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Everything posted by rufas2000

  1. Best I understand its based on a worker's stats and destiny roll. The destiny roll represents those variables that make the difference between a superstar and a could have been. When a worker's stats change so does the popularity cap but a bad destiny roll is what it is. I've seen a couple of workers hit their cap then go up 1 on pop as their stats increase. This was after a year of them being effective stars. One thing I've heard (but haven't checked) is that using the in game editor you can edit a worker's popularity to 100 then lower it to its prior level (or not lol) and that will eliminate the cap. I haven't tried it but I will to see if it works. (Edit: there is another thread that states this option won't work. I still will try it.) If you try this I would suggest waiting until a worker hits the cap as one of the signs of reaching the cap is that all areas of a region are at the same level. Therefore it's easier to roll back the next day to its prior level. (It's hard to remember it was 80 in the Midwest, 78 in the Southeast, 81 in the Tri-State etc.). Other than that potential "cheat" there is no way to get rid of or get around the cap. It's actually a popular feature among many users as it ensures that skilled players running major feds don't have a roster of 95-100 pop workers. FWIW: Adam altered the most severe level of the cap so it isn't as damaging.
  2. Wrestlers have a window where they are considered "cool". That would be the relevancy phase. Often times in real life a wrestler's persona won't be "cool" or as cool so the usual bits and such won't work as well. So their promos won't get the same reaction. The game simulates this with a "relevancy phase". When a worker is no longer "relevant" her or his entertainment skills begin to suffer as that wrestler's schtick doesn't impress the audience like it used to. Ahead of their time means the worker never enters that phase (or its delayed) so her / his entertainment skills don't decrease. That wrestler's persona never gets old because it was cutting edge. Its a bit of a misnomer as "ahead of your time" also means that the fans in general don't get the persona. An example would be Steve Austin trying to get his Stone Cold persona over as a face in 1985. Many a famous author struggled because they were ahead of their time and thus it took years after their death for culture to catch up. I would think wrestlers work the same way. I think Bad News Brown was an example. He was over as a heel but in 1997 ould have been a face, not in 1989 though. Even as a heel he was pushing the envelope.
  3. Thank you. I tried using an iPad and Chrome Desktop. Not something I'd want to do again lol. I was hoping that since the Surface was a Windows device it would be easier to use the touchscreen as a mouse. TEW would be one of the major things I'd use it for along with other gaming (not modern titles as I know the Surface doesn't have the graphics card for it) and other common computer tasks. TEW and other games on the go (Diablo 3) would be nice. Thanks again.
  4. Hello. Has anyone had any experience trying this? I tried a search and found threads for 2016 but not 2020. I'm pretty sure the game will run fine but I'm concerned about using the touch screen to interact with the game. The interface is sometimes a bit challenging using a full size keyboard and monitor. So how is it using a touchscreen on a smaller monitor? Added context: I understand that the Surface Pro has a keyboard attachment. While I would probably get that at some point I'd rather use it as a tablet. Thanks!
  5. I can say its at least partly random because I try to get many workers to do it (no downside that I can see). Some workers will do it in one save but not another. As a matter of fact I think all of my targets (SWF, not everyone but several) have done it and have rejected it in different saves. Its usually half of them do it (or a little less) and half don't but which ones do are different. I've never gotten far enough to see if they later change their mind but I assume there isn't two separate responses for no reason. If they say "not at this point" I would assume at another point they might be open to it.
  6. LOL. I was doing it in the mid 80s. Hence no John Cena. It was modeled after local NWA territories so Greedo was my main face (not really Ric Flair but a charismatic technical wrestler, no Space Mountain). Darth Vader was a manager. Luke Skywalker was the "Alliance" World champion who travelled all the territories (I only did mine). Boba Fett & Bossk were my main team. The Gammorean Guard was a beast. I know Han, Lando, Chewie etc. played roles as faces. IG-88 was a villain. That's pretty much all I remember. I didn't get far because I would stage the TV shows on the hour for a full hour (I'd just relax when a commercial came on). It would also be on the day (or at least the week) it was in real life. For Christmas Eve I probably did it earlier in the week. I did something similar with dominos. I would sign people that weren't on TV (though I missed gimmick changes / wrestlers under new roles) or smaller feds. If they later signed with a big fed I let myself keep them unless they got a big role. Anyway memory lane trip done. Hopefully the off topic was OK with everyone....
  7. They just show up and be themselves. They have no specific role and they don't wrestle. They are useful to add pop / charisma etc. to an angle to get the other folks over.
  8. I have a Christmas Eve PPV. Which I would never do in real life (be home with your families) But Christmas Eve is my favorite night of the year so I like to do special things. My Star Wars action figure fed had a supershow (no PPV) when I was a kid so I carried on in TEW.
