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[TEW 08] Hero.VERSE

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[center][img]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i241/jakekirby/HeroVersecopy.png[/img] [SIZE="5"][B]Hero.VERSE[/B][/SIZE] [I]'Dawn is breaking; children are crying; how can this be saved? … Superhero’s are go!'[/I] [b][i]Why?[/i][/b] Well I have been around these forums for a while now and since the release of TEW08 I have yet to see a mod which demonstrates the things we will be aiming too. Myself and mjdgoldeneye have after much chat decided to begin developing a whole new mod… which will involve both superhero’s and villains. [b][i]Background[/i][/b] The mod itself will involve both hero’s and villains from producers such as Marvel, DC Universe and Capcom (to a lesser extent). The mod itself will be a very well developed database striving to get long ranged games going smoothly without fault. Whether it's your craving to relive your favourite moments out of films such as The Dark Knight; SpiderMan 1/2/3 and Superman or that you just want to mix the most peculiar storylines or tag teams, this mod will supply you with all those possible outcomes... but more. [i]Any help whatsoever will be appreciated, contact myself or mjdgoldeneye via pm if you can help us out. We are possibly looking for one or two cutters to develope us an extremly nice pic pack ready for release. [b]Progress Reports to come soon[/i][/b][/center]
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The first release will probably only contain two promotions, both of which will be revealed with a whole background and roster in due time. Within the full/final release, it is yet undecided if we will stick with two or increase the work load on promotions.
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Right i'm just about to depart for Bournemouth and will return Friday so there will be no updates from my end for the week. In regard to your questions, we will more than likely use the comic pictures e.g. for the Joker we will use his comic image not the most recent Heath Ledger image, although this has not been agreed therefore this could change.
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How about some of the more obscure characters or will this just be the marquee people? Was just reading the Marvel Essential reprint of Nova recently and I was eating his up character up. Will guys like him be in this mod or will it just be the classics we all know and their supporting characters?
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;470546]How about some of the more obscure characters or will this just be the marquee people? Was just reading the Marvel Essential reprint of Nova recently and I was eating his up character up. Will guys like him be in this mod or will it just be the classics we all know and their supporting characters?[/QUOTE] We're starting with the well knowns and as the mod progresses, the less famous guys will be added in. The strange thing is that I'm not really a huge comics fan... I'm a fan of the superhero genre in general, but have not read comic books in my time. Basically, this mod has been suggested and started, but never even nearly completed before. I figured I had the time, and KarWashKirbz suggested it, so I'll help. My hope is that once a strong base is set up, genuine comic book fans will download it and say "This is all wrong!" or "Why isn't [INSERT NAME] in this?" and they'll take over and make it more fully fleshed out.
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I can't wait for Batman to be signed away from DC for an epic face vs face feud with Spiderman! :p If done right this could be super fun. Wondering if you are approaching the Super0-Heros from a wrestling perspective or from a comic book perspective. does that make sense? Basically is this: "What if Batman was a pro-wrestler and The Joker was his arch wrestling nemesis" OR "What if Batman the Super Hero fought The Joker in a wrestling ring" BTW, as addditional feds further down the line: TMNT has a whole menagerie of potential faces and heels and could make a super cool 3rd fed. Image (Spawn & co) would also be a good candidate.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;470646]I can't wait for Batman to be signed away from DC for an epic face vs face feud with Spiderman! :p If done right this could be super fun. Wondering if you are approaching the Super0-Heros from a wrestling perspective or from a comic book perspective. does that make sense? Basically is this: "What if Batman was a pro-wrestler and The Joker was his arch wrestling nemesis" OR "What if Batman the Super Hero fought The Joker in a wrestling ring" BTW, as addditional feds further down the line: TMNT has a whole menagerie of potential faces and heels and could make a super cool 3rd fed. Image (Spawn & co) would also be a good candidate.[/QUOTE] Don't forget Dark Horse (Hellboy & The Mask).
