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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. <p>Ryder created his character for Z! True Long Island Story, he'd fit right into AEW from the perspective that he has experience writing and creating content with no direction.</p><p> </p><p>

    Rusev is made for the Inner Circle. He would fit right in because the man was always on point with his comedy but he has the presence and look to be a killer too. </p><p> </p><p>

    All in all though, I hope they are careful who they pick up. I hope it doesn't become like TNA who signed every ex-WWE guy they could in a hope that all of them were simply under-utilised.</p>

  2. With regards the releases, there's no doubt the timing is awful and on a moral level, this is a terrible thing for a company to do. It is not surprising though and some of these guys have been collecting $250,000 to like $750,000 per year to sit at home or sit in catering. They hoarded talent and refused releases just to keep people from AEW, I'm hopeful these releases open the door for some of these guys and girls to flourish elsewhere.
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crownsy" data-cite="crownsy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>according to the women herself, fake news. She's in Tampa as of last night. <p> </p><p> <a href="https://lordsofpain.net/rhea-ripley-is-still-in-the-united-states-despite-previous-reports/" rel="external nofollow">https://lordsofpain.net/rhea-ripley-is-still-in-the-united-states-despite-previous-reports/</a></p><p> </p><p> Now the truth is likely in the middle (she likely needs to renew, and guessing that renewal process is not top of list right now for either government) and she needs a renewal processed to be offical. She's not going home anytime soon either though with both countries having a travel ban in place. Also, Vince just got an exemption via the POTUS to tape in Florida, you think ICE is showing up for Rhea at those tapings? </p><p> </p><p> The Real reason is Ashley wanted the W as she always does at Mania, Vince booked the match not triple H (confirmed in interview with Trips as stated above) as Vince is convinced she moves the needle and is getting killed on Wednesdays.</p><p> </p><p> and what's the only time they've beat AEW? when the main roster stars were building S. Series.</p></div></blockquote><p> I have a hard time imagining Charlotte wanted the title when you look at Becky, Bayley and Sasha leading the divisions on the two main brands. Surely NXT is a step backwards for her?</p>
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crownsy" data-cite="crownsy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If Charlotte loses that title to anyone in NXT not named Rhea after Rhea's redemption tour then this is a huge waste of time. <p> </p><p> Lets see if she can move the needle on Wednesdays and stop them getting embarrassed, clearly why they did it.</p></div></blockquote><p> To be fair to them, Rhea's work visa has expired so she's had to return to Australia.</p>
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>WWE now has the same world champions as they did coming out of Survivor Series 2003...</div></blockquote><p> That's an amazing piece of trivia! Wow.</p><p> </p><p> With regards The Fiend and Goldberg, basically, from what I've heard, WrestleMania tickets have sold at a slower rate than they usually do. They will do anything to sell WrestleMania's live gate because they basically absorb losses for the rest of the year, what with the low and ever decreasing numbers of Network subscribers and live event attendance. They're in serious trouble, you don't just go and fire two VP's for no reason. Things are not good.</p><p> </p><p> Edit: My brother is on the pulse more than me and he says there's been no piece of advertising suggesting that WrestleMania will be on the WWE Network this year. He also told me than we you go to cancel your subscription, you get told that you'll miss the Elimination Chamber but there's no mention that cancelling means you will miss WrestleMania.</p>
  6. Great show.


    Loved the Jericho-Moxley segment, very much enjoyed the Cody tag which was a good moment for QT Marshall. MJF is money on the mic and the main event was great. Apparently Nick Jackson had flu heading into the match.


    Hangman Page is definitely coming into his own, I liked the stuff with him and Omega and I wonder if that's the direction they're heading in. Page vs. Omega for the next PPV?


    The next show looks stacked, I'm looking forward to seeing what Jungle Boy can do when he goes up against Jericho.

