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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. AEW have done a good job with Orange Cassidy and Darby Allin and I'd argue they've made MJF because nobody really watches MLW. Ricky Starks is very much on the way, as is Sammy Guevara.


    It's all a bit of a moot point though. The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega have to do things in AEW before they start putting others over and trying to make stars. You cannot present these guys as big deals before AEW and expect that will rub off on others. They have to be big deals here, they have to be elevated to the top of the AEW. Once that happens, we can have the discussion about how they can help to elevate others.


    But yeah, the whole "making stars" thing in wrestling is tiresome. WWE can't do it and they have an audience that dwarfs AEW's. I know we often think they shoot themselves in the foot with their booking but it says it all that Sasha Banks was discovered and hired for The Mandalorian after the producer saw her on Hot Ones, not because they had seen her on RAW or Smackdown.

  2. The thing about Omega winning the title is that you have to think ahead. What if this leads to Omega vs. Hangman at AEW Revolution, in a proper blood feud where all the bitterness of The Elite breakup bubbles to the surface and the two of them get 30+ minutes to beat seven shades of crap out of one another?


    Putting the belt on him solves two problems. Mox is running out of people to beat, Kingston wasn't even ranked and hadn't beat anybody but got two title shots. And I think Mox is due a tour of Japan since he's still IWGP US Champion. He'll need time off to go defend it so I'd rather we have an AEW champion that isn't persona non grata for a number of weeks.

  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>5 women's matches on Dark next week... involving Hirsch, Ford, Ivelisse, Swole, King, Thunder Rosa and the debuting Lindsay Snow. On Dynamite it's Thunder Rosa vs Serena Deeb for the NWA Women's Championship.<p> </p><p> That's an improvement. Now all they need is several storylines at once like the men.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thunder Rosa is winning the belt back now it's all but confirmed she's not going to WWE, right?</p><p> </p><p> AEW do need to be careful that they don't wind up making the NWA Women's title scene better than the AEW Women's title scene.</p>
  4. Tay vs Velvet was very rough and sloppy. Their inexperience was blatantly obvious. I like Tay a lot, but she should probably be working veterans and learning from them not facing other green girls. Velvet has a good upside but she's in the same boat as Tay in that she should be facing women more experienced.

    I thought the start was very good and the middle was okay, but it seemed to fall apart a little bit towards the finish. Both ladies are definitely not the finished article.


    It's great to have PAC back. Cage and Sydal had a fine match too, best I've seen from Cage in AEW so far.


    I wish they'd fix the production errors though. No excuse for having promos that can barely be heard because they're playing two audio feeds at the same time.

  5. The Young Buck's character is that they have always stayed true to their backyard wrestling origin. They gained a reputation as the best tag team in the world during the ROH/NJPW years and weren't afraid to let people know it. After failing to reach the top of AEW's stacked tag division, being usurped by FTR (who claim they are the best in the world) and screwed over by Page, more of the Bucks' old selves are showing again, cockiness and show-off highspots included. Same trajectory Omega is taking.

    That's a good insight but rather than saying that on TV they just keep asking 'what's up with The Bucks?' and we aren't getting promos or anything to explain it. It just reads to me as them not knowing what the hell they're doing and instead just making it up on a week-by-week basis.


    I lost interest the second they teamed up in an 8-man tag. And more every time FTR appeared on the Young Buck's YouTube show. There was (what could be perceived as) real life heat between the teams, but the more generic wrestling angles they do together, the more it's obvious that there is no heat, and that they're all friends really. Yet they keep referencing real heat that we know isn't real.


    It's similar to Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 26. Real life situation. Believable heat. Then Bret's doing typical phony wrestling nonsense like getting fake hit by a car. As soon as the guy is following a script, the idea that things are going to get violent with the boss is less interesting.


    I'm having a weird relationship to kayfabe these days. When I'm watching a TV show, I want to believe in the characters that exist in the world. AEW makes that very difficult sometimes. By referencing real heat, but also doing story heat, I end up not taking either seriously. I'd prefer it if they either took situations like this 100% legit (if FTR hated the Bucks, they wouldn't team with them, do skits with them, etc.) or 100% fake (introduce them fresh, create a new story that doesn't reference star ratings). I can't really blame them for bungling this. They put off the match, likely thinking they'd have crowds back by now, and you need to fill TV time somehow.

    True, them feuding over Dave Meltzer was a bit stupid.


