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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. Thanks so much for all your Predictions this month... Deafstroke and Summer bagged the Armageddon prize, and have sent me their picks already... Satyr24 - you know how this works. I'll send you your prize via DM soon. Congratulations for getting the highest score of the month and winning the (terrible) prize!
  2. DECEMBER 2001, WEEK 4… In The Booth: Michael Cole and Tazz Dean Death Dropped We kicked off the show with a wild scene in the back, where The Dudley Boyz were beating down Dean Malenko of all people!! The Dudleyz have been trying to put Dean Malenko and his tag team partner William Regal through tables for weeks, and it looked like this was going to be their chance to get one of them... D-Von set the table up, and BOOM! They hit the 'Dudley Death Drop' on the technical star, through the table...!! William Regal finally showed up, and ran the Dudleyz off though... Regal was too late, and as the drama unfolded, we quickly learned that Malenko was scheduled to be in singles action right then to start the show...!! Regal had to help his partner to his feet, and help him hobble to the ring too... w/ w/ Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane An instant classic to kick off the show here, but a match against the WWF World Champion is the last thing Dean Malenko needed after going through a table in the back just now! Austin won comfortably, but it was a great, great match! 90 Winner: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane Finish: 'Stone Cold Stunner' Kaned We saw a video package next, showing the backstage brawl between The Rock and Chris Jericho from this weeks RAW... Rocky isn't easily wound up, so Jericho must have said something to fire up 'The Great One'... Luckily for the health of the two men, Rikishi and Chris Benoit were on hand to break things up and end the fight soon after it started... Rikishi physically held a furious Rock back, while Benoit talked Jericho down... 'The Crippler' didn't see Jericho pick up a nearby chair, and 'The Ego-Maniac' THREW the chair at his rivals!! Luckily for the two Samoans, the chair missed them... sailing just over Rock's head... But UN-luckily for Jericho, the chair hit someone who had arrived behind The Rock... 'The Big Red Machine' is the last man Jericho would have wanted to hit with the chair... and he began back pedalling... Kane walked towards the cocky Canadian, and Jericho and Benoit bolted...!! We're going to hear from The Rock tonight on the incident... 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Big Boss Man Eddie Guerrero tries to have the match of the night every time he steps foot in the ring, but Big Boss Man wasn't going to let that happen. He pummelled and dominated Eddie, but allowed the crowd to get to him towards the end. Eddie then hit his 'Three Amigos' and soon followed it up with the 'Frog Splash'! 78 Winner: 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero Finish: 'Frog Splash' Season Premiere Michael Cole: “Tazz, don't forget, next week on RAW we're going to see Eddie Guerrero do battle with his big rival Razor Ramon... On the Season Premiere of Monday Night RAW...!!” Tazz: “2002 is going to be a BIG year for the WWF, Cole... and I can think of no better way to ring it in, than with Eddie and Ramon going 1 on 1 again... and THIS time... It's a No Disqualification Match...!!” Michael Cole: “All the rules go out the window, Tazz... Eddie and Ramon hate each other...!!” New Generation & Veteran Backstage, WWF Tag Team Champions: Edge and Christian, and the Light Heavyweight Champion: Marty Jannetty were talking... Edge: “Thank you, Marty... For the assist on RAW... We owe you one, buddy...” Marty Jannetty: “Well... It's funny you say that Edge... See I could use some help from you guys against X-Pac, Billy Gunn and K-Kwik on RAW next week...!!” Edge and Christian agreed... and the announce team confirmed that New Generation X will battle Edge, Christian and Jannetty in a six man tag team match on RAW...!! Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri Spike Dudley has absolutely no luck right now, and he was dispatched in quick fashion here by Tajiri for the second match in a row, following a brilliant side head kick that knocked him out cold! 30 Winner: 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri Finish: 'Head Kick' We cut to the Hardy Compound, where Jeff and Matt Hardy, Lita and 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin were sat, in almost complete darkness... The lights beneath them lighting their faces mysteriously... Matt Hardy: “As Brother Jeff's fate is intertwined with GOLD already... The Light Heavyweight Gold... Senior Benjamin and I, will be finding our own path to greatness... You see, at the Rumble Of Royals... 30 souls, will enter a match, and one by one... they will be EJECTED from the ring... But there will be 28 souls NOT from House Hardy... Because Senior Benjamin and I, will be the other 2...!!” Matt confirmed his and Shelton's entrance in the Royal Rumble Match... but what will Jeff be doing on that night...?! More news on that later... Take The Test Backstage, Rikishi was walking through the corridor, when the big young stud Test approached him aggressively... Test: “Saw you break up the Rock and Jericho fight on RAW... Shoulda let 'em destroy each other... Would have given guys like you and me, more of a chance to win the Royal Rumble...!!” Rikishi: “Listen, kid... I know you've only been here a couple of years... but I've been around a long time... I have just as much a chance of winnin' tha Royal Rumble as anyone...!!” Test: “We'll see big man... We'll see... If me and you are out there together, I'm using you as a steppin' stone and kicking your big ass out of the ring...!!” Rikishi said how about Test put his money where his mouth is, with a match next week on RAW...!? Test accepted, and stomped away... w/ Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Terri's Boys continue to win on TV, with four wins in a row as a tandem now after this victory. Albert was hard to stop for Val Venis and Al Snow, as the big train-like man rolled over them. For the finish, Saturn put Snow away with his 'Death Valley Driver' finisher. 67 Winners: Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Finish: 'Death Valley Driver' The Year That Has Been D'Lo Brown returned to the WWF almost a year ago, after a couple of failed tag team runs... with a massive chip on his shoulder... and a video package aired next, showing his 12 month run... D'Lo has had Pay-per-view matches with Kurt Angle and the recently changed Mr. Sexay... as well as Captaining a Survivor Series Team... The voice-over stated that his win/loss record had been 'Almost Perfect', as he boasts a 12 month record of 26 wins and just 6 defeats...!! But as the words 'Almost Perfect' were spoken, the video began to fade, and blur... and the words repeated over and over again... Until Mr. Perfect appeared on the screen... Mr. Perfect: “ALMOST... Perfect... See, D'Lo... A year that was almost perfect, and THAT is your problem... You're not PERFECT, like me...!! 2001 was almost perfect... 2002 is going to start with me, beating you at the Royal Rumble... Sorry bro... Real sorry...!! Better luck next year...!!” Open For Business As usual, The APA were shown playing cards in their office with no walls but a door in the back... But a surprising guest arrived, and knocked on the door... and 'The Game' Triple H entered... Triple H: “Boys... I kinda need a favour... Not that you won't be paid VERY well for your services...” Bradshaw: “Come owwn Trips... Si' down... Take a load off... Whaddya need pal...?!” Triple H: “At The Royal Rumble... It's Vince and Shane against Me and My Wife... And with their track record... and the guys they have under their thumb... It's me essentially out there on my own... So I was wondering if I could maybe, have you boys on 'stand-by' in case I need you after the match...?!” Faarooq: “DAMN!!” Bradshaw: “STAND-BY...?! It doesn't work like that Trips... You know that... You hire us, you hire us!! And... More importantly... you PAY us...!! So it's your call... Pay us, to be on stand-by... That's fine... But if you don't end up using us... NO refunds...!!” Triple H looked disappointed, but he's not short of a few bucks... He agreed to pay all three of the APA members to sit in the back, and wait for s**t to go down... If it does, they will run straight to the ring, and save him... If nothing bad happens, they will still get paid...!! But before the segment ended, Faarooq and Bradshaw both confirmed their entry to the Royal Rumble Match... So they may need 'Danger Money' if they get hurt in the fight and it lessens their chances of winning the 30-man Over The Top Rope Rumble...!! Haku & Umaga [vs] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman Another make-shift tag team, beaten by a more full-time unit here. Lynn and Blackman are dangerous competitors, and they gave the two Pacific Islanders some real problems. In the end, Umaga tagging in late on was too much for them, and he put Blackman away while Lynn watched on. 62 Winners: Haku & Umaga Finish: 'Samoan Spike' Not A Light Load Mick Foley was in his office next... and with the challengers mounting up for Marty Jannetty's Light Heavyweight Title, it was time for Mick to make a decision on who will get the Title shot at the Royal Rumble... Mick Foley: “Jannetty is a great Champion... and he came to me after RAW, and basically demanded I throw everyone at him... X-Pac... Jeff Hardy... and whoever else wants a shot... So I told him, I said... Here's what we're gonna do... We're gonna make a Fatal Four Way for the Rumble... Jannetty... versus X-Pac... versus Jeff Hardy... and the fourth guy, will be the winner of a Six-Pack Challenge on RAW next week...!!” Foley confirmed the identity of the six men competing on RAW... Scotty Too Hotty... and his former partner Mr. Sexay... Funaki... Spike Dudley... Crash Holly, who has recently shed the weight he needed to to become a Light Heavyweight... and newcomer, and undefeated Japanese star: Tajiri...!! Should be a fast-paced match...!! w/ 'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker w/ Vince & Shane McMahon An excellent Main Event here, between two big, strong, men. Both men strike really hard, particularly with big right hands – but both can also take a punch when needed. Show had to deal with Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon at ringside, as The Four Man Power Trip cheated at every opportunity. Show and Taker are former 2-Time Tag Team Champions together, so they know each other very well in the ring. But Big Show capitalised when Undertaker was concerned for Shane McMahon's health following a big right hand from 'The World's Largest Athlete'. For the finish, 'Taker had regained some control, and was looking to hit 'Old School', As he came off the top rope though, Big Show caught him by the throat! The giant squeezed the life out of Undertaker, and then hit his 'Show Stopper' chokeslam to big up a huge win on the road to the Royal Rumble! Undertaker was seething when he came to! 90 Winner: 'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show Finish: 'Show Stopper' The Rock Says Finally, after almost the entire show hyping his appearance, The Rock made his way to the ring after a commercial break... The Rock: “The Rock Says... That Chris Jericho... is a PUNK... And Jericho is gonna get everything that's comin' for him... What Jericho needs to understand, is that The ROCK, is comin' for him...!! But... The Rock is not alone... Because 'The Big Red MACHINE'... is also... coming, for him... Jericho has a target on his back... that's for sure... Many people will say Jericho needs to worry about Kane... but Jericho needs to worry... about The Great One... Not just now... But in the Royal Rumble Match itself...” Nobody knows what Jericho did or said to fire The Rock up on RAW this past week, but whatever it was, it was enough to start a brawl... Jericho ended up throwing a chair and accidentally hitting Kane, and as a result, he'll face the music on Monday Night next week... The Rock: “The Rock wants Chris Jericho... Kane wants Chris Jericho, so on RAW, he should bring that other Canadian Chris (Benoit), and we can have ourselves a little tag team match... and The Rock says that 'Y2J' stands for 'You're 2 Jealous' of The Rock... and who can blame you Chris...?! You call yourself the 'Ego Maniac'... and the 'Belt Collector'... The only thing you need to be collectin' Chris is razor blades... so maybe you can do something about the 'bum fluff' on the bottom of your chin...!!” Rock was about to carry on mocking Jericho, but 'Y2J' showed up in the ring behind him with a steel chair!!! The Intercontinental Champion swung the chair, but Rock somehow knew he was there, span around, and ducked the chair shot...!! Jericho found himself stood across the ring from Rocky, and decided to THROW the chair again... Rocky ducked again, and the chair cannoned off the turnbuckle...!! Jericho slid out of the ring, and high-tailed it out of there!! Quick Results: Steve Austin [def.] Dean Malenko Eddie Guerrero [def.] Big Boss Man Tajiri [def.] Spike Dudley Albert & Perry Saturn [def.] Val Venis & Al Snow Haku & Umaga [def.] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman Big Show [def.] The Undertaker Show Rating: 88 Former WWF World Champion Kurt Angle has re-signed with the company... His signature was hotly sought after, with other American companies, and a Japanese promotion making him an offer... But 'The Olympic Hero', who is currently off WWF TV, will be sticking around for the foreseeable future...
