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Everything posted by DarK_RaideR

  1. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> The episode begins with Hustle Muvva meeting with Brother Grimm, the scene clearly re-decorated from what it was when Big Magic was in charge of proceedings in GSW. Muvva's sweet talking Grimm and thanking him for being included in the King of California brackets, but Grimm responds that he's not paying Muvva to sit idly until then. Tonight he'll be making his debut in the main event to face Long Beach Crew. Muvva asks who his teammate will be and Grimm reveals it's going to be Fro Sure, wishing him luck. (Rating: 51) The opening match saw Wild Things go up against the high flying rookies G Force and Shooting Star Perez. As was to be expected, both teams went into this full force, flying and flipping around in a crazy bout that allowed them to showcase their high flying offense and devil may care attitude, but it was the teamwork of Wild Things that tipped the scale in their favor against the rookies and Top Dolla's Dinero Driver was enough to put Perez down for the count. (Rating: 37) BB Colossus and Boneyard are standing in a dark corridor of the Warehouse, the tight space amplifying their massive frames that block any ambient light. The Tag Team champions are watching a replay of their match at Degeneration on a smartphone, specifically the moment Sayeed Ali showed up to hit a G.B.H. Driver on Travis Century, who is suspiciously absent. The short vignette ends with Boneyard crushing the phone in the palm of his hand, grunting in anger. (Rating: 54) Capp took out his frustration for his loss to Aces High at Degeneration in this bout, turning it into a proper streetfight. PE#1 was all too happy to oblige and walk down his "Path of Rage" against the veteran, using his fair share of weapons during the match. Both men were wearing the crimson mask by the third minute and kept slugging it out till the fifth, until Capp nailed the Mafia Kick to get the pin. (Rating: 34) With Deaf Touch by her side and the West Coast title around her waist, Foxxy LaRue has something to say. The baddest bitch in this business is not happy with Brother Grimm's machinations, as she's just learned that Motor City Made will be teaming up with Magwitch next week. LaRue warns the clown who attacked her at Degeneration that she and Touch won't be having any of his tricks and sooner rather than later, she'll make sure he pays for laying his hands on her. (Rating: 57) The main event was nothing short of spectacular, easily the best televised GSW match to date and one of the best ever behind the Ladder match at Degeneration and the Cage match where Slick won the title from Deaf Touch. Much of it had to do with the excitement and mystery of Muvva's debut, although the former IPW star and Georgia native got his fair share of heat from the fans, which was worked into his struggle to work together with Fro Sure. This in turn was a stark contrast to the experience of LBC as a team, but Muvva proved he's willing to do what it takes and held onto Aces' trunks to secure the pin, wrapping up the episode in striking fashion. (Rating: 58) </div>
  2. Sanders versus Blake "The Living Legend" Sean McFly versus Tavon Blake Jr. "The Miracle" Mike Dalton w/ Persephone versus Cal Sanders "American Bombshell" Mellow Flashhart versus SUPREME Yoshida Yoshida has more potential, but I think she needs to build up her popularity first Zap versus Jonah Pilgrim
  3. Great stuff Bison. I'm stealing that Jimmy Dillon for my Big Magic
  4. A similar story like the one in June, GSW once again found themselves a single point behind IPW in terms of show ratings, with both companies somehow managing to get the exact same scores. The twenty-something increase in attendance for GSW who caught up and now overtook IPW is not quite major news, although it should translate into an uptick in revenue given the company's premium-priced tickets, the real story however lies in WrestleWorld viewership. GSW have the lead yet again in absolute numbers with nearly 10.000 more viewers than IPW, it's the increase since last month though that really tells the story: From 24.434 to 26.806, some twenty two hundred more for GSW month-to-month, compared to IPW's 17.041 to 17.474, a mere four hundred new fans. Brother Grimm's media savvy seems to be paying off as far as exploiting this new means of reaching fans in all of North America and if the trend continues, he could be breaking past the strictly local and into the regional territory by the end of next month and his company's grand King of California show, which includes the annual tournament for which the company just released this year's brackets. Disclaimer: For those eager to predict, there is still one month leading up to the tournament month, so 4 weeks of television, one monthly show and 4 more weeks of TV. I'm just putting out the brackets super early as part of the buildup and storytelling leading to it all.
