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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. Kenny is taking it easier, enjoying himself and letting his body heal up. I think he's shown glimpses of the Best Bout Machine, I thought his singles matches against Trent and Sammy G during the Nightmare Factory taped Dynamites were excellent.


    I like how he's been very giving to his opponents. He gave Alan Angels the opportunity to show what he could actually do and they had a good match that put Angels on the map. In all likelihood, that match landed the young man a job.

  2. My parents have been watching AEW, bearing in mind they haven't watched wrestling regularly since we started watching IMPACT in 2010, but they watched a bit of WWE and they're stunned that WWE is the big leagues. They think the production on AEW is loads more professional and that WWE looks like a low-budget indie. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> They also find it hard to believe that WWE has been that successful in the past given how bad they think it is now.
  3. I thought Dynamite was really good this week, I loved Luchasaurus vs. Wardlow and the Cabana/Brodie vs. Janela/Kiss tag match was great too.


    The only things on the show I wasn't a fan of was the Cody/Hager presser, which was boring to me but I find that stuff boring in boxing and MMA so go figure.


    I didn't much like the Santana vs. Hardy match either. PnP are starting to feel wasted in AEW, they lose too much and their comedy schtick is fun but they need to back it all up in the ring. Can they just ratchet up the intensity and be badasses like they were in TNA please?


    So Nyla Rose's opponent for night two of Fyter Fest is too be announced, any chance Tessa could fill that slot?


    I know they're filming Fyter Fest this week, but she could have came to Florida secretly.


    I know she is full of drama right now but man, she's a top five female worker in North America. Maybe having her dad around could help ground her.

    I think it's Rachael Ellering. It's right down Tony Khan's street to hire Paul Ellering's daughter when she's a free agent and she recently tweeted that she's been ready to wrestle for ages, she's back, she can't wait to return, etc etc.

  4. A long overdue thread to discuss the movement that has unearthed what seems like decades of sexual harassment, sexual assault, abuse and generally awful behaviour within the wrestling community.


    I'd explain it all but I'd be here all day, just give it a quick Google if you're otherwise uninformed.

  5. Dynamite thoughts!


    - FTR's debut was rock solid. I was a little concerned that the beginning of the post-match was them building to Young Bucks vs FTR and I'm glad I was wrong. They better have a crowd in the building for that.


    - Penelope Ford getting the fall was an interesting development. Maybe she's Shida's challenger at Fyter Fest? I'm looking forward to seeing how she does in a bigger match since she's mostly been used as enhancement so far.


    - Colt Cabana has been very good in AEW, he's taken to the whole wrestling on national TV deal like a duck to water. Very excited to see what he does with The Dark Order. CULT CABANA!


    - What on earth was Brian Cage wearing? I'm really having a hard time buying into him and Taz. Worst of all, I could see Brian Cage winning just so they can promote Mox trying to regain the title on one of the shows when crowds return. They don't really lose anything by having Cage win it, if you catch my drift...


    - Marc Quen knocked it out the park in the main event. I'm on the fence about Hager challenging for the TNT Title because I feel like he has to lose and I don't know if that's the smartest thing since he lost his last big singles match against Mox. But I understand that Cody needs a credible contender they can build towards.


    Good show this week. Slightly disappointed for them because I hear the ratings weren't great, but then again not much was really promoted for the show.

  6. <p>Dark was an okay show this week. Some thoughts:</p><p> </p><p>

    - I liked that Lee Johnson got some more time to show what he can actually do. His match with 5 was rock solid.</p><p> </p><p>

    - The QT Marshall and Allie storyline is fun and the match this week with Zack Clayton (I'm sure I got this wrong) was a pretty decent affair. Clayton is worth having another look at.</p><p> </p><p>

    - Sonny is getting there. Hopefully they tag him with Janela since he's not really doing anything now the Sabian feud is over.</p><p> </p><p>

    - The main event is neither here nor there for me. Maybe it was too long but I liked how that played into the story with Brian Cage watching and Taz on commentary.</p>