  3. Thank you mate That's actually something I'm enjoying, since this era is 20 years ago and everyone (almost) would have seen and heard these characters. They've all got cool catchphrases and expressions too. Rock's fun to write for, and I'm sure Cena will be when he debuts later this year... It's 2002 afterall! > Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Big Boss Man Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Haku & Umaga [vs] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman 'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker
  4. DECEMBER 2001, WEEK 4… In The Booth: Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz Ultimate Answer We opened the show with 'The Game' Triple H heading to the ring... ready to respond to Shane McMahon's challenge for the Royal Rumble... Shane wants a tag team match, with Shane and Vince taking on Triple H and his partner... his wife Stephanie McMahon...!! Triple H: “When you marry someone, you take on baggage... I knew Shane and Vince were trouble... I knew they'd make my life a living hell at times... But I never thought they'd want to do this to Steph... Not in a million years... My wife has asked me to speak on her behalf... and tell her 'Brother'... and her 'Father'... that we ACCEPT their challenge...!!” Triple H and Stephanie will take on Vince and Shane McMahon... The McMahon Family is at WAR...!! w/ Bradshaw w/ The APA [vs] Test Bradshaw's run this year has been phenomenal. Unbeaten in the ring, and unbeaten on the poker table, but he was up against a real stud in Test. For the finish though, Bradshaw ran through the Big Boot, blocking it by pushing it aside, and then as he came off the ropes, he unleashed his 'Clothesline From Hell' and Test was done. 79 Winner: Bradshaw w/ The APA Finish: 'Clothesline From Hell' Royal Razor Backstage, Razor Ramon was pacing back and forth... but he had an announcement to make, and so stopped pacing to face the camera... Razor Ramon: “EY YO!! Listen up... Razor Ramon, has NEVER competed in the 30 Man Royal Rumble Match... but if Eddie Guerrero is IN... then I'm IN too...!! For the first time ever, the 'Bad Guy' will compete in the match... and then WIN the match...!!” Off His Rocker Elsewhere in the back, Jonathan Coachman was stood with Light Heavyweight Champion Marty Jannetty... Coach: “Marty... Did you HEAR Matt Hardy's comments about you from Smackdown this past week...?! He said that his Brother Jeff, is coming for your Title... and coming for your career... How do you respond...?!” Jannetty looked a little solemn... He's 41 now, and has to be winding down somewhat... While Jeff Hardy is only 24... and there's plenty of other challengers lining up... He spoke calmly, and quietly... and had sadness in his voice... Marty Jannetty: “Yu know... Plenty of guys have tried to end my career in the past... Shawn (Michaels) tried... He threw me through a WINDOW... Jerry Lynn... Possibly my greatest ever rival, has tried to stop me... and yet... here I am... 2-Time Light Heavyweight Champion... So Jeff... Matt... You wanna 'Delete' me...?! We all know you're crazy... but you gotta be off your rockers to thi...” Before Jannetty could finish, the group known as New Generation X walked up... X-Pac: “You need to look over your shoulder Champ... You see Jeff Hardy ahead of you... but behind you, there's me... You might have beaten me at Armageddon, but like Shawn Michaels, I was your tag team partner back in the day... I know you... I know how you operate dog!! And I want another shot, BEFORE Jeff Hardy!!” Pac got in Jannetty's face, and he knew he was 3 against 1... He poked at the Light Heavyweight Champion, but Jannetty backed down... D'Lo Brown & Scotty Too Hotty [vs] The Dudley Boyz D'Lo and Scotty are big fan favourites, and the fans hate The Dudleyz, so this was a one-sided affair in terms of crowd support. It was also one-sided in the ring too. Bubba and D-Von isolated Scotty, and kept him in their half of the ring. However, when D'Lo tagged in, the fired up New Jerseyan changed the momentum completely. He's got a chip on his shoulder of late, and was desperate to win. He ducked and dodged the offence of the Dudleyz, and then put D-Von away with his 'Sky High'! 63 Winners: D'Lo Brown & Scotty Too Hotty Finish: 'Sky High' D'Lo Is Not Perfect Once the match was over, we learned that D'Lo Brown is going to be in singles action at The Royal Rumble... D'Lo Brown and Mr. Perfect will finally be going 1 on 1 at the huge event... with both men having incredible win/loss records in 2001... Something's got to give at the Rumble as they battle in a singles match... Spike Eye In the trainer's room, Spike Dudley was sat getting his eyes cleaned out by the doctor... He still had some green mist in there courtesy of 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri... and he told the doctor he'd be facing Tajiri in a re-match on Smackdown this week... The doctor didn't seem to think much of Spike's chances... and told him he'd get the eye wash ready again... Spike laughed it off, but it was an almost awkward laugh... w/ w/ The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Four great performers here, in a great match. Big Albert was the star, as the hard to move powerhouse dominated Crash Holly. In the end, he also took care of Hardcore Holly while Perry Saturn made Crash tap out to the 'Rings Of Saturn'. 72 Winners: Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Finish: 'Rings Of Saturn' Weak Trip Big Show was backstage next for a promo about the Power Trip (Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Steve Austin and The Undertaker)... Big Show: “At the Rumble... I'm gunnin' for that Title, Steve... Here's some free advice, from me to you... Get some better back up... You say you Don't Trust Anybody... and yet you put your trust in three guys on a damn Power Trip...” Show said he'd take Undertaker down a peg or two on Smackdown this coming week... in the Main Event...!! w/ Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Funaki Funaki hit some nice flying kicks in his comeback after being beaten up for most of the match. But not many of them landed with enough vigour to damage the powerful Samoan. Umaga put him away with the 'Samoan Spike' in the end. 48 Winner: Umaga w/ Haku Finish: 'Samoan Spike' Corridor Rumble After Umaga picked up another win, we cut to backstage, where we found a big fight breaking out between The Rock and Chris Jericho... Rocky isn't easily wound up, so Jericho must have said something to fire up 'The Great One'... Luckily for the health of the two men, Rikishi and Chris Benoit were on hand to break things up and end the fight soon after it started... Rikishi physically held a furious Rock back, while Benoit talked Jericho down... 'The Crippler' didn't see Jericho pick up a nearby chair, and 'The Ego-Maniac' THREW the chair at his rivals!! Luckily for the two Samoans, the chair missed them... sailing just over Rock's head... But UN-luckily for Jericho, the chair hit someone who had arrived behind The Rock... 'The Big Red Machine' is the last man Jericho would have wanted to hit with the chair... and he began back pedalling... Kane walked towards the cocky Canadian, and Jericho and Benoit bolted...!! w/ Edge & Christian © [vs] Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) w/ X-Pac The constant cheating of X-Pac was the major talking point in this excellent Tag Team Title Match. Every time Edge and Christian built up some momentum in the match, Pac was there to swipe a leg, or pull someone's arm! The referee never caught the crafty New Generation X member in the act, but as the match wore on, Light Heavyweight Champion Marty Jannetty headed to the ring to see X-Pac off! Pac had poked at Jannetty earlier in the show, that coupled with his constant cheating, was enough to convince Jannetty to get involved. The finish came when K-Kwik inadvertently knocked Billy Gunn off the apron, and walked onto the 'Unprettier' from Christian. 82 Winners: and STILL WWF World Tag Team Champions: Edge & Christian Finish: 'Unprettier' w/ w/ William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane McMahon Another fantastic match got underway after a commercial break, and another one which featured cheating from the men on the outside! Dean Malenko threatened to make Vince and Shane McMahon tap out like babies if they got involved again, and his threat was enough to convince the Chairman and his son to stay out of it. This lead to William Regal applying the pressure and taking the initiative in the match. For the finish, with Austin caught in the centre of the ring in the 'Regal Stretch', Shane got in Malenko's face, while Vince hopped up onto the apron. Before Malenko could lock Shane in one of his thousand holds, The Undertaker appeared from behind him and barrelled into him!! Regal released the hold and tried to get to Vince, but couldn't. He also tried to get to 'Taker, who at this point was standing on Malenko's neck!! But he couldn't help his partner out, because Austin bounced up, and then bounced Regal's face off his shoulder with the 'Stunner'. 84 Winner: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane McMahon Finish: 'Stone Cold Stunner' Power Trip We closed the show with The Undertaker, Vince and Shane raising Austin's hand... The Four Man Power Trip continue to roll on WWF programming... but next week, we're going to see the Season Premiere of RAW... and the Main Event will see Eddie Guerrero and Razor Ramon battle 1 on 1, one final time... in a No Disqualifications Match...!! We're also going to see Vince and Shane be put through their paces as they train for their upcoming tag team match against Triple H and Stephanie McMahon...!! Quick Results: Bradshaw [def.] Test D'Lo Brown & Scotty Too Hotty [def.] The Dudley Boyz Albert & Perry Saturn [def.] The Holly Cousins Umaga [def.] Funaki Edge & Christian [def.] K-Kwik & Billy Gunn (Rapid Fire) to RETAIN the WWF World Tag Team Titles Steve Austin [def.] William Regal Show Rating: 84
  5. WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIOSNHIP Dustin Rhodes © vs. Jeff Jarrett Mike Awesome vs. Brian Adams WCW CRUISERWEIGHT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP The Bullyweights © vs. The Rock 'n Roll Express WCW TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP Chavo Guerrero © vs. Jamie Knoble That looks a fun card to me!
