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So anyway I was wondering what had happened to Stephanie McMahon earlier today and I discovered she had a kid, which made me start thinking... When a worker gets pregnant how do you simulate that in a database? An injury maybe? But if you put an "injury" in for pregnancy what if a guy gets it? :) Would it be possible to set some injuries to be gender specific and occur off camera? That seems like it would be the best way to handle it. I know Adam made some changes to injuries so I don't see why that couldn't be added as well. ^_^
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Rather than an injury, the worker could go on hiatus until a specific time. Children could be tracked of course, but theres no guarentee that child would want to enter the business. I suppose you could generate a simple calculated chance when the child is born that he will become an active worker at 16. If the calculation returns true he is added to the database using some kind of random name generator (could prove difficult with un-named workers [real name that is]) and is set to debut 16 years after the birth date. ... theres alot of complications though but I think its one for Adam to consider as a long term feature he could include in future editions.
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Actually, I think you've hit on how it would be done pretty well. If I were in charge of making this feature I'd have something like... 1. Announce pregnancy, put worker on hiatus until sometime after birth... probably at least a year out in game time to cover from conception to being ring ready (but still rusty). 2. When child is born use a random calculation to decide if they'll become a wrestler, if the answer is yes then create a new worker. Add the mother's relationship, any relevant father relationship (assuming he's in the database) and then generate some stats as you would for any new worker using the parent's skills as a basis... and generate a ring name using the names file. 3. Generate a bio saying that Dave X is the child of Wrestler X (and maybe Wrestler Y) and has chosen his in-ring name to be Dave X rather than using his real name... Not sure how hard that would be but it seems like basically auto-generating a worker and adding them to the worker file to debut later. Doubt that'd be horribly hard. Only thing is... you'd still have to wait at least 16 years for the worker to ever become available, so it's not a feature I imagine will be used very often, no matter how awesome it'd be. :)
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[QUOTE=derek_b;422357]Actually, I think you've hit on how it would be done pretty well. If I were in charge of making this feature I'd have something like... 1. Announce pregnancy, put worker on hiatus until sometime after birth... probably at least a year out in game time to cover from conception to being ring ready (but still rusty). 2. When child is born use a random calculation to decide if they'll become a wrestler, if the answer is yes then create a new worker. Add the mother's relationship, any relevant father relationship (assuming he's in the database) and then generate some stats as you would for any new worker using the parent's skills as a basis... and generate a ring name using the names file. 3. Generate a bio saying that Dave X is the child of Wrestler X (and maybe Wrestler Y) and has chosen his in-ring name to be Dave X rather than using his real name... Not sure how hard that would be but it seems like basically auto-generating a worker and adding them to the worker file to debut later. Doubt that'd be horribly hard. Only thing is... [B]you'd still have to wait at least 16 years for the worker to ever become available, so it's not a feature I imagine will be used very often, no matter how awesome it'd be[/B]. :)[/QUOTE] Perhaps a strong feature once the game has been developed to encourage longer lasting games. Its getting that way hence some of the new features added by Adam in this edition of the series. As a designer you'd have to survey how long people play the game for in game years and decide if its worth the addition but I'm all up for having more advanced relationships in the game.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;422357]Actually, I think you've hit on how it would be done pretty well. If I were in charge of making this feature I'd have something like... 1. Announce pregnancy, put worker on hiatus until sometime after birth... probably at least a year out in game time to cover from conception to being ring ready (but still rusty). 2. When child is born use a random calculation to decide if they'll become a wrestler, if the answer is yes then create a new worker. Add the mother's relationship, any relevant father relationship (assuming he's in the database) and then generate some stats as you would for any new worker using the parent's skills as a basis... and generate a ring name using the names file. 3. Generate a bio saying that Dave X is the child of Wrestler X (and maybe Wrestler Y) and has chosen his in-ring name to be Dave X rather than using his real name... Not sure how hard that would be but it seems like basically auto-generating a worker and adding them to the worker file to debut later. Doubt that'd be horribly hard. Only thing is... you'd still have to wait at least 16 years for the worker to ever become available, so it's not a feature I imagine will be used very often, no matter how awesome it'd be. :)[/QUOTE] So all the children would be named Dave? I would want some of them to pick more cool names, like Skeeter.
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The one thing I'm thinking about this though, is that I can imagine that there's an unspoken word in the industry that if you're a female wrestler you're expected not to get pregnant during your contract, and if you do, you deal with it or take a career nosedive (partially due to hiatus, perhaps also out of spite). I've got no facts to back me up, but I know I certainly would be pissed if someone I just negotiated a big money contract with or was riding on a wave of momentum was like "brb, conception" out of the blue and expected me to keep her spot warm. I'm sure it does happen, but is there many cases of this, and what kind of odds is there of them returning to the ring? Perhaps if it was less likely to happen to those in their prime, under written agreements, and alongside certain personality traits?
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Oh yes. Belzebul Dumas Blood Relative To Lita Blood Relative To Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Shannon Moore, Pete Gas, Edge, El Dandy and a host of CMLL-IWRG wrestlers... Or the tragic case of that Women's wrestling promoter that went bankrupt because all his wrestlers got pregnant the same year.
