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[QUOTE=Blackman;429520]The last few features don't really sound like features that much. :([/QUOTE] But they are. The overall quality of "overness", will help in many ways in my opinion. It will help in one major area, and that's when your looking to hire someone that can fit your promotion "popularity" wise. If you need a Monster Heel, and your not sure how "Over" you need to go, this will help you out in my opinion (at least it will help me out)... In other ways as well. The Menace has been recently up in discussions lately, as how it appears in '07. The stat itself, that is. With the new feature, it becomes more obvious what the stat is there for (even with the confusion I showed, till Adam explained it's not in the editor, but will be in the game). I personally like it. The "Looks" being changed in my opinion was also a great "New" feature, or "Upgrade" I should say. No more having "Big Show" in a bikini match! All that being said... I will say that (which might be what you meant) quite a few of the feature's in the Journal kind of go together... One makes another one even better. In a "Player's" Point of view, they go together, and it probably feels that they should have been entered in the same entry. I think the reason for them not, has to do with how different each one was to "code" properly. Or maybe, just "not" putting them together makes the list look bigger overall (especially for new players). Either way, it's totally acceptable, as the more people that play, the bigger the community grows, and the more idea's and "feature's" will be thought of for future versions of the game.
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[QUOTE=fatallylost;429606]I have my own theory. I think the big one, #100, will be Adam saying "June fools!" and then announces the game comes out in September.[/QUOTE] "On the plus-side, you guys will have even more time to perfect your mods..." =)
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All I need to be completely satisfied is an improved "Talk to Worker" section, similar to the TEW 04 feature. The fact that this has been a feature that has weakened over the course of the series is a major disappointment. The game looks great anyway, but it really should have this.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;429635]don't spam.. :([/QUOTE] Man, once again, let it to Michael Wayne to go and boggle the mind. How does alden's joke post about the game being free constitute spam any more than Fatallylost's about the release dates being a late April Fool's joke and everything being pushed back to September? There were discussing the final entry rumors. If they needed your warning not to spam, then you and I do too for this notion their jokes were spam. So please Michael, don't spam. ::climbing off high horse:: Now that said, I am so glad to hear about this tweaking of retirements. Will make it easier to keep your Robert Oxfords and Sam Keiths around as road agents after they actively retire. Always seemed like such a nuisance trying to figure out when they'd accept the transition over to a staff function and as such is really overdue. Comparatively small item but a great add. Bravura Adam.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;429396]No, they are not. ;-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]#97: Menacing Wrestlers With the change from Looks to Sex Appeal, as described earlier, there has been a corresponding change to angles. A new rating category has been added called Menace - [B]as you'd expect, this is virtually a male-version of the Sex Appeal rating[/B], in that it allows someone to be rated entirely on their presence (much in the same way that the "T-shirt firing" angles can be run to utilise pretty-but-untalented women). This allows some classic parts of wrestling - the menacing bodyguard standing in the background of an interview, the silent monster heel glaring at the camera as his manager talks - to be simulated properly.[/QUOTE] That'd be why I ask..
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Well, entry #100 isn't until Saturday. Though I'm confused, there is 99 posts, take one away for the starting post and another one away for the double posting of "Owners Remaining Bookers", then we should be at entry #97, awaiting 98 tomorrow, yet today's was #98. I mean, it doesn't matter, it's just something I was thinking to myself....
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[QUOTE=Cold Cobra;429717]Well, entry #100 isn't until Saturday. Though I'm confused, there is 99 posts, take one away for the starting post and another one away for the double posting of "Owners Remaining Bookers", then we should be at entry #97, awaiting 98 tomorrow, yet today's was #98. I mean, it doesn't matter, it's just something I was thinking to myself....[/QUOTE] It's a conspiracy!!! :eek: There are actually 99 replies, not 99 posts. Plus don't forget there was one duplicate post. ;)
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;429722]There are actually 99 replies, not 99 posts. Plus don't forget there was one duplicate post. ;)[/QUOTE] Ah yes, I forgot it was replies, not posts. I already mentioned the duplicate post in my post, so that explains it. Not that it bothered me that much. ;)
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;429974]The final one has [I]got[/I] to be the ability to export your save as a database. That would rule so much! I imagine mod makers here would try to get a national holiday for Adam if he did that.[/QUOTE] I've been crying for this forever :) If they do this I have a really awesome idea for an efed type thing (not an efed but kinda)
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;429974]The final one has [I]got[/I] to be the ability to export your save as a database. That would rule so much! I imagine mod makers here would try to get a national holiday for Adam if he did that.[/QUOTE] That would definately rule... I don't code, but I don't think a "Saved database" from a game would be as hard as "converting" a saved game into a "Newer" saved game. The creation of a database from a game would definately be a huge thrill, especially for fictional mod maker's... They could create a world, and make a whole history just by simming the game up till the "now", and then converting it into a database. Definately would rule.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;429987]That would definately rule... I don't code, but I don't think a "Saved database" from a game would be as hard as "converting" a saved game into a "Newer" saved game. The creation of a database from a game would definately be a huge thrill, especially for fictional mod maker's... They could create a world, and make a whole history just by simming the game up till the "now", and then converting it into a database. Definately would rule.[/QUOTE] Not to mention how easily it could be exported to an SQL database and used for making websites that would make Diaries easier to follow and post etc. Also, for 4 player games, you could post them to a site for easier access.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;429722]It's a conspiracy!!! :eek: There are actually 99 replies, not 99 posts. Plus don't forget there was one duplicate post. ;)[/QUOTE] that duplicate post was edited though [QUOTE=TeemuFoundation;429709]Journal Entry #100: There is no TEW 2008 and "Adam Ryland" is just a communist plot trying to awake a new revolution within wrestling youth. The "Project Ryland" has been in the works since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.[/QUOTE] keep all this nonsense out of here. This is for journal discussion. Stop before Adam comes in here and starts reading the riot act.
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