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Great entry for #100, though I was hoping to also see "competitive contract offers" in there for when multiple promotions go for the same worker. That was one big gripe with TEW2007, that if two promotions tried for the same worker, the one with more prestige pretty much always won regardless of what a lesser promotion would be willing to offer. Hopefully there'll be a surprise and that part was revamped as well. I'm crossing my fingers!
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[QUOTE=Cold Cobra;430773]No problem, it's handily labeled "Please enter the month and year that the database is set in...." :)[/QUOTE] But the demo version of TEW 2007 disregarded that info anyway, and every new game would start in January 2007 no matter what. So unless this has been changed for the TEW 2008 demo, TeemuFoundation won't be able to test his 97 database properly until he buys the full version, because the game will probably start in January 2008 even if his database is set to start in 1997.
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[quote=MisterSocko;430900]But the demo version of TEW 2007 disregarded that info anyway, and every new game would start in January 2007 no matter what. So unless this has been changed for the TEW 2008 demo, TeemuFoundation won't be able to test his 97 database properly until he buys the full version, because the game will probably start in January 2008 even if his database is set to start in 1997.[/quote] That wouldn't surprise if that's how it's done. Adam has to program it to only let you play a month in the trial - so it must be a predetermined month (January).
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[QUOTE=Remianen;431090]Oh, one thing Adam didn't mention that I'll say now since the demo's coming out and folks will learn this themselves. [B][I]TEW08 works almost flawlessly on Vista.[/I][/B][/QUOTE] Awesome, totally awesome.
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[QUOTE=TeemuFoundation;431092]Almost? Just almost? Thank God I demanded that my new laptop has XP. Phew.[/QUOTE] Last week, I binged on 08. Played something like 19 hours straight on Vista Home Premium 64-bit. Not a single crash or even hiccup. The only problem that arises is if I try to run iTunes alongside TEW. THEN I get massive slowdown. But that's the case with ALL VB based games that I have. I played Age of Conan with TEW08 running nicely in the background. Alt-tabbed back and forth with no issues. Given the performance of 07 on Vista, 'almost' is more than enough for me.
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thats really good news Remi, but don't you have a pretty awesome PC? I guess it must be pretty good to run Conan. I have a 2.40ghz duo core processor, 4gb of ram, plus a graphics card that can run Crysis with most of the settings on max, i think my system gets a 4.8 rating, will it run ok do you think, im no pc expert (despite having worked in data processing pretty much since leaving school) EDIT: IM running vista 64bit too.
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[QUOTE=panix04;431110]thats really good news Remi, but don't you have a pretty awesome PC? I guess it must be pretty good to run Conan. I have a 2.40ghz duo core processor, 4gb of ram, plus a graphics card that can run Crysis with most of the settings on max, i think my system gets a 4.8 rating, will it run ok do you think, im no pc expert (despite having worked in data processing pretty much since leaving school) EDIT: IM running vista 64bit too.[/QUOTE] Your PC's better than mine so I doubt you'll have any problems running it.
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[QUOTE=panix04;431110]thats really good news Remi, but don't you have a pretty awesome PC? I guess it must be pretty good to run Conan. I have a 2.40ghz duo core processor, 4gb of ram, plus a graphics card that can run Crysis with most of the settings on max, i think my system gets a 4.8 rating, will it run ok do you think, im no pc expert (despite having worked in data processing pretty much since leaving school) EDIT: IM running vista 64bit too.[/QUOTE] Panix, your system is almost the exact same as mine. Core 2 E6850, 4 gigs of RAM, GeForce 8800 Ultra, Vista Home Premium 64. Conan runs fine, with everything turned up to max. One thing I'd recommend though, is to make sure you don't have 5000 things running in the background. Sneaky stuff like Java Update, iTunesHelper, and crap like that, can steal performance since they're always running and looking for updates that don't exist. As far as running TEW08, lemme put it to you this way. I converted the full, unabridged T-Zone.........and it ran almost as fast as the C-Verse. I'm not exaggerating when I say Adam outdid himself with this release. Big DBs work A LOT faster in 08 than they did in 07, because the game only holds onto data it needs right then (or some such thing). Plus, the popup screens have been severely curtailed so the game isn't always bleeding your available memory. Wait a few hours. When you get the demo and see for yourself, your social life's going right into the toilet!
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[QUOTE=Remianen;431117]As far as running TEW08, lemme put it to you this way. I converted the full, unabridged T-Zone.........and it ran almost as fast as the C-Verse. I'm not exaggerating when I say Adam outdid himself with this release. Big DBs work A LOT faster in 08 than they did in 07, because the game only holds onto data it needs right then (or some such thing). Plus, the popup screens have been severely curtailed so the game isn't always bleeding your available memory. Wait a few hours. When you get the demo and see for yourself, your social life's going right into the toilet![/QUOTE] I kind of suspected this from just playing around with the editor. Everything about it seems super fast, even messing around with a mod the size of the Behemod it reacts much better than '07 ever did.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;431116]I'm playing TEW '08 right now.... ha, in your face! :D[/QUOTE] touche! I couldn't play at the moment 'cos im enjoying intimate relations with a member of your family that your paerticuarly sensitive about, how do you like those apples? :)
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[QUOTE=panix04;431129]touche! I couldn't play at the moment 'cos im enjoying intimate relations with a member of your family that your paerticuarly sensitive about, how do you like those apples? :)[/QUOTE] Trust you to drag the thread down to your level.... I refuse to be baited! :p
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;431133]Trust you to drag the thread down to your level.... I refuse to be baited! :p[/QUOTE] But you so good at taking the bait, i'd say you were a master at baiting - too far? I don't know were the line is until i cross it!
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[QUOTE=panix04;431135]But you so good at taking the bait, i'd say you were a master at baiting - too far? I don't know were the line is until i cross it![/QUOTE] This isn't the place for a verbal jousting match.... i'd hate to embarass you in such a public manner. :p
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