  6. > Bradshaw w/ The APA [vs] Test D'Lo Brown & Scotty Too Hotty [vs] The Dudley Boyz The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Funaki WWF Tag Team Title Match: Edge & Christian © [vs] Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) w/ X-Pac William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane McMahon
  7. Not sure why that doesn't say Rock, Jericho and Eddie Guerrero on the poster... I wrote this show a looooong time ago
  8. DECEMBER 2001, WEEK 3… In The Booth: Michael Cole and Tazz The Family Business We kicked off tonight's show with Triple H and his Wife Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley strolling to the ring... 'The Game' walked a little gingerly, following his Fatal Four Way Match at Armageddon this past Sunday... His injuries were caused by Steph's Father and Brother Vince and Shane McMahon... and their group which includes The Undertaker and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin... Shane returned at Armageddon, and chose his Father's side over his Sister and Brother-In-Law... Triple H: “Shane... chose, Vince's side... Because they're strong... Because, they're likely to continue winning... and winning... and winning... and I get it... But he has torn Steph's family apart...” At this point, Stephanie looked upset... and Triple H put his arm around her... Before breaking off into a more impassioned speech... Triple H: “SO... It's time for me to teach Vince and Shane a lesson... I want them BOTH in a Handicap Match at Royal Rumble...!! And if...” Before he could finish, The Four Man Power Trip strolled onto the stage...!! Shane McMahon: “Tell you what 'Bro'... Handicap Match seems a little unfair... And I know the PERFECT partner for you 'Game'... How about... At the Rumble... My Father Vince and I... Take on you... and your partner... STEPH!!” Shane reminded Steph that he used to beat her up as a kid, and he's more than happy to do it as an adult too... but Triple H said he and his wife needed time to consider the challenge... Steph almost accepted the challenge, but Triple H looked torn... On one hand, he wanted to kick Shane and Vince's asses... On the other hand, he did not want to put his wife in that kind of danger... Shane told him he has until Monday (RAW) to decide...!! w/ 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] X-Pac w/ New Generation X D'Lo Brown might just about be the most in-form wrestler in the WWF right now. He just keeps on winning, and this match, against a very impressive light heavyweight in X-Pac. The leader of New Generation X was in control for much of the match, with Billy Gunn and K-Kwik a constant menace at ringside. But Kwik distracted X-Pac at the exact wrong time, and it lead to D'Lo hitting his brilliant 'Lo-Down' from the top rope! 69 Winner: 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown Finish: 'Lo-Down' Rapid Fire Edge and Christian came to the ring following the match, and stood alongside D'Lo Brown while New Generation X departed... Edge: “D'Lo man... Great match... Great win, against those guys... On RAW this week, Christian and I got to team with a legend... one of the guys in the locker room we look up to... Marty, Jannetty... And these three treated him like DIRT... So... next week on RAW, we're going to fight K-Kwik and Billy Gunn... The team known as 'Rapid Fire'...” Christian: “And boys... The match is for the WWF Tag Team Titles...!! You're welcome...!!” Eyes Bigger Than His Muscles Spike Dudley came to the ring after a commercial break... He was full of gusto and confidence, and rightly so after beating the massive Viscera on RAW... but he may have got more than he bargained for after delivering this message... Spike Dudley: “If ANYONE back there... Wants to fight me, right now... Then come out here... and fight me...” Someone answered... Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri Spike was in this match all the way, but Tajiri used a lot of his tricks to ensure a victory. The 'Tarantula', which is an illegal hold over the top ropes, was used to good effect. In the end, the 'Japanese Buzzsaw' used 'Green Mist' in Spike's eyes before rolling him up for another win! 35 Winner: 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri Finish: 'Green Mist' Not All Walls Are Made By Rock The Rock and Chris Jericho, fresh off of their Main Event match on RAW this past week, bumped into one another backstage next... The Rock: “Chris... The Rock has been meaning to bump into you... Look, let The Rock tell you... WE have our differences at times... but you're a hell of a wrestler, and The Rock wants to thank you for the match on RAW...” Chris Jericho: “Hell of a wrestler...?! Hell of a wrestler...?! I'm the King of the World baby!! The 'Sexy Beast'... 'The Ayatollah, of Rock and Rolla'...!! Don't you ever... EEEEVVVER... Condescend me... AGAIN!!” Jericho walked off, and Rocky looked angry to have been snubbed in that way... Jericho is an 'Egomaniac' at times, and like The Rock, is one of the favourites to win the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match... So far, Jericho and Rock are the only names confirmed as being IN the Rumble... So of course they're the favourites... But the general consensus is that since we know Steve Austin and Big Show won't be in the match, Jericho and Rock are among the favourites regardless of who else is... She Loves Me Val Venis strolled to the ring next... holding a flower as he always does nowadays... He began slowly removing a petal one at a time... but was interrupted by the recognisable music of 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit... 'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit Val was excellent in this match, and showed off his power and quickness in a very strong performance. However, Benoit wasn't going to be stopped tonight, no matter how good Val was. The well-decorated 'Crippler' ended up locking Val in the 'Cross Face' and he tapped. 79 Winner: 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit Finish: 'Crippler Cross Face' A Stern Test Rikishi and Scotty Too Hotty were backstage next, in the room with no walls but a door, playing cards with the APA... 'Kishi and Scotty thanked Bradshaw, Faarooq and The Godfather for their help on RAW... and asked about paying them for their services... Bradshaw: “Boysss... We don't like givin' out freebies... but when it comes to that idiot Test... We got your back, 100%... Besides, it's hardly a freebie when you're in here practically GIVING me your money in this here game o' cards!!” Seconds later, Bradshaw let out a yelp as he won another big hand, and raked in a whole lot of chips... He then confirmed that on RAW next week, he would be taking on Test 1 on 1... and then asked Too Cool if they wanted to buy in again... which they did...!! w/ The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] The Dudley Boyz The Hollys and the Dudleyz have been fighting each other for weeks, and it continued here with a very good match. Bubba and D-Von won it in the end, with a '3D' on Crash Holly. 68 Winners: The Dudley Boyz Finish: '3D' Get The Stretches After the match, Dean Malenko and William Regal hit the ring... The Dudleyz, who had just competed in a match, stood up and fought them, but Malenko and Regal took them down with tackles, and began locking in various submission holds!! D-Von was able to wriggle free of an arm bar from Malenko and slide out under the bottom rope... He then grabbed Bubba and pulled him away from the 'Regal Stretch'... The Dudleyz looked furious, but unable to stop the technicians... Eddie Ramon III Eddie Guerrero was stood backstage next... for a solo promo about his upcoming re-match with Razor Ramon... Eddie and Ramon have fought 1 on 1 on big stages twice in recent months, with one victory a piece... But on the Season Premiere of RAW in a little under two weeks, they'll have their 'rubber' match... Eddie Guerrero: “Ey... Ramon... Listen here, and listen good essa... I know I'm not perfect, dog... I know I don't always follow tha rules... but... in a Steel Cage... THERE ARE NO RULES essa...!! Viva la rassaaaa!! But it's okay... See in two weeks... on the Season Premiere of RAW... We can doooo it agaaain... and I can get this Cuban Monkey, off my back!!” Eddie had a big announcement right after this... He will be entering the Royal Rumble Match... After The Rock and Chris Jericho have already staked their claim on a spot, Eddie is only the third entrant confirmed for the match!! w/ w/ Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Viscera w/ Perfect & Sexay Umaga made light work of big Viscera in the end here, showing his dominance as a singles star, while also having a little help from Haku at ringside. Umaga put Vis away with his 'Samoan Spike'. 44 Winner: Umaga w/ Haku Finish: 'Samoan Spike' Not Perfect Or Sexay After the match, Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay looked down at their fallen friend... and stood over Viscera... Then, without word, the arrogant pair began kicking lumps out of the hapless Viscera!! The monster of a man was down after a brutal match with the vicious Umaga, and stood no chance in the 2 on 1 post-match attack... Perfect shouted “You're OUT!!” over and over again, as we cut away for a commercial break... The Hardy Compound After the break, we headed to a pre-taped video from the Hardy Compound... Matt Hardy: “Welcome... WELLCOOMMMEEE... To the Hardy... Compound... Hahaaaaa... Yaaassss... I knew you'd coooome...!! We... WEEEE... Have an... ANNOUNCEMENT!! And it is... WONDERFULLLLL!! Hahaaaaa!!” Matt claimed that his 'Family' were the most dominant group in all of the WWF... and they're only getting stronger... Matt Hardy: “And now... Brother Jeff (Hardy)... Will look to bring honour, and PRESTIIIIIIGE... to us... He will also look to bring... GOOOLDDD!! Hahaaaaa... Yaaaaasss... Marty Jannetty... Your Light Heavyweight Tile reign... and your career... is about to be over... Brother Jeff will... DELETE YOU!! And wipe you off the face of the Universe...” w/ Big Show & Kane [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker w/ Vince & Shane McMahon Great way to finish a packed show here, with four of the biggest stars in the company, competing in a short but competitive tag team match. Austin and 'Taker isolated Big Show in this one, keeping him from Kane at all costs, and keeping the big man down on the canvas. In the end though, he shoved Austin off in a fit of rage, and somehow made the tag! Kane came in hot, and started chopping people down. He hit a chokeslam on Austin, but Undertaker nearly kicks his mask off. For the finish, with Show and Austin legal, Vince and Shane mocked and taunted Kane into chasing them up the ramp. This allowed Undertaker to fight with Show, and Austin to come in and hit the 'Stunner' to score the win! 84 Winners: Steve Austin & The Undertaker w/ Vince & Shane McMahon Finish: 'Stone Cold Stunner' Quick Results: D'Lo Brown [def.] X-Pac Tajiri [def.] Spike Dudley Chris Benoit [def.] Val Venis The Dudley Boyz [def.] The Holly Cousins Umaga [def.] Viscera Steve Austin & The Undertaker [def.] Big Show & Kane Show Rating: 86
  9. > 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] X-Pac w/ New Generation X Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri 'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] The Dudley Boyz Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Viscera w/ Perfect & Sexay Big Show & Kane [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker w/ Vince & Shane McMahon
