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[QUOTE=Foxcutter;394694]That was basically my original estimate of the situation, as well. A lot of pre-game, Journal Discussion Thread hype, for maybe one or two in-game surprises... but it's such a curious addition -- even if Adam added it to be all inclusive of his gaming audience -- that I have to believe that, at the very least, it has something to do with a major C-Verse storyline revelation, in some way, otherwise why go to all the bother? Foxcutter[/QUOTE] Because this feature was asked about in the suggestions area of TEW 2007?
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;394699]Because this feature was asked about in the suggestions area of TEW 2007?[/QUOTE] And we all know that every suggestion makes it into the game. Also, whoever said there are only a few gay wrestlers in the world...you're quite wrong.
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I think it's time we all got over the homosexuality update and moved on, really. I have liked recent updates, as it's suggestion that promotions will be a bubbling cauldron of activity, with a finely managed balance of ingredients resulting in magic... (anyone like the metaphor? Clue: the people are ingredients)
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Agreed. Oh, and no offense taken, Foxcutter. I might actually steal that Can-Am Blondes idea if I ever run another NOTBPW game. Simmering tension is cool. I hope this means there will be an increase in the amount of forming relationships in-game. Even when I set them to High I never seem to get enough for my tastes. P.S. Right. Catherine Quinne. That makes sense. Damn memory.
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[QUOTE=Foxcutter;394694]that I have to believe that, at the very least, it has something to do with a major C-Verse storyline revelation, in some way, otherwise why go to all the bother?[/QUOTE] Two flaws in your post; one is assuming that this involves "bother" (it doesn't; it's one of the smallest changes made as all it has to do is check gender vs. sexuality), the second is thinking that I ever do changes entirely for the CornellVerse (I don't - I write the CornellVerse around the features, not the other way around). As the journal said, this is a small feature to improve relationship accuracy, nothing more, nothing less.
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[QUOTE=Jouzy;394701]Also, whoever said there are only a few gay wrestlers in the world...you're quite wrong.[/QUOTE] That was me I believe, and I said a few openly gay wrestlers. I can only think of two, I'm happy to proved wrong. Mexico doesn't count though :P Simmering is good feature :)
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[QUOTE=Foxcutter;394503]I already played up a Chuck-and-Billy type angle, renaming the Damian Carvill/Owen Love tag team 'Un-Natural Love' ([I]geddit?[/I]), in my NOTBPW promotion. 'Course it does make a body wonder what advances poor Damian has had to put up with since being sent to prison in my game... Foxcutter.[/QUOTE] That's a gimmick I didn't think of for those two. I like pairing them up with a heel female to be their "manageress" and book them as the C-Verse's version of Buddy Rose, Doug Summers, and Sherri Martel.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;394915]Agreed on simmering - so many times I've had real world mods affected by a Dislike/Hate relationship between two workers who bickered over sugar vs. sweetener five years ago...[/QUOTE] Likewise in-game, when a worker makes a comment about someone on a radio show and suddenly a Strong Dislike relationship pops up ¬_¬
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This new feature is something the game really needed. Giving the user full control over the situation (what to do with the worker) is a big plus as well. Expected this feature to be in but it sounds better than I expected..
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The last couple of features didn't interest me that much but this one seems interesting. I also find the part where you said you can help them quit drugs to be interesting as well. I hope when I play the DOTT scenario I can get some guys off of drugs.
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I had liked the idea of drug testing, but I never really saw the upside to it. So you spent money and found one of your guys is on drugs, now what? Throw a party? The hint that the Media can find out is good. It's a definite negative effect to having a drug addicted guy on your roster, and something you should be taking steps to avoid. Enter upside. Personally I'm going middle of the road with this feature. I want to use it, but part of me would enjoy Edd Stone getting caught holding at the airport. Drama ftw.
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Love the new feature (especially about the media and damaging your prestige). I wonder if there'll be the risk that when implementing some of the higher levels of drug-testing, certain workers will end up kicking up a stink about it?
