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Posts posted by christmas_ape

  1. Thank you! I'm really happy about the way the design has worked out so far.


    David is surely a guy that I'd like to give a push as soon as he's ready. I don't have any idea how soon that will be, though. :)


    No that's not what I want to hear! He's ready now! Undefeated streak to title please.


    I am definitely surprised to see Cameron Vessey not been picked, he was my 2nd choice. Also plenty of women who you could probably safely bet on. Looking forward to seeing this get started!

  2. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">



    Episode 19


    After a shocking episode, expect to see the fallout from the wedding which saw
    Will Beaumont
    Momma Wayne
    waiting at the alter and the
    RAW TV Champion
    Rahmel Goode
    suffer a heart attack. How will the
    Wayne Family
    be feeling and how will the entire RAW roster react to losing their champion in such a way?


    Picking up the win his in return last week was big for
    who had a new face in his corner, this week he will hope to keep momentum going against
    The Master of Fu


    Also a huge main event will see two men in great form clash.
    'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie
    is fresh from his feud with Monty Croft and has picked a fight with
    'Beautiful' Blake Belushi
    . Two men with impressive form, both surely on the verge of title contention, there's a lot to fight for on this week's episode of RAW Attitude!


    Prediction key

    Gladiator vs Echo

    Nathan McKenzie vs Blake Belushi

    What will the status of the RAW TV Title be at the end of the show?

    a) Rahmel Goode will still be the champion

    b) There will be a new champion

    c) The title will be vacant


    P.S The current prediction contest will be drawing to a close after next week's episode.



  3. Rich Money © vs. Rick Law - USPW World Championship

    Poor poor Rick. The interview with DJ yet again put him over as a sympathetic face I wanted to win. And it's interesting thought really how both went to different promotions from USPW and how they did there completely changed how they were perceived on their returns. I can imagine this ending in a heel turn, I know RM needs new muscle so perhaps he does the unthinkable. I can't decide whether this will actually be it for Rick Law ever getting the world title but I think either way his character will be a strong one going forward.


    Alicia Strong © vs. Sara Marie - USPW Womens Championship

    I liked the story here, nice to remind us that Strong is still a great competitor irregardless of her recent tactics.


    Jett & Moor © vs. The Texas Express - USPW World Tag Team Championships

    No surprises here, J&M getting built up for a bigger challenge.



    Gorgon vs. Pariah

    I really liked the finish to this, was able to put Pariah over without hurting Gorgon too much.


    Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Steve Frehley

    Happy to see BBS keep up although part of me wanted to see the update


    Hawkeye & Wolf (Nicky Champion & Running Wolf) vs. The Sharpshooters (Kirk Jameson & Trent Shaffer)

    Keeping us guessing with Casey in this storyline. I wonder what could be next for SS after such a decisive loss.


    Joss Thompson vs. Tyson Baine

    Good win for Joss, intrigued whether the lights cutting out is still linked to Tyson, or whether he has just been used as a gateaway to a bigger threat which seems more likely now.


    Natural Storm vs. The Cold Warriors

    Glad I called this, definitely also keeping us guessing with NS.


    Roger Cage © Open Challenge - USPW National Championship [Pre-Show Match]

    I actually didn't know Black had joined USPW, will be interesting what you do with him. I imagine he's getting fairly old now but always seems to be featured in other promotions/diaries.

  4. Can you link a few IRL examples of 10 minute menace angles? Keeping in mind that menace is defined as "how menacing the worker looks" by the game. The moment Undertaker grabs a mic, he's no longer being judged on menace. So these segments should be 10 minutes of a wrestler solely looking intimidating.


    It's a tough one though as whilst I agree with your general point (the idea of a long rated menace angle is a bit odd, and you're probably right that it essentially never happens in the way that you've said it) I'm not sure I'd agree with that saying any words automatically means it shouldn't be rated on menace.


    Admittedly I'm not going to look for an example but imagine an Evolution angle, where Triple H does most the talking, maybe Ric Flair and Orton talk, whilst Batista essentially stands there looking menacing. I'd say even if Batista were to grab the mic briefly I'd still want to say his performance in the angle is based at the very least 50% on how menacing he looks.


    What I would say is if you had an angle that is rated solely on menace, like just one dude doing something menacing but not fighting or talking, then sure there should be a max amount of time that can be without heavy penalties. But I think as long as there's other workers being rated on other stuff, then I don't see why someone can't be rated on menace in long angles without that being an exploit.

  5. For a TV only promotion, I'd experiment with Weekly Events. They also come with drawbacks, but maybe not so severe? And you can broadcast them exactly the same as TV. Failing that, 4 x monthly events. Full ticket sales. Same timeslots. Full pop gains.