  10. DECEMBER 2001, WEEK 3… In The Booth: Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz When Three Become Four We kicked off the Monday Night following Armageddon, with the Three Man Power Trip (Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Vince McMahon) welcoming their latest member: Vince's Son Shane McMahon!! The group exchanged pleasantries, and Vince congratulated his dominant group on a successful night last night... In which they secured the WWF World Heavyweight Championship yet again... Austin retained against Undertaker, The Rock and Triple H in a Fatal Four Way Match in which Shane made his triumphant return to the company... Vince McMahon: “Thanks to the cohesiveness of this group... 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin had the biggest win of the night... He beat three top, top, competitors... Nobody had a better night than 'Stone Cold'... Nobody...!! If someone did, I wanna know who...” Vince wasn't really asking for someone to prove him wrong... and he certainly didn't want this man to arrive... Big Show: “Hey, McMahon... Nobody had a better night than 'Stone Cold' huh...?! Well I don't see 'Stone Cold' beating a former OLYMPIAN... and shaving him BALD... It was MY night at Armageddon... and at the Royal Rumble... It's gonna be MY night again... Because I just got word... In five weeks... It's gonna be Big Show... versus 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin... for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship!!” The Four Man Power Trip couldn't believe what they were hearing... Having gotten rid of their two biggest rivals in The Rock and Triple H, the last thing they would have wanted was a 500lb Giant coming after the WWF World Heavyweight Title!! 'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit Benoit tried to stay out of Kan'e clutches for the majority of this one. But him running away only proved to anger the 'Big Red Machine'. In the end though, the accomplished grappler managed to get Kane down, and lock in the 'Crossface', forcing the big man to tap out! 80 Winner: 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit Finish: 'Crippler Crossface' Rock And A Hard Place Backstage, Jonathan Coachman asked his guest: The Rock about the newly formed Four Man Power Trip... The Rock: “Jonny... The Rock can't concern himself with The McMahons and the Four Monkey Ass Power Trip right now... See The Rock has a Royal Rumble to win... Do you know how hard it is, to WIN the Royal Rumble Match...?!” Coach began to answer... The Rock: “Jonny... Don't interrupt The Rock... Ever... Listen Jonny... Triple H will have a LOT to say about Vince, and Shane... And Big Show will be a dangerous opponent for 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin... As for 'The Great One'...” Before Rock could finish his thought, he was interrupted by the Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho... Chris Jericho: “Do you know something Rocky?? You will never... EEEEeeeeever... Win the Royal Rumble Match... Because 'Y2J' Chris Jericho is going to go all... the... way...” Rock threw his hand up... and asked Jericho if he actually thinks he has a chance to win the 30-man over the top rope match... Chris Jericho: “Yeah, I think...” The Rock: “IT DOESN'T MATTER what you THINK!! Chris Jericho... You're talented... You might be one of the most talented men in the entire WWF... But there's one thing you are NOT... and that is... 'The People's Champion'... With 20,000 strong, willing him on... 29 Jabronis, over the top rope... Does Chris Jericho, or anyone else for that matter, have a chance of stopping The Rock...?! NOPE!! The Rock'll see you in the ring tonight, in the Main Event...” Not To Be Mist Next up, in a video package, we learned that Tajiri will be back in action on Smackdown this week... Tajiri won his debut on Smackdown last week... and the Japanese sensation will be hoping for another win this coming week... Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] X-Pac, Billy Gunn & K-Kwik (NGX) This one was on its way to being an instant classic, until X-Pac and New Generation X broke all the rules and forced the referee to call for the bell. They triple-teamed the Light Heavyweight Champion Marty Jannetty for too long. After the bell though, Edge and Christian slid in with steel chairs to make the save! 81 Winners: Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty Finish: Disqualification Family Matters After a tumultuous night at Armageddon, Triple H's Fatal Four Way opportunity for the WWF World Heavyweight Title was ended by his Brother-In-Law Shane and his Father-In-Law Vince McMahon... 'The Game's' wife Stephanie could only watch and console her injured husband, who has been a target for Vince and his group of ass-kickers for months... This coming week on Smackdown though, Triple H and Stephanie will appear, and address Family Matters as it pertains to Shane and Vince... Rumours are circulating that Triple H has plans to 'deal with' both Shane and Vince... w/ Spike Dudley [vs] Viscera w/ Perfect & Sexay The story of this match was Viscera's constant arguing with Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay at ringside. For the finish, Big Vis was on the second rope looking for a Banzai Drop! But after shouting at Pefect and Sexay, he missed the move, landing hard on his large behind!! As he stood up, Spike Dudley somehow rolled him up, and held him down for three to stun everyone in attendance! 59 Winner: Spike Dudley Finish: 'Roll-Up' The Last Chance Saloon Mr. Perfect and his protege Mr. Sexay slid into the ring at the final bell, and tried to get their hands on Spike Dudley, but he escaped unscathed... With their hands on their hips, the furious pair shook their heads at the bemused Viscera's performance... Perfect grabbed a microphone... Mr. Perfect: “Vis... Another performance that was neither PERFECT... Nor SEXAY...!!” Viscera stepped towards the pair, and they flinched in a massive overreaction... They backed off a little... Mr. Perfect: “But it's okay... You have another chance to impress us... on Smackdown...!!” The Compound Next up, after a video package, we learned that the Hardy Family would be on Smackdown this week... Coming LIVE from the Compound, Matt, Jeff, Lita and 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin will perhaps be discussing their big win at Armageddon over Dean Malenko and William Regal... and then talking about what's next for the dominant group... Rikishi [vs] Test Rikishi and Test have great chemistry as opponents, and it was a very competitive match. Test was fired up though, and the angry Canadian took the match more seriously than 'Kishi. For the finish, Test nearly kicked the big Samoan's head off with the 'Big Boot'! 67 Winner: Test Finish: 'Big Boot' A Stern Test After the match, Test's anger boiled over, and he grabbed a steel chair... The Canadian stud started wailing on Rikshi's back with the chair... over, and over again... Until Scotty Too Hotty came to his friend's rescue!! Scotty slid in under the bottom rope, and hit Test with some big right hands... knocking the chair out of his hand... However, as Scotty came off the ropes, Test unleashed with the 'Big Boot' and Scotty was knocked out... Test grabbed the chair again, and Rikishi over the back once more... He then started taking it to Scotty to keep him down too... But the fun-loving fan favourites soon got some help... Bradshaw, Faarooq and The Godfather of the APA chased Test away... before Bradshaw grabbed a microphone... Bradshaw: “HEY!! TEST ya little PUNK!! Get the HELL back in this ring and take your medicine!!” Test threw his arms up and walked away... Bradshaw was furious... but there was nothing he could do as Test was long gone... No Respect Razor Ramon was backstage next, talking about his Cage Match with Eddie Guerrero at Armageddon... Eddie's shoe was loose at the end of the match, and he was able to escape the Cage while Ramon pulled his shoe off... A fact that Ramon found disrespectful... Razor Ramon: “Eddie... That little Puta... He lies... he cheats... he STEALS... and the fans cheer him...?! It makes NO sense... And here's me... following tha rules... like a Schmuck!! Well... in two weeks... Eddie and I are gonna have one more match... and this time... He won't be able to break the rules... because there's gonna be NO rules... Me and Eddie... One final time... in a No Disqualification Match!!” 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Big Boss Man The veteran Big Boss Man dominated this one, using his size, strength and experience to keep D'Lo Brown on the back foot and largely on the mat. Boss Man will be disappointed not to have gotten the job done though. He let the crowd get to him and started playing up to them. In the end, D'Lo flew off the top rope to hit his 'Lo-Down' finisher. 64 Winner: 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown Finish: 'Lo Down' Friend Or Foe? We were rushed backstage next, to find a frantic Hardcore Holly holding his Hardcore Title, running and trying to find somewhere to hide!! Very uncharacteristic of the hard-hitting Champion, but we soon found out who he was running from... Albert, Perry Saturn, Steven Richards and Steve Blackman were chasing the Champion!! Four evil men, who could easily do some damage to him and attempt to take his Title... Holly turned a corner, found an unlocked door, and burst through it... He stood up against the door, to make sure nobody could get in, and then turned to see Val Venis across the room!! Val was standing with a single flower, looking at himself in the mirror... Holly whispered through gritted teeth so that nobody could hear him from the other side of the door... Hardcore Holly: “Hey! Val...!! Do we have a problem...?! Are you gonna try something...?!” Val shook his head, and continued to look longingly into the mirror... He sighed loudly, as Holly told him to stay quiet!! Targets Aquired Dean Malenko and William Regal stomped to the ring next... The announce team pointed out that they're not scheduled to compete here... but they had something to say to Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley, who put them through tables after their match with the Hardyz at Armageddon... William Regal: “Mr. Dudley... and... Mr. Dudley... We know you're targeting us, because you see us as a threat... We know you want to put us down, like dogs... because you think, if we win the WWF Tag Team Titles... You won't be able to beat us, to claim them for yourselves...!! But we're here to tell you fine fellows... that WE... are now targeting YOU!!” Malenko and Regal told the Dudleyz to watch their backs... 'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Ego-Maniac' Chris Jericho The Rock and Jericho are two of the best in-ring performers in the company right now, and both men are in their peak years. Jericho is the Intercontinental Champion, while The Rock has tried and failed on multiple occasions to become the WWF World Heavyweight Champion. Both men have confirmed their entry in the 30-man Royal Rumble Match in January, and are currently the first two entrants. For the longest time in this match, 'Y2J' was in complete control, keeping Rocky on the mat and using his vast experience to control the pace. 'The Great One' came back into it though, and somehow countered the 'Walls Of Jericho', sending Jericho head first into the turnbuckle padding. Jericho was shaken by the impact, and as he turned around, Rocky hit him with the 'Rock Bottom' to score a big win in a big Main Event! 88 Winner: 'The Great One' The Rock Finish: 'Rock Bottom' Royal Rumble Match Favourites After the match, but just before the show went off the air, the announce team discussed The Rock and Chris Jericho's chances in the hotly anticipated Royal Rumble Match... Jim Ross: “Gentlemen, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin won it last year... The Rock the year before... but Vince McMahon won it the year before that... So anything can happen in the WWF!!” Michael Cole: “Well we know for sure that Austin won't be in it this year JR... But I can absolutely see a world where Vince McMahon enters himself... maybe even his son Shane... to ensure that a member of The Power Trip wins, and gives Austin the night off at WrestleMania...” Tazz: “That's if Austin makes it to 'Mania as Champion... He's got the Big Show at the Rumble Cole...” Michael Cole: “Great point Tazz... What do we think about Jericho's chances of winning...?! We've seen The Rock win it before... We know his credentials... But Jericho could be a dark horse going in...” Tazz: “It's hard to measure Jericho's chances without knowing who else is in there Cole... But regardless of who else enters, I don't think of Jericho as a dark horse at all... He's the Intercontinental Champion for a reason... He's one of the very best, and he can beat anybody... any day!!” The show ended there... and we now head to Smackdown, where we'll see Undertaker and Steve Austin of the Four Man Power Trip team up in a tag team match... A rare appearance as a duo... We're also going to hear from Triple H and Stephanie McMahon... and the Hardy Family will be live from the Compound... Quick Results: Chris Benoit [def.] Kane Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [def.] X-Pac, Billy Gunn & K-Kwik Spike Dudley [def.] Viscera Test [def.] Rikishi D'Lo Brown [def.] Big Boss Man The Rock [def.] Chris Jericho Show Rating: 88
  11. Ah thanks dude, appreciate the feedback. Were there any pics in particular you don't like? (Dudleys spring to mind for me, as I really struggled to find decent 2002 pics I could cut well). I had this issue with a few guys to be fair. In a couple of in-game months, the pic pack changes, as I stopped writing for almost a year (I think) and had a laptop change in which I lost them all. I don't think the issue you're talking about gets any better to be fair, but one or two do.