  5. Good to see my boy TBJ in the tournament! He should fit in just fine with the product style COTT World Tag Team Championship High Concept versus Mr. Grappling & Sandman Winks © Eight Man Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit Roughhouse Riders and Harvey MacDonald & Rodney St. Pierre versus The Cadillac Four w/ Lucinda Lush Singles Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit Wild Red Stallion versus Jonah Pilgrim
  6. <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000 30%, #FFFFFF 100%); black; border-style: solid; border-width: 5px; max-width: 85%; box-shadow: 0 2px 15px ";"> The show opened with a three way women's match, Foxxy LaRue keeping everything together in the ring with her two rookie opponents. Given LaRue's credentials, it was hard not to make this match one-sided, even with Diamond and Punnen working together against the veteran at first, so the way out proved to be weapons, crazy stunts and all around chaos, both helping the rookies catch an offensive break and hiding their shortcomings. LaRue still got the win with a pinfall on Punnen, but at least the opener went of for a good ten minutes without overstaying its welcome and primed the audience for the rest of the show. CJ Weston came out next with a mic in hand, looking like he was going to address the audience. Weston: "I think by now there's a pretty clear image of who the top competitors in HWA are. But we've only seen them go at it one against the other. I'd like to see how they handle themselves in a somewhat more... compromising situation, so next month our main event is going to be Antix... against Xavier Reckless... against Xavi Ferrera... against Sayeed Ali!" Only a month after they tried to destroy each other as opponents, misfits Magwitch and Mutant were teamed up against Dead Men Walking, who showed up this time with Travis Century at their corner. The odd pairing were no strangers to extremely bloody hardcore violence, which is what Dead Men Walking brought in spades, but what they lacked was the honed teamwork of their opponents. Gravedigga and Mobstar were mostly the aggressors in this bout, though the sheer size and power advantage of their opponents made it hard to bully them around. This became evident when they tried to hit their tag finisher on Mutant, who was able to power out and hit both his opponents with a MuTNT, the hot new move he debuted just days earlier in Puerto Rico wrestling for FCW. Using that proved to be the turning point of the match and one TMNTurner later, Magwitch and Mutant were declared the winners. Jock Shock hit the ring together, but instead of opponents, out came GSW's veteran brawler, Hard-1! His arm still heavily taped and in a sling, the Texan grabbed a mic and addressed DeMarcus and Gray. Hard-1: "Listen up, kids. I've been following both your progress since before you came to HWA. You're great wrestlers. But, no offense, I'm not sure if you can keep it together when the going gets tough and sweat turns to blood, if y'all know what I mean. So I came out here to make you an offer. Let me do you some coaching. Let me teach you what I know about hardcore wars in and out of that ring. First session's free too. See, tonight, you both got singles matches. Let me be on your corner, help you out, see how this works out. Then we can talk business, alright?" Having Hard-1 seconding him was weird for Tyrone Grey and it threw him off a couple of times, mistakes the veteran Antix exploited to seize control of the match and beat down the youngster. This beating though gained him tons of sympathy heat from the crowd, even though the flow of the match felt somewhat choppy and did no favors to either man's style. When he finally made his comeback, Grey was able to chain together a flashy sequence of moves that built up to his finisher, but Antix cut him off once more. It was when Grey finally listened to Hard-1's play calls from the sidelines that he turned things around, in quite literal fashion too since he rolled through a pinning predicament and managed to get the three count over his opponent instead. Nate DeMarcus had a tough task ahead facing Xavi Ferrera, but going against such an athletic opponent allowed him to showcase his own athleticism as well, with leaps and flips on top of his usual power game. Hard-1 was at ringside once again and caught a Ferrerrarana off the apron for his troubles, but it was DeMarcus who got the last laugh when he hit a returning Ferrera with a Snap Tackle and held him down for the three count. Ali and Xavier threw everything they had at each other, including tables, chairs, kendo sticks and their own bodies used as weapons. This was a wild fight that just could not be contained inside the ring, the two men brawling among fans and frequently grabbing items from them to smack each other with. Reckless was true to his last name and hit some crazy dives off seats and stairs, but the rugged Ali had enough resilience under a thick skin to survive and eventually come out on top after nailing his opponent onto a chair with a G.B.H. Driver. </div>