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[QUOTE=Kobe1724;422459]I proposed maternity leave because I have workers in my mod that start the game pregnant. I could add it as an injury though, I guess.[/QUOTE] I think that would be an option if we could make injuries "sex" related. It would also be of more use if we had "race" related as well... but only in fictional mods "Kryptonite poisoning", lol... Well, it's a thought.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;422504]I think that would be an option if we could make injuries "sex" related. It would also be of more use if we had "race" related as well... but only in fictional mods "Kryptonite poisoning", lol... Well, it's a thought.[/QUOTE] woo woo woo. It is 1 thing to propose sex related injuries to manage something like pregnancies, but reace related? Man, in today's PC world that is just screaming BAD IDEA BAD IDEA BAD IDEA. You could have some prat making injuries which could result in "The Rock got butchered by the KKK" or something similar. Like I said, BAD IDEA,really isn't worth going near.
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[FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=Phil Parent;422479]Oh yes. Belzebul Dumas Blood Relative To Lita Blood Relative To Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Shannon Moore, Pete Gas, Edge, El Dandy and a host of CMLL-IWRG wrestlers... Or the tragic case of that Women's wrestling promoter that went bankrupt because all his wrestlers got pregnant the same year.[/QUOTE] Hahaha. . .thank you. No, seriously. Thank you. As for the feature, I'm indifferent. Although it would be cool that since in any game my user character is in a relationship with Daffney or Trinity (odd choices but the body wants what the body wants) a little one eventually comes along.[/FONT]
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[QUOTE=crayon;422472]The one thing I'm thinking about this though, is that I can imagine that there's an unspoken word in the industry that if you're a female wrestler you're expected not to get pregnant during your contract, and if you do, you deal with it or take a career nosedive (partially due to hiatus, perhaps also out of spite).[/QUOTE] I suspect it's more down to the nature of the business - who'd want to be taking bumps when there's a chance you might be carrying a baby? Saying that, I've known female footballers who keep playing until they're four or five months along - but I would imagine that there's stamina and mobility issues arising as well. An interesting possible feature, but I think I'd be pretty hacked off if my gals all suddenly petitioned me to set up a creche for nine months' time :p
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[QUOTE=James Casey;422560]I suspect it's more down to the nature of the business - who'd want to be taking bumps when there's a chance you might be carrying a baby? Saying that, I've known female footballers who keep playing until they're four or five months along - but I would imagine that there's stamina and mobility issues arising as well. An interesting possible feature, but I think I'd be pretty hacked off if my gals all suddenly petitioned me to set up a creche for nine months' time :p[/QUOTE] You could set it up for 4 or 5 months... which would be more realistic.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;422357]Actually, I think you've hit on how it would be done pretty well. If I were in charge of making this feature I'd have something like... 1. Announce pregnancy, put worker on hiatus until sometime after birth... probably at least a year out in game time to cover from conception to being ring ready (but still rusty). 2. When child is born use a random calculation to decide if they'll become a wrestler, if the answer is yes then create a new worker. Add the mother's relationship, any relevant father relationship (assuming he's in the database) and then generate some stats as you would for any new worker using the parent's skills as a basis... and generate a ring name using the names file. 3. Generate a bio saying that Dave X is the child of Wrestler X (and maybe Wrestler Y) and has chosen his in-ring name to be Dave X rather than using his real name... Not sure how hard that would be but it seems like basically auto-generating a worker and adding them to the worker file to debut later. Doubt that'd be horribly hard. Only thing is... you'd still have to wait at least 16 years for the worker to ever become available, so it's not a feature I imagine will be used very often, no matter how awesome it'd be. :)[/QUOTE] ...make it so. :P In all seriousness this feature would be awesome, especially if the feature increased pregnancy chances if two people were married.
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[QUOTE=djlightning;422577]The biggest problem I see with pregnancy being an injury is, if not all then almost all injuries happen in the ring during a match. Do you really want it to pop up in your email that so-and-so got pregnant in their match last night?[/QUOTE] Well, I think there has been an overhaul there... No more "While wrestler "X" was wrestling last night, he suffered bubonic plague."
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[QUOTE=djlightning;422577]The biggest problem I see with pregnancy being an injury is, if not all then almost all injuries happen in the ring during a match. Do you really want it to pop up in your email that so-and-so got pregnant in their match last night?[/QUOTE] You'd have to wonder what kind of match was going on for a worker to get pregnant in the middle of it?!
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[QUOTE=denzil85;422622]You'd have to wonder what kind of match was going on for a worker to get pregnant in the middle of it?![/QUOTE] The bigger issue is that you'd have to make sure the injury was related to the sex of the wrestler. Imagine getting a message that John Cena got pregnant whilst wrestling Vince McMahon... ... shudder...
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I'm pretty sure that you can't but if you think about it, how many people would want to go against the team of lawyers that the WWE would have on speed dial. And while I don't know about the rest of the world I do know that last time I looked (only a couple of years ago) it wasn't legal to put that in a contract in the USA.
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