    However, I can blame them for bungling it because they easily could have put The Young Bucks in a feud with a different team until they were ready for a collision course with FTR. There's no reason this shouldn't be a babyface Young Bucks against a heel FTR with both teams competing to simply prove who is the better team. The way they've got to this point and everything they've done has put me off because it's basically heel vs. heel now and I have no reason to root for either team. I'd rather they stick Best Friends in the match now, make it a three way and have them win the belts because I want to see that team win, not either of these two teams.

  6. - I'd like to see Wardlow go all the way and win the tournament, doing Omega vs. Page in the final just seems too obvious. I'm hoping there's a twist or turn but that's probably because I've seen enough Kenny Omega in main event matches to last a lifetime LOL.


    - Le Dinner Debonair was fun. I was really surprised by how strong MJF's performance was, he can sing, dance, talk, wrestle, perform, oh my. :D He made Jericho look like a bit of a slouch by comparison!


    - People on the internet tend to go a bit overboard but the Alex Reynolds situation was bad optics. Hard to believe nobody stepped in and took control, not even Rick Knox who has surely been around long enough to know better.


    - Anybody else not really that interested in The Young Bucks vs. The Revival? I don't know why but the stuff they've done with both teams in the last couple of months has put me off the match. I don't really care about it... and I probably should.

  7. I agree with what people are saying about the Women's division. Sometimes it feels like they put the women on the show out of obligation.


    Starting to get a little bored watching FTR wrestle every week. Keep having the same match lol.


    I'm hoping that Brodie dropping the TNT title means we get Brodie vs. Moxley II in the near future.


    Luther in the main event was bad but Serpentico in the main event was good.

  8. <p>Dynamite was a pretty strong show this week.</p><p> </p><p>

    - Expected Ricky Starks to win against Darby Allin, but I'm guessing they want to do a singles match between Allin and Cage so it makes sense to have Darby win here.</p><p> </p><p>

    - Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian are so good as a tag team. In fact, they're both just really good. If Sky gets a proper singles run I hope they don't leave Kaz out in the cold as I feel he's seriously underrated.</p><p> </p><p>

    - The Young Bucks pretending to be rebellious when everybody knows they are Executive Vice Presidents. Don't think it's a gimmick that suits them. Why have they pretended two weeks running that Nick Jackson is there but just off-camera?</p><p> </p><p>

    - I feel like the Inner Circle as it is now has run its course. Hopefully, putting MJF with them in some capacity reinvigorates the group. MJF vs. Sammy G would be nice, hopefully it leads to Matt Hardy being right about the Inner Circle not caring about Sammy.</p><p> </p><p>

    - Having a hard time imagining who Mox goes against at Full Gear if he beats Archer in two weeks, but I did notice that it was Fenix that was announced for the 8-man tournament and not Penta.</p>

  9. Late Night Dynamite was real good, I wonder if it was a dry run for producing a 1 hour TV show in the future since I have heard TNT are interested.


    Wednesday Night Dynamite was a bit rough this week I thought:


    - Miro & Sabian vs. Janela & Kiss was bad. Miro did his ankle in and dumped Sabian on his head and then it just seemed to fall apart after that. Not an impressive showing from anybody involved. Miro just played the hits here. If that was the plan this should have been a three-minute squash against Shawn Dean or somebody.


    - Page vs. Uno was longer than it should have been. No disrespect to Uno, he's a fine wrestler and his team with Grayson is great, but he's not on Page's level at all and I thought he hung around too long.


    - Yeah, don't think doing Brodie vs. Cassidy here was a good idea at all. Where do you go with OC now? The match should have been saved for later since I assume Brodie is going over Cody at Full Gear. They should have done Scorpio Sky vs. Brodie Lee here since Sky stood up for Cody against The Dark Order all those weeks ago and that would have tied in neatly with the post-match.


    - Women's tag match was an absolute mess. Botch Central. Ivelisse got tagged in and didn't seem to know what to do, hesitating before entering the ring. Then she whiffed a kick and tried to get out the ring despite being legal, so Diamante tried pinning Shida despite not being the legal woman having just tagged out like 15 seconds previously. Later in the match, Ivelisse got to the corner to make the tag so Diamante could come in and feed for Thunder Rosa who had just come in off the hot tag, but Diamante wasn't in the right position, she got the timings wrong so they had to slow down and wait for her to get up on the apron to receive the tag so she could feed. Not good.


