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21CW - Style Over Substance!

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OOC: Ok, here we go again. I have finally succumbed to the pressures of ... well, nobody in all honesty, to start up a 2008 diary. :D After a bit of a breather I felt it was time to really get into a TEW 2008 game, which is much easier to do when you're running a diary. So I had a think about what to do and figured that another ROF diary would be too similar to last time. I toyed with the idea of doing a '97 diary (great work on that mod, Derek B, if you ever read this!). But finally, and following the update, I decided to give 21CW a go. I figured it's about time there was a long-running 21CW diary on these boards. But it has slowly dawned on me why that might be. They are a nightmare! Cult, sports entertainment fed with no bugger over D overness. Great. But I'm up for a challenge and so here we go. Just a few points before we get started... 1) I'm running this on free-style, with Nova still as owner. Basically it's almost impossible to stay at Cult with 21CW unless you pimp Jeff Nova for all he's worth in a manner that would be unrealistic for a diary. And seeing as I didn't want to start a diary only to be fired after 2 months for dropping to regional, I've gone the safer route. Sorry if anyone is dismayed by my blatant cowardice! 2) Pretty much every post I make in the diary will be a 'graphics' one - i.e. in the form of the 'website' from the first post. So I'm asking now if anyone finds that image too big. That's the size I want to use and it fits my screen no problem without me having to scroll across (which I know is annoying). And I have a relatively old computer and monitor now. But if people are finding that it's way too big for their screen, let me know. I can't promise that I'll change it, but I'd rather know how many problems it's causing (if any). Right, that's it. Except... [QUOTE]He's back!!!!! you know I will be following this! It will be fun to see what you come up with no that you will actually HAVE to use storylines and angles![/QUOTE] Yeah. Stories and angles suck. I'll figure it out as I go along. At least in the early going, 21CW has bad ratings, so my lame angles and storylines will at least appear realistic! [QUOTE]Oh man I can't wait this is gonna be so good.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't bank on it! :D [QUOTE]Cooper man FTW![/QUOTE] Maybe one day. [QUOTE]Shouldn't you be prepping for september? those displays won't put themselves up (don't I know about it) Awesome to see you back, buddy.[/QUOTE] No. You see, I'm an 'experienced' teacher now, so I only go in at the last minute to do all that stuff. I'm still well in holiday mode! :D
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Yay! Glad to see you back. The image is fine for me. I'm very excited to see where and how this goes. I learned pretty much everything that I currently know about the UK C-verse workers from your 2007 diary, so yeah, I'm definitely excited about this. Unfortunately, I [I]do[/I] have to start prepping my class this semester. Silly department asking me to teach a different course :rolleyes: So, my posting rate will be down, I'll be reading.
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;477683]OOC: No. You see, I'm an 'experienced' teacher now, so I only go in at the last minute to do all that stuff. I'm still well in holiday mode! :D[/QUOTE] Bastard! :D Image is fine and looks great, looking forward to this!
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Exactly as Tigerkinney said; for my money, 21CW is the hardest fed in TEW 2008! At least in the very beginning. I didn't post too often in ROF, but it was easily one of my favorites, so I'm looking forward to Blooze's...I mean, Christian's take on 21CW!
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Woot ! Marcel is back ! :D I can't blame ya for playing in free style mode. For diary purpose, I think is the better way to go as it is much easier to tell a proper story without worrying about getting fired over somewhat cosmetic things.
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[IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/21CW/Upcoming001.png[/IMG] If anyone wants to predict, here you go... 'Mile High' Adam Matravers (w/Phoebe Plumridge) vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson (w/Kathleen Lee) DJ Reason vs Rolling Johnny Stones Phillip Cooper vs Leo Price (w/Kathleen Lee) Anglo-Scots Connection vs The Ivanoff Brothers (non-title match)
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'Mile High' Adam Matravers (w/Phoebe Plumridge) vs [B]'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson (w/Kathleen Lee)[/B] With interference Price, post match attack by The Takeover and save by Jef Nova. DJ Reason vs [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] I'd pick which ever was more over but I don't know off hand I just like Stones. Phillip Cooper vs [B]Leo Price (w/Kathleen Lee)[/B] The Takeover continues to build momentum Anglo-Scots Connection vs [B]The Ivanoff Brothers (non-title match)[/B] The fake Russians take the non-title win.
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'Mile High' Adam Matravers (w/Phoebe Plumridge) vs [B]'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson (w/Kathleen Lee)[/B] [I]Exactly what Apu said[/I] [B]DJ Reason[/B] vs Rolling Johnny Stones [I]I'm going for the heel in the main event, so I'll go for the face in the semi-main, as at this stage it could honestly go either way[/I] Phillip Cooper vs [B]Leo Price[/B] (w/Kathleen Lee) [I]Price has just joined, The Takeover, so I can't see him losing[/I] Anglo-Scots Connection vs [B]The Ivanoff Brothers [/B](non-title match) [I]This reminds me of when you had to inherit Absolutely Worthless as your tag champions in your ROF diary. Two youngsters with an inkling of promise (London more so than Celtic) who shouldn't be anywhere near the gold at this moment in time. The pseusdo Russians take the non title win, then the titles in the inevitable rematch.[/I]
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'Mile High' Adam Matravers (w/Phoebe Plumridge) vs [B]'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson [/B](w/Kathleen Lee) [B]DJ Reason[/B] vs Rolling Johnny Stones [B]Phillip Cooper[/B] vs Leo Price (w/Kathleen Lee) Anglo-Scots Connection vs [B]The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] (non-title match) Almost all of these are heart rather than head - the Ivanoffs I see develop far better than the Daveys. But while I'd rather see Adam go over Joss, Joss is better suited to it at this point.
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'Mile High' [B]Adam Matravers[/B] (w/Phoebe Plumridge) vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson (w/Kathleen Lee) - Matravers is superstar material in my eyes and set for gold! [B]DJ Reason[/B] vs Rolling Johnny Stones - I like The Reason, would love a push for him [B]Phillip Cooper[/B] vs Leo Price (w/Kathleen Lee) - Cooper ftw! I can see 'The Takeover' making their own way at some point too so this could go either way Anglo-Scots Connection vs [B]The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] (non-title match) - Ivanoffs have more to gain... they'll be champions within weeks.
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'Mile High' Adam Matravers (w/Phoebe Plumridge) vs [B]'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson[/B] (w/Kathleen Lee) As much as I like Matravers, Thompson will cheat his way to victory with Lee's help. DJ Reason vs [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] This could be the match of the night with both men knowing their ways round the wrestling ring but i'll back Stones to take the victory. Phillip Cooper vs [B]Leo Price[/B] (w/Kathleen Lee) Has to be Leo Price to win here to build up his momentum but Cooper will put up a good fight. Anglo-Scots Connection vs [B]The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] (non-title match) I have to agree with others that The Ivanoff Brothers need the win to build up to them eventually taking the titles.
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Mile High' Adam Matravers (w/Phoebe Plumridge) vs 'The Complete Package' [B]Joss Thompson[/B] (w/Kathleen Lee) Thompson is one of your biggest stars at the beginning [B]DJ Reaso[/B]n vs Rolling Johnny Stones Reason is the better SE guy Phillip Cooper vs [B]Leo Price[/B] (w/Kathleen Lee) You win the lesser matches when you are part of the main stable Anglo-Scots Connection vs [B]The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] (non-title match) The Scots aren't high enough on the card to be holding these belts
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