  7. <p><strong>Ryu</strong> vs. TJ Perkins</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ryback and Low-Ki</strong> vs. Sniper Eagle and Tomohiro Ishii</p><p> </p><p> Black Taurus vs. <strong>Pentagon Dark</strong> - Lumberjack Match</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Who would you like to see in this week's "Meet The Warriors" post?</em></p><p> </p><p> b) Black Taurus</p>
  8. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> Pre-show: G Force defeated Devyn Retribution, Jo Baker, Sheila Maivia and Shooting Star Perez. (Rating: 24) Magwitch defeated Sayeed Ali. (Rating: 38) Fans who showed up early for the pre-show were treated to two dark matches. The first one involved G Force triumphs over three rookie opponents, while in the second Magwitch was able to pull off an unexpected victory over Sayeed Ali in a hardcore fight that had the audience primed for the main portion of the night. Viewers of the show on WrestleWorld were treated to a short vignette before the opening match, with Brother Grimm in Big Magic’s office. Grimm provided a brief summary of recent events (with scenes from each edited in one there was a mention) such as the rise of HWA under CJ Weston, the presence of Travis Century at the Warehouse, the revival of State of Destruction and the attack on himself that sidelined him for a while. Big Magic pointed out it’s been a rough patch, but he’s been putting in the work to make things better. Grimm reminded the Commissioner that last month at Gatecrasher, he’d heard the same reassurance. “Clearly, John” he said, shockingly referring to Big Magic by his actual name “it seems I need to take a more… hands on approach”. The camera backed away slowly, just as Brother Grimm placed his hands around Big Magic’s throat, letting viewers fill in the rest in their heads. (Rating: 54) Both teams involved in the opening match have been wrestling together for a very brief time period, but they’ve both shown that magic link between them that translates into effortless, instinctive teamwork. Stash and Swoll especially make for a visually impressive and physically imposing duo, elements they played up as they isolated Miss Jones in their corner for a beating, cutting off her access to a tag. In a moment of desperation, Jones was able to turn a Running Powerslam from Stash into a Tornado DDT and tag Public Enemy #1 in, who did his best to fight back. They almost managed to pull it off too, but right as they had Stash in place for some kind of tag move, Swoll blind-tagged himself in, hit a decapitating lariat from the outside on Enemy and caught Miss Jones with the Pounce to score the pin. (Rating: 35) Foxxy LaRue and Mexico’s Finest were already staring daggers at each other as the collars were being applied so the match could begin. Despite minimal buildup, the stipulation alone was enough to get the rabid GSW faithful hyped and howling for extreme violence. LaRue came hot out the gates going immediately for the Flash Head Kick, but Finest was able to deflect her leg and take her to the mat for a prison style beatdown. The opening minutes in the match were all MF and any attempts the champion made for a comeback would get shut down when the big bad Mexican would yank the chain, utilizing his power advantage to bully LaRue around. Things took a turn when LaRue responded in kind, using her weight and momentum to perform an armdrag-like movement with the chain that sent Finest over the top rope and to the outside. This still resulted in Foxxy’s throat taking all the pressure as if she was hanging from a noose, so she quickly hopped over the ropes as well to grab a breather. The brawl continued at ringside and LaRue pressed her advantage trying to make up for lost ground. Mexico’s Finest may have been out there without the rest of Los Guerilleros but he is no slouch and he held his own, especially when he noticed the bruises around his opponent’s throat and focused his offense there with chops and a vicious Hard Times chokeslam onto the ring steps. Finest took things back inside the ropes looking to wrap it up and claim the title, but LaRue hit the Flash Head Kick out of nowhere, this time connecting to drop the big man, herself collapsing on top for the cover and a dramatic pin for her first successful defense of the West Coast title. (Rating: 40) The champion got little reprieve despite her win, because Magwitch decided to get to the ring after the match. Referee Vinnie Moore barely had a chance to remove the collar before the psycho clown shoved him away and hit LaRue with a Stump Piledriver. Magwitch then grabbed the title belt and laid it over her fallen body, placing a foot over it all and striking a pose while taking in all the boos. (Rating: 39) Fan support was split for this one, though Top Dolla and Tavon Blake Jr were arguably the half of their respective teams that got the most cheers. Dolla also did most of the high flying for his team, with Mayhem utilizing his experience and keeping things more grounded as the ring general. Things