    - I liked Kingston vs. Moxley, even though the live crowd didn't seem into it. However, there wasn't a single moment where I thought Eddie might win. With the benefit of hindsight, I don't think making it a title match was a good idea as it makes a mockery of the rankings system (again) and now they can't go anywhere with Eddie's umbrage at having lost the Casino Battle Royale without being eliminated. It felt like they were doing a program with that and now they cannot since he's lost his shot. I think the natural direction is Moxley vs. Ricky Starks for Full Gear, since I'd imagine Mox is beating Lance and Ricky is beating Darby.

  10. Wasn't Cage's reputation that he lost his title against a woman? :D

    He dropped the title to Sami Callihan and then did the job to the company's next top star on the way out, even though he was injured at the time. Even though he was a musclebound 250+lbs man and that next top star was close to half his weight and also a woman, he still took the liberty of putting her over strong, having her beat him clean as a whistle with no shenanigans and then embracing her in the middle of the ring.


    I think Cage's reputation is that of a class act and that might explain why Tony Khan gave him a contract despite his bicep injury and paid him in full when he couldn't work.

  11. Man did this segment kill itself off quickly for me. The first fakeout was kind of fun. But what idiot thought that Brian Pillman Jr should be the second one? They had the chance to spark a new feud and give a very talented performer his basic cable coming out party to a wider more average bear audience and they threw it away. When I look at the guys who've come here from MLW and look at how Pillman's been used, something just feels terribly out of whack. The rocket already on MJF's back has been upgraded and given higher grade fuel. Sammy's been saved from the shuffle and rocketed in his own right. The Lucha Bros have hyped as serious assets since Day 1. And then there's Pillman. I think of all the story Pillman got with mega stars of the sport in ML Dub. Kevin Sullivan. Low Ki. The next gen Hart Foundation with Teddy and Bulldog Jr. Story opportunities Sammy couldn't even sniff and Pillman's the one made to look this weak? Terrible, horrible miscue in my mind.

    Brian Pillman Jr is tied down to a contract with MLW - apparently he wants his release but they're saying no. He can't sign for AEW full-time so he's being booked just as any indie wrestler would be, hence why AEW are in no rush to make him look threatening. I think the point behind the fakeout was to set up a first match for Miro that makes some story sense in that Pillman Jr can be mad he was upstaged.


    What I'm most curious to see from AEW in the coming weeks is what they do with Orange Cassidy. Two wins over Jericho, now what?

  12. I'm watching Dynamite on FITE TV and, for some reason, all of the commercial breaks were cut out. Anything was picture in picture was removed from the broadcast. It ruined the show as I missed approximately 27 minutes of it and I ended up re-watching the main event on the Spanish broadcast, which wasn't cut but was full of little production errors and visual glitches.


    Hard to rate the episode because of this - but I thought it was pretty poor.


    The gauntlet just ended, the commentators were probably not cued in that the leg-lock was the finish but it was an underwhelming way for FTR to win a match with such high stakes.


    The Hangman Page stuff is overdue, I was surprised it wasn't all over the broadcast more with four or five segments. The Young Bucks are normally bad actors but Matt was very good in the segment later in the show. Kenny was conspicious in his absence - I don't much care about The Elite and the soap opera but hopefully it leads to Hangman breaking out as a singles star.


    MJF is a good promo, but not a dynamic promo. He spoke about at least five minutes but he didn't say anything we haven't heard before and he found it difficult to pick holes in Moxley and score a par against him. What can you say about the man who left WWE of his own accord, makes loads of money, holds the title, is the company's biggest draw, trains in MMA, runs regularly, is legit tough and has a smoking hot, beautiful and successful wife? How can you possibly score points against such a man?


    The Women's match was embarrassing. It was so bad on every single level. Penelope Ford has gone from a good, competitive match with Shida to working comedy stuff that will give Maffew a field day. That's all I'll say about it. Thankfully it was short.


    If it wasn't for my eagle eyes, I wouldn't have even spotted that they've announced an eight-man tag for All Out featuring the Dark Order against Cardona, Sky, Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall. Because JR either wasn't queued in by production that the graphic was coming up or he jumped the gun and started talking about Shida vs. Thunder Rosa when Schiavone was supposed to be talking about the eight-man tag.


    An off-week of a show for me, hopefully next week is better.


