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Posts posted by christmas_ape

  1. I agree with most of this, the problem definitely exists and these are some interesting solutions.


    Dross's 3 point do sum it up well. And I strongly agree that language barriers should be much more important. It's easy to think of many different ways you could implement this.


    I think something like a hard cap (especially as low as you put it) isn't that fair. I completely get your point that game should be geared more towards fun and challenging gameplay than real life, but still to use an example let's say WWE stops visiting Australia (I know it tends to go every so often but let's say they stop), assuming they keep good tv deals/the WWE network is available there I don't think they would lose too much popularity. Maybe there should be a cap but I'd say it should be say 80% of their home region popularity or something like that.


    One idea I like though would be to use this in the area battles. For example... USPW and RAW start in an area battle.. I'd suggest that USPW get a big penalty if they haven't physically put on a show in Australia. So this wouldn't by itself make expanding into areas much harder, but it means once you hit the point where you're actually competing with the home promotions you have to be putting on much better shows to out-do the 'locals'.

  2. I just want to bump this to see if anything has changed?


    I see in the .09 patch notes


    'Added Charisma / Act / Microphone skill increases outside of angles to allow for faster progress'


    But has this been explained? I'd read that as people can increase their entertainment skills naturally over time? So if they aren't in long promos they can still get better?


    Regardless the actual increases for workers in angles seem low/non-existent.


    I'm playing as RAW, now admittedly I've only done I think 5 months, but this is with all my shows made up mostly of angles. Some guys have had a long promos on virtually every single show. I'm always sure to include younger workers with my best entertainers.


    On my roster I can see 1 wrestler going up 1 skill point, that's it. The vast majority of my roster are consistently in long promos with some of the best entertaining in the game and haven't gone up at all.


    Perhaps this is something that was addressed in patch 1.09. Obviously I'm playing with the most recent patch but I suppose it would take time to see the affects. But any clarification on what the quote from the patch notes means would be appreciated.

  3. <p>The first show after a PPV is always interesting to see what direction things are going and this definitely delivered. I liked Pariah being put over so much in her match, BBS is a good choice for Frehley to go up against, and Natural Storm story has be intrigued. </p><p> </p><p>

    I've also always been a big fan of Rick Law so I'll be rooting for an upset in his feud against Rich Money (if it is going the way of a Money vs Law title match)</p>

  4. <p>That really had a bit of everything didn't it! Makes sense to have the big guns (Blake, Loxley, Steele) make up the triple threat as that should be a big match in game.</p><p> </p><p>

    The egg hunt was built up well and is obviously intriguing so it was easy to overlook that there was also some huge matches. Sad to see Swoop seemingly out. </p><p> </p><p>

    Interested to see if the Joe Exotic/Tiger people are completely one offs, or if they are developmental workers or just in general what the deal is with them. They could definitely make either a great team or great rivals anyway! </p><p> </p><p>

    And the wait for the brat pack was worth it, I really like them in this.</p>

  5. Does anybody know if changing a gimmick for someone HAS to change it for all alter egos?


    Let's say you're trying to replicate 4 faces of Foley. You could argue that 4 Faces of Foley would be the gimmick, and then you'd have 4 alter ego you could swap between. But realistically each one had it's own gimmick.


    Ideally I'd like to swap between different personas, with one using a comedy gimmick, one using legitimate and so on.

  6. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">

    Episode 13


    Swoop McCarthy vs Alexander Banks


    Matty Wills vs Brodie Lachlan


    Which member of the roster will be the first to congratulate Rahmel Goode on his 3rd title win?

    Swoop McCarthy, Frogue Element, JT Ace, Spiffy Stan Standish, Autumn Gleason


    Blake is back. He's requested to speak to Loxley Robbins...

    Does he still believe he was responsible for the hair loss?

    Does he apologise for accusing him?



  7. I did not see that coming!!


    Frogue was comedy gold tonight!! :D Great job!


    I've enjoyed Frogue a lot more ever since I realised that he basically just wants to be Swoop. Now that promo might have gone a little too far into him just being a Swoop fan territory, but I allowed it because he was real stressed and scared about losing his title.


    Goode won the title!? Whst is this blasphemy! Main Event Mafia about to have a power struggle. Who are you using for Mumma Wayne?


    Momma Wayne, how could you? You're breaking up the band. And you're not even a true Australian to boot, if you were you would be Mumma Wayne.


    I'd celebrate Goode's win but he ruined my predictions, so I'm a bit salty.


