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This sounds like another great addition, thank you Adam. Just 1 question though, which I am sure a few will think of, but to be honest, I am not too bothered about. Will B shows be able to be assigned to brands, such as shows are now? Thanks.
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I really didn't think he was going to put 'B' shows in, but I'm glad he did. I usually keep the bare minimum in terms of roster, but I always have slightly too many guys I want to use. A nice 30 minute B show would rock hard. Top draw.
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I never used B shows when they were available in 2004 but a lot of people wanted them so I suppose its good they came back. The only thing I can see happening now is that even more people will be asking for an autobooker (a feature I am totally agaisnt) If you think people had a hard time booking the three brand shows for WWE now add two (?) B shows and it's going to drive people nuts.
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Interesting new option with the "B" shows. Definitely more for those that like to book the WWE level promotions though. i usually like to take over a smaller promotion like CZCW or UCR, or to create a new promotion and start from the bottom so I doubt I'll be running too many of these.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;409667]I never used B shows when they were available in 2004 but a lot of people wanted them so I suppose its good they came back. The only thing I can see happening now is that even more people will be asking for an autobooker (a feature I am totally agaisnt) If you think people had a hard time booking the three brand shows for WWE now add two (?) B shows and it's going to drive people nuts.[/QUOTE] Except Apu, I don't really visualize too many people try to run the complete slate like that. I could visualize people dropping brand spilts to focus more on the B shows or sticking to the modern format and foregoing the B shows. Maybe a two brand split and a B. Plus with some of the previously announced features on the booking night end, I would imagine booking a long show will feel less of a slog in 08 than it can now.
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[QUOTE=Self;409659]I really didn't think he was going to put 'B' shows in[/QUOTE] Ditto, a lot of people seem to be wanting them though, and its not like it detracts anything from the game for those who didn't want it so I'm glad its in too. Someone raised an interesting question though, is a show's designated level (A or B) going to affect how easy it is to get it on TV? Are networks going to favour A shows? I'd assume not as otherwise it might sort of defeat the usefulness of having a B show at all, but it does seem logical, I don't know, what do people think?
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;409687]Except Apu, I don't really visualize too many people try to run the complete slate like that. I could visualize people dropping brand spilts to focus more on the B shows or sticking to the modern format and foregoing the B shows. Maybe a two brand split and a B. Plus with some of the previously announced features on the booking night end, I would imagine booking a long show will feel less of a slog in 08 than it can now.[/QUOTE] Plus the way wwe books it (although admittedly I haven't seen it recently), ECW can get its scrawny ass set to a B show straight away...
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;409687]Except Apu, I don't really visualize too many people try to run the complete slate like that. I could visualize people dropping brand spilts to focus more on the B shows or sticking to the modern format and foregoing the B shows. Maybe a two brand split and a B. Plus with some of the previously announced features on the booking night end, I would imagine booking a long show will feel less of a slog in 08 than it can now.[/QUOTE] I think that they will. If you look at half the requests that are made for additions it's to be able to run WWE exactly as it is now. People wanted B shows so they could run heat and velocity. And the autobooker request is because people want to operate a full schedule of WWE without having to book everything. Now not only do these same people who were complaining about booking three brands have two B shows to contend with I would think that their "need" or "want" for an autoboker would be heightened even more. Again personally I probably won't use B shows and I hate the idea of an autobooker I'm just seeing this lead to even more dicussion about it.
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is it me or does this seem like it might let you "run" your own development territory? take your fed make a brand split, get your new brand some minor tv time then run your "B" show to improve your talent with out having it affect your main roster. almost your own development fed.
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I really like that addition, along with the new Child Company rules, this could really help get our talent worked out before putting them on the main show. I like how it was implemented as well, no bonus or minus to overall popularity. My only question, am I getting this right? I know the worker's will progress statistically, but will they be able to earn some overness as well?
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;409702]I think that they will. If you look at half the requests that are made for additions it's to be able to run WWE exactly as it is now. People wanted B shows so they could run heat and velocity. And the autobooker request is because people want to operate a full schedule of WWE without having to book everything. Now not only do these same people who were complaining about booking three brands have two B shows to contend with I would think that their "need" or "want" for an autoboker would be heightened even more. [/QUOTE] Maybe in the beginning. But if it's anywhere near as unwieldy as it would be in the current game, I don't see those efforts lasting too long. It will get frustrating for folks if that's the case. And yes I could see some push for an autobooker in those early throes. But as folks get more and more comfortable with their limits, I would expect that initial push to die down. There's always going to be the autobooker undercurrent to be sure thanks to it having been available in EWR. Plus let's not forget the difference between why people asked and the potential uses here. Sure the obvious frame of reference has been Heat and Velocity. But the DOTT players can have their syndicated B shows now. Those playing the Monday Night War era can recreate the play-on matches for lower carders like WCW use to have on Saturday Night when they first started Nitro. This is a wonderful addition with use for such a wide range of players I applaud it. Even if it does re-energize the autobooker argument for a bit, there are just too many uses it can be have to worry about that. Bravura once again, Adam.
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Well... If there was any question that I'd even be continuing on with my '07 games after '08 comes out, I guess that scuppers it. Fantastic addition, and the only query I have is this: For companies unable to go on air with their B show, will they still be able to hold live events that are recognised as B shows? Or is it a TV only feature?
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Thank god for "B shows"! I've been waiting for something like this for awhile & now it's just making me "itch" for the release of this game. wow. I honestly didn't know one game could evolve this much in such a short time.... Hands down, the best TEW game on paper so far.
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