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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. I'm wondering what's next for Cain, after his loss at crown jewel? :rolleyes:

    It was likely a one and done deal. Interestingly, Cain didn't have his own private jet nor a special charter flight. He got home at the same time talent like Heath Slater, Curtis Axel, Luke Harper and Ali did.


    Crown Jewel was, all in all, an okay show. I was irate during the Team Hogan vs. Team Flair match, because they did little to suggest Rusev was locked in a bitter blood feud with Lashley. There were moments when I thought 'wow, they don't get how pro wrestling works do they?', and then I remembered that this particular brand of pro wrestling is micromanaged to the nth degree so there we go.


    The decision not to put the belt on The Fiend at HIAC now seems all the more baffling too.


    Baffling is a good word to describe how I feel about a lot of the stuff WWE do. I wish I could say they're playing 4D Chess because that's the meme but consistently sinking ratings and an overall shrinking of their market would suggest otherwise.

  2. I thought the last Dynamite was a pretty bad show, the worst one so far for me.


    Shida vs. Shanna was rough, I didn't see much from either lady that convinced me. I've seen Shanna wrestle in person and feel she's better when she can have the lions share of the offence and have fun with the crowd. Shida was every Japanese wrestler ever. Knee strikes aplenty, nothing unique about her in terms of, this is national television and what are you bringing to the table? I don't know how these people get signed over Jody Threat, Big Swole, Kris Stadtlander and the likes, but there's a reason IMPACT has been building around Tessa, Jordynne, Taya and Rosemary for the last 18 months. They are interesting in a way that nobody in AEW's division is.


    There was also a surprising lack of mention of Riho, which I expected because surely every non-title match is about putting yourself in contention for a title shot. Having a Champion that isn't there, and not having Bea or Britt Baker on the show when they're working an angle, all this stuff is a mistake on a weekly broadcast when you're two weeks removed from the PPV. Are we getting a Women's match at Full Gear? This was surely the week to try and advance towards that.


    I don't know what to say about the Brandi video or the attack on Jamie Hayter last week but it's all bad television for me and she's god awful in the ring, so no thank you.


    The Cody and Tony limo skit was change the channel worthy. Low volume, mumbling, boring, Jeff Jarrett-esque this is my territory, everything should be about me gimmickry that needs to go out the window ASAP. I don't know how anybody watches that video and green lights it to air on national television. They need segments with more urgency and more intensity to lock viewers in and keep them interested. That segment was a miss for me.


    I HATE Kenny Omega in AEW. The match was okay. It was every Kenny Omega and The Elite match ever. Bunch of stuff nobody understands, some moves and they win. They decided not to advance the Kenny vs. Moxley thing outside of it now being unsanctioned for "reasons" and Mox being annoyed, but Kenny just showed up as though he was just a bloke there to cosplay and wrestle with his friends. What does he have to say about the match being a Light's Out match now? He can't have been that bothered or phased by the whole thing because he still put on his costume and had some silly video play before his match. I don't understand any of it. I am 24, this stuff shouldn't be going over my head. God knows how anybody 40+ watching this show feels.


    I did, however, like the opener, the contract signing and the main event, even though I think SCU were the wrong choice. Lucha Bro's are fantastic. Having them lose to a roll-up and then going off the air in such a sudden fashion wasn't great and I would have preferred a more decisive finish and a longer post-match celebration angle so I could soak it in a little more. It lacked a pomp and pageantry. Needed more confetti and pyro.


    It all felt a little hollow this week overall. Not much was progressed and there was very little work done to build towards Full Gear. I can only hope next week is an improvement but the people I am watching the show with are already losing patience. I'm pretty sure they're out if Cody wins next weekend, even though he does feel like a top babyface star in a way that Kenny and Moxley don't so... I don't know. I don't think he's winning.

  3. The word on the dirts is that FOX is looking for 3.8M viewers on average to consider this worthwhile. If that's the number. Everything makes sense.

    Dave Meltzer has said that FOX wanted a 1.0 in the 18-34 demo number, and they got 0.75 on Friday night. I don't know the exact number but I think the show was watched by something like 2.5 million viewers.


    Is the show moving to FS1 a demotion of some sort?

  4. Adam Cole - I get, and see, that he's very good in the ring, and great at being an asshole, but I've never seen anything that makes him special, or at least, I don't seem to see what others are seeing.

    I've always wondered why Adam Cole, out of other Create-A-Wrestler Templates, has been considered a standout guy when, again, he just comes off like a Create-A-Wrestler Template (number 2 or 3, depending on the game).

