shows in too much depth. Weirdly enough I actually had about 2 years of a GCG diary written up a couple years ago for TEW 2016. But that was just mostly monthly recaps really. As much as this, rightly so, seems to focus on the Japanese legends that are and will to be, I'm interested in seeing which gaijins make an impact. Perhaps instead of people like Jimmy Cox and Pistol Pete we get other c-verse stars make the trip to Japan.
  5. I'm all about the Heroes Guild! There's a decent about of stables/groups/factions whatever you like to call them built up now. I think that definitely helps with a roster so big. Means you can get a really large amount of wrestlers featured each show (this one being a great example) without it feeling like too much. Obviously as someone who uses them myself I personally prefer the no background look and the creativity these style of renders allow. It definitely helps to add a sense of scale for example Mikey looking tiny across from Scythe, that's something that you can onlyreally get across if all the images are in the same style and you can control them. I imagine part of it is everyone is used to, and recognises, the previous style so even if the change is jarring at first hopefully they grow on people. MoP already shaping up nicely too!
  6. Don't you dare say you feel sorry for Hot Rod! You and HiPlus were ready to believe he'd run over Swoop McCarthy. I do get it though... something a little bit shifty about his face. But I like to give him the benefit of the doubt that he's a good guy... a loyal one you might say... <div style=" border: 2px solid black";"> Prediction Contest Current Scores The Lloyd: 3 Willsky: 4.5 DAVEFAN95: 1 HiPlus: 3.5 Rhysrob: 1.5 Rules 1 point goes to the person with the most correct points each week. These points can be saved up or cashed in. 1 Point is also given to anybody who has one of their questions answered in 2 different shows. 1 Point: A request for a certain worker to receive new merchandise 1 Point: A minor cosmetic change (small change of haircut.. change of clothes colour, small tattoo etc) 2 Point: A specific request for new merchandise (pick what is it/what it looks like) 2 Point: A medium cosmetic change (Major tattoo, New hairstyle, dye hair, attire change etc.) 4 Point: A major cosmetic overhaul (All of new hair style, new attire, etc) You're also welcome to suggest something and I can let you know how many points that would cost. I would say though that unless perhaps you save up lots of points a change still has to be at least partly in fitting with the character, for example if you ask me to put Swoop McCarthy in a dog costume I'll probably just say no... History La Estrella used up 3 points for a full makeover of Alexander Banks HiPlus used up 3 points for a full makeover of Loxley Robbins The_Lloyd used up 2 points for a medium cosmetic change of redoing Tombstone's tattoos (thank you to Lloyd for personally doing these) </div> So predictions for Episode 39 will be up soon. Then Episode 40 is somewhat of a season finale with two high stake matches (Kian Wayne vs Will Beaumont and Frogue Element vs Maurice Jackson). P.S As a small side note thanks for any votes given this way in the DOTY. The Will Beaumont turn is definitely one of my favourite parts of the diary so was happy to see that get 2nd place. I view this as quite a niche diary that isn't for everyone so I'm always grateful to have some regulars and others following along. There's definitely some improvements I'll be making very soon too so I at least hope you all agree that they ARE improvements. Also thanks to Lloyd for re-working Tombstone's tattoos. I know he's definitely a favourite of some so I can 100% agree that he's being under-utilised. But keep the faith in him as I know his time is coming.
  7. 2 San Diego Girls vs. The Rage Pamela Rojo vs. Danger Mushashibo Penny Ramone vs. Raquel Alvarado
  8. Damn I screwed up both not getting predictions in on time or picking the overall winner last week! I don't think I should be eligible for the points but I'm going to go... 1st Konrad 2nd Kal I'm not sure who Youngman will lose to but I fancy going for a surprise. As for a question if I'm not too late... How are you finding Spain? If not you, who would your money be on to win the tournament?
  9. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";"> Click below for... Episode 38: Swoop's Road to Perdition Current Roster </div> <iframe width="100%" height="800" src=" https://www.docdroid.net/v302Fe0/episode-38-pdf" frameborder="0" allowtransparency allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. I like the graphic, good luck. Starrcade to be held on the moon by 2025!