    I was definitely expecting them to be the main two talking points of the episode. Goode is obviously a shock. This was partly because I knew I wanted to give him one last run. He's considered a star, has 93 SQ, is a former 2 time TV Champion... but my initial reaction was to job him down the card. So I fought against that as with him being there 11 years around the top of the card I think he deserves a 3rd run.


    That said, the main reason really is it's necessary for what's happening going forward.


    Momma/Mumma is an interesting one, as a Brit, Momma of course isn't normal to me. Part of me just found it funny the idea of all of these big wrestling brothers calling her that. In my defense, as in my life I've only really ever used or heard MUM I've always actually read it as MUM-MA but I've never either seen that spelling. The other thing is although I've not really touched on it much, in the background of this diary on the actual save RAW is slowly preparing to be exported worldwide. My thinking is the ASN network are fully aware it can't appear TOO Aussie or it won't appeal to Europe and the US so they've instructed people to dial down on the slang and that sort of thing.


    If I'm being honest, and this might not go down well with the Australians/Fans of the Australian Scene, in the LONG LONG run I can see it basically dropping it's Australian identity, not completely but definitely embracing the fact that it's an international promotion. Perhaps changing what the A stands for in the name. My thinking is one ASN smells the money it can get from TV deals abroad it will bend over backwards to appeal to those demographics.


    At the moment I've just created a broadcaster that is showing RAW everywhere worldwide but it's only tiny so unless I'm able to pump more money into it it will likely take a while. I just don't appreciate USPW coming over here and fighting me in an area battle so I want to take the fight to them eventually. I've avoided doing any behind the scenes posts about the game itself, but I might break that at some point to post about RAW's global strategy and some other changes I'm making.


    When I first wrote the show Momma Wayne was going to just be an extra who wasn't technically played by anyone in game, a bit like say Gilbert's psychologist or the modelling director in Milan, so I used a render of Abi Romanov that Lloyd was kind enough to age for me. But it felt wrong with her having a more of an impact so I've hired Steffi Chee and edited the picture post show.

  8. Rookie C-verse


    20LEgend's USPW


    Feels a little odd to nominate him for 'rookie', as it would anyone really, but I suppose that's just a personal issue with the wording. But definitely gets my nod for encapsulating how I imagine USPW to be perfectly.


    Devilb0y's TCW


    Only started in the second half of the month but has already put out consistently good shows.


    LaEstrella's EMLL


    This really ticks a lot of boxes for me, good presentation, creative lore, lots of interesting promos and characters. I've never really followed a lucha diary before which I suppose says a lot.


    HiPlus' APW


    I've enjoyed the idea and implemention of the championship chance, the presentation is nice and clean. It's also helping me get to grips with the other side of Australian wrestling


    Real World


    20LEgend's TNA


    Part of me didn't want to nominate this, because I've not really read much else real world stuff in May. But with 6 shows in May, all great I think this definitely deserves it.




    I definitely agree with the nomination for Lloyd's 11th Anniversary show but I'll also go for...


    LaEstrella's EMLL's first show


    It's sometimes tough to pick out of weekly shows, but this one in particular I went for because it did a good job of introducing so many different characters.




    La Estrella's Los Siete Pecados Capitales


    Just think it's a great idea for a stable.


    Presentation of doseofstyle's SCW


    Alicia Strong in 20LEgend's USPW


    This link is actually to the Stars Stripes and Slams PPV which would definitely deserve a nomination in it's own right, but it's Alicia Strong through the month that gets my pick. I think definitely my favourite female character in a diary for a long time.

  9. Main Event

    Global Round Robin

    Atlas Vs Tommy Cornell


    Global Round Robin

    Funky Fedora Vs Hollywood Bret Starr

    Casino Tag Tournament

    Canadian Daredevils Vs Ring Generals


    Las Vegas Classic

    Ernest Youngman Vs Matt Sparrow




    Frankie Perez Vs Pablo Rodriguez

    Ant-Man Vs Nelson Callum


    Pre Show


    Las Vegas Classic

    Fro Sure Vs La Estrella

    Chess Maniac Vs Ozzie Goldstein


    Austin Smooth Vs Riley McManus.


    Insane you've managed to poach Cornell, how big/popular of a promotion is SCW?

  10. I like the idea of sending Heyman out essentially just to hype the PPV. It's useful in that it's a) realistically something that would happen. b) In-game allows you to get some extra heat on your storylines in a way that doesn't feel too gamey. and c) It allows you personally to actually hype the PPV for us readers but do it in a way that fits being in the actual videos easily.


    Enjoying the Homicide/Dinero feud more than I thought I would have. And poor Sharkboy. I feel like in a weird alternate universe he could have randomly blown up and had a run (albeit short) higher up the card.