    Yeah that's a good point, I suppose I will try and experiment. I'd always assumed the drawbacks woudn't outweigh the positives (and indeed in 2016 they definitely didn't) but maybe that's changed now.


    P.S Hopefully the mechanic doesn't at all deter your project though as I've been hoping to see a Self 2020 diary!


    With TV shows it may be harder, but it's doable.


    Don't get me wrong I do agree, although it's hard to know in your example whether the vast majority of your popularity boosts came from the 1 monthly event as opposed to the 8 weekly shows.


    I mean I have seen SOME increases in my TV only promotion, I would have just hoped that when you have ONLY TV, the game is clever enough to perhaps reduce the gap between TV and Event importance.

  6. Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


    The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


    Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


    The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


    'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


    'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele

  7. I have two small questions.


    1. Since I reached Big size I always finished the national battles second. However in the "battle" section my top workers have the highest overness. I also had the best shows of all big promotions. - How are the battles judged?


    2. At the current level booking is starting to get stale, with most of my workers reaching their cap. Gino Montero is champion with 91 pop. Since I had a long Extraordinario reign (88) I'd like to have the title change hand a few times, now. And also let the high-pop-wrestlers occasionally lose to mid carders. "Anything can happen."

    How can I book a less over guy to victory without the more over guy to lose popularity?

    I don't need a pop boost for the lesser worker. Just the freedom of creativity without penalty.


    1) In your preference there is an option to change how battles are judged. Off the top of my head the choices are star power, show ratings, or a mixture of both. I think there might be a fourth choice too. Perhaps their top main eventers have higher SQ?


    2) I'd use Keep Strong road agent note on the more over one. It will definitely limit both the main eventers popularity loss and the mid carders gain, but like you say, allows for that creativity.

  8. Television is terrible for building popularity. There's a MASSIVE difference in my games running televised promotions and my games running just events, because you only get a fraction of the gains on TV. So that's the first thing I'd look at; Where they're winning.


    I think this is a part of what has frustrated me. I'm playing as a TV only promotions, I'd like to think that the game takes this into account when sorting popularity out, if not it seems like a huge downside to running TV only. Granted I completely think there should be some downsides, but it seems a little severe.

  9. I'll get my early prediction in now. Swoop will break the curse in episode 39.


    I assume that's a random number or is there any logic behind that I'm missing?? Either way, you just might be right who knows! I don't yet anyway!


    Amazing episode, and I'm glad the curse is finally getting some focus. It is so weird how many 4-time Champs there have been!! :D


    Loved the Stag doo (Buck Night), and really, really loved how all the stories continued. Loxley and the pirate could be amazing!!


    Thank you, yeah I don't know what it is about it but I think she might bring more out of Loxley, there's a few ways it might still go but either way should make Loxley a more interesting character.


    This is amazing! There's a couple of routes I could go down here. 'Kill' would be quite funny. Rhymes with Will and starts with a K. But knowing you, it's going to be Kerri. Just Kerry with an I :D


    It's crazy how your logic here was absolutely spot on, you just picked the wrong Wayne Brother to apply it to!


    Love Zucco he is a fighter but a return or debut against Zucco is a good way to set yourself in the company.


    Good call with the return. I do sort of like Joe, but I'm definitely not doing great by him, he's lost I think every match, although when I think about it he is still being featured. To have a mini storyline and matches in 'The Main Event Hour' is a pretty decent spot even if it's not actually going well for him.




    Definitely interested to hear any thoughts on the Wedding Episode. Parts of it were decided and written right at the beginning of the diary so it's one I've personally looked forward to posting for quite a while!


    P.S Thanks to anyone who nominated/voted for this in DOTM. I'm confident this diary has some legs to it, so it's definitely fitting that it's got me my first win, hopefully I can keep improving it though, there's definitely some big changes coming soon anyway. ;)

  10. What roles did you use for the guys you wanted to get over and what were they rated on?


    Not sure if this was addressed to me or thadian, or OP, but I know personally I use a variety but mostly entertainment.


    I mean in theory I think even not being rated should still allow for SOME popularity increase. But when you have people with high entertainment skills I don't see why they shouldn't be able to debut, and cut promos to get them up. Of course at some point they might have to actually wrestle and beat some people to take there popularity. But I'd argue wrestlers get popularity from being in good segments just as much as good matches.

  11. I'll echo Hollywood and thank whoever voted for me, that category really was stacked, and had many diaries I enjoy and voted for, so i'm grateful for the win!


    I think it's my first win and with my first diary attempt being 8 years ago I feel like Leanardo DiCaprio finally winning with The Revenant, although granted that comparison would only work if most of Leo's earlier films were pretty bad!