weren’t as fluid on the opposite side, with TBJ putting on some decent wrestling but E-Soteric’s ego getting the best of him several times and preventing him from being the most cooperative of teammates. Through blind tags to force himself in or trying to steal the spotlight by being the one to score the pin, E-Soteric was being reckless and irrational, a fact that slowly turned fans against him and almost got him into an argument with his partner. Wild Things tried to use any dissent to get in control of the match, but E-Soteric had that scouted and was able to keep Max Mayhem down for the three count, albeit using the ropes outside the ref’s field of vision. A bittersweet victory for Blake who didn’t seem to approve of his teammate’s methods, whereas E-Soteric celebrated the win as if he’d just reclaimed the West Coast title. (Rating: 43) Brown Pride entered this match with a solid gameplan, using hit and run tactics to deliver their attacks and get away before the champions could retaliate. Their speed and athleticism advantage actually made this a surprisingly competitive match, though there was always the feeling that either Boneyard or BB Colossus could end the fight at any given moment as long as they had a single opening to hit a big move. Brown Pride also introduced several weapons into the match, which State of Destruction were all too happy to use whenever they could, something Travis Century ensured through various sneaky assists, whether that meant sweeping an opponent’s leg or shaking the rope, distracting the ref or passing a weapon to his team. It was Sayeed Ali, of all people, who showed up to remove Century from the equation when he hit him with a G.B.H. Driver and while this was enough to distract Boneyard and allow Brown Pride to get back into the fight, an ill-timed springboard crossbody from MexiCain saw him getting caught by BB Colossus and then driven into the mat for a pinfall. (Rating: 40) In the semi main event, Aces High went up against Busta Capp and neither man held back, delivering a match that turned out better than it sounded on paper. Aces seemed really motivated in this match, up against a veteran and former American champion. This was his chance to break through into the upper midcard or even main event scene, as he’s held the West Coast and Tag Team titles but never the top prize in GSW, so he hit some unusually reckless high flying moves here and there. On the opposite side of that, Busta Capp had to once again fight for every inch of ground he’s earned all these years, a string of big losses lately seeing him slide down the food chain somewhat. Although in strictly wrestling terms the in-ring action didn’t involve anything too flashy, there was a lot of fire, passion and fighting spirit on display as the two men clashed for nearly ten minutes until Aces High hit the Dead Man’s Hand for a shocking victory over Capp. (Rating: 41) The American title was raised above the ring for the main event and the participants made their entrances, each getting a loud reaction in what seemed would be an evenly split match in terms of fan support as well as in-ring skill. The interesting part was how, even though the match was a straight out brawl, each man brought a different flavor to the bout: Slick was the big heavy hitter, DT threw in some stiff strong style blows and Fro Sure was his usual scrappy self fans love to see in somewhat of an underdog role. As for the ladder, Fro swung it around as a weapon, Slick drove his opponents onto it and Deaf Touch launched himself into an impressive Crooked Moonsault onto both his opponents, a move that popped the fans but did little towards winning the match itself as it couldn’t end via pinfall and the move took a lot out of DT too. It all came down to resilience and toughness, something Deaf Touch excels at. As the match went past the ten minute mark, it seemed like he was close to reclaiming the title, but Fro was able to grab him from beneath, pull him over and execute a scary Sure Thing piledrive off the ladder. Fro was slow to start climbing though and he ended up with Slick on the opposite side, only for the defending champion to put an arm around his throat and chokeslam him off. With both his challengers reeling, Slick went up and retrieved the belt, silencing critics and keeping the gold around his waist for the foreseeable future. (Rating: 60) As the show draws to a close, lights go out, the big screen and the speakers come alive. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2YNxM70iCiU" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Hustle Muvva! The three time IPW Californian champion is at the Warehouse! Still on top of the ladder, Slick raises the GSW American title in a challenge and the show goes off the air (Rating: 49) </div>
  9. Mind? It's not like I've trademarked anything, I probably stole those too from another diary. That's the beauty of these forums, ideas circulate and inspire other writers. Not requesting a spotlight, but just to make sure, is White Rabbit played by Karrion "Killer" Kross?
