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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;422290]I don't know about Japan, but I'm fairly sure that Mexico and the UK use kayfabed weights too, including British wrestling back in the early eighties. You're right, WWE aren't the only fed ever - but they are typical of most promotions in the world in that they use fictional weights and heights to enhance the image of their fighters, which - in regards to the use of exact measurements for divisions - is the point being made.[/QUOTE] To be honest, the idea of having the option of kayfabing or not kayfabing weights appeals to me as well. "How much can you get away with" becomes an interesting game. WWE generally adds a couple inches and 20 pounds, but when TNA tries to bill Abyss as 6'8 and Sting as 6'5... it tends to work against their credibility.
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There are so many excellent features to be excited about, why even worry about "real" weights for pro-wrestlers? I mean, it's laughable. :) How many pounds would you give Randy "Macho Man" Savage in his prime? He was billed around 230-255 in his career. He *looked* MUCH, MUCH thinner than that (like 160-180), and was considered a "middleweight" ("cruiserweights" or "light-heavyweights" have a bad rep) who was heavyweight champion. Was Hogan 303, 312, 285, 275 or what? It shouldn't and doesn't matter in TEW. It's all about perception and image in pro wrestling. "Weight classes" is a MMA thang, not a 'rasslin' thang.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;422290]I don't know about Japan[/QUOTE] Togi Makabe was a Junior in NJPW. Togi Makabe has always been noticeably not of Juniorweight his whole career. Though since wrestlers generally start out a lot smaller in Japan and are generally smaller all around, they don't have to kayfabe it too often.
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Very excited over this. Lots of little things that together are quite the big thing. About weights. Instead of having heights & weight divisions, you could use Builts. For exemple. Indy-weight (Punk, Styles, Daniels, Low Ki) Mid-Sized Smooth Body (Hart, Michaels) Large Muscular (Luger, Hogan, Warrior) Large Obese (Earthquake, Tugboat, Big Daddy V) Giant (Big Show, Taker, Kane) And such. Some will see this a step back, but I like it. A giant, large obese, large muscular or mid-sized wrestler wouldn't win a junior heavy title under CPU booking, but indy-weight could. I'll agree it's more restrictive than using life-like numbers though. Doesn't really lend itself to realistic fat gain or to bulking up. And then there's the odd Rhyno or Tenzan or Taz who are a lot of things in term of built.
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Once again, as always, I love the new feature about "more active owners". I always thought it was weird when I was playing as USPW that I could just let Peter Valentine go after his contract was up even though he was close to Sam Strong. In reality, Strong would probably end up interfering with his release and would keep him on the roster. This way, while I may not be happy with who the owner resigns over me... It creates another aspect to the relationships in the game with the owner.
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Small, but perfectly formed feature :p I liked the idea of having defences available - Some workers get a lot of shots at my champs, because I know the match will produce good ratings. Between this and the anti-repetitive booking, there's real incentive to mix up my booking.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;422596]Has anything from the '75 and '97 C-verse mods been used as cannon for the current day C-verse data? I'd love to see mentions of some of the excellent creative work from those two mods in the new C-verse data for '08.[/QUOTE] There were already mentions in '07; a large part of the lucha scene was altered to directly reference the 75 mod.
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Defense Mechanism = Awesome A lot of work probably went into adding this and will give the C-Verse a big history as most of the major titles have long reigns, so you'll be able to see if guys like Bryan Vessey have come close to a World Title, but have just fell short.
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Good to see some more size breakdowns (although it's bound to cause me more "umm"ing and "ahh"ing when deciding which cat to put people), but I would really hope that the aprox size limits are shown in-game (even knowing the figures are very negligable, given a workers overall look) somewhere when selecting. There's a few other things in the game that could serve well (admitidly much better than the suggested above) with having the info there at hand instead of needing to sift through an html help file.
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