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I figured it'd be ok now to unveil some of my side of progress... I'm working on [B]Pro Wrestling Avengers[/B] (PWA), a Marvel Comics based fed. The fed itself is closely based on CVerse's SWF in the sense that it's nearly equal to it in popularity, starting cash, and prestige. However, it's product is different. As for my progress, the promotion is all set. I'm finding I am having to make a lot of aesthetic and functional decisions on a few normally obvious thing, though. For example, Marvel has a gazillion universes. And, in each universe, elements of the characters and their stories differ. Plus, as superheros, many workers don't follow normal human timelines the same way. Basically, I have trouble deciding at what age, ethnicity, size, starting gimmicks, etc. to set. Take a look at Nick Fury: Can be black or white. Doesn't age. Can be heavyweight or lower. Spy? Armed Forced? I'm forced to make tough choices in many cases... I've chosen to go a traditional route. I try to give workers attributes that I'm most familiar with, and that I hope comic book fans can appreciate. As for bios, they are different from in CVerse. For both promotions and workers, they are simply bulleted lists of factual information pertaining to each character or company. My lack of in-depth knowledge and the intermingling universes combined with the act of trying to justify superheros as being part of a wrestling company makes traditional bios creatively impossible!
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;471338]I figured it'd be ok now to unveil some of my side of progress... I'm working on [B]Pro Wrestling Avengers[/B] (PWA), a Marvel Comics based fed. The fed itself is closely based on CVerse's SWF in the sense that it's nearly equal to it in popularity, starting cash, and prestige. However, it's product is different. As for my progress, the promotion is all set. I'm finding I am having to make a lot of aesthetic and functional decisions on a few normally obvious thing, though. For example, Marvel has a gazillion universes. And, in each universe, elements of the characters and their stories differ. Plus, as superheros, many workers don't follow normal human timelines the same way. Basically, I have trouble deciding at what age, ethnicity, size, starting gimmicks, etc. to set. Take a look at Nick Fury: Can be black or white. Doesn't age. Can be heavyweight or lower. Spy? Armed Forced? I'm forced to make tough choices in many cases... I've chosen to go a traditional route. I try to give workers attributes that I'm most familiar with, and that I hope comic book fans can appreciate. As for bios, they are different from in CVerse. For both promotions and workers, they are simply bulleted lists of factual information pertaining to each character or company. My lack of in-depth knowledge and the intermingling universes combined with the act of trying to justify superheros as being part of a wrestling company makes traditional bios creatively impossible![/QUOTE] I'm with you on the bios, smart move. If you haven't seen this, [url]http://www.geocities.com/ratmmjess/wicksint.html[/url], check it out. It might help you with some age/time variables. Sometimes you have to do a bit of math... as with the Circa 4 years before Fantastic Four type stuff. Year's are different in comicbook terms (or so they say to explain the longevity/agelessness of some characters). However, if you change 1969 to 1980, and utilize the most standard time/age thing going in DC, the two kind of match up. With Superman being born around 1954, and with say Sue STorm of Fantastic Four being born approximately around 1960 (very ruff, as I'm going by memmory and not looking at it right now). In a Nutshell, I'm saying you might want to change Marvel's timeline about 11 or 12 years into the future. Meaning that the FF went into space in 1980, not 1969. Spiderman comes out as The Amazing Spiderman in 1980, instead of 1969 (being born around 1964). You can use the above link to find out exact dates in relation to when the FF first started. The rest of Marvel can be cross referenced with the same chronology... bassically, you would be changing it, but probably changing it to better represent todays comics anyways. I will say that since this has come up, I have been working off and on STILL on the one I started for 2007. If you plan on finishing anytime soon, I would suggest what was suggested to me (although I disreguarded it at the time, foolishly, lol). That is to keep it within' main people that everyone would be familiar with through movies or tv shows (and possibly cartoons). The universe's themselves are huge (even just using the main one's with DC's New Earth, and Marvels *I believe Earth 616,. So when you "forget" about something, or figure out you need to redo a whole stat range (for example, everyone on microphones skills needs to change, or power, or whatever). There will be less to change. I've redone all the stats a few times, and have "settled" with the ones' I have now, as when I skim I get the results I want now, especially in the "Best Of" categories at the end of the year(s). I do plan on finishing mine, but I doubt it will be anytime soon, however, I have no problem explaining anything you might have a problem with, on how I handled it (so far). Such as Age's.
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That site will come in handy for sure. Thanks! :D I might slightly fudge things age wise to get the results I need. I don't want every major character in the game to be around the same age and I don't want there to be giant age gaps either, so adjustments may be made. Hopefully I can get over my lack of attention span and finish this in a reasonable period of time... That's my main concern! :p
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Ok I have just arrived back from a five hour road trip therefore I highly doubt any progress will be made from my side (DC) over today and possibly tomorrow. I do though hope to get an update of some sort out on Sunday/Monday explaining the promotion I am currently working on and how it all stands at the current time. Thank you all for your patience and reassurance that this isa worthwhile thing.
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