  10. Congratulations to the winners and all participants. Some great quality diaries going on.
  11. <p>Dang, missed the preview and Martina's spotlight! No predictions for me this week, though it's probably best for my numbers as I'd only gotten Dreamer vs Rabbit right <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Another great show!</p>
  12. <p>Demon Hardcore Match</p><p> <strong>Brothers In Vengeance (Battle Sakata & Hiroshi Morisue)</strong> vs. Kimi Kawano & Eiichi Umehara</p><p> </p><p> Hardcore Encounter</p><p> Washi Heat vs. <strong>Toyokuni Hardcore</strong></p><p> </p><p> Special Tag Match</p><p> <strong>INSPIRED (Tornado Nagai & Morimasa Kato)</strong> vs. Azumamaro Shimizu & Masashi Urogataya</p><p> </p><p> Tag Team Action</p><p> <strong>Taiji Chajima & Taheiji Konoe</strong> vs. Takuro Awatari & Kyuichi Matsumoto</p><p> </p><p> Six Man Tag Action</p><p> Noritaka Imakura, Shuga Amano & Ieshige Nishio vs. <strong>Ritsu Ibata, Yuta Isono & Sozen Ishinomori</strong></p><p> </p><p> Tag Team Action</p><p> <strong>Cloaked In Shadows (Prowler Igarashi & Shadow Ichimori)</strong> vs. Big Boss Emperor & Goro Hatamoto</p>
  13. <p>Xavi Ferrera & Nelson Callum vs. <strong>Rich and Famous</strong></p><p> Furniture Showroom Showdown Match</p><p> Notes: <em> Established team plus assists from Longan and Youngman</em></p><p> </p><p> Madman Boone vs. <strong>Ash Campbell</strong></p><p> Notes: <em>Feels early to put Ash over Boone, but feels like he's strapped to a rocket. Plus Boone should be on decline</em></p><p> </p><p> For the Right to be Called the 'Baddest Man in PSW'</p><p> Deadbolt vs. <strong>Devil Dog</strong></p><p> Notes: <em>Never liked Dead Bolt.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Cerberus</strong> vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester</p><p> Backstage Food Fight</p><p> Notes: <em>Might be the night's most entertaining bout</em></p><p> </p><p> Who is Jebediah's Mysterious 'Nephew?'</p><p> <strong>Jebediah & ???</strong> vs. Blood Soldiers</p><p> Notes: <em>No clue</em></p><p> </p><p><strong> Samoan Machine</strong> vs. Vendetta</p><p> Notes:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sayeed Ali</strong> vs. Teddy Powell</p><p> Parking Lot Brawl</p><p> Notes: <em>Ali vs DAVE has such promise as a feud</em></p>
  14. First of all Croq, your work lately is off the charts good. I particularly appreciate some full body renders, like the thick-thighed Ursula Saez or Minh Ruby in that dress. Second, as someone who enjoys GSW and has noticed a lack of black skinned worker portraits for too long (at least prior to TEW20 using those from WMMA) this is just the thing. And if not for KP Avatar or random workers, they can always be used to put Fro Sure under a ton of wacky gimmicks <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
  15. Quick update on this, I had a corrupt file mess with the memory card I had WMMA5 installed on, so the save got messed up and I had no backup. As such, this diary is unable to continue, but thanks for reading so far and I hope you enjoyed!
  16. Jacob Fatu is a great pick, always thought he'd be great inside a Japanese ring. Hard hitting and Los Ingobernables... I'm guessing we got Shingo Takagi incoming.
  17. This is actually a pretty interesting concept. Downloaded the mod and played through the first couple of years, very much liking it. Thanks.