  7. <p>Yeah, I agree on the Cody thing.</p><p> </p><p>

    The episodes that were built around his feud against Jericho were stronger than the more recent episodes that do feel like they've lacked that story to bring everything together.</p><p> </p><p>

    I'm aware of why they are keeping Cody at arm's length from MJF, to preserve the story until they're closer to a show where they can advance it further, but the energy the show was getting from Cody vs. Jericho has been absent recently and I don't think the holding pattern of the more minor challenges for Jericho, nor the Moxley rampage are doing much to alleviate it. </p><p> </p><p>

    That's why I was hoping the Inner Circle were going to jump Mox after his match against Janela because I do feel like the inevitable Jericho vs. Moxley encounter needs accelerating if he's going to be the next serious challenger, just so the audience have something to invest in that will bring them back next week to see what the next chapter in the story is. Right now I don't feel like the show has that.</p>

  8. I thought the debut was a miss too, on an episode with three or four misses.


    SCU dressing up as the pipe band didn't make any sense to me (did they anticipate in advance that something bad was going to happen to Justin Roberts? did they prepare to ambush Jericho and his friends?) and was too chaotic. I hadn't clocked on that the band was SCU, but then their music hit and Excalibur explained it to me before I could find out for myself. Where was the bit where they face the hard cam, remove all their garb for the reveal and pose to their music?


    JR called Trent? 'Taven' during the opening tag match. Man, Botchamania could have its own regular compilation every week of bad AEW commentary. And the "All Elite Fleet" announcer couldn't have sounded any more bored or any less interested if he actively tried to.


    The Women's match was rough too. Kris was great, she is great and she needs to be signed yesterday. But I hate Emi Sakura's gimmick. I cringe every time she tries to get a reaction from the crowd with the cheap Freddie Mercury stuff. Queen are a great band and I love them but cosplaying is a Japanese thing, a real geek culture thing. It's difficult to do it and play it straight in American wrestling where people still reminisce of the Attitude Era and the authenticity of the storylines "back in the day".


    Sakura is a grizzled, hardened, Japanese veteran. Student of Joshi Puroresu, a stiff, competitive form of wrestling. She's come to the States to teach the young women wrestlers and her Japanese students a lesson. A lesson that will hurt, obviously. She can work for sure. But none of this really lines up with her gimmick, which isn't working for me nor is it working with the crowd. Yes she stands out but it's the kind of gimmickry you expect to see in one of those county fair outdoor wrestling shows. This is national television, there has to be standards.


    tl;dr, AEW need a lesson in presentation.


    Some things about the show were good. Mostly the wrestling. The wrestling was good.


    And I love The Dark Order video packages. They have some serious potential.


    And Wardlow's burberry tie was a little detail that made me chuckle but also made complete sense.

  9. Dynamite last week was a very good show. A home run in several regards.


    Great segment with Mox to start the show and I loved the video beforehand with Kenny.


    Hangman Page and PAC had a much improved match compared to Full Gear, lots more energy and a noticeably quicker pace. Good call backs to previous matches too. They touted it as the "rubber match" at Full Gear but I'm hoping they renege on that as they both seem to be coming into their own as opponents and now appear to have a very sound chemistry in the ring together.


    The MJF promo was money. Very fiery and passionate, good comedic timing with Jericho even if it did feel a bit forced and too rehearsed, but I can let that slide. He needs to lower his voice a bit though, speak clearly, not loudly.


    The short Allie promo was nice and probably the first time I haven't disliked Brandi Rhodes being on my screen so... yeah, nothing wrong with that!


    The idea of the Dark Order recruiting more members is a really good move. I wish The Wyatt Family had kept this story going for longer, so hopefully AEW give it the legs that it deserves.


    The finish to the main event was great. I love that they're making an effort with talents like Private Party, Darby Allin and now Scorpio Sky. I imagine this leads to Jericho vs. Sky for the AEW title on Dynamite before year's end, with PnP emerging as the next significant challengers for SCU's tag team titles.


    Early days, but they seem to run a better TV show than PPV, which is something I never expected to be saying.

