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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. <p>I loved everything about the show, no complaints about anything. Very excited for the next one!</p><p> </p><p>

    Edit: Just a small thing but David Bixenspan mentioned how well AEW handled the media for the event and how different the experience the was compared to how WWE handles their media.

    </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedOther">

    <iframe data-embedid="ed42e49248afa2c7b292e14cc40bc637" allowfullscreen="" data-embed-src="<___base_url___>/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=embed&url=https://twitter.com/davidbix/status/1132725988565983232"></iframe>


  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Derek B" data-cite="Derek B" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The Bray Wyatt thing was.... bizarre. But in a way that could be interesting depending on how it plays out. I still want to see him unite with Bo.... Bray used to lead people with darkness and manipulation, Bo used to lead them with optimism and hope.... and both ended up angry and snapping on anyone who opposed them to varying degrees of success. They should play up the family aspect and work together on something weird and wonderful together. I think they could really make it work if they were given the chance to shine.....<p> </p><p> Another thing to note is that the buzzard and the witch may both be hinting at his future new sidekicks. I tried to ID the voices being used for them but I couldn't pick out who they could be. If Bray is going to go back to having a stable I find it interesting that he's got a male and a female in the mix this time, which would also be very good for adding something interesting to the women's division. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I haven't seen it but my first thought based on what you said was Nikki Cross, Eric Young and/or Killian Dain as the sidekicks. Sanity have done nothing since being called up, may as well stick them with Bray to give them some new life.</p>
  3. I don't think it's a work, I think they're controlling the story. Imagine if they didn't report it and then we get the whole is he leaving? is he staying? what's going on with Dean? rubbish for the next bloody eight weeks or so. They tour the UK in May and fans would have bought tickets expecting to see Dean only for him to disappear in April. Good on them for announcing it and drawing a line under it.


    With regards his reasons for leaving, he's wacky Dean Ambrose with the wacky line! I'm pretty sure he's always wanted to be taken more seriously but the creative he gets given just gets increasingly hokey. The latest stuff post-Heel turn has been the absolute worst of his career.

  4. <p><img alt="EO9m4dJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/EO9m4dJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    I've never had the note that somebody took most of the offence before and complete ate up their opponent <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Apparently it's a good thing though!</p>

  5. <p>IMPACT! is moving to the Pursuit Channel starting January 11th next year:

    </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedOther">

    <iframe data-embedid="f28e922348c0726cd5cd73052935924a" allowfullscreen="" data-embed-src="<___base_url___>/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=embed&url=https://twitter.com/IMPACTWRESTLING/status/1076130757289132032"></iframe>

    </div><p> </p><p>

    Doesn't matter how well you book or how good a show you're putting on every week if nobody can actually watch it. Pursuit is available in 28 million homes. POP TV is available in 68 million.</p>

  6. <p>Jimmy Jacobs recently gave a really interesting, enlightening interview recently about the process being a WWE writer: <a href="https://411mania.com/wrestling/jimmy-jacobs-details-like-writing-wwe-talks-working-vince-mcmahon/" rel="external nofollow">https://411mania.com/wrestling/jimmy-jacobs-details-like-writing-wwe-talks-working-vince-mcmahon/</a></p><p> </p><p>

    One thing that struck me as odd is there's a lot of going back and forth between the writers, the talent and Vince. You'd imagine the process would be more streamlined at this point given how long the show has been on the air.</p>

  7. <p>I think it's the card that people wanted. </p><p> </p><p>

    The main event is fascinating to me. Omega's deal reportedly expires in late January but I'd be stunned if he left the company and dropped the belt considering it feels like he's just getting started as champion. But this is Wrestle Kingdom and he is facing Tanahashi, who I expect to win here because New Japan has new management and they reportedly see Tanahashi as their biggest and most marketable star. Both results have big implications.</p><p> </p><p>

    I also have to give them credit for the roster they've managed to build over the last four to five years. It wasn't that long ago that they were running Togi Makabe vs Bad Luck Fale in a featured match at Wrestle Kingdom and yet it's unimaginable now that such a match would ever make this card.</p>

  8. <p>World Tag League booking was the absolute dirt worst. I trust that New Japan will get a free pass because fans and journalists are still wearing their rose-tinted spectacles and all but the final was a repeat of last year's and now none of it even matters because they're running a three-way tag title match at Wrestle Kingdom, perhaps to avoid running the World Tag League final again on the big show.</p><p> </p><p>

    Was the wrestling at least good? I skip this tournament every year because of rubbish booking like this. If they wanted me to take it seriously, how about running a fresh final match that actually means something for at least four weeks? At least make it important until Wrestle Kingdom! It's a lot of investment for no return because nobody is going to give two hoots about the winners of this goddamn thing even tomorrow now.</p><p> </p><p>

