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Everything posted by SirMichaelJordan

  1. Fwiw, prompting is an art in itself and companies are starting to pay a lot of money for said positions. Whether it’s AI or just a simple computer program, the rules will always be “garbage input in, garbage input out.” I don’t think AI content in general is going to take away from anything that is genuinely good unless just as much effort was put into prompting. It’s 2024, the tools we use are changing. People just need to adapt…I don’t think moral ethics can be forced. all in all, I think people who are making genuinely good content with AI should be taken seriously, it’s not easy.
  2. I agree, disbanding should def be toned down and the randomness of members could be negated by making relationships a requirement. 9/10 stables mates have some sort of real life relationship…
  3. That’s semantics. What exactly qualifies a company size? In game it isn’t money or even infrastructure, it is reach aka popularity… with context, AEW would be low level international because they run outside the US but only 1 area but even that can be argued because they only run their season final in that area. GCW wouldn’t be neither in the current landscape. They do t have enough popularity in the area . They can go i. Specific non US areas because they have a following their thanks to tv coverage but it’s not an international company where they would be getting international sponsors…
  4. I agree, there are probably more important things to get to but I will leave that to the dev to make the decision on how to allocate their time. its a good sign when the little things are starting to stick out more. It means there is a solid foundation.
  5. I agree, not sure why we aren’t using the naming from WMMA at this point. Cult suggestion is spot on also. Should be hard to lose fans but at the same time slow to gain new fans.
  6. I think you are misinformed... The OP said wrestling stance is similar to broadcasters. Here is what the feature does per the game: Doesn't have anything to do with them hating wrestling or not, or a yes or no decision. it's a negotiation modifier... If an A-list celeb is against wrestling, then more than likely a big payday is not enough if the company is a low-prestige company, but on the other hand, he would work with a high-prestige company if they pay their asking price. Pretty simple. With that said, what the OP is asking is somewhat already baked into the celebrity levels.
  7. That logic could be used for broadcasters. Why have the option to have them against wrestling? It’s because they have a higher demand. The mechanics of both of those ideas doesn’t literally mean they are against wrestling and will not do it. It just take more convincing.
  8. I’m looking forward to trying this mod for the first time. It’s funny because before i thoroughly read the first post, I had an idea to create a fictional insignificant company based out of the tri state (my home region) and build it from the ground up but ECWA essentially what I’m looking for so thanks for including it.
  9. A gimmick idea can be designed to be company-specific, allowing multiple performers within the same organization to portray the character under a mask. This means that the persona isn't tied to a single individual, but rather to the company itself, making it versatile and reusable. For instance, in wrestling, characters like Doink the Clown or certain TNA personas have been played by different wrestlers over time, with the audience recognizing the character rather than the individual behind the mask.
  10. I would say 10 years but for today’s rapid growth in tech and for gameplay i would suggest 5 years
  11. I'm not sure if this idea exists already, but to help manage finances and prevent hoarding money, I think it would be beneficial to implement a system where production values and infrastructure deteriorate after a certain number of years to simulate the rapid advancement of new technologies. For example, cutting-edge production values should downgrade to the previous level after a certain period (in years) to reflect the emergence of new production technologies. This would mean that, in addition to paying monthly expenses for maintenance, we would also need to invest a significant amount of money (again) to upgrade. This concept could apply to various areas, whether it’s a wrestling school, broadcasting quality, or similar scenarios.
  12. It’s not worth it in real. Financials need to make sense to stop the hoarding of money long term. Some things need to be reserved for bigger companies to protect the end game, that is important for gameplay as well.
  13. I think a new role is warranted with the new inner circle and the ability to create a booking team. For the lack of a better name for the role, labeling a worker as "staff" would be useful when a person is with the company but doesn't do any on-screen work, producing, or agent work for matches. The road agent is technically a workaround, but the person in question would be booking matches. This is mainly useful for AI-run companies as they like to use someone like Vince or Triple H in angles weekly, which doesn't happen in reality. That said, it would also be useful to look at possible external hires for your inner circle. This is just a function in the worker search that can filter out ill-suited people for specific positions.
  14. Looking forward to this. Will ECW still be active considering it’s January? There have been only a few 2001 mods and most of them never have ECW open. It would be interesting trying to redirect the ship and get a TV deal.
  15. Looking forward to this, just wish ECW was active as a company with little to no money.
  16. There isn’t a “shock debut” bonus. If the worker debut with a good gimmick that is the bonus for the debut.
  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Historian" data-cite="Historian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52663" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It doesn't kill the agent note, it is -- in my opinion -- doing what it is supposed to do from a game mechanic.<p> </p><p> Don't be afraid of the penalty. It is there for balance to keep match ratings in check. With the exception of the Seth Rollins match, I can't think of a late-edition cash-in that made the match better (and I can't say the Seth Rollins made the match functionally better, it got a great live reaction, but the actual match wasn't better because of it). </p><p> </p><p> Without there being a penalty, you could, effectively, put a worker with terrible stamina by high stats/high psychology/high overness in a match but have him enter late to get the rub of the match being great (or a worker with poor stats but use it to get him over. So the penalty balances things out and keeps it from being an exploit.</p><p> </p><p> I get being frustrated by it too -- especially if you have two guys who are tearing down the house and could have been a 90 and then it gets worse because of the cash in, but that's also how it works in real life. That's why it's normally used for a heel to cash in, because you can take the penalty as heat like "Oh man, f**k, this guy is going to steal this." -- But WWE also typically uses it as an angle after the match so I second the suggestion of doing it in an angle.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I agree. But the problem with penalties / bonuses in the game as they are present in the game is that they are too rigid and there is no ying/yang factor involved. I feel like all road agent notes should have a chance to either give a penalty or bonus depending on product and how the segment is booked. In this case, if I am booking a company that enjoys overbooked matches or whatever, using this note should give me a higher chance of getting a bonus vs a penalty. The opposite should be true if this was a company that hates overbooked matches but there would still be a slim chance that I could get a bonus from it if booked correctly (dice roll that favors a penalty because of the product) this type of gameplay would feel much more rewarding and natural instead of limiting with people booking around penalties…</p>
  18. According to the handbook, the cap is tied to the audience size not the company size. Unless the recent patch fix pop gains for workers. Those caps were easily broken. Not to mention that you can reach 70 popularity with a tiny size company, giving you the needed reach to break those caps.
  19. This would be valuable if money wasn’t plentiful. TEW makes it seem like wrestling is a lucrative business.
  20. If you’re at insignificant, i don’t think you are even looking to sign those workers anyway. Limit yourself to the lowest size, gain the pop and money then move to tiny and have the ability to sign multiple mid level workers.
  21. The problem is that you can limit yourself to insignificant, gain a lot of popularity and money before jumping to medium or above. There isn’t really any benefit to go from insignificant to tiny to small to etc. Some of the benefits of being able to give out certain contracts don’t really matter until you reach medium.
  22. This was a long topic in the suggestion and bug forums. In fact, it was fine out of the box (but there was a legit bug where the cap was lower than number needed for the next level) but then a patch over adjusted the caps because someone said it was too low…Same story with worker pop caps.
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