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[QUOTE=theaddicane;395211]Nice idea today. Nearing 50 announced features! That means there will only be 50 more to go! Anyone else check this first thing in the morning?lol[/QUOTE] It's usually the first thing I do when I get into work.
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[QUOTE=Self;395209]I had liked the idea of drug testing, but I never really saw the upside to it. So you spent money and found one of your guys is on drugs, now what? Throw a party? The hint that the Media can find out is good. It's a definite negative effect to having a drug addicted guy on your roster, and something you should be taking steps to avoid. Enter upside. Personally I'm going middle of the road with this feature. I want to use it, but part of me would enjoy Edd Stone getting caught holding at the airport. Drama ftw.[/QUOTE] As several of us have said repeatedly, Adam almost never adds a gameplay affecting feature that doesn't have both an upside and a downside. I'm gonna guess here and say that losing prestige due to a junkie worker will affect your standing and/or performance in the National and Regional battles. So your first paragraph would be answered right there. Sure you could 'throw a party' when you find out one of your workers likes to treat his nose. But then when the media finds out and your image is tarnished, your squeaky clean competitors get a leg up on kickin' your hiney. So in essence, it's another expense you have to accept in order to stay competitive. Isn't that realism defined, since nowadays, real life promotions have to deal with the same thing (once they get past a certain size, of course)?
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[QUOTE=Remianen;395215]As several of us have said repeatedly, Adam almost never adds a gameplay affecting feature that doesn't have both an upside and a downside. I'm gonna guess here and say that losing prestige due to a junkie worker will affect your standing and/or performance in the National and Regional battles. So your first paragraph would be answered right there. Sure you could 'throw a party' when you find out one of your workers likes to treat his nose. But then when the media finds out and your image is tarnished, your squeaky clean competitors get a leg up on kickin' your hiney. So in essence, it's another expense you have to accept in order to stay competitive. Isn't that realism defined, since nowadays, real life promotions have to deal with the same thing (once they get past a certain size, of course)?[/QUOTE] Absolutely agree with you. You misinterpreted my post a little though, when I said "I never saw the upside" I meant that in the past tense. Before he explained it how he did, I didn't see the upside. Now I do. I could have worded it better.
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[QUOTE=Self;395209]Personally I'm going middle of the road with this feature. I want to use it, but part of me would enjoy Edd Stone getting caught holding at the airport. Drama ftw.[/QUOTE] But with the National and Regional Battle features will you take the risk of taking a hit to your Prestige with other promotions biting at your ankles? Decisions decisions! :D
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;395219]But with the National and Regional Battle features will you take the risk of taking a hit to your Prestige with other promotions biting at your ankles? Decisions decisions! :D[/QUOTE] Depends. If I'm already winning, a drug bust knocking me down a peg would makes things more fun. If I'm struggling, then it's time to lock it up and fly right. The more I think about it, it's a great feature, however it's something I might purposefully 'forget about' in order to create some drama.
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I just returned back to the site after a long absence. I just read through all the new features, and now finally there's A LOT more worker personality and player/worker interaction with drug testing, notes, and worker personality. I love the realism with the foreign worker feature, the only things I'm waiting to here about is the hopeful change of Dojo's and that they're actually active. But, I saw in one of the posts that may prove that to not be a feature. I'd still it'd be awesome for former wrestlers to stay in the world by having the ability to open up dojo's and bring in trainers. I'm also wanting to hear about a mask feature being put in. All in all this looks to be a huge improvement, it'd also be nice to see the option to give workers time off as well. All in all it's looking to turn out very well.
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[QUOTE=Self;395221]Depends. If I'm already winning, a drug bust knocking me down a peg would makes things more fun. If I'm struggling, then it's time to lock it up and fly right. The more I think about it, it's a great feature, however it's something I might purposefully 'forget about' in order to create some drama.[/QUOTE] If you don't have the highest form of testing, there's still the potential that someone may fall through which would create drama/frustration for putting money into a system and the culprit slipping through. He/She would receive a pink slip :p
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