    Edit: They really are the worst promotion when it comes to stuff like this. Sho and Yoh won the Super Jr. Tag League for a shot at the IWGP Jr Tag titles and that's also a three-way for some inexplicable reason. So what have they actually won and what was the point in running a tournament? I suppose it's part of New Japan's "westernisation", nothing can make any sense or have any practical purpose anymore because they're taking the very worst elements of WWE and tossing them into the mixing pot instead of the storytelling that makes WWE's good side shine so brightly on occasion.</p>

  9. <p>I don't think Santana Garrett wants to be signed, or rather tied down. She recently taped for WOW Superheroes, a project that strikes me as female empowerment and that seems to fit her like a glove. She works for Ring Warriors and MLW too and is one of the few "name" female indie wrestlers of the last five years still taking bookings now Mia Yim has signed. Pretty sure Santana was at Starrcast during the All In weekend too. If you check her social media she's always pimping different products and generally just seems very very busy all of the time.</p><p> </p><p> Cheerleader Melissa hasn't signed because WWE was running Lumbergill matches and giving the women 4 minute matches when Melissa was working 30-minute barnburners with Wesna. I don't think she works as much these days, pretty sure she only pops up when it's time for a SHIMMER weekender or another season of Lucha Underground. Missed the boat on WWE wanting actual talent, just like poor LuFisto.</p><p> </p><p> Mercedes Martinez is one of those that I reckon they'd like to bring in as and when they feel they need her but she's 36 and she hasn't got over enough with Full Sail to force their hand like Cedric Alexander did. She's like Allysin Kay to me, she's a good enough worker but I'm unconvinced of the upside away from what they can do in the ring. Sometimes, like in the cases of Lacey Lane, Rhea Ripley and even Deonna, the best wrestler of the lot, there's a look, a personality and a character that follows them that is both appealing and marketable to WWE. I don't think Mercedes, or Cheerleader Melissa for that matter, have all the tools that make it logical to invest serious resources in them given their respective ages. Compare them to Shayna Baszler.</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of the Mae Young Classic generally, it has been pretty good so far. Perhaps a notch below last year's at this point but I feel like the focus has switched. Last year was about opportunity, they had lots of unsigned talent and they worked extremely hard to have good matches and raise their profile. This year's has been more character focused for sure with PC talent being given more of the limelight.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Greylocke" data-cite="Greylocke" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Enjoyed the NXT 3-way, and I like Ricochet......but hated the way they jobbed the UK Champion to a secondary champion. The Face of Brand shouldn't be losing to a second-tier champ from another brand. Especially with the new brand just starting their own shows. They should have let Adam Cole take the pin.</div></blockquote><p> Yeah I'm with you on that. Dunne was put over strong because he hit the Bitter End and was probably about to win, but the fans didn't pop for it nor Ricochet's Springboard 450. Bit deflating at the end. The match was good though. My guess is that these three will captain the teams for War Games next month.</p>
  10. <p>Omega vs Pentagon Jr. was decent, it had some fun moments. It didn't feel that special though... barring the Cero Miedo taunts during the v-triggers, there was no substantial character work on display and that was a disappointing because both are such eclectic, dynamic personalities. I expected them to say a lot without doing much. I got the impression (call it a gut feeling) that Omega wasn't all that motivated for the match. He just wanted to play his greatest hits and go home. It means that, in 2018, Sami Callihan had a superior match to Kenny Omega against the same opponent.</p><p> </p><p>

    Main event was really really fun. Bandido and Fenix are both super smooth with the gift of great timing and magical athleticism. I was really impressed with both, they managed to wow what must have been a pretty tired crowd (can't blame them, they had to watch an Okada match). Ibushi and The Bucks were there I guess, didn't do anything noteworthy though lol. Mysterio is one of the greatest wrestling talents of all-time so I was really happy to see him here.</p><p> </p><p>

    I'll probably watch the entire event at some point. I heard good things about Magnus vs Cody, apparently it was a good old school heavyweight wrestling clash. I'm looking forward to giving it a watch if that's the case.</p>

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rhyme1234" data-cite="Rhyme1234" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="40971" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Okada and Jay White named as next challengers for the Tokyo Dome contract! Your thoughts?</div></blockquote><p> I'm looking forward to the Jay White match. Their match at Wrestle Kingdom was my favourite of the night so this one should be even better now there's more to fight for, and White has coming along quite nicely in the last 9 months, he definitely feels more settled into his persona.</p>
  12. <p>They're probably doing Okada vs Omega at the Dome. People seem to like it, it draws big and it creates a lot of buzz both domestic and international. They still have mileage in the storyline too, there's champions and there's "Dome champions". Winning on the biggest show of the year is a different ball game.</p><p> </p><p>

    However, Omega winning G1 would be nice, if only to retire this silly stipulation of the G1 winner headlining Wrestle Kingdom. I find it hard to get interested in the G1 because the winner is always going to be one or two guys...</p><p> </p><p>