  9. Thanks I forgot to mention I also had Scythe join him as the one to punish those who were the "enemies of Joy". I actually liked what I did there but I bloated up the roster, 2020 came out and it sorta got lost.
  10. As I posted earlier I'm with you on Patriot. I placed him in a tag team with Lenny Brown, unmasked him, named him Karl Crowe and they are running a "buddy cop movie" gimmick. He's the straight man to Brown's charmer personality. I also have the same feelings toward Des Davids that you do. I stuck in a tag team with Primus Allen (renamed Allen Primus). I had them go on a winning streak in preparation for a feud with The Awesomeness. But while Davids got stuck at 79 over Primus reached 86 OVR as his cap. So I don't want to job Primus to The Awesomeness and I just signed Huggins & Stone to feud with the Awesomeness (as part of a revived Chase Collective). So it looks like the Davids / Primus team is on a kind of hiatus (and undefeated) so Primus can get his singles push. Maybe I can circle back around to it.
  11. Yeah he's my SWF champion right now. As Jimmy Hernandez. He's a face. In another save on 2016 I renamed him Lance Joy and had him do a sort of Jimmy Fallon gimmick. Once I realized that was a bad idea I turned him heel and gave him a positivity preacher gimmick. The "House of Joy". I ran that for several months. He had John Greed as a hype man, McClean and Joe Sexy (renamed Joe Pure or something) as deacons and I had a couple of other people as well. Feuded with Valiant among others.
  12. Great idea. Allow several ringside slots with assignable roles (which determine which attribute is used to calculate what they add to the match). Manager, bodyguard, eye candy, tag partner / associate being potential roles.
  13. A simple QoL suggestion. When the user books the road agent notes for the match there should be a "book this match" button so the user doesn't have to hit x and then "book that match". Maybe some people like to look over the basics after selecting the road agent notes but I (and I'm guessing others) would rather skip this step. Most common mistakes already have warnings attached ("you have a champ in the match but it isn't a title match, injury etc.). Its very counter intuitive to me. I'm used to it now and it's no big deal but it would be a nice streamline if it can be done. The user can still hit x and the interface will behave as it has been.
  14. I used to do TCW. I loved Sammy in 2013. I would either make him my lead face and champion or a cult leader. I remember Tana came via an C-Verse update so in that sense a worker who is over and not terrible was a pleasant surprise though as has been said he's no great shakes.
  15. Another one from the SWF is the Masked Patriot. Great brawler, decent skills and is fairly over but in 2020 is loving your country (which I am American and I do) the basis for a character? I don't have nor want characters who hate America for the Masked one to defend America against. American Geopolitics in 2020 isn't simple anymore like it was in the 70s and 80s (America good, Russia & Middle East bad). Now if I wanted to run USPW Patriot would fit because they are in a timewarp and have a couple "Russians" on the payroll. Plus Valiant is doing a similar thing but is more versatile, better looking and more over. Of course I could change the gimmick but he's 100% face, refuses to lose the mask and I don't know what he looks like. Also his brawling is his only calling card, the other stuff is decent to solid. I tried Eric Lee everyman and I've tried "The Hood" (a masked just avenger type) but it just stalls. Edit: "Captain America" might occur to someone. Yes Captain America (Steve or Sam or whoever) is a search for what it means to be a patriotic American in 2021. Great stuff for movies, TV and comics. I don't think it really works in Wrestling (and Our Masked friend probably isn't quite good enough on the mic or acting to pull it off). The WWE tried this level of nuance with Mohammad Hassan but he ended up resorting to stereotype. But I don't know how they were going to develop that story regardless. Its not impossible but wrestling is not an ideal medium for this level of introspection and nuance.
  16. I use him in a tag team with Steven Parker. Keeps em busy, improves the tag division and if a spot opens I can always split them up. I like Parker especially.
  17. So the opposite of that other thread. Unlike its opposite which anyone makes sense if they strike your fancy in this case the worker in question would be someone who is an important part of the company you like to play, otherwise you just wouldn't book her or him. For me its Rocky Golden. SWF is my jam, but I can't do Rocky. I grew up on wrestling in the 80s so I'm over the Hulk Hogan "Superman" deal. How do I make this guy believably vulnerable? Also I like to bring my own icon up and I prefer more skilled workers (though Rocky is pretty good, especially for a bigger guy). I tried to play a save with him but I wasn't feeling it (not just because of Rocky). So I restarted and had Rocky go away to film a movie for a year and have Joey Morgan as a heel champ (believable and can pass it to the big face I build up). I gave Morgan +10 in over (to simulate him beating Rocky after a feud with him). In a year he returns and with my company humming along I might have a role for him as a big player but not an icon. Probably a heel also.