  12. > 'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] X-Pac, Billy Gunn & K-Kwik (NGX) Spike Dudley [vs] Viscera w/ Perfect & Sexay Rikishi [vs] Test 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Big Boss Man 'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Ego-Maniac' Chris Jericho
  13. WWF Heavyweight Title: Held By: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (5) Days as Champion: 239 Defences: 9 Prestige: 95 (no change) Previous Champions – since May 2001 None (won from The Rock, April 1st, 2001) WWF Intercontinental Title: Held By: Chris Jericho (4) Days as Champion: 50 Defences: 0 Prestige: 70 (no change) Previous Champions – since May 2001 Test – [Week 3, September, 2001 – Week 3, October, 2001] Triple H – [April 2001 – Week 3, September, 2001] WWF Tag Team Titles: Held By: Edge And Christian (8) Days as Champion: 22 Defences: 1 Prestige: 70 (+1) Previous Champions – since May 2001 Tit;les VACANT Triple H & Steve Austin – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 2, October, 2001] WWF Light Heavyweight Title: Held By: Marty Jannetty Days as Champion: 196 Defences: 5 Prestige: 42 (no change) Previous Champions – since May 2001 Jerry Lynn – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 3, May, 2001] WWF Hardcore Title: Held By: Hardcore Holly (7) Days as Champion: 106 Defences: 4 Prestige: 42 (+1) Previous Champions – since May 2001 Rhyno – [Week 3, April, 2001 – Week 3, August, 2001] WWF King Of The Ring: Won in June 2001 By: Kurt Angle (2) Prestige: 100 Previous Winners 2000 Kurt Angle 1999 Billy Gunn 1998 Ken Shamrock 1997 Triple H 1996 Steve Austin
  14. Big congratulations to Summer and Deafstroke! Look out for a DM with your Prediction Prizes in them... a not too shabby score of 8/10 for both of you. The Monthly prize is wiiiiiiiide open still too! Even if you haven't predicted yet, you could still win with a few good performances
  15. December 2001, Week 2… In The Booth: Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz Fatal Four Way We kicked off the show with a Promo Package, highlighting tonight's big Main Event... A Fatal Four Way Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title... A match that could be 'Fatal' for the Champion, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, as he stands across the ring from his two biggest rivals again: The Rock, and Triple H... One saving grace for Austin could be his fellow 'Three Man Power Trip' member The Undertaker... But can 'The American Badass' be trusted to not attempt to win the match, thus becoming Champion himself...?! And who is this 'He' that Vince McMahon and his Daughter Stephanie keep referring to...?! Will 'He' make an appearance in the Main Event...?! All we know for sure, is that Armageddon is a fitting name for the show... Four fantastic Canadians kicked us off tonight. Considering they're not officially a tag team, Jericho and Benoit showed the kind of continuity you'd expect from a team of Brothers; or certainly a team who have been tagging for a number of years. They cut the ring in half, leaving Edge totally isolated and cut off from his partner and Brother, Christian. Edge took a heck of a beating, and nearly tapped out to the 'Cross-Face'. Christian had to get into the ring to stop the hold, a move that the referee almost disqualified him for! In the end though, Edge avoided a shoulder block in the corner from Jericho, and the Intercontinental Champion clattered into the corner post. The crowd came unglued from their seats, and Edge crawled to the corner. Christian came in, and completely changed the momentum, taking down Canadian Chris after Canadian Chris. For the finish, Jericho tried to sucker Edge in for a 'Spear' in the same corner he'd hit his own shoulder into. But the experienced 'Spear'-giver Edge managed to stop himself, and as he turned around, he cut Jericho in half with his finisher, scoring the win and retaining the Gold! 82 Winners: and STILL WWF Tag Team Champions: Edge & Christian Finish: 'Spear' Gumming For Revenge We saw a video package next, highlighting the feud between Big Show and Kurt Angle... It all started with an innocuous incident, where Angle flicked some chewing gum from his mouth, and it landed right in Show's hair!! The giant had to shave out a patch of hair to get rid of it, and he has been on the war-path ever since... Tonight, the former Olympian Angle will have to fight an angry man, who is way outside of his normal weight category... The loser of the match, will be shaved BALD!! Big Show was all-business tonight, and he didn't only want to win and shave Angle bald, he wanted to hurt his rival. He used big holds like a bear hug and a sleeper to drain the energy from his athletic opponent, using his weight to hold Angle down. Kurt was able to answer back with some mat-based wrestling, where he took Show down and was able to use his intelligence to weigh Show down. However, when he went for a pin, Show kicked out in such a way that threw Angle up and over the referee in an amazing spot. For the finish, Show knocked Angle out with a right hand, and then took his time before hitting the 'Show Stopper' chokeslam!! 67 Winner: 'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show Finish: 'Show Stopper' Angle Shaved Bald Kurt Angle was knocked out, and Big Show sat him in a barber's chair, and shaved his head!! Show got revenge for Angle's gum ending up in his hair,and when Angle came to, he couldn't believe he was now bald!! He staggered around, and walked onto another big right hand from Show, and was again out cold!! There were some amazing moments in this one; the second exceptional tag team match of the evening. Malenko and Regal put in a fine performance, using their technical prowess to keep the high-flying Hardyz at bay. But Matt is unhinged, and he laughed in the face of Regal as the Brit delivered multiple knife-edged chops. For the finish, the referee was knocked down, and 'Broken' Matt Hardy saw his opportunity. He grabbed handcuffs, and proceeded to cuff Regal's wrist to Malenko's ankle!! After a decent fightback from the fan favourites, they were never truly going to be able to win it. Jeff Hardy low-blowed Malenko, and him falling, in turn pulled Regal to a stooped position. Matt then flew in out of nowhere, and hit the 'Twist Of Fate' to score the win! 83 Winners: The Hardyz w/ Lita & Benjamin Finish: 'Twist Of Fate' Triple Threats Backstage, Teddy Long was standing with his guest: The Rock... Teddy asked 'The Great One' if he felt he'd have to stop Triple H tonight... Despite them having common enemies... The Rock: “Yu know Ted... Triple H has helped The Rock, on numerous occasions now... And 'The Great One' can't help think that tonight, might be the night, that someone... FINALLY... ENDS the reign of terror, of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin!! But... If we team up to take out Austin and The Undertaker... and then Triple H gets in The Rock's way... 'The People's Champ'll' END 'Terra Ryzing'!!” Jannetty and X-Pac's careers are interesting. The former WWF Tag Team Champions (for a very short reign) haven't had a whole lot to do with each other since Jannetty's return to the company. However, X-Pac, as the leader of New Generation X, has elevated his stock to a level that makes him a true threat to Jannetty's Title. Billy Gunn of NGX was instrumental at ringside, helping his old buddy to gain control of the pace. But Jannetty has been Champion for a while now, and he showed his Championship-level stamina to keep kicking out of X-Pac's best shots. In the end, he was able to dropkick X-Pac into Gunn on the apron, and finish his rival with the 'Rocker Dropper'! 60 Winner: and STILL Light Heavyweight Champion: Marty Jannetty Finish: 'Rocker Dropper' Unhooked We were in the trainer's room next, with Dean Malenko and William Regal having the handcuffs removed following their match with The Hardyz from earlier... Jonathan Coachman walked up, and asked the two technicians if they still believe they're close to earning a Tag Team Title shot after a defeat like that... William Regal: “As a matter of fact Mr. Coachman... We DO... We even think we're closer than the Hardyz, after a performance like that... They cheated... They... T... What the bloody hell do you want...?!” The Dudleyz walked in... looked around the place, and smiled... They then jumped Malenko and Regal!! It would have normally been a fair 2 on 2 fight, but the surprise of the attack, coupled with the fact that Malenko and Regal had been in a match earlier in the night, meant that the Dudley Brothers had their way with the fan favourites... Regal went through the first table, courtesy of a half-nelson side slam from Bubba... Malenko soon followed with the same fate as his partner, with a '3D'... A fun match in the middle of the card here, in which Mr. Sexay, who is now completely different to Grandmaster Sexay, used all of his tactical know-how to keep D'Lo Brown on the back foot. It was clear to everyone watching that Mr. Perfect at ringside had taught Sexay everything he knew, and then some! However, the crowd really got behind D'Lo, and he fought his way back into it. In the end, following a poorly timed distraction after the arrival of Viscera, Brown was able to hit the 'Lo-Down' to pick up a big win! 64 Winner: 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown Finish: 'Lo-Down' The Blame Game After the match, Mr. Sexay and Mr. Perfect were furious with big Viscera, and told him as much... The big man wasn't phased by their actions or their words to him though... More angry that Sexay had lost... D'Lo Brown shouted to Perfect that he's coming for him next after seeing off Viscera and Sexay...!! Awaiting An Arrival Vince McMahon was sat in his office next, as his daughter Stephanie knocked on the door and entered... Vince McMahon: “Well... Is he here...?!” Stephanie McMahon: “No, Dad... He's not... and don't ask me again whose side he's going to be on...!!” Vince McMahon: “Side...?? Side...?? Steph, there are no sides... It's FAMILY... I know my guys are in there against your husband tonight... they have been for months... but it's not about picking sides...” Stephanie McMahon: “Well... I know there ARE sides... There's the Three Man Power Trip side... and then there's Hunter and My side... and I just hope that... HE... picks the RIGHT side...!!” Vince and Stephanie both know who 'He' is... and it's likely we'll find out a couple of answers tonight... for one, who 'He' is... and secondly, whose 'side' he'll be on... This match began in a great way, with Eddie Guerrero showing up in wrestling boots! Razor Ramon was furious, and demanded a microphone before the bell rang. He shouted that Eddie was a liar, and disrespectful to both him and the wrestling business as a whole. But Eddie asked for the microphone. Ramon gave it to the fan favourite, and he proceeded to bop Ramon on the head with it!! The pop was loud, and the crowd ate it up, leaving Eddie free to remove his boots slowly. After taking off the second boot, he threw it at 'The Bad Guy', which cannoned off his head. Ramon was furious now, and the match started properly. Ramon took out a lot of aggression on Guerrero, but 'Latino Heat' used the crowd's feedback to help him withstand a lot of punishment. As the match progressed though, it was clear that Eddie could not climb the cage without his wrestling boots. His toes kept slipping off the steel, and he would have to rule out the 'escape over the cage' option!! Late on, Eddie decided to put his boots back on. He began to climb, but realised with Ramon down, that he could probably just walk through the door. Ramon took him down at the knees though, and began pulling Eddie away from the door. He scratched and clawed his way to the door again, and Ramon grabbed his leg, pulling back as hard as he could!! Brilliantly, Eddie slipped his boot off, and Ramon flew backwards with the boot in his hands!! Eddie then slid down the apron, to the floor, winning the match with just one boot on!! 80 Winner: 'Lation Heat' Eddie Guerrero Finish: 'Cage Escape' Putting The Boots In After the match, Razor Ramon was as furious as he'd been throughout it, and began throwing a fit of rage inside the cage... He came to the door, leant over the ropes, and shouted at Eddie... 