  18. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> Motor City Made kicked off this go-home episode before Degeneration with a promo. Foxxy LaRue announced that Deaf Touch would be facing the previous West Coast champion, Tavon Blake Jr, in tonight's main event, a warm up for the main event of Degeneration, where he would be involved in a three way match with Cali Slick an Fro Sure for the American title. Meanwhile, she would be defending her newly won title against Mexico's Finest, correcting Los Guerilleros for calling her a bitch: she's not a bitch, she's the baddest bitch in this business and she will prove it when she makes the ex-con her bitch, fittingly in a Dog Collar match! (Rating: 54) Speak of the devil, Mexico's Finest was in the opening contest against a woman many see as a younger version of Foxxy LaRue, a preview perhaps of what fans can expect at Degeneration. Black Diamond held her ground admirably against the hard hitting Mexican, but with LatiNoFear and MexiCain at ringside, it felt like she was outnumbered from the start. Once the brawling spilled outside the ring, Los Guerilleros zoned in for a 3 on 1 attack, a move that quickly wrapped up the match to allow their leader to chokeslam Diamond with his Hard Times finisher and get the pin as he's headed for his big title match. (Rating: 32) Who'd have thought there would come a day in GSW when an all-white tag team would get cheered over the likes of Devyn Retribution and Omar, but such was the case as the vocal audience deemed that neither man really fit, given their lack of apparent charisma or any overly violent redeeming quality. This was one of the two surprises of the match, the other being Top Dolla actually carrying this hardcore bout, despite being in the ring with veterans. Max Mayhem is beginning to show signs of declining physical ability, something that cripples his high flying style hard, and it was down to Dolla to hold things together, which he did thanks to his signature balcony dive and a huge Dinero Driver that earned him the pin over Devyn Retribution. (Rating: 33) Having someone with the technical prowess of TBJ was a blessing for Deaf Touch, as it allowed him to showcase his own straight wrestling acumen, something that often gets lost in the chaos and graphic violence that is GSW's hardcore matches. Though short, this 7+ minute match was a glimpse of the legitimate skill the two competitors possess and Foxxy LaRue's presence at ringside only served to add excitement to the match as she played it straight and only encouraged Deaf Touch without interfering in the match. The big finish saw TBJ go for a release version of his Black Plex finisher, only for Deaf Touch to flip around and land on his feet, responding with a superkick that set Blake up for the Crooked Moonsault and pin. (Rating: 45) To wrap up the final episode before Degeneration, a video was shown from inside Big Magic's office, which the Long Beach Crew were visiting. Slick was busy finalizing his upcoming title match details with the Commissioner of Violence, but Aces High jumped in to make a request, since he did not have a match scheduled. What he asked was a one on one against Busta Capp, a chance to redeem himself for taking the pin the week prior. After a quick check of his notes, Magic concluded that he did have room in the card for such a money and given the setup, there was money to be made if he made it the semi main event, so Aces better do well or his failure might affect Slick who'd be wrestling next... (Rating: 43) </div> A first-ever in this diary, announcing the card of a major event in advance! This is not a prediction contest, but feel free to post your picks if you want to. I figured I wanted to keep these things vague at first while the roster is still shifting (and to represent the "card subject to change" feel and unpredictability of GSW) but as I'm near hitting the next size level, I'm thinking of a few new things to introduce in order to celebrate and showcase that bump, prior commitment to show cards among them. It's still at an experimental level until I hit that level though.
  19. Thanks and welcome! Hope you enjoy, got some big stuff coming up in a few (in-game) months, so stay tuned. Also, a big thank you goes out to Historian for nominating this in the DOTM thread, apparently doing so raised awareness and brought some new readers here (or at least made some silent followers decide to make their appearance known).
  20. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> Motor City Made were in the office of Big Magic as the episode kicked off, the Commissioner of Violence mentioning that tonight's main event would be the Long Beach Crew against Busta Capp and Fro Sure. He also admitted that the winners would be in an advantageous position to make any requests, which fired up LaRue to claim that if Fro Sure keeps pushing for a title shot, Deaf Touch could not be counted out. Besides, she and him won their match last week. Magic's response was that there was little he could do regarding the American title, but he could work around the West Coast title. LaRue's response was that she'd be glad to put her title on the line for a chance to smack Mexico's Finest around and shut his big mouth, but the only way she'd be doing this would be if DT also was involved in a title match. (Rating: 46) Not seen for a while, both G Force