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Posts posted by christmas_ape

  1. I'm pretty sure if you want them in tag matches together then your product has to be set to integrated.


    Although I suppose two points on that, there's nothing stopping you from setting it to integrated but still essentially keeping them separate when you book. I know it's not fully ideal.


    Or if you only intend to do these types of tag matches rarely you could just change the product for the show, then change it back. Again now ideal but the only way I could think of doing it.

  2. I'm going a little different here so I wouldn't be surprise to do awful. I know Team Taku won't be the favourites as the Father must be very old now as he was often far into decline even in my 2016 saves, that said by now Yoshinaka must be ready for a big push.


    Main Event

    TagMania 7 Finals match

    Team Taku vs American Cobra


    TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B

    Wild Ones vs Team Taku


    TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A

    SUKI & Furusawa vs American Cobra


    TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

    Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


    TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

    Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


    TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

    The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


    TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

    Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


    Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


    Opening match

    Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa

  3. Alter egos are (and always have been) independent of the worker's gimmick/overness. He'll have the same momentum and gimmick whichever alter ego he's using.


    Alter egos are not designed to be used all in one company.


    I can agree that it seems the main use of alter-egos is supposed to be to allow a worker to have a separate name in two different promotions but then my question really is that I just don't understand how I'd replicate something like 4 faces of Foley. As you'd assume the alter-ego feature would be good for it. I suppose I'd just have a gimmick called 4 Faces of Foley and that would have to encompass them all, but then it's a shame if you want them to have different gimmick types, and ideally you'd want the different gimmicks to have different ratings.


    I understand that perhaps this is more a limitation of the gimmick system as opposed to something that the alter-ego system is supposed to do. Although I think it would work better under the alter-ego system as that's also linked to the name and picture of a worker. I'm sure this is more a discussion for the suggestion thread, I just wanted to check if anyone had any ideas of ways to still do something like the 4 faces of foley. I just wanted a character to have a masked persona, and then his normal persona so I'm not sure if anyone else has had 1 worker player 2 characters and replicated it well in game.

  4. Sorry if this has been asked before; I did a quick search of this thread without any results. Does anyone have any experience values (or good enough game knowledge) how many house shows are appropriate for a company (CWA) that has monthly PPVs, one 'A' TV show and another 'B' TV show? The default three seems a bit high to me, but I don't have any idea how the game works in this regard.


    I've often ran 2 or 3 and haven't seen any negative impact yet. As long as you keep house show smart booking on (which I think is on by default) then the game knows not to book people who are fatigued.


    I say this I haven't booked any promotions in 2020 with a high match intensity/danger and I would assume the intensity in particular has an affect on this.


    I'd say it's a bit of a toss up really, if you don't think you're earning lots from the house shows then I probably wouldn't push it and would go down to 2. At the same time from what I've seen anyway you could in theory get away with 3, just check the fatigue levels of key workers every so often.


    Admittedly hopefully someone with more knowledge has done some actual tests regarding this that would help you more.

  5. I'm probably missing something very obvious but how do you write comments etc about an angle so it shows up when you go through the show recap?


    I see most Youtubers do this to obviously explain what is happening, especially with freestyle angles.


    I've seen that you can click on the box during the show recap and write what you want but how do you enter what you want before the show starts?




    I'm pretty sure when you're on the angle (pre show) you go onto angle writer and then commentary/auto name to write what comes up.


    Perhaps someone knows of an easier way but that's the only way I know of that allows you to write it prior to the actual show

  6. Can anyone give me some info on how alter egos work?


    From what I can tell it has no impact on gimmick or momentum? It seems a bit pointless. Like is it purely just to have someone with a second name or picture? It seems a bit of a shame if so.


    I want to have a character who swaps between two characters/gimmicks, I thought alter-egos would be able to replicate this but I can't see how?

  7. First Round Tag Team Tournament Match

    Echo & Nicky Gilbert [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


    Grudge Match

    'Tailor Made' Cole Taylor [vs] Isaac Taylor w/ Jase 'The Ace' Taylor


    First Round Tag Team Tournament Match

    The Brat Pack (Thurston Darcy III & Artemis Eyre-Rochester) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce


    First Round Tag Team Tournament Match

    Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne)


    Cage Match

    Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Mr. Australia' Kerry Wayne


    First Round Tag Team Tournament Match

    The Killer Waves (Pope & Tazz) [vs] 'To Be Confirmed'


    Fatal Four Way Match for the Vacant RAW TV Title

    Will Beaumont [vs] Luke Steele [vs] Frogue Element [vs] Blake Belushi



    Bonus Questions:

    1). He vacated the RAW TV Title a few weeks ago, but will we see Swoop McCarthy appear at the show?: No

    2). Which Match will be the Match of the Night?:Main event

    3). What will the Overall Rating of the show be?: 79 (within 3 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

    4). Which Match won't take place at the show due to unforeseen circumstances?:Taylors

  8. awesome to see this, Oddworld is one of my favourites and I know you're a big fan of ECW so will be great to see what you do with them.


