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I'm currently running SWF and basically counting down the days until I can finally fire Big Smack Scott. In two months, he's tested positive for steroids three times with a medium screen program. He's also quite unimpressed since I had him lose a couple of matches. He would already be gone after one of his positive tests if I didn't have him involved in a storyline to help get Angry Gilmore back into the upper levels, plus a turn. Then he's gone. Which makes me curious. What do other do with BSS? The positive roids tests are easily overlooked, I suppose. But he's pretty horrid as a worker, to the point of being dangerous. The fans hate on him, which drags match ratings down. I've read on here about guys pushing him hard... is that even possible? How the hell do you accomplish it? I know its well beyond my booking skills, but I'm curious if what people do with him and if anyone has managed to get him up there as a legit top worker?
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;472093]but I'm curious if what people do with him and if anyone has managed to get him up there as a legit top worker?[/QUOTE] Keep in mind, a 'legit top worker' in SWF is not the same as a 'legit top worker' in PGHW or ROF or NOTBPW or even TCW. He doesn't have to be able to work a decent match to be a top worker in SWF. All he needs is overness. Has Runaway Train taught us nothing? :p And overness is fairly easy to generate in an SWF. As Midnightnick said, he's a decent talker and he has loads of menace. Put him in angles rated on his menace (as the aforementioned bodyguard type) or rated on his overness with someone to offset his entertainment skills (like Emma Chase or Melanie Florence or even Katie Cameron or Jenny Playmate) and he can get over fine. It's not particularly hard, it's just tedious.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;472096]Keep in mind, a 'legit top worker' in SWF is not the same as a 'legit top worker' in PGHW or ROF or NOTBPW or even TCW. He doesn't have to be able to work a decent match to be a top worker in SWF. All he needs is overness. Has Runaway Train taught us nothing? :p And overness is fairly easy to generate in an SWF. As Midnightnick said, he's a decent talker and he has loads of menace. Put him in angles rated on his menace (as the aforementioned bodyguard type) or rated on his overness with someone to offset his entertainment skills (like Emma Chase or Melanie Florence or even Katie Cameron or Jenny Playmate) and he can get over fine. It's not particularly hard, it's just tedious.[/QUOTE] True about about the skills... but at least Train has mediocre Performance skills. Scott is terrible in that regard. Using him in some type of bodyguard role would probably be a decent way to get him over. Did that to an extent with Charlie Thatcher in TCW, and I'm sure it would work much better in Supreme. Might try that but I don't know if I can get him unpissed-off at this point.
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Don't sweat it. There are at least a dozen workers on the indies you could sign for less money, with more talent and upside, and less attitude (and no drug problems). Want suggestions? How 'bout Bulldozer Brandon Smith? Even better, El Fuerza (Batista defined, just about!). Gargantuan, Swoop McCarthy, Nicky Champion, Mick Muscles, Primus Allen, Scheming Behemoth, the choices are plentiful. The great thing is, every one of these workers, without exception, are better in the ring than BSS. THAT'S why most people just dump him. He's not worth the trouble. Let him go stink up USPW's shows.
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One of the first things I do when I start a SWF game is fire BSS. I did it in my current game and even though "he hates me"... I don't really care. Kurt Lamaree has just as much (if not better) entertainment skills and is a better "work in progress" than BSS. If I were you... Fire him... and give Lamaree any position you were going to give BSS.
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[QUOTE=Sagitta;472122]Are you saying Gargantuan is less of a headache than BSS? :eek:[/QUOTE] Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I know what Gargantuan's personality is like and I maintain, he's less of a pain in the ass than Big Smack Scott. Gargantuan doesn't have law problems. He doesn't have a history of using (and abusing) steroids. Gargantuan isn't egotistical either. I didn't say any of the workers I mentioned were perfect. I said, they offered more of an upside and less of a problem than Big Smack Scott. I stand by that assertion (because it's true).
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I use him in TCW with my product set to predominately Modern and Mainstream. He is managed by Phil Vibert and currently a main eventer with B+ pop. His matches are always B or higher and after a few suspensions due to drug use he seems to have cleaned up his act (If only I could get Vessey to do the same). I brought him in to feud with Nemesis before Nemesis moved onto a title feud with Cornell and losing all 3 matches with him he shot up in pop. The feud was a great success in getting both guys over much more.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;472142]I use him in TCW with my product set to predominately Modern and Mainstream. He is managed by Phil Vibert and currently a main eventer with B+ pop. His matches are always B or higher and after a few suspensions due to drug use he seems to have cleaned up his act (If only I could get Vessey to do the same). I brought him in to feud with Nemesis before Nemesis moved onto a title feud with Cornell and losing all 3 matches with him he shot up in pop. The feud was a great success in getting both guys over much more.[/QUOTE] You're using Nemesis in a wrestling role?
