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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;457340]Ok not so much strange as ironic SWF dropped from global to cult the exact same day I rose from International to Global with TCW hehehe they are so dead. Just snagged Valiant and he has very high destiny!! Plus hes friends with Steven Parker so hes mine as soon as his contract is up I´ll have them Main eventing BSS vs Eric Eisen in no time hehehehehe.[/QUOTE] In my game Eric Eisen won the World Championship and [I]then[/I] SWF fell to Cult lol
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Wow. I noticed some of that in my sim for UltiMoe NZ, a lot of Zelds Hunter vs Rachel Valentine, often 10 in a row. Better results than E+, but still. Has anyone else noticed that the AI tends to have 99% of their womens matches as simply woman vs woman even when they're set to integrated? I figured it would be more like actual integration, but the only evidence I've seen is the very occasional intergender tag match. Actually funnily enough one of the Hunter/Valentine matches was for the UMNZ World title - but that was only because it was vacant previously.
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I have an odd situation where Wolf Hawkins has became Loyal to me after i sacked that fcuk Arnold Westburry or whatever his name is for playing a prank on him. Its odd because only a few months later the little brat is furious with my recent decisions(he must not have wanted the heavyweight title and at the time being the only man to have beaten Tommy Cornell) he is the second face in from the left on the happi(Will Smith can go fcuk himself)ness scale and yet he is still Loyal to me.
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I had a weird incident once where I changed Ric Flair's gimmick to one of which would suite him better, afte two weeks he drew A's etc in angles, then in the third week I went to check through the gimmicks and the one he was using was gone, I drstically checked Flairs gimmick and it had changed to 'No Gimmick Needed'...... ODD?
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Maybe not odd, but, something I noticed. I'm simming through my data, just seeing what I miss, and what happens. I'm up to the year 2033, and I noticed that about 90% of the wrestlers who die, all die at age 81. Sure, you do get a few of the 82's, and random 46's and whatnot. But, almost everyone who dies in one year does so at 81.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;458320]I'm in january 2012, and I [I]still[/I] haven't seen one die. I even played around 7 trial one-month-periods, and I never see anyone die there neither. Even Rip Chord is fine and well.[/QUOTE] Shocking. My first year in with EWA and I got to see a death! "The Snow Man" Sessue Kawate announced his retirement, and promptly had a coke party to celebrate on the same day, and after what I assume was several hours of living up to his nickname, "The Snow Man" collapsed and died of an overdose.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;458320]I'm in january 2012, and I [I]still[/I] haven't seen one die. I even played around 7 trial one-month-periods, and I never see anyone die there neither. Even Rip Chord is fine and well.[/QUOTE] I'd be happy if no-one was dying. Nemesis keeps dying on my games about 1-2 weeks in.
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Maybe the workers in my game have just a healthier eating. I guess, I've got the general "reborn Christian" destiny stat. =) [QUOTE=Comradebot;458323]"The Snow Man" Sessue Kawate announced his retirement, and promptly had a coke party to celebrate on the same day, and after what I assume was several hours of living up to his nickname, "The Snow Man" collapsed and died of an overdose.[/QUOTE] Well, you have to party as long as the snow is fresh. ;-) Cool story, btw. =)
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hello, i had my first tv show just a second ago, the ratings were 0.00 for all the networks the show is with. would this be to do with the fact i changed my product "significantly" between the recordings and the air date?
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[QUOTE=the_andy;458347]hello, i had my first tv show just a second ago, the ratings were 0.00 for all the networks the show is with. would this be to do with the fact i changed my product "significantly" between the recordings and the air date?[/QUOTE] Possibly. Might also be to do with your game - are you on the latest patch? It's also possible to get such a rating if you're just barely big enough for a very small network.
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in my current TCW game, i built up Joey Minnesota for a main event run. his overness is up and momentum BUT.....and its a sad but...... Bad chemistry with Cornell, Marquez(champange lover), RDJ, Sam keith, and wolf hawkins. :( looks like hes going nowhere in the main event until i can bring up new talent *sigh*
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In my SWF game I hit Global in March '08. The American economy and industry were both B and rising. In June I fell straight to cult despite having no show lower than a B rating and the economy and industry were both A*. I skipped right over international on the way down. WTF??
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You propably fell in one region under C+ importance. International / Global isn't that much of a problem. But it's pretty hard to keep enough regions on C+ (or higher). You might even need B+ popularity in some regions to keep C+ importance...
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[QUOTE=SCCW_Mark;458409]In my SWF game I hit Global in March '08. The American economy and industry were both B and rising. In June I fell straight to cult despite having no show lower than a B rating and the economy and industry were both A*. I skipped right over international on the way down. WTF??[/QUOTE] It's possible to go from Cult to International or National to Global (or vice versa) because International and Global are judged on popularity outside your region where qualifying for National requires popularity in your home region. If your popularity took a hit in the US then it's entirely possible to drop from International to Cult without even seeing National. It's happened to me before.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;458607]You're using a data set that includes Kevin Smith [i]and[/i] Bill Clinton? What exactly is wrong with the author of that mod?[/QUOTE] Nothing at all, in fact, what's wrong with you in not realizing the glory of such a wonderful wrestling universe? :p
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