    If I'm honest when I stopped my DAVE diary I didn't really follow the boards for a while, and then when I came back I'm guilty of only really checking out 2020 boards, but it's great to see I've got lots of Oddworld to catch up on!

  9. Happy to see Brodie getting more screen time has gone down well. I knew I wanted to start a push for him, but I've done it backwards which I've really enjoyed. Rather than giving him all the focus, it was all on Matty/Manhunter... with my aim of making people want to see them together, so then when Brodie came in and ruined it all it he wasn't a cool heel, or a heel you'd cheer, but a heel who has actually done something to make people hate him. Hopefully I can keep this up with him!
  10. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">



    Episode 17


    Last episode ended with
    Frogue Element
    being attacked before he had the chance to challenge
    Rahmel Goode
    for his
    TV Title
    Who was the perpetrator of the attack?


    A long running feud will come to a head this week, who will win in showdown between
    'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie
    Montgomery Croft


    On the day of his buck-night (stag-do/bachelor party), Will has a chance to earn the right to pick the stipulation for his upcoming tag team title match. Who will win,
    Will Beaumont
    'Spiffy' Stan Standish


    And when the two losing teams from last week clash, with
    taking on
    The Masters of Fu
    . Which team will come on top with
    Rick Stantz


    Prediction key

    Frogue Element's attacker:

    Big Mac vs Monty Croft

    Will Beaumont vs Spiffy Stan Standish

    Rick Stantz vs Echo



  11. A real effective go home show for RWB!


    I'm gonna really feel for Law after that promo if he doesn't win. It's been built well that feud, and I'll be interested to see if we see a The Business 2.0 in the future. I'm still suspicious of Casey so part of me foresees a future link between them two. On one hand being Rich Money's 'lackey' might be below him at this point in his career, but then again the whole point of a 2.0 would be to surround Money with more talented people than he begins with.


    'Alicia Strong hands the USPW Womens Championship off to Gorgon. Having legitimately held the title before herself, this perfectly demonstrates how the dynamic between the two has shifted' I really liked this, it is an interesting story, especially after how the show ended. I suppose it just speaks to how big/influential Alicia is that she can reduce former stars this.

  12. A lot of really cool visuals in the show with the lighting, fire etc. It definitely reads like a show that would be super fun to actually attend.


    I'm going to support Delirium from now on as Dazed and Confused is both one of my favourite Led Zep songs and a favourite movie of mine.


    Demon King came out looking great again, interested to see where it goes in the long run with him.

  13. A group of handsome models beating people up feels like it would actually fit perfect on the RAW roster!


    hope to see another "Movie Night" at some point in the future.


    Appreciate the comments, in response to those two bits in particular;


    That's sort of what I'm hoping Beautiful Heartbreak will develop into. I mean right now neither are actually models, but the intent is there!


    And yeah I definitely expect Movie Night to become a semi-regular thing. The only thing with it I need to work out is to what extent it's cannon is sort of blurred. Like say the GoT episode... that was all crazy and in a GoT like universe... but it did all happen... just in a vision. So like the people remember/acknowledge what went down and it has a direct affect on future storylines. Whereas movie night is a bit less clear. I originally intended it to be completely separate from the normal storylines. I like the idea of having 3 stories where anything can happen without it needing to fit into RAW, but then two things happened on Movie Night that will actually be used in future stories. So I should probably decide one way or another whether what happens in the mini-movies actually happens in cannon. Hopefully that makes sense! Not sure what anyone thinks?



    Was that a face turn at the end? Like, fully? I'd love to see him go up against Goode for the Title. That'd be brilliant!


    It was, well technically he actually turned earlier than this, but it was sort of intentionally vague/a gradual turn. There's been some shock turns and there will be plenty more, so Frogue was meant to be a little more gradual with his frustration at not being respected, his conversations with Swoop, losing his title etc all contributing to his changing of attitude. He'll still be a loud mouth, and isn't suddenly 100% face, but from now on his intentions are mostly in the right place.


    Great show as usual. Maybe Mumma Wayne can be the manager for the Will/Wayne tag team.


    She will definitely be featured more soon, I'll leave it at that!



    I know that Rod is due a Title win wasn't he?


    Must suck to be Kian, because in many ways he was going to be "the" guy of the future and then Will Beaumont showed up.




    1) He is! That was Lloyd's prediction prize (another one of these will be going out after a few more episodes). But it can be any title.


    2) I agree with you and Lloyd. Focus is definitely taken away from him at the moment, poor guy. It might change.


    3) Well the next episode is pretty much the conclusion of this storyline so hopefully you get what you want!




    Next show posted real soon. But first...




    So I hate to do this... but I've actually edited a show from pretty early one... I'll explain why...


    I'm currently writing a sort of recap of the Big Mac vs Croft feud which is coming to it's conclusion. And I regretted one sort of small decision I made...


    What the story was

    Big Mac revealed Croft had been paying two different women child maintenance payments for at least 3 years.