    Yeah I've never understood it either. But he was a lock to sign for WWE the moment he got noticed. He was young, good looking, always reliable in the ring and he had bounds of charisma for somebody so inexperienced. I remember everybody thinking as far back as 2013 that WWE signing him was a matter of when and not if. But, I really don't think he's come along and developed very much further since then.


    My educated guess is no. They had a huge content gap with UFC jumping to ESPN+ and they saw the WWE as a stable property that could give them what they needed. The stock was up, the talent was all over ESPN, Stephanie was running PR. They were doing philanthropy. If you looked at the WWE from the outside you'd think the company was booming.


    Then you watch the TV, you hear the crowds, you look at the year-over-year rating declines.


    Any sensible person would probably pull the ripcord on this, ASAP. But, FOX needs a lot of content. And with NFL, MLB, and a huge amount of sports content, they will probably keep them for a good while until they can figure out what else can give them this much content. Or put together a package of things that could. Live-action sports products(which is how FOX views them) are highly prized and expensive. Look at what DAZN is spending for middle-teir boxing bouts and you'll see what's happening.


    So I don't see them canceling at least until next fall.

    Ah, that makes sense.


    Surely, all things considered, they knew that Brock was the only "draw" on that first show that was sticking around. Right?


    They must have known the ratings would drop once normal service resumed, which makes their supposed discontent, and the firing of Bischoff all the more baffling to me. Did they think 4 million people were going to tune in to see The New Day vs. The O.C.?

  5. NXT has gone from a show on the Network that probably drew something like 500,000 viewers at best, to a show on a major television network that now draws 750,000+. It makes them $30 million a year guaranteed just by being on television. Not to mention the 10,000+ fans they do at the gate for the TakeOver specials, essentially doubling the take they were doing at the gate for PPV's.


    Yes, they sign talent that doesn't have the rosiest future on the main roster. Some are signed to improve NXT as the tertiary brand, as the wrestling-heavy alternative to the main roster. Like Roderick Strong. I'd sign him in a heartbeat if I ran a wrestling promotion; he's rock solid, reliable and very good on his day. He's not gonna cut a terrific promo but he's serviceable enough to create an interesting programme, as he has done with Velveteen Dream and Pete Dunne recently.


    I'm sure WWE are delighted with NXT. To be at this point, when, five years ago, it was just a tiny operation at Full Sail University is remarkable if we're being honest.


    With regards Bayley, I like her heel turn because she's not super over as a face. She's the first ever women's Triple Crown Champion and the first ever women's Grand Slam Champion. She has a title win at WrestleMania under her belt too, a big deal because "the stars" always win at Mania. This all should suggest that she's a major player and a superstar, but I don't feel she is and I don't think she was ever going to be.

  6. I think there is a pretty big gap between reviewers and the general public as to what folks like. Anything that is overly PC or is usually praised.


    Yep. A good example of this is Warcraft (2016). 28% on Rotten Tomatoes, with an average rating of 4.3/10, but rated 6.8/10 on imdb.

  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="fullMETAL" data-cite="fullMETAL" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>AEW's twitter just posted that Jericho will be defending the belt against Cody at Full Gear.<p> </p><p> Probably the first question that would be asked as a result is: will Cody ACTUALLY book himself to win it, or will he pick the better business option and have Jericho successfully defend?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> In all fairness I think Cody has been presented better than anybody else on the roster so far.</p>
  8. I think it's dumb Sasha can legit throw a tantrum, sit out for months, and then get a big push. Why work hard when you can act like a 2 yr old and get the same chances?

    Uhh... I'm not so sure about that. Sasha is fighting for the Championship now, which is concerning for her because we're six months away from WrestleMania and Becky Lynch is still the big star around here. If I'm Sasha, I'm assuming now that I will be long removed from the title picture by February. Pre-show Battle Royal, probably.


    Plus, I feel like they're transferring her heat to Bayley, who has proven herself to be more reliable and capable in their eyes. They'll placate Sasha because she makes them money and she can work but I think she has let herself down. She thinks she is better than how they present her but roles like the Iron Woman in the Royal Rumble shouldn't be shunned. Fans remember things like that.

  9. I put spoilers in white. Probably too late, but is this a spoiler-free thread?


    That was the story. Hangman stepped up but Jericho was too experienced to not get the job done in the big match.

