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YES! GOD BLESS YOU ADAM! I've so been wanting this one forever! I found it so dumb that I couldnt book RAW as the skit show, Smackdown as the wrestling show and ECW as the extreme show. Now I can do that no problem. I cant wait for 08. And yes.... Smackdown will rise up again!
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[QUOTE]#75: Brands Focus In TEW08 you will be able to give each of your brands a specific focus if you wish. This is done via a simple dropdown box selection; you can select either Normal (which means the brand follows the same product as the rest of the promotion) or one of the twelve existing product types (i.e. Traditional Focus, Risque Focus, Mainstream Focus, etc.) The brand's focus, if not Normal, is used when shows are run to modify the promotion's product. For example, if the promotion has a Sports Entertainment type of product and runs a show from a Hyper Realism Focussed brand, the game will automatically raise up the Hyper Realism and Realism product parts while simultaneously lowering the Comedy, Risque and Mainstream parts. It would also raise the match intensity levels. This feature allows brands to offer different experiences to the rest of the promotion.[/QUOTE] I just sh*t myself.
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[QUOTE=ChrisPMWBenoit;414988]Wahoo! Love the new feature! Can't wait to have Raw as the mainstream focus with Smackdown as the more in-ring wrestling focus love it in my mod! Cena, Orton, Batista, HHH, Edge on Raw! Benoit, Eddie, Angle & Lesnar tearing it up on Smackdown, love it![/QUOTE] What I like is the other possibility with ECW.... You could have it as an extension of Smackdown's brand, as a "B" show. Just saying, so many ways to run real world promotions now, and be able to do it similar to real life. I think this would be really interesting for TNA, as they have the potential to have a new show staring the "Knockout's", without them having to be totally over to do it... As it might happen in real life. Also, it's a great feature for C-Verse and it's many alternates (Eff-Verse, etc). as it gives you many more options to help build your roster's overness, and not effect your main show focus.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;414899]I guess the only problem (sort of) with this feature is that you can't necessarily have your B shows be a match-only version of your A show - it would still have to meet the same standards as the rest of the brand. Saying that, the 'angles' in B shows tend to lengthy recaps of the main show, so a twenty minute Undertaker/Edge/Batista hype video seems the way to go. With that said, I am stoked about this feature. The SmackDown Six will rise again :D[/QUOTE] what is the smackdown six?
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Add in Lesnar and the World's Greatest Tag Team (six years ago and Shelton Benjamin still hasn't had a big push :confused:) and you had a topline of in-ring talent that could put on two hours of compelling matches every week. So, yes, if anyone wants to do a September 2002 mod at some point...
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I like the Brand Focus concept, but i wonder about the execution. It doesn't sound like we will be able to customize the focus, so we will be stuck with a few "stock" setups that will overide our general setup. I mean it's an improvement, but taking this feature to the logical conclusion would be to just be able to customize the product of each brand seperately...
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;415075]I think this would be really interesting for TNA, as they have the potential to have a new show staring the "Knockout's", without them having to be totally over to do it... As it might happen in real life.[/QUOTE] I'm willing to bet the 08 diaries section will have a quarter ton of WWE and/or TNA diaries.....with an X Division brand (Modern focus btw). Oh, and for anyone who might be interested, WSX in my view = Daredevil focus.
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I just realised, with this, that I have a question to ask about B-Shows. Say I'm playing an early 90s real-world mod as, say, the WWF. And I create a B-show run on Mondays that we'll call RAW. And say I end up digging RAW a lot, and sooner or later realise it's best positioned, TV-deals-wise, to be a flagship show. Is it going to be possible in TEW2008, if that show ends up, say, getting the best card ratings/TV ratings for it to become an A-Show?
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;415420]I just realised, with this, that I have a question to ask about B-Shows. Say I'm playing an early 90s real-world mod as, say, the WWF. And I create a B-show run on Mondays that we'll call RAW. And say I end up digging RAW a lot, and sooner or later realise it's best positioned, TV-deals-wise, to be a flagship show. Is it going to be possible in TEW2008, if that show ends up, say, getting the best card ratings/TV ratings for it to become an A-Show?[/QUOTE] Good question....
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[QUOTE]I like the Brand Focus concept, but i wonder about the execution. It doesn't sound like we will be able to customize the focus, so we will be stuck with a few "stock" setups that will overide our general setup. [/QUOTE] They don't override them, they [I]modify[/I] them. [QUOTE]I mean it's an improvement, but taking this feature to the logical conclusion would be to just be able to customize the product of each brand seperately...[/QUOTE] That isn't available, this is the best remaining solution.
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The angles-on-the-fly thing is very useful. I've often had to write new angles to accomodate my workers, and it's a lot easier to do it in the game rather than having to go through the importer.
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You know, when '08 was first announced, I was thinking "Nah, I think I'll wait maybe six or seven months before I bother getting it, I'm quite happy with 07 thank you very much." By after all these announcements from Adam, how can anybody possibly not buy this as soon as it comes out? I'm especially happy about the on-the-fly angle thing, that's going to save me Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much time :D
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