    Big Mac/Cluesome Twosome went to talk to Croft's old accountant who had information about it.

    He revealed that Croft is all a persona for 38 year old Barry Foster.

    Long ago when he was first getting into the wrestling business Croft had two sons who he planned on bringing up to be his bodyguards/lackeys/loyal workers

    This was revealed to be Frankie and Tye LiberTeen who are his birth sons


    What it's been changed to

    Big Mac revealed Croft had been paying two different women child maintenance payments for at least 3 years.

    Big Mac/Cluesome Twosome went to talk to Croft's old accountant who had information about it.

    He revealed that Croft went to two different orphanages a few years ago and picked out his favourite two 16 year olds.

    He then paid two different women to adopt them and bring them up to go into wrestling to be his bodyguards/lackeys/loyal workers

    This was revealed to be Frankie and Tye LiberTeen who are his adopted sons


    Hopefully you all agree that, whilst I obviously enjoy sometimes my stories being a little 'out there', this version is a lot more believable.


    SO I was intending on just writing something into the storyline down the line that changed this, maybe it turned out the assistant they spoke to was losing his mind and made a lot of it up. But all it was going to do was make the story even more weird. So instead I've gone back and edited the previous post. I only had to change a couple of lines as luckily not much else I'd written contradicted the new cannon, but still I'd prefer to be transparent with it all! Perhaps deeper into the diary I'd just get over it and live with the decision I made, but as I intend on Croft/LiberTeen to be a big part of the diary going forward for a long time I'm treating myself to this retcon!

  14. 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs] Kal Wayne w/ Kian & Kerry Wayne


    Tag Team Tournament Qualifier:

    3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce


    Brodie Lachlan & Matty Wills w/ Rose Wills [vs] Tombstone & ????

    Tag Team Tournament Qualifier:

    Echo & Nicky Gilbert [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce


    Rick Stantz [vs] Quizzical Mark Question w/ Quiz Master & Spin Doctor


    Loxley Robbins, Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Blake Belushi, Frogue Element & Luke Steele

  15. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">



    Episode 16


    TV Title

    Rahmel Goode © vs Frogue Element


    Winner will face God's Gift for the Tag Titles

    Rebound vs The Masters of Fu vs Will Beaumont & Kerry Wayne


    Captain Wrestling II vs Kian Wayne


    Brodie Lachlan
    will enact his plan to hurt his former partner
    Matty Wills
    , but what will the outcome be?

    Manhunter will attack Matty Wills

    Manhunter will attack Brodie Lachlan

    Manhunter will attack both of them

    Manhunter won't attack either of them.



  16. Main Event

    BCG World title match

    9th Champion Funakoshi vs "Machine Gun" Bunrakuken Torii


    Big Bruiser Findlay vs Blast Ikoma


    Mabuchi Furusawa vs Tanyu Toshusai


    BCG Challengers Series title match

    15th Champion Naozane Goto vs Animal Harker


    Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka vs Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa


    Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Giant Brody & The American Cobras

    Opening match

    Young Lion Trial match #6

    Suguru Emoto vs Sojuro Sen

  17. 100% like the idea of Pick Your Wrestler, it's surprising I can't think of any other instances of it, at least not exactly like this. It's a great idea. Having PYW, Predictions, Power 10 all on top of booking one of the largest rosters in game is a mammoth task you've given yourself but I'll definitely be following.


    As Dalton said the presentation is awesome, it's obvious a lot of work has already gone into this.

  18. Aaron Andrews vs Greg Gauge

    The AA/Wolf feud is obviously the biggest possible thing TCW can do, and you're building it up really well (loved their promo last week). So as much as Gauge climbing up the card makes sense, I can't imagine you doing anything to hurt AA's momentum (unless there's some interference)


    Television Title

    Jay Chord vs Matt Hocking©

    This is tough because I assume Chord is a fair bit more popular... but I'd be surprised to see him win this.



    Joshua Taylor vs Edd Stone

    I always wanted to see Edd break out and hit the main event, but I'm not certain he'll ever do it now


    Tag Titles

    American Ultra vs Mighty Meaty( C )

    I like MM


    Fro Sure vs Wolf Hawkins

    Same as the top response really. Can't see Wolf losing any momentum

  19. Yeah Alicia was perfect again. It was all really well done, on paper it would be easy to book the Gorgon angle and for it seem like just a random occurrence to further to storyline. But the way it went down, how it was explained, especially how Belle Bryden sold it really put it over as a big deal not just for the storyline but Alicia's developmental. It's great that the womens division really is being pushed as a big deal and it main eventing tonight felt completely warranted. Granted, Strong makes up such a big part of it that, but plenty of others are also getting a lot of focus.


    I'm slowly starting to think Rick Law MIGHT have a chance against Rich Money, which is pretty impressive. Nicky coming out and just giving a thumbs up made me chuckle.

  20. Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


    'Sensational' Will Beaumont [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele


    Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor


    Rick Stantz [vs] 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi


    'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


    'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] 'The King' Maurice Jackson

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