  12. I do agree that lower levels popularity seem particular hard this game. There seems to be some hard cap which I don't understand.


    I'm RAW, and I've brought a bunch of people in with 0 popularity. Within 2/3 weeks all of them got up to exactly 17 or 18 popularity. This was through being on the B show. It didn't seem to matter if they won or lost, just being on the B show got them up to that minimum level, really fast too.


    But then all growth just completely stopped. For I'd say about 8 weeks they have all been in matches consistently rated between 40-60. Angles rated say 50-70. The only way I've gotten any to go up any points at all is to put them over someone with around 40 popularity, but even this only gets them up 1 point or so. One person in particular has now been on the A show plenty, won lots of matches, been in a lot of 70+ rated promos. And he's still 20 pop.


    Just some troubleshooting...


    Star quality doesn't seem to be affecting it, as some have 80/90 SQ.

    The B show and the A show are on the same network.

    I'm medium size (perhaps this affects it but still the cap seems really low)


    One thing I've been told is perhaps popularity gains on TV is nerfed compared to PPV/events. But this seems really harsh if it affects TV only promotions like RAW.


    Just checking if there is something I'm missing here with growing popularity

  13. <p>Rich Money © vs.<strong> Rick Law</strong> - USPW World Championship</p><p>

    He can do it! This is 100% heart over head, but still... he can do it!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Alicia Strong ©</strong> vs. Sara Marie - USPW Womens Championship</p><p>

    Right not I can't see anyone other than Pariah taking the title off her, but I'd never fully write off a swerve.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jett & Moor © </strong>vs. The Texas Express - USPW World Tag Team Championships</p><p>

    Good match to really establish them. I know TTE are on a win streak (and I have no idea how popular or well rated they are in game) but I just don't see them on the level of champions.</p><p> </p><p>

    Gorgon vs. <strong>Pariah</strong></p><p>

    It's almost to shame to put someone over Gorgon already, but at the same time I can't see Pariah losing. So it's an interesting match for sure.</p><p> </p><p>

    Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. <strong>Steve Frehley</strong></p><p>

    I've enjoyed this feud. It feels like Frehley is on the back burner for now, and although a win would really make BBS I just can't see it.</p><p> </p><p>

    Hawkeye & Wolf (Nicky Champion & Running Wolf) vs. <strong>The Sharpshooters (Kirk Jameson & Trent Shaffer)</strong></p><p>

    Perhaps a win here would get the attention of Rich Money. It's also Champion is so good and so popular that I feel like he essentially has to win 99% of singles matches, so that means if anything he's always more in danger in tag matches where he doesn't have to eat the pin but can still put other people over.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Joss Thompson</strong> vs. Tyson Baine</p><p>

    I would love a mini Tyson Baine push though, although saying that you could say a PPV match with Joss IS a fairly decent push for someone who must be pretty old now.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Natural Storm</strong> vs. The Cold Warriors</p><p>

    Normal logic would suggest CW win to go on to face champions, but from what I remember both are fairly awful workers so perhaps you'll slowly push them down and out.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Roger Cage ©</strong> Open Challenge - USPW National Championship [Pre-Show Match]</p><p>

    I actually first voted for the ??? I think I would have predicted a shock if not for it being on the preshow.</p>

  14. <p>Edd Stone vs <strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p>

    Tale of the Tape: Edd Stone held his own in a tag victory over Wolf Hawkins and Jay Chord earlier this month, and Wolf will surely be looking for revenge on the 24 Hour Party Animal here.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sammy Bach</strong> vs Freddy Huggins</p><p>

    Tale of the Tape: Freddy Huggins could do with a win to kickstart his 2020 where he has struggled against high-level opposition, though Sammy Bach must have other ideas.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>American Ultra </strong>vs Human Arsenal & Flying Jimmy Foxx</p><p>

    Tale of the Tape: American Ultra have looked promising since their debut at Malice In Wonderland and will be looking to bounce back from last week's loss to Tag Champions Mighty Meaty here.</p><p> </p><p>

    Television Title</p><p>

    Marc Speed vs<strong> Matt Hocking( C )</strong></p><p>

    Tale of the Tape: Hocking continues to prove that appearances can be deceiving; he is every bit a fighting champion. This week's opponent: the technical excellence of former MMA badass Marc Speed.</p><p> </p><p>

    Aaron Andrews, One Man Army & Fro Sure vs <strong>The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson)</strong></p><p>

    Tale of the Tape: Andrews and OMA have both had run-ins with The Syndicate before and there is no love lost between them. Fro Sure gets another opportunity to impress alongside the best that TCW has to offer, while The Syndicate will be looking to gain some momentum here.</p>