    I do think some people are trying to work a way into the unlikely WK main event of Omega vs. Ibushi though, I've seen interest in this match elsewhere too and for my money that isn't happening. They'll need to get three of their four top stars in the top two matches. Ibushi is perhaps the fifth or sixth top star. A clash with Omega is more a Dominion headline match than a Wrestle Kingdom main event at the moment.</p><p> </p><p>

    If they do run Omega vs Ibushi as the main, then Okada vs Naito has to be the semi main, nothing else will make sense when you structure the card because three of the top four stars will make up the top two matches, so three from Omega, Okada, Naito and Tanahashi. They can afford to leave one of their top four stars out (probably Tanahashi again), but having only two of the top four guys composing the top two matches will create an imbalanced card where two of the four wrestle in a match third from the top. Imagine a card of Omega vs Ibushi, Jericho vs Naito, Okada vs Tanahashi... it could work but it's a big gamble.</p><p> </p><p>

    They'll do everything in their power to avoid a WK8 situation again, where the top two stars made up the IC title match and the fans voted for it to headline over the IWGP Heavyweight title. They'll put their best foot forward, and right now that's Omega vs Okada.</p>

  13. I've only caught Pentagon Jr. vs. Sami Callihan from Slammiversary but man was I impressed by that match. It was refreshing to see a grudge match that was genuinely bloodthirsty, a proper old school plunder battle, it had me gritting my teeth at times. Good on Impact Wrestling for getting a crowd in the building that consisted of passionate wrestling fans too.
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>True. Otherwise it just becomes an overdose of an already meh gimmick match that has reached its creative peak by now.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking it's a tired concept at this point. Good for Carmella, by all accounts she's a lovely, intelligent person. MITB aside, does anybody think she was ever going to win the Women's Championship on her own merit? I have my doubts.</p>
  15. Quick Mania thoughts are as follows:

    - Asuka losing the streak was the right move, I felt it had run its course and I can't think of anybody else but Charlotte that should be ending it. Nobody else is a star like her, I don't think anybody is going to be at her level in the recent future either. Now let's see what Asuka has going for her but an undefeated streak.

    - Rousey was better than I expected her to be and the match was sports entertaining, it was hilarious and so melodramatic at the end. Steph, you know you can grip your hand again after Rousey breaks that grip right? Probably their intention but this was funny stuff.

    - Braun is such a star and the Nicholas stuff was brilliant. I got serious Hulk Hogan vibes with Strowman when he was celebrating after the match. HUGE POP too! He's really great and I can't imagine Cesaro and Sheamus will be disappointed, they played their part and a great time was had by all.

    - Who on this planet thought that the best thing for Lesnar vs. Reigns was to work a snail's pace and just have loads of finisher kickouts? It was incredible just how unbelievably boring it was to witness and it's no better on rewatch either. This was at the conclusion of a five hour show. They just popped big on comedy and then you give them that? It needed to be fast, intense and short, a sprint like last year's match with Goldberg. Roman deserved better than this absolute trash. Bust your ass 365 days a year for this pay-off, what a joke. Minus five stars because this match failed on every level.

    - How can Vince watch his own product and not put a main event on like Roman vs Styles? Roman vs Braun? Styles vs Cena? Styles vs Rollins? What is he seeing in Lesnar? This was the year to go with an exciting 30-minuter, a WrestleMania 19-esque main event, a superb display of atheticism at the end of a brisk four-hour show. This is the era they are in now. It's time to let go of TELLING STORIES and just put on a show for the crowd. The opener was a TV match and it was the MOTN on their grandest stage.

    - Back to me moaning about the length of the show but so much time was wasted. Did you need the SmackDown tag title match? Did you need Shane to go back and forth with KO & Sami when the whole story in that match was D-Bry's in-ring return? Styles/Nak needed to be ten minutes, save the proper match for a later date when your SD PPV card demands a 30-minute back and forth main event. Nia should have won in 30 seconds, again, save the actual match for later, this is just about the moment. They need to get from A to B as quickly as possible, right now they waste too much time middling about.

  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="steesh07" data-cite="steesh07" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25823" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've just recently watched Hacksaw Ridge and was definitely one of the best films I've seen in recent memory. Not really a fan of Andrew Garfield, always feels contrived and not really a believable actor. But the story (I didn't actually know it was a true story) was truly epic and definitely going to be worth another watch soon. I preferred it to Dunkirk too which I wasn't expecting.<p> </p><p> Anyone else seen Hacksaw Ridge?</p></div></blockquote><p> I watched it last month actually! Great film. Funnily enough, they actually played the drama down in the film because they felt the true story would be impossible to believe. Check out the Wikipedia page for the film as well as Desmond's page, the true story of his bravery during that battle is crazy.</p>
  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CQI13" data-cite="CQI13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>He needs to come back as a different character. Not something where he joins Hardy and then turns on him...not a tweak on the Bray character...something else.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The third Bludgeon Brother?</p>
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