'Latino Heat' responded by turning around, and kicking the cage door shut onto Ramon's head!! 'The Bad Guy' stumbled backwards, tripping over Eddie's boot... Eddie then climbed back onto the apron, removed his other boot, and threw it at Ramon... before leaving to a huge ovation!! It doesn't get much bigger, or better, than this. A Main Event between four of the greatest in-ring performers in the company, perhaps of all time. With the ages of these four men ranging from just 29 to 36, it could be argued that they will be the top in-ring performers here for years to come too. The Rock and Triple H teamed up to begin with, in an effort to stop Steve Austin and The Undertaker, who also teamed up, and looked completely on the same page. Rocky and 'The Game' soon turned on each other though – the two fan favourites have big egos, but also don't trust one another. Not only that, but they both wanted to win this match and become WWF World Heavyweight Champion again – Triple H for the 5th time, Rock for the 7th. The current 5-time World Champion 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin had plenty of help to retain tonight though, so even if Rock and Triple H had stayed on the same page, there's a strong chance he would have retained the Gold anyway. Vince McMahon was the biggest help, and he soon made his way out to ringside. Closely followed by his daughter Stephanie, who was there to support her husband Triple H. Jim Ross: “Bahh Gahhd... This match is chaotic...! I gotta know though... If The Undertaker gets the chance to win it, will he take that chance?!” Michael Cole: “I don't see how he can JR... Not with Vince McMahon lurking at ringside...” Tazz: “And will we see 'Him' tonight...?! Apparently 'He' is coming... But who is 'He'...?! And will 'He' make an appearance in this match...?!” As the match rumbled on, it became clear that despite the support for Triple H, Steve Austin and Undertaker at ringside, 'The People's Champion' The Rock was going to win it. He hit the 'Rock Bottom' on Triple H, and Vince McMahon pulled his foot, dragging him off the fallen 'Game'! Despite saving her husband from losing the match, Stephanie McMahon was furious with her Father. Vince, Stephanie and The Rock argued in the ring, until this man showed up to a huge pop: 'The Prodigal Son' Shane O'Mac headed onto the stage, and then sprinted to the ring! He got between his Sister and Father, as The Rock stood back with his hands on his hips. Triple H rolled out of the ring, and Shane held Vince McMahon back as he tried to attack The Rock, but then Shane suddenly turned and punched Rock right between the eyes! He jumped on 'The Great One', and began pummelling him!! With Triple H down on the outside of the ring, Stephanie's loyalty was to her husband, and she left The Rock to get beaten down. Vince on the other hand was shouting at Shane, supporting his son, and directing traffic!! However, The Rock rose back to his feet and began to fight back!! He hit Shane, hit him again, and again, and then hit Vince. The Undertaker climbed over the top rope, and he hit the 'Rock Bottom' on the 'American Badass'!! Vince and Shane swarmed The Rock again, but he again fought them both off. He threw Vince out through the ropes, and kicked Shane low, standing over him and letting out a guttural yell. However, 'The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment Today' didn't notice 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin slide into the ring behind him. He spun Rocky around, kicked him in the gut, and hit the 'Stone Cold Stunner'!! Triple H appeared under the ropes, but Undertaker blocked him as the referee counted The Rock's shoulders down!! 96 Winner: and STILL WWF World Heavyweight Champion: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Finish: 'Stone Cold Stunner' Four Man Power Trip?! After the match, Vince McMahon returned to the ring, and raised Steve Austin's hand... The Undertaker stood alongside Vince, and Shane McMahon also got into the ring... standing face to face with Austin to begin with... The tension between Shane and Austin was palpable at first... They looked like they were about to hit each other, but then a smile crept across both men's faces... Shane and Austin embraced, before Shane and his Father raised the WWF Champion's hand together!! The crowd's boos were louder than they'd been all night at this point... but the Four Man Power Trip?! Didn't care one bit... The show went off the air with the four men stood together in a line... While Stephanie McMahon consoled her Husband Triple H, and The Rock licked his wounds on the ramp... Quick Results: Edge & Christian [def.] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit to RETAIN the WWF Tag Team Titles The Big Show [def.] Kurt Angle in a Hair vs Hair Match The Hardy Boyz [def.] Dean Malenko & William Regal Marty Jannetty [def.] X-Pac to RETAIN the WWF Light Heavyweight Title D'Lo Brown [def.] Mr. Sexay Eddie Guerrero [def.] Razor Ramon in a Steel Cage Match Steve Austin [def.] The Rock, Triple H and The Undertaker to RETAIN the WWF World Heavyweight Title Bonus Questions: 1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? The Main Event 2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 92 (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points) Show Rating: 92
  16. You know I love Canada, so I'm in! They would probably be my next Cverse company if I played again. So this is brilliant to see!!
  17. This looks like a really good start ! Keep it up
  18. Ploughing through the shows at a fast rate at the moment, as I've got so much written up ready to go (19 shows including Armageddon, Rumble and No Way Out). I'd like to get to a place where I have some shows in the bank, but it's not too far away from the present day... a lot can happen in 19 shows!! Top Scorer at Armageddon will get our first Prediction Prize > WWF Tag Team Title Match: Edge & Christian © [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit Hair vs Hair Match: 'The World's Largest Athlete' The Big Show [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle Grudge Match: Dean Malenko & William Regal [vs] The Hardyz w/ Lita & Benjamin Light Heavyweight Title Match: Marty Jannetty © [vs] X-Pac w/ New Generation X Grudge Match: 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Mr. Sexay w/ Mr. Perfect & Viscera Grudge Match in a Steel Cage: 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon WWF World Heavyweight Title Fatal Four Way Match: 'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin © Bonus Questions: 1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? __________________ 2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? __________________ (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)
  19. Hahaha right on! DECEMBER 2001, WEEK 2… In The Booth: Michael Cole and Tazz Hammer Wins We kicked off the show with a Limo arriving in the parking lot... Out stepped first The Undertaker, and then the owner of the WWF Vince McMahon... followed by WWF World Heavyweight Champion 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin... The Three Man Power Trip arrogantly strolled into the arena... talking about Armageddon, and how they would ensure Austin walks out of the Fatal Four Way (with Undertaker, Triple H and The Rock) STILL WWF Champion... However, they were interrupted and stopped in their tracks by the silhouette of 'The Game' Triple H!! Stood in his leather jacket and jeans... his arms out to the side of him, but with a large gap between arm and body... making himself look as imposing as possible... Undertaker and Austin challenged 'The Game' to attack, and he did something they didn't expect... He pulled out a sledgehammer from behind his back!! 'Taker and Austin backed off at this point, and Triple H began chasing them!! The Three Man Power Trip got back into their Limo, and shouted at the driver to drive!! Triple H began swinging the hammer, and smashed it off the rear lights... Then the tailgate... and then a rear window, before the driver started the car up, and wheelspun their way out of the parking lot, and out of the arena!! w/ Edge & Christian [vs] Billy Gunn & K-Kwik w/ X-Pac A fast-paced contest here in which the four men in the ring, and X-Pac outside of it, all came out of it physically exhausted! On paper it was a great warm-up match for the Tag Champs Edge and Christian, but as it transpired they could have done without a physical exertion like this, so close to a Title defence against the dangerous Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. Christian won it in the end, hitting his 'Unprettier' on K-Kwik. 78 Winners: Edge and Christian Finish: 'Unprettier' Rikishi Has A Test On RAW Bradshaw, Faarooq and The Godfather of the APA were playing cards with their good buddy Rikishi... When in burst Test, Albert, Perry Saturn, and Terri... The group didn't knock on the door that sits alongside The APA's 'Office'... which offended Bradshaw... Bradshaw: “EY!!... Knock on the damn door, or get the HELL outta here...!! Unleeeeess... You wanna buy into the game, and watch me take your money!!?” Test and co. said no... and told Bradshaw they wouldn't knock on his stupid door... Faarooq and Godfather had to hold Bradshaw back, and Rikishi told Test he'd see him in the ring on RAW... To teach him some respect... Test lead his group out of the room, again ignoring the fake door... and the fan favourites all calmed down and sat around the table again... A few seconds later, Bradshaw cleaned up in the card game... and he raked in all the chips!! The Light Heavyweight Division We took a close look at the Light Heavyweight Division in the WWF next... a video profiling each individual performer that qualifies under the weight limit... Current Light Heavyweight Champion Marty Jannetty and former Champion Jerry Lynn are 41 and 38 years old, and veteran performers with 30 years of experience between them... and therefore are the staples of the Division... Spike Dudley, Funaki and Crash Holly are in their early 30s... and are all capable of winning the Title at any given moment... Crash has recently allegedly shed over 200lbs to get down to the Light Heavyweight size... The former tag team partners in Too Cool: Scotty Too Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay are now solo acts, and both qualify for the Light Heavyweight Division... Scotty is a former one-time Champion, but the former friends are likely to want to make sure the other never wins the Title again... Then there's X-Pac... who is a bit of a 'Dark Horse' in the division... He is a member of the group: New Generation X, and this Sunday at Armageddon, he'll get the Title shot at Jannetty... 