  15. <p><p><strong>Dolphin Master</strong> vs. Trickster</p><p></p><p>

    <strong>La Bestia Morada</strong> vs. Molokai Milk</p><p></p><p>

    <strong>El Hijo Del Fantasma</strong> vs. Powerful Man</p><p></p><p>

    Blue Wolf vs. <strong>Guerrero Muerto</strong></p><p></p><p>

    Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. <strong>La Estrella</strong></p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Captain Lucha</strong> vs. El Ladrón</p><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    That last LuchaLore was just so good. The temples sound like such a horrible place and there really is the feel of danger for the agent. There's a lot of nice little touches for example Snake King calling people his hatchlings is great.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    Purple Viper definitely sounds like she could be an interesting character, and now the added layer of Soldado and time travel being added in! </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    I think for me reading there's just a real sense of impending doom because I'm pretty confident Nachash is going to debut, it's just a way too good backstory for a new character to not have him enter EMLL. So surely that means Operation Antivenom can't be a complete success, which makes it all tense to read.</p></p>

  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="HiPlus" data-cite="HiPlus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47758" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> I want Lynx to get a win here but in ni way does Maurice lose this match. Also crazy to see both you and Ape have storylines building with Jackson having the love interest of a woman another man is keen on. </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There's been plenty of things like this that have randomly happened! We've sort of shared a rough outline of our main plans so nothing too big should ever overlap. I've also had to stop myself from accidentally using some of his nicknames a few times as it gets hard to differentiate between what is general c-verse cannon, what is stuff Lloyd has added and what is stuff I've added.</p>
  17. <p>Winner Gets Autumn Gleason</p><p>

    'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs]<strong> 'The King' Maurice Jackson</strong></p><p>

    Although it wouldn't surprise me if this doesn't end in him 'getting' Autumn. </p><p> </p><p>

    Open Challenge Match</p><p>

    <strong>'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins </strong>[vs] Manhunter w/ Montgomery Croft</p><p>

    I don't see how Loxley can lose even though the actual circumstances would heavily suggest it. I just imagine their pop difference would be too high. Perhaps a draw/non contest. </p><p> </p><p>

    'The Thunderbolt Kid' Marcus Kerr w/ Matt Stoppard [vs]<strong> Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor</strong></p><p><strong>


    Tag Team Tournament FINAL for the Vacant RAW Tag Team Titles</p><p>

    Echo & Nicky Gilbert [vs] The Brat Pack (Darcy III & Eyre-Rochester) [vs] <strong>The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    RAW Quest Title Match</p><p>

    'Old School' Matty Wills w/ Brodie & Rose [vs] <strong>'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone</strong> ©</p><p>


    Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont</strong> [vs] Luke Steele & Blake Belushi</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Bonus Questions:</p><p>

    1). Which Match will be the Match of the Night?:Main event</p><p>

    2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be?: 79(within 3 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)</p><p>

    3). Does Brodie Lachlan throw the towel in for Matty Wills against Tombstone?: No (I like HiPlus idea for it)</p><p>

    4). Who does Autumn Gleason go home with at the end of the night?: I'm really torn between nobody, or even a surprise 3rd person who it turns out she has been seeing.... but I'll play it safer and say Lynx.</p>

  18. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">



    Episode 18


    You are officially invited to the wedding of
    Will Beaumont
    Momma Wayne
    . Please leave your preconceived notions of wrestling wedding ceremonies at the door. The fact that every other wedding has gone terribly bears no relevance to the happy couples special day.


    Also on the show...


    Cole Taylor
    has been kicked out of the
    3 Amigos
    for his creepy behaviour towards
    . His first match since then will be against one half of RAW's resident detectives


    With his 40 paintball guns on the way to RAW,
    Joe Zucco
    has a chance to gain some momentum against a mystery opponent.


    Beautiful Heartbreak
    have had a devastating impact on RAW lately, putting both
    Loxley Robbins
    Frogue Element
    out of action. But such things don't go unnoticed in RAW. Who will step forward to try and put and end to it?


    Prediction key

    Who will confront Blake Belushi?

    Joe Zucco vs ???

    Cole Taylor vs Thurston Darcy III

    Will Will & Momma Wayne get married?

    What will be the name of previously the unseen Wayne sister? (hint: Of course it will start with a K)



  19. Really great show, with the Big Mac/Goode reveal and crowning the new champion it almost felt like a mini series finale.


    I'm annoyed with myself for not predicting correctly which match wasn't going ahead keeping in mind I knew about your patch problems! It's definitely a cursed tournament but it's not stopping it from being interesting.


    I enjoyed Swoop in the audience too, I think Blake was probably the right choice for the belt. Massive winning streak had surely made him too popular to be someone who has never a singles title.

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