  18. In 2020 (and 2016) Mikey Lau as I imagine him to be an angry fighter (like Wolverine). Mainstream Hernandez as he is a younger version of Sammy Bach (star quality, solid basics, high flier) who might be my all-time favorite to push. I'm an Angry Gilmore mark too. Though he's aging a bit in 2020. Remo as a Brock Lesner type. Atom Smasher as I'm feeling the classic 50s sci fi trope though i don't know exactly how to play that in a wrestling fed.
  19. Hello. I want to book the SWF with a more Attitude era (product settings and a generally more mature feel, not necessarily all the Russoriffic stuff). Also I want to have heroes and villains but I want to be able to have heel vs heel matches. I also envision plenty of grey area characters. I'd like to be able to do stories where two rival heels or heel stables fight (because they certainly wouldn't all be friends ala 80s family sports entertainment and while they might work together occasionally or have strategic truces they aren't going to just not compete with fellow heels over titles, position, prestige and money). Question: should I have the face vs heel divide but not enforce it or should I have it turned off entirely? Thanks! Note: posted in the general gameplay questions thread as well. That one appears to be more active but this one is probably a better fit.
  20. Hello. I want to book the SWF with a more Attitude era (product settings and a generally more mature feel, not necessarily all the Russoriffic stuff). Also I want to have heroes and villains but I want to be able to have heel vs heel matches. I also envision plenty of grey area characters. I'd like to be able to do stories where two rival heels or heel stables fight (because they certainly wouldn't all be friends ala 80s family sports entertainment and while they might work together occasionally or have strategic truces they aren't going to just not compete with fellow heels over titles, position, prestige and money). Question: should I have the face vs heel divide but not enforce it or should I have it turned off entirely? Thanks! Note: posted in the SWF thread as well.
  21. I had Valiant and Scythe run for a year. Valiant would work his way up, challenge Scythe and lose. In November Valiant finally beat Scythe and did so in December as well, winning the feud (Scythe had a couple of previous wins). I'm pretty sure it was a storyline for a year but I might have broke it in half when Scythe challenged Mikey Lau for the SWF title in a graveyard match (Lau won via Valiantference) Edit: looked it up. i restarted it when I had Rogue join as Valiant's untrusted ally who of course betrayed him (though he said reluctantly, he saw the way things were supposed to be and HAD to align with Scythe). there was no break but I restarted it for some reason.
  22. Hi. I think the road agent notes screen should have a "book segment" button. It would be much easier than having to "x" out of the road agent notes to book segment. I'm guessing most players add the road agent notes last (because most of the other stuff has to be in place before assigning the notes) and have no need to go back to the match screen except that with this interface they need to book the segment. The normal warnings ("The champion is in this match but the title isn't set to be defended" etc.) would be in effect. If there's an advantage to having it the way it is now then make it a player option. Just a suggestion. Its not a biggie but it would save time.
  23. Hello. I actually play with timing disposition changes (the "it's been too soon since her / his last turn") turned off. One of the reasons why is that there is no way to do a "fake turn", a temporary turn where a wrestler acts like the other disposition for a short period of time. The most recent example is MJF gaining Cody's trust before costing him his match with Chris Jericho. Another well known example is The Rock turning face temporarily before being revealed as the corporate champion at Survivor Series 1998. I know the MJF one would qualify as too soon since the last turn in TEW terms and I think The Rock's would as well but they were both great storylines. A good TEW C-Verse example would be Rogue (a conman type) gaining Valiant's trust then stabbing him in the back in his war vs Scythe. This is the way it would work. The player would set "prepare fake turn" and would have to follow the normal procedure and receive the normal penalties. Once the turn is completed the game would use some randomness, product settings, segment ratings, the avatar's creativity rating and worker abilities to calculate if the fake turn takes. If its botched the penalties are more severe when the worker is turned back. This gives a risk - reward factor and the player has to determine whether they and the worker they chose can pull it off. Also the worker should be good at both dispositions. On a related note in 2016 a worker from development comes in with a disposition. I think they should be treated as a debuting worker once. If they've only appeared on my dev fed I shouldn't be locked into a disposition. Maybe also allow disposition changes within the first 3 appearances. Think Doink who acted like a face at the very first. It would also eliminate those interface errors where the player misses that they were set to heel that would never happen if they were a real booker. With disposition timings turned off all these issues are eliminated along with the challenge of doing well executed turns. My suggestion is a middle ground.
  24. No but there is a sort of strange magic to it. (I had a longer post with several song titles but I spared all the livin things reading this).
  25. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="soxfan93" data-cite="soxfan93" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51990" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You can't run a show without a match, so Total Divas and Tuesday Night Titans are impossible to replicate.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Tuesday Night Titans had highlights and full matches from the WWF's cable house shows and their TV shows (think the promo movie clips of talk shows except longer). Throw a couple of those in there. Of course the match to angle ratio would be way off but its doable.</p><p> </p><p> Never watched Total Divas</p>
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