    Did he always do that Stone Cold thing? When I picture Sharkboy I picture him wearing the Stone Cold jacket and putting on Austin's voice, pretending to chug beers, that sort of thing. But for all I know that was literally just one promo. I'd go from watching TNA often to going years without reading anything about it so my memories are pretty unreliable.

  11. Wolf Hawkins & Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach & Edd Stone

    Tale of the Tape: Edd Stone comes into this match in brilliant form, though this will be a pronounced step up for him and Wolf and Jay are both on hot streaks of their own, neither having lost in over a month.


    Television Title Match

    ??? vs Greg Gauge©

    Tale of the Tape: Gauge has beaten all comers for his title and is scheduled to face Eddie Peak for it at Total Wrestling. However, Jack Bruce has issued a statement on Twitter saying the title shot will be reviewed on the night following Peak's actions last week.


    Roderick Remus vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

    Tale of the Tape: The first time these two have met, and a clash of styles on paper; Diamond - a roughneck brawler - and Remus a high flier.


    Killer Shark vs One Man Army

    Tale of the Tape: One Man Army has been on a bad run of form recently and needs to put together some momentum to put himself back into the main event scene, though Killer Shark is about as tough an opponent as he could have asked for.


    Benny Benson vs Doc Hammond

    Tale of the Tape: What should be an exciting opener with two veterans of the ring. Hammond edges Benson technically, though Benson is faster.


    This is the first time I'm pretty confident I won't get full marks. I changed my mind a few times so it's possible I could come out with barely any

  12. <p>Twelve Men will head to the Sydney Opera House and compete in a series of challenges. But who will come out victorious?</p><p>

    Cole Taylor | Isaac Taylor | Matty Wills | Luke Steele | Marcus Kerr | Tye LiberTeen</p><p>

    CJ LiberTeen | Matt Stoppard | <strong>Quiz Master</strong> | Quizzical Mark Question | Skyscraper | Manhunter He's the type to excel in a crystal maze like environement.</p><p> </p><p>

    The First of Two Six-Way Golden Egg Matches:</p><p>

    Loxley Robbins | <strong>Will Beaumont</strong> | Heath Murdock | Louie Louis | Rod Sullivan | Maurice Jackson</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    RAW Quest Title Match:</p><p>

    <strong>'The Enigma' Echo</strong> [vs] 'The Natural' Nicky Gilbert [vs] Tombstone ©</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    Grudge Match:</p><p>

    Captain Wrestling II [vs]<strong> 'Mr. Australia' Kerry Wayne</strong> w/ Kal & Kian Wayne</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    The Second of Two Six-Way Golden Egg Matches:</p><p>

    Lynx | Horton Ravenwood | Brodie Lachlan | <strong>Blake Belushi</strong> | Joe Zucco | Frankie LiberTeen</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    RAW TV Title Match:</p><p>

    <strong>'The Alpha Male' Swoop McCarhty ©</strong> [vs] 'The Ultimate Trash Talker' Frogue Element</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Bonus Questions:</p><p>

    1). How Many Titles will change hands tonight (out of a possible 2) ?: 1</p><p>

    2). Which Match will be the Match of the Night?: Swoop's</p><p>

    3). What will the Overall Rating of the show be?: 79</p><p>

    4). Which three of the 12 men heading to the Sydney Opera House don't make it there?: 3AM Boys and Matty Wills</p>

  13. <p>Profile is great, definitely think it will be worthwhile doing more of these.</p><p> </p><p>

    Tana is actually the TCW World Champion in my RAW save (and has somehow pulled some amazing ratings) so I think I've often underrated him maybe. Pairing him with Mo seemed strange to me when I first looked at the new database but this explained it well.</p>

  14. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">

    Episode 12

    TV Title

    Frogue Element vs ???


    Swoop McCarthy vs JT Ace


    Gauntlet Match

    Big Mac vs LiberTeen
    (How many members will he defeat?)


    Who will struggle to move on from the RAW Open Question Invitational?

    (Nicky Gilbert, Lynx, Maurice Jackson, Heath Murdock, Cole Taylor, Matty Wills)


    Gladiator is going away on a journey, but which of the following is his reasoning?

    (He has a modelling audition in Milan, He's off to the South Pole to escape the heat, He's fallen in love with an American woman on Facebook, He's always wanted to go to Disneyland)



  15. Delirium vs. La Bestia Morada

    Calavera vs. Pyromaniac

    Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

    Captain Lucha vs. El Orgulloso

    Powerful Man vs. Zebra Man (not gonna lie this was purely based on if I thought a powerful man could beat up a zebra, I would say though if the Zebra was sufficiently angry and motivated it would probably kill even a powerful man)

    Aprendiz Jr vs. Death's Head

    Charron vs. Demon King

  16. This diary just gets better and better!! And now I have THIS prize :D Ooohhh the things I could do... Gah...


    Okay, firstly. I think Lynx walks out as Quest Champion.