and Omar made a return to work the opening match with their high flying style and excite the fans for the rest of the episode. Though they sported similar hairstyles and wrestling moves, G Force was able to connect with the audience and get a pop for his spots, unlike Omar who got the all too familiar "boring" chants. This was most evident when G Force hit a corkscrew dive through a table, which Omar managed to get out and despite coming up empty, G Force still got a loud pop for his stunt, with Omar getting booed next once he took control of the match. Fans got what they wanted though when G Force caught Omar in a small package and was able to score a quick pin, much to the veteran's dismay. (Rating: 29) Miss Jones just can't catch her break after her return from being injured, it seems. It didn't help that this match was heavy on the hardcore action either, something she's not quite versed with, but her involvement was limited anyway when MexiCain took her out with a vicious unprotected chair shot to the head, earning heat for himself and sympathy for his victim. This left the rookie PE#1 to do the heavy lifting for his team, in what was essentially a 3 on 1 handicap match, as Mexico's Finest was also around the sidelines. It was an uphill struggle, but clearly one he could not hope to win and after plenty of punishment he took defiantly, a recovered Miss Jones was hit with the Border Toss and pinned to end the match. (Rating: 32) As soon as the match was over, the lights went out and a pre-taped message was shown on the big screen. Travis Century cut a promo to hype up the upcoming Tag Team titles match between State of Destruction and Brown Pride saying they should be careful what they wish for, because they just might get it. The wording per se was pretty standard, but Century's calmly menacing delivery, Boneyard and BB Colossus being menacing behind him, the lighting and the scenery all made for a very entertaining promo. (Rating: 51) Things were explosive in the main event before the opening bell even rang and LBC jumped their opponents before introductions were over to start things off. The action quickly spilled out of the ring and followed a frantic pace, with all four men brawling wildly all over the Warehouse. There was no time to play out the strained relationship between Aces and Slick or to show whether Capp and Fro were getting along, this was frantic and action packed in order to get the adrenaline of the audience flowing. This intensity made for a hard hitting match but also one that felt it could end at any time, in either team's favor, so when Capp finally hit Aces High with a Mafia Kick for the pin, the place erupted and the episode ended with Capp and Fro celebrating with the fans as Slick crawled back into the ring to check on his teammate. (Rating: 54) </div>
  21. Piledriver Wrestling presents Hotlanta Hassle 1997 Wednesday, Week 1, August 1997 Live from Atlanta, GA Announcers: Dennis Sims and Micky Starr Rich Money opens the show by making his entrance and grabbing a mic to speak his mind. Money: "Settle down and let the champion talk. You people will never be as rich, as talented or as good looking as I am… or as smart, so shut up and listen, you might learn a thing or two. You don’t have to be like me, hell, you don’t even have to like me to realize that I’m on top of the food chain here. I’ve beaten everyone there is to beat. And honestly, I expected more when that man over there in the announce table joined this company. I expected new talent. Someone even remotely close to my level. But I got none of that. So I’m guessing I’ll just have to take this title on the road and defend it elsewhere. Who knows, maybe if I get out of this dump and head to New York I might be able to…” Starr: “Hold on a second there, Rich… I gotta hand it to you, you’ve taken on all comers and stayed on top. You even managed to defeat Nathan Coleman somehow. But there’s one man you have yet to face for the PDW Men’s title. One man who would challenge you for the top spot on that food chain. So tonight, you’re going to put that title on the line once again… against Big Cat Brandon!” PDW Women’s title match Cherry Bomb © vs Ashley Murphy Ashley Murphy got a chance in this match to reclaim the title she lost to Cherry Bomb and fans were on her side, but what really helped her was Bomb’s uncontrollable temper. The champion played up her explosive character to work the crowd as well as to set up hope spots that allowed her opponent to get some offense in, before she cut her off to inflict more damage. Hardly an exciting contest, but a watchable one nonetheless, with Cherry Bomb making her second successful defence as she ended up getting the pin over her challenger. Winner: Cherry Bomb (Defences: 2) Once the match is over, Trauma Doll’s music hits and the division’s demented one comes out with her head tilted to the side and a mic in once hand. Doll: “Congratulations Cherry… You beat another challenger. And you said you want Piledriver Wrestling to bring in new ones for you to face. That seems to be a theme around here, don’t it? But I digress, because you missed out a very important piece of the puzzle… and it’s staring right at your face! That’s right, me. I’ve been winning match after match. I’m the one who beat your very first challenger, Raven Nightfall, but somehow I never got the opportunity she did. So