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Michelle McCool's Backstage Status; Divas Leader


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It is being reported that Michelle McCool is the vocal leader of the Smackdown divas. The assumption backstage is that she gained power because of her relationship with the Undertaker. It is apparent of her power as she is the first to win the Divas Championship at Great American Bash.
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?????????????? Is this the E fishing here if a storyline would work???? If So No! And 1. dam what an ugly ass belt 2. Neidhart can wrestle a lot better then McCool why put it on her??? 3. Celebration of a NEW TITLE with its FIRST champ cut short by a Jericho speech! (don´t mind the speech but all the hype for a new titile then such a short and mediocre match and then the celebration cut that short?!) This and a whole lot more has me thinking why the hell did the E do this? If it was so that the divas will be taken more seriously as real competitors to combat the heat the knockouts are getting then they royally screwed a decent opportunity to do so. Hell why wasn´t the championship decided in a bikini match and be done with it.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;465586]1. dam what an ugly ass belt [/quote] Subjective. I kinda like how different it looks. [QUOTE]2. Neidhart can wrestle a lot better then McCool why put it on her???[/QUOTE] Because McCool is a more charismatic, popular personality than Nattie, who has only been in the company a few months. Also, she's a babyface, who can defend against Maryse, Victoria and Nattie, while Nattie would only have Cherry and McCool to fight. Also, with the tag belts on the Edgeheads, the US Title on Shelton (and I don't know who has the WWE Title. I fell asleep before Trips vs Edge... no spoilers please) it makes sense to have another title on a babyface, to balance it out. [QUOTE]3. Celebration of a NEW TITLE with its FIRST champ cut short by a Jericho speech! (don´t mind the speech but all the hype for a new titile then such a short and mediocre match and then the celebration cut that short?!)[/QUOTE] Yeah. That was a little iffy. However, let's be honest, that belt is merely a prop for the previously aimless Smackdown Diva's to revolve around. I'm surprised they even bothered to put it on PPV. Plus, it was heel heat for Jericho, a guy who is too damn entertaining when playing bad guy to get a real heel reaction unless he's standing next to Shawn. [QUOTE]This and a whole lot more has me thinking why the hell did the E do this? If it was so that the divas will be taken more seriously as real competitors to combat the heat the knockouts are getting then they royally screwed a decent opportunity to do so. Hell why wasn´t the championship decided in a bikini match and be done with it.[/QUOTE] I think competing with the Knockout was only part of why the belt was made. The merchandising revenue from a new style belt is another. A prop to give the Smackdown girls something to do is another. Honestly, I would have dug a bikini match. I was pretty sleepy by that point (2:30AM... Never doing that again... Well... I probably will.) As for the topic as a whole, you seem to be mentioning it in a very negative light, Mattitude. To me, it sounds like Michelle is the one sticking up for the other Diva's in the locker room. When you've got Cherry, Maryse and Nattie all fairly new to the company, it's good for them to have someone like Michelle talking for them. So what if she's only got this 'power' from doing The Undertaker? If she's doing good things with it, don't complain. I'm not saying she is doing good things, but where's the evidence that she isn't? Winning the title? Pft. Nattie lost. Get over it.
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I honestly doubt that the TNA Knockout's had anything to do with the Diva's title.... and the Woman's title had everything to do with TNA having a Knockout Title. Personal opinion of course. My personal belief is that the TNA Diva's title was to take over the Cruiserweight Title's place.... from the beginning.
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[QUOTE=Self;465616]Yeah. That was a little iffy. However, let's be honest, that belt is merely a prop for the previously aimless Smackdown Diva's to revolve around. I'm surprised they even bothered to put it on PPV. Plus, it was heel heat for Jericho, a guy who is too damn entertaining when playing bad guy to get a real heel reaction unless he's standing next to Shawn.[/QUOTE] Well I wouldn't say he has to be next to him but he has much of the audience in the palm of his hand either way. The feud has done him wonders and was the perfect way to turn him, the way he is now I can't see him being cheered provided they steer clear of booking him against Batista or Cena in front of a rowdy or Canadian crowd xD
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BTW agreed Self was kinda on a subjective rant as I thought they had just massacred what in potential could have been somthing good. And yes I agree its a substitute for the cruiserweight belt in some way wich also ticks me off cauz I like the high flyers/fast paced guys and can´t stand the thought that Hornswaggle wil now for ever be the last to hold the belt. BTW Neidhart could have turned face at the end of a McCool and a Cherry fued when Victoria went after her belt. She´s still pretty new so can easily turn.
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Guest Ransik
[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;466135]It's because McCool can kick any three of their butts without much effort. She can't wrestle as good as half of them, but that don't matter.[/QUOTE] It's well known McCool's only actual training is pro-wrestling... which Nattie has martial arts training as well as being trained in the Dungeon on top of being over in Japan. Her body or her boyfriend got her the Divas belt... not her talent.