    As for my prize winner. I'm going to say Rod Sullivan! I've said before he's probably my favourite character here, and I'd like to see him successfully 'rebound' to a Title. :D


    It's an interesting choice, and gives me enough of a challenge for sure! He's not done too well for me in the first few months (going from 52 pop to 50 in the process) to use the old terms he's very much a lower midcarder.


    If he wins the tag titles he would become not only the first 5x tag champion but the first 5 time champion full stop in RAW.


    He has never won a singles titles so perhaps he has a shot at the Quest or TV title!


    It makes sense for Lynx to win the title. But I am all in on "Tailor Made" Cole Taylor


    You can't go wrong going with your heart! (or can you? we'll soon see!)


    The hound-- I mean Manhunter is taking it.


    I'm starting to really dislike your prophetic comments, perhaps you based Cyclops in your diary off yourself. (This isn't me confirming or denying Manhunter winning but more the fact that you called the GoT direction from zero clues and now linking Manhunter to the hound!)



    Looking forward to JT's direction now, was shocked to see Kian & Kal win that one.


    I definitely toyed with it just ended as a sports entertainmenty draw. But I've done plenty of those.


    I like JT's story coming up, although a pretty big spanner in the works is that I've only realised too late that in game the crowd think it's too soon for a heel turn. It's really annoying that because he's only just debuted in game, and he debuted with Gladiator who doesn't have that. So in cannon it seems like they have just arrived as faces. I know the game isn't smart enough to know that, but it is a shame. I have no idea what happens if a turns is a disaster, assuming it just hurts momentum? Maybe the gimmick as well.


    Show up in an hour or so.

  17. Great PPV as expected, just going through the thoughts I had reading...


    I liked them calling it a special event broadcasts, with it being on Reverie of course it's not a PPV but I'm not sure I would have thought to stop calling it one.


    J-Ro's entrance and that whole thing was great, the perfect way to use the bits of backstory about them. And then with the members of FTR being on the show did well to put the whole thing over, it just all seemed professional.


    I also liked Tyson Baine and Rich Money's like about following the money, makes for a good catchphrase.


    None of the results were particularly surprising, which obviously isn't a bad thing, but there's still definitely some interesting questions going forward, most notably for me what you're gonna do with Nicky Champion now. I'd presume going after Rich Money but it depends a lot on the direction you want to go. His promo gave of real strong Cena vibes, and I suppose there's the same sort of questions around Champion, will he turn heel? after years of going through everyone is there anybody he can't beat?

  18. How was george not one! They look so alike. (Also I remembered later that it was Lloyd who hired Buckminster) I am so hyped for JT ace


    Don't worry I am aware that George also looks just like Frankie and Tye... It at least gives potential for the storyline to thicken further down the road!


    I'm looking forward to the new JT Ace too, in some ways he needs to be a slow burn with him being 21, low popularity and not the best in ring. But I also love a monster push so time will tell which way I go.

  19. First Prediction Contest Results


    The Lloyd: 26

    HiPlus: 23

    The Nickman: 16

    Portlius: 6

    XMultiGames: 5

    Martell123: 3

    La Estrella: 1


    Congratulations to Mr Lloyd, so for the prize... with it being a good 9 shows I think it should be a fairly decent prize. So you can pick anyone on the roster, and I will make them a champion.


    Now obviously I don't want this to completely derail any plans I've already got down so please see terms and conditions below;


    You can't pick the title, they might end up winning the TV, Quest or Tag Titles

    And I'm not gonna put a time limit on myself, ideally I'll give the person a title soon, but I can't promise that. It shouldn't take too long though.

    Feel free to post this on here, part of me likes the idea of everyone knowing a certain person is winning a title but not knowing which or when. Up to you though really.


    I think this is a trend I'll keep up, doing longer prediction contests but giving pretty big prizes. The next contest starts now and Episode 11 will be posted fairly soon. Thanks to anyone who has predicted or commented so far!



    <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">

    Episode 11


    It's another special edition of RAW Attitude this week, this time being advertised as...



    Game of Titles:
    A Song of Ice, Fire and Wrestling
    (but really only wrestling)



    There will be just one question for the contest, but it's going to be worth 3 points.


    Who will end the episode the RAW Quest Champion?


    Hint: Only the people who were at the Invitational and have drank from Lynx's punch will be on the show.



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