    There wasn't much that they did bell to bell that suggested to me that the story was Jericho being more experienced and more savvy. ( He got hit with all of Page's greatest hits, including his finisher, but he kicked out of that. :/ & Jericho bladed! They had the heel bleed - did they want their audience to sympathise with Jericho and not Page?) The match didn't work for me.


    But everything else on the card I thought was rock solid. (Rhio winning was probably the right choice as she's got reasonably over with the AEW audience in her appearances so far.) But this women's division has, to me, got off to a rocky start. I don't have much confidence that they're choosing women based on their ability to have good matches. I'm concerned the division is going to be a vehicle for telling stories, like DOMINANT NYLA ROSE, CAN ANYBODY STOP HER? and uhh, I'd rather just see good wrestling matches as a start?


    Still, lots of talent both signed and unsigned. Kris Stadtlander needs to be hired yesterday. Jody Threat, KC Spinelli, Davienne, Raven Creed, Jamie Hayter (my fav <3), Christina Marie, Shanna... If this division they're building doesn't kick ass they've only got themselves to blame.

  10. <p>Kenny Omega looks like a geek and loses matches. How is this persona going to translate to American live television?</p><p> </p><p>

    Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix are money. Amazing tag team and brilliant singles performers. There's so much mileage in them.</p><p> </p><p>

    Whatever <strong>it</strong> is, Adam Page does not have <strong>it.</strong> He did not appear to be in Jericho's league during that match. Jericho was the right call. He's a star.</p>

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I wouldn't be surprised if 205 Live ends soon. Maybe Gallagher to NXT UK, Gulak/Nese/Tozawa to the main roster and everyone else to NXT.</div></blockquote><p> Well, it's been said that the NXT contracts will become main roster contracts and they'll all get a bump, so they'll likely trim the fat considerably and make NXT's roster a lot more "cost-effective". They're already inundated with talent that doesn't get on TV anywhere near enough.</p>
  12. They sold out shows and did record attendances off the back of imported New Japan talent but you'd have a hard time convincing anybody they did much good for the promotion at large long-term. Nobody really got a rub. Lots of multi-man matches with fall guys or NJPW's premier talent winning singles matches against the talent RoH were trying to elevate at the time. Okada beat Dalton Castle in 2016. Two years later Dalton Castle was RoH Champion. It's not a good look really.
  13. The first Women's Champion will be Britt Baker if she's healthy. She was signed from under ROH's nose, she appeared on the rally show thing they did, she's been front and center on promo material and I believe she's appeared regularly in Being the Elite. It was pretty telling how quickly Britt made her Twitter profile pic the one of her on an AEW background and started pimping the promotion way before Double or Nothing happened. Kylie Rae and Nyla Rose were signed at the same time but were still using old profile pics and pimping upcoming indie appearances. I feel like Britt was always earmarked for something greater.


    Of the female talent they have, Britt has the best profile too. She can carry the character of a confident champion, the very best of a competitive division far better than any other talent they have. She comes across as that person, somebody that can be brash and arrogant when heel, but capable and credible when face.


    Kylie Rae is going to be better chasing, she's obviously compared to Bayley too often but the role of bridesmaid and never the bride suits her down to the ground. From a story perspective, starting her off at the top doesn't make much sense. She's got that underdog charisma, somebody that is going to resonate more with audiences the more the odds are stacked against her.


    Nyla Rose will win the belt within the first couple of years just so they can have a monster champion "of sorts" but she's not polished enough yet to carry a burgeoning division that will live or die on match quality at first. It's dead in the water if it starts on the wrong foot. Britt is more reliable and more malleable a talent. She reminds me of Tessa, both of them can have a decent match with anybody but you have to put some serious talent in there with Nyla to get a good match out of her. She can work but she's not at the level they need her to be to be setting the standard.


    As for Brandi and Awesome Kong, they'll do the Aja Kong match and then I'm not sure after that. Kia Stevens has been a revelation in Netflix's GLOW so I'm holding out for her branching away from the Awesome Kong gimmick and doing more. I get the impression that Brandi has signed her specifically to work with her so I could see a long-term Brandi and Awesome Kong storyline, perhaps with some moving parts, over either of them winning the belt at first.

  14. The Antonio Brown saga literally just happened. Also, could you imagine if TO had social media for his driveway workout saga that to this day he'll still take shots at McNabb over? There's been plenty of examples of people doing this stuff in every walk of life, and every profession. We're on the surge of a wave that's about to see 2 companies attempt to claim significant market share off the WWE. Enjoy the ride, I only see more of this.

    I have no idea who Antonio Brown is, you'll have to enlighten me on this one.

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