  11. 1. New Galaxy Surfers (Mercury & Edo Phoenix), The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs. JackalZ (JOJI, X-Calibre, Jotaro Tanaka & El Mítico Jr.) 2. WCG Junior Tag Team Championship: The Legion (Isamu Kijimuta & Tobei Sugimura) © vs. StoneZ (Stealth Z & Stone Yoshikawa) [1st Defense] 3. Rogue Squad (Animal Harker, Ernest Youngman & Greg Gauge) vs. xDREAM (Kuemon Hotta, Kiyotaka & Motoyuki Miyake) 4. Kenka (Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, KATOU & Morimasa Kato) vs. Fujio Narahashi, Kimitada Yanagita & Sotatsu Sarumara 5. Tadakuni Toshusai, Hitomaro Suzuki & Bunrakuken Torii vs. Rogue Squad (Sterling Whitlock, Pavel Vanzycha & Brandon Smith) 6. WCG Junior Heavyweight Championship: Billy Robinson © vs. Konrad Mäkinen [1st Defense] 7. WCG World Tag Team Championship: Gaijin Wrecking Crew (Nigel Svensson & Ray Snow) © vs. Mad Dogs (Taheiji Konoe & Zeshin Makioka [1st Defense] 8. WCG World Heavyweight Championship: Razan Okamoto © vs. Noburo Ikoma [7th Defense]
  12. As much as watching a 5 minute long arm wrestle match might not appeal in real life, it was well written! Another good show. The new arrivals is a nice change and with The Underworld making up almost half the roster they will be pretty untouchable (for as long as they stay together anyway!)
  13. Randy Unleashed vs Steven Parker Masked Patriot vs Primus Allen Angry Gilmore vs Mainstream Hernandez Makutsi vs Mikey Lau Bret Starr & Des Davids vs Lenny Brown & ?? Rogue vs Valiant
  14. Is that as crazy a premise as a bunch of Greek Gods wrestling in modern day Washington? Or a promotion inspired by Plymouth naval history? I don't know... but it might be close! You know I'll be reading
  15. <p><strong>Rookie C-verse</strong></p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=550524&page=4" rel="external nofollow">QAW Amazons</a> by Rhysrob</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=550727" rel="external nofollow">Old Gods, New Tricks</a> by Willsky</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rookie Real World</strong></p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546695&page=7" rel="external nofollow"> Paul Heyman's TNA 2010</a> by 20LEgend</p><p> This might be the 2nd or 3rd month in a row I've gone for this, but it's kept the consistency up for so long now that it always deserves it. Highlights this month were the Bryan debut and No Surrender.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Showcase</strong></p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2486830&postcount=53" rel="external nofollow">Narrative/Show?: SNP Heatwave in QAW Amazons</a> </p><p> I like the general idea of these little sneak peeks of what is going on elsewhere in the world and this was a great one introducing us to Porsche and Millie. </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=550305&page=24" rel="external nofollow">Worker: Tommy Cornell</a> in The Lloyd's SWF Steering The Ship</p><p> The reveal of the shock signing and then also how he's been written and built up has been great.</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=550236&page=11" rel="external nofollow">Rivalry: Youngman vs Perez</a> in Willsky's Prestige Wrestling League</p><p> Youngman has had an immediate impact on the league, and even though I'm sure their recent match won't end up being their last the build to the 100% record vs 100% record match was great.</p>
  16. <p>Aphrodite & Ares vs. <strong>Hephaestus & Poseidon</strong></p><p> Achilles vs. <strong>Heracles</strong> (Arm-Wrestle)</p><p> <strong>Apollo & Artemis</strong> vs. Hera & Hermes</p><p> Athena © vs.<strong> Hades</strong></p><p> For the Throne of the Gods</p>
  17. <p><strong>'Sensational' Steven Parker</strong> [vs] 'Platinum' James Prudence</p><p> </p><p> Faith and Old Glory [vs]<strong> Atom Smasher & American Machine w/ Kristen Pearce</strong></p><p> </p><p> Jungle Lord [vs] <strong>'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] <strong>'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed w/ Scythe</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> Hawaiian Crush [vs]<strong> Makutsi and Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>'Every Woman's Dream' Valiant w/ Rogue</strong> [vs] Randy Unleashed w/ The Unleashed Rat Pack</p>
  18. Great to see this up and running. The graphics are top notch like always, will look forward to seeing where you go storyline wise.
  19. Greg Black vs. Mr. Lucha III (Group C) Devilfish vs. Gram Gorman (Group A) Apollo Prince vs. Hercules Johansson (Group B) Kalu Owusu vs. Masked Cougar (Group A) Ernest Youngman vs. Mimic (Group C) Captain Lucha vs. Konrad Makinen (Group B) I did see the show posted a coupe days ago but been waiting till I had the time to read it properly. Another top show. I do in general like the show schedule it's like having a double show finale in a way with the ending of the league being before the season finale with the title match. For my prize I'll go with Ernest Youngman. Part of me doesn't want to break the aura of him being quite mysterious but it's that very fact that also makes me want to hear more from him!
