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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;391767]One thing while we're on injuries - I hope we'll be able to set Starting Injuries that are of either of the lower levels. I recently tried to start off Uncle Porker with an injury called "Porker Ribs" - that is, lasts over a year, can be worked through, 50% body damage. Unfortunately making it a starting injury forces him to take x amount of time off, and then he's healed. I'd like him to be available from Day 1, working through his injury.[/QUOTE] This guy is crazy. What the hell is he talking about?????
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;391817]This guy is crazy. What the hell is he talking about?????[/QUOTE] Haha, yes. Bad example in that it is not Real World or C-Verse. If the GDS-Verse ever ramps up, then people will know Uncle Porker and his constantly injured ribs. Or they could check out the old [URL="http://www.ice.org.nz/comic/index.html"]Anonymous Wrestling Comic [/URL]over at [URL="http://www.ice.org.nz"]ICEntertainment[/URL]. Anywho, the query in itself is simple. Let's say Edge has a torn muscle in his forearm (he certainly seems to). If I were to start a database at this point in time, I would want the game to reflect his current injury. As it stands, I can only make people start with injuries with an Injury name and how long they'll be out of action for. Edge isn't out of action at all, and thus there's no way to reflect that. That's what I'd like to see in 08 - starting with workable injuries.
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SO... Promotional rankings has come to TEW (again?). I like all the new features, but in a group. Some stand out as huge (for me anyways), other's stand out for immersion into the game (like the current one... again, to me). I'm like someone else, from a while ago. Waiting for some "Huge" (Although there are a couple I do consider that way already) features. I think the Q&A stated something like "over 200". So there is plenty of room left for some of the one's I'm hoping for. Just well, you know.... It's like this to me. I kind of want to start "pushing" for some of the feature's I'm hoping for but, at the same time... I'm thinking quite a few are already in, and just not been brought up yet. Fact is, there is like half a dozen (if that), I'm hoping for. Adam could get to number 196, and still have room to put them in there, lol. Talk about a "build-up"!
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Gotta agree with you there, I stalled for days from posting the Finisher idea, because I thought "What if this is in, and it's supposed to be this awesome surprise?" I'd feel like a jerk. In a moment of weakness, I posted it anyway... Hope I didn't ruin anything. Promotional rankings were never something I felt I needed, and it certainly doesn't hurt the product, but it's the way it's tied in to Owner Goals that makes my heart smile. New challenges ftw.
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[QUOTE=e-rock;391652] Say for example you run a promotion that has few, if any angles. Then a Main Eventer gets hurt enough where he can't wrestle, but he can do angles. Is he going to be angry that he's not being used on shows, or do you have to put him in a pointless angle that would hurt the show just to make him happy?[/QUOTE] huh? If you use someone in an angle, that counts as an appearance. So it wouldn't make them unhappy.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;392176]huh? If you use someone in an angle, that counts as an appearance. So it wouldn't make them unhappy.[/QUOTE] That isn't the question. The question was if you have a MEer who was injured to where he couldn't wrestle but was still able to do angles (in a promotion where angles are rarely used if they are used at all), would he get unhappy about not being used if you didn't put him in angles and just have him sit out his injury as if the option to use him in angles didn't exist. Personally I'd assume not, since he is injured and unable to fully fulfill his contract as a wrestler (he should be happy that he's employed by somebody who cares enough to not just cut him loose, and pays his downside if he gets one ;)).
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I wonder how this differs between company sizes? Also, with expenses? I mean if you are a local promotion and there is a cost to this it could mess up your finiances but if there is not cost I am cool with this feature.
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[QUOTE=mistaken;392243]so if surgery odds are editable, does that mean Injuries will be editable in general? please say yes. i want to add christmass tree disiease to the injury list![/QUOTE] Can't you already do that in the Editor in the main menu? EDIT: Checked. Yes you can.
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Guest Ransik
Haha, breast implants would be a hilarious edition, and very true to life if playing the WWE. If you hire a Diva you can send her in to try and up her looks... classic.
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1.Will there be a cost related to the surgery? if so do we get a choice of a cheap doctor and take the risk of getting bad surgery. or a expensive doctor to get better risks. 2.can you be a cheap owner and refuse to pay for the surgery. 3.Will there be a clause like paying for travel in there contract if they need surgery.
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