    On a more positive note, Brodie Lee was brilliant. He is remarkable and I am still baffled by what WWE did not see in the guy as he has absolutely everything that a villianous professional wrestler should have.

  13. Even on a talent level, I think Orange Cassidy is tremendous. Whatever people think of the "hands in the pockets!" as Excalibur would call, plenty has been asked of him and I think he has always performed admirably. He deserves great credit and the company too for having the confidence in him to main event Dynamite and do segments like the Debate that rely on the strength of his character and his personality.
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Allin vs Cage would be for the FTW title. Shida vs Nyla would have a stipulation like Falls Count Anywhere or Last Woman Standing. I'm not keen on Cardona vs Cody if they copy the Spears heel turn to do it. I'd rather Scorpio get the rub or circle back to Archer. Should be Brodie & Cabana getting the tag title shot while Bucks fight FTR in a #1 Contender match. Also Britt vs Swole.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm hoping they hold off on Bucks vs. FTR until they have the crowds back and I think there's a lot more story in the pipeline to build that particular match instead of doing it here.</p><p> </p><p> Part of me wants to believe that AEW believe in the tag division so much that they'll want to do a bumper match of this sort like the time the old NWA/WCW had Steve Williams & Bam Bam Gordy go on last against The Steiners. </p><p> </p><p> Something about Hangman switching alliegances, FTR getting coached by Arn and Tully as the more favourable tag team in AEW because of their old-school ways and then building it until you can feasibly headline a PPV with that match with some hella raised stakes. Maybe do Hangman vs. Omega on the same card? Maybe have FTR go in as defending Champs with The Young Bucks still not having held the AEW tag titles yet?</p><p> </p><p> I'm getting all excited now. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I think they have something special with FTR vs. The Young Bucks and I guess my only hope is they don't run it on an empty arena show when you could have an absolutely electric crowd behind it. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  15. I'm assuming it's Cody vs. Cardona for the TNT title at All Out. Although, I'd be intrigued if they had Cody lose next week against Scorpio Sky after interference from Cardona, if that gets us more Scorpio Sky on Dynamite then I'm all for it!


    The Debate was lots of fun. I thoroughly enjoyed Bischoff, who played his role to perfection. I think Cassidy wins next week, I really do.


    Mox vs. Darby was perfect, I did bite after Mox got hit with the belt followed by the Coffin Drop because you wouldn't lose anything by doing a three-way at All Out for the title, with Darby going in as the defending Champion. They didn't go that route and that's fine, I'm sure Team Taz vs. Darby is the story they do now.


    My only complaint about the show, and it's been a persistent one, is that Santana & Ortiz lost again. They feel like they're being wasted at the moment.


    Speculative All Out card:

    - Jon Moxley vs. MJF (AEW title)

    - Cody vs. Matt Cardona (TNT title)

    - Page & Omega vs. FTR (Tag Titles)

    - Shida vs. Nyla Rose (Women's Title)

    - Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage


    Looks great to me. :)

  16. - That Spanish Fly from Private Party was rough... they're still a work in progress but I enjoyed the match.

    - Janela vs. Archer was loads of fun and a perfect indication of what Archer brings to AEW insofar as Janela and Sonny Kiss benefited from working with him. I think he's been great in a low key way since he signed, everything he's done has been a thumbs up in my books.

    - The eight-man tag was balls to the wall wild, I just wish they'd stop talking about the tag rules. Just let it go... they're pointing out flaws in their own product with that stuff. Nobody watching really cares about the tag rules, we just want to be entertained.

    - Nyla is great, everything she does is convincing. I'm all for her and Shida having another war.

    - Yikes, that hematoma on Cabana... the match was okay, Stu Grayson looked pretty great but SCU feel a bit rudderless at the moment.

    - Orange Cassidy did not look out of place in the main event but I think he's better served as a midcarder winning than a headliner losing. A very very fine match nonetheless.

  17. PWInsider said her contract was up on June 30th but IMPACT expected that she would work up to and including Slammiversary in order to drop the title, at which point she would be done with the company.


    WON reported that Tessa didn't go to the tapings because she was concerned about getting back into Mexico, where she lives with her fiancee, with the always-changing nature of Covid-19 and the travel restrictions.


    To be honest, it feels like Tessa was never going to be at Slammiversary and she refused to send promos to stop IMPACT promoting a match that wasn't going to happen.

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