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What about the possibility of evolving experimental surgury? Something that would have a 50/50 chance of either work perfectly or ending the wrestlers career completley, but with an improved recovery time and less chance of long term damage than the next best surgery. Once it's proven to work it gets added to the normal surgery list.Kind of like what Kurt Angle had done with his neck. That way medical advancements can happen all the time, just like in real life, and it could be handy for historical mods (say a neck injury means retirement in 1975, but it's easily worked through in 2008). There could always be a cap to how much surgerys can improve, but it would mean yet another touch of realism and more incentive for long term playing. Or maybe i'm just getting excited and overcomplicating whats alreay a nice little addition........
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I love this little addition as it gives me the user more control. [QUOTE=NickC13573;392324]1.Will there be a cost related to the surgery? if so do we get a choice of a cheap doctor and take the risk of getting bad surgery. or a expensive doctor to get better risks. 2.can you be a cheap owner and refuse to pay for the surgery. 3.Will there be a clause like paying for travel in there contract if they need surgery.[/QUOTE] You didn't have to pay the cost of a workers treatment in 07 and I highly doubt you do with the surgery addition.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;392350]What about plastic surgery? Take a worker with poor looks and bump that rating up with a little face lift and a nose job, maybe some pec implants.. that sort of thing. Possible?[/QUOTE] That would be a good addition. WWE does this all the time. Maybe even having complications along the way. I kinda want to see a message that says..... "Michelle McCool will be sidelined for 2 months, due to her left breast implant exploding during a match.
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Sweet. Now those troublesome workers will finally reap what they have sown. Muh ha ha ha ha ha. I wonder if I can ruin someone in the industry by hiring them and then abusing them till they walk out, thus lowering their ability to be hired. Then I wait around, wait for them to get desperate again and BAM! hit them again. This way I can drive Trauma out of the business before he hurts anyone else. BSS might take a bit longer to kill off though...
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[QUOTE=praguepride;392727]Sweet. Now those troublesome workers will finally reap what they have sown. Muh ha ha ha ha ha. I wonder if I can ruin someone in the industry by hiring them and then abusing them till they walk out, thus lowering their ability to be hired. Then I wait around, wait for them to get desperate again and BAM! hit them again. This way I can drive Trauma out of the business before he hurts anyone else. BSS might take a bit longer to kill off though...[/QUOTE] But surely abusing your own workers would lower your own industry reputation.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;392743]Any thoughts on C-Verse personnel that doesn't have a high rep now?[/QUOTE] All of the workers who were 'free spirits' in 07 (so, Ochiyo Iijima, Kristabel Plum, I think Edd Stone?) would be likely to have low industry rep, I'd guess.
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[quote]#39: Industry Reputation A new statistic attached to workers is that of Industry Reputation. Unlike the existing Respect, which measures a person's contribution and success in the business, Industry Reputation is a measure of their overall behaviour and how they have handled themselves during their career. The rating goes up as the worker shows signs of being a good employee, such as staying with a promotion for a long period of time without getting any negative press. The rating goes down when the worker gets into trouble, such as by getting into fights or walking out on a promotion. Becoming known as a troublemaker \ lousy employee can effect a workers career, as it will become less likely that he gets signed to deals.[/quote] YES! I remember talking about this a while back. I'm glad this is in.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;392766]All of the workers who were 'free spirits' in 07 (so, Ochiyo Iijima, Kristabel Plum, I think Edd Stone?) would be likely to have low industry rep, I'd guess.[/QUOTE] Free Spiritedness doesn't necessarily equate to bad industry reputation though. Edd Stone maybe, as his bio is hardly flattering, but I'm thinking more guys like Remmy Skye (who, coincidentally, IS a free spirit, but is known to be unreliable), Blonde Bombshell ("I quit because wrestling is too hard" isn't going to look good on her CV :p). Big Smack Scott is another obvious one. Oh, and Burning EXILE. Seeing as he's pissed off half the promoters in Japan...
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Why? He got offered a more reliable job by a much bigger company with better pay and a better future. So he took it. Why does that make him a bad person? Sure, Vibert hates him, but Vibert tends to hate most people in most of the games I start ¬_¬ It's not as if Laramee refused to job the title, went to SWF, and threw the title in a dumpster on live TV :p
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[B]"#40: Promotion Takeovers"[/B] Love this feature. I'm wondering about one thing though... If you have them be your development, will you be able to eventually cherry pick them at a later date, or are you stuck with this till you end this agreement, and have to start a new one? Either way, it doesn't bother me at all. Love the feature!
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;393055]Maybe it is because I play so much with the DOTT mod, but this new feature is one that I am absoulutely stoked about.[/QUOTE] This can be great for anyone... at any era, playing any mod! Imagine a real world set at present... You take over say TNA (For arguments sake), and in the future somehow manage to overcome WWE. You make the WWE YOUR DEVELOPMENT! That's HUGE! DOTT though, that's just big right there.. I would like to see this feature enabled for the AI promotions as well... Meaning they could take advantage of this as well. That would be really kewl, lol.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;393054][B]"#40: Promotion Takeovers"[/B] Love this feature. I'm wondering about one thing though... If you have them be your development, will you be able to eventually cherry pick them at a later date, or are you stuck with this till you end this agreement, and have to start a new one? Either way, it doesn't bother me at all. Love the feature![/QUOTE] This bothers me too. I'd like to get Adam's view on this as it can't be figured out with the informartion we have. Anyways this addition is just great. In the previous one I hardly ever really tried to buy anyone out as the option seemed to lack something but now...
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Now, I like this feature a lot! Imagine the glory, after a long and torturous war for pro wrestling supremacy, you get to take control over your long-hated rival. As much fun as disbanding them or pillaging them might be, nothing says pwnage like making them your...... development territory. I think I've found a new new year's resolution for 2008..... :cool:
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