I’m no longer waiting for management to make things right. I’m coming straight to you to lay down the challenge… if you think you can handle the Trauma.” Chris “Nuzzle Bunny” Bruins vs Dario Shelton vs R.T. Kayfabe Not much story or any kind of special rivalry behind this match, those involved still tried to tell a story in the ten or so minutes they had from bell to bell. What it essentially came down was Bruins’ charisma (and fans chanting “Nuzzle Bunny” at times) but lack of any particular in-ring skill, Shelton’s solid technique that barely popped the crowd and R.T. Kayfabes zany gimmick that he can back up with enough charisma and some legitimate grappling. Though Kayfabe may have been the best overall, the story was that he did get a bit carried away punishing Shelton for “not following kayfabe” (a smarky inside joke because he lacks any particular gimmick) and Bruins was able to slip in while R.T. taunted Shelton, take him out with a swinging neckbreaker and roll up Shelton for a quick three count. Winner: Chris “Nuzzle Bunny” Bruins, by pinfall PDW Tag Team titles match The Peak Brothers © vs Henry Bennett & Skeeter Colquhoun Unlike the chaos that is usually a Peak Brothers match, this contest was mostly contested inside the ring and with minimal use of weapons. Bennett’s technical prowess and Colquhoun’s high flying were an unexpected but effective combination that forced the champions to wrestle a more straightforward match than usual, switching their tactics into a more classic southern brawler style or throwing in some stiff Japanese-style blows. Despite taking Doug and Eddie out of their home territory of hardcore wrestling, the challengers were unable to also convert that into a title win and the brothers’ experience together shone through, allowing them to take out Bennet with a double team move to retain. Winners: The Peak Brothers, by pinfall (Defences: 2) Big Cat Brandon made his entrance next, but he got cut off before he could reach the ring when former AMW wrestler “Whisky” Jack McCallister appeared from the crowd to attack him from behind. The two men had a brief but exciting brawl, with Brandon losing ground due to him being surprised. It was only when Cat E Tude, of all people, showed up to try and pull Whisky Jack away that Brandon was able to catch a breather, although PDW’s resident crazy cat lady paid for it with her own well being as she had her spine crushed against the guardrail by Jack. Cat E Tude’s sacrifice was not in vain though, because it allowed Brandon to regroup, forcing McCallister to a retreat as he gave chase. Black Eagle vs Blue Sky Battle of the high flying masked luchadors once again, their previous bout in January having ended without a decisive winner when they both got counted out. With fans now having warmed up to the two men, the match had the crowd reaction to match the in-ring action as Eagle and Sky went back and forth in a fast paced and rather competitive contest. As it started to become apparent that Blue Sky was getting the upper hand and could outwrestle his opponent, Black Eagle turned the tables when he sprayed black mist in the face of his opponent to steal a pinfall win. Winner: Black Eagle, by pinfall after cheating Piledriver Men's title match <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GgQWSs1nf4Y" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Show Rating:
  22. <p><strong>Ernest Youngman</strong> vs. Xavi Ferrera</p><p> #1 Contenders Match for PSW Championship</p><p> Notes: <em>I'm guessing Youngman has more upside right now and can put on a better match against Nelson Callum. Ferrera still has time to grow.</em></p><p> </p><p> Devil May Care vs. <strong>Reckless Antix</strong></p><p> Loser Leaves Town Match!</p><p> Notes: <em>DMC are probably not worth the trouble, so this is likely their send-off. Reckless Antix still got stuff to offer.</em></p><p> </p><p> Little Bill Bekowski vs. <strong>Logan Wolfsbaine</strong></p><p> Notes: <em>Le squash</em></p><p> </p><p> One Night Only: Tank Bradley Returns!</p><p> Tank Bradley vs. <strong>Sayeed Ali</strong> [C]</p><p> PSW National Title Match</p><p> Notes: <em>Likely another squash, Bradley is just terrible (and he's in for one night only). Also, here are some alternative portraits for him you might be interested in</em></p><p> <img alt="r35Tr78.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/r35Tr78.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="lCmpVLs.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/lCmpVLs.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="MI4qfWB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/MI4qfWB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Blood Soldiers</strong> vs. Samoan Destruction Inc.</p><p> Notes: <em>Titles aren't on the line, so Blood Soldiers win to set up a shot/feud</em></p><p> </p><p> Dustin Deuce vs. <strong>Ash Campbell</strong></p><p> Notes: <em>No surprise pushing Nemesis' boy here</em></p><p> </p><p> Additional comments: <em>Let's hope this diary sticks around indeed...</em></p>
  23. <p>Nice swerve there, for a second I thought McFly was mediating for Stallion to get a contract elsewhere. Good to have him as a mentor.</p><p> </p><p> Your writing is top notch as always, and I'm noticing improvement, especially in terms of volume. Keep it up, sir.</p>
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