  10. <p>I thought the opener was pretty good. PnP had to win and The Bucks were protected in defeat to keep the story going.</p><p> </p><p>

    Hangman Page vs. PAC was unbelievably boring, as in it was boring and I could not believe it. JR's commentary was awful all night but it was never as bad as it was here. He just speaks and seems to have no idea what he's saying. Nothing he says ties into the match. He keeps talking about the "pay window". He kept deriding Adam Page for using high-flying offence, like his role as a commentator is to be opinionated instead of just calling the action... wrestling has passed him by and AEW need to take the difficult decision and find a commentator that enjoys the show they are calling. The last few minutes were decent.</p><p> </p><p>

    I have no idea what the deal is with Shawn Spears. He was stuck in development hell for years and you'd think he'd have some real energy, some fire and the desire to take some risks and show WWE what they were missing. But he doesn't. Strike, punch, kick, stomp. Basic wrestling moves. Suplex, fireman's carry, whip into the corner, another strike. What's the deal? Why hire him? What appeal does he have? He's working the "WWE style" on a show that is so obviously anti-WWE. Why is Tully Blanchard in his corner? What does he see in Spears? The match with Janela was a DUD. The only promotion Spears was going to get over in is WWE, because they can present people in a manner that they can hide their weaknesses behind formulaic matches built around character work. AEW cannot, and we can all see why Tye Dillinger was never on Smackdown when we watch matches like this one.</p><p> </p><p>

    The tag title match was fun. I like all three teams. Fenix needs a singles push at some point. The result was right because SCU aren't going to be around for long so may as well let them peak now and then de-push them when other teams are ready to elevate the division further. </p><p> </p><p>

    Riho vs. Emi Sakura was a perfectly solid wrestling match that would have worked a lot better had AEW actually bothered to build it up on television. Great video package beforehand. Loved Kenny Omega's tweet. Where was that stuff on Dynamite? They've got to learn these lessons if they want fans to invest in what they are presenting.</p><p> </p><p>

    Cody vs. Jericho was a perfect smoke and mirrors main event that started dying a death once they stopped the smoke and mirrors. They worked at a snails pace because Jericho is 49, which really, is the best they can do. They obviously knew that they needed a story match for the fans to invest in because there was no way the actual work was going to get over. I was disappointed with the post-match. They had a great dynamic going with MJF and Cody and now it's just a standard pro wrestling feud built around betrayal.</p><p> </p><p>

    Omega vs. Moxley was another match worked at a plodding pace because it was going loooooooong. These kind of matches are not for me. The barbed wire bats part was a bit eeeeek, but I'm not sure what to say about the rest. It was... too choreographed. This match didn't feel as wild and as chaotic as I expected. It was very much a case of doing one spot and then the next spot with a whole load of putting things in place for that spot. It felt like a WWE match in that respect. Decent finish, and mad respect to both for the punishment they put themselves through.</p><p> </p><p>

    All in all, I'm not sure what to think but I think AEW have a better PPV in them.</p>

  11. <p>It's not that I don't know what Undertale is. For the record I don't, I'm not really an avid video gamer. But that's not the issue here. His match against Moxley is now a Lights Out match, which is a no DQ, unsanctioned match where nobody has the power to reign in Moxley's most destructive impulses. </p><p> </p><p>

    That they didn't present this little nugget having any effect on Kenny Omega was a missed opportunity, which is fine, because they aren't going to hit all the right notes all of the time. </p><p> </p><p>

    But that they chose this moment to have him, or rather, <strong>let him</strong> cosplay was the wrong move for me.</p><p> </p><p>

    I want to be invested in him vs. Mox, but when Kenny is doing his little fun video games stuff, it does take me out the moment because it's to the detriment of the story. I wanted to see a deadly serious Kenny selling the gravity of now wrestling this kind of match with somebody as unhinged and dangerous as Mox. I thought that would be the smart move.</p>

  12. It's a similar situation to TNA years back in that you cannot question the ability of the talent. Great people and great wrestlers getting a raw deal from the people in charge. They are dying too. Look at this attendance:


    Even for a nothing show, it's amazing how so few people will part money to see their product. They're on the road to nowhere at the moment and partially, as cappyboy said earlier, it's because they price their shows like they are the best promotion in the world and yet that's not been the case for somewhere close to a decade now.

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