  20. It's perfectly possible he was spot on! I'm glad because for sure when I had this show down on paper I thought it's a little weak really. Obviously with a normal TV show it can all build to a PPV but I've tried to make sure each weekly show here has at least something which could be on a PPV, essentially just spreading a PPV out. This is one of the first weeks where basically none of it would make that cut. That said it is building to something, in some ways I'm holding off on big storyline payouts and then letting you have it all Episode 40! Pablo and Jack were both brought in on super short deals just for these angles, neither have much popularity in Australia but I like the idea that international stars can appear have cameos. In my mind most the weekly RAW viewers wouldn't even know who Pablo is and who knows maybe some wouldn't even know Jack, so it's sort of a little nod to the wrestling fans. Currently I don't plan on either ever actually showing up to the show.
  21. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";"> Episode 38: Swoop's Road to Perdition Whilst Swoop goes on a journey that will have a huge impact on the future of RAW, at the show itself the dates are set for two of the biggest matches of the year. Predictions (Out of 4) It's time Tag Team Speed Dating II! The following RAW stars will be hoping to find chemistry with a new partner; Brodie Lachlan, Captain Wrestling II, The Twisty Man (Cole Taylor), Tombstone, Alexander Banks and Artemis E-Y. Which two will decide to tag up? RAW Tag Titles: Kerry & Kal Wayne vs Frankie & Tye LiberTeen Captain Wrestling II vs Alexander Banks And who will be revealed as the driver of Swoop's hit and run? Big Mac, Alexander Banks, Spiffy Stan Standish, Rod Sullivan, Luke Steele or Brodie Lachlan? (If you've already answered this feel free to ignore it and I'll take your previous answer but also you can change your pick) Current Roster </div> <div style=" border: 2px solid black";"> Prediction Contest Current Scores The Lloyd: 3 Willsky: 3.5 DAVEFAN95: 1 HiPlus: 2.5 Rhysrob: 1.5 Rules 1 point goes to the person with the most correct points each week. These points can be saved up or cashed in. 1 Point is also given to anybody who has one of their questions answered in 2 different shows. 1 Point: A request for a certain worker to receive new merchandise 1 Point: A minor cosmetic change (small change of haircut.. change of clothes colour, small tattoo etc) 2 Point: A specific request for new merchandise (pick what is it/what it looks like) 2 Point: A medium cosmetic change (Major tattoo, New hairstyle, dye hair, attire change etc.) 4 Point: A major cosmetic overhaul (All of new hair style, new attire, etc) You're also welcome to suggest something and I can let you know how many points that would cost. I would say though that unless perhaps you save up lots of points a change still has to be at least partly in fitting with the character, for example if you ask me to put Swoop McCarthy in a dog costume I'll probably just say no... History La Estrella used up 3 points for a full makeover of Alexander Banks HiPlus used up 3 points for a full makeover of Loxley Robbins The_Lloyd used up 2 points for a medium cosmetic change of... to be revealed </div>
  22. Lots I liked about this PPV even some of the smaller angles like the Matty Faith one I enjoyed. It was always likely to be a bit of a filler feud for Rocky but it's great than elsewhere on the card you're nailing the Cornell/Keith arrival and they do come across as the stars they are (Cornell in particular obviously). If he does end up coming in and stealing all of Spade's hard work it's the perfect heel move.
  23. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";"> Click below for... Episode 37: The Beginning of The End Current Roster </div> <iframe width="100%" height="800" src=" https://www.docdroid.net/pJlodk1/episode-37-pdf" frameborder="0" allowtransparency allowfullscreen></iframe>
  24. Well... well... well... well. well. What can I say DinoKea? Must have been nice for you to be in the first place momentarily but hopefully you didn't get used to it Awesome last show. It's impressive that even though the top 2 was effectively decided ages ago, and the automatic relegation was already determined going into that show it still felt like there were a lot of high stakes not just in the main event. And yet again as someone who really rarely reads long match write ups I've become accustomed to fully appreciating your longer main events and this might have been the best yet. I also agree that the Valiant tournament sounds like a nice change. Captain Lucha vs. Mr. Lucha III Would be a strange but entirely possible turn of events for Mr Lucha III to win the tournament whilst also not being in the next league. Apollo Prince & Gram Gorman vs. Masked Cougar & Tigre Salvaje Jr We'll surely get the Apollogy even just as an excuse to use the pun again. Ernest Youngman & Konrad Makinen vs. SUKI & Tsuneyo Yanagimoto Valiant Tournament Contenders (TBD) vs. Valiant Tournament Contenders (TBD) Obviously this is impossible to pick, but I'll give a point if you can guess one of the 4 competitors. FALSE. It's going to be the left team. My pick... how long can you realistically hold shows in Europe and resist the temptation to bring in Bret Heartbreak. Frankie Perez © vs. Kalu Owusu Obviously Kalu is well liked, by myself too, but deep down I think maybe the title is above his ceiling. I won't be disappointed if he proves me wrong though.
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