1 on 1... The two are actually former Tag Team Champions together... Holding the Gold as a tandem in 1994 for one week... With more faces set to arrive in the ever-growing division soon... one new face was about to make his debut next... CLICK HERE for the New Face's Entrance Theme... Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri There won't have been many more one-sided matches in 2001 than this one. The newcomer Tajiri kicked lumps out of the youngster across the ring from him. He used the 'Tarantula', and a number of strikes, before knocking his opponent out with the 'Buzzsaw Kick'! 35 Winner: 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri Finish: 'Buzzsaw Kick' Triple H's Building We cut backstage to the parking lot again, where 'The Game' Triple H was sat on a chair... inspecting his Sledgehammer... Jonathan Coachman walked up and asked Triple H what he was doing out there still... Triple H: “What am I doing...? I'm sat here... Guarding the door... If Vince (McMahon), 'Taker or Austin show their faces here again tonight... I'm gonna introduce them to my friend here (the Sledgehammer)... Rock and I are goin' to Armageddon... At 100%... And those three aren't gonna do a damn thing to us tonight...” The Rock walked up, and stood next to his fellow challenger for the WWF World Heavyweight Title... The Rock: “And The Rock says, if those two mid-card Canadians (Jericho and Benoit) try and jump The Rock from behind again... 'The Great One'll' introduce them to his little friend... (holds up fist)... Oh wait wait... Who's this jabroni...?? Speaking of mid-card...” Kurt Angle walked by, and didn't take kindly to Rock's comments... He threatened to beat Rock and Triple H into a pulp there and then, and allow Vince McMahon and co. BACK into the building... He then began to challenge Rock to a match... but suddenly backtracked, as an imposing figure arrived behind Rock and Triple H... The Rock: “The Rock bets you can't wait to shave that idiot bald at Armageddon, big man... The Rock'll soften... him up for ya tonight... Main Event... On The Rock's show... SMACKDOWN!!” w/ w/ William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay & Viscera Both of these men put on a technical master class here. They're both vastly experienced, and showed the WWF higher ups how good they can be in the ring. Regal had Perfect in the 'Regal Stretch' in the middle of the ring, but Mr. Sexay jumped on the apron and caused chaos to ensue. Sexay, Malenko and Viscera all brawled, and Regal had to get involved. As the Brit got back in the ring, Perfect was waiting for him, and he slammed him down with the 'Perfect Plex', holding him down for three. 78 Winner: Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay & Viscera Finish: 'Perfect Plex' Down For The Save After the match, Mr. Perfect, Mr. Sexay and Viscera all jumped William Regal... and handled Dean Malenko with ease too... But a friend of the fan favourite tag team, and enemy to Mr. Perfect and co. hit the ring to make the save... D'Lo Brown's arrival caused his rivals to scatter... But this Sunday, Mr. Sexay won't be able to run this Sunday at Armageddon... He and 'The Real Deal' will go 1 on 1... The Hardy Compound Somewhere in Carolina, The Hardy Family (Matt, Jeff and Lita) along with their friend Senior (Shelton) Benjamin were sat in the 'study' at the Hardy Compound... 'Broken' Matt was flicking through a large, old fashioned book, and he glanced up at the camera... Matt Hardy: “Oh, hello... I knew you'd cooome... Armageddon... The final battle, between good and evil, before the Day Of Judgement... A catastrophic conflict, likely to destroy the world, or all of man kind... For us... For my Family... We are going to have a battle... against the eeeeevil Sir William of Regal Origins... and The Radical Dean Malenko... Catch As Catch Can... REST Holds... WRESTLIIIIIING... Yeeaaasss...” 'Broken' Matt became excited and enraged at the same time, and Lita put her hands on his shoulders to calm him... Matt Hardy: “Sir William and Radical Dean are our accusers... But at Armageddon... WE... Are going to be the judge... jury... and EXECUTTTIOOONNNERS... Yeeeaassss!!! DELETE!! DELETE!! DELETE!!” As if they were hypnotised, Jeff, Lita and Shelton joined Matt in a chant of 'DELETE!'... All using their left arm and making the same action as Matt... A strange scene reminiscent of the Adams Family or something... w/ Haku w/ Umaga [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon A brutal, hard-hitting match here. Ramon took full advantage of Haku wrestling with no boots on, stamping on his feet, and attempting to break the big man's toes! For the finish, a big knee on the ramp while the two were outside of the ring allowed 'The Bad Guy' to run back to the ring on the count of 8. Haku limped towards the ring, but the referee got to 10. 76 Winner: 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon Finish: Count Out Latino Feet After the match, Razor Ramon waved Haku and his friend Umaga goodbeye... before grabbing a microphone... Razor Ramon: “Ey YO!! That was a test, for sure... Haku... One of the toughest guys in wrestling... He wrestles with no, damn, boots... At Armageddon... Eddie Guerrero, who is NOT one of the toughest guys in wrestling... Thinks he's gonna wrestle me, with NO, DAMN, BOOTS!! And Eddie... If you show up with no boots... In a Cage Match... I'm gonna break your little Latino Feet...!!” Val's Flower Making his entrance ahead of his scheduled match, Val Venis brought a Flower to the ring... He placed the Flower in one corner of the ring, on the top of the ring steps, and made his way through the ropes... His opponent, The Big Boss Man watched him do it, and smiled to himself... 'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis [vs] Big Boss Man This was a pretty even contest, until the evil Big Boss Man decided to STOMP on Val Venis' flower, crushing it between his boot and the ring steps!! This act flipped Venis' attitude to one of pure anger, and he unleashed a barrage of abuse onto Boss Man! In the end, he won it from the top rope with a 'Money Shot' splash! 65 Winner: 'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis Finish: 'Money Shot' Val's Flower After the match, Val went over to his flower, and picked it up... He cradled it in his arms... Trying to reattach the petals... Hardcore Brawl We cut backstage next quickly, to where The Dudley Boyz were attacking Hardcore Champion, Hardcore Holly 2 on 1!! It's not the first time they've gone after the Champion, who must defend his Title 24 hours a day, 7 days a week... However, it didn't remain 2 on 1 for long... Holly's cousin Crash arrived in the area, along with his good friend Spike Dudley... Ironically, the cousin of The Dudley Boyz... Spike helped Crash and Hardcore initially, but then saw his chance to become Hardcore Champion, and he rolled Holly up!! However, more faces arrived... With his trademark Chucks, Steve Blackman began hitting people with the weapons... Al Snow then burst through a door, swinging a bowling ball around, eventually connecting with Blackman's thigh!! Somehow, Hardcore Holly and Crash escaped the melee, but this didn't stop Bubba and D-Von from grabbing some of their hardware out... Blackman, Snow and then finally Spike all went through tables to end the segment!! 'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle If the Three Man Power Trip were planning to return to the building, they'd have to deal with Triple H and the Big Show, who were shown still hanging out in the parking lot. Their fellow Power Trip hater The Rock was in a tricky match this close to his World Heavyweight Title shot; a Fatal-Four-Way against Austin, Undertaker and Triple H. His opponent, Kurt Angle, is very dangerous, and Rock was lucky to walk out of this one with both his back, and his ankle, in good condition. The charismatic Samoan landed on his spine more than ten times following German Suplexes, and he was rattled. Angle almost made him tap out too, showing a vicious side we rarely see from the Olympian! In the end though, with the crowd behind him, Rocky was able to hit his 'Rock Bottom' and score the pinfall victory! 99 Winner: 'The Great One' The Rock Finish: 'Rock Bottom' Back Door Bandits Looking really proud of themselves, Vince McMahon, The Undertaker and the WWF World Heavyweight Champion 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin hopped the guard rail, and made their way to the ring... Vince barked orders at his 'Power Trip' troops, and they put the boots to The Rock... He tried to fight back, but Kurt Angle grabbed both of his legs, tying him up and making him easy pickings for 'Taker and Austin!! But Rocky soon got some help... Triple H and The Big Show ran to the ring together; 'The Game' holding his Sledgehammer!! Kurt Angle climbed out of the ring to meet the defenders, and he was taken down by a Big Show right hand!! Vince and co. fled the ring as Triple H slid into it...!! Big Show stepped over the top rope, and 'The People's Champion' was saved from an attack that could have severely hampered him come Sunday at Armageddon... The show went off the air with The Rock actually showing his appreciation to Triple H... One of his opponents in the Fatal Four Way this Sunday... Quick Results: Edge & Christian [def.] Billy Gunn & K-Kwik Tajiri [def.] Local Enhancement Talent Mr. Perfect [def.] William Regal Razor Ramon [def.] Haku Val Venis [def.] Big Boss Man The Rock [def.] Kurt Angle Show Rating: 94
  20. > Edge & Christian [vs] Billy Gunn & K-Kwik ??? [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay & Viscera Haku w/ Umaga [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon 'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis [vs] Big Boss Man 'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle
  21. December 2001, WEEK 2… In The Booth: Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz Tonight's Armageddon To kick off tonight's edition of RAW, we were reminded that all four men in the Main Event of Armageddon will be in singles action tonight... The Rock versus Chris Jericho... Triple H versus Chris Benoit... Steve Austin versus Hardcore Holly... but up first, The Undertaker versus D'Lo Brown... w/ 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The American Badass'The Undertaker w/ Vince McMahon D'Lo Brown put up one heck of a fight here. A four-time European, and one-time Intercontinental Champion, he's no slouch in the ring. But he was in there against a vicious brawler in the big, bad, Undertaker. For the finish, 'Taker hit a 'Chokeslam' and then a 'Last Ride'! 75 Winner: 'The American Badass'The Undertaker w/ Vince McMahon Finish: 'Last Ride' An Enemy Of My Enemy Backstage, WWF Commissioner had The Rock and Triple H in his office... The two fan favourites not exactly getting along... Foley once again urged that 'The People's Champion' and 'The Game' get on the same page... to ensure that 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin doesn't leave Armageddon as the WWF World Heavyweight Champion... Mick Foley: “Tonight... RIGHT HERE... in Philadelphia... You both have singles matches... against separate members of a current Tag Team... Jericho and Benoit... I want you to accompany each other to the ring... No ifs, ands, or buts... I don't wanna hear it... Have A Nice Day!!” Tag Team Match For Smackdown We saw a moving graphic that turned into a still, showing an upcoming tag team match scheduled for Smackdown this week... The WWF Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian will battle Billy Gunn and K-Kwik of New Generation X... The duo who call themselves 'Rapid Fire'... w/ Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Family Domination from Shelton for the second week in a row against Scotty here. Shelton threw the veteran Light Heavyweight around the ring with ease. Even after a good comeback from the fan favourite, he didn't have enough to stop the momentum of The Family. 54 Winner: Shelton Benjamin w/ The Family Finish: 'T-Bone Suplex' Technical Masterclass After the match, Dean Malenko and William Regal stomped to the ring so that The Family couldn't hurt Scotty Too Hotty again... William Regal: “Gentlemen... and Lita... Mr. Malenko and I are really looking forward to your Technical Masterclass at Armageddon... But be warned... Dean and I are not coming to Armageddon to be victims... We are coming to victimISE...!! It's time we finally get our revenge on you young men...” Matt Hardy grabbed a microphone, ready to respond to Regal... but he dropped the microphone unceremoniously and simply walked away with his Family instead... Hair For Hair Backstage, Jonathan Coachman was standing by with his guest: 'The Giant' Big Show... Jonathan Coachman: “Show... A number of weeks ago, Kurt Angle threw some gum, and it went in your hair... Causing you to have to shave a patch of your hair out... Now, at Armageddon, you face Angle 1 on 1... in a Hair versus Hair Match... The loser, will be shaved bald... We've seen Angle fight guys bigger than himself before... He's an incredible performer... But what's your strategy against such an athlete...??” Big Show: “My strategy...?? I'M GONNA SHAVE... HIM... BALD!!” Show stormed off, presumably looking for a pair of clippers...!! w/ 'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] Perry Saturn w/ Albert & Terri Fantastic action in this one. Saturn was bounced around the ring by Kane, and looked beaten up by the end of the fight. To end it, Kane booted Albert off the apron, and Saturn then missed a lariat as Kane ducked! Saturn came off the ropes, and was grabbed around the throat for a 'Chokeslam'! 81 Winner: 'The Big Red Machine' Kane Finish: 'Chokeslam' Women Are From Mars We saw a highlight package next, showing Val Venis acting incredibly strange on Smackdown last week... He'll get back to his 'normal' ways in the ring on Smackdown this week, as he's in singles action... w/ Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince McMahon It seemed everyone was trying to out-do the previous match and have the best match on the card tonight. Holly and Austin are ring generals by trade, and showed every bit of technical prowess they posses, along with hard-hitting action that could have easily caused a head injury or two. With Austin on Holly's shoulders for the 'Alabama Slam', and an unlikely victory for the Hardcore Champion, Vince McMahon was frantically calling for backup!! He got some help from The Dudleyz, who ran to the ring and jumped Crash Holly!! The distraction allowed Austin to slide off Holly's back, and hit his 'Stunner' to pick up the win! 91 Winner: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince McMahon Finish: 'Stone Cold Stunner' Taken To Holly Hell The Dudleyz continued their beatdown on Crash after the match, with Hardcore Holly unable to help his Cousin following his hard-fought match... Molly shouted at Bubba and D-Von to leave Crash alone, but Bubba responded by walking towards her threateningly, and she ran...!! D-Von set up a table, and Crash crashed through it... We now know that on the Heat before Armageddon, The Holly Cousins will fight The Dudleyz in tag team action... Japanese Spike Another Dudley was backstage next... Spike Dudley was sat with The APA in their office with no walls but a door... The group of fan favourites were playing poker, and The Godfather folded... Faarooq soon followed... leaving Spike and Bradshaw as the final two standing... Spike Dudley: “Bradshaw... I gotta disagree with you, man... Tajiri is an amazing in-ring talent, and I can't WAIT to see him debut on Smackdown... Now... ALL... IN...!!” Bradshaw smiled, and told Spike he knows Tajiri's great... and he would also go all-in... The smile on Bradshaw's face dropped, when he saw Spike reveal 'Three Of A Kind', and begin to rake in the chips... However, the big Texan told Spike to hold his horses... because he had something better... 'Royal Flush'!! Spike couldn't believe it, and neither could Godfather and Faarooq, who told Bradshaw his run of luck has to come to an end soon... Bradshaw: “Hahaha!! It ain't luck if you can back it up boys!! And I back it up... time, and time, again!!” Al Snow [vs] Test Another very good match here, this one was probably the most one-sided of the night. Al Snow seemed to enjoy taking a beating, but he also looked like he was seriously wounded by the big Canadian stud Test. After a brutal beating, the experienced Snow walked onto a 'Big Boot' and stayed down for the three. 77 Winner: Test Finish: 'Big Boot' No Shoes, No Shirt Backstage interviewer Teddy Long was stood with Eddie Guerrero next, and asked the passionate Latino what he made of Razor Ramon's words and subsequent attack on Eddie on Smackdown, in which he used Kurt Angle's wrestling boot (which was previously removed by Eddie in his match against Angle)!! Eddie Guerrero: “What did I make of it...?? I know what that boot made... It made my head... my back... it made bruises esse... It takes a LOT to bruise me... and at Armageddon, Razor Ramon WON'T make me bruise... He WON'T make me quit... He thinks we need a cage so I don't run away...?! Well I WON'T run away!! You wanna hit me with a BOOT... Blindside me after a match with an Olympic Gold Medallist, and hit me with a BOOT... Well I'll fight you at Armageddon with NO boots on!!” Eddie went on to claim he could beat Razor with no shoes on... and Razor can have a warm up match on Smackdown... against someone who wrestles with no boots all the time... Haku!! We're Gonna Have A Tag Team Match Triple H made his way to the ring next, for his scheduled match against Chris Benoit... At the request of RAW Commissioner Mick Foley, 'The Game' was joined by his rival The Rock... Who was accompanying him out there, to ensure The Undertaker or 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin didn't see an opportunity to take one of them out... However, while 'The Great One' openly mocked Triple H as he made his entrance, it was a different pairing that saw an opportunity... Chris Benoit and the Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho arrived from behind The Rock, and took him down with a 2 on 1 assault half way down the ramp...!! Triple H actually made it to the ring before he realised something had happened to Rock, and he slowly jogged towards the incident... He began fighting Benoit and Jericho, before Mick Foley appeared and sent referees and backstage officials out to break up the brawl!! Mick Foley: “Enough... ENOUGH...!! Instead of two singles matches between you four... We're gonna have ourselves, a TAG... TEAM... MATCH!! (Holla Holla!!)” Triple H & The Rock [vs] Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho Triple H and The Rock continued to not get along in this match, but they had common enemies again in the two members of Team Chris. The loudmouth Chris Jericho was the favourite target for 'The Game' and 'The Great One', with Rocky in particular taking out a lot of aggression on 'The Ego-Maniac'. But when Triple H argued with Chris Benoit on the outside, the distraction to The Rock was enough for Jericho to hit a dropkick on The Rock, and Benoit to tag in! From then on, Rock was isolated for a number of minutes. Triple H managed to get the crowd behind 'The Great One' though, and he crawled to the corner for the 'hot tag'. 'The Game' regained the momentum for his team, until Rock got in to hit a 'Rock Bottom' on Benoit behind the referee's back, allowing Triple H to pin the 'Crippler' and pick up the win for the fan favourites! 97 Winners: Triple H & The Rock Finish: 'Rock Bottom' Power Trip To Armageddon Following the match, Vince McMahon, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and The Undertaker, collectively known as the 'Three Man Power Trip', were stood in 'Gorilla' waiting to burst through the curtain and attack Triple H and The Rock... However, Vince and co. were stopped in their tracks by a shrill voice coming into the room from behind them... “DAAADDYYYY!!!” Vince's daughter Stephanie McMahon quickly breezed past the group, and told them to wait... because they need to make a plan!! Vince McMahon: “A plan...?! I'll give you a plan... We're gonna go to the ring, and we're gonna take out BOTH your husband Triple H... and... The Rock!!” Stephanie McMahon: “NOT a plan for tonight... A plan for Armageddon...? Didn't you get my message...?? HE is coming to Armageddon!! What do you suppose HE's going to try and do...?!” Vince looked shaken to his very core by Stephanie's words, and he told his troops that they needed to regroup... He demanded that Steph come to his office, and tell him everything she knows!! Quick Results: The Undertaker [def.] D'Lo Brown Shelton Benjamin [def.] Scotty Too Hotty Kane [def.] Perry Saturn Steve Austin [def.] Hardcore Holly Test [def.] Al Snow Triple H & The Rock [def.] Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho Show Rating: 93
  22. Thanks for all of this my friend. I'll respond as best I can... Hmm... I do tend to have 'jobbers' just lose and lose all the time, so Scotty sadly isn't going to get particularly high on the card. However, I do use them to beat a higher guy as a 'shock' win occasionally. Like a Brooklyn Brawler over Triple H kind of situation. A match against Hardcore Holly in this era was never easy. I bet he hit bloody hard! I loved Test back in the day too. He's a massive what if for sure. He had so many of the tools needed! Thanks for the big about Mick/Rock. I could picture them as I was writing that Such a great duo! Same brother, I've tuned out in the last 3 years. Dabbling in other companies at the moment, but couldn't miss 'Mania. Night two still to watch, but I thought Night One was really good. Some solid matches, some awesome ones, and then that Main Event
  23. I watched a couple of episodes last night because of this diary! Keep up the great work.
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