  7. <p>They have been turning a profit for several years now, business has definitely been better the last five years compared to the five years before that so I wouldn't worry about their financial condition.</p><p> </p><p>

    New Japan closed down operations by choice, too. They weren't forced but they felt the safety of the wrestlers was paramount so they decided to treat themselves as though as they were no different to baseball or football. Until the measures in place to return safely and properly they're going to hold fire.</p><p> </p><p>

    Empty arena sports matches are returning to Japan in mid-June. I would expect NJPW to return in some condition or another during July or they may well just return with a modified version of the G1 Climax in August.</p><p> </p><p>

    But there's nothing to worry about, they're in very good shape.</p>

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Twitter is a cesspool, I am so glad I got rid of it. A buddy of mine said to me about a year ago, "Get rid of Twitter and you will be much happier." Now I was never really active on Twitter but I decided to take his advice and he was absolutely right.<p> </p><p> Same goes for Facebook, I got rid of it years ago after some crazy chick stalked me on it and told me she was going to show up at my house. That was enough for me and I got rid of it. That was one of the best things I have ever done.</p><p> </p><p> If I can give anyone any sound advice I would say either delete your social media accounts or severely scale back your interactions on such sites, you will be better off for it in the long run.</p></div></blockquote><p> Yep, 100% agree with this. </p><p> </p><p> We could all learn to be more compassionate and understanding of our fellow human beings, their flaws and their grey areas.</p>
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's a shame AEW can't get Finlay to be the road agent for the women as he helped the WWE women a lot over the years. That Nyla/Baker spot probably would have been scrapped or done differently some how.<p> </p><p> Does anyone know who the agent is for AEW's women division?</p></div></blockquote><p> I've heard from people on Twitter that it's Kenny Omega. </p><p> </p><p> You're right that a smart agent would have warned them against it or maybe done a role reversal with Britt landing on Nyla.</p>
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crownsy" data-cite="crownsy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>yea, I'm not sure who thought of that spot with Baker, but christ. <p> </p><p> Like, it was predictable that throwing a much larger person onto a smaller person sitting in the corner with no way to control the larger person's fall from below would be an issue I would think. </p><p> </p><p> Like, what was the correct way to land that spot they were going for? her having her legs flat rather than bent like they were so the chance of a broken leg was less?</p><p> </p><p> Fenix just went to up and down, by the time the group on the outside realized he was going to be way short there was no time to really react.</p></div></blockquote><p> Yeah, what were they going for? Even if the plan was for Nyla to land between Britt's legs, that's still going to be dangerous and painful for poor Britt. Maybe it went well during rehearsal? *shrugs*</p>
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Makhai" data-cite="Makhai" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So lets break this down for a second. Ronda signs telling them that she wants to have a baby, works Mania-Mania like a grown up, and then puts over Becky and leaves. Gets absolutely roasted.<p> </p><p> Becky canoodles with Seth until she gets surprise preggo and then HHH's the belt to Asuka, kills the business on the way out, and basically retires? She's revered like a patron saint...</p><p> </p><p> ??? </p><p> </p><p> I mean, happy for them. But this is a 30+ year old couple. Surely they've figured out how sex functions. Either she didn't want to do a job out the door, or she didn't give a crap about the WWE, and the state of the company, which put her over and signed her to a deal worth a ton of money. The least she could do is put Asuka over and then do the babymaking. Either way, Seth is really on fire. He may very well burn that whole company down at this rate.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's none of WWE's business whether Seth is wearing a johnny or not when he ploughs his missus. What is WWE's business is not having a pregnant woman taking bumps in the ring. Besides, they already have creative lined up for Becky Lynch's return, she'll be an ex-champ that never lost the belt.</p>
  12. I hope Dynamite stays on Wednesday's myself. As much as people want competition, I wish wrestling companies would do more to help one another sustain their audiences because the real competition is other programming that people are tuning into instead of wrestling. I'm not sure that dividing the audience helps with that.
  13. - Cash/Dash burst out laughing in front of Vince after Vince gave them pictures of their new look. While it wasn’t ideal, they were open to doing the comedy gimmick as it showed other sides to their characters and more time for character development for tag teams was a big deal for them. They weren’t sure if the comedy gimmick wasn’t just a joke at their expense, they told Vince and co that they would go along with it and have fun with it for as long as their deals last but after that they’re gone. wanted to be professional about leaving. The following week they were pulled from the road.