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[quote=Ransik;466217]It's well known McCool's only actual training is pro-wrestling... which Nattie has martial arts training as well as being trained in the Dungeon on top of being over in Japan.[/quote] DJ, I'm sorry, but I find it HIGHLY unlikely that in a legitimate shoot fight that Nattie wouldn't completely own Michelle. Yet, you've confidently made this statement on more than one occasion. Please share with us how you come to this conclusion, because I'm just not seeing it.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;465659]I honestly doubt that the TNA Knockout's had anything to do with the Diva's title.... and the Woman's title had everything to do with TNA having a Knockout Title. Personal opinion of course.[/QUOTE] Personal opinion completely refuted by the facts. 'kay. (Compare the two products and their workers) [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;466135]It's because McCool can kick any three of their butts without much effort. She can't wrestle as good as half of them, but that don't matter.[/QUOTE] In the first sentence, you're as wrong as one person could ever be. But in the second sentence, you hit the nail on the head. And there lies one of several differences between the "divas" and the Knockouts (one of the two groups can actually wrestle, omg). [QUOTE=Ransik;466217]It's well known McCool's only actual training is pro-wrestling... which Nattie has martial arts training as well as being trained in the Dungeon on top of being over in Japan. Her body or her boyfriend got her the Divas belt... not her talent.[/QUOTE] Shhh Ransik, use your illusion! Besides, it's not like it matters. No one outside of WWE's rabid fanbase actually sees Michelle as a competent champion. It's ye olde double standard rearing its ugly head again. Whereas the men's champions have to draw money (could you see them putting the Raw or SD world titles on Shelton Benjamin or MVP right now?) and be able to work a match convincingly, the women just have to look pretty. Odd that the three Knockout champions thus far, have all been able to work in the ring, much like most of their men (Kevin Nash excepted). That's the difference between the two products and the reason you can't really compare them. Their focuses are different. When TNA assembled their Knockout division, they went straight to SHIMMER. When WWE's stocking their divas, they hit the fitness model circuit. See the difference? edit: Wallbanger, chris isn't talking about shoots or even straight up wrestling. He's referring to booking. Yes, Michelle McCool could "beat" any three divas on the Smackdown roster, but would it be as a result of her ability....or who she shares a bed with?
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[quote=Remianen;466265]edit: Wallbanger, chris isn't talking about shoots or even straight up wrestling. He's referring to booking. Yes, Michelle McCool could "beat" any three divas on the Smackdown roster, but would it be as a result of her ability....or who she shares a bed with?[/quote] Actually, he really believes Michelle can beat up Nattie -- go back and look at this thread: [URL][/URL] [QUOTE]McCool would kill Neidhart, without much effort...The comment about McCool killing Neidhart, is meant if they were to really try to hurt each other knowingly. Neidhart is a better wrestler far as entertainment is concerned, but McCool would destroy her in MMA type combat.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;466242]Hang on... woah... time out. Is Michelle McCool dating Taker?! What the hell happened their :confused:. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] I think the book Death of WCW holds the answers... when speaking of how DDP was used as a psychotic wife stalker of Taker's ex squeeze they mentioned that DDP had a white hot wife but still wanted this one bad enough to lose in record time to "Taker's horse faced old lady." LOL. Good times. That's not a bad thing, that's a good thing.
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I have to agree, the Divas title is hideous. Combined with the current "bedazzled" world title of Triple H's, its convinced me that WWE has hired a crack team of eight year old girls to design their belts. And you're right, Neidhart is a more talented in-ring worker than Michelle McCool. I think the question shouldn't be why didn't Nattie win the title, but what's she doing competing for that ridiculous butterfly thing anyways? Shouldn't they put the actual trained women's wrestlers on one brand to compete for the Women's title, and then all that are mostly just pretty faces on the other brand to compete in bikini matches for the Diva's title?
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Without blowing their trumpet (and a few of them could blow mine), the TNA knockouts tend to have both. Good looks, and good wrestling skills. I'm becoming a Velvet Sky mark now, HOT HOT HOT! The only fuglies there are Tracy Brooks (has she had plastic surgery because it looks like a vacuum cleaner has taken to her cheeks) and Moose, who sadly won't be with us for a while. Oh and Awesome Kong, but she's not meant to be pretty.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;466319]I have to agree, the Divas title is hideous. Combined with the current "bedazzled" world title of Triple H's, its convinced me that WWE has hired a crack team of eight year old girls to design their belts.[/QUOTE] But, thats exactly the point. That belt isn't marketed toward you or me. Its for the young females in the audience who look up to the women wrestlers. That belt is designed to be marketable. And, as far as to who would win a fight between McCool and Neidhart, I think the answer is clearly any of us that are lucky enough to witness it. :p
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