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;472143]You're using Nemesis in a wrestling role?[/QUOTE] Yep and he has pretty good chemistry with Cornell, their feud will culminate at Psycho Circus where Cornell will go over in a HIAC. I changed his status to "Active" after I signed him and after one month he's already talking retirement again.
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The risk with pushing BSS is owner goals. At any time you could be asked not to re-sign anyone who's had law trouble, drug problems, or who falls below any of a number of minimum stats, making BSS potentially a major violation if contract negs fall within that time. My own SWF game would see re-upping his contract cause me issues with Richard Eisen on three separate goals. So he's been jobbed out, had Kurt Laramee snap mid-tag match and beat the crap out of him ("Kurt Laramee's face turn was a complete success") and, once I'd reached the point where he already hated me, I figured what the hell and started fining him for any infraction. Drug use. Incidents backstage. I have the lowest possible regular testing setup for drugs going. Every month, dependably, Scott is involved in two incidents, either backstage or drugs. Every month he gets fined twice. I imagine the C-Verse IWC refers to these incidents as the "SWF Charitable Donation Policy".
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Wel my general attitude to those kind of workers is to just slowly but surely suck all overness and momentum out of them till their contract comes up and then releasing them. First I have em loose by dq, flash pin etc and keeping them strong, then loose straight, then being dominated and then about the last month before firing/letting em go I bury their asses. I know I am not a nice booker boohoohoo lol
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My first move of any SWF campaign is to fire the waste of space known as BSS. The reasons to fire him outweigh the reasons to keep. He's a great hand to have around in an SE promotion, but on the flip side he's the C-Verse's biggest ***hole and I don't deal with juice-monkeys (steroid users). He's a prestige hit waiting for a place to happen. Save yourself the headaches and let him go. With all the other talent in that company, and the talent that's ready to be showcased in the big leagues (Steven Parker anyone?) BSS is one guy everyone can live without.
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I tried to use Big Smack, just on account of him being Big Smack. I've got a soft spot for useless workers, after all. And immediately he started causing constant backstage problems. Finally, in a fit of roid rage he attacked Vengeance (who was in-line to win the SWF title soon), and so I canned him. Spreading rumours I can live with... pranks, people will get over... but when you physically assault a star of the company, I can't live with that. Sadly he was involved in two storylines, which I promptly re-wrote, and held the tag titles with Kurt Laramee (who has gone on to become the greatest midcard jobber ever). Other than a little time wasted on storyline writing, its all been for the best.
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God bless BSS, the biggest primadonna that ever lived. Makes for som entertaining issues though, especially when fining him. More often than not owner goals prevent me from re-hiring him, so I job him into oblivion.
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Lets see, I sent him to RIPW since he got booed everytime he stepped in a SWF ring. A year later, and after showing little to no improvement, I called him up and drug tested him (fully knowing he'd fail). So I fired him on the spot. He was then signed by NOTBPW and has been putting on D+ matches ever since.
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The AI in my '07 diary game LOVED BSS to the tune of about 6 SWF North American titles, One SWF World title, being in the main event of 15 straight SWF PPV's, 3 Dave Unified titles and 3 DAve Brass Knuckles titles. This was all in less than 6 years.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;472408]The AI in my '07 diary game LOVED BSS to the tune of about 6 SWF North American titles, One SWF World title, being in the main event of 15 straight SWF PPV's, 3 Dave Unified titles and 3 DAve Brass Knuckles titles. This was all in less than 6 years.[/QUOTE] This sounded vaguely familiar, so I had a look at mine... Nope. One title reign as CZCW tag champ alongside Frankie Perez. Everyone's other favourite whipping boy Tank Bradley, however... Two year-long Brass Knucks runs and another tag run. In fact, the only even halfway-mediocre worker I can find with large numbers of title runs (as opposed to Tank's massive runs) is Hell's Bouncer, clocking up a Brass Knucks run, a DaVE tag run, two Coastal Zone runs, a USPW National run and a SWF North American run. The fact that any of them have done better than, say, Steven Parker is mildly irritating.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm in mid-June '08 in one of my saves and SWF has the tag straps on The Pain Alliance for the last four months. They won it back in February and have made six defenses thus far. BSS is improving regularly (except basics & psychology which have remained the same as they were in January) and is up to C+ popularity in the US, and the rest of the world has improved to D- (Canada & Mexico) and E- (UK, Europe, Japan, Austrailia).
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