    Did you get the feeling that they were pitched the gimmick under the impression that they would refuse and thus, WWE could control the narrative more and paint them as uncooperative? It's all very odd that they accepted it and said they would do it, only to be pulled from everything immediately after the pitch.


    Another thing from the pod that I think has flown under the radar on the wrestling news sites was that both Dax and Cash agreed that somebody in WWE's creative team or somebody in upper management is responsible for all the leaks that land in the hands of wrestling journalists and the likes.


    They said that immediately after asking for their release, everybody seemed to know and they were getting text messages straight away from other talents asking them if it was true. They said they hadn't told anybody, so they have no idea how other people could have known unless somebody in talent relations was responsible.

  14. <p>I just listened to The Revolt, previously known as The Revival, on Jericho's podcast. I recommend giving it a listen. They come across as really down to earth guys who love wrestling and just want to give as much to the business as they feel the business has given them.</p><p> </p><p>

    Some key points:</p><p>

    - The <a href="https://i.imgur.com/QhKaXgg.jpg" rel="external nofollow">leaked images</a> of those comedy costumes and the supposed repackage are legitimate. That was pitched to them by Vince, Bruce Pritchard and Mark Carrano (sp?). </p><p>

    - Dax Harwood (previously Scott Dawson) made a point about Braun defeating the entire tag division and winning the belts with a 10-year-old at WrestleMania. Points out that there was no tag team match at Summerslam 2019 until the women's tag title was added at the last minute.</p><p>

    - They asked for their release after defeating The Lucha House Party on RAW, which was tactical because they didn't want it to look like they were bitter or they were complaining. I've looked on Cagematch and it looks to me like this was January 2019.</p><p>

    - They were vocal throughout their run about tag team wrestling not being taken seriously and they cannot understand why it is not pushed as a vehicle to make the company more money. They say that two singles guys slapped together are pushed more heavily as tag teams than the established tag teams themselves.</p><p>

    - Both Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler were each offered in excess of $750,000 per year to stay with the company.</p>

  15. Bit of a weird question here.


    I was wondering if anyone remembers a WWE dynasty that someone did years ago on one of the old TEW games (pre 16, can't remember which). It was called something like WWE Bizarro, or Bizarro-verse (or maybe something completely different - it was a long time ago).


    Anyway, the premise of the diary was that Vince McMahon stopped caring, and started doing crazy stuff with the product and behind the scenes. I wanted to look it up because: 1) it was crazy, and 2) I'm pretty sure everything that happened in it has come true, and I wanted to check if my memory served correctly.


    I can't seem to find it on any of the old forums, so if anyone remembered it and was able to point me in the right direction, that would be awesome.


    Please and thank you (and sorry if I've posted in the wrong place).

    Hi mate. I think you're looking for Captain2's WWE 2014: What did I just watch? or maybe The Hitchhiker's Guide to the WWE Universe?

  16. You don't know what you're talking about.


    Sakura Hirota vs Aiger in TEW2020 would be heavily penalised and the crowd would dump on it. That doesn't happen in real life. They are completely accepted based on their ability to do the comedy style. They don't get a bonus or a penalty for it irl. The crowd don't boo, they aren't silent, they react to that comedy match in the appropriate way.


    Your argument is good workers can power through the penalties or the penalties won't significantly affect the overall show rating. However, those penalties will discourage people from accurately simulating real wrestling companies and were only added because Adam Ryland is an inept, control freak developer who knows nothing about wrestling outside of WWE. The penalties make no sense and shouldn't exist.

    I think it depends on what you think the match rating or segment rating is supposed to reflect. Crowds enjoy Toru Yano matches, but if we're being honest they are two-star wrestling matches at best so them being penalised